#yet another branch of the multiverse/timeline in the paradox space.
selamat-linting · 1 year
i think its my mental illness talking but i cant help thinking how unfiction/arg and pro wrestling are so similar at its core. like, theyre both unconventional method of storytelling that includes different art forms/mediums to tell a full story, relies so much on fan reactions to the point that it could make or break the story, and the "this is not a game" principle and kayfabe is literally the same thing in different clothing.
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eclipsing-maestro · 5 years
Vitale Maestro
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The Basics ––– –
Full name: Urashiki Vitale Yamikozui / Maestro
Race: Drahn (Auri of the First) + Ghost (Chronal Dissacoiation)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi/Pansexual
Marital Status: Married
Age: 28
Nameday: 12/16 (16th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon)
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Physical Appearance ––––
Hair: Black Hair (Angel of Death/Kuja Style)
Eyes: Ghost Faded White Pupils/Blue Limbal Rings/Jet Black Sclera
Height: 62.4 inch/ 5ft 3.5 inch
Build: Well-Toned, Mild Physically Fit
Distinguishing Marks: Tribal Tattoos (Arms, Legs, Upper Back, and Under her Breasts) + Battle Body Scars
Common Accessories:
Bandages (Wrapped around Both her arms from Fingers tips to abit below her shoulders, and Legs from Toes to Thighs, covering some of her battle scars)
Edensgate Choker/ Omega Rings of Slaying on Index, Middle, and Ring Finger on both hands/ Edensgate Earrings on both Horns/ Makai Mask
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Personal ––––
Profession: Freelancer Assassin
Hobbies: Fighting, Drawing/Painting, Training, Hunting, Cooking, Playing Musical Instruments, and Reading Books
Languages: She is Mute and Lost her Voice, so she uses Sign Language, but she can understand Hingan, abit Xaela Language, Amaurot/Ascian tongue
Residence: Babylon Citra (In Larcade), The Crystarium (In Hydaelyn)
Birthplace: Amaurot ( Vitales Anscestry is from another universe that came to The Star to escape the endangerment of their fallen universe. These outer humanoids are called Maestros)
Religion: Unknown
Patron Deity: Unknown
Fear: Forsakened and Forgotten
Relationships ––––
Spouse: Her Childhood Best Friend
Children: N/A
Parents: Unknown Wherabouts
Siblings: 6 Sisters (2 of them are her Twins/Triplets), 4 Brothers
Other Relatives: (Wayyyy too much)
Pets: BeeMo (Fat Cat), HunHow (Black Hayate), Speedo (White Whitteret)
Traits ––––
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––––
Drinking Alcohol: Moderately
Smoking: Abandoned habit
Other Narcotics: Never
Medicinal Drugs: Sometimes
Indulgent Food: Sometimes
Splurge Spending: Never
Gambling: Sometimes
RP Hooks ––––
Anomaly Mysteries : Vitale is from another universe, but she was also from a distant history. She ventures to knowledge and understanding into the mysteries of the 13 shards, the era of The Star, the universe and the planet she comes from, and the mysteries of exploring other dimensions or very relatable ones, even if it’s within the Multiverse exploring it like a library. She does not intend to know everything than what she knows about Time and Space, because in her aspect, “knowledge is a blessing but it is also a curse” and it might be unsafe to see much. But this tends to be a venture she goes solo in, yet rarely ever does. In Hydaelyn, she’s into the Chronicles of the New Era, mainly Omega since she and Omega are as you would say “partners in crime” when exploring the very essence of the world and many others. She acts as a wandering ghost, hence being a living ghost herself suffering from Chronal Disassociation, it could be something vital so that way she can understand the meaning of life, even if it means fighting towards it as she is a warrior of supernatural aspects. Yet no longer a warrior of light, she tends to walk the path of her origins and the path of her liking, which is understanding the concepts of many other stars and life that is within and beyond out there to such a beautiful yet hidden, forbidden phenomenons of outer space and the outer worlds distant to the two universes she’s familiar of, but keeps at a stable amount so it wouldn’t feel like she’s seeing too much, but would you be willing to prepare your mind and spirit to journey this far like she has? Something like this for Vitale, is just a very rare hobby.
