happyzyx · 5 years
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200321 @steveaoki ig update: "The Aoki x @layzhang #LoveYouMore Jump. Los Angeles CA 2020. Our song is out now and u can listen to it anywhere around the world. Tell me what u all think!!!"
24 notes · View notes
sugarjaee · 5 years
pairing ⇹ exo - zhang yixing x reader
genre ⇹ angst | smut | horror | angel!au
warnings ⇹ blood | death | torture | dark themes
word count ⇹ 12k
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The man ran his fingers along the girl’s cheek. His skin burned against hers, causing her to wheeze out in pain. “Such a pretty girl,” he spoke in a deep voice, one that brought chills down her spine. “So sad to waste such a face.”
The girl struggled in her restraints, trying to move her hands enough to get out of the ropes. The man noticed her escape attempt, an evil smile coming to his lips. His eyes glowed a shade of red under the dim light. He was nothing like she’d ever seen before. She wasn’t trained for this kind of power.
“You have no power here.” He started to walk circles around her chair, trailing his fingers along the cracked wood. He stopped in front of her, leaning in close to her face, his hot breath smelling of vanilla. He grabbed her face in one hand, squishing her cheeks together. Her skin burned from his touch and she wanted to scream in pain but held herself back. “No, I made sure of that, pretty one.”
She glanced down at the signs he’d painted on the concrete floor. She looked back up to his burning red eyes at stared into her. She didn’t hesitate to spit in his face. He calmly stepped back, pulling a red handkerchief out of his pocket and wiping his face.
His smile only grew wider as he tucked the cloth back into his pocket. “I won’t feel bad killing you. No no no, I couldn’t never.” She knew from the beginning she was going to die. It was how he would do it that frightened her so much. “But, now, I’m going to enjoy hearing you scream. Hearing you beg for your life as I drain all the life from you. You want to know why?”
She said nothing.
“Because you’re a filthy angel. Praised by mortals, while I suffer. They love you, adore you. What do I get? Nothing.” He leaned in close to her face, his hands pressing down on her wrists. “And I will make sure to make you suffer for as long as you keep breathing.”
He wrapped his fingers around her neck. He squeezed down to the point she couldn’t breathe. Her skin was burning off and his grip grew tighter. Smoke rising from where his hand gripped her neck. She tried to scream but no words came out. Her voice was gone and her hands were tied. She couldn’t fight back.
She couldn’t save herself.
She was going to die.
She was choking, his hands pushing harder. The wicked grin was still stuck on his face and his eyes were on fire. Flames coming from his sockets. She shook in the chair, desperately trying to release her hands. She didn’t want to die. She wanted to live.
It didn’t help her. The young angel died and the man stood victorious. When her body gave its last jolt, he released her neck. Rather, what was left of it. The skin had burned away as did most of the tissue. Leaving the exposed tissue and muscles bubbling and scorched. Her head had rolled to the side, her exposed muscles straining, and was rested on her shoulder. Steam rising out of her blackened flesh as the cool air made contact with her charred flesh. She looked almost peaceful with her closed eyes, head resting on her shoulder.
She was only the start.
The start to an end.
Yixing got the call in the early morning, being summoned to the Capital. He wondered why; it wasn’t often he was called there. It must have been something big. He followed the hordes of other angels making their way to the Capital.
The building was huge, to say the least, and is held up by massive white pillars. The large windows littered the front of the building, making it seem as if it was glowing. But that might just be because he was in heaven, everything seemed to glow there.
Yixing took a deep breath before entering, feeling his throat close up. He hated going there. It meant they had a new case for him, and after what happened last time, he wasn’t sure if he was ready for another case yet.
He walked into the main lobby, it was packed with other angels. He looked around, finding the front desk to sign in.
The angel sitting there was young, she had her thin blonde hair held up in a tie. Her long fingers typed on the keyboard, the clicks echoing through the large room.
“Zhang Yixing,” he said, making his presence known.
She looked up at him with wide blue eyes. “Zhang, one second.” She looked back at the computer, typing once again. “They’re waiting for you in one-oh-eight.”
He nodded, saying his thanks and walked off to where she told him to go. He could feel his nerves getting the best of him. When he found the room, he waited a moment before entering, sucking in a deep breath as his hand touched the knob.
Inside, there were two people waiting for him. The commissioner and a woman, he had never seen before. She was a few years his junior. Her eyes were on Yixing, staring through him. A lot of confidence for a green angel.
“Mr. Zhang, welcome,” the commissioner said. “Here take a seat.” He directed Yixing to the seat next to the woman. Yixing took it, casting a glance at the woman quickly before looking back to the commissioner. He introduced Yixing to the woman next to him. Trying to be kind, Yixing reached his hand out to the other angel but she only looked at him in disgust and turned back to the commissioner.
“Can we get started, now?” The woman said, crossing her arms.
The commissioner raised his hand to silence her. “Yes, yes. I summoned you both here today for a reason.” He paused, looking between Yixing and the woman. “We have a problem. It’s a big one.” He tossed a stack of photos across the table.
They depicted gruesome images of a young girl, probably in her late teens, who had been killed. Her head was nearly detached from her body, the skin burnt to near nothingness. Her cheeks had been burned as well the skin melted to expose the inside of her mouth. But it was her eyes, that caught Yixing’s attention, lifeless, all the colour had faded away.
He had seen that type of murder before. The image had forever been burned into his memory. He prayed it wasn’t what he thought it was.
“She was a simple Guardian. Her ward reported her missing yesterday morning and we found her later that night. I don’t know if you can tell by the photo, but there was a powerful trapping sign painted under her,” he paused, taking a deep breath. “This wasn’t just any murder. It was calculated attack. It’s not every day a Guardian goes missing, let along murdered.”
Neither Yixing or the woman spoke.
“We found reports that an Igni demon had escaped from Hell. We believe this was his doing. I need you two to find him. We’ve arranged a rendezvous with a scout down on Earth. From there, he’ll set you up with supplies and your personas. Then the rest is up to you.”
“What?” The woman blurted out, obviously angry about her new situation.
Yixing chose to stay quiet. He couldn’t take his mind off the image of the dead Guardian, her lifeless body still tied to the chair. Her eyes. Her lifeless eyes, like foggy crystals staring into the sky. Her last moments alive were spent in pain.
Hopefully, it was a simple Igni demon and there was nothing to worry about. But the Capital couldn’t call on him if they thought it was just that.
He looked to the woman, beside him, wondering if she knew what she was in for.
“I have made up my mind and my decision is final. So, I suggest you two get to know each other. You’ll be off the Earth in the morning.,” the commissioner said, finishing all he needed to say and walking out of the room.
The woman left right after, leaving Yixing alone in the room with those photos. He couldn’t look at them anymore. His stomach was in his throat; this was why he hated coming to the Capital. It was cases like these that made him hate it so much.
He wondered what about this case made the commissioner want him, of all people. It had been nearly a year since his last case. The one that ruined it all.
You were annoyed, pissed off even. Why did you have to get partnered up with some other angel? You could have done this case all by yourself. You didn’t need anyone. You walked through the halls, huffing at the entire thing.
Who was that Yixing guy anyway? You had never seen him before. Why did they choose him to help you? You didn’t need any help. You paced in the hall, your head in your hands, trying to figure out a way out of this.
Your pacing had led you to walk into your new partner. “Sorry,” he mumbled, looking down to the floor. He seemed so timid, you were amazed that out of all the angels, they chose him for this case. Some quiet, washed up angel that probably solved one forgettable case years ago. “What’s your deal?” You asked, your tone harsh.
