hey guys!
I know I haven't been posting anything for like six months and I swear I'll get back to writing when i have the time to
the next chapter of tangled hearts will be up by next month hopefully!
I'm so sorry I haven't been updating at all, I've been swamped with assignments and additional homework but I swear I'll get back to it
tysm for being so so so patient and kind
i appreciate every note I get <3
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half-light boy
you strike up something akin to a frienship with the most radiant boy you’ve ever met. maybe something more will ensue?
word count: 3.1k
warnings: explicit fem!reader, a singular curse, mentions of plant milk (is that even a warning?!), pretty fluffy tbh
title inspo: half-light boy | grizzly coast
a/n: happy happy birthday @mazzell-ro!!!! @ineloqueent and i decided to team up and write this little diddy for you. you’re a wonderful person and great friend. we hope you have a great day xx
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Tangled Hearts - A Tangled A.U. ~ Moodboard
Joe Mazzello x Fem!Reader
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taglist : @mazzell-ro // @somarsword // @mistiermistshazierdays // @speciallyred // @lizgarxo //
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||Tangled Hearts|| three
Joe Mazzello x Fem!reader Tangled A.U.
Warnings : hints of abusive relationships, hints of a bad childhood
Taglist : @mazzell-ro // @speciallyred // @mistiermistshazierdays // @somarsword // @lizgarxo //
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(Y/N) didn't know Tim. She didn't know him in the slightest. Why was she trusting him to let her out of this dungeon she grew to call her home?
The answer would have been easy, that he was her only hope. And to some extent, he was. She loved adventures even though she hadn't been on one, not one she could remember, anyway. But after meeting him and serving him some leftover soup (while he awkwardly stood in the corner of the kitchen, rubbing his sore shoulders), she realized how desperate she was. She didn't know who he was, but yet he would be more trustable than her mother.
She was doubtful, of course. What if people like him were the reason her mother locked her up? Were people like him the reason that daughters couldn't sleep at night? Were people like him the reason that people would be deemed as "kind" since the bar seemed so low? She didn't know. But she didn't have anything to lose, and if anything were to happen, then she would finally get a chance to show off her impeccable skill of injuring people with only a frying pan.
She was snapped out of her reverie from a loud sigh at the other end of the table. She saw Tim stretching his arms over his head leisurely, a yawn escaping his lips.
"Well, that was one of the most amazing soups I've had, so thank you for that," he said, his awkwardness from earlier seemed to have gone, or maybe he was just masking it well.
She nodded, and a small "You're welcome" was said. Her mother may have been a monster, but that didn't stop her from teaching the young girl some manners.
Her eyes didn't leave him, neither did his. She did not know what he was thinking, and she didn't want to know. She didn't know how people worked, never having met a person other than her unstable mother. The only person she knew was herself, but can you honestly say that you know yourself if you haven't met company that brings out other parts of you?
She wondered what his life was like. Was he trapped, was he being "protected" from the evils of the world—or was he a free wanderer?
She didn't know how long she stared at him, but then again he was allowing her to stare at him. "Right, so I will be asking for payback, as I said," she started. He nodded, taking a deep breath. "We should go u-"
"I don't get your deal," he blurted.
"My deal?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.
"Yes, why were you acting so weird about money? And why are you in this tower in the middle of nowhere? Are you a witch?" he asked.
His last sentence was meant to be a joke, and she noticed it as one but she didn't laugh. She didn't want to show any emotions, fearing she would be deemed as weak.
"Well," she started, taking a deep breath herself. Should she really be telling all of this to a person she just met?
Well, too late now.
"My mother doesn't trust anyone and I think that sort of projected on me. So she gave birth to me and hid me here so I wouldn't be attacked or manipulated. And that's also why I want to go to The Outside and see what she's hiding me from. It can't be that bad right? I see the birds chirping from my window and the grass under the tower every day and it kills me that I can't feel it," she ranted, her hands flinging wildly.
Yes, she wasn't telling him the whole picture, how she would say things to her if she didn't sing the song. And yes, she was also hiding from him the fact that she was born bearing magic.
Seeing that her rant was over, Tim tilted his head. "That's a pretty cool origin story if you ask me," he said, once again trying to make her laugh. He was good at trying, she noticed. Giving in, she laughed a bit, not really getting the joke.
She looked at him again, but this time he was smiling widely, proud of his accomplishment. She felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach, or something like that; she had only read this feeling in books after all.
Too oblivious to notice anything else, she smiled back at him, now giving him the advantage of knowing her better. She figured since she was going to go on an adventure with him, she might as well show him some of her soft side.
He stood up, dragging his chair backward in the process. She looked up at him, now standing up as well. "Shall we go to the outside then, m'lady?" he asked, the smile still on his face.
She nodded, but seeing him head towards the main door, said, "Oh no, that's always locked. I have a rope upstairs though."
He had a wild look in his eyes. "W-we're going to slide down a rope?" he asked.
"Well, yeah, there's no other option, really," she said, pointing to his now broken arrows.
He nodded in affirmation although he still seemed nervous.
Seeing him like this made her pity him, so she held his hand in hers, rubbing what she hoped to be comforting circles on the back of his surprisingly warm hand. She didn't know this only made his heartbeat race up ten times faster, she didn't look at his face as his eyes blew wide open. She just smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, I'm sure nothing bad will happen."
