#yes you can kinda tell how i portray dino from this
bold any fears which apply to your muse.     italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
the dark   //   fire  //   open water   //   deep water  //   being alone  //   crowded spaces  //  confined spaces //   change   //   failure   //  war   // loss of control //   powerlessness  //  prison   //   blood   //   drowning   //   suffocation //   public speaking //   natural animals   //  the supernatural //   heights   //   death //   dying  //   intimacy  //  rejection   // abandonment  // loss  //   the unknown   //   the future //  not being good enough  //   scary stories //   speaking to new people   //   poverty   //   loud noises   //   being touched   //  forgetting  // being forgotten
TAGGED BY: @silentknight-holyknight TAGGING: @hammerhead-cindy @quicksilversunshine @irisamixitia and anyone else who wants to
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//Absolutely Smitten//
Pairings: Tim Murphy x fem!Reader Warnings: pining, bad writing, a lot of time jumps. Abbreviations: Y/N – your name Song this fic is based on : Absolutely Smitten by Dodie Clark
Thank you to @drtimmurphy for making me love this character so much. She’s amazing, go check her out if you haven’t already!
Just a heads up, this is based on how @drtimmurphy has portrayed how Tim would be  Enjoy! ________________________________________________________________
You sigh, putting the last of the boxes down in your brand new apartment, taking in the mess in front of you.
After a long day of travelling, trying to guide the movers to your new place and putting the boxes and furniture in their respective rooms, you were tired. Utterly burned out, and all you wanted to do was eat, take a warm shower and sleep peacefully.
You did the first thing on your list quite effortlessly, ordering take out and quickly gobbling it up. But the last two things ? Yeah, let’s just say you weren’t that lucky.
You stepped into the shower, ready for a hot shower. You tried to turn the knobs, but they were jammed and won’t move. You used your entire body weight trying to make the knob budge, and when it finally did, the shower head came tumbling down, as did some really cold water. You yelped and quickly got out of the way, now desperately trying to stop the ferocious stream of water pooling below. It did, soon enough, but you were left with a mess you had to clean. You tried to fix the shower head by screwing it back on, but the excessive amount of dirt made that impossible, too. You sighed, thinking maybe you just needed some rest and then you could fix your problems in the morning. But sleep didn’t come that easy. Your air mattress left you sore and sleepless till late at night.
At least tomorrow could be better. ________________________________________________________________
Your day started with the birds singing loudly and the sun shining brightly into your face. You squinted, trying to check the time on your phone.
9 a.m, Sunday.
You quickly got up and stretched, trying to get rid of the uncomfortable sleep. Preparing for the long day of unpacking ahead, you decided to buy some coffee and breakfast. You quickly got dressed and put on some perfume, trying to mask the fact that you couldn’t take a shower.
You made sure you had your wallet and phone with you, and stepped out of your house, locking the door. Looking in front of you, you saw a man doing the same. Probably your neighbor.
He turned around, and you both made eye contact. You smiled, offering your hand f0r an introduction. “Hi, I’m Y/N! I just moved in here yesterday.” You said.
He smiled back at you, making your stomach fill up with butterflies. He took your hand, shaking it. “I’m Tim Murphy, your new neighbor.” He said. His hand felt rough but warm, and couldn’t help but feel disappointed when he pulled away.
You repeated his name, nodding. It suited him. “If you need any help around here, I’m always open to help. Please don’t hesitate if you want anything” he said, his smile never leaving his face.
You thought about his offer. “actually, do you know any plumbers? My, uh.. my shower broke last night and I couldn’t fix it..” you said nervously.
“Oh yeah sure, there’s actually a list of helpers that work around the complex. I can guide it to you if you want.” He said “Oh no, it’s okay, I don’t want to bother you. I’m sure you have other things to do,” you said. “Don’t worry, you’re not bothering me, I’m always happy to help. I-I can show you around if you don’t mind. Only if you don’t have to work or anything,”
“I actually don’t have anything much to do. I’d rather make myself familiar with the neighborhood than immediately start unpacking.”
He smiled as he led you down the stairs. ________________________________________________________________
“Is this alright?” Tim asked, arranging your closet.
  Right after taking a trip around the neighborhood, Tim had selflessly asked if you needed any help unpacking. After a lot of reluctance, you finally said yes, and that’s what you were doing for the last 5 hours, only stopping to eat lunch.
You looked at where he was. “yep, that’s perfect.” You said. Tim looked rather proud of himself.
The only thing left to do now was the kitchen, but you weren’t worried about that too much. Everything had been finished, thanks to Tim’s help.