“My what?”
“Your deal. Why do they want you on this case?” You crossed your arms, in awe from just how timid he was.
“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask the commissioner?” He fought back, looking at you directly, rather than the floor.
You looked him up and down, scoffing at the sight before walking off. To sum it up, this was dumb. You didn’t need him. You didn’t need anybody.
You walked back to your house, frustrated by it all. Yet, you still packed your things, throwing them into a small sack and tossing it right beside your front door. Waiting for you when the morning came.
Yixing waited at the gate. He was scared. He hadn’t been there since the accident and looking at it now made him want to turn around. It was almost twenty feet tall, towering over him. It was made of pure white metal, bent in a way to create a mosaic of lines and archways.
It was supposed to be a symbol of hope and moving on to a better world, but, to Yixing, it was the opposite. Reminding of a dark time in his life, he tried so desperately to forget. The gate, in front of him, would plunge him into the world that took everything away from him. The world he would have to back to. If he liked it or not.
That was the thing about the angel hierarchy. What is said, goes. It is put in place to keep order with Heaven. Making sure no angel steps out of line as Lucifer had done many lifetimes ago. As much as he didn’t want to do this, he knew he had to. Or face the consequences.
He didn’t have much on him, only a small sack and his blade. It was all he needed. He ran his hand through his blonde hair, wondering where you could possibly be. It was nearly time to descent.
You came not long after. Precisely on time. You glanced at him, rolling your eyes and looking back to the gate. Yixing felt like a victim under your stare. As if he was trapped in a spell, one where he couldn’t move. You had made it quite clear, you didn’t like him very much.
Now that you were there, the guard began to open the gate. It opened to the open sky, clouds passing by, the sun shining brightly. Yixing had done the descent so many times, it couldn’t bother him anymore. Other than the one glaring fact of what happened last time, he went to Earth and the tragedy that followed.
He stepped closer to the edge, looking down at the long fall. The nice thing about it was that he never felt it. He jumps and then he’s on Earth, nothing of the fall remembered.
He closed his eyes, tightly, trying not to think. He sucked in a deep breath and stepped off the edge.
You woke up with a massive headache. You couldn’t see, your vision was blurry and your surroundings were dark. Your skin was damp; it was a sensation you’d never felt before. Water was leaking from you. In a panic, you sat up, rubbing your head.
The last thing you could remember was the gate opening. After that nothing. Now, you were, wherever you were with no memory of after the gate. You were breathing heavily as you tried to get up.
You were in a bed with many blankets on. You shivered as you got out from under the blankets, your skin hitting the cold air. It was brisk and made goosebumps form on your skin. You stepped onto the cold wood floor. All these feeling were new to you. As an angel, you never experienced being hot or cold.
You weren’t sure how mortals even handled it. You looked around the room, your head spinning. It was small and quaint. Only room for the bed and a dresser. You looked down, to see you weren’t wearing your regular white clothes, rather an oversized grey top and shorts. You pinched a piece of the shirt fabric between your fingers, it felt different than any clothing in Heaven.
You went to the door, pulling your blade out, hearing two voices from the other side of the wood. Turning the knob and opening the door to see two figures standing in the living room. You recognized one as Yixing but didn’t know who the other was. You quickly hid your blade.
You realized then, that you were in a small cottage. The living room and kitchen were open to each other. The interior was nothing like the ones of Heaven. It was filled with reds and browns, wood over metal and stone. The morning sun shined through the many windows, bringing light to the room.
It all felt so new, you didn’t know how to react. Looking around the room in awe of it all.
So, this was Earth.
It was the first time you had ever seen it outside of photos. But even just looking out the windows and seeing the green trees made you wonder why everyone stayed in Heaven. There were so many colours here, like a rainbow in your palm. In Heaven, it was nothing but white.
You walked to the two men, rubbing your eyes. “Morning,” the one, you didn’t know, said. He smiled as he spoke, kindness radiating in his tone. He had light brown hair, that was pushed away from his face. He had narrow, brown eyes, that looked at you softly. “Did you sleep well?”
You looked at him blankly, trying to figure out what he was. He was definitely no angel. If that was the case, why would he be a scout for Heaven? You looked to Yixing, for some help, he was looking back at you as he nodded. “This is Junmyeon, he’s the scout the commissioner was talking about. He’ll be helping us with getting on our feet.”
Junmyeon smiled, looking from Yixing back to you. “Nice to meet you. So, as Yixing said, I’ll be helping you for the next few days. It takes awhile to get adjusted to Earth, especially for a green angel such as yourself.”
You tilted your head to the side, still trying to figure out what he was. “What are you?” You asked, not realizing you said it aloud.
Yixing coughed. “I’m so sorry,” he said to Junmyeon, “She wasn’t properly informed, I guess.”
Junmyeon shook him off. “It’s okay. I am a half angel… other half, mortal. Due to my mortal blood, I’m forbidden to enter Heaven. So, I do what I can down here to help.”
You nodded along as he spoke. You had never met a half angel before. In all honesty, you didn’t think they even existed outside of stories. It was against the law to be with a mortal, let alone have a child with them.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, feeling bad for asking. You knew what happened to angels who formed relationships with mortals.
“It’s quite alright. It’s all in the past.” He paused before changing the subject as he walked to the kitchen table. “I was telling Yixing, that I was surprised to hear he would be descending once again. With a new partner, of all things.”
“Oh.” You didn’t know what else to say. “I wasn’t aware Yixing had another partner.” If he had another one, why would they pair you with him?
“Yes, he did. They did every…” Junmyeon was cut off by Yixing shooting him a glare to shut up. “Ahem, I was happy to see him again.” Junmyeon sat at the table, Yixing beside him and you on the opposite side. “So, tell me about this case of yours.”
Yixing pulled the photos, out of his bag, placing them across the table. “A young Guardian was found dead two days ago. The Capital believes it was a simple Igni demon. But, looking at these pictures, I think it might be something else.”
“Wait,” you stopped Yixing, “you don’t think it was a demon?”
“No, this is definitely the work of a demon. I’m just saying, I don’t think it was the type the Capital believes it was.”
“Yes, I’ve seen this type of murder before and it was not an Igni demon. We should be ready because this might be something much more powerful.”
“I don’t understand,” you interrupted, again. “Why would the Capital tell us it was and Igni demon then?”
Yixing stared at you for a second, looking over your face. “Because they don’t know what I know.”
Why did he insist on being so secretive? It was annoying. You leaned over the table, getting close to him. “And, what’s that, exactly?”
Feeling the tension, in the room, Junmyeon spoke up. “How about some coffee?”
Yixing didn’t look away from you. He wasn’t timid anymore. “Perfect.”
“Sounds great,” you said, having no idea what coffee was.
The next hour was spent listening to Yixing go over the case with Junmyeon. You didn’t say anything, slowly sipping away at the coffee. It was a funny thing; you couldn’t explain the taste. You didn’t have anything like that on Heaven.
The entire time, you kept thinking about Yixing. It was obvious he had been on Earth before, many times even. Why though? You were trying to put the pieces together. Okay, he had a partner he didn’t like talking about. Perhaps, he had been on a case like this before. He seemed to know a lot on the subject.
You just couldn’t put it all together, like a piece of the puzzle was missing.
“So,” Yixing spoke, “We should plan to be on the road within the next few days. We’ll head to the murder location and go from there. Sound good?”
You snapped out of your train of thought. “Um, yeah, sounds good.”
