#yes yes i know this is mostly hector & lenore convos
vincememes · 3 years
castlevania (s4) quotes
WARNINGS: CRUDE LANGUAGE, MENTIONS OF VIOLENCE, SEXUAL INNUENDOS & IMPLIED SUICIDE. these quotes are taken OUT OF CONTEXT & from youtube videos .  spoiler warning . feel free to adjust pronouns / names as needed !
❛   what did you just say?  ❜  
❛   i said “shit”, okay?  ❜  
❛   yes, it's just that you never, you know, curse.  ❜  
❛  i never used to, and then all this happened. and then you happened.  ❜  
❛   yes, you. i was nice. and then i met you, and now i'm like you.  ❜  
❛   it's all your fault! you did this to me!   ❜  
❛   i found you turned into a statue in a fucking tomb!  ❜  
❛   god, this is getting on my nerves! i wish i could fucking kill you twice!  ❜  
❛   wakey wakey, you shower of assholes.  ❜  
❛   can someone please come over here and kill me?  ❜  
❛   sacrifice your ethics, your morals, sacrifice your soul to the task.  ❜  
❛   you don't deserve my blood.  ❜  
❛   we have a second chance.  ❜  
❛   don’t you have anything better to do?  ❜  
❛   ah, so you’re bored. no ... you’re worried.  ❜  
❛   are they sidelining you?  ❜  
❛   they’re not- it’s not like that.  ❜  
❛   these are things of the past now.  ❜
❛   which makes you a thing of the past, and that’s bothering you.  ❜  
❛   well, you are a diplomat.  ❜  
❛   i didn’t pick the name, that’s just what they call us.  ❜  
❛   so use a bloody hammer, there have to be a thousand bloody hammers around.  ❜  
❛   no, i need a special hammer.  ❜  
❛   huh, your special hammer?  ❜  
❛   would you stop?  ❜  
❛   like a flute with no holes, for fingering?  ❜  
❛   so when you blow it, nothing comes out?  ❜  
❛   good god.  ❜  
❛   i’m bored and it’s fun to horrify you.  ❜  
❛   well, make it work faster.  ❜  
❛   if they get upset i won’t be able to stand in front of you for long.  ❜  
❛   you’d stand in front of me?  ❜  
❛   i’ve been doing it for weeks.  ❜  
❛   you know what i’m going to say.  ❜
❛   yes, well, it needs to be perfect or nothing will come out of it in the end.  ❜  
❛   ugh, you’re disgusting.  ❜  
❛   we need to get you out of here!  ❜  
❛   and go where?  ❜  
❛   somewhere safe. i can’t have you in harms way!  ❜  
❛   if you’ll excuse me, i have to go and get killed now.  ❜  
❛   never enough time, in the end, is there?  ❜  
❛   you’ve gone mad.  ❜  
❛   i’ve been mad. this doesn’t feel like it. maybe i’ve gone sane.  ❜  
❛   if you came here to kill me, kill me. but leave her alone.  ❜  
❛   are you the threat?  ❜  
❛   i’m done. take your revenge. i hold no malice.  ❜  
❛   i am not here to kill you.  ❜  
❛   we need to grow up, revenge is for children.    ❜  
❛   but i refuse to exist like this.  ❜  
❛   and i want to see what’s so special, about this sun you keep talking about.  ❜  
❛   it’s fine. it’s what i want to do.  ❜  
❛   be free.  ❜  
❛   what will you do?  ❜  
❛   ì think i’m gonna write a book.  ❜  
❛   the future should know the mistakes we made.  ❜  
❛   recently i’ve come to know the value & beauty of things that live longer than i do.  ❜  
❛   is this all there is to it?  ❜  
❛   you are a silly man.  ❜  
❛   i’ve worked towards this for weeks!  ❜  
❛   of course you have. you feel guilt. you want redemption.  ❜  
❛   we were both mistreated by the human world.  ❜  
❛   we can, and should, move forward.  ❜ 
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