#yoυ are тerrιғyιɴɢ ѕтrαɴɢe вeαυтιғυl ѕoмeтнιɴɢ noт everyoɴe ĸɴowѕ нow тo love│Klayley
badasshybridqueen · 11 months
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yoυ are тerrιғyιɴɢ ѕтrαɴɢe вeαυтιғυl ѕoмeтнιɴɢ noт everyoɴe ĸɴowѕ нow тo love│Klayley
тнoυɢнт oɴly oғ yoυ everydαy ι ғoυɢнт ғor yoυr reтυrɴ│Haylijah
lovιɴɢ yoυ wαѕ тнe мoѕт eхqυιѕιтe ғorм oғ ѕelғ deѕтrυcтιoɴ│Jayley
ι need тнe deep eɴd мιѕвeнαvιɴɢ ғor dαyѕ a greαт eѕcαpe│Stayley
вecαυѕe we’re a вeαυтιғυl dιѕαѕтer│Klaylijah
тнey are υɴтαмed тнey are тнe wιld тнey are тнe cнαoѕ ιɴ тнe ѕтorм│Haybekah
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badasshybridqueen · 5 years
why do you ship klayley? not meaning offense, just curious what brings you to ship them in the show.
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Hey anon, I hope you’re prepared for this answer because I could talk about it forever lol. Kidding, kidding I’ll try to keep it short I promise.I think that Hayley and Klaus, as much as they each hate to admit it are a lot like each other. They both feel abandoned and like they don’t belong and in the beginning they both sort of look out for themselves despite the cost to other people, which of course makes them clash when together. But here’s the thing, I love that these two went from disliking each other to genuinely caring for one another.IMO out of all the characters on the show Klaus and Hayley have had the most individual development as well as development together. They’ve had some of the best scenes on the show together. And everyone likes to bring up that one time Klaus choked Hayley and say how toxic they are and how terrible he was and they compare it to the whole Elijah scene in S4 when she was in his mind and he attacked her.Honestly IMO [ AND I’M IN NO WAY SUGGESTING VIOLENCE IN ANY RELATIONSHIP IS OKAY ] they aren’t big deals. This is a show about vampires, werewolves and hybrids. They all kill people on the daily. They are all violent, they can all be terrible. And lets be honest Hayley is not innocent. She’s done terrible things. Let’s not forget SHE’S responsible for Klaus murdering all of his hybrids in Mystic Falls.So bringing up violence in relationships is like…this show shouldn’t be about politics or domestic violence it’s literally a show about the supernatural lol. But I digress. Even so the situations are different. Klaus and Hayley were not in a relationship when he choked her [ which he did because she was trying to get rid of their baby and he was scared because he didn’t want to admit he cared about the baby but he did and the thought of her getting rid of it hurt and since Klaus can’t deal with that kind of emotion - much like Hayley he lashed out with violence which is the SAME THING she does lol - NOT that it was okay. This isn’t an excuse it’s an explanation ]Anyway, that was the ONE time he’s ever attempted to hurt her physically from what I remember - even when she came back after he cursed her and she fought with him - he used defensive moves against her only and then he let her hit him because he felt guilty for what he did.If you notice over the seasons as much as they fight Hayley is the only one that talks shit to him without consequence. He daggers Elijah and Rebekah and Kol whenever he feels like it - and they all speak their mind to him too because they’re family and they can. But Hayley is the same. She’s one of the only people allowed to do that without him going all Klaus.And you’ll find over the seasons - when the two of them are in a state of getting along Hayley is most comfortable. You can see it in what she wears, how she acts etc. There’s a whole meta on it on @hayleymarshalldaily I believe. I think that’s where I read it. Anyway - I like them together because I think they compliment each other. They bring out the good in each other because of their daughter. They’re both striving to be the best versions of themselves for HER. Hayley brings out the compassionate side of Klaus and he brings out her strength - he helps her realize that being a hybrid is okay that accepting all parts of yourself even the violent parts is okay. They are honest with each other - even if it hurts - and we see a lot of that in the conversations they have in S2, S3 and even S4. I hate that we didn’t get the full conversation in S4 with him talking about the PTSD from being locked away in the compound - we got the shortened version with him and Hayley and not the long one but still - the fact that he opens up to HER about that. And the two of them do that a lot without even realizing it over the seasons. There’s a bond there one than supersedes romance even.It’s why even when Hayley was mad at Klaus she was there when he or the family needed her. It’s why she fought so hard to find a cure for his family and unite everyone for Hope. And it’s why in S5 she never gave up on Klaus even when he stopped calling and writing Hope. She still defended him to their daughter even though she was angry with him. She still wrote him everyday - sent him pictures and letters even when they all kept coming back to her. She NEVER gave up. Because he’s Hope’s father, because, he’s her family, because he gave her the one thing she always wanted but never had - a family, a place to belong, acceptance. Hayley never gave up on Klaus and I HATE that we didn’t get a reaction from her when he showed up there to save her because the truth is [ in my headcanon at least ] she didn’t expect ANYONE to come for her expect maybe Hope and she prayed that didn’t happen.So, you asked me why I shipped them - and I ship them because when they are together - they’re better people. When they are working together, things end up better - they have crazy chemistry and I think if the show would have given them a chance things could have ended up differently. But of course this is TV and they’re all about their drama and twists these days because they think that’s what makes TV good lol.This got SO long. Jesus. Anyway yeah I ship them because out of all the couples on the show [ romantic and friendship ] they have the best development over the 5 seasons. Hands down. IMO.
