#yes unsuur says I love you
sandrockian · 1 year
At night, Unsuur will squeeze toothpaste on Liira’s toothbrush and set it on the little rack on her sink so it’s ready for her when she goes to brush her teeth before bed.
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celestiall0tus · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 💜
5 things, eh? Alright
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Lightning is my everything. Nothing will ever be what she is to me. Literally been obsessed with this bitch since 2013. From the very first intro scene where she kicks everyone's ass, I was a goner. I love her. Her voice, her outfits, her hair, her personality, her connection with her sister, her whole ass story, everything. She is my everything.
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I adore Riku. I hated his guts in the first game until the end, then it was all downhill for him. Toss in Sora with him and it's perfect (yes, I am a ride or die Soriku shipper)
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Love the bird boy. He deserves nothing but the best. Also love all his songs, his story, and the complexity of him. He is just perfect.
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Firstly, I have to agree with my friend, Celia. There is just something about young characters with white hair, and Logan is one of them (Riku too, but it different here). I love Logan, amazing character, fabulous voice actor, and easily one of my favorite romances in the game. Also, there is just something about how he says "Darling" that makes me squeal like a damn school girl. It might be the accent.
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Absolute precious best boi!! Unsuur is just the biggest sweetie in the whole ass game. My precious rock obsessed boi. He must be protected at all costs, and give all the special rocks. Also has the best lines in the entire game.
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argentumcor · 3 months
Sandrock Thoughts, no particular order
-Ya'll, Logan's hair isn't super long, it's Aragorn's hair, just tied back. He's a Dunedain ranger, of course it's Aragorn's hair.
-He really is. I just actually me him on my replay and he's just such a decent heroic person oh my goodness. Dunedain ranger, I'm not kidding. I wish actually there had been a flirt option to essentially say 'well now I've heard you talk...' instead of all meta. Out here being the dangerous, rough man defending the decent folk of Sandrock from the definite dangers of the wilds, taking all of that on himself. He isn't exactly Aragorn, though I think there's parts of his design are meant to call back to movie Aragorn, who had a lot of elements to his costume design meant to call back to westerns- that sort of duster jacket thing he wore, for instance.
-The dynamic between Justice and Unsuur (and the cat Captain) is one of my favorites. Justice is a great character in his kind of tired lawman way, plus he does have some great lines- "tracking device? What kind of budget do you think we have?". Unsuur does, too. ("Is it so wrong for a mole to love a princ--" "Yes."). It's a really great dynamic and I actually wish we'd gotten more of the Civil Corps and Logan teamup.
-I know Unsuur is a potential love interest but he makes me all maternal. That boy is my son and I will have no word said bad about him. You just leave him and his rocks alone!
-Speaking of kids, I really like the kids in this game. Jasmine is pretty great as the town princess, essentially, and Andy is a delight in his chaos gremlin ways. Pebbles is cute as, well, essentially an extension of Rocky and Crystal and a representation of what they see in Sandrock. Child characters can be too precious or too annoying easily, but there's a sincerity to them and a genuine stumbling childishness.
-I haven't had the PC have a kid because those mechanics seem like more intensive farm animal ones. Thematically, it makes sense because it's a game about forging a future for a town, but. But I would like to enjoy playing the game.
-The horny French moleman just has to be a reference to the horny French moleman of Atlantis: The Lost Empire. He's fun. That whole mission is fun even the platform part where if you screw up enough the game asks if you'd like to skip this part. Heh, and assault rifle for boss killing wins.
-Someone wrote Qi to be very Sheldon Cooper but it works because they hit it just the right amount and he is, in fact, as much an agent of chaos as Cooper or Andy or Elsie in his enthusiasm for giant robots. Being as the Vega 5 rep asks how you worked with him and didn't throw him out a window, his scientific peers are quite happy to have him tinkering away in the ass-end of nowhere and so is he.
