#yesss i want to destroy the data trained
taaroko · 6 years
Post-IW MCU Rewatch: Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Here we go, Winter Soldier. I somehow never watch this one outside of marathons, even though I know it’s amazing. 
Steve and Nat’s friendship is awesome. I love how invested she is in his love life and how confused he is by that.
“Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so no, not really.” I’m still trying to figure out how to define Steve’s sense of humor. It’s like quiet, deadpan understatement? I guess? I love it.
That shield looks pretty dingy, Cap. Could do with a wash.
There’s a really random sting in the score when Nat attacks a dude, and for a second you think it’s going to be a kinda retro spy score, but then it’s just over. Weird.
Steve has by now adjusted quite well to being a part of modern tactical missions, if less so to being a part of modern everyday life.
This French pirate dude really likes his unnecessary acrobatics.
Bonus points to Cap for doing trash talk in French.
One of the best parts about Steve and Nat’s friendship is how seamlessly they work together in battle. Whenever there’s something dangerous (especially explosions) on the way, she hunkers down or grabs onto him and lets him and his shield do the work, and they don’t even have to signal each other.
“Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye.” Oooooh I wonder if that has anything to do with the Skrulls in Captain Marvel. Can’t wait to find out.
“I thought the punishment usually came after the crime.” “By holding a gun to everyone on earth and calling it protection.” “This isn’t freedom. This is fear.” Cap is not down with your surveillance state or pre-crime nonsense.
I love the awed little kid who spots him. So cute.
*pauses on Bucky’s memorial* “When Bucky Barnes first met Steve Rogers on the playgrounds of Brooklyn, little did he know that he was forging a bond that would take him to the battlefields of Europe and beyond. Born in 1916, Barnes grew up the oldest child of four. An excellent athlete who also excelled in the classroom, Barnes enlisted in the Army shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. After winter training at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin, Barnes and the rest of the 107th shipped out to the Italian front. Captured by Hydra troops later that fall, Barnes endured long periods of isolation, depravation, and torture. But his will was strong. In an ironic twist of fate, his prison camp was liberated by none other than his childhood friend, Steve Rogers, now Captain America. Reunited, Barnes and Rogers led Captain America’s newly formed unit, the Howling Commandos. Barnes’s marksmanship was invaluable as Rogers and his team destroyed Hydra bases and disrupted Nazi troop movements throughout the European Theater.
Wait a second. Up top, the thing says he was born in 1916, but at the bottom, it says he lived from 1917-1944. Wow. Nice continuity there, guy in charge of putting words and numbers on a single pane of glass.
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Peggy! “He saved over a thousand men, including the man who would become my husband.” Yes and that man was Daniel Sousa. Oh hey, photos of Peggy with her kids! She had at least one son and one daughter. It’s hard to tell if the girl with her in the first picture is the same one as in the second picture.
The effect to make Hayley look old isn’t nearly as good as the effect to make Chris look skinny. It’s rather off-putting, actually. But oh man her dementia is so heartbreaking. “Well I couldn’t leave my best girl. Not when she owes me a dance.” *sobbing*
“What makes you happy?” “I don’t know.” *more sobbing* Everything that made Steve happy is seventy years gone. Steve is never not sad. No wonder he refuses to compromise for a second when it comes to Bucky.
The attack on Fury’s car is so nerve-wracking and he handles it so well. I wonder if Sam Jackson imagined he was going to get so much cool stuff to do in this role when he agreed to be in the end credits stinger of Iron Man.
The Winter Soldier’s introduction is masterful.
So...Fury pretty much got out of that by using his lightsaber. :D
Hi Sharon! This is some cute flirting.
“My wife kicked me out.” Was it because you insisted on taking your super-suit out for some daring do?
There it is. That Winter Soldier music. *shiver*
I totally bought Fury’s death when I saw this in theaters. Not sad that it turned out to be a ruse (I will never be sad about Marvel pulling character death-related punches), but I do think those bullet wounds were a little too convincing.
“To build a really better world sometimes means having to tear the old one down.” Heh. Except Cap is going to be tearing down your “better” world and standing up for the best parts of the old one.
Elevator fight! I love how observant Steve is. He’s always been that way. Just quietly taking in everything around him and putting it together. He’s brilliant. And then “It kinda feels personal.” Bahaha.
So if Steve falls a couple hundred feet and lands on his shield, it absorbs the impact ‘cause it’s vibranium?
Holy crap he took down a quinjet with just his shield.
I am not a fan of Nat’s straight hair in this one, especially with that center part. But it’s still better than how it looks in Infinity War. Especially the eyebrows.
Undercover engaged hipster couple Steve/Nat is so great. Steve is so bad at it and it’s adorable.
“Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable.” “Yes, they do.”
I love Nat putting her feet on the dash.
There’s no way Nat didn’t know who Peggy Carter was. She asked Steve to gage his reaction.
They are pretty far underground, in a bunker. How did the missile even affect them? Did they make a special chute for the missile to go into in case they needed to blow up the base? Doesn’t look like it.
The design for Zola’s computer face is effectively creepy.
Hydra’s plan is so insidious and horrifying. Screw up the world on purpose until people want to trade their privacy and freedom for security.
That’s a really pathetic amount of milk Pierce poured himself. Like two inches in a really tall glass. Weird.