You both collapsed on the couch, exhausted.
“Do you want to order some pizza? I’ll pay for it as a thank you,” you asked him.
He looked over at the clock as his widened.
“Oh, no. I had to go to the vet today.” He said, quickly scrambling to get up from the couch.
You had gone over to his house, after him claiming that it would give you an idea of the layout of your apartment. You met his cats there, three beautiful cats that warmed up to you quite quickly, purring at your feet.
 “What time were you supposed to go?” you asked.
“I was supposed to go at six-thirty” he replied, sliding his shoes on.
“oh, no. I’m sorry I kept you here, I-”
“No, no, It’s okay. It’s not your fault.” He smiled, making your heart race. stop it, you told yourself.
 “Okay, then. I’ll see you around?” you asked him, hoping you would see him again. You wanted to be around him.
“Yeah, absolutely. Well, I gotta go now. Bye.” He said waving to you as he stepped out the house.
“Bye,” you said, hardly being able to keep the smile off of your face.
 You closed the door, taking in everything that had just happened. You couldn’t fight the feelings that were now rapidly growing. Besides, what was it in him that you couldn’t like? He had an amazing personality, though a little awkward. It wasn’t your fault, honestly.
 It made you want to dance around the room, he made you want to. You tried not to act on these feelings all day, you didn’t want to ruin a budding friendship. Besides, there’s no way he’d like you back. Heck, he might even have a girlfriend. But even if he didn’t, you didn’t want to risk it.
All you knew was that you were definitely never letting him go. ________________________________________________________________
The next time you saw him was when you invited him over for dinner on Friday.
“It’ll be like a compensation,” you tried to convince him when he denied your offer. “as a thank you, for all your help. Please?”
He, of course, couldn’t say no.
So he came by that evening. You made some lasagna as you two talked about your lives.
You tried not to stare. You tried so hard. But, your eyes would always be drawn to his hazel ones. His eyes that seemed to take in everything you were saying, and embarrassingly met yours at the same time, making your face heat up. His auburn hair that seemed a tad bit lighter under the lighting, and his hands, that were gesturing wildly whenever he was talking.
It made you want to yell. It made you want to tell everybody that this person made you so happy, that you were completely enamoured by him.
He talked about his life and his career so passionately, it made you want to melt on the spot. He was spewing random knowledge and facts, about anything, really, and it made your heart skip a beat.
The gap in his teeth would show whenever he genuinely laughed or smiled so widely that the sun would be jealous.
“Earth to Y/N?” Tim said, finally snapping you off of your reverie.
“Oh, sorry, kinda zoned out there.” You said.
His shoulders sank a bit, making you regret everything you said immediately. “Oh, no, it’s not you! I just have a habit to zone out. I was listening, I swear. You were talking about your niece, right? Oh, god I’m so sorry, Tim, I really-”
“It’s okay, honestly. There’s nothing to be sorry about, don’t worry.” He smiled, melting all of your worries away.
“Go on, continue.” you urged him.
  The night ended with him taking a leave, claiming that he had to get up early the next day. He offered you dinner on Sunday , but you had to decline, since you had a lot of work piling up that needed to get done.
You both had giant smiles on your faces, as Tim stepped out of your house.
“We’ll see each other around then?” you asked. “A-absolutely.” He nodded, smiling. He sounded nervous, but that could just be your imagination.
Closing the door, you closed your eyes and rested you head against the door.
Your heart was beating so fast that you could hardly breathe, but in a good way. You smiled to yourself. You knew that he probably wouldn’t feel the same way, but for now, you were happy.
You knew your friendship would escalate from here. You knew that the growing feeling in your heart would probably ruin it, but you didn’t care. You didn’t want to rush things. You didn’t want to make things messy.
So you’d wait. You’d wait until something happened, and it would be okay if nothing ever did. You’d trust the fates. But one thing was for sure.
You’re never letting him go. ________________________________________________________________
You started to see each other more and more, in the hallways, sometimes making plans about catching a movie or watching a new show. You’d follow up to those offers, and your feelings didn’t reduce. If anything, they only grew.
But you couldn’t hold any high hopes. You tried not to give any hints or clues, and for the most part, you seemed to be succeeding.
There were days when you thought that maybe, just maybe, he thought of you the same way.
Sometimes, he would smile at the sight of you petting his cats while watching a movie. Sometimes, he would look at you in a way that made you want to burst, but again, that could be your imagination.
Your phone buzzed on the kitchen counter, alerting you about a message.