-Elsie's story is a nice tale of maturity that the player plays a very small role in. You just give her some fish, really, and serve as a sounding board. Her story is hers, and I see her as just being a year or two into adulthood while most of the town's love interests are in their mid-20s (this is explicitly stated about Logan, who is a few years younger than Owen we know for sure and probably Justice).
-I kind of wish that, if you get both parties past a certain relationship level and you still haven't flirted with them, that some of them courted each other. I have found out that this can happen for Owen and Amirah under certain conditions- not a pair I'd have picked- but I haven't seen it. It would make sense for this to happen in such a small town and with the game's themes.
-Owen courting Amirah makes sense- she's an out-of-towner and is written and designed to be stunningly beautiful, but it's not a good long-term match IMO. Owen wants someone to run the Saloon with, and he really cares about the Saloon, as it is his family's legacy and he runs it really well. He has no angst about the Saloon, thank God. This really is what he wants. Amirah is very introverted and...well, women like that, their great beauty tends to make them mercenary or cynical about romance for good reason- look at how often people hardcore hit on her- and Owen is a romantic at heart. He's romantic about Sandrock and the Blue Moon and a thousand other things, but Amirah is a cynic in a lot of ways. Amirah likes being in Sandrock because she finds it inspiring in a challenging way and allows her to be an introverted beauty, but she doesn't and can't love it and its people like Owen does.
-I could see Owen with Jane or, as I've read in fic, Mi-an. Jane grew up in Sandrock but left and came back, so there's distance there from the town dynamic I think is crucial to the crew pairing off but a love for the place. She likes people. Mi-an as she develops gains more confidence, she loves to fix and grow stuff, and loves the town, too. Writers don't seem to embrace Owen/Amirah often at the moment, possibly because they're unaware of the quest and it's non-intuitive.
-Arvio gets a bad shake from fanfic, poor guy, but his is a tale of growing up in life and business. I really like his and Amirah's plotline. Musa basically tells him to actually think if he's going to chase big dreams and then he damn well does. He is another one, like Elsie, it's hard to see as a romantic interest for me but that doesn't mean I dislike him. What's interesting about his height- he is the shortest adult male townie, I think- is if he talks about his past you realize he might have been malnourished and a child laborer in a quarry.
-Heidi's a fun and a grounded career woman. I like her 'smart country girl who wasn't interested in city life' vibe. She mentions her dad pushing her to find someone, which all the older people would, but her focus makes sense. I think it would be really funny, and fun, if she sort of paired off with Qi of all people. They work together so much in the main plotline and she does rein him in. It's a fun dynamic even if platonic, at any rate. Them dating would mystify the townsfolk hilariously, you have to admit.
-Fang is interesting and I get why many ladies love him but...it seems an uneven relationship. There's something coercive about how one would get involved with him, some feeling that you're taking advantage of someone you're helping, at least to me, YMMV. It may be my age. He is a really interesting character with his personal tragedies and deep sense of medical ethics.
-Pablo is there. He may have more going on, I am happy with how my character looked so I didn't go into the salon much. If he had a store selling other stuff I'd probably swing by more...or had more commissions. If the fashion show story had more meat- I'm not there yet in my second playthrough- maybe I'd feel different. It's the talk of the town when it happens but there has to be a story with talking Logan and Fang into it and I'd like to see that. Maybe I missed it.
-I generally wish there were reactions to you getting involved with someone specifically more. Maybe there are and it wasn't something I was paying attention to because I am a Logan girl and that only happens later in game. Nasty thing to code for in a kind of complicated game, though, and even more writing in a writing-heavy game. It does make it seem like it's a secret relationship though. These people are realistically so gossipy that it would be a subject of conversation.
