#yet if I complain about how difficult the transfer from my old Starbucks to the one I'm in now has been
fangirlandtheories · 2 years
Welcome back, on this episode of "My parents have been home less than an hour and have talked about my sister at least 5 times at this point" we'll be focusing on the effects of being the least favorite child. For reference, my older brother has been discussed twice. They didn't even ask how my day was.
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jungshookz · 5 years
What about an au where Y/N is somehow the bratty boss of a cooperation and Yoongi is the very serious difficult to impress assistant who Y/N really wants to impress? For some reason? And she’s just like but wait, I’m the boss?! But but?? Why am I taking YOUR orders?!
tell me why i LOVE THIS 
i didn’t write a full-on drabble but i wrote lil bitty baby scenarios for this and i hope u approve 
okay okay okay
there is absolutely nothing to be nervous about
you know what
maybe today will be your lucky day and yoongi won’T be at his desk yet
but that is a rarity because yoongi is always at his desk by the time you get to work because he is a very responsible worker and takes this job very seriously
you pick at a button on your blouse and your other hand clenches around the handle of your purse  
when did your hands get this clammy
good god girl
get a griP
you let out breath as the elevator reaches your floor and the doors slide open
time to turn into boss y/n
“good morning, y/n!” hoseok smiles brightly at you from behind the front desk and you smile right back at him
“good morning, hobi. how was your weekend?”
“it was good, thank you for asking. how was yours?”
“it was pretty busy! i did get a chance to go to that pancake place that you recommended i go to, by the way. you were right - the chocolate chip pancakes were amazing.” you kiss the tips of your fingers
“i told you!!!!!”
“yo hyung i need you to- oh, good morning, y/n!” you turn to glance over your shoulder and you grin at the sight of jimin
“good morning!!!!!”
here’s a breakdown of what exactly is going on
you are the boss of this particular branch of the company
you don’t know what you did to deserve the job as the boss but you are absolutely not complaining because you get a hecK of a lot more money compared to back then when you were one of the office workers
but since you uSed to be an office worker that meant that you were friends with pretty much everyone
which explains why you keep it super casual with everyone
supES cazsch* (*casual in case that wasn’t clear)
like they’re supposed to call you miss y/l/n but you insisted that they just keep calling you y/n because miss y/l/n makes you feel like you’ve aged about 100 years
there is one person who seems to prefer calling you miss y/l/n
and that person just so happens to be sitting at the desk located in front of your office
the click-clack of your heels echo in the hallway as you make your way towards your office and you feel your heart rate spike immediately when you spot a head of silky black hair from behind the counter
yoongi gets up from his seat immediately and bows respectfully as you approach him
“good morning, miss y/l/n.” he gives you a polite smile
your stomach does a flip
how can one person be so cute :-((((((
you got this
just say good morning
you have the ability to act like a normal human being
“yes i’m groOd how are you”
yoongi furrows his brows before blinking at you “i’m, uh, i’m goo-“
“i will be in my oFFICE IF U NEED ME BYE” you zoOm past yoongi’s desk and pop into your office before slamming the door shut and collapsing to the ground in humiliation
OH…,.,. my GOD
what in the
what the hell was that????
that is not how a normal human being acts!!!!!!!
you flop onto your back and stare up at the ceiling
‘i’m grood how are you’
in this moment you are very much NOT grood at all whatsoever
(u were going to say great but u thought great was too enthusiastic so you were going to say good instead and then it came out as grood)
plus that wasn’t even the correct response to good morning and he didn’t ask you how you were
all he did was grEET you
all you had to say was GOOD MORNING YOONGI
yoongi has been your assistant for about a month now
and it is safe to say that it has been both a dream and a nightmare
and this is why
min yoongi is most definitely one of the most attractive men you’ve ever laid your eyes upon and you will shamelessly admit that you started crushing on him the moment he introduced himself to you for the first time
but the nightmare part about his is that this grood morning incident is only one of the mAny times that you have humiliated yourself in front of yoongi
it’s not like you do it on purpose!!! he just makes you so nervous for some reason
and you always find yourself trying to impress him when it should be the other way around
you have a phone on your desk that allows yoongi to transfer calls to if someone calls hiM to get to you
and you don’t know why but on that particular day you were like eXtra all over the place
“mr kim is on line 2 - shall i transfer him to your phone?”  
