#yohan lookism
Just another normal working day with Johan 🕴🕴
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ventivente · 1 month
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cosmitton · 22 days
my friends should know i don’t listen by now
Johan Seong X F!Reader (foreign)
A/N: It’s been a while since I wrote anything, sorry about that! I just finished my Spring semester of university and am set to graduate at the end of this year, so I’ve been busy lol. This one is a bit more romantic than the others, though they’re not really in a relationship yet. Idk what chapter this takes place around, exactly, but it’s a little while after the first 2 I wrote. (Maybe around chapter 283, the end of Hostel, or a little bit after that?)
This is a continuation of this and this that I wrote before, if you haven’t read them. Same reader. Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Zoe’s ever met Johan? Right?
Once again, I hope you enjoy and please let me know if anyone’s OOC or anything I need to improve. Thank you! c:
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Warnings: None
Summary: Johan comes to pick you up from school to go to the park. For the first time, your school friends find out who you’ve been spending time with.
You’re so into finishing with writing your notes that you don’t even realize that class has ended already. Not until you’re pulled from your thoughts, at least.
You hear your name being called and turn to see Daniel at the doorway to your classroom. Of course, Zack, Vasco, and Zoe are with him – and another girl… Mira, you think? The girl Zack has a crush on. You haven’t really spoken to her, seeing as you’re in the baking department while she’s in the fashion department with the others – and she’s not as outgoing as Zoe is to introduce herself, she seems nice though.
You nod to him, starting to pack up your things. You almost forgot that you have a date – well, not really, but kind of. It’s a good thing Daniel pulled you back to Earth or you would’ve been late, and your date would’ve been pouty, despite how much he denied that he ever pouted.
“Hey,” you stand up, putting the strap of your bag onto your shoulder, “sorry.”
“Take your time.” Daniel smiles, ever polite.
“Hurry up.” Zack huffs, but cowers when Mira looks at him chidingly.
“How was your day?” Vasco asks, always the buff, oblivious golden retriever.
You smile fondly at him, “fine, thanks. Yours?”
Vasco prattles on about everything that he and Jace, and the rest of Burn Knuckles, did today as your group walks out of school together. Admittedly, you stop listening once you get outside, looking around for your date – he should be meeting you at the gates. You see a couple of other students glancing confusedly in a direction and chattering with each other, and when you turn to look in that direction, you see him.
“Johan!” You raise your hand in the air as he looks up, straightening up from the way he was leaning against the pillars at the entrance of the schoolyard, to show that you’ve seen him and are on your way. “Hey, guys, I’ll see you late–”
You’re cut off when someone gently, but firmly, pulls you back. You turn to see Vasco with his hand on your arm, staring straight ahead at Johan with a tense look. The others in your group seem to have similar looks of apprehension or surprise on their own faces – except for Zoe, who just seems curious.
“Who’s that guy? He’s cute. Is that your boyfriend?!” It’s cute how Zoe seems genuinely excited about the prospect.
Vasco says your name tensely, and you turn to see the concern on his face. “You know him? Did you invite him here?”
You take another glance around the group – they’re all watching you now, “You guys know him? He’s my friend.”
“Do you know him? I mean, really know him? You should be careful around him, he’s–”
“It’s fine, Vasco. I can handle myself. And he’s a good guy.”
Vasco seems about to refute that, but Daniel steps in this time, “are you sure? Do you know what he’s involved in–”
“It’s not my business. And, no offense, but this isn’t yours.” You pull your arm out of Vasco’s grasp. “Thanks, guys, really. Don’t worry about it.”
You start to back away when Zack steps forward, a mix of eager and some kind of concern – though you don’t think it’s for you because Mira has a similar look, though she’s staring at Johan with shock as well. You wonder how they know him, and why they’re so surprised to see him, but you don’t ask – that also isn’t your business, and Johan will tell you in due time. “Wait, how do you know him?”
You turn toward Johan now, “see you later!” Now that you look at the brunette, he’s definitely pouting – figures.
You ignore Zack calling after you to answer his question and jog to meet with Johan and his dogs. “Hey,” you aim at the boy while you pet Eden and Miro in greeting.
He doesn’t answer. You look up to see that he’s glaring back at the group of your school friends, before he turns and starts walking away without you. You laugh slightly before catching up with his long strides. Your friends have bothered him, but you don’t ask why because you know that he’ll end up saying it anyway. It just takes him a minute, it’s like he can’t help himself.
As expected, he finally speaks, “you’re friends with those guys?”