She read people doing this in books. She got all of her "people knowledge" from books.
She let go of his hand, walking towards the stairs, silently telling Tim to follow.
She also didn't see the slightly disappointed look he had when she let go.
"Are you sure this is strong enough?" he asked her, genuinely terrified of this too-thin rope.
She nodded quite assuringly, though he wasn't convinced. "Are you scared of heights?" she asked. Her look wasn't of a person trying to tease him, just a genuine question. She probably wouldn't even know what teasing was, he thought.
So he nodded, trying not to let his heartbeat be audible to her. "Well, aren't you afraid of something?" he asked.
"Not really, I haven't experienced anything to be afraid of it," she said, though she did seem a little uncertain. He decided not to pry.
He made a silent promise in his head that he would give her anything if it meant she wouldn't be afraid.
He didn't really want to do this, though. He did not want to take a random girl somewhere to see the "world", or a small part of it, anyway.
But, she helped him so it was only polite to help her too. And besides, if he wanted to, he could just hand her over to some other people and get rid of yet another responsibility in his life.
He also didn't want to address his feelings.
He slowly looked down from her window, still scared. He took in a huge breath and before he could let it out, he heard her whisper, "Do you want to go first?"
Without thinking, he blurted out a "yes." He mentally berated himself for doing this, guessing spontaneity was probably another thing he carried from his childhood.
He didn't even register the fact that (Y/N) was rubbing circles on his back, as his breathing returned to somewhat normal.
He reached out for the rope, gripping it tightly as he slowly climbed out of the window.
One by one, he dragged his feet down, then his hands, then his feet and so on, only concentrating on his breathing, only looking up at the skies and (Y/N)'s head peeking from the window, and soon enough he could feel the small stream flowing below, as he looked down. Only one more step and he could jump and land on the soft, plush grass.
And he did.
He could also hear (Y/N) cheer for him from above, and even though her voice was faint, her excitement was visible.
He smiled widely, pumping his fists above him. He looked up and waved her to climb down as well, and even though only her silhouette was visible, he could imagine her nodding.
He stepped aside and soon enough she dragged herself down the same way he did, though her eyes were glued to the ground. She was barefoot, he realized, and made a mental note to buy her good shoes, if he could afford it from his bit of money he had in his bag.
She stayed there, gripping the rope, her knuckles white, as she stared at the ground that was now close to her. He didn't realize how much this meant to her.
Her foot touched the cool grass as he held his breath.
A wide smile emerged on her face, so wide that he could barely see her eyes, but if he could, he was pretty sure they were sparkling. Her smile was contagious, he found himself smiling as well.
Her other foot slowly touched the ground as well, as she looked around her, seeing the beautiful world, and him.
sorry for the extremely late updates, school and other things are weighing down at the moment, but I hope you guys like it!!
also for those of you who have requested us anything, we're so sorry for coming up so late with the fics, we promise we'll try to make up for our absense.
also a huge thank you to @mazzell-ro for helping me!!! thank you, from the bottom of my heart <3
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arms unfolding
gwilym lee x reader
a/n: happy birthday to the amazing ella @heyjonesey​!! i love you so much, thank you for always being here for me and for lighting up the world, sunflower. painting shown by torey smiley. title of the same song by dodie.
w/c: ~3k, cursing warning, a lil bit of angst, lots of fluff.
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“You have competition for your beloved studio,” states the starkly thin man in front of you, clicking the pen in his hand slowly. Click. Click. Click. It does so along with the minimalist clock’s ticking on the wall, no numbers to label the lines. The only numbers in the room were the ones on the check that you hold in your hand, which you pull back, drawing back before his fingers can pluck the payment from you.
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worth the wait
brian may x reader — monochrome!soulmate au
a/n: written on a whim because @mistiermistshazierdays came up with this ridiculously good idea + a ridiculously good trope. cursing warning.
w/c: ~1k
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Something drives you to stop crossing the street while the light goes from saying “Stop” to “Go.” Your friends have rumored that they’re colored “Red” and “Green,” but you wouldn’t know. The man that’s driving the car in front of you must have felt something, because he stops arguing with somebody in the backseat, looking up in time to slam the brakes. You step back, tripping on your feet after the car’s license plate bumps into your stomach. The car seems to jump back like an elephant terrified by a mouse, sheer terror in the man’s face as he leaps out of the vehicle.
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me in the shower singing bohemian rhapsody terribly off key
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hey I wrote the roger fic you reblogged and I AM SO SORRY FOR MAKING YOU CRY
i am a sucker for good angst and I absolutely loved it...jhsfds
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ExCuSe Me...u had no right to make me cry that much istg holy shit...you don't know me but oh my god this was amazing (please imagine there r hearts here)
The Smallest Coffins Are Always the Heaviest | Part 3
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Pairing: Roger Taylor x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of smoking, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sex, mentions of cheating, funeral scene
Word Count: 1k
TAGLIST: @toger-raylor @mrsmazzello @freddie-roger-brian-john @ken-yee-not @benhardyisdaddy
A/N: I finished it after re-reading and correcting things. I hope you all enjoy!
