#yhs necra
mystilotls · 10 months
OG YHS redesigns pt: 8
I was held by gunpoint to continue this series via a taurtis pic
Anyways here's Rowan
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-Has tattoos based on his family. A panda for Silly, a chameleon for Necra (idea by @/detroitbecomeyhs), and a budgie near his heart for Okami
-he also has a swan tattoo to honor Gareth because "Swans mate for life, but Gareth's mate was a vulture." Those were Okami's words
-had tea parties with Silly and tried out Necra's hobbies with him, no matter how confused he was
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elizaartz · 3 years
Even more incorrect quotes from me
Rowan: *Kicks the door down looking panicked*
Okami: What did you do?
Rowan: Nobody died.
Okami: *Screams*
Rowan: *Screams louder to assert dominance*
Silly: Should we do something?!
Necra, observing: No, I want to see who wins this.
(Probably a canon family interaction)
Paul: Have you seen a person named 'Sam' around here?
Grian: Ugh, yes. He made a horrible mess of the blood fountain.
Taurtis: It looks fine to me?
Taurtis, in a high voice, holding Barbie: Hey Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
Sam, in a deep voice, holding Ken: Nonsense, Barbie. you’re staying home and having my kids
Grian: What the fuck are you guys doing?
Taurtis: Playing systemic oppression
Taurtis: What do you think Sam will do for a distraction?
Grian: He'll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
Building explodes and several car alarms go off
Grian: ... or he could do that.
Sookie: Soul and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us
Yuki: *Sighing* What did Soul do?
Sookie: She chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Soul: Who wants a steering wheel?
*The squad is having dinner together*
Sookie: Soul, can you pass the salt?
Soul: *Throws Yuki across the table*
Sookie: Soul and I don’t use pet names.
Yuki: I see. Hey, what do bees make?
Sookie: Honey?
Soul: Yes, dear?
Yuki: Don't ever lie to my face again.
Sookie: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Yuki: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest!
Soul: In that case, we're definitely lost.
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detroitbecomeyhs · 4 years
World building for Sirpy Grian au
- Grian’s favourite food is eyes.
- both sides of Grian’s species eats ‘humans’
- Lizzie is a Selkie
- J is a cyborg
- Taurtis is a fox/leopard/human hybrid
- Sookie is a Gorgon (yes she has turned Sam to stone plenty of times)
- Rowan and Necra are Minotaurs
- Okami and Silly are Fauns
- Grian got his taste for spider eyes from Rowan (he hates the eyes)
- nobody from YHS are completely human
- Mumbo is a Vampire
- Grian and Mumbo hunt together (Grian doesn’t like blood but he couldn’t eat cooked meat)
- Grian could be convinced to eat a villager but NOT a player (Unless that player did some horrendous things to his families then he’d be willing to listen) 
- Minotaurs eat insects 
- Fauns are omnivores
- Cleo and Doc taught Grian how to hunt as his species was meant to
- Grian is confused as to why people think he’s part human when he’s clearly not. 
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yhs-okami · 4 years
Deathcup by mom jeans ?
A/N: This one was hard bc I couldn't understand the lyrics that well (bc I'm hoh), but I got a sad kinda vibe from it, so that's what you're gonna get bro kdjdndjsnsnd
The light pitter-patter of rain on the roof of the school soothes Grian's frazzled nerves a little. It had been nearly two decades since he had step foot into this place and he had almost hoped it would stay that way, but, of course, Meri had gotten into another fight with Dom and J's kid and Ellen was at work so he was the one that needed to come pick her up.
Okami and Rowan give him small, tired smiles as they pass Grian's daughter off with only a week's suspension this time. Absentmindedly, Grian notices how his former teachers looked so much worse for wear, grey hairs overbearing and wrinkles gathering where they weren't before. They make small talk for a couple minutes, Grian asking about Silly and Necra's well-being and Okami asking in return about his and Ellen's relationship and Sam's therapy.