Hey Are you free?
Dino boy, 5:00 pm
                                                                                               Yep, what’s up? 
                                                                                                  You, 5:01 pm
A few minutes later, there were three knocks on the front door.
“Come in!” you called out, busying yourself in the kitchen, making tea for the two of you.
“Hey” he said. You could hear the nervousness in his voice.
You turned around, brows furrowed. “what’s wrong? Are you okay?” you asked
He seemed surprised. “Um, yeah I’m fine. I just, um, I wanted to ask you something”
Oh no. He knows.
You tried not to show your own nervousness as you asked, “Go ahead.”
“Well, actually, the museum is having a charity event next Saturday, an-and well, I wanted to ask you if you would want to come? I mean, there’s free drinks, and yo-you don’t have to if you don’t want to, I understand if you’re busy.” He says.
You took a second to process the information he just gave you, hundreds of questions filling in your head.
Does he want to go with you as a date? A plus one? A friend? More than that?
“Yeah, sure” you said, pushing all the thoughts away.
“Wait, really?” his eyes light up, and it made all of your doubts go away. You wondered how you could see that smile for free.
“Yes.” You said, mainly trying convince yourself that this might be a good idea.
He smiled, “Well, that’s great, then! Uh, just wear something nice. N-not that you won’t look good in normal clothes- I’m sorry,”
You smiled, shaking your head, telling him it was okay. “Tea?”
You spent the whole week looking for the perfect dress that would not only fit you, but also be appropriate for this event. Finally, you had found the perfect one. It was a dark blue dress with a subtle deep V-neck neckline. The bodice looked like it was tucked into the belt right above your hips. The skirt ended at your knees, with a few sequins near the end of it that looked like stars in the night sky. You were sure Tim would like it.
The day of the event had come, and you spent the afternoon getting ready. You were almost done when you heard the notification bell on your phone.
Hey, are you ready?
Dino boy, 5:32 pm.
                                                                                                              Almost                                                                                      Do you need any help?
                                                                                                  You, 5:32 pm.
Yes please
Dino boy, 5:33 pm.
                                                                                                             Sure :)
                                                                                                You, 5:33 pm.
You put the finishing touches on your makeup, taking a look at yourself in the mirror before leaving. You smiled. You were dressed to impress and you were pretty sure Tim would be impressed as well.
You quickly crossed the hall and knocked on Tim’s door thrice.
He opened the door, looking rather frazzled. His hair was messy, it looked as though he combed his hand through his hair one too many times. He was wearing his glasses, something you didn’t even know he had. He was wearing a thin white shirt, the first two buttons of the shirt undone. It made your face flush.
“W-wow. You look…great.” Tim whispered. You face felt like it was on fire.
“I think I could say the same to you after we’ve sorted everything out,” you smiled, trying to calm down your nerves.
He laughed softly, and it was like music to your ears. _______________________________________________________________
You reached the venue a little late, but no one seemed to notice. Everybody was engaged in their own conversation, and it was quiet easy to take a drink and blend in.
You and Tim chatted for a bit, before one of Tim’s colleague (and friend, as Tim said) came to introduce himself.
“Hi, I’m Jerry, and you must be,” he looked at Tim with an evil glint in his eye, “Tim’s girlfriend? He talks a lot about you.”
You fell silent for a moment, while Tim choked on his drink. You thought you couldn’t get more flustered, but somehow, you did. You looked at Tim, who looked as red as a tomato, but you didn’t know if it was from all the coughing or from the situation. He stuttered something, but it was barely audible.
“uh, I’m not his-” you started, but Jerry laughed hysterically. A rush of relief flooded through you. In another world, you’d probably laugh at it too, but you couldn’t. You were frozen.
Jerry talked some more, but you weren’t really paying attention. You could tell Tim wasn’t either. Eventually, Jerry left, claiming he need to go to the bathroom.
Tim looked at you guiltily, “I-I’m so sorry, Y/N, that was completely unlike him, I-I swear I’ll make it up to you.” he looked at anywhere but you, his hands getting fidgety at his sides.
“No, no, Tim, it’s okay. I’m sure it was just a joke. You don’t have to make it up to me.” you replied.
“I’m still really sorry, Y/N”
You smiled at him reassuringly. “It’s okay, Tim. Really.”
The rest of the evening went by without many hiccups. Of course people confused you two as a couple, but you would just share a nervous glance with Tim and tell them you weren’t.
After a while though, you grew tired of the confusion people would have, so you didn’t correct them. You couldn’t lie and tell yourself you didn’t want to be confused as his girlfriend.