So...I guess Sam has a straightener. For some reason. Why couldn’t they have just let Nat’s hair stay wavy?
Steve is so sweet with Nat. She’s numbly horrified that she might’ve been working for the bad guys this whole time and he’s all nice and reassuring. Aww.
Senator Stern arranging for a young prostitute with Sitwell is gross.
Nat: *kicks a guy off the roof* *immediately transitions to asking Steve about girls he could be asking out*
Okay how does Sam have access to military equipment like his wing pack when he’s not on active duty?
STEPHEN STRANGE. How is he already on Hydra’s radar? There’s no way Zola’s algorithm accounts for magic, and even if it does, how can it possibly predict that he’d become a master of it several years down the line? It’s not like he was dabbling in it in his surgeon days. That came about as the result of a freak car accident! Pfft. They clearly only threw that reference in there to get people freaking out about a possible future Doctor Strange movie. 
Bye Sitwell.
Hehe, as soon as the Winter Soldier shows up, Nat crawls into Steve’s lap ‘cause she knows he’s gonna have to make an insane exit and she will be PREPARED.
Okay I never noticed that Bucky ripped the freaking steering wheel out.
Gah, Steve getting tossed off the bridge and into the bus looks so incredibly painful.
So Bucky has now shot Nat twice. (I still ship it.)
There are some excellent kicks and knife fighting moves in this showdown. And the way the music ramps up is hair-raising.
I hate Runlow so much.
Maria is awesome.
Um, hi, Joe Russo. He plays Fury’s doctor! Dang! No role for Anthony, though.
“I’m with you to the end of the line.”
Yesss. Vintage Cap. And the shield is clean now! Symbolism!
HI DANNY PUDI. (Apparently Alison Brie was going to be Sharon Carter, but she had scheduling conflicts.)
I love this brave curly-haired kid. This is courage. He has no power and he’s so scared he might wet himself, but he will not launch those helicarriers even with a gun to his head.
Shouldn’t have helped SHIELD with that repulsor tech, Tony.
Okay, I guess Steve can tuck and roll to land a fifty foot drop without using the shield.
These helicarriers store their data in a really strange way.
“We’re the only air support Captain Rogers has got!” *all immediately get shot down and blown up by the Winter Soldier* Whoops.
I wonder if we’re gonna find out more about Bogota in Captain Marvel.
STEVE IS A CRAZY PERSON. You do not jump before you know you have your ride!
It’s a good thing Bucky neither knew nor cared what that data blade was.
I’d love to read a fic that’s just Steve and Thor sitting around talking about all the times Bucky and Loki have shot and/or stabbed them.
Sam has the correct reaction to Runlow’s nonsense.
Why is Jeremy Irons on the list of targets? I wish they’d put more Easter eggs in here, like the names of the Netflix Marvel characters and the Agents of Shield characters. It would’ve been an extremely unobtrusive way for the movies to reference the shows, instead of it always being one-sided.
It’s a good thing they were planning on firing after the count of 3, not on the count of 3.
Steve, you really need to work on your attitude towards exit strategies.
HOW did Runlow survive that?!
Steve would rather Bucky kill him than live in a world where Bucky can’t be saved. And that’s what saves Bucky. *wibble*
“On your left.” Bahaha.
Hi Pietro and Wanda!
Winter Soldier is awesome. I love a well-earned, narratively consistent game changer. One thing I definitely did not expect the MCU to do back then was buck the status quo, but they did it in a huge way, and they did it extremely effectively. I was deeply impressed. And it still holds up even looking back now. The way they tackle the issue of surveillance is very effective. Probably the best thing about this movie is that they realized that Steve Rogers was not going to work as a character if he adapted too much to modern times. Instead, they derived much of their conflict from the disconnect between Steve and his surroundings, and they added a deeply emotional connection at the core of it. Steve ultimately succeeds against Hydra and in getting through to Bucky by shedding his modern trappings and affiliations and going back to what he always was, complete with the old outfit and the shiny clean shield. Steve Rogers reminds us of the ideals America is supposed to stand for. Freedom, justice, honor, and truth. He makes us want to be more like that. Take a note, DC; this is the kind of thing you should’ve been doing with Superman. This is how you make a paragon character we can still be deeply invested in even as we look up to him. (They did a pretty good job with Diana, but the real test will be how she adapts in a more modern stand-alone film.)
Another great thing about this is that they kind of dumped all the side characters from Avengers into Steve’s story. As the First Avenger and as a man out of time, this a brilliant way to give him a new supporting cast without it being jarring and forcing us to spend a ton of time getting to know everyone. We already know Fury, Nat, and Maria and like them, so we’re perfectly prepared to watch them being awesome without feeling like it takes something away from Steve. We know the World Security Council. We know SHIELD. And then there’s Peggy, the Smithsonian exhibit, and Bucky that are all from Steve’s time. It’s a very solid foundation onto which we can add Sam, Sharon, Pierce, and Runlow. It just works so well. And Hydra manages to be even more frightening as an evil organization than it was in the first movie, when it was honestly kind of silly. (So many bonus points for how that played out in Agents of SHIELD, too. As far as I’m concerned, that was when the show finally got good, and it has steadily gotten better since.)
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