Part 1/ Part 2
Everyone Y/N and Roger had met was at Aubrey’s funeral. It was a sea of black suits, gowns and dress clothes inside of the once lively and happy church. Y/N, Roger, the other band members, and their families sat in the very front. John and Veronica seemed to feel guilt about Aubrey’s death as well, not being there soon enough for them. Y/N was wearing a lace black dress and the sheer black fabric of a mourning veil covered her face.
Roger’s tuxedo stood out from his usual wardrobe of bright, contrasting colors. But this somber, gloomy day did not call for colors. Aubrey’s funeral could call for no other colors than black and white. The only colorful things in the chapel were Y/N’s cast wrapped in purple bandages, signed by close friends and family members, and Aubrey’s open casket, brushed with her favorite color- a light lilac. When she was alive, she had said it reminded her of fresh spring flowers that had just bloomed.
There was only one person in the church that wasn’t crying salty rivers of tears. It was the minister, but he himself seemed as though he was on the verge of bursting into tears. A child’s funeral is nothing to turn a nose at. This reverend in particular knew this fact. It was horrible to lose a loved one at any age, especially a child as young or younger than Aubrey.
Y/N and Roger, as the parents, knew they would have to deliver individual speeches at some point. They knew they wouldn’t be able to do it without tears, though. Losing a child is a parent’s worst nightmare. Roger couldn’t seem to look up at the casket for more than a few moments at a time without once again bursting into a fit of sobs and tears streaming down his face, leaving red streaks over his pale cheeks.
Once the preacher was finished with his speech, he stated for friends and family to come up and deliver their own eulogies to honor her. Starting with the mother of the child and going to the father and family friends.
Y/N stepped up to the podium and felt a pang in her chest as she saw her daughter dressed in a soft white dress. She looked as though she were asleep, peacefully dreaming about the future. But Y/N knew better than to believe she was just dreaming. She knew Aubrey was dead.
Nobody said anything as Y/N stepped up to the podium and unclipped a small stack of note cards that sat on the surface.
“I’d, um, like to thank everyone here, first off, for being here to pay tribute to my daughter,” she began. “I cannot put into words the amount of grief Roger and I are feeling at the moment. The love and support that you have all been giving us has been getting us through this very difficult time.” She flipped to the next card in the stack and a tear dropped down onto the thick paper as she sniffed, her nose beginning to run. Quiet weeps could be heard echoing throughout the room. “I will never forget the day Aubrey was born. I wasn’t quite sure if I was ready to be a mother yet, but when I held her for the first time, I knew I’d do anything for her. She was our little angel, a gift from heaven. I feel such guilt in my heart for not being able to save her from her fate, but that was out of my control. I’m just glad that she didn’t have to go through a long, painful process.” Y/N started sobbing as she set the note cards down. “Aubrey, I am so glad that I got the opportunity to be your mother,” she wept, “and you will always have a special place in all of our hearts. Your father and I will never forget what an amazing little girl you were and how much you meant to us.”
Three long years had gone by since Aubrey had passed and Y/N and Roger’s relationship had gone downhill quickly. Roger had turned back to his previous habits of drinking and smoking and Y/N had scheduled a lot more excavations. She was rarely ever home and neither was Roger, leaving the child-raising to John and Veronica. But if she was being honest, Y/N enjoyed being at home with the children while Roger was at a concert or on tour.
When Roger was home, he would bring different women to bed, just like the late 60′s. Y/N didn’t want to sleep in the same bed as so many other women who were sleeping with her husband. She couldn’t really be in the same room as him anymore. The flame of their love was dying out quickly. What had previously been a pair of soulmates was becoming roommates.
They got into dozens of arguments, but none of them had ever escalated into physical violence. Y/N and the kids have had to spend many nights with John or Brian to calm down and get away from the drunk berating and shouting. The kids were now accustomed to being at John and Brian’s homes.
Boxes littered the living room and bedroom as Y/N was packing clothes into a suitcase. She had enough of Roger’s returning party animal lifestyle. She had John taking care of the kids, but not for long. She would be taking care of the kids a majority of her time while she wasn’t out at dig sites and working at museums.
Roger felt a pit form in his stomach as he looked around at the boxes in the house and the moving truck in something that was once their driveway. He sat down on the sofa and rested his face in his hands, beginning to cry. He felt alone. The house would be so empty without them. He had driven them away from himself. How could he have done this? Roger sat in self pity for a few moments before he understood he couldn’t take back the mistakes he had made, and he couldn’t get Y/N back, either.
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Hi!!! I see you write for the maze runner, could you possibly do a Minho imagine with some fluff in the maze?
Fandom : TMR
Pairings : Minho x Fem! reader
Warnings : none
Word count : 577 words
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“Psst, babe, wake up” you heard a familiar voice whisper near your ear. Slowly opening your eyes, you found your boyfriend crouching near your hammock, smiling. 
Morning, sleeping beauty.” He said, with his signature smirk. 
“Morning.” You said with a slight smile. “and don’t call me sleeping beauty when you wanna get up hours early to comb your hair.” 
 He put his hands up in a surrender, “fine, you win.”
“Alright shuckfaces, take care of yourselves, yeah?” Newt said, while you and the rest of the Runners stretched for the long day ahead. 
