#yoarashi inasa is a shitty person
artistrashofmine · 4 years
Here I go again with some smut, fun times.  Pairing: Yoarashi Inasa/Bakugou Katsuki Rating: Explicit W/C: 3890 AO3 Link: Have Your Way With Me “Hey, Bakugou!” The blond looked up from his isolated spot in the corner of the changing room. There was a reason he always came in here dead last, and remained in the corner far from the rest of the group, on the other side of the damn room. There was plenty of room in here too, after all, it was only the three of them changing. Him, Todoroki, and the new pain in the ass that was Shiketsu’s puppy, Wind-Bitch. Now, at least IcyHot knew how to mind his own business, knew when he wasn’t wanted, despite his oblivious personality. Besides, he was always quick to get changed anyway, meaning that there wasn’t much time for locker room banter or whatever the hell people were calling it. Then there was this guy. This guy, who didn’t seem to get the memo. To be fair, he didn’t go to U.A., he was just some extra who had failed the licensing exam and now the blond was stuck here with him. He had no reason to know of Katsuki’s preference to be alone, but it wasn’t that damn hard to figure out. By the first day, he should have known, yet the man was like an overgrown puppy; stupid, having to repeat his actions over and over and over again with no achievable goal in mind.
“What now?” The blond had said it in the most displeasing, unwelcoming way he could muster, throwing his costume top down onto the bench and replacing it with a tank top. “Well, I was wondering, what are you doing after this? Any plans?”Was this guy seriously attempting to hang out with him? How did Katsuki keep attracting these kinds of people? First Shitty-Hair, now this guy? He didn’t even remember the extra's name for fuck sake. “None of your business.” He shut down, hoping the other would leave it be. “You always wait for everyone to leave, do you go somewhere after training? He didn’t take the hint, and the whole reason the hothead let everyone else leave first was so he didn’t have to put up with them on the way out, or Todoroki on the way back.  Apparently that was coming back to bite him in the ass with the form of an annoying Shiketsu bitch, because why wouldn’t it? Instead of ignoring a few minutes of brain-numbing conversation, he had to put up with shitty, one-sided, conversation drawn out in the locker room as he waited for the other to give up and fuck off. Which was worse?
“I take your silence as confirmation that you have nowhere you need to be!” Did he now? Did he really? Jesus. “Fuck off.” Was the blond’s only response, his heavy boots, as well as his socks, being placed to the side just as his top had been, and he went to undo his belt. “Well, I was wondering,” what part of Katsuki’s words did he not understand, “if you wanted to grab a bite to eat together! What gave him the idea that the blond would want anything like that? What gave him the fucking gull to ask? If Katsuki was any less of, well, himself, he’d consider humouring the pitiful soul. But no, nothing was worth willingly hanging out with someone, well, almost nothing. See, sparing was fine, it was helpful for the most part, depending on the partner, but they just spent the last hour sparing. He usually went out for a light jog after class anyway, and he sure as hell didn’t need anyone joining him for it. “You’re joking, right? Fuck off.” He repeated his previous reply, turning only to startle, coming face to... chest with the overgrown puppy, and damn was he noticing the overgrown part. “It was worth a try, maybe another day?” He didn’t give up, seemingly unaware of the intrusion of personal space. “What the fuck was your name again?” He couldn’t help but ask, curiosity getting to him, despite his attempts not to fucking care. You see, there were very few things he’d willingly do with another person, he avoided the common room for that reason. Much of it was a waste of time and didn’t help him at all in the long run. Still, the blond had his own hobbies, most of them didn’t involve another person, but they could. With a face full of bare skin and his brain finally fucking catching up to the social cues he was apparently oblivious to up until now, Katsuki realized there just might be a use for having this guy hanging around. “Yoarashi Inasa!” He answered, unbothered to the blond’s ignorance, and outright admission to not bothering to remember his fucking name. “Right,” the blond lifted a hand to place on his chest, the dark eyes that looked down at him hardened like steel. <p>Why the hell did he only notice how much taller this guy was now? No, not just taller, bigger, he was like a fucking wall. And it fucking annoyed the blond to no end, yet he couldn’t help but let his mind wander... Katsuki bit his lip, his fingers parting, reaching across as much of the skin as he could manage. “I can’t read your mind Bakugou, but you look like you want something?” Damn, maybe he did.> See, there’s one hobby he likes to do in the privacy of his room, alone, with the help of some toys he kept clean in a box under his bed, and they weren’t small. He didn't like any of that small shit, the bigger the better. And the airhead was big. He wondered if everything was proportional. He hoped it was. He found himself hoping he’d be able to find out. Despite the other’s question, it looked like he knew exactly what was going through Katsuki’s mind; as if I’d want anything from you. He felt his way down the bare skin, muscles hard against his hand. It's not like he's done something like this before, and it was better if he didn't, but Katsuki thought he deserved to indulge for a bit. He wondered, what happened to trying to get this guy off his ass? Now he fucking wanted him there. “Your eyes speak otherwise.” The deep voice sent a chill down the pale blond’s spine. He let his hand fall from the body bringing