-I like the ranch family and Cooper's rambling and sort of earthy madness are endearing. He's written as much more...closed-minded in fanfic than the game if you actually listen/read his rambling. His issues with Elsie are issues of parenthood and being far too alike, not some sort of 'but the old ways!' thing. His rambling to Fang about vegetarianism isn't actually judgmental, more curious; I think he really appreciates what Fang does for his ranch and family. It's so cute how he adores his wife and she adores him, the latter of which is surely a mystery to the rest of the town.
-Hugo and Heidi are mutants themselves, as Vivi wandered through some kind of gas when she was pregnant, giving Hugo his superstrength (short skinny Cooper is a brave one for antagonizing him so often), which Heidi got as well. I've seen in fanfic Logan (and his unnamed mother) as mutants, which they are at least with hair color which is commented on so it isn't just stylized blond. It's kind of cool that there's some mutations that aren't harmful, though when Heidi explains her strength she hints that it is known to be debilitating.
-In fanfic, of course, the Church of Light gets run down, and the plot does make that easy, but in game it is a lot more nuanced than the hostile-to-religion culture of most fanfic writers, which is to be found in Burgess. Burgess is a doofus, no doubt, but he isn't only that. When he gets free of the people manipulating him, undermining his confidence, treating him like a weak-minded idiot, he starts to grow. He's still a doofus a lot but he is also capable of serious insight and leadership. The quest where you make him a confidence hat to preach really shows that. Also, Burgess is the one who made the really insightful point about equal application of the law at Logan's trial- that Logan agrees with- that made me drop my controller. He says a lot of great things about what forgiveness means, too, and he really is going to be a good and wise minister. It would have been complicated to code, but I kind of would like the character model to lose a little weight after the conspiracy transpires because I like to imagine his weight was a part of how he was being run down- and also eating meals with Pen, who eats like a high-intensity athlete.
-I'll have to pay attention to Rian to see if his habits change post-conspiracy. I'd have liked him to open a furniture store after that, actually, the way Mi-an opens a plant store after some quests. It almost feels like cut content, as there's a great big building next to the museum that seems set up to be a shop. This is what I'd call a AA game, so stuff had to get prioritized, I get it.
-Have a pregnant model for Dan-bi post conspiracy. They kept talking about their future child but I'm not clear if that's an upcoming or ongoing plan until, you know, they have one. It would have been nice to have more going on with that. Again, I get it.
-When you know the twist with Grace, it becomes more obvious what's going on early on. She needs the insulted lunchbox thing to get food to Logan, Haru, and Andy, for instance; not sure this tracks with the timeline stated in game, where she contacted them after he train hijacking, but it's so small it could have been missed if it's off.
-Nia is very dull in a game full of big personalities. I get why she exists and she's not a stupid person, but she feels like she's from another game. Maybe it's her too-cute body language and kind of generic character model. YMMV, though I do see fic writers feel the need to punch her up a lot.
-I like Grace and I think she's more someone who would be my friend as a peer than the others who get more of that. I wish she had an outfit during the invasion that showed what she really was, some kind of Black Widow suit instead of her waitressing outfit, but near as I know the only people with a plot-related costume change are Elsie and Logan.
-I kind of wish this game had quest-modding tools. Most of the quests are text only and I really do want more. The pet DLC came out in May and I feel like the storylines have a lot more to give- again, maybe I just haven't found everything- so who knows.
-The Free Cities' governmental structure is different and not stupid. It's pretty clear there's not a strong what we would call federal government- these are in effect city-states. Trudy has a lot of power as mayor over Sandrock and she doesn't really answer to anyone but the locals. The population of humans worldwide seems low, which makes sense given the Calamity and its dangerous aftereffects. There's a fear, I think, of the Peripheries spreading. It does create a political tension because there's land to the south but no one can live there. They can barely live in a good chunk of the Free Cities' territory. Sandrock only exists because of ancient water generating tech, Duvos can't produce enough food for itself (this may be self-inflicted, as they are extremely Soviet which you can see if you know Soviet jokes; whoever wrote this was smart).
