#yesterday my dad and i went out to get icecream and he said “haha thanks for helping me work through my issues and being my therapist”
transxfiles · 5 months
idk man at the end of the day my sister and i are just coworkers in the same house. pulling different shifts at the family factory. her room is our breakroom and if either of us need a smoke break we go out to my car and drive around until the boss realizes we've been gone for 3 hours and then we gotta explain ourselves.
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teachertracy · 7 years
March 26th
On my way to Hong Kong to FINALLY get my work visa. The airplane has movies, TV shows, and music J So I’m jamming out to some music right now. The school booked me a pretty nice hotel which is pretty exciting. I realllllllllly hope it has a bathtub lol. So it’s Sunday and I get back Tuesday at midnight- luckily Alison fought for me so I don’t have to teach Wednesday J I’m only going to teach 8th period because that’s my lowest class that I only see three times a week (rather than four like everybody else) and they’re just so freaking precious and I really want to make sure they get all the English they can. It was one of the student’s of that class’s birthday last week and they cut the cake in my class so I got some J It was pretty good (for China standard cake haha).
CHUCK! I am so proud of you getting into North Western. You’re just barley smarter than me ;P
Wednesday was Ben’s birthday so we went out for Indian food. It was so delicious! I got eggplant and nan of course. My plan in Hong Kong is to eat well for each meal since I can actually find western food haha. Friday night we went to a buffet and though the meat was yucky, they had icecream and cheesecake so that was my meal haha.
One of my classes leaves for America next week L They’re doing an international exchange program or whatever. So that’s four less class hours which is nice, but I do like the kids and I’ll miss them.
Yesterday was recruitment and Margaret and I offered to protor the test. So the students have 2.5 hours to take an English test and a math test. I wanted to see how much of the math I could do and I actually remmeber quite a bit haha. It was just algebra though… it was multiple choice for one part and one of the questions didn’t have a right answer… so the lady said to have the students just fill in the answer- well I solved it out and the answer was something really complicated. Of course no one trusted me and my thoughts because I’m an English teacher lol. It was simple subsitution! Something like: (I just made this up but this way the format and I was impressed I remembered how to solve it lol). (Thank you Ms Hanna  and dad)
 Remember how much I would cry when we did math together dad? hahaha. I would finish my homework, you would give me extra problems and I would get SO mad and frustrated and would cry haha. Oh geez…. Here comes lunch! I hope its something good..
The chicken wasn’t bad! and some other unidentifable meat/veggie thing haha. I’m watching Mona (the new(ish) disney princess movie). I really just want to get to Hong Kong…blerg. And once I get there I have to take an hour long train to my island. Oh well… I will survive- that’s what books are for. Speaking of books, James lent me this book he finished and it was really good! It was called Sapiens and all about the history of mankind and where we’re gone and where we have been. I highly recommend it! It’s nonfiction but it’s told in an entertaining manner. Now I’m reading “Tender is the Night” by Fitzgerald. I love reading so much J I am incredibly grateful for the school library.
Speaking of the school, they have added lots of more… decorations (?). Like weird plastic murals… I’ll have to take pictures to show you as its hard to explain haha. SNA is just crazy…one hell of first job, that’s for sure.
Tuesday is the school spring trip. Not sure where they’re going but in order to make up the day we have school on Saturday L James is pissed haha. He was like – “you have recruitment this weekend and working next weekend? Unfair!” I agree… but he is gonna come to Suzhou Saturday to hang out which is nice.
What else what on this week… nothing really except the usual craziness haha. Half of grade 12 doesn’t even show up to school anymore… their teachers claim they have asked for leave but it just seems like they don’t give a fuck anymore…
Well that’s all for now! I’ll send you this soon and one later about my time here J
Send me a reply! what is up with you guys? Any neighborhood drama?
I miss you all!!!! Love you!
<3 Tracy
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