“which mister kim is this one again?” you have the phone sandwiched in between your ear and your shoulder as you rifle through the papers spRawled all over your desk
“kim seokjin. ceo of-“
“riGht yes okay i remember i know which kim it is now- ah hAh there you are” you finALLY dig your notebook out from underneath the mountain of sheets of paper on your desk and flip to the page of notes that you took during your meeting with mr kim last week
you ARE organised
you’re just a chaotic kind of organised
you scan over your notes quickly so that you have somewhat of an idea of what you’re going to be talking about with seokjin
okay got it
you are reaDy for this call
“alright yoongi thanks love you”
it takes you approximately two seconds to realise what has just left your mouth
alright yoongi thanks love you
you press your lips together in order to suppress the SCREAM that wants to leave your body and you place a hand over the receiver of the phone and let out a painful whimper
ok u know what just act casual
maybe yoongi didn’t even notice!!!!!!
you bring the phone back up to your ear
“…i’m just going to go ahead and transfer him.”
“yEP sounds GOOD” your voice cracks and you clear your throat as you feel your face slowly starting to burn hotter than the fires in hell  
you noticed that yoongi seems to be a black coffee drinker kind of person
and you are the complete opposite
because your favourite drink at starbucks is the coffee frappucino which is litERALLy the sweetest thing in the entire world
and it’s not even real coffee because they use milk, ice, n coffee frappucino syrup  
so basically you are a child in the body of a grown woman
but of course
you just really want yoongi to think ur cool and u need his validation
“as you requested, one black coffee.” yoongi sets the cup down on your desk before sitting down across from you
“did you get something for yourself?”
“yes, i did. thank you for paying.”
“what’d you get??”
“a black coffee as well. shall we go over your agenda for the day?”
“mmmhm.” you reach over to take the cup before bringing it up to your lips for a sip “black coffee is like my faVourite thing in the entire world”
yoongi acknowledges your comment with a polite smile and a nod before he looks down at his journal
“you have a conference call with corporate in-“
“goD that is disgusTING” you make a face after you literally spiT your coffee out into the garbage bin “tastes like piss” you mutter to yourself and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand
you turn back to face yoon-
son of a bitCH
“i mean.,.,,. tastes like.,.,. good.. stuff. tastes like good stuff.” you bring the cup up to your mouth to take another sip but yoongi reaches over and plucks the cup out of your hand
“your old secretary told me that you liked coffee frappucinos. i bought one just in case. i’ll go get it now.”
at least you tried 
u don’t know this yet
but yoongi thinks ur super cute and oddly endearing 
he’s fully aware that you have a crush on him 
it’s pretty obvious
but also a couple of the other guys around the office spilled the beans during one lunch break and he leaned back against his chair and was like .,..,ya dat makes sense now 
he can’t help but smile fondly as he watches you sluRp down your coffee frappucino happily as he goes through your agenda for the day 
he thinks it’s cute that you nearly diEd drinking black coffee just because u wanted to be twinsiEs with him 
and when you told him you loved him over the phone it took everything within him not to crack up 
u r a very peculiar person 
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
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Finding the Right One
When finding the right therapist for your kid, information is key. Research, research, research. Make phone calls. Look up local pages. Talk to moms in your area who have special needs kids. That doesn’t mean take everything you read or find at 100% face value, there are liars out there on both sides of the equation, but do take everything you hear into consideration. Tour facilities, but know that usually a tour only shows you the best parts. They usually aren’t going to display the ‘dirty laundry’ every program has. Have people who’s judgement you trust weigh in on the conversation, but know that ultimately the choice needs to be yours and, if possible, your child’s. 
You can’t afford to be a backseat driver, if your kid needs this kind of intervention service. And yet at the same time, you can’t control every moment of it either. Find good providers, therapists and teachers you trust, then get out of the way and let them do their thing. I only rarely intrusively observe Mr. G’s therapy sessions, and even during the ones that happen at home I try to stay out of the picture as much as possible. The exception is when I want to learn a specific technique to emulate without the therapist, or if I have concerns about the way my son is being treated. Otherwise, I am a distraction when he’s trying to work, and Mr. G doesn’t need help finding those. 
