#yes this is actually just a cover to tell y’all how much I hate kfc /j
stickyspeckledlight · 24 days
Still haven’t finished 2.2 bc I had to stop to study for midterm, BUT SUNDAY IS NOT BEATING THE YAN ALLEGATIONS JUST LOOK AT THAT BIRD SCENE—
Look. Sure. I have an Aven fic, and then at least two or three more planned after it.
But. Listen.
Do you really think that hyv can dangle a carrot in front of me AND EXPECT ME NOT TO TAKE IT LIKE A GLUTTONOUS LITTLE PIG???!!!!!!!! 🐖
I have sooooo many ideas…….
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wizardrywilting · 3 years
my favorite quotes from the rebranding
ch. 1: “Nicolas,” she sighed. “Sleep is harder when you grow up.”
“So? Try.” Then he left, and she was forced to nap.
Lydia’s father sighed. “Stop scaring away the trainees.”
“You take softies now?”
Lydia had to take a very deep breath to handle this. “Where did you get a pigeon? Pigeons don’t just... chill in goddamn Blue Stone.”
“People like us don’t change. You can't change your destiny, your DNA. You’re like me, and always will be.”
“Why are you full of rage?”
“Tragedy,” she spits.
“What is the tragedy?”
She spins around and leaves, hearing her father laugh.
By the time you get this, I’ll be back in Ireland, and possibly at HQ for the Order of KFC. (Does Britain have KFC? If not y’all are missing out.)
They restrained themselves, for once.
“Woah, are we-” “-interrupting our little sister’s gay awakening?”
Hermione’s offended look would fuel Lydia's patronus, if she had one.
“So, about you and my godson.”
“Oh for fuck - we’re not dating!”
“My grandmother screams way louder than that idiotic mushroom shit you’ve got for a mother.”
ch. 2: Hermione was even in a heated debate with the cashier, who looked like she’d never wanted a job less.
Above them, hanging from the rafters, Ginny swung like a monkey.
Lydia shot up in excitement.
 “I know that particular yell!”
“A girl can only go so long before she stabs a clingy old man.”
Ginny, who had stood nearby, knelt beside Lydia and moved her hands enough to wipe the tears that had found their way to Lydia’s chin.
“It’s alright, you did good.”
“It’s my opinion that every adult needs a good dressing down by a kid every so often. Keeps ‘em humble, you know?”
 “Lydia. Just because someone is kind to you, it doesn’t give them the right to discredit you and your feelings. Your pain is valid, and real.”
Mrs. Weasley didn’t enjoy the conga line that Lydia, Ginny, Ron, Nicky, Sirius, and the twins formed for Harry - or maybe it was the chanting. Either way, she didn’t enjoy it as much as Harry did.
ch. 3:
But she’d be lying if she said she didn’t pick up more shifts than essential, just so she didn’t have to process her feelings.
 Because she had a lot of feelings she’d rather repress.
Trevor was on Neville’s head.
Neville was whispering to a cactus as if it were a puppy, Luna was painting polka dots on Ginny’s face, Ginny was talking about Dean Thomas
 “I had a knife phase.”
 “No, that’s still going on.”
ch. 4:
“That’s your potting face. Is it time for Georgie and I to bow down and pledge service to our soon to be overlord?”
“When I declare supreme rule over the world you two will be at my side. We’ll even get a three seater throne.”
“You’re the only ones that can ever talk me out of things. So, if you asked me not to, I would actually listen.”
“Humans are sappy.”
Luna said, sounding absurdly happy for her situation, “But then a scary girl punched me!”
Luna came from behind and slapped Rhiannon. “Hush now, you’re acting silly.”
“you humans are so fragile.”
“....Demons?” Ardrig asked, then shook his head. “Nevermind, I want plausible deniability.”
“Ah! You’re doing it at Christmas, then? that won’t be traumatizing at all.”
“Eh!” Lydia made a sound like a buzzer.
---At that Ardrig laughed so hard his face turned blue, and he said, “I don’t despise you, Miss McBrien.”
That was as close to an ‘I love you’ as Lydia thought she’d ever get.
“You’re not a bad person for not being miserable.”
Shut up, I’m not making a move on your brother!”
  “Which one?”
Lydia startled so badly at Ginny’s voice she accidentally threw her sandwich.
“Now come on, I came to get you because Harry’s trying to do a backflip off the Astronomy Tower and Colin’s filming it.”
Let it be known that Lydia knew she shouldn’t take the bait. She should finish the joke, and laugh it off. Lydia knew this. And yet...
“I’ll...I’ll go there right now, Lydia. I’ll apparate there, and I’ll punch her. I’ll lock her away, like she did to you.”
  “No you won’t.”
  “I would, if you asked.”
  “But I didn’t.”
Cue explosions of root beer-mento-concoction all across the Great Hall.
Umbridge is screaming, Dumbledore is laughing, Pansy Parkinson is sobbing into Draco Malfoy’s robes.
“But how do you know Harry’s a good kisser?! He could just be awful!”
Lydia only wished Ginny were here, because she quite enjoying the stupidity of boys.
Oh, poor Harry. Poor oblivious, socially awkward, human disaster, Harry.
“Wait a minute!” Harry suddenly exclaimed, “Have you been writing to my godfather? Are you penpals?!”
Hermione and Professor McGonagall are giving her pity looks, and goddammit where is her knife?!
Lydia is slightly confused why Sirius is here, but she quickly remembers he isn’t dead yet.
“Christmas trees are not my forte, but you know what is? Firewhiskey and Led Zeppelin! G’night!”
“Get rid of your dignity, and we won’t embarrass you so often, Mate.”
“Stop psychoanalyzing me.”