“It’s settled then. I suggest you go outside and walk around for a bit. Earth’s air is a lot different than ours, you’ll need to adjust to it if we plan on leaving soon.” When he finished speaking, he looked back down at the papers in front of him.
All you could do was nod. This was all so new to you, you felt lost, trying to figure everything out. You followed Yixing’s suggestion and walked to the door. Before you could open it, you were stopped by Junmyeon.
He placed his hands on the handle, preventing you from leaving. “You don’t want to go outside like that. You’ll freeze.” You looked down at your outfit, flashing back to how cold you had been that morning. “Here, come with me. I’ll get you something to wear.”
You followed him to another bedroom, this one was a bit bigger than the other one. There was a bed twice the size and two large dressers. He went to the one closest to the door, opening the third drawer. He dug through piles of dark clothes until he pulled out a navy-blue top and black pants.
“Here, jeans and a sweater. This should keep you warm.” He walked you back out to the main room, Yixing still lost in the paperwork. “You can use the washroom to change.”
You nodded. “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it. When you’re done, I’ll meet you outside.” He flashed you a kind smile before walking off. It didn’t take long for you to change. Junmyeon was already outside, by the time you were done. You went to the door and opened it to a gust of cold winds.
You choked under the air. It was very different from Heaven’s. It felt heavier, thicker, it felt like you couldn’t breathe.
Junmyeon was sitting on the front steps, he looked up at you when he heard the door. He jumped up when he saw you choking. “Are you okay?”
You choked on the heavy air, again.  “Yeah.” You felt light-headed under the new air.
“I know, it’s hard at first. Just give it a second and it’ll feel better.” In time, you did. The further, you walked, the better it got. Eventually, you were breathing fine.
You talked with Junmyeon, listening to him explain all there was to know about Earth. He told you about the little interstices of it, pieces of information they would have never told you in Heaven. You could tell, he loved the place but resented it at the same time. There was this longing in his voice that you couldn’t quite grasp.
“I wouldn’t worry about it all too much,” he said. “Yixing knows his way around very well. You’re lucky to have him with you.”
You never thought about it until then. Yixing had seemed to know a lot. “Yeah…”
“He carried you all the way here,” he continued. “If he wasn’t there, you might have laid in the woods for a while before I could have found you.”
You looked at him and smiled. Maybe, you did need Yixing, at least a little. You kept walking through the woods, following Junmyeon. The sun was starting to set and the sky grew dark. “I didn’t know that,” you admitted.
“I know, angels never remember the fall.” He stopped, picking up a stick and played with the twigs that grew off it. “I’ll have to say, I was happy to see him again. After what happened last time…” He trailed off, realizing he’d said too much.
“What- what happened last time?”
Junmyeon dropped his stick. “Don’t worry about it. It’s in the past. If Yixing wants to tell you, he will.” He looked up at the sky, seeing darkness upon you. “We should head back, it’s dangerous to be in the woods at night.”
He circled around the chair. The young girl fighting in her seat. She wasn’t like the last one, he thought. This girl cried and cried, begging him not to kill her. The last one fought back, accepted her fate, yet still fought. This one, was annoying him.
He hated whiners, they were weak. They’d prefer to beg than actually doing something about it. He rolled his eyes, dragging his fingers along the wood of the chair.
The girl cried, her head hanging low in defeat. “Please- please don’t kill me. I’ll do anything… please.”
He came around in front of her, looking deep into her eyes. They were a bright ocean blue, water filling the bottoms. They looked beautiful, he thought. He could see her life ending within her eyes. She knew she was going to die, the fear pulsating through her. It was beautiful to see.
She was terrified of him.
“You shouldn’t say anything, young one. For saying anything might be worse than what was planned for you.” He trailed his fingers along her wet cheek, burning away the water.
She looked up at him, her eyes puffy and cheeks red. “What could be worse than death?”
He lit a flame on his index finger, his eyes glowing red. “This.” He brought the flame to her lip, burning away at the soft pink skin. Watching carefully as it started to turn black. Her scream pierced his ears, it was sharp and loud as it echoed through the small room.
He took his finger away from her lip. She stopped her screams, closing her mouth. She was shaking her head, she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. Her lip was swollen and much of the skin had burned away.
“It must hurt,” he spoke. “That is only a taste, young one. Only a taste of what is to come. The pain you will suffer. The pain all of you will suffer at my hand. See, young one, I’ll make you watch it all. Let you witness every second of the wrath your people will face.”
He looked down at her, her lip had healed, thanks to her angel. She was still crying, tears pouring down her face.
“Now, I want you to tell me everything I want to know, or face that fate.”
Yixing couldn’t sleep. The case still on his mind. Having spent all day looking it over, it reminded him so much of what had happened. It couldn’t have been just a coincidence; the similarities were too clear. He laid in bed, staring at the ceiling.
He knew why the Capital chose him. He knew that, now. He was the only one alive who had been face to face with the demon known as Algorath. The demon that took everything from him that night many years ago. They chose him because he was the only one who could kill it.
Yixing was blinded by the light in his room being turned on. He sat up to see Junmyeon at the door. “Yixing, there’s been another kidnapping.”
This is how it happened last time, he thought, there was never just one. “I’ll be right there.”
The night was upon him; the sky was black and the only light to the room was a couple of candles.
You were already sitting on the sofa when Yixing got there. Your hair was tied up and you sat in the pajamas you wore the night before. Junmyeon was running around the house, trying to get everything he needed together.
“Tell me what happened?” Yixing asked, breaking the silence in the space.
Junmyeon stopped, what he was doing, looking at Yixing. “She was a Cherub, a keeper of knowledge. We’re not even sure how the demon got ahold of her. She must have been on Earth collecting information on mortals, would be my guess. But even that doesn’t make sense. Cherubs don’t descend”
“What could he possibly want with a Cherub?” You blurted out, leaning over the back of the sofa. “I mean, what value could she have?”
“All the value,” Yixing responded, growing impatient with your interruptions. “They’re the keepers of knowledge, they know everything about the angel world and beyond. One of them, in the hands of a demon is fatal to the rest of us.”
“Oh,” you stuttered, realizing the situation. “I see.”
Yixing looked at you. “We leave in the hour, get your things ready.”
You nodded, jumping up from the sofa and running to your room.
“I’ll get you some cash, and supplies,” Junmyeon added.
“Thank you.”
The next hour was spent putting everything in place. Yixing tried to come up with a new plan, he was supposed to have more time. But now he was thrust into a new plan. One that had him already walking out the door.
“Yixing,” Junmyeon spoke, “this is for you, seven-hundred dollars in cash and a disposable cell phone. I also loaded your car with weapons and anything I thought you might need.” He pushed, pulling something out of his pocket, handing them to Yixing. “Your mortal identities, in cause any problems arise.
Yixing placed a hand on Junmyeon shoulder. “Thank you.”
Junmyeon nodded. “Be safe, okay?”
“I will.”
Junmyeon looked over Yixing’s shoulder to you. “And take care of her. She’s a good one.”
Yixing looked around to see you packing the car with bags. You reminded him so much of her. From your headstrong mindset to how naive you were. He just hoped you didn’t face the fate she did. “I know.”
“Now, you should get going. I’ll be in touch, if any new information pops up.”
“See you.”
The two men said their goodbyes and Yixing walked to the car, leaving Junmyeon at the cottage. You watched Yixing get into the driver seat, following his action and getting in the passenger seat. Yixing took a deep breath before starting the car.
You had never been in a car before. You had always wondered what it would have felt like. It felt like you were floating, gliding along the road. You tapped your finger on your thigh, watching the trees pass by the window.