You hum, knowing it’ll annoy him that you don’t elaborate further. But he never does, so why should you?
You can almost hear him roll his eyes, “and that big idiot? You’re friends with him? Really?”
“Vasco’s nice.” You offer.
Johan scoffs, “he’s not that great. Why is everyone so hung up on him?”
He doesn’t elaborate, of course.
You try again, really twisting the knife. “Jealous?”
He finally looks at you, half-annoyed and half-aghast. “Of what? Ignorance and failing grades?”
“You’re not even in school.”
“Shut up.”
You laugh as he turns away again, “you’re pouting~.”
“’M not.”
“Isn’t he?” You turn to Eden and Miro with your ‘stupid voice’ – as Johan calls the baby talk you naturally do with dogs – to ask them, “isn’t it so obvious that your dad’s pouting?”
“Don’t bring them into this.” Really, it’s adorable to you the way Johan is scandalized as if his dogs can actually understand and agree with you.
Eden and Miro both bark anyway, excited by the attention. You laugh, “see? They know it, too.”
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roboneco · 26 days
I kinda love how certain lookism characters, while not really being involved in each others story, still sometimes acts or thinks in similar ways.
Eli & Johan both tend to isolate themselves when things get fucked. Both have (to me at least) INCREDIBLY different mindset about it tho. Eli trying to protect others while Johan (I believe) tries to protect himself.
Zack & Samuel both feel jealousy over people they once thought were their equal. Both dealt with it in different ways tho. Samuel hating that Jake is living his "dream" and refusing to be close to him. Zack ended up accepting that both Daniel and Johan are privileged in that aspect and he can only work to be better. They are his friends and he doesn't want to lose either of them.
Jake & Daniel both love their friends so much but still lie to them and wear a facade alot of the time. Both have different things to hide tho. Different things they are afraid of losing.
The circumstances are different for each individual and all of these characters has a very different way of thinking than the other. Yet somehow they are very similar in ways they don't even realise.
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lookismfanfics · 1 year
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You know what it is…
Behold, more Lookism Actor AU!
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cattatetcho · 2 months
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hai i have nothing else to offer so have this freeform yohan i drew ..
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wannaeatramyeon · 8 months
Johan Seong x Reader: Reunion
G/N. Can be platonic. Post 1A. Spoiler free.
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You round the corner, your apartment block in sight, view obscured in the storm when-
Johan is there.
Across the road. Metres separating you.
Johan is there. Rain on bare skin. Soaked to the bone. Hair plastered against his face.
Caught pacing, midstep. Right foot barely glancing the pavement before his soul sought you out. Turning, eyes drawn to you like a magnet.
It doesn't matter that his eyesight might be fading. It doesn't matter if his eyesight has faded.
He would still be able to sense, he would still know -
That it's you.
You drop your bags of food from surprise. Having been so precious about keeping them dry and sheltered, pointlessly, before.
The eggs are likely cracked. A couple glass bottles smashed.
But you don't care.
Johan is here.
He sprints.
Closing the gap.
Pounding slick tarmac, slamming in puddles, cars honking as he dodges and weaves.
Morphing you from a blurry suggestion of a silhouette, to you.
Even through the downpour, clear as day. The way your body stills, the shape of your lips, your sharp inhale of breath.
After everything, he would always know that it's you.
Johan skids to a halt.
Stopping so close you could lean forward and brush your chest against his.
Reach your hand up, stroke your fingers through his familiar locks.
Cup his cheek and feel the warmth of his skin.
You're the first person he thought about as soon as he left that hellhole and the mad doctor's grasp.
Ran the entire way. Footsteps retracing familiar alleys and back streets where you have wandered together. Through sun and snow and rain. Through spring bloom and winter chill. Sometimes with Eden and Miro, sometimes just the two of you.
Has waited for hours outside your home even as the heavens groaned and opened.
Yet. He can't seem to close the final distance. To make it real.
You take in the sight of Johan.
He's waited for you, come all this way.
You make the move.
You're the one that bridges the finger width of cold air inbetween.
Throwing your arms around him, pressing both of your bodies together. He sags towards your warmth, clothes soaking you too but you don't mind, you've never minded.
"I've missed you," you murmur, voice muffled on his shoulder.
The words don't come for Johan. He chokes back a sob that you know means 'I've missed you too.'
