#ymbert hawke
alistairssock · 1 year
Saw someone doing this but lost them in when dash updated, but here's some of my dears, wardens, Hawke and Inquisitior
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alistairssock · 1 year
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alistairssock · 28 days
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Happy gay Monday
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alistairssock · 4 years
My OCs: *does something requires a bit of muscle*
Their LIs, hopelessly smitten: A...arm😳😳😩🤧😖😍
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alistairssock · 5 years
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Made some kids
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alistairssock · 4 years
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Please appreciate my dearest son Ym and his memey adventures in Orlais
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alistairssock · 4 years
*kicks down door*
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alistairssock · 5 years
@motheaten-scarf was as usual a sweetheart and sent me some number for a ask meme, so here they are
Ymbert: 7 - Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
I imagine him having a tiny scar on his nose (as a play on the classic, default blood smear), as well the fact he broke his nose as kid, and a few times in more recent time. Of course he has more scars, being a reckless rouge and all, but nothing too distigushed or of importance. I also like imagining him having a few freckles scattered around here and there.
Estra: 21 - Who is your OC's closest relative?
She has her family alive and well somewhere, but the closest relative she meets in my canon are Oriel and Leonie. Oriel being her lost baby sister who got separated from her family when they all ran from the Qun, miraculously ending up with Estra's second cousin Leonie. Estra and Leonie were close as kids, despite the Qun's strict rules, so Oriel ending up with Leonie wasn't the worst outcome, a side for the fact they were too young to raise two kids on their own. Estra meets Oriel again mostly by accident in Haven when her mercenary band pass through to trade supply and as she do; she stuck around which meant a lot to Estra who'd nearly searched the world for her.
Zaranthys: 42 - What makes your OC happy?
BAKING. Zara loves to bake and it always reminds him of home in a sad, sentimental way, but it's also a passion he's held onto and greatly enjoys. Forest naps also makes him happy, so having to camp on missions is something he looks forward to, no matter the weather. Bonus if someone wants to share tent and tell stories all night. Zara might also come off as a but aloof, but he has a lot of care for his friends.
Gwen: 45 - What are some things that annoy your OC?
Simply the thought of Behlen. She trusted and loved her borther, but his betrayal made it all crash down. But the whole deal any her more than makes her sad, there's simply no sympathy left for that guy. It takes a lot to get her annoyed, though, but if she doesn't get or is stuck in her research it might grind her gears a lot and it's no use talking to her until her either figures it out or gives up/puts it aside.
Leonie: 50 - What secrets does your OC have?
Leonie probably has more secrets than they'd like to admit. But they're not deep, dark ones, just embarrassing moments and things they'd rather not tell their kids. How they have the most hopeless crush on Anders and how they'd never let themself be with him, even tho he's had feelings for them too. And, well, the whole deal about staying with their late partner for days after the murder. But other than those deep buried emotions, they try to be very open and communicate with their kids, and as Warden Commander they're a just leader as well. Secrets are only to be kept if it can save their life or their ass for ultimate embassament and emotional confrontation with themself.
Dyffros: 66 - What is your OC's favorite food?
Anything traditionally Dalish and that reminds him of his clan and home. He and Tamlen used to make this stew as kids that consisted of a handful of disorted nuts, edible leaves and dried roots, mushrooms and pheasant. Sometimes when he feel really homesick he tries to make the closest thing to it, share it with his friends around the fire, and everything feels a little better or a while.
Phyllis: 75 - What's your OC's favorite scent?
All things flowery. Strangely, horses? (She's afraid of them). She's been one time to Amaranthine and smelled the ocean, which she wish she'd get to see and smell again. Fresh and clean bed sheets. And whatever Alistair might smell like, honeslty.
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alistairssock · 5 years
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It’s pride month and you know what that means! Finally getting around to make flags for your babies
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alistairssock · 5 years
It fucks me up that Ym just tried to live his life in the estate, going through a massive depressive phase, while Morgan just casually gave Anders the key to the basement so he could come and go as he'd like and I just wow wild huh
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alistairssock · 5 years
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Made some of the babies a few days ago
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alistairssock · 5 years
Ymbert Hawke singlehandedly destroyed toxic masculinity
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alistairssock · 5 years
Contrary to popular belief, Hawke is actually short, stocky and chubby
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alistairssock · 5 years
A little about them
So the lovely @motheaten-scarf​ sent me a few numbers from this post  and here’s some info about some of my main children
10. Neria is rater street-smart, surprisingly. This partly because she had older siblings at home she tried to sneak around so they wouldn't mock her for doing magic, and the fact that her best friends in the Circle were Jowan and Anders. Growing up supervised and hated for what she could do, she had to find ways past things. She knows how to get around, facing troubles pretty head on if she must. The destruction of Jowan and her's phylacteries is a good example how she can solve things. Helping Anders escape was also a great deal from her head, but the whole process relied on a lot of planning and teamwork.