Slowly, Rowan hobbles over from the empty student desk he had been sat in top of and claps Grian on the shoulder firmly, nearly causing the young man to fall over from the force. It seemed, even in his old age, Rowan was still tens times as strong as Grian would ever be.
"You know, kid, you never did say goodbye..." Rowan says gruffly, his booming voice now but a distant memory.
Grian draws his brows together.
"No, I said goodbye when I graduated. I would have never forgot because you two were the closest I had to actual parents." He says in confusion.
Okami sighs softly and shakes her head adjusting her glasses softly.
"No, dear, he doesn't mean us..." She murmurs, her voice just as soft and sweet as the day she started teaching their class.
Grian pauses to think before it hits him like a bag of bricks and he looks down sadly, tugging at a loose string on the sleeve of his sweater.
"Is... Is he still down there?" He asks softly, feeling a little embarrassed and ashamed.
Okami nods and Grian sighs.
"I'll only be down there a few minutes..." He mumbles, despite everyone knowing he's lying.
If he finally goes to say goodbye, everyone knows he'll finally break down and probably be there for a couple hours.
With a confused huff, Meri follows after her father, down the first flight of stairs and into the lunch room. Off to the back of the room, there was an iron gate closed over a doorway in the wall that she had never noticed before, but Grian goes right up to it and pushes it open with no problem. He walks over, the rain misting over his skin and clothes and the humidity frying his hair, but he pays no mind to it as he spots the small row of gravestones.
Teacher Gareth, a man he never met, but had heard great things about.
Salex Brown, a girl he had heard so many things about, hearing she was so kind and so pretty and so amazing.
And Taurtis.
Grian tears up as he sighs, moving to sit cross legged on the grass in front of the stone as he runs his hands over the text engraved into it.
Taurtis Tanaka.
A brave and loving soul.
Grian bites his lip to try to stifle a small sob that threatens to escape. Taurtis died that night on Halloween while trying drive the bus and, for so so many years, Grian never wanted to accept that. He didn't want to say goodbye because he knew, when he inevitably had to, he would never be the same again.
Slowly, Grian looks over at his daughter, who looks wide-eyed, surprised to see her strong and happy father so emotionally vulnerable.
"Meri... I think I'll be a while. Go on home if you want to, I trust you." He says, his voice cracking as he tries to pull himself together.
The teal haired teenager nods and turns on her heel, already reaching for her phone, likely to call Ellen or Uncle Sammy to have them make sure Grian is okay. Grian doesn't notice though as he looks back at his friend's gravestone.
"Hey, dude... Long time no see..."
Send a song for some vibe writing?
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elizaartz · 3 years
Random Eliza YHS headcanons:
- Yuki had feelings for Sam at the same time she had feelings for Taurtis, hence why she didn't deny Sam asking her out to prom; rather she got really nervous.
- Starforce is a huge Mega Man fan, much like how Taurtis is a huge Street Fighter fan
- PD wanted to help Sam be more cool until Sam started acting creepy towards one of PD's best friends, Sookie
- Soul has anger issues that Sookie helps her with
- Yuki is a huge Kirby fan
- Silly hates her natural blonde tips, since its the reason people call her 'Cheese Head'
- Yuki has some lewd anime girl figures/statues, as shes a mega weeb
- Sam has asked Soul of she does what roosters do in the morning... He did not come out of that interaction unscathed
- Most people in the town have knives on them every day.
- Soul wraps her wings around Sookie every night as they sleep. Keeping the love of her life warm~
- Yuki draws most of the time during class (draws in the same style as her actor)
- Yuro loves being pet, he even purrs, but he gets embarrassed by it and denies this being the case
- Seb isn't a full cop yet, hes just in training, much like how Silly is a SWAT in training
- Necra chose not to be a part of SWAT, but his family still loves him and supports his passions
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detroitbecomeyhs · 3 years
May I request Silly, Necra, Grian being siblings? Btw you art + writing is really good :)
That’s such a nice thing to say thank you!
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There’s slime in the buckets
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detroitbecomeyhs · 4 years
So this happened
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