“You know we always do, mom.” Minho replied. Newt rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath. 
 “Come on you two, stop being an old married couple.” You said. 
“Aww are you jealous, babe?” Minho asked, as a warm blush crept on your cheeks. 
“No, of course not.” you said. Thankfully, they couldn’t see how flustered you were as you stepped into the maze, Minho following shortly after.
 “Hey.” He said, jogging up to you.
 “Can we stick together today?” he asked,  “You know, instead of going different ways? I wanna have lunch with you.”
 You smiled at how soft he sounded. “Sure, min” 
 He smiled and held your hand, kissing you knuckles gently. 
Your heart fluttered. 
“What’s got you so lovey dovey today?” 
 He closed his eyes, his pace slowing down a little. “Nothing. Just love you.” 
 His eyes opened at the right time, as you smiled widely at him. “well then, I love you too.” 
 “Lets just….walk. Not run.” He said. 
 “Sure, bub.” You can almost hear his heart melt at the nickname. 
 Sooner than you knew it, it was noon and even though you and Minho didn’t run, you were still hungry and tired. 
You sat down, resting your back on a wall and emptied your pack, Minho doing the same. You both talked about everything and nothing at the same time, completely loosing track of time. 
Before you knew it, one hour had passed and you needed to run – or walk – again. As you were beginning to get up, Minho stopped you with his hands around your wrist. “
Lets just stay here for a bit.” He said, pouting. 
You sighed “Min, I know you want a break, you deserve a break, but we still have to report something. We can’t just not do anything the entire day.” He frowned. 
“We’ll run after thirty minutes, we can still cover some ground and have time to relax.” He pleaded. 
 How could you say no to that face? 
“Okay, fine. But only thirty minutes, okay?” He nodded vigorously. “yep, only thirty.” 
 You sat back down, criss crossing your legs. Minho put his head on you lap, staring lovingly at you. 
 “You’re amazing, did I tell you that before?” he said. 
You blushed “yes you have.” 
A soft ‘oh’ left his mouth as he nuzzled his head in your tummy. 
“Well did I tell you you’re the best person ever?” he asked. 
You leant down to kiss his hair. “Yes. Multiple times. And I love you for it. I love you for a lot of things, actually.” 
You could feel him smile. “Really?” 
He sighed happily. “that’s nice.” 
 You combed your hand through his hair. “it is.” 
 You didn’t care if thirty minutes were up. all you cared about was you and him, peacefully sitting and cuddling. A small part of you wished you could do this forever. 
Thank you for the ask anon! hope you like it! 
taglist is open! 
~izzy <3
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This was suppose to be there before but it’s here now...
This is an introductory post which was suppose to be up before all of the posts..but lets go with this: 
Hi I am Amy, one of the writers (there are literally only 2) on this blog and also the most inactive one and I will show up at the most random times to post stuff. I love every member of Queen and Bohrap..
Hello! Im Izzy, the other writer here and Im usually the active one. my favourite band member of queen is John Richard deacon and favourite Borhap cast boi is Joseph Francis Mazzello III :) 
and we are absolute shit heads, we share a braincell so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We write for 
 Maze Runner 
 Harry Potter 
 Percy Jackson + Heroes of Olympus 
We also do them for aros, aces, enbys, wlw and mlm (we do mlm only on requests tho) , and we write about canon and self inserts!
taglists are open! pls let us know which taglist you wanna be added in
our updates might not be frequent, so please be patient with us
here are our mains : 
@that-awkward-sapien (amy) and @some-major-ishues (izzy)
thanks guys!
~ izzy and amy
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||always mine|| newt
fem! reader
fandom : TMR
warnings : slight violence (seriously its just a punch)
taglist for the maze runner is open :)
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“Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute, alone?” Newt asks, and you happily oblige, putting down your clipboard which was keeping track of all the medicines that are there, and that are needed in the med-hut.
“Sure,” You say, with a smile on your face, as you happily follow him to the Homestead.
You enter Newt’s messy room, with his clothes in one big pile, and a few papers with scribbles of writing all over them. His bed was unmade, which made you sigh.
“How many times do I have to remind you to clean your room?” You ask, starting to fold the huge pile of clothes in the corner, when you're stopped by a pair of strong arms grab you from behind. You smile. “Long day?” You ask, as you hear a deep sigh coming from Newt.
“Yes, love.”
You smiled, knowing what to do. “Sit.” You simply commanded, pointing to the bed. Newt did the same, not wanting to waste any time.
You sat behind him, with his head on your lap. You smiled and hummed a tune you couldn’t remember, but loved (it's ‘you are my sunshine’, btw), as you start massaging his head, occasionally sprinkling a few kisses on his cheek and forehead. He hummed in content, as you giggled.
“So, how was your day?” You asked, still massaging his head, with your fingertips touching his fluffy sandy blond hair.
“Hectic. The Greenie is yet to come, then it'll be even more bloody hectic, with me answering his questions and all. Shuck-faced creators and Alby can't give me a break.” He sighed. You suddenly had an idea.
“Hey, how about I show the Greenie around?” You asked, with hope laced in your voice.
“No, love. I know how they are, they might try to flirt with my girl and I don’t want that to happen. I love you, Y/N.”