40. Thing is; she does have a sense of humor, but being as dead inside as she is, it rarely surfaces. When she gets excited over something she tends to crack a silly joke or two. Leliana is one of the few that can really make her laugh. Neria loves listening to her stories and is easily swayed by her girlfriend's charms. Ironically, the one who shares her humor the most is Oghren - when both drunk - they have a few dumb inside jokes that nobody else doesn't understand one bit. Since she also looks up to Wynne a great deal, she also shares her wits, be it a subconscious, adopted trait she's taken on or if that's truly how she is; she's unsure.
43. I actually find it hard to believe Estra has any secrets at all?? She's pretty honest and wouldn't keep anything big from anyone she keeps close, or if it might be something tha  could cause trouble/put other's in danger. Seeing Backwall as one of her closest friends she was of course devastated when she learned he'd lied to them all the entire time, but could see why he chose to do so, and didn't directly blame him for it. She was just hurt and dissapointed. But she would never keep a secret from anyone, unless lives were at stake, and also maybe when it comes to a roumoured proposal.
25. She's always been fascinated by birds and they've always flocked to her (no pun intended). From an early age she's always let birds sit on her horns, often taking a rest on there while she's doing her things. She admires how free they are and how light they can simply glide through the air seemingly effortlessly. Something about that comforts her and she enjoys spending early morning hours with the company of the soft tweets from near and far and everywhere. Sometimes she sneaks up to talk to Leliana's birds and give them smuggled snacks (this is combined with that she likes being at high heights; ideal in other words). Other than bird watching she grows herbs and other plants for remedies and medicinal potions for the people she heals when she has the time. Adding a sappy note: she once grew a special flower for a long time only for Josephine because she thought she was so special and pretty, just like the flower. She wanted to give it to her as a symbol of their blooming love and relationship.
32. Dyffros is more on the aggressive side when he comes to stress; he doesn't tackle it very well. Depending on the scale factor in the situation he also tends to be rather evasive, mostly emotionally. When Tamlen died all the blame and guilt washed up as it all being Tamlen's fault, although Dyffros also agreed on venturing out on the mission. This later manifested as a passive and bitter way of viewing things, and he ended up suppressing most of the feelings connected to the whole deal. When Duncan saved him, he only saw it as getting dragged away from what little he had left, though he knew it was the best solution at the time, but he had to complain about it to let go of some stress. So in some way he's also very defensive if a situation is too much and stirs his emotions too much as well.
50. His general resting expression is mostly a mix of distress and discomfort. He's not good at putting up a facial facade to hide what he's experiencing on the inside. He won't let you know, though, unless you're someone he truly trust. This is something he's very aware of and don't really care much about at this point. Only time he can really relax is if he's taking a warm bath. Then you'll see a muh different side of him and he looks content and relaxed with life and its hardships.
29. Ym''s weakness would defiantly be that he's too softhearted. He breaks easily and it takes time for him to build himself up again. In situations where he should be a little harsher he freaks out and is unable to handle it ideally. It was easier when both Bethany and Carver were alive because they would push him a little extra, yet backing him up if he should falter. He might come off as sarcastic and cocky as most purple Hawkes, but beside that he really cares about people a whole great deal. Over time he learned how to tackle it better, mostly because he had to, gaining such a reputation and getting such a position in different layers of Kirkwall.  
46. He is not a tall man, whatever his exact height ever will be. He reaches Fenris to about shoulder height, and Fenris in my head is tall for an elf. Ym is a rather well-build, suited for his old life back at the farm. Picture most professional heavy weight lifters; muscular yet chubby, squarey. He has a plushy exterior appearance, a good load of beef under, type of guy who would pick you up and give you the best hugs. Ym doesn't feel this or that about his appearance, really. The only thing is that he got a broken, slightly crooked nose, but that's about it. I don't believe there is the same type of body pressure in Thedas, he's simply seen as a good ol' farm boy who can pull his weight and do what's to expected at a farm-hold. He's also rather dexterous and tends to go fast and head on into battle.
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alistairssock · 6 years
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I woke up today and all I coud think about was this meme I made ages ago and it’s still very relevant
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alistairssock · 5 years
Every day I weep over the fact that Ym would look super cute in anything
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