his traitorous red eyes back up to the annoying face, clicking his tongue. He was about to take a step back when the taller one grabbed the falling hand. Katsuki thought his own hands were freakishly big, after all, that's where his quirk came from, they felt like leather and was always large compared to his other classmates, but Inasa's dominated his, fitting the fucking appendage in the palm of his hand. A foreign noise escaped the blond as he held it up to his mouth and kissed the knuckle, “sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that you had to stop.” What was with this guy? If Katsuki stopped it wasn't just because he'd think someone might want him to. A flush crept up his neck, another unusual experience, the blond hardly blushed, it wasn't that easy to get him embarrassed, but this guy was embarrassing as hell. He flattened Katsuk's hand against his chest just as the blond had it seconds ago, “you can touch me as much as you want.” <p>He was straightforward, Katsuki liked to think they were similar in that way, only he was so much more embarrassing. Still, it went straight to the blond';s cock. Once again, his hands were on the move, mapping out the other's body, a mind of their own, taking the other's invitation for what it was. Katsuki swallowed, having to correct his line of sight once again, only it turns out, looking the larger one in the eyes made things much worse. The dark, blown pupils and intense look had him blushing like a schoolgirl. Looking down at him with hunger, with intent, with knowing. Knowing that the blond was feeling the exact same way, knowing that Katsuki was all his for the time being. "How can someone be so small yet possess so much character?" he pondered, maybe they weren't on exactly the same wavelength. "The hell is that supposed to mean?" His voice came out more bothered than he intended. “It means I like you Bakugou!" And the large hands were on his hips, the calloused thumbs brushing at the pale skin just above his pants, under his shirt, "is it okay that I touch you?" Another choked noise, "don’t just touch me only to ask if you could or not! And I don’t care, do whatever the hell you want!” “Oh,” he sounded disappointed, "that's okay, I'll take that as a challenge to make you care then.”
The hands slide up the smooth skin causing the blond to let out a small gasp. They slowed to clench his middle, the top rising with them. They groped in there as if ready to lift him. For a second Katsuki hoped he would, but they only continued to feel his body, along his abdomen, the small of his back, moving up and around until they reached his pecs. Katsuki clenched his jaw, staring the other straight in the eyes with lidded ones of his own, daring him to make the bold move. The soft muscle was grasped, squeezed in the wind-users hands, and was treated like putty. The UA student’s jaw unclenched, falling open as the pair of hands went to work kneading the flesh. And a second later Katsuk's shirt was being pulled off his body, his clearly hardened nipples on display, only worsening as they were exposed to the cool air, perking up obscenely. The hand was back to fondling his breasts, this time flicking the hardened buds, rolling one between his fingers before doing the same to the other. It was as if Inasa were trying to squeeze milk out of them, they were swollen bigger than Katsuki's ever had them and sensitive as hell, the blond knew he had started making some noise already, small groans but still embarrassing as all hell. What was he supposed to do about it though? This felt so fucking good.
“I’m going to lift you, okay?" And yes, that's what he's been waiting for, the hands returning to his small waist, giving it another squeeze, Inasa's fingers practically meeting at the blond's navel.
“Yeah-” at the confirmation he was quickly lifted into the air, weighing seemingly nothing “fuck,”
Katsuk’s legs quickly found their place, wrapping around the other's tree trunk of a body. One of Inasa's hands came to hold him up by his ass, the other resting on the small of his back, guiding Katsuki to lean back into his grip.
His head then dipped down, coming to take one of the swollen tits into his mouth. Katsuki jerked as the wet cavern engulfed his pec causing his cock to grind against Inasa's pants. That didn't deter the other as he continued to lap at the abused nipples, allowing Katsuki to hump him like a dog would hump a leg. And Katsuki had no qualms about grinding against the other's navel, selfishly seeking his own pleasure, a hand coming to finish unlatching his belt, the accessory falling to the floor with a clash. Though the blond paid no mind to it, it could have fallen into a pool of lava for all the fucks he could give. His hands come up to dig into the broad shoulders as his partner's mouth rises to suck bruises into his neck, drawing a gasp out from the blond's lips. It was quickly silenced though as the other's mouth met his mark, fitting against Katsuki's own, hungrily forcing his lips open to push his tongue into the hothead’s wet cavern. The larger appendage quickly mapping out his mouth. And just like that, he parted. Lifting his head, Inasa voices his intention, "I'll make sure to have you begging Katsuki." Bakugou fucking moans at the suggestion. With a breathy voice, and the heated gaze he replies, "you fucking better.” Gone is the annoying puppy from early, seeing him now, Katsuki's previous descriptions didn’t compare. His eyes ravaged the blond, he wasn’t going to go soft, expecting the blond to keep himself up as any supporting hands were removed from his body, leaving the teen hanging to Inasa with legs tightly clamped around his center, arms holding on for his dear life. The other's own hands finding their way to the waistband of the blond's costume. He looked like a beast as he tore the garment off Katsuki's body as if it were nothing but a mere tissue.