reblog if you want to be spammed with anonymous asks │Accepting
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badasshybridqueen · 5 years
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@anditsxsorrows & @memorystxrs  Hit the 💙 for a moodboard of our muses
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badasshybridqueen · 5 years
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Because I literally just found out this never posted?!? @anditsxsorrows
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badasshybridqueen · 5 years
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If they have a set setup (more dominant/more submissive) or if they are fairly versatile. Klaus is more dominant. Hayley tends to tease and she can hold her own, but she enjoys giving herself over to him even though she’ll never admit it.
Who gives the best oral sex. They both give pretty good oral and a lot of times they try to outdo each other - Klaus tends to win, but only because she can come more times in a row than he can.
Each member’s secret fetish/kink. Hayley has a thing for dirty talk and she’s pretty sure Klaus enjoys when she tells him what she wants him to do to her.
Favorite position. She enjoys him every and any way. She hasn’t decided on a favorite position yet
Sexy nicknames? He calls her Little Wolf and she says fuck a lot LMAO
Something they tried that they will never do again. She’s not sure they’ve tried something she hasn’t liked yet.
Who initiates most often. Klaus does, he has a hard time keeping his hands to himself *eyes him*
Who is really noisy and can’t help it. Hayley is - she gets loud.
Favorite toy to use. That haven’t used any 
Who cums the fastest. Lately not Hayley because Klaus it a jerk who likes to tease her [ but she likes it far too much ] But yeah it’s usually her lol
@anditsxsorrows │Send me a ship and ‘NSFW’ and I will tell you│Accepting
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badasshybridqueen · 6 years
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KLAYLEY over 5 seasons for @anditsxsorrows [ Birthday Things 2/3 ]
I know that most feelings are fleeting
But I think I could make a home out of this one
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badasshybridqueen · 5 years
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@anditsxsorrows  sent the Meme for an aesthetic of our muses
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badasshybridqueen · 6 years
Husband Application:
Name: Klaus Mikaelson
Age: 1000+
How well do we know each other?: I’d say on a scale of 1 to 10,  I’d give us a solid 8. 
Do you have a pet name for me?: Maybe. 
Do I have a pet name for you?: Probably.
Are you attracted to me?: I mean, yes, I guess. 
Why do you want to marry me?: Why not? That’s the real question.
Big wedding or Small wedding?: As big as the royal wedding. 
Would you cook for me?: If that would stop you from cooking for me, yes, I would.
What do you cook?: I don’t want to brag but I can cook anything and everything. 
How would we do chores?: We wouldn’t. I’ll compel random people from the street to do them for us. 
Are you handy with tools?: Yes.
Do you see children in our future?: Yes. They’re too much work but worth it.
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“So, let me get this straight. You’re going to let complete strangers into our home, and you think our daughter is too much work???  I should smack you. Honestly Klaus, this is the worst proposal ever.” 
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badasshybridqueen · 6 years
Husband & Boyfriend Application [ ‘Cause you’re greedy Klaus ]
Name: klaus mikaelson
Age: 1000+
How well do we know each other?: we met in Mystic Falls - you were a friend of Tylers. Thankfully you’ve redeemed yourself of that now [don’t be rude]
Do you have a pet name for me?: little wolf
Do I have a pet name for you?: some I don’t approve of [it’s Klaus the Cuddly Hybrid that you don’t approve of isn’t it?]
Are you attracted to me?: possibly [ snorts these applications are supposed to be truthful] 
Why do you want to marry me?: because we could be royalty in the city [ Aww ]
Big wedding or Small wedding?: massive [ You’re so extra ]
Would you cook for me?: of course
What do you cook?: whatever you’d like
How would we do chores?: we have employees for that
Are you handy with tools: I’m good with compulsion
Do you see children in our future?: we already have a child
and for good measure Klaus will send in another just in case the one above was denied -
Name: klaus mikaelson
Age: 1000+
Are you attracted to me?: of course
Sub/Dom/Both?: possibly both [ You should take out the possibly you like when I tell you exactly what to do]
Kinks?: none you wouldn’t like 
How often are you available?: as long as there aren’t any enemies to kill - I’ll be there when you call
Will there be extras?: there’s always something extra
What do you want to do to me?: I’m supposing that’s obvious but if you insist on an answer - make you quite the mess
When can you start?: whenever you want
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“…Why are you like this? I should deny both because you’re greedy. But since I like being cooked for considering I can’t cook. And since I also like when you make me quite the mess as you put it I feel like it would just be in my best interest to accept both. As long as we’re clear I’m only using you for your plethora of skills and it’s not because I find you adorable, irreplaceable or because you’re the father of my child. Though maybe it’s those things too.”
