#yippee !!!!!! I love bulkhead!!!!!!!
lolathepeacocklord · 27 days
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Lola draws himself wif his pookay wookay ……… 9 million billion saved and healed forever and ever <333
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deadlysoupy · 11 months
For the TF ask game!!! 1 through 11 🤗
ask game yippee
i got like three asks for this thank you everyone i love you guys sm <3 (dis and dis)
1. Decepticon, Autobot or Neutral
2. Optimus or Megatron
they come in a package. both
3. Favorite Autobot(s)
Bumblebee no questions. babyboy friend-shaped
4. Favorite Decepticon(s)
Starscream he's a bitch 🥰
5. Favorite Neutral(s)
there aren't many, but i'd choose Rubble. cute little boy..... do not talk to me even
6. Favorite femme bot(s)
Windblade is really cool!!! i read her comic line (Sarah Stone is amazing, her art is some of the most beautiful i've ever seen), it's pretty nice, she's clearly into girls, she's a girlboss. one thing i will say is she seems too overpowered, ESPECIALLY in s1 Cyberverse. it got better in the end, but the writers really want me to believe she can outmatch three decepticons during a blizzard. i still remember how this rubbed me the wrong way. but otherwise she's cool!!!
7. Favorite show(s)
it's the family vibes. the farm. cottagecore vibes with sci-fi sprinkled in. the Terrans are such an interesting take on the newly-forged type characters i can't wait to learn more about their origin
8. Favorite comic series
probably the second phase of IDW - TAAO specifically, but i've talked about this enough already
9. Favorite comic company for TF comics (Dreamwave, IDW, Marvel, etc.)
IDW though i will say that Dreamwave did a good job with Jetfire, and the overall read was great (even if i... skimmed over it and read the most interesting parts...)
10. Favorite human character(s)
two girlies share this place in my heart: Sari from Animated and Miko from Prime. Miko is such a well-written character, her arc with Bulkhead is cheffs kiss. Sari tho. i can talk about her for a long time, she's very unique and i wasn't expecting her to be part-Cybertronian! she's so closely knitted into the narrative i love herrr
11. Favorite ship(s)
well. i continue to spread my StarBee propaganda everywhere so. dflghrliufdghrf they're cute......
i have an opinion on MegOP too i don't know if anyone wants to hear it but they sure are interesting. i wish i was more invested in them because there is a lot of potential angst and hurt\comfort with this, but i'm content with StarBee for now heueheueheueh
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Transformers Prime Choose Your Own Adventure - Wait for another robot
This is a part of a 'Choose your own path’. If you haven’t already, I suggest starting from the Beginning
"I'd like to wait to go with someone else." You didn't want to risk falling over or getting hurt. You knows how scraped up you could get, or worse, if you fell off of a speeding motorcycle.
The bot nodded and put a metal finger to the side of her helmet to call a friend.
Miko complained about how they had to wait until the other 'bot got there, but the robot girl, who introduced herself as Arcee when you asked her while waiting, insisted on making sure no danger or harm would come to you. She added that Optimus probably wouldn't like it if he heard she left you alone without protection.
After a while, a yellow sports car with black stripes rolled up. The door opened and you heard a beeping noise coming from the speakers in the car. You looked up at Arcee and she nodded. Cautiously, you stepped inside and sat on the passenger seat.
"Hello?" you said as the door close, the seatbelt clicked over you by itself, and slowly began to drive away.
"Beep beeep," came from the radio.
"Hi," a voice behind you said.
You jumped in surprise and your head almost hit the ceiling. Your head snapped to scan the area behind you to figure out who said that. You spotted a kid in the back seat. His brown hair stuck up and he had glasses and a backpack on his shoulders.
"Sorry, I'm Raf," he apologized and introduced himself. He held out his hand to shake yours and you accepted it. "You're the person Arcee talked about?"
"Yeah, I guess so. Wait, how do you know? I just met her a little bit ago."