“Then why don’t we tell everyone? Why are we keeping our relationship a secret? If they know that you are mine and I am yours, they won't bother us, Newt.” You said.
Your relationship had been a secret for two months now, and you felt like you were ready to tell it to the rest of the Gladers. Plus, it will also put an end to all the catcalls you get, after they get to know that you are taken by the most intimidating person in the glade, their Second- in- Command.
“I know love, but what if something happens to us? Our relationship? Our friends wont know who to hang out with, and we'll always be in conflict because of that.” He answered.
“So you’re saying that we may not work?” You felt a pang of sadness. You didn’t want to show it, but you doubted that thought the second Newt got up from your lap, concern all over his beautiful features.
“No, love I didn’t mean for it to come out like that, I am sorry. I love you Y/N, and I-” He was cut off by a loud banging on his door.
“Y/N, come on we got a Slicer problem!” It was Clint. You sighed, as you pecked newt gently on his lips. He sighed too, and mumbled something about ‘cant get a break with the love of my life, bloody shanks.’ You smiled as you headed out the door.
______________Time skip______________
Newt’s P.O.V.:
After showing the Greenie around, and lighting the bonfire, I went over to where Minho was, with Gally’s drink in my hand. It had been a long day, and I hadn’t seen Y/N since the time she massaged my scalp. Since then, I have thought a lot about what she said, and I wasn’t afraid any more. I knew that she was the only thing giving me hope to survive this bloody hell of a place. I was going to kill myself again, until she came. I love her so much, and every time she is with one of the Gladers, laughing off, I get so jealous, that I want to punch the guy square in the face and tell him that she is mine. No matter how much I tell her that I love her, it doesn’t even make up a quarter of what I feel towards her. I love her so bloody much it’s frustrating. I brush my hand through my hair as I think. I decide to take a detour from whatever klunk Minho was talking about, and made my way to find Y/N. I smiled, knowing that I would be reunited with my love.
When I finally found her though, it was her and the Greenie, with his back towards me. Y/N was laughing to something he said, though I could tell she didn’t enjoy being with him. Her eyes didn’t sparkle the same way they did when I made her laugh, and I could see right through her that she was very bored. I smiled, knowing that even though this Greenie was giving her a hard time, she still made him feel better by laughing. I stood there, still smiling as I saw Y/N’s features lit by the flames of the bonfire, which made her look truly heavenly than she already was.
Your P.O.V.:
You mentally sighed. You wished Newt was here, you craved for his presence, and thought how he could handle Greenies like these. The thought itself made you shudder. You didn’t want to tell it to the Greenie though, you knew it would hurt his feelings. You smiled again, not knowing what the Greenie was talking about. You felt as though someone was looking at you, so you looked around without it being too obvious. As you were checking, you saw Newt, standing right in front of you, smiling. You smiled too, not paying attention to the Greenie who was now leaning in, apparently for a kiss.
You looked back at the Greenie, and panic filled your lungs. You sat there, not moving and wide-eyed. You didn’t know what to do. You looked around again, hopefully wanting Newt to see you and save you, but he was nowhere to be seen.
As you sat there, you saw a hand coming from behind you, punching the Greenie, giving him a nasty bruise. You watched as the same hand pulled your wrist so tightly that it hurt. The figure was now moving up to the front of the bonfire, where all the Keepers were. You knew whose hand it was, but you looked up just in case. As suspected, it was Newt. You were surprised by the force he used on you, your hands now turning slightly blue. You struggled out of is grip, but to no use.
When he finally let go of your hand, there was a circle of spectators, waiting for drama to happen. That’s when you looked up and finally saw Newt’s expression. It was full of rage, but you knew it wasn’t towards you.
What he did next surprised you the most. He grabbed your collar and pulled you in for a kiss. Since you were still in a shock, you didn’t know what was happening for a split second, but you eventually melted into the kiss.
It was rough, as if this was what he wanted to do for a long time, which you guessed he was. He took out all the frustration that had built up inside of him, and when you both finally pulled apart for air, you heard cheers and hollers all around you.
You smiled. “So, you finally found the courage, huh?”
He chuckled a bit. “I just wanted everyone to know that you are always mine. I love you, Y/N, and I never want any other shank to come here and think they can win you over.”
“I love you too, Newt. And I promise that I will never leave you for someone else. You will always be my first and last love.” You said, as he leaned in for another kiss.
‘always mine’, he had said. If only he knew that you were never anybody else’s. Only his. Only.
(this is one of our old works but we hope you like it)
~ izzy and amy <3 
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||Tangled Hearts|| two
Joe Mazzello x Fem!Reader Tangled A.U.
warnings : none
taglist : @mazzell-ro // @aspiringsomeone // @ilikebigstucks // @somarsword // @lizgarxo // taglist is open!
word count : 1113 words
series masterlist | masterlist |
Hiding was what he was good at.
All his life, he hid. He hid from the king’s nights, hid from problems, hid from people, family, emotions, himself.
And that’s what he was doing right now. Hiding behind a large rock waiting for the lady to get out of the tower.
She was standing in the threshold of the tower, talking to someone else inside, with a quite unnerving smile. He wondered how the person inside must have felt, talking to someone like that.