-Someone in a fic had most of Sandrock's assorted prior-to-invasion misfortunes be sabotage and I wonder if that was the canon intent. Howlett's death is stated to end the truce with the Geeglers, but how did they know he was dead? The Bandirats were the ones breaking the Greeno pipes in an attempt to find the princess, but it's not clear how it would help, though the queen is crazy...maybe it was part of some deal, because that starting right after big investor Musa had been convinced to give Sandrock a chance and is himself in town is suspicious when the Valley of Whispers had been there being a no-go zone forever right next door. With the road being built, you have to think Tiger and crew were in a bit of a panic because things weren't supposed to start getting better for Sandrock.
-Musa's pretty cool. Gives good business advice. Acts like a real investor who is a decent human being, too, yes they are out there...not in Silicon Valley or DC maybe, the Orthanc and Barad-Dur of the United States.
-It is thematically relevant that the superfund site gets turned into the Happiest Place in the Free Cities. Catori seems like a satire of a conniving entrepreneur at first pass- she's another one I think doesn't get a fair shake in fanfic but has a good story in game, I think part of it is her accent which is a little grating- but no she actually wants to build something better. She has a dream and she's trying to make it work. She has to learn how to think and she casually builds all these castles in the sky in conversation but when it comes down to it she actually goes and figures it out in a way that actually works. It's not just belief and a dream, it's risk and thought and hard work and a dream; someone who wrote this actually knew a thing or two about Walt Disney and admires him. Not many cozy sort of games would have you get returns on your investment from a theme park entrepreneur but this one does! And explains what an angel investor is, too, like outright explains it.
-There's some broken English in a few places in the interface ('get a discount when consuming in the store' for relationship perks) and in a blurb asking for a Steam review in a billboard outside the game center, which is bizarre because the majority of the game is written by people who know English so well they can handle dialect well. Weirdly, it's sophisticated broken English- 'when consuming in the store' is a very archaic turn of phrase.
-The PC gets some real great dialogue despite being restricted to one or two lines. That takes talent. A few of my favorites:
Some absolute bullshit is going on...."how are you so strong!" PC, well aware of the BS: "I don't know, diet maybe!"
"What did they make in this place anyway?" PC: "Shampoo! Evil shampoo!"
-Speaking of...the ancient evil corporation is named frelling Geegle, and the post-apocalyptic lizardman cargo cult of the Geeglers uses sendups to Google logo art as their graffiti. It's great. It is also not nice at all to Google in a not generally anti-business way; this is anti-corporatism. It's specifically definitely anti-Google.
-The theme of environmental stewardship is really well done. It's not heavy handed or anti-civilization. I thought it'd have the boilerplate bad and sometimes hateful Lorax knock-off like everything else but it doesn't. There's a groundedness and humanity to it. It's outright Tolkienian.
-The imp and fiend designs are the most disturbing monster designs I've seen in a video game for a long time. They creep me out because they're so clearly things that used to be human in a game with people who are definitely human and you're talking to all the time and are being affected at that moment by the thing that made these monsters this way. They are, unlike all the mutant animals who are part of an ecosystem if often a dangerous and bizarre one, not right. If they were in a Banjo Kazooie game or something like that, they'd be just another enemy, but in this context they are downright disturbing and the game leans into it just the right amount. Style over graphical intensity as always.
-I know Portia is the game that started this but what I like about Sandrock is the people and I just don't get that from Portia. I guess it's because I'm a gun-toting western hick myself and the region reminds me so much of home. The Free Cities are an interesting setting and a lot could be done with them, but I'm not really interested in Portia and maybe not the other places. I like this place and these people, like I liked Kirkwall and those people in Dragon Age 2, but have no interest in anyone really or the places in the rest of the series afterward (you would have to pay me a lot to even read the follow-on comics; I do not even check the DA wiki for updates on the plot anymore). This could change depending on what Pathea does next, of course.