"Bumblebee told me," he answered and pointed to the lit up radio.
"Okay." Your gaze shifted to where he pointed, "He hasn't talked to me yet."
"Actually, he has. You just didn't understand him," he answered lightheartedly.
"What do you mean?"
"He can't speak English, he only speaks in beeps and chirps," he explained.
An excited and agreeing buzz came from the radio that made your lips curve into a smile.
"How come you can understand him and I can't?"
"I'm not really sure. I just can," he shrugged. "Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I could understand computer codes since I was three."
"What?" your eyes turned wide. "Wow, that's talent. I'm kinda jealous. I wish I could understand him," you stared at the interior of the car.
"I could teach you," he offered.
"You could do that?" you thought out loud.
"Well, I don't know if I can yet, but even if you don't pick it up I could translate Bee so you could have conversation."
"I'd love that," your grin became even bigger.
"What do you think Bee?" Raf asked the robot as if they had been best friends forever.
Another excited series of beeps. "He said that he can't wait to talk with you and that he thinks we'll all be good friends. He can tell, he likes you already."
"Thanks. I can't wait to be your friend," you laughed as you patted the seat.
Bumblebee chirped and you didn't need a translator to know that he was laughing or saying something like "YIPPEE!" Raf and you started laughing in happiness.
A few seconds later you can to a T in the road. With the Arcee behind, Bee and her drove off the top of the T, straight towards the giant rock formation.
You began to panic, but while driving towards a mesa, the rock surface began to split open to make a secret entrance. You rolled in the shadows that began to cool the inside of Bee.
Before you knew it, you were in a huge room, and you meant huge. It was large enough that Arcee could have jumped in it and come nowhere near touching the ceiling. The walls were rough rocks, a clear sign the mesa was carved out to make that sanctuary for them.
At a large console that resembled a computer, there stood a white and red robot. His body was turned away from the screen to focus on the newcomers. His eyes showed annoyance and, at the same time, curiosity as he studied you four as if wondering what to make of you.
A large green robot walked in and curiously watched the four of you. Bumblebee came to a stop and the door opened for you to get out. When Raf had crawled out and Jack and Miko were off of Arcee, both she and Bumblebee changed back.
"I thought there were two," the one who was at the console said while walking up beside the green bot.
You ignored what Arcee said in response as you looked up at Bee. Despite how he was so much bigger than you, he still looked nice and energetic and you like his large eyes. "Thank you for driving me here."
He chirped which probably meant "You're welcome."
"I'm Raf," the young boy held out his hand politely to shake one of the robots' hands, although somewhat unnecessary considering how large their hands were.
"I'm Miko," she immediately ran up to the green one. "Who are you?"
"Bulkhead," he answered while taking a step back.
While Miko began asking Bulkhead questions a million miles a second, you felt a metal finger tap your shoulder and you looked up at Bee as he beeped a question.
"What did he say?" you asked Raf.
"Oh," he turned around to join the conversation circle you had unintentionally made, "He asked you if you like video games, specifically racing games."
"Okay, I do like to play video games, although not as many racing games and I haven't had much time to play them with schoolwork," you admitted.
Bee made a buzz followed by a few chirps. This time Raf didn't miss a beat, "He said that he'll let you play one of his racing video games with him, if you aren't too busy. We all three of us can play it together."
"I think that sounds awesome!"
"BeeEp. Whiiir, beep," Bumblebee sounded as excited as you.
You realized that Raf having to translate everything would get irritating at some point. "Yeah, we need to find another way to talk so I can understand you." Thinking of solutions, one entered your mind, "Oh maybe sign language."
Bee made a series of noises and you could tell he loved the idea.
"So, if your robots, who made you?" Raf questioned when it crossed his mind.
"Urgh. Puh-leez," the white and red one rolled his eyes.
Bumblebee started to give an answer to Raf, but stopped when someone new came in.
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