It was so beautiful, staring out the window, watching the lines on the road. Seeing it now, you could never understand why so many angels had this sense of inferiority towards Earth, looking down on it all the time.
You glanced at Yixing, who had his eyes locked to the road. You wondered what had happened to him between the descent and landing on Earth that made him change so much. It was odd, to say the least.
You had realized then that you had never had a proper conversation with him. This was the first time you had ever been alone with him. Strange considering you were meant to be partners. You took this opportunity to try and spark a conversation, bored out of your mind by the silence. “Junmyeon mentioned something about you having a partner before. May I ask what happened to them?”
“No,” Yixing said, sternly. You took that as a sign to ask no more questions about that, giving up and looking back to the window. “I’m sorry. I’m just not comfortable with talking about it.” You were taken by surprise by his apology.
You gave him an apologetic smile. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Maybe another time,” he added, his cold façade faded slightly. “Partner’s are supposed to get to know each other after all.”
“I suppose.”
You drove for another few hours in silence. Listening to the rain pour down on the windshield.
You saw some buildings in the distance. You were glad to finally see something, for the past few hours it had been nothing but trees. “I assume that’s where we’re headed,” you said.
Yixing glanced at you. “Yep, hopefully someone here knows where she should have gone.”
“Hopefully…” You looked off to window. You knew what happened to people that went missing. They were almost never found. At this point, it wasn’t finding her, it’s finding her body.
Yixing drove to the town. You stared out your window, awed by the sight. Mortals walked the streets, going along with their daily lives. They were funny creatures, so attached to routine. You wondered how they went about the life like that.
You turned when Yixing pulled the car over. “Let’s go.” He said, opening the door.
“Oh? We’re getting out,” you said to yourself, Yixing having already left the car. You jumped out, meeting him at the back of the car.
He pointed his head to a small shop. “We’ll start there and ask around. Leave the talking to me.”
“I can help,” you interjected. You weren’t entirely clueless. “I can handle myself.”
Yixing looked down at you, unimpressed. “I’d like to see you try.”
“You’re on.”
You learned very quickly you knew very little of the mortal world. Mortals were very different from angels. They were harsh and even cruel.
You held up the fake ID, Yixing had given you. “Madam, I just need to ask you a few questions.”
“You can fuck off with your questions, I ain’t answering shit,” the woman spat. You looked at Yixing for help, he only looked off laughing. Big help he was.
You looked back to the woman, she must have been the owner of the shop. She was not a very attractive woman and there was something about her that really put you on edge. Scaring you even.
“I’m here on behave of the F.B.I, I would greatly appreciate it if you cooperated.”
“Oh, in that case.” The woman paused, pretending to think. “I will definitely not be answering your questions. Now, fuck off.”
You leaned back as she spit in your face. “You know what? You filthy mortal-” Your yelling was cut off by Yixing placing his hand over your mouth. You fought his hold but he was stronger than you, holding you in place.
“I’m dearly sorry about that.” He apologized to the woman, dragging you out of the shop.
Once you were outside, he released you. “What was that for?” You yelled.
“Be quiet.” He hushed you. “You can’t speak to mortals like that. That’s not how you get them to talk.”
“Why should I care? Did you hear that hag?” You defended yourself. You were starting to resent mortals and you’d only just got there.
Yixing placed his hand on your shoulder. “Yes, I heard her and I get where you were coming from but we need to keep our cool if we’re going to get them to talk.”
You stared at his hand on your shoulder, finding the physical contact odd. “Fine.” You crossed your arms. “You show me then.”
He laughed, looking off to a shop across the street. “Gladly.” Yixing walked you to the shop, he was looking at, opening the door for you. You followed him to the counter, watching his every move. What did he have that you didn’t?
Simple answer: experience.
He stayed completely calm with the shopkeeper, smooth with all his words. Smiling the entire time, his little dimple showing. You had never noticed it until then, it was cute. “Hello, Madam. I was hoping I could ask you a few questions. I promise I won’t waste much of you time.”
The woman smiled, nodding her head. She wasn't like the one you talked to. She seemed like nothing more than a kind old lady. “Of course dear,” she said, looking up at Yixing.
“Thank you so much.” Yixing pulled a photo of the Cherub out of his coat, putting it down on the counter for the woman to see. “I was wondering if you’d seen this woman. She went missing not to long ago.”
The woman placed her hands on her mouth. “Oh, missing? I’m so sorry to hear that.” You rolled your eyes, knowing you were definitely losing this bet.
“Yes, missing,” Yixing confirmed.
“Well, I saw her about two days ago. Such a kind girl. I loosely remember her mentioning something about heading North. I’m sorry, that’s all I know.”
“Don't be sorry. That helps us very much.” Yixing looked over his shoulder, with a smug grin, giving you a wink.
You had noticed he’d been more upbeat with this trip. You weren’t sure what had brought that on but it didn’t matter. You much prefer this YIxing over the dark and bruting one from Junmyeon’s. He seemed lighter as if he wasn’t being weighed down by all his baggage. It was nice to see him actually smile. It made you smile.
Yixing thanked the woman, waving goodbye to her as he left. He put his hand on the small of your back, leading you out. You didn’t think he meant anything by it but you stilled tensed up under his touch.
You felt like you could actually breathe again when he removed his hand. “I don’t know about you but all this interviewing has made me hungry. What do you say, we get some food and look over what we have?”
“Yeah, I think that's a good idea,” you gulped. Suddenly feeling nervous around him. What was happening to you?
Yixing was starving and he had to admit, he had been craving a mortal hanburger. He held you into the local diner, it smelled of fries and beef. Yixing breathed in, he had almost forgotten what it smelled like.
He chose a table near the window, it was hidden in the corner, no one would be able to hear the two of you speaking. He watched as you sat in front of him. You seemed frustrated, a pout on your face. He laughed, thinking it was quite endearing.
He smiled as you stared at your menu in confusion, not knowing what anything was. He could tell you didn’t want to ask, still on your high horse. “You should get the burger. You won’t regret it.”
You looked up at him with wide eyes, blushing a little. “Ah, okay.”
The food came not long after and you ate it so quickly, he wasn’t sure if you even had time to taste it. He took his time, knowing it would be long before he could have it again. He was glad to have a minute of pause before he had to get back to the case. He was glad he could spent it with you.
You were like this clueless ball of energy, that didn’t want to say you were wrong. You were confident even when you had no idea what you were talking about. He had never met anyone quite like you.
You stuck a fry in your mouth. “So, Mr Perfect, what’s the plan?” His moment was ruined by the reminder of the task at hand.
“Oh, yeah,” he said, pulling the photos and notes out of his pocket. He laid them out on the table. “So, the shopkeeper said that she went North, so that’s where we go. It’s pretty simple. The only thing is that there is nothing there for miles. So, we’re at a block.”
“Out of the frying pan and into the fire,” you said, your tone off as if you weren’t entirely sure of what you were saying. “Sorry, I don’t really know what that means, I saw it on a sign in one of the shops.” You admitted.
Yixing smiled, nodding his head. “I figured. Anyway, I saw we just head North and see what we can find.”
“Sound’s good chief.”
“Whatever you say.”
You had been driving North for hours. It had become tiring. The sun had gone down and it had begun to rain. Yixing was wrong when he said that there was nothing pretty much the whole way. All you had seen was trees.
He pulled the car over, pulling out his notes and looking at the surroundings. “The shopkeeper said she went this way. But it’s been hours and there’s been no sign of anything. We must have missed something.”