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badasshybridqueen · 6 years
klayley ( OUR VERSION THOUGH) and any verse!!
Accepting │✧│ @hybriidkiing​ ❣ 
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How did they they meet? Tyler - Klaus was creeping around his house and found Hayley…also creeping around the house
Who developed romantic feelings first? Well, neither at first. It was sort of a wham, bam thank you hybrid moment. Later on it was probably around the same time when Klaus was released after the five years.
Who is their biggest “shipper?” Their daughter
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? In Mystic Falls while drinking near a nice cozy fire in the Mikaelson mansion. The circumstances were drunk & horny.
Who confessed their feelings first? Klaus did, but he stumbled over his words and wound up telling her she was bloody infuriating which lead to some confusion.
What was their first official date? They went out to dinner but got into a fight on the way their, argued and wound up having sex in the car on the way back home. Hayley to this day still hasn’t gotten her fucking dinner.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates? Neither can really tolerate double dating. Other couples are too touchy feely and cutsey and it makes them mildly homicidal. Family diners are the most they do.
What do they do in their down time? …each other
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like? Hahah what parents? Abandoned and Dead AF
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it? They briefly fought about what was best for hope, but surprisingly they sat down together and discussed it like adults and came to a reasonable solution and then discussed it with their daughter to make sure she was okay with what they came up with.
Which one is more easily made jealous? It’s a toss up really. They’re both pretty jealous at times. It depends on the situation.
What is their favorite thing to get to eat? Depends on their mood. Klaus likes his fancy food - Hayley likes burgers. They both at times like people.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favorite cuddling position? Hayley is a closet cuddler. She will just drape her body over his. She’s probably better than a blanket.
Are they hand holders? Not really. When they’re laying together sometimes Hayley will play with his fingers…or put them place they can be more useful. But there’s not a lot of hand holding – not sure why.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances? Surprisingly it wasn’t the first time they met. They knew each other a little bit before hand. Circumstances are the same as the first kiss. Drunk & horny.
Who tops? They tend to like their battle for dominance so it varies but usually she’ll let him top.
What’s the worst fight they’ve ever gotten into? Well, there was that time Klaus turned her into a wolf for six months. Soo probably that.
Who does the shopping and the cooking? Neither. Klaus compels people. Hayley can’t cook. Klaus can but doesn’t often.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness? Klaus
Who proposes? Klaus accidentally. It was not planned it was said as a joke while he was sitting with Hope and Hayley and Hope got so excited jumping around and Hayley just smirked and said No take backs and that’s how Klaus found himself engaged. He should think before he speaks.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate? Oddly enough it’s joint, it’s big and it’s extra AF (because of Klaus ofc) and really all Hayley wants to do is have sex in one of those things the people on the ceiling are swinging on.
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids? ….Awkwardly Elijah is the best man. Rebekah is Hayley’s maid of honor.
Big Ceremony or Small? It’s stupid big because Klaus probably planned it with Rebekah and Hayley just sat there pinching the bridge of her nose like…can’t we go to vegas?
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where? They do so they can get away from their family and all the death and mayhem in NOLA. They bring Hope though because they’re both super paranoid about leaving their daughter anywhere without them, rightfully so though.
Do they have children? How many? Yes, one daughter and baby number two on the way.
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badasshybridqueen · 7 years
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@castsfear Liked the THING for an aesthetic for our muses.
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badasshybridqueen · 7 years
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Tell me this isn’t the best desktop background ever. Because it is. Shhh. Also IDK who made it, but it wasn’t me.
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badasshybridqueen · 7 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day @anditsxsorrows have a thing for our problematic children.
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badasshybridqueen · 7 years
*song symbol meme thing*
Accepting │✧│ @anditsxsorrows ❣
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To The Hills by Laurel
Him & I by G-Eazy Ft. Halsey
Animal Attraction by She Wants Revenge
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badasshybridqueen · 6 years
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badasshybridqueen · 7 years
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Yet another birthday aesthetic for the precious, lovely, rude AF with the feels@anditsxsorrows . I hope your special day is treating you well!
Klaus Mikaelson & Hayley Marshall
V; The Darkest Side of Me
A man cannot destroy the savage In him by denying it's impulses.
The only way to get rid of a Temptation is to yield to it.
I could tear you Apart If I wanted. I am a fate worse than death.
In the darkness of my dark-beating heart I know I love you, you see? Even death has a heart.
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