-I am floored and delighted by how smart this game is written, I cannot say it enough. Hope is hard to come by these days, I find, but this silly game gives me some.
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sanddusted-wisteria · 10 months
Reintroducing Wisteria!
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Since we're all putting our OCs out there again, I might as well reintroduce Wisty! She's just here to build and be silly :> After a rather dull interm period after her old workshop in Highwind shut down, she's here in Sandrock to try and make a proper name for herself and to rekindle the zeal she had for building. And maybe the enthusiasm from a certain space nerd might help...
(And if Mint goes to Portia and finds another builder with the same name, face, and voice as the woman his best friend's dating...well, that's a story for another time...)
I have a bunch of WIPs of fanfic with Wisty that are sitting in my writing folder that I hope to get out sometime, but so far I have a mini-series with her and Grace (that I'm still working on too lol)! I also wrote a couple lines for her if she was an NPC in the game below...
[template is by @/cxs-workshops!]
"Oh hey, you're new here? I'm new here too! I'm Wisteria. Or Wis. Or Wisty. Your pick. I'm still getting used to getting around here, but maybe we can learn together."
Regular Dialogue:
"Ughhhhh, this heat. Whyyyy did I move to the desert...?! Oh hey, sorry. I'm just busy dying... Ughhhhhh...."
"Highwind's a nice place. Not a great time to be a builder, though. Too many of us in one place means barely any business."
"This isn't the first Fresh Pines, by the way. The first one was back in Highwind, by a lovely conifer forest. The logger there always had the best pine wood. It smelled so nice!"
"I keep running out of water... No, not with the machines, it's my garden. Think I got a bit overzealous..."
"Everyone in my Pa's family's named after plants! A long standing tradition. No, nobody knows why it is. But it's fun, so we keep it. I was adopted, but they kept my name since it was a perfect fit!"
"My birthday? Fall 26. Born just before the end of the best season. Yes, fall is the best season. Objectively true."
On other NPCs:
"Making friends with Qi? Oh, it's not that hard. Just give him some tea and relics and power stones, and uh... a 500 pound telescope, and... build him a giant robot... Uhh..."
"Nia sends me a bunch of seeds every so often for my garden. We're calling it 'research' on planting, but we're basically just throwing seeds at the sand and seeing what grows, heh."
"Hey, pro tip. Lunch time on Wednesdays is Grace's 'trial' period for new recipes. Best find somewhere else to eat. Your stomach will thank you."
"Sometimes I see one of Unsuur's rock stacks around town and I try to add a rock onto it. Once I accidentally knocked one over. I felt really bad, but he was pretty cool with it. All he said was, and I quote: 'That's okay, that happens sometimes.' I wish I had that much chill."
"Oh, I love Yan. I love him so much that I'd love to strangle him until the light in his eyes disappears...! Hm. Maybe shouldn't say that with the Corps uniform on..."
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brightcalamity · 7 months
Spoilers about late game things:
Man, Wei is weird, isn't he? (This is a compliment) Making an opposite of a guy who is comically evil, and you get a guy who should be...comically good? I hope that's where they're going, because that's how I read him.
Well, if you know my brother's birthday, you know mine. But in case you didn't, it's the 14th of Autumn. They say there was a solar eclipse that day.
So are Wei and Yan like those 7 brothers from Portia? Except instead of the colors of the rainbow, they're light and dark? Good and evil? Yan is the dark shadow that blocks out the sun that is Wei? But he's also the guy who shoplifts from Arvio? It actually makes me feel a tiny bit sorry for Yan. Like, was he capable of being any better than he is?
Our father used to always tell us, "Be hard on yourself, go easy on others." He always tried his best with Yan, but my brother... There was no getting through to him. When I moved in, I found engraved in his desk... "Go easy on yourself, go hard on others." How strange that he relishes in such behavior...