He couldn’t even stand the woman for a minute and he hadn’t even met her.
The lady took a step back from the door, locking it from the outside. Strange.
She looked around suspiciously, making Joe tense up nervously. Yes, he had run from many people but that didn’t make him fearless.
She made her way to where Joe had come from, quickly disappearing in the shadows.
Quietly, Joe made his way to the door. It was wooden and looked to be jammed, yet he still tried to sneakily open the lock. He tried opening it, but soon realized that it was locked from the inside too.
Talk about paranoia.
He sighed. “Guess I’ll have to do this the old fashioned way, huh?” he said to himself.
Taking out two arrows from his satchel, he stabbed it into the holes in the old walls of the tower.
An old trick his brother taught him.
He didn’t like to dwell on the thoughts of his family.
With a lot of heavy breathing, grunting, and sweat, he finally made it to the window.
Struggling, he climbed into the room.
His eyes roamed around the walls filled with paintings, each one seeming to tell a story. It was a pretty spacious place, despite what he saw from the outside.
His eyes widened when he heard annoyed grunts coming from downstairs. There were shadows near the door. Someone was coming there.
He quickly found himself in a closet, a small gap between the two doors so that he could see what was going on in the room.
“I mean, I can’t believe it! What does she expect me to do, huh? Am I not old enough to go to The Outside by myself? It cannot possibly be as bad as she’s making it out to be. Or am I the one being too curious? No, of course not, I mean of sure, too much curiosity is not good, but I haven’t even stepped Outside! Am I being that unreasonable?” she continued to ramble out.
Joe rolled his eyes. Whatever she was going on about, she needed to stop before he got a headache.
Sighing, the girl climbed onto her bed. “This is all my fault.” She whispered loud enough for it to be heard by Joe.
What the absolute heck is going on?
His legs hurt, that was for sure. He wanted to sit down after all the running and climbing he did. He wanted to eat.
His stomach grumbled at the thought of steaming food and cool water.
Unfortunately, this didn’t go unnoticed by the girl.
“Who’s there?” she said, climbing off her bed, making her way to where she thought the noise came from, quickly wiping her tears to make her seem braver.
His heart started beating faster. He backed into the cupboard. Bad idea.
His foot got stuck in something, causing it to make a rattling sound.
He was stuck.
This is how I die, isn’t it? Great. Killed, beaten by a girl. Weapon of choice? A broom. I didn’t even get to tell Ben how much I love his pies and I didn’t even-
He didn’t notice the girl steadily tip-toeing closer to the closet, a broom in her hand. Her heart was beating out of her chest, her eyes were wide, ears alert.
He was broken out of his thoughts with a loud shriek that he was sure even the King could hear.
They couldn’t move. Both of them were frozen in place, paralyzed.
He could hear her heart beating fast. Or was that his own?
Worst part is, he didn’t know why it was beating so fast. Was it because of her, or because of the situation? Sure, she was pretty in a way that he could never imagine her ever talking to him because of his financial position-
“Wh-who are you?” she said.
Her voice sounded scared, like a lost kid on the verge of tears, even though her face was set hard, her jaw firm, trying to look braver.
“I-Im T-Tim?” he said.
“Are you asking me or telling me?” she said, sounding braer than the last time.
“Telling you.”
“And what are you here for, Tim?” she asked, raising her hand with he broom higher. “To steal?”
Oh, the irony.
“No.” he said, not sure what lie he should feed her to believe him.
“Then? Are you going to tell me or do I have to hit you?”
“Look lady-”
“(Y/N). That’s my name.”
He wondered if she was lying just like him or if that was her real name.
He sighed. “Look (Y/N), I stumbled across this gigantic tower when I wanted to steal some food and-”
“Why were you stealing food?”
“Because I don’t have money.”
“Wh-what’s money?” she asked.
He arched his brows. “You seriously don’t know what money is?”
“No. Now tell me what it is.”
“It’s what you use to buy things.”
“So that you can live?”
There was a small silence in the room. “So,” he said, drawling it out. “Do you have anything to eat?”
The clogs in her head moved, Joe could hear her thinking. “Did you come from The Outside?” she asked, looking him up and down.
“Um, yeah. Why are you referring to it as ‘The Outside’?” he asked.
“So if I give you food will you help me go there?” she asked, completely ignoring the boy’s question.
“Take you where? The Outside?” he cracked a small smile, trying to lighten the mood with some playful teasing.
“Yes.” She said, unbothered by his efforts.
Boy was she making this hard.
“I mean, if you want to, sure. I really don’t know why you’re making a big deal out of this though.” He said.
“I’m making a big deal out of this? A stranger, a possible thief, came into my room and hid in my closet, and I’m making a big deal out of this?”
He fell silent.
“that’s what I thought. I can make some soup only if you promise to take me outside.”
“I-I promise. Thank you, (Y/N)” he said genuinely.
Finally, the girl smiled softly. “You’re welcome, Tim.”
thank you guys for being patient with us :)
~ izzy <3
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||Tangled Hearts|| one
Joe Mazzello x Fem!reader Tangled A.U.
Warnings : slight abusive relationships, maybe?