Figure out what you can live with, and what you can’t. There is no perfect provider or therapist, and they are at some point going to disappoint, annoy or upset you. This is because we are all human and no one is perfect. Remember that you are going to do the same to them at some point, and figure out what your sticking points are. For example: your therapist is not going to be 100% on their game every single day. Doesn’t matter how good they are, it isn’t going to happen. When we had home sessions, if I found the therapist letting Mr. G get away with a few extra minutes of play because the day is going poorly between working on his goals, I let it go. If they left a few minutes early every now and then because it would give them time to hit Starbucks before their next kid, I didn’t say anything. If they were a few minutes late because they haven’t eaten and couldn’t resist Chickfila, I turn the other way as long as they’re willing to let Mr. G mooch a few fries. But if I have to drive to a clinic for the session, and you forget to tell me you aren’t going to be there not once, but three or four times in a month, we have a problem. If you are more than 15 minutes late on a regular basis with no good reason, and tend to spend most of the session on your phone instead of with my child more often than not, we have a problem. If you’re more concerned with being my child’s best buddy than his teacher and constantly giving into his attempts to get out of doing any real work, we have a problem. If anything about your behavior towards my child makes me uncomfortable, and going through the proper channels to get it fixed doesn’t work, we have a problem. Find your line, and stick to it. 
If your therapist or teacher isn’t clicking with your child after awhile, even if they are the sweetest person in the world, find someone else. Sometimes, waiting it out will work in your favor, and sometimes, it bites you in the butt (I’ve had it go both ways). In the end, if your instincts are telling you this person isn’t the right one or there are other associated problems, then do something about it. Ask if you can switch to someone else within the program, or find a new provider all together. There’s always recommendations online or through local Facebook pages. And if you did your research from before, you probably have a second and third choice you could turn to. 
Be polite about it, and always follow the proper channels of communication!  Be calm but firm, and have your concerns well organized and documented before you begin. Never burn bridges in the therapy community, unless you have to. Those ladies (most of the ones who work with children are women) are connected like you wouldn’t believe, even if they work for rival providers. Some of them even work for more than one provider because they live in a small rural area and do home visits or work part-time with the local school system. Some bounce between programs every few years because of opportunities for raises or advancement. If you act out without a very good reason, there is a very good chance someone will hear about it and pass it around. No one likes working with a ‘crazy parent’, and it’s a hard label to lose once you’ve got it. And the one who is going to suffer the most because of your behavior is your child. 
Once you find a good fit for your child, do what you have to to keep them. I mean, we had a amazing therapist move to Montana. We did not move to Montana with her, no matter how awesome she was. However, I have taken Mr. G’s schedule (and mine by association) and turned it on it’s head for him to get the services he needs. I have given up Saturdays and early mornings and afternoons and evenings and so much sleep for him to have time with the right people. The world does not revolve around him, but we do our best to give him the opportunities he needs to grow and learn because we are his best hope to thrive in a world that doesn’t make sense to him. 
A side (really long) note: it seems like most of the time, people start this process long before their child can have a traditional say in the matter. Sometimes that’s because of age or an inability to communicate or whatever it might be. But, that doesn’t mean your child doesn’t have an opinion. Mr. G did not want to snuggle his first Early Interventionist when he had just turned 2 years old. That’s a big deal. Mr. G takes snuggles from literally anyone, and would happily go home with anyone he thought smelled good. But something about that woman made even a completely non-verbal toddler uncomfortable. I was working full time at the time, and very pregnant, so I brushed it off as ‘new baby jitters’. In the end, we got lucky. She was transferred out to a new territory two months later, and we were handed to a fantastic Early Interventionist who worked miracles on our son’s behalf. Mr. G loved her, and was always happy to get snuggles from her. I wish I had listened now to that small voice of alarm that my child didn’t like this woman who was supposed to help him. He was never alone with her, but it still makes you wonder. So listen to your children. If they genuinely don’t like a therapist or a teacher or a provider: figure out why. That doesn’t mean yank them out each time they complain or have a rough transition into a therapy session. But when that happens, make a note of it and follow up on why. And if the why is the person: do something about it. Sometimes there are issues you can work around. Mr. G avoided one person in particular because he hated their cologne. When they stopped wearing it, he no longer had a problem with them. Never forget that you are your child’s best advocate in a difficult or bad situation!
I hope this helps in your search, and for those of you from the outside looking in: unless you’ve lived it it’s hard to relate to the ones who have. Be supportive! They need every bit they can get. :)
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