I was a guild commissioner previously; I'd regularly join expedition teams going in to the Peripheries. We'd always hire a crack team to fight alongside us. We were careful. Always did everything right. One excursion, my team abandoned me out there, having been paid off by Yan. That... is a story for another time...
Poor Wei...
⁠My brother did always enjoy playing his identity swapping games... Prior to this, the longest he ever got away with it was a month in middle school when I went away for the grammar rodeo... When I got back I had some choice words for him, all of which were carefully constructed semantically!⁠ ⁠ Long ago I had a true love by the name of Esmerelda. She, too, was taken from me by my brother. One day, i came home to find her furious. She claimed that I had said the most horrible things to her. I tried to explain that I have an evil twin...! But she wouldn't believe me...
This poor man....
We send Yan to jail, and we don't have to deal with him again. I can't help but think that Wei is going to be haunted by him for the rest of his life.
Don't worry about my brother coming after either of us. He's safely locked away in a maximum security prison, and his assets have all been frozen. So even if he did have some way to communicate with his shady associates, he'd have no leverage.
:( For your sake, Wei, I hope so.
I feel for Wei. I mean, somewhere, deep down, he's got to have some love for his brother. It must be hard to deal with family like that. People who have just completely lost their way...
I think Wei needs therapy.
Yes. You all are free from Yan's loathsome presence. I however, am forced to bask in it...
You made this bed, Miguel. No, I still feel sorry for you.
The twin commissioners are a fantastic study in the nature vs. nurture issue. Of course, these two men have identical DNA, so what exactly led them to become such different people? Hypothesis one: it's the mustache.
I think this is a bias being expressed by the creators of the game which show why they only give us ugly facial hair options.
With Wei around, it kinda feels like Yan is still a member of town. Except he's, like, good. Most bad guys we meet end up being misunderstood and eventually turn good. It's almost as if... The only way Yan could ever be good is if he were a different person completely. Hm...
This one is probably actual commentary, though, ha.
I heard you got a new Commissioner! Did he increase your salary? New healthcare plan? Well, at the very least, is he providing free mustache removals?
Wait! My mustache conspiracy theory! There's more evidence!!!
Okay, I'm kind of bummed because I was searching the wiki for a dialogue line I think is kind of interesting. Like, he says Mi-an is teaching him about "fun." Like, he didn't get it before. He went to grammar contests as a kid. He reads in his spare time. I enjoy the idea of him being just so wholesome and Good that he's just as much of a weirdo as everyone else in town.
Yan also gets disappointed in you when you give him gold and he realizes you probably just found it instead of stealing it. He enjoys his evil. Getting something honestly makes him sick. The closest he comes to giving a shit is if you get to be besties with him and he says he'd try to betray you less than everyone else. He still betrays you basically just as much or even more than them (since you're pals with him).
Hm? Yes, of course, I cheat on the Builder Charts! You'd be a fool not to! Do you have any idea how hard it is to win that thing legitimately? Eh? You don't cheat? What's wrong with you? I thought you were cool! Oh, and don't even think of trying to turn me in. I'll lie!
Since he's evil in like a magic way (and a dumb way, since if he was less like he is, he'd get away with more) I bet he enjoys when he betrays you because you're pals. If he likes you, it's because of the way he sees himself in you. He makes assumptions about your behavior and is disappointed when you act differently than he would. He could have left Wei alone and done his evil, but instead he had to ruin his life over and over.
Anyway, where was I going with this? Oh, yeah. Wei should be his bright mirror. He takes up knitting as a hobby and ends up making baby blankets and caps for cancer patients on the side. He goes on the roller coaster and there's an accident but he fixes whatever broke before anyone got hurt. You see him checking out the new woods and he's walking through it and birds and desert hares flock to him.
If you're going to do the evil twin thing, I think you need to push it until it's ludicrous.