Taglist : @mazzell-ro @aspiringsomeone @ilikebigstucks @somarsword @lizgarxo 
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Spending close to twenty one years in a hidden tower with your only parental figure telling you that “the outside is dangerous” can lead to some curiosity.
Of course, her mind wouldn’t rest. She would always come up with stories in her head about how horrible or how amazing The Outside would be, right from how the grass would feel at her feet, to how the people would manipulate her.
The world had it’s dangers, but it also had its beauties.
Like the flowers she grew on the sill of her window. Everyday it would grow just a little bit more, the birds would chirp louder in the evening, the sky would change its colours every dawn and every evening. It gave her joy, thinking what life could be outside, yet still being protected from the dangers.
 She was a little sad, too. Spending almost all her life in a tower without a companion except for a chameleon.
Yes, she might just be going slightly insane. Bored, stuck in a tower, with all the bare space she had in her room used as a canvas for painting.
She didn’t think there was anything special about her, well, except from her powers.
Healing powers didn’t really come in handy when she had no one to heal, except for her mother who would come every day and ask her to heal some minor cuts she got from her morning expedition.
Her mother, a pale, thin, curly haired lady. Despite having a 21 year old daughter, she didn’t look old. She told her daughter tales of when she was young, how the men would swoon over her, trying to get her attention. But in the end, after she announced she was having a baby, her partner left her. She’d be “undesirable” now, with a baby “ruining” her body. So, she swore an oath that nothing of that sort would happen to her beloved daughter.
Her healing powers would always remain a mystery, though. Her mother claimed that it was all her father’s fault, her selfish father, who didn’t even want to see her when she was born. but it always left (Y/N) wondering. Sometimes, she would like to come up with stories in er head while trying to sleep.
What would happen if she met him? would she be angry and slap him, or would she embrace him? would he beg for forgiveness or would he be angry?
She liked to dwell on things that she knew would probably not happen.
“Sweetheart, I’m back!” her mother’s voice rung out from downstairs. That was the only place she could go to, except from her bedroom. Though she wasn’t allowed to paint on the walls there, but she could cook and possibly move the scarce furniture here and there so that she could change at least something around here.
Quickly making her way downstairs, she found her mother waiting there with arms wide open for a hug, as always.
(Y/N) smiled, despite for her growing hatred for her mother. (Y/N) understood, to some extent, that her mother was right in protecting her. But trapping her in a tower with no place to go just seemed like a cruel joke.
Trying to ignore all these thoughts, she warmly hugged her mother in anticipation that she might have brought something, and trying to be kind to her even though it was getting past her pushing point. After all, her mother trusted her and didn’t want to loose her.
“(Y/N), darling, I’m exhausted, why don’t you massage my feet, dear? You know how much it relaxes me.” her mother said, raising an eyebrow with a small smirk on her face.
She wasn’t asking, she was commanding.
Of course, the girl had to say yes.
“Mother?” she asked, while setting the stool infront of the chair so her mother could put her feet up on it.
“Yes, darling?”
 It could be worth a shot, right?
 “I was just- I was just wondering…you know, with my birthday coming up, I thought you could maybe take me outside? It doesn’t- ”
She deflated. All her hope vanished, as she tried reasoning again, but she knew her mother wouldn’t listen.
“But we can just go a tiny bit outside the to-”
“(Y/N), I said no. listen to your mother.” She said sternly.
The girl sighed. “But its my birthday!” she tried to reason.
“(Y/N). I can get you something else for your birthday if you want.” she said.
The gears in (Y/N)’s brain started moving rapidly. She smiled. “Yes mother! Can I please get the paints you got me last time? They were so smooth, I could paint with them all day. And oh, maybe some of those thick fabrics to paint on?” she rambled.
“Yes, yes, I can do that. I’ll start tomorrow.” Her mother said, finally smiling. “now massage my feet dear, they’re dying of pain”
(Y/N) smiled. She could almost feel the nervousness and adrenaline kicking in, as she began to massage her mother’s feet, planning for tomorrow.
thank you for reading!
~izzy <3
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please send these in! (ofcourse, NO SMUT, WE’RE MINORS)
Prompt List
Send me requests either using the prompts from this list or send me the plot for something you want me to write. These prompts are not mine and have been taken from multiple sources.