The thing is, those pants were built to withstand danger, to stay in one piece, whether it be explosions, blades, fucking acid, they weren’t fucking easy to tear. Yet he did it in one go, muscles bulging as the fabric ripped, draping off the blond's body, revealing his tight boxers that were dampening by the second. It was fucking hot, it had Katsuki's cock harder than ever before, begging for some relief. “You have an amazing body Bakugou.” The brown eyes looked him over, every small detail, running his fingers up and down the revealed skin, pushing the boxers up to gain more and more. <p>His other hand sneaking back under the blond's ass to ravish the newly shown skin there. The large appendage holding the round of his butt, squeezing it as if he's been waiting to do so for weeks. Katsuki grunted at the action, shifting as if to find the most comfortable position he possibly could, whether that was away from the hands that felt him up or closer, he didn’t know. "Yeah I do, you better fucking appreciate- shit.” He didn’t get to finish his reply, Inasa dipping his body down to sit on the cold bench he was previously using, Katsuki's boxers were off his body before he could process it happening, the taller man pulling his legs out so that his bottom slid partially off the bench.
“Hold this for me?" The Shiketsu hat was placed upon Katsuki’s spiky hair, and Inasa was down on his knees, "I’ll make sure to appreciate you, Bakugou.”
"Gah- what the, hah, hell do you think you’re... hunnh.” The blond trailed off, throwing his head back as his hardened member was engulfed in the hot, wet mouth of his partner, the wind-user taking him down to the hilt as if it were nothing. "Oh fuck!' His tongue flattening against the underside of the blond's weeping cock as he sucked, moving his mouth up and down. Katsuki's own hand came to rest at the back of his head, the short hairs brushing against his skin. The muscles in his leg tensed as the other took his time, slowly mapping out Katsuki's most private parts with his tongue, filing them to memory. Breathy moans filling the empty space of the locker room, bouncing off the wall. Only, it was when the other removed his mouth from his erection, lowering it and spreading his legs farther, that Katsuki’s moans picked up, got louder. The brunet’s tongue lapped against the first year’s entrance, hands coming to part the globs of fat that shielded it, Teeth nipping at the tight ring of muscle, saliva making a mess of it, running down into his crack. <p>He glared at the other with heated, red eyes, mouth agape, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. A traitorous mewl escaping at the other’s tongue dipped into Katsuki’s entrance, both loosening and wetting his hole, stretching him open. It was a new feeling, a fucking amazing feeling that had Katsuki squirming, had his body quivering for more, relishing in the attention. This was much better than his fucking toys under the shitty dorm's bed. Having someone else please him. Having his hands free, free to roam the other’s body, his own body if he wanted. With that in mind, his hand came up to squeeze his pec, play with his own tits. Inasa didn't miss it, eyes gleaming as they focused on the blond's hands, thumbs brushing over his hardened nipples, before rolling them between his thumb and forefinger. Inasa began nipping at his hole again, hands squeezing his ass cheeks as he did, eyes hungrily gazing at Katsuki, who's own couldn't help but roll back, unrecognizable pleads and groans falling from his lips. “That's right Katsuki, all mine." The other purred. Ah, that's what he's been whining about? Was Katsuki so out of it he couldn't fucking recognize his own speech? Whatever it didn't matter, Inasa was taking care of him, he was Inasa's. “Fucking use me.” He confirmed with as much force as he could muster. The brunet’s tongue was gone in an instant, Katsuki's eyes snapping open, a disappointed groan leaving him. He was ready to complain when he felt the pads of the other's fingers at his opening instead. The blond's body betrayed him as it pushed closer, looking for more, recognizing the teasing of a finger that rubbed at the rim, urging him to relax. A substance left in its wake, lube? It felt different as his large finger sunk in, not like the lube Katsuki was used to. Or maybe it was the feeling of another man’s fingers that made this different. “I wasn’t expecting for this to happen, I made do with what I have,” he explained, holding up a bottle of aloe vera. "Why the hell-?” His answer came a second later, causing an embarrassed flush to materialize across his fair skin, “you’re an intense character with an equally as intense quirk! If I was risking getting burned, I wanted to be prepared. Beside, Todoroki also has a heat-related quirk.” “Don’t talk about damn half-and-half with a finger in my ass.” He deflected. "Should I add another then?” The blond moaned as the second digit was pushed in beside the first despite his lack of