Redemption: Despite traveling to other worlds, Vitale is on a road to redemption. Her sins of Wrath has caused her to be absorbed in vengeance, for she has not lived a good life. She’s been sacrificed, betrayed, heartbroken, scarred, taking scars, mentally broke down and even at points where she almost lost her life. This however did change her ego where she sees that the entire world has no faith in good, and she became a vile demon by heart, responsible for genocides and chaos throughout Hydaelyns realm, since she grew up majorly than her own universe. Once took up the lance of the Dragoon, then the Shield of the Paladin, the Greatsword of the Dark Knight, and many other teachings, her pity, her worries, and her empathy was what made her weak, and soon it was casted aside for more power, as melodramatic as it sounds. But now shes goes all out as a Samurai and Dark Knight majorly. Time has passed for her, the daemon within she finally awakens and finally accepts, and now she wishes to redeem and make amends. She is aware of her unforgiving actions, maybe her unforgiving existence, but even through that blank expression on her face and the oblivion vibe she carries, she continues to walk the road as a Samurai, and a Specter... a ghost. Though there is many more secrets about her still hidden, she wouldn’t mind joining other Warriors or fighters out there to at least be of aid in their stories. Aiding the stories of others, that she believes, is an objective to her road of redemption. Putting aside the ravenous will she once bared, but she is a Chaotic Neautral. She may be of a free agent of sorts, but she does have a free will, it’s up to you if you wish to trust her.
Recorder: Vitale is a Recorder. Though she is known as a RiftWalker, there is more to her than that. As a Recorder, Vitale has the capabilities of seeing branches of timelines that are created, destroyed, or overwritten. Those eyes of hers aren’t just for show after all, they just represent that supernatural power within. She cannot predict the future however. As a recorder she can only acknowledge and analyze the other branches of the past and the currently made present, or the choices soon to be made by whoever. This is something that she keeps a secret from everyone except her relatives, and the people of her universe. She’s a wanderer of a hidden supernatural art of power, yet she tends to play the “Timelime Analyzing” character, but her Recordings are not always 100% and she is aware that she could be wrong, but she can detect paradoxes within the rift of time and if things to go wrong, either by the choice of the Warrior of Light, she will either return to her universe and just relax like go fishing or something, or approach the Adventurer and play mind games with them (similar to how Accord did with Zero in Drakengard 3), but in the end, this is a part of her she never reveals because despite all, she and the Maestros want to live a normal life to escape the truth of their abnormalities that’s not of this universe, but only to theirs.
Dark Themes: Vitale is all about dark themes, deep mysteries, or vile events. She tends to be cautious but if it ever happens, then it’s no biggy to her. Any type of dark theme story etc is always suitable! Either it consists spooks, violence, fighting, or being the end of the world, then that’ll be alright! Would love that
Far East: Always love Far Eastern stories or events. Would be fine if it was Hingashi, Othard, Doma, or the Azim Steppe! It’s funny too for me mostly because despite Vitale being a Xaela, know that she is not of the Steppe (just like how she’s mistaken for being a dude cus I made her a hecking tomboy FFFFF), but it is understandable that it does confuse the very eye, since she is from another universe. It does indeed confuse a lot of people but ever so, your muse always has the privilege to ask who Vitale really is, or just say what tribe of the Steppe she’s in an her answer will just be “I’m not from here” LOL but not that Far Eastern settings, but even the aesthetics too. Either a dark theme also! A huge nerd when it comes to Ninjas and Samurais and everything else. Vitale is a Wandering Samurai, a Ronin, so she always uses a katana but she also has her Dark Knight aspects mixed with her Samurai ways, so not just a katana, but just the way of the blade in general.
What I’m Looking For ———
Rivals/ Enemies for a Challenge
Combat/ Spar / Battle to the Death
SuperNatural themes
Dark themes
Mysterious themes
Funny Moments if optional
Aiding stories of others
Anything at all
Contact Information  ––––
Either here on Tumblr DM or Discord! If Discord feel free to DM on tumblr for it ^-^
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