“Fine, but Mum adopted her before she even got to the Burrow.”
  “Mum adopts everyone!”
ch. 5:
“She’s so pretty, isn’t she?”
Neville stared blankly at her.
“She’s alright. I mean, she’s rather plain. Your hair is shinier than hers.”
“But still, her eyes are very pretty. I like brown eyes.”
“Really? I think yours are better. Who likes brown eyes?”
Frowning at him, she said, “Baby, you’ve got brown eyes. So’ve like, half of our friends.”
“Okay, but you’re still prettier. What was that about, anyway? Are you actually going?”
“Why not? It won’t hurt, and she seems rather nice.”
“Desperate, more like.”
“They shrieked in my face, they spit on me!”
“They were excited!”
Before Lydia could decide if she should be offended or not, Ciara reached for her chin and kissed her.
Ardrig blinked.
“You are saying you often take shirtless boys out of their dorms?”
Fred grinned at her through the pain.
ch. 6:
“Why is Kenneth Towler watching me sleep?”
From the floor, Kenneth sputtered something unintelligible out.
Like a coward, Lydia ran and hid behind Fred and George until Professor Sprout announced they would be leaving.
Though normally not one to, Lee snarled at her.
There was a moment of silence, then Lee yelled, “I’m going to kill that girl, she had no right - give me your knife. I know you brought one, give me it. I haven’t got a wand.”
Angelina grabbed onto Lee’s chest from behind, grunting out, “Lee Angelio Jordan! You will not kill on Lydia’s behalf! It is rude! ”
(Luna isn’t about color shaming, to be clear. It’s just an alarming color, is all.)
For the first time in her life, Lydia disregards Luna’s warning.
ch. 7:
“Little what , Professor? Finish your sentences, it’s improper to leave them hanging.”
“And what will that do, dearie? Your mum and dad aren’t here.”
“Yes, they are. In fact, my dad’s in that classroom. Now drop her hand!”
“I’m gonna be okay.”
“Yes, you are. You’re going to be okay because I’ve got you.”
Ignoring it because she's a Gryffindor dammit, she kicks twice on the door.
Lydia was reminded, once again, that Madam Pomfrey and Professor Flitwick gossip about her.
“I give off Hermione Granger vibes?!”
Trevor was croaking quietly from his spot on Neville’s stomach, unaware Crookshanks was about to snatch him. Stoner was trying valiantly to prevent it, sitting on top of Crookshanks.
ch. 8:
“Actually, we could add the valerian sprigs to her omelette. The elves like to spit in it, the more willful ones, that is. It wouldn’t be hard to get Rosy or Penny to slip a few handfuls in.”
Grinning, Fred whispered, “Ooh, your crush is sleeping in your lap! How romantic! ”
Lee joined, “What next, a walk during sunset?”
“Or roses?”
“Perhaps a picnic!”
Love was…
Love was her spot between the twins, warm not from her jumper, but from their arms around her.
Love was Luna painting her arms blue, purple, and pink.
Love was Ginny wrestling her in the sunny apple orchard of the Burrow, getting tired and just sunbathing.
Love was Harry falling asleep in her lap, her hand in his curls, completely at peace.
Love was Mr. Weasley kissing the top of her head, telling her she was his, too.
Love was good, and warm, and kind.
Love wasn’t Ciara.
“Miss McBrien! What is the meaning of this?!”
Raising a bloody eyebrow because, what does she think?, Lydia gestured around her.
“Won a fight.”
Professor Flitwick looks impressed and upset about it.
ch. 9:
Tipping an imaginary hat, George added, “Thanks for the offer though.”
“You don’t have organs,” She reminded him casually
What was the protocol for being taken to a Prefect bathroom by a girl you barely knew when you were covered in syrup?
Cats followed her around all day, hissing and scratching at any part of her they could get. Umbridge was in tears the entire day, asking the kittens why they hated her. Even Mrs. Norris was doing it, something that broke Flich’s heart.
ch. 10:
“Okay. Good luck dismantling our government.”
“I’m not - whatever, thanks.”
“Now stop kicking me and act like you don’t share a single brain cell with Ron!”
“Oi!” Ron yelled, but they ignored him.
“Your favorite dungeon! The gloomiest of the roomiest. The-”
“That’s enough,” Lydia rolled her eyes, not that he could see since she was on Harry’s stomach still. “Convince him to stay here so I can get up. He’s too bony to be comfortable.”
“...Are you sitting on my godson?”
Harry turned the mirror, and Lydia waved.
“Hello! I’m glad you’ve not been tortured.”
She hadn’t even turned her head to look at him when he spoke, which probably should have been telling of her anger at the situation.
Ginny asked, “Lydia? What’s with that look?”
Angelina grinned.
“That’s called retribution, love. And I think Lydia’s got plenty of it to dole out.”
“Harry,” she says, sitting next to him on the floor, “I have a proposition.”
He looks up at her.
“And I’ve got a Charms essay.”
A sigh.
“Just one death?”
She stands up, and has to stop herself from laughing when the porridge drops to the ground with an audible splat!
She was laying it on thick, and Lydia knew it. But Umbridge was lapping it up like a thirsty cat faced with a dish of milk.
“Y’all,” Lydia gasped, "I’m socially awk’ard.”
“Severus, thank you for your help. I’m sure you have better things to do than argue with a child.”
“Besides, you have to be healthy. Maeve and I need good models of behavior!” Natalie pipes up from Colin’s lap, looking too happy about that.
Maeve, on the floor reading, nods and the two girls high five.
“What the hell!” Lydia yells, flopping against Neville’s side with a pained grunt, “I can’t be a mother, I’m sixteen!”
Neville pats her head.
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