You looked through the window. You swore you could see something in the distance but you weren't sure. You got out of the car, into the rain, Yixing calling after you. “What are you doing? It’s pouring.” He followed you out of the car, running to your side.
You didn’t listen, walking into the road. You could see that it was a building in the distance. You used your hand to protect your eyes from the rain, trying to get a better look. “Yixing,” you called, “look at that.” You waiting until you had his attention to point out the building.
“It’s worth looking around.”
You followed him through the rain, letting your clothes get drenched. Yixing noticed you falling behind and ran back, grabbing your hand and pulling you with him. You felt your hand tense up at his touch, feeling a bit awkward with it.
Once you were inside, he let it go. He stepped further into the room, looking around. “It’s an old gas station,” he said, picking up an empty bottle of cleaner. “Looks like it was abandoned years ago.”
“What’s a gas station?” You asked, trying to figure it out on your own but ultimately giving up.
He laughed at your question making you feel embarrassed. You had never felt that way before. You were always so quick to speak, snapping back at the slightest thing. Yet, with Yixing, you found yourself unable to speak now. “It’s where you fill up fuel, for your car. It’s what allows them to drive.”
“I knew that.” You nodded your head, trying to fight of the embarrassment with confidence.
“Whatever you say.” He walked off into the darkness of the room. You quickly followed not wanting to be left alone.
The floor creaked under your footsteps and the rain clicked on the roof. The floor tiles were covered in debris and garbage, making the place reek. The walls looked like they were bleeding, a thick black residue dripping down them. The windows had been boarded up, making the entire place nearly black.
You made sure to take your steps carefully. The gas station was pretty small, only being made up three rooms, the main room, the office, and the shop. Yixing went to the office, while you went to the shop. You used your hands to help guide you through the hall to the shop, unable to see anything.
You found the door, using all your might to slide it open. It stunk inside, worse than the rest of the building. You pinched your nose, blocking out the smell. You searched the wall for a light switch, sliding your hands along the surface.
The walls were dry, for the most part. You walked along, feeling like you were going way too far away from the door. Then, your hand touched something wet. It felt cold and thick against your skin and you quickly pulled your hand away. You didn’t even want to know what it could have been by the looks of the rest of the place.
You tried to see, what was on your hand but couldn’t in the darkness. You turned around, to the middle of the room, to see a tiny chain hanging from the ceiling. You went to it, pulling it down. Light hit the room, allowing you to see. You looked around, the tables were covered in dusty tools and the floor covered in dirt and cobwebs. It was bigger than you imagined, tables pushed against the walls, making it seem bigger than it probably was. You had never seen pretty much all the tools in there, angels never had to use such things.
You turned around, wondering what you had touched earlier. And what you saw was horrifying.
You had found the Cherub. Dirty, large nails stuck through her hands and feet, pinning her to the wall. She was naked, thick red blood marked her pale skin. Her ocean blue eyes seemed like crystals shining under the light. Tear streaks stained her cheeks. Her mouth lay open, flies crawling in and out. Though that didn’t faze you compared to what laid just below.
From her neck, down to her gut, she had been cut open. The insides of her stomach exposed for you to see. Her intestines half fallen out of her body and onto the floor. Her blood, formed a puddle on the concrete, still dripping slowly. More of her insides on the floor in the puddle of blood. Maggots and flies crawling over her insides. Her exposed rib cage had scraps of flesh hanging off it. This was not the work of an Igni demon, it was something far, far worse.
You screamed, an ear-shattering scream. Out of total fear from what was in front of you. You fell to the ground, shutting your eyes tightly so you didn’t have to look at it anymore. You’d seen so many pictures of bodies in training, you’d thought when you finally did see one in person, you’d be ready. But seeing it now, you realized you weren’t, nothing could have prepared you for that. So much blood, so much pain. You could still see her tear stained face in the blackness of your eyelids.
Yixing came running in a moment later. “What happened?” He asked, kneeling down next to you. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders. You cried into the fabric of his shirt, unable to control yourself. He ran his hand over your head, trying to comfort you. “Are you okay?”
He hadn’t seen it yet. He hadn’t seen her yet.
Then, he did. Looking upon her body, nailed to the wall. Seeing all the blood, the body. “Oh my god,” he spoke to himself. He pushed your head into his collarbone, stopping you from having to look at it again. He picked you up in his arms and carried you outside. You held onto him, feeling safe in his arms. He carefully set you down in the back seat of the car. You curled up in a ball, suddenly freezing.
Yixing dug through a bag, sitting on the passenger seat, pulling out the phone Junmyeon had given him. He stood outside, in the rain, calling someone. You couldn’t even begin to think who. Your mind was a mess. You couldn’t get the image of the Cherub out of your head. The image of her had burned itself into your mind.
It was all too much; your head was spinning. You were hot then cold, and you felt sick. Even a slight movement made you feel like you were going to throw up. Then, suddenly, you fainted.
Yixing got back into the car, after getting off the phone with Junmyeon, his hands still shaking. He knew now, he had seen this all before. It was all the same. He thought he could have forgotten about it, and for a time, he had. But his illusion was shattered when he saw the body.
The Capital had known all along. It was no Igni demon that escaped hell.
It was the demon Yixing had suspected from the beginning. The one he had feared it would be.
He slammed on the steering wheel. They lied to him. After the last time, they promised him. Promised him it would never happen again. Yet, here he was, acting as the Capital’s dog. Doing their bidding. You? The bait to lure the demon in. You were a Throne and he knew that you would be the next target.
He looked back to you, seeing your sleeping figure. You were so young, he thought. You could have never fathomed the atrocities of what laid before you. He wouldn’t let it happen again. No one else was going to die. Especially you.
That was the thing with demons, they always stuck to a pattern. Guardian, Cherub, Throne. It was always the same.
He knew Algorath would come for you next. You were the closest Throne to him. With your blood, he would able to get the power he so desired.
He would die before that happened.
He would kill him before then. He wouldn’t repeat what happened last time. Banishing him back to hell wasn’t enough. The only way to stop him was death.
He drove to the closest motel, not knowing where else to go. He drove back to the town, at full speed. He didn't have time to waste. He pulled into the empty parking lot. The building was run down. The red brick cracking at the edges and the ceiling looked like it was about to collapse, but it was all he had.
By the time he had checked in and got you set up in the room, you had started to wake up. Yixing had tucked you into the bed, making sure to set a pair of pajamas out for you. He sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for you to wake, wanting to know you were alright.
You woke up to see Yixing sitting across from you. His worried eyes waiting for you to wake. He smiled seeing your eyes open, moving closer to you. He gently pushed you back down when you tried to sit up. “No, no. Take it slow.”
You rubbed your forehead. You couldn’t remember how you got there. The last thing you remembered was the rain pouring down as Yixing carried you to the car. After that? Nothing.
You looked at your surroundings, you were in a small room. There was one other bed beside yours and a television against the wall. “Where am I?”
“We’re in a motel. We’re going to stay here for the night.”
You nodded your head, still feeling light-headed. “Okay.” You put your head back on the pillow, curling up in the blankets. It was warm under them, you liked that feeling.
Yixing stood up, to leave but you stopping him, grabbing his wrist. The image of the Cherub popped into your mind, seeing the dried blood on your finger. You pushed your lips together, trying to push the thought away.
“It was just an Igni demon, wasn’t it?”
He looked at the floor, avoiding your eyes. “I’m afraid not.”
You looked up at him, your eyes becoming watery. “What is it?”