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Missing him rn | Lookism Fanart
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anticapitalistclown · 8 months
may i request a “bro is the type of guy” for johan?😆 thank you so much!!!
also i love your work omg
yes! and thank you! <3
bro is the type of guy series
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Johan Seong: bro is the type of guy
bro is the type of guy that walks you safely home with the excuse that he needs to take the dogs on a walk
bro is the type of guy that comes to you saying he's hungry just he can eat your home meal food
bro is the type of guy that sends cat pictures and say "us, this is how the trend works right?"
bro is the type of guy that didn't fell first but fell harder
bro is the type of guy that if he's with you it's with the purpose of an all-life relationship
bro is the type of guy that is shy with pda but likes physical affection in private
bro is the type of guy whose love language are acts of service and quality time
bro is the type of guy that would not hesitate to come for you if you call him, it doesn't matter the hour or the reason, he'll be there
bro is the type of guy that loves using your tummy as his personal pillow
bro is the type of guy that when you ask him for something he will say "no" and then proceed to actually do it
bro is the type of guy that keeps a picture of you inside his phone cover
bro is the type of guy that has his phone gallery full of pictures of animals, sunsets and you
bro is the type of guy that cries if you cry
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sscarletvenus · 8 months
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how to carry your situationship
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how to carry your friend who sometimes takes you on quests that involve horrors beyond the imagination of humankind
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ventivente · 3 months
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My contribution to the Lookism fandom
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cosmitton · 4 months
seeing a cute boy outside of a restaurant at night
Johan Seong x F!Reader (foreigner)
A/N: I haven’t written in so long and this is the first thing I’ve ever written for Lookism, so I’m nervous lol. The reader in this is described to be a foreigner, but I don’t describe what she looks like, so I hope that’s okay. She’s based off of one of my Lookism OCs but I thought it’d be better to write it as a Reader instead. I also won’t be using (Y/N) or anything like that bc I think it takes away from the flow of the writing/dialogue. Also, I think this takes place a little after the God Dog arc where Johan’s on his own again.
It’s not really romantic in this, but I’m thinking of making this a sort of series of one shots with this Reader specifically. Please lmk if Johan is OOC, bc I’m not confident in writing him haha. Anyways, hope you enjoy! c:
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The nights are still cold at this time of year in Seoul. Not that you can really feel it at this point from where you are, starting the process of cleaning up and closing the restaurant. After having been cooped up in the small kitchen in the back of the hole-in-the-wall building you work at, finally done cooking after several hours, the space is well and truly stuffy by now. You were even a bit sweaty, in contrast to the people you can see pass by the windows outside that are trying to stay bundled up against the wind chill.
“Alright,” your boss walks into the back to join you, “you’ve been holed up in here long enough, I’ll take care of this. You go deal with the front.”
As if it’s ingrained in his mind as instinct, he swats at your back with the hand towel he grabs before you can protest that you can do it yourself and he should rest. You laugh slightly at the older man, deciding that you’re too tired anyway to argue with him right now.
You leave behind what you were working on to go out into the front of house in order to count down the register and go about cleaning and packing up the floors and tables. You work silently, comforted by the sound of your boss cleaning in the back and the distant hum of life filtering in from behind the windows and locked door.
“Mr. Terrence,” you call as you walk toward the back doors, “I’ll take the trash out now.”
“Thanks, kid.” He replies as you grab the black bags in both hands.
It’s as you walk outside, hit by the cold and slightly regretting not grabbing your jacket first, that you see him. A slim, brown-haired boy sitting by the mouth of the alley between your workplace and the building next door. He’s curled up like he’s trying to hide, in a way, with his knees drawn up tight and facing slightly away from you. When you glance over at what he’s looking at, you see two small dogs not far from him.
You try not to stare as you pass by, but it is weird to you. There’s not usually anyone out here, especially at this time of night and in this weather – and if there is, they’re usually not here for any good reason. It’s not your business, you try to remind yourself, and you can’t afford to be getting caught up in anything bad that might be happening.
Although, that doesn’t seem right, either. This boy is just sitting alone on the ground, watching – presumably – his two dogs and still hasn’t even looked up at you. He doesn’t seem the type to be here for any salacious reason, which makes the only other conclusion that comes to your mind much more heartbreaking – he’s here because he has nowhere else to go. You could be wrong, but the way he was dressed (yes, he had a jacket, but not thick enough for this cold) and had only his dogs and a single backpack sat at his side just hit your instincts in a certain way. You couldn’t see his face, but he looked slim – probably not starving, but clearly not eating as much as you preferred for a young person to be eating. (Distantly, you think about how Mr. Terrence would make fun of you for thinking this despite the fact that you are also a “young person”.) His dogs also looked skinny, and even if you didn’t care about this boy, you couldn’t in good conscience let animals go without food.