Tim noticed that you’d stopped correcting people.
  “You want to get out of here?” Tim asked, a slight smirk on his face.
“Yes please” you said, your own mouth twitching upwards.
Tim had been busy talking to some people, having  conversations you couldn’t quiet understand. Plus, it was not a good night to wear heels.
You tried to pay attention, but you couldn’t. Tim noticed it, of course, and being the gentleman he is, offered to get some food from a drive through.
“The food here isn’t that good, anyway.” He reasoned.
After Tim came up with some lame excuses to his friends, you two quickly made an escape to his car. Soon, you were on the road.
His smile was contagious. You found yourself smiling back at him and bobbing your head to the music. You felt the cold night air rush past you from the window, and you shivered. You felt happy with him. You always felt happy with him.
You looked at him, his finger tapping the steering wheel at the beat. He was mouthing the words from the song, and his hair ruffled from the wind. You shivered again, but this time not because of the wind.
You had it bad.
But you also didn’t know how to go about it. No one had ever made you feel like this. You had asked your friend, but she only replied with “just ask him out”, and teasing you about it.
And it wasn’t only about his looks. He was dorky, stupidly sweet, and would actually listen when you’d talk. He went out of his way to make sure you were comfortable. There was never a moment where you felt bored around him. He had you wrapped around his finger without even knowing about it.
You wondered if he thought about you the same way.
  Before you knew it, you had finished your food in the car, and were almost about to reach home. You were laughing at something he had said and you didn’t realize how much time you had spent until you checked your phone. It didn’t feel like it had been 3 hours, but somehow it had.
“So, I, uh, I guess this is it?” Tim said. You were walking down the hall with your heels in you hands, trying to fish your keys out from your purse with only one hand.
“I mean, we will see each other around right?” you asked.
“Y-Yeah, of course!” his voice sounded squeaky, but you didn’t question it.
Finally finding you keys, you looked at him carefully. He looked tired, sure, but he had a small smile on his face.  
You wanted to be there for a few more moments, just studying his features. He looked at you with a soft look, and you swear you melted into a puddle.
You smiled gently, and dropped your shoes to the ground. Cupping his cheek, you inched just a bit closer to him.
You didn’t want to leave it up to the fates anymore. It was taking too long. You couldn’t keep waiting and wonder. You had to do something.
You hoped you weren’t overstepping, but if you were, he didn’t seem to mind. He didn’t push away, he didn’t have a disgusted look on his face.
His breath hitched. You felt his hand on your hip, pulling you just a little bit closer. With your noses brushing and foreheads touching, you decided to close the space between you.
The kiss was just like him. Sweet and gentle, yet passionate. You pulled away, breathing heavily. You didn’t open your eyes, but you knew he was smiling, and you were too.
You foreheads were still touching, and one of his hands was on you cheek. You opened your eyes.
“I-I really like you,” he whispered. The soft look he was giving you earlier was nothing like this. All the moments you shared earlier, all the times you were left questioning if he like you too, were nothing like this.
You smiled, “I really like you too.”
“I guess this means I have to ask you about a date?” he asked hopefully.
“I’ll go wherever you take me.”
Well that wasn’t as good as I was hoping for it to be
I’m sorry
Requests are open, so feel free to ask!
~ Izzy
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fromtheringapron · 6 years
ECW CyberSlam 1996
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Date: February 17, 1996
Location: ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 
Attendance: 1,300.
Commentary: Joey Styles.
1. The Bad Crew (Dog and Rose) and Judge Dredd defeated The Dirt Bike Kid, Dino Sendoff, and Don E. Allen.
2. Spiros Greco defeated El Puerto Riqueno. 
3. Taz (with Bill Alfonso) defeated Joel Hartgood.
4. Buh Buh Ray Dudley (with Big Dick Dudley, Dances with Dudley, and Sign Guy Dudley) defeated Mr. Hughes.
5. The Bruise Brothers (Don and Ron) defeated The Headhunters (Headhunter A and Headhunter B).
6. J.T. Smith defeated Axl Rotten. 
7. Dog Collar Match: Francine and The Pitbulls (Pitbull #1 and Pitbull #2) defeated Stevie Richards and The Eliminators (Saturn and Kronus). 
8. ECW World Television Championship Match: 2 Cold Scorpio (champion) fought Sabu to a time limit draw. 
9. Shane Douglas defeated Cactus Jack.
10. ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match: Raven (champion) (with Kimona Wanalaya, Stevie Richards, and The Blue Meanie) defeated The Sandman.  