He sat back down on the bed, taking a deep breath. “Something much more powerful.” He stared at his fidgeting hands, his eyes becoming sad. He looked the same way he had when you first met him. Timid and meek. “Something, I thought I got rid of a long time ago.”
You said nothing, waiting for him to elaborate on his own accord.
“I can’t even remember how long ago it was, exactly. Doesn’t matter, really.” He paused, preparing himself for what he was about to say. “I had been assigned a case, just like this one. A Guardian found dead. They had sent my partner and I to investigate. We thought nothing of it. While we were on the hunt, we got news of another murder, a Cherub.
“We followed the leads, we were careful too. We had no idea what we were up against, for all we knew it was a lower-class demon that just went out of line. That’s when my partner was taken. The final piece to the demon’s puzzle, a Throne. That’s when I realized it was no lower-class demon. But an Archdemon.”
You felt your gut drop. You weren’t prepared for an Archdemon. You thought they all had perished centuries ago. They were creature of pure evil, Satan’s warhorses. All they wanted was the elimination of angels and would do anything to achieve it.
You were scared. Why had the Capital make your first real case, one of an Archdemon? It was suicide.
Maybe that was the point.
And that’s what scared you more.
Yixing continued his story. “I did everything I could to find her. But it was too late. By the time, I found her, she was on the brink of death. In my fury, I banished the demon, Algorath, was his name. My partner died in my arms. I lost everything that night. My wife was gone, I had nothing left.”
He had a wife, you thought. That was why he refused to talk about his partner, she was also his wife. He had loved her and now she was dead. You reached out, touching his arm. “Yixing, I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t plan on letting that happen again,” he spoke, looking at the rain dripping down the window. “I’ll kill him, this time. Even if it means my death, I’m ready for it.”
“Yixing, don’t say that…” You said.
He looked at you for the first time, his eyes heavy. “Why? Why do you care if I die or not?” His tone was sharp as he snapped at you.
You felt embarrassed. You did care. After this time with him, you had grown to have feelings for him. Feelings you couldn’t explain. “I just wouldn’t want you to, okay?” You became defensive, opening the blankets and standing up. You tried to walk to the front door but you were stopped by Yixing’s hand on your wrist.
You had just started to care for him and all he wanted was to die.
Your cheeks were hot. “Don’t what? Leave? Because that isn’t going to happen. If you want to die, you can do this alone. I won’t help you in a suicide mission.”
“I didn’t mean it like that.” He stood up, considering your eyes. You shifted uncomfortably under his stare. He still held onto your wrist, his other hand on your waist. You weren’t sure what he was about to do.
You don’t know what drove you to it. Maybe it was the look in his eyes or the way he held onto you or the fact that you knew you were probably going to die soon. But you kissed him. Your lips colliding with his. You couldn’t stop yourself, it just felt right. And he kissed you back, pulling you closer to him. His lips were soft and warm, making your heart skip a beat.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and he lifted you off the floor. You had your legs around him as he brought you to his bed, setting you down on the mattress and climbing over top of you. His hands slipped under your sweater, running along your warm skin. You played with the belt on his pants, trying to get it open.
Yixing’s lips went down to your neck, sucking on the skin. You pulled his belt out of the loops of his pants, throwing it across the room. His kisses were sloppy and desperate, going all over your skin, not caring where they landed. You had undone his pants and pulled them down to his thighs.
He lifted your sweater over your head, exposing your skin to the cold air in the room. You shivered at the feeling until his hot hands were on you again, gliding up and down your sides. You were breathing heavily, his lips trailing down your chest to your breasts. You moaned loudly as his lips touched your hard nipples.
His hands, held onto your wrists, pinning you to the bed as he went down on you. You were helpless to his touch, melting in his hands. You were nearly a victim to his desires. Your shield had shattered and you were all his.
He grinded up against you, the budge in his pants. You could feel your core becoming wet, soaking through your pants. You tried to move your hands, but he pushed down on your wrists harder. “Don’t move,” he spoke, his voice husky.
“Okay,” you mumbled.
“Good.” He put both your hands in one of his own, using his free hand to pull down your pants. The cold air hit your core, causing you to close your legs. Yixing released a frustrated groan, opening them back up.
He trailed his length along your wetness, making you moan, not wasting another second to plunge into you. You cried at the feeling, becoming undo by him. He knew just how to make you scream. As he kept up with his momentum, you could feel yourself reaching your climax, tipping over the edge. He didn’t relent with his speed, moving faster when he knew you were ready to release.
You held onto his shoulder, nails digging into his skin. He felt so good inside of you, you could hardly handle it. That’s when your climax hit.
You woke up a few hours later to someone knocking on the door. You pulled yourself out of Yixing’s hold, grabbing his shirt from the floor and going to the door.
You peeked out the peephole to see a tall man in a black suit. He held an umbrella over his head to protect himself from the rain. You tilted your head to the side, wondering what someone would be doing outside your motel room.
You knew better than to open it, backing away slowly. Then you heard him say your name. You stopped, frozen, in your place. How did he know that? You looked back to the bed, Yixing still asleep. You looked between him and the door.
You went back to the peephole; he was still there. You glanced down at the lock on the door, making sure it was locked. “What do you want?” You asked, you voice shaking.
He said nothing, only a smile creeping onto his lips. His hand slammed onto the door, pushing it open. You immediately put all your weight against the wood, trying to keep him out. He was a lot stronger than you and with one powerful push, he knocked you onto the floor. Your head hitting the dresser.
You laid on the floor, trying to get your balance back but your head was spinning from the impact. You got up in your hands and knees trying to crawl away from him, you were coughing up blood, using all the strength you had left to get away. You tried to yell for Yixing, but no words came out, just more coughing and blood.
You felt a pair of hands wrap around your ankles, pulling you back. It burned, you could feel your skin melting under the touch. You dug your nails into the carpet, using it to hold on to. He pulled you hard and your nails dragged across the carpet, the nail ripping away from your fingers. You bit down on your lip hard enough for it to bleed. You wanted to scream but you couldn’t, your voice was gone.
You had to fight.
You flipped yourself over, kicking your feet to break out of his hold. He was strong, holding you in place as if you were a feather. You keep fighting, trying to make as much sound as you could to wake Yixing up. Your ankles hurt so bad, it felt like he had burned them to the bone.
You bent in half and started to punch at his wrists, each time burning your knuckles. Even touching his skin burned, you didn’t understand.
Tears fell down your face as you kept hitting at his hands, desperately fighting for your life. You didn’t want to die.
His voice was sinister to the ear; goosebumps ran down your spine hearing it. “Hush, child. Can’t wake up your lover.” He looked to where Yixing slept. “Now, if you’d like to stop, we best get going. It’s nearly time.”
You shook your head, squirming in his hold. He pulled you out of the room with ease. You grabbed onto the door frame to stop him, but all the blood on your hands made it slippery. With a single tug your hands slipped and he whisked you into the night. Your silent screams deafening to your ears.
Yixing panicked when he didn’t see your body next to his. Jumping up from the bed, he looked for you.
Then he saw the blood stains that covered the carpet, nails stuck in the fabric. The door was left open, the cold winds blowing into the room.
There were bloody handprints on the bottom of the door frame. And a blood stain on the corner of the dresser. He touched his finger to the blood, there was doubt it was yours.
“Fuck!” He yelled into the empty air, kicking the dresser. He had failed again, he was supposed to keep you safe and he failed at that.
This was it, he thought, it was all happening again. He ran outside, to car. He didn’t have much time. Then he saw, written on the windshield in blood.