reply, "you stretch really well, Katsuki. I wonder how you'll look around my cock. " Goddamn, Katsuki liked the thought of that. Fuck, so did his dick with the way it pulsed, precum gathering below his navel. "I could put the third one in already,” he observed, scissoring the pair already in there, "your body's amazing! It's perfect." Katsuki shamelessly soaked in the praise, his hole twitching around the thick fingers that penetrated him. That seemed to push deeper and deeper into him, curling and stretching his walls. "Uhh!" Pressing against that spot that had the first year seeing stars, eyes rolling back and mouth dropping open, "yes- Inasa!" He grinds the digits into Katsuk's prostate before adding a third, the blond’s greedy hole easily sucking it all in, clinging to the digits as they'd retreat, his leg kicking out as they rammed into his prostate. He didn't need much more stretching from there, or so the other concluded as he pulled the fingers out, Katsuki's hole blinking at the loss, in an attempt to tighten back up. Inasa pecked the blond's lips a few more times before straightening up. Removing his remaining clothing, revealing his cock. The blond was far from disappointed. It was a fucking monster, hard with precum beading at the tip, balls hung heavy, swollen, at the base. Katsuki could't help but shudder at the thought of having that thing inside him, taking the member down to the base, rearranging his guts. Before he knew it, Inasa was rubbing the thing against his hole, the blunt head catching on his rim. The hothead practically thrust towards it, his smaller body begging to be used, to be plugged up good. </p> “Ready baby?" The lustful, brown eyes stared expectantly. Who was the blond to disappoint, "born ready, give it to me fucker!" And he did. He fucking did. The member sank into the blond’'s pliant body as if it were a fleshlight. Prompting the bigger one to ask, "have you done this before, Katsuki?” "Uhh- god no-" his voice hitched as the other went deeper, deeper then any toy Katsuki owned, “so fucking good." Inasa groaned in return,"I’m your first then? I'm going to ruin you for anyone else Kat.” The blond’s rim clenched around the cock inside him as if agreeing with the bigger one's words. And fuck, Inasa continued to enter Katsuki, so much of him, and the blond briefly wondered how the hell his body could take it all? He wondered if he could feel Inasa's cock if he were to press down on his middle if he could feel it through his skin. Katsuki felt so full, and god, it pressed against his prostate perfectly. “Are you ready? I’m going to start moving now, kay?" The blond nodded as best he could.
"Yes, yes- fucking fuck me already!" The blond demanded, throwing a ferocious grin back at the other. The brunet pulled out his cock, the head pulling on the rim, before grabbing ahold of Katsuki’s hips and pounding back into him, forcing the air out of the blond's lungs in a gasp as his length hit against the bundle of nerves. And Inasa didn't go easy, he gave it to Katsuki just how the first year liked; deep, hard, and fast. The blond’s mouth falling open, moans and drool making its escape. Leaving the locker room filled with the sinful sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and lustful whines. "Ah! Ah! Come on, come o- Ah, ah.” "Are you close, Kat?" The low voice whispered in his ear, nipping at the lobe, as he grinds deep into the hot-head. “Yeah- hell yeah," One of his hands set an explosion off against the bench he was clenching for his life, "shit!" He was so fucking sweaty. It was so fucking hot in here. His moans echoed through the room, was the door even locked? He didn't care, couldn't find a reason to. Not with the dick that positioned in and out of him, hitting the bundle of nerves each and every time. One of Inasa's hands reached up to grope his pec, squeezing it, "good, cum while being fucked on my cock Katsuki." <p>The other wrapped around his center, so fucking big compared to his small waist. He was so fucking big compared to the blond. Everything- so fucking good. "Ahhh, yes yes yes, INASA!" He came crying out the other's name, his body twitching, his hole spasming around the member inside him, his smaller cock pulsing cum across his stomach. His eyes rolled back as the other came to a stop, painting Katsuki's insides with his warm seed, coming deep in him. He pulled up, adjusting the blond and himself into a more comfortable position. Katsuki groaned as he clenched around nothing, his hole left gaping. And he swore he could already feel the cum slowly leaking out of him. “I-” his voice sounded like shit, likely from the yelling, "-I need a fucking shower.” "Me as well," He sounded winded - no pun intended -"...do you want help up?” The blond cursed his still shaky body, “just give me a damn minute.” Katsuki considered his next sentence, "... Dinner better be good, I want something spicy." "Right" Inasa grinned, "it’s a date.”
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