With that thought, you made up your mind and quickly threw away the trash and made your way back into the restaurant to head straight toward the kitchen.
“Mr. Terrence,” your boss jumped as you burst back into the room again, “sorry. I was wondering if you finished packing everything up?”
“Nearly there,” the older man watched as you scuttled about the kitchen to grab a to go box from under the counter and start filling it with food. “Oh, no,” he scoffs lightly, “not another stray. If you keep feedin’ ‘em, they’ll keep comin’ back expectin’ more.”
“A stray and his strays, yeah.” You continue, ignoring his scoff because you know he could stop you if he was really that bothered by it.
“Some guy and his dogs.”
“Ohhh~” you don’t need to look up to face him, because you can hear the smug smile in his voice, “a boy, huh~? No wonder you’re so eager.”
You resist the urge to fling some of the food at him, “shut up. You know it isn’t like that.”
He’s already stopped listening to you, having made up his mind about your intentions, “uh-huh, sure.”
You don’t bother to reply, finished with packing up the to go box now and not trying to play his games. You make your way back toward the doors, hoping the boy and his dogs hadn’t left already. He’s still there, thankfully, when you get outside – again regretting that you forgot to grab your jacket, but somehow remembered to grab the dog treats you keep in your bag for any stray you might come across – and still not looking up. You make your way over to the boy with your shoulders hiked up in a weak attempt to shield yourself against the wind, trying to walk around into his sight so that you don’t sneak up on him.
One of his dogs notices you first, a little thing with pink ears, and seems to watch your approach cautiously. The boy notices and whips his head around immediately, as if he was trying to catch you, and you pause for a moment at the way he looks at you like you might be a threat. He looks to be around your age, with a pretty face and puppy eyes, but he scowls at you in a way that makes him seem older – weathered and weary from past experience. Oof, you think as you try to figure out how best to approach him, a standoffish one, then.
“Hey,” you greet lightly, “sorry to bother you. I work at this restaurant and I was wondering if you wanted to take these leftovers off my hands so we don’t have to waste them by throwing them away.”
You don’t actually have to throw away the leftovers, of course, but you’re banking on him not knowing that because he seems like the type to not take handouts unless it’s phrased as if he’d be doing you a favor instead. Before the boy can answer, though, the dog with pink ears walks up to you first. You kneel down to its level, putting your hand out to let it sniff you before you try to pet it.
“Hi, puppy~!” You can’t help the high-pitched baby voice you use to talk to animals, it’s instinct at this point and you refuse to feel embarrassed about it.
The other white dog that’s wearing a sweater is still hanging back, looking like it’s shivering, but you can’t tell if that’s from the cold or if that’s just natural. You set the to go box down beside you, petting the pink-eared dog with one hand while you wrestle the dog treats out of your pocket with the other. The pup is fully excited now, tail wagging so hard that it’s almost throwing the dog off its feet, while you feed the treats to it, eagerly.
You realize that you pretty much forgot about the boy when his voice makes you jump, “her name is Miro.”
You look over, and he doesn’t seem to be scowling at you anymore, just watching you interact with his dog – still cautious, but not threatened.
“She’s cute,” you smile, “and your other dog?”
“He’s Eden.”
“Can I give him some treats?”
“He doesn’t like strangers much.”
“Well,” you shift slightly, waiting for permission to approach, “I’ll give them to you and you can give them to him, then.”
“Why?” He’s suspicious again - not in the same way that others here are when they see your face and know you’re an outsider - and you recognize it and it breaks your heart for him. (It seems a bit ridiculous for you to hurt for him, given that you don’t know him at all, but you do because you’ve seen it before and you know it at your core.)
“Because they deserve it. They all do.” You mean his dogs, specifically, but you also mean him and every other person like him.
He watches you for a moment more, and you let him, but he doesn’t respond verbally – just shrugs and makes the smallest movement of his head to nod. You grab the to go box again, dog treats in the other hand, and rise to move toward him. He rises too, probably more comfortable with being at eye level than sitting – just in case. Miro is following at your feet, and you stop with a bit of distance between yourself and the boy. You hand him the dog treats first, glancing at Eden shaking a bit behind him, and he stuffs them into the pocket of his jacket. You try to hand him the to go box and that’s when he becomes suspicious again – obvious when you look him in the eye.