The 1996 edition of CyberSlam is all over the place in terms of quality so, as a result, my feelings on it are all over the place as well. There’s no doubt ECW is hitting its stride at this point. They’ve firmly established themselves as the alternative to the then PG WWF and WCW, and taking as many shots at both whenever the opportunity arises. They’ve also solidified a devoted, passionate fanbase. I don’t think the ECW crowds have aged particularly well, mind you. For every moment when their participation helps the show, there’s a bunch of other moments when they’re kinda obnoxious and give off a certain brand of testosterone-fueled white male rage that later became one of the worst byproducts of the WWF’s Attitude Era.
The first hour of the show is mostly unwatchable garbage. In a way, you can see in the first hour the chaotic, car-crash booking that the Attitude Era would later make mainstream, with its short matches and constant interruptions. I really do appreciate ECW’s complete aversion to the structure that’d grown stale in both the WWF and WCW. The only problem, however, is that it’s not well-done for what it’s trying to achieve. It’s just a mess, and not in a fun way. There is some interest in watching Taz in the early stages of his push, but you could fast-forward through most of the hour and be fine. And I don’t recommend the fast-forward button often.  
So it’s funny that for as dreadful as it can be, the first hour also features the show’s best and most memorable moment: the surprise debut of Brian Pillman. Few wrestlers have seemed as legitimately unhinged and dangerous as Pillman. His promo here is filled with all the usual Bischoff-bashing that everyone in ECW did at some point, but there’s more believability when he does it. When he threatens the audience that he’ll yank out his dick and piss in the ring, I totally believe it. I am wholly convinced that is something Pillman would do in real life (and if some shoot interviews are to be believed, he totally did). The whole bit with him attacking the fan, who is obviously a plant, is at once a bit too over-the-top but, again. It wouldn’t surprise me if the real Pillman got in trouble for the same thing. This is also one of those moments where the ECW crowd helps more than it hinders, because you can tell they’re completely buying into it too.
The show finds its groove in the second hour. The 2 Cold Scorpio/Sabu match is considered an ECW classic. At the risk of sounding incredibly weird, something about the match reminds me of when I’d hold matches with my wrestling figures as a kid, in which I’d have the figures pull out all these ridiculous maneuvers without any consideration of building a story. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing because much like those matches I’d hold as a kid, it’s a lot of fun, even if the time limit draw is kinda deflating. We’re also given a glimpse at Cactus Jack, whose anti-hardcore heel persona remains a high point for ECW. Foley, at his peak, is unrivaled when it comes to character work. He shows up here for his match with Shane Douglas wearing a cheap suit, but it’s amazing how he can wring out pathos from the most gimmicky of ideas. It’s a skill that comes in handy when he jumps skip to the WWF a month later to portray his most famous persona, Mankind.  
So, yes, it’s hard to sum up my overall feelings on a show this erratic, but that’s pretty much ECW in a nutshell. The promotion had to make do with what they had which could result in a product that ran the gamut from piss poor to fun and, at times, brilliant. Fortunately, in their peak years, they hit the latter quite often.
My Random Notes 
A man can be seen in the front row wearing a Confederate flag shirt. Wonder if he regrets that now. Probably not.
The Dirt Bike Kid totally sounds like a gimmick the WWF would’ve done around the same time period.
Tons of WCW and WWF bashing here, which is expected. But I can’t help but notice the irony in how many ECW guys later jumped ship to those promotions anyway, mainly because Paul Heyman most likely paid them like shit.
There is some red substance on the floor at some point and I’m not sure if it’s from JT Smith throwing a pizza or not but, either way, it bothers me.
One little detail I love is the ECW fans bringing their own props to the show for the wrestlers to use. Huge fan of that kind of audience participation.
I dig the spot where JT Smith plays possum by making it look as if he botched a move off the top-rope. Totally playing into the ECW crowd’s typical “You fucked up” chants and turning them on its head.
The opener may feature some of the most obscure wrestlers that I’ve ever covered on this blog. Any Dino Sendoff fans willing to give me more details on his storied career?
I’ve been trying to determine who the planted fan in the Pillman segment looks like and the closest I can think of at the moment is either Disney’s Pepper Ann or Boomer from the Burger King Kid’s Club, neither whom aren’t even that close in resemblance.
Raven and The Sandman botch a move so badly toward the end of their match that I literally laughed out loud. I guess even in its prime, there were moments where ECW could still feel like your garden variety shit indy.
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