1. “stay alive, please.” 2. “seeing you with someone else really makes me sick to my stomach.” 3. “I love you, I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.” 4. “holding everything in doesn’t help, you know?” 5. “Wake up, please wake up.” 6. “you’re bleeding.” 7. “I can’t breathe” 8. “don’t let go.” 9. “I’m right here, I’m not leaving, okay.” 10. “it hurts.” 11. “Just, hold on.” 12. “i’m going to take care of you, okay?” 13. “you can’t die. Please don’t die.” 14. “I’m not good enough for you.” 15. “don’t move, they hit your head really hard.” 16. “it’s just a nightmare. I’ve got you.” Fluff:
17. “I remember kissing you, why do I remember kissing you?” 18. “are you that desperate?” “for you, yes.” 19. “these days spent apart will only make us stronger, love.” 20. “please just kiss me already” 21. “I think I’m in love with you” 22. “it’s freezing, come here.” 23. “we’re not just friends and you fucking know it.” 24. “I want to marry you.” 25. “apparently everyone has a bet going that we get together.” 26. “I can’t sleep. Can I stay here?” 27. “how much did you drink?” 28. “there’s only one bed.” 29. “is that my shirt?” 30. “steal the blankets again and I’ll put my cold feet on you.” 31. “you’re in love with her.” 32. “how much of that did you hear?” 33. “kiss me.” “what?” “just kiss me” 34. “you’re cuddly” 35. “you want to tell me about it?” 36. “hey, don’t listen to them.” 37. “can you brush my hair?” 38. “I love you. So, so, sososo much.” 39. “come, let’s dance, please?” 40. “you talk to much.” 41. “your lips look cold.” 42. “my tie is too tight.” 43. “i’m not jealous.” 44. “just pretend to be my date.” 45. “let’s just cuddle forever.” 46. “i’m in desperate need of a hug.” 47. “I need to feel you close to me.” 48. “I took your hoodie, and you’re not getting it back.” 49. “if I could, I would kiss away all your scars.” 50. “when was the last time you ate something?” 51. “ah-ah-ah. You’re sick. You need to stay in bed.” 52. “i’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.” 53. “I can’t let you sleep on the floor. Here, get in bed with me.” 54. “why did you choose me?” 55. “i’ve missed this.” 56. “i’ve loved you for years.” 57. “I can’t stop thinking about you.” 58. “I could kiss you right now.” 59. “I love you, but stop talking.” 60. “i’d hurt anyone who ever left a scar on you.” 61. “you’re cute when your half asleep.” 62. “you look amazing tonight.” 63. “it’s late. Shouldn’t you be asleep.” 64. “who cares about what they think.” 65. “ssh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.” 66. “here, let’s share the blanket.” 67. “wait, don’t pull away… not yet.”
68. “fuck buddies are fine right?” “yeah totally” 69. “do you want coffee? Tea? Or me?” 70. “I know what I want, when I want it. So get over here.” 71. “i’m yours, in every way you’ll have me.” 72. “you might not like me, but you definitely want me.” 73. “you’re mine, do you understand? You belong to me.” 74. “c’mere, you can sit in my lap until I’m done working.” 75. “you know you always look so much better when I mark you up.” 76. “you’d better be quiet if you don’t want to get caught.” 77. “the only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.” 78. “are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.” 79. “you better shut that pretty little mouth before I put it to work, doll.” 80. “no, I’m supposed to be making you feel good.” 81. “your lips make me wonder what the rest of you would taste like.” 82. “it’s been a long day, why don’t we help each other unwind.” 83. “get on your knees. Now.” 84. “make me.”
85. “children shouldn’t play with guns.” “who said I was playing?” 86. “i find peace in the rain.” 87. “I dare you.” 88. “truth or dare?”
89. Dancing in the rain. 90. Early morning cuddles. 91. Needing to hide from bad guys. 92. There’s people chasing us and I pulled you into the alley with me and wow your close. 93. Kissing in the rain and getting soaked. 94. I need a date for this wedding. 95. Spin the bottle. 96. Having a bad day and the other noticing. 97. Taking care of the other when sick/injured.
AUs - send me a plot you want for these:
98. Soulmate AU 99. College AU 100. Bodyguard AU 101. CEO/Boss AU 102. Coffee shop AU 103. Doctor AU 104. Teacher AU
2K notes · View notes
Tangled hearts - A Series
A Joe Mazzello x Fem!Reader Tangled A.U.
Summary: a girl trapped in a tower always calls for an adventure. what happens when she meets a certain auburn haired thief? turns out, he not only steals precious possessions, but he can also steal hearts.
tagging : @mazzell-ro  //  @aspiringsomeone  // @ilikebigstucks // @lizgarxo // @somarsword//
taglist is open!! 
Notes : A huge thank you to @mazzell-ro! she helped motivate me to write this series, if you haven’t already, please check her out, she’s amazing!
Series Masterlist : 
38 notes · View notes
Tangled Hearts - prologue
Joe Mazzello x Fem!reader Tangled A.U.
Summary:  a girl trapped in a tower always calls for an adventure. what happens when she meets a certain auburn haired thief? turns out, he not only steals precious possessions, but he can also steal hearts.
warnings : none
tags : @mazzell-ro  @aspiringsomeone 
taglist is open!
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All he could hear was his own heavy breathing. He was sweaty, weaving his way through the overgrown wild grass. He could only think about the chase. The king’s guards were following him, the horses sniffing him out as he went. His eyes were wide, looking for a possible hideout between trees and any hollow place large enough to fit his body. His heart was thrumming against his chest, beating faster than it ever had before. His companions were nowhere to be seen, but he trusted them to get out safely. Hopefully.
He finally stopped to catch a breath, thinking he was well ahead of the knights. He leaned against what he thought was a wall covered with moss and leaves but his body went right through it. Getting up, he cleaned himself off and combed his hands through his dark auburn hair. He immediately put his hand near his satchel, quickly opening it to see the shining crown inside it. “hey there gorgeous. I’m your new home now.” He said to the inanimate crown, quietly chuckling at his own words. His hand swiped the sweat off of his forehead as he turned around. “woah.” He said, his eyes going wide.
Infront of him was a huge tower, which seemed to be touching the sky. Squinting, he found a single window at the top.
This should be fun.
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