You know where to find me.
Yixing did. He knew exactly where you were. He could have never forgotten it. His mind flashed to the last time he was there, seeing her lifeless body tied to that chair, most of her skin burned away. This time, it was going to be different. He wouldn’t make the same mistakes as last time.
This time the demon would die and he wouldn’t let anything stop him.
You sat in your cage. It was dark and the walls were cold. You had curled up in a ball to keep yourself warm, your arms wrapped around your knees and your head between them. Your teeth chattered from the cold.
You had lost track of time. There were no windows, the only source of light being a bulb that swung in the hallway. Hours must have past and you had no idea.
You wished you were back with Yixing, laying in his warm arms. Not in that cold cell. You felt like crying, terrified of where you were, but you kept your tears to yourself. You needed to stay strong.
You listened to your captor banging around, you were quite sure with what. You knew who it was. You had been so caught up in trying to escape, at the motel, your brain hadn’t connected the dots on who had been trying to take you.
It was the demon Yixing had told you about. Algorath, was his name. The Archdemon.
You knew you were going to die. He was going to kill you, just he had those other girls. Cut you open like a fish and parade your body for everyone to see. Your eyes would become those lifeless crystals. Flies making homes inside you.
You shivered at the thought. You didn’t want that to happen. You didn’t want to die.
You wondered if this was how the other girls felt, waiting to die. This feeling in their guts that this was the end. Sitting in that dank cell waiting for their end.
That’s when you saw him, creeping down the hallway. His tall dark figure, killing all the light in the room. His heavy footsteps echoed in your ears. The air became thinner as he got closer. You pushed yourself into the corner of the cell, getting as far away from him as you could.
He smiled when you saw you cowering in the cell. He enjoyed your fear. He dragged his hand along the bars of the cell, the thumps breaking the silence. “Hello, child. I’m sure your anxious to know what I have planned for you.” He paused, waiting for a reaction out of you. When he didn’t get one, he continued. “Well, I am afraid you’ll have to wait. I am not quite ready for you yet.”
He opened the cell door, stepping in. His presence was suffocating, you felt like you could hardly breathe. As he walked toward you, you kept pushing against the wall, feet sliding on the floor.
He bent down in front of you, his face close to yours. “Don’t worry, child. I won’t leave you waiting too long.” He stopped, standing up straight, towering over you. “Take your clothes off.”
You looked at him in shock, biting down on your lip. You were shaking as you watched his face grow impatient. You were usually so confident, so headstrong. But you felt so vulnerable, you just broke down. “No, no…” you cried. “Please, don’t make me.”
He wouldn’t have it, his expression becoming angry. “I said take your fucking clothes off.” All his composure had faded and his rage shined through.
You looked off. “Please,” you begged. You were so scared, you couldn’t think straight. You didn't know what he planned to do to you. You really didn’t want to. You were afraid of what he would do to you. From what ran through your head, death seemed like the easiest way out.
“You take them off, or you burn.” He lit a flame on his index finger, holding it close to your face.
You bit down harder on your lip, unable to hold the tears in any longer. You looked at the flame with fearful eyes. You could take it, you thought, you wouldn’t do what he wanted you to do. Wouldn’t give him that satisfaction.
You closed your eyes and prepared for the pain. You had no idea where it was going to strike. Clenching down on the fabric of Yixing’s shirt, you felt the flame it your forehead, burning into your skull. You started to scream, it hurt so bad.
You thought you could just die right there, have all the pain end. No, he wouldn’t let you, not until he was done with you. That’s when the pain stopped. You opened your eyes. Blood dripped down your face, the hot thick liquid pouring down your skin.
“Just kill me,” you said, your tone sharp. “Just kill me and get it over with. Or I swear I’ll fucking kill you.”
He laughed, a sinister laugh that echoed through your ears. “Oh, child.” He wrapped his hand around your neck, lifting you from the ground. You clawed at his hands, nails digging into the flesh, trying to free your airways. You kicked at his torso, doing anything to get lose. He crushed down on the bones, basking in the sounds of your wordless breaths. “I will not kill you, not yet anyway. I will make sure your last moments on Earth are the most painful moments of your life.” Your neck burned from where he had grabbed you.
He then dropped you to the floor, letting you choke on the air, clinging onto life. He left the room without another word.
Yixing pulled up in front of the old warehouse. It was all coming back to him. Doing it all again, for the second time. Bursting through the door, running down the maze-like halls until he could find you. He was going to find you.
He followed the faint sounds of banging, running down hall after hall, the sounds growing louder. He had to be getting close. He didn’t have much time left. It was dark and he used his hands to guide him along.
He wouldn’t let you die. He was going to do it right this time.
He stopped when he heard the scream, he knew it belonged to you. It was a scream of pain and fear. It only made him run faster, he needed to get you, the clock was ticking.
He kept running, growing out of breath, it didn’t matter. All that mattered way you. Your screams continued, leading his path through the maze.
There it was, the door between him and you. A thick metal door stood between him and saving you. Your screams were so loud; you were screaming for help. He walked up to the door, peeking into the barred window.
You sat in a wooden chair, your wrists and ankles tied to it. You were naked, your clothes having been ripped away. On the floor below you, was a powerful angel trap. It stripped you of all your powers, rendering you defenceless. You were venerable. Your healing abilities had no effect under the hold of the trap.
Burns covered your skin, making you look almost unrecognizable. You looked nearly lifeless, hardly moving. He hated seeing you like that, dying at the hands of a demon.
Algorath circled your chair, his touch burning your skin as he touched it. Watching him touch you made Yixing furious, seeing him hurt you. He would die tonight, Yixing would make sure of it.
He started to slam on the door, hoping to break it open. He pounded on it with all his might, but it wouldn’t budge. Algorath noticed his attempts, a laughing coming through the door. Then it flew open, nearly knocking Yixing over.
“Look who decided to join us, my dear child,” Algorath said in a cool tone, walking toward Yixing. Yixing only stared at your destressed form. He felt horrible that he put you into this situation. That he didn’t protect you as he said. “The famous Zhang Yixing. Killer of the Archdemon Algorath. What a load of garbage.”
You pulled at the ties, holding you down, trying to speak but Algorath had silenced you. Yixing stood his ground, not letting the demon faze him.
“As you can see, I’m still very much alive.” Algorath looked at you. “Soon you won’t be.”
Yixing snapped, running at the demon, blade in hand. But the demon was one step ahead, turning around and stopping Yixing in his place, locking him in place.
“Such a dumb brute, isn’t he?” Algorath asked you. “Well, now he just gets to watch me kill you. he can watch me do the same to you as I did to his last lover ages ago. Funny how things always come back to you.”
You shook your head, breathing quickly has he hand got closer to you. You couldn’t take much more of his torture. You tired to speak but no words came out. You watched as his hands went down to your bare chest. You closed your eyes, bracing for the pain, but it never came.
You were hesitant to open your eyes, but when you did you were met not Algorath, rather a puddle of black blood on the floor in front of you. Yixing was gone, the room was empty. You felt the ties on your wrists fall off. You looked behind you to see Yixing untying the ropes that held you in place.
He didn’t say anything; he didn’t need to. He being there was enough. Once, you were untied, he walked back in front of you, he pulled off his loose shirt and put it on you before picking you up from the chair. He held you close to him, not wanting to let you go. You had passed out, in his arms, the pain had been too much to bare. It would take time for you to heal, but he was ready to wait.