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better-off-crazy · 1 year
Anyways Spoilers --i never figured out how to do that undrcut thing on mobil if thats not obvious by now but whatever its tumblr your here for the Spoilers! Whether you like it or not really-- and not like many people are posting bout sandrock anyways(lame its great!) and when they do its all Spoilers anyhow and this is long enoguh so should do it automatically. Probably.
This is not in any order whatso ever.
Did they bascilly just spell out what the next game is gonna be? With the northern development? Could be dlc but it feels like a whole game could go there. Altho theres also the stuff happing in Ethea too so that could also be the next one.
This should help! Gives salt.
Tbh i thoguht they were gonna kill off Mort at the end of it.
It awalys ends by building a ship. I like that its like one last hurrah!
Bronco shows up? At the party?? In a room full of basic npcs??? Ok???? And bogan jack is there too??? And it made me fight him??? And then teleported me into the desert?!?!
Getting to see all the representatives is really cool!
Luna looks awsome, her concert was pretty nice. Except for the fact it was a bit outif sync
"Its been my honor to sink... so that others could swim" thats freaking sad! And inspirational!
Gaudi looks like he stole his outfit from Gust
Wei says Excelsior. Cute
The fact that they asked cooper to fill up about 10hrs worth of time is not surprising
Avrio did it! Catori too! proud of Them!
Seeing Gale made me tear up a bit. Its been a long time buddy
Unsuur being Unsuur, wanna give him extra hugs, i know how you feel reaching the end of the journey and its beeeen a long one.
Curie looks really cool! But where is that wind coming from to make her cape so flowy?
I love that there are items from portia now
That new story didnt work out to well for justice and owen did it? Lol
Why did matlida take that shot to the arm? It didnt extaly help her in the end? No one in sandrock suspected her? I did tho! I was right to be suspicious of her! I will awalys be happy about that.
Im glad larry and xena were able to stay and see that sandrocks not so bad and were actully pretty cool people
Justices real name is Maurice! The one question i never had has been answered!
We get to see mom and dad this time! Its not just dad! Its both! Cool!
THATS OUR PARENTS?! Wow they look so normal. And dapper. My Pa's eyes are left pink and right green, Unexpected. Unless thats like a bit of you inherited it from him? But my builds eyes are just pink n blue with heart irises.
Why dose the one rep look like J. Johnas Jameson
How did they convince cooper to give up that much land?
"Blessings to your sacred tree!" It sure is
Kept that promise to bring sandrock back. Feels good.
Nice I get to sit next to the pretty boy.
Love the fact that it was either me orr portia me to be the next top builder. Love that they exist at the same time.
Miguel is just there. Watching learing to be better.
Haha they still haven't found the rouge knight wonder if hell pop up next time?
Oh Qi awalys trying to show off the robot and hes relly improved with controlling it too!
FINAL BOSS!! : Cooper and his moon man conspiracy story witch i actully find kinda entertaining. Winner: Me
I would love to see more of the reps and just more ingeneral sandrock really made me feel things just like portia did! but just a lil bit more then portia did.
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sandrockian · 1 year
So, I thought long and hard about this, but I have decided to not delete any of my Pen/Builder content. Despite how much of a clown he's made of my Builder, I believe that he genuinely does love her, but he's just utterly cruel, and yes, cruel people can love, too, but Liira deserves better, and whether or not Pen decides to turn a moral leaf (doubtful) is up to him. It's not her job to change him; their relationship is dead in the water. Liira slowly but surely moves on and ends up in an unexpected relationship with Unsuur. Still, it's a slow-burn friend to lovers, the opposite of her whirlwind romance with Pen.
However, I am not against coming up with a fanon au in which Pen, still his usual cruel self, convinces Liira to not break up with him. When she presents him with the Dead Branch, he smirks and promptly snaps it in two, saying, "Nice try, darling, but I have no intention of letting you go." He is unrepentant and callous and shows more of his true colors, but he does love her while Liira is trying and failing to wean herself off him.
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