#yippeeeeeeee i love posting walls of text for my followers. its nutrients you need to eat this to survive trust me
technovillain ยท 2 years
Whispering rock??? Personal fears???? I am looking with my eyes??? ๐Ÿ‘€????
ehehehehehe I will now share Veranda's full backstory ๐Ÿ‘
Veranda grew up in New Zealand in a house with lots of siblings and cousins, so they always had somebody younger than them to hang out with. Their favorite activity was going to the local movie theater with their younger counterparts. They were particularly fond of American cowboy movies, tales of heroes and vigilantes.
As they got older, their siblings started to move away and start to make life choices of their own. Veranda was a felt a little left out but was always happy for them, and when they started having children of their own they were happy to hang out with them as well. This was all fine until their parents tried to pressure them to start to make life choices, because to them it seemed as if they never picked anything in their life. [Which wasn't true, it seemed obvious that they had decided to stay and help the family.] According to their parents, they had never picked what kind of job they really wanted to have, besides being some sort of cowboy vigilante, they'd never been in love or even 'picked what gender they wanted to be', since they were born ambiguous and were raised mostly gender-neutral amongst their siblings. They started to panic because they didn't feel equipped to answer any of these questions or make any of these decisions. But the pressure was still on.
Once when they were hanging with some of their nieces and nephews, the pressure of changing their life to make decisions to suit their parents hit harder than before and they panicked. They saw all the potential that these children around them still had. All of them still had so much time, there was no pressure for them. Unconsciously, they unintentionally started to create a time bubble around them and the children. The time bubble was surrounded by a shield. Veranda's intense emotional desire to stay young forever to be free of forced decisions made them awaken to their psychic powers, despite being much older than most who realize. The children within the bubble quickly became terrified and didn't know how to react to sudden psychic powers, and their inability to break through the glowing barrier that surrounded them. When Veranda realized what they were unknowingly doing, they were able to make it stop. The traumatized/frightened children made Veranda feel ashamed and they decided they were finally going to make a life choice. They had never wanted to leave their family home, but feeling a great shame for being something that the children were afraid of, and not being equipped enough on their own to understand and explain their own abilities, they left home for America, the only place that that ever been alternately appealing to them.
They had no real plans other than maybe they would be some sort of vigilante. If they had some sort of "freakish power", then maybe they could put it to good use. In America, they really liked to listen to the radio. Particularly they'd listen to police scanners nearby and would see if they could help out with any other crimes, particularly the ones that the police chose to ignore. They became a local mystery, doling out justice. Nobody really knew who they were, but they were a true hero to some, a bit of a local cryptid legend.
Realizing the reach that public radio could have, they started their own radio broadcast, looking for others with powers like them. It took a quite a while and it felt like nobody was listening at first, but eventually somebody found them. A small man with military ties who seemed to know a lot about how radios and distress signals worked. Veranda made it clear that their station was not a distress signal, but Morry didn't believe them. To him that was a distress signal, he expressed, because there was something very important he had to show them. Something that if they didn't see, they would be in distress, possibly for the rest of their life.
Morry showed them the Psychonauts. They went through debriefing and training from Truman and showed off their psychic abilities in training to be an Agent. Eventually they graduated from training and became a full fledged agent, a great addition to any team with their defensive and protective psychic specialties of Time Bubble and Shield. They were offered to be a counselor at the camp because of their good nature with children, but deep down they are still hurt by how they scared their own relative children in the past. They don't want to be a bad influence on any more children, so they decline, instead offering that Morry should get the position.ย 
some interesting thingz abt them is that they have a strong NZ accent and a really soothing voice, and that they're deaf in their right ear. their office space is full of cowboy memorabilia and posters. their favorite animal is donkeys :]
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