He chose not to tell you about what happened that night. He didn’t tell you the sacrifice he made to save you. It was the only way, he had to take it and he did.
It had taken you nearly two weeks before you could get back on your feet. Your injuries had been so severe that even your healing factor took time. You were bedridden the entire time, Yixing and Junmyeon taking care of you until you were ready to ascend back to Heaven.
If you were being honest, you didn’t want to go back. You liked it on Earth with Yixing and Junmyeon. Everything was so calm and there weren’t any expectations weighing you down.
None of that mattered. When the time came, you found yourself standing in the woods, waiting for the signal to ascend. Yixing held your hand in his, ensuring you that you weren’t alone. “I’ll be with you the entire way,” he said, giving your hand a squeeze. “No need to worry.”
You nodded. “Okay.” You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath when the signal came.
The next thing you knew, was the gate to Heaven. The pure white nearly blinded you. You were back home. But Yixing wasn’t there, his hand wasn’t on yours. He was nowhere to be found. You stood alone, on the platform. Where had he gone? He was right there. What could have possibly happened to him?
That, only Yixing knew. He was the only angel who knew how to kill and Archdemon. He knew that to kill one, you had to sacrifice your soul to it. The demon would infect your mind, body and soul until it slowly died.
Demons couldn’t enter Heaven; they were perished before they could even get close. He knew he wouldn’t survive the ascent back to Heaven, the shield protecting it, killing the demon inside him.
Killing him.
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courttwoknee · 7 years
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LAY 레이_I NEED U (需要你)_Music Video 
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oriarmcha · 4 years
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(via Yixing Zisha Tea Set-Gift Package)
High quality Yixing zisha tea set.Random gift box package provided for the tea set, good for tea gift in different occasions or private use.  Buy it now online,you can Save Up $3 First Shopping and Free Shipping!
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jonginisbigdaddy · 7 years
im afraid that what they did to exo in the award shows is gonna happen to bts. in their minds, exo’s been around too long so they dont deserve awards and since bts is gonna be here for their fifth year, are they gonna get kicked to the curb too? according to that bs logic?
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exowolf-reactions · 7 years
EXO Reaction when they're on a concert and suddenly their little son runs up to them on the stage
I could have sworn I had this... it’s strange.. hmm.. Xoxo, Admin A~
/I don’t own any of the gifs used, unless stated otherwise/
*Would take video of it and post in on Instagram* “Guess the family is complete now, Park Jr. gave us a surprise today”
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*Two babies on stage tbh “Come here take my hand! We are going to play a game with the boys!!” *Probably will play with water or something as always*
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*Runs to his son and hugs him tightly* “My beautiful boy!!!  I didn’t expect you here, come! Let’s say hello to everyone!”
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*Shy smol puppy* “Hello everyone! I’m Jonging and this little one is Nini JR. Please take care of us tonight!”
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*Dad mode on* “Ello there!! Look who’s here!! Mini me! Are you happy? Did you miss appa?”
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*HE would carry his baby and show him around to all the fans* “Say hi to our aeris! Aren’t the lovely, they think you are lovely too!”
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*Sees him trying to decide if going on stage or not* “Come my son, everyone out there is dying to meet you. You’ll make your father very happy too”
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*For a moment no one’s sure who’s the baby, Chen or his son* “Ahhhh looks who’s here! Chennie! Ahh baby let me squeeze you this is a beautiful surprise. Come more often yes?”
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“Is that the one I think that is? My little son? Come to daddy, yes? Don’t be shy. But close your eyes when The Eve comes okay?”
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*Won’t leave his baby for a second. Probably the baby will sing some of the songs too, in unicorn*
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*Happiest man alive* “This is going to be the best concert ever! Let’s show Suho Jr how concerts become legends!”
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[Masterlist] [Guideline]
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layshands-blog · 8 years
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Yixing fanart by NYE
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theheal-layunicorn · 6 years
☑️ Gucci Boy - Kai
☑️ LV Boy- Sehun
☑️ Tommy Boy- Chanyeol
☑️ Valentino Boy - Lay
D.O 🔜
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happyzyx · 5 years
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200321 @ Beijing airport 
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1kook · 6 years
all these locals at lolla seeing yixing in the flesh and still think post Malone is some sort of god??
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amaxing-daes · 6 years
@God...I don’t want Hulk! Yixing please
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exo-layout · 7 years
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       ❴ zhang yixing ❵ ↳ like or reblog if you use/save.
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noona-clock · 7 years
EXO as Coffee Drinks
You all knew this was coming. 
-Admin T
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Resource: Visual Guide to Coffee Drinks (Note: this has nothing to do with their skin tones, this is all about coffee!) 
Xiumin as Cold Brew
Coarsely ground coffee + Room temperature water steeped for an extended time
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Suho as Red Eye
Drip Coffee + shot of Espresso
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Lay as Drip Coffee
Ground coffee with Auto Drip Coffee Maker
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Baekhyun as Espressso
Finely ground coffee brewed rapidly with highly pressurized water
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Chen as Mocha
Espresso + Chocolate syrup + Steamed Milk with thin foam
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Chanyeol as Flat White
Espresso + Steamed milk with very Thin Foam
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D.O. as Pour Over
Coffee placed in pour over device + hot water poured through slowly through coffee grounds
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Kai as Macchiato
2/3 Espresso + 1/3 Steamed Milk with thick foam
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Sehun as Cafe Au Lait
2/3 Drip Coffee + 1/3 Steamed Milk
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Master list // RULES // Submit a Request! // Read About the Admins
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exowolf-reactions · 7 years
EXO Reaction when their toddler does something wrong and put the blame on their sibling
Xoxo, Admin A~
/I don’t own any of the gifs used, unless stated otherwise/
*Knows that old trick* “Oh really... your brother did it... yeah yeah it makes sense... doesn’t matter. You will clean it baby”
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*So cheeky* “I see what you are trying too do there baby... I see. I do that too... when Suho thinks it’s me... I’ll give you recognition for originality”
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*He just can’t believe the imagination of his son* “Seriously... what happened next? She wore your mom’s heels and took her make up? Oh she did? Unbelievable...”
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“If you aren’t lying then why are you crying? Don’t cry... it should be your brother crying right?” *He’s chill about it*
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“You see baby... if you did it I want you to tell me. I won’t get mad... if you lie I will. So please tell me the truth... it’s important”
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*Proud dad* “That’s my kids... pranking each other all the time. They learnt from the best”
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*Having a nice but serious talk with his kid* “Baby... I know your brother couldn’t have done it. He can barely walk... so tell me why you did it. I’m sure we can work this out. I promise I won’t get mad”
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*Has everything on footage* “Let’s see who’s the mischievous one. I’m pretty sure it’s not the youngest... maybe one day, but not yet”
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*Honestly, I don’t think they would lie to their dad* “I’m not grounding you this time... but be careful the next time you play with your sister okay? My boy should grow up into a responsible man”
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*Still puzzled by it* “HE said... his brother did it but... last time I checked... he was with my wifey... so... how? Does he have Kai’s transportation power too?”
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*Pretty sure this was one of the boys doing and not their kids* “So... who taught you? Baekhyun or Chen? We need to have a serious talk...”
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[Masterlist] [Guideline]
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what-if-exxo · 7 years
    I made this in honor of Chanyeol’s birthday because he is a very special baby boy who is oh so talented and is full of love and sunshine and happiness. I hope he has an amazing birthday and is always happy. Happy Birthday Chanyeol, I love you so much schoopy  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥
                                                    Song: Summer Never Came - SayWeCanFly
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