“I know it might be an inconvenience, but it’d really help if you could take these. It just seems like such a waste if we have to toss them.” He doesn’t believe you, you know he doesn’t just by how he looks at you, but neither of you are going to say it aloud.
He stares at you for a moment again, seeming to battle in his mind over whether to take it or not, but the hunger that you’re sure he’s feeling seems to win out. He takes it from you and, despite how reluctant he was to accept it in the first place, he immediately holds it close to him and slightly away from you as if you’re going to snatch it back.
You want to say more, but you’re not sure what and you don’t really have any more reason to since you accomplished what you came out here for. You think to ask his name and give him yours, but you feel like you might be pushing him with that. So, with nothing else that you can come up with, you start to back away.
“Thanks,” you smile at him again and look down at Miro and Eden, “bye puppies~!”
You think anything else would bother him, so with one last glance at the boy – who seems to be waiting for you to leave before he goes on with whatever his plans are – you fully turn back to the restaurant and go inside. You wish you had gotten his name, or had some way of checking up on him and Eden and Miro again just to make sure they’d be okay, but you just have to accept that it’s left up to fate now.
Who knows, you might meet him again one day.
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redninjaaaaa · 9 months
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coping with the recent arc by re-reading one night II
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mymxnfgh · 1 year
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actually i want all of them to wear cat ears….cat ears are hot
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royaltyoon · 1 year
HEYyy since you're back yoon :) (welcome back btw) I really enjoyed your escape room headcanons. It was fun!! Can I request for part 2? With any characters you would like
Thank you anon!! It's so good to be back (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
Escape room headcanons
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I was planning on writing another part of this so it works out for the best, thanks anon.
This was SO fun to write lol
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He's not the brightest in the bunch and nor did he want to be here
So you can't really blame his lack of interest.
He just wanted to, in his words, "get it over with"
But what he didn't make up for in brains or the patience, he made up for in luck.
Ik Johan is never lucky in the ptj verse so just please, let him have this.
It was by fluke at first, when he accidentally pressed a switch on the TV to display the next puzzle.
In all honesty, he just wanted to see if it worked so he could make use of the time he was forced to spend locked in a room, against his will.
It happened the second time when he was looking at the bookshelf, picking out random books.
Looking to see if anything in there was exciting enough for him, when suddenly a piece of paper fell from one of the books .
And there was a riddle on it.
It was suspicious at this point, you looked at him sceptically but he just shrugged with an innocent look.
"how the hell are you doing it!?" You asked in surprise. It could've been a coincidence the first two times. But after the third?? After the FORTH?? it didn't seem like a coincidence anymore
"I don't know!" He flailed his arm around a little stressing his point that he indeed had no idea of what was happening.
"Stand in the corner, don't do anything. I want to solve atleast one puzzle before we escape." You seethed at him.
He quietly followed your orders and leaned against the wall. But, oh?
He felt a small push on his back, he leaned off and looked back at the wall. Seeing a 3d version of the world map. And a small compartment which was definitely not there before.
"umm, we're looking for a key, right?" He asked to your back as you were busy looking for clues in the show piece. "Yeah, why?" You answered without looking back.
"uh, I think I found it."
You whipped your head in his direction faster than sound, he just stood there pointing at the small compartment. "There's a key in here."
You were not happy to have gotten out without solving even a single puzzle
"sir, you both have the record for the fastest escape." The employee said.
That did little to help your mood
"But we have got to disqualify you, for you skipped a puzzle before escaping the room."
Yeah that sounded more appropriate for the day you're having.
All in all? You were never doing an escape room with Johan again.
Eli never had a normal childhood, far from it actually
So it was no wonder he never knew any games to play, well except for hide-n-seek
But that game was far from normal too (iykyk)
Eli, to say the least, was excited
Even before entering the room, you could see it in his eyes. He was looking forward to it.
And he got to work the very first second.
He was determined to waste not even one second
It wasn't easy, but you both were making your way through it fairly well
You made sure not to do much, just give few insights and few leads you had so he would do most of it
He opted to take hints on the clues even you couldn't figure out
And it was made known to you there were a limited three hints only after you both used up the three hints
It forced you both to stare at the room with an empty gaze looking around to figure something out
And it wasn't going well, so Eli decided to take things in his hand
"ma'am." He spoke slightly louder, looking at the camera. "May we have an extra clue?" And he smiled, crinkling the side of his eyes. He looked as if an angel landed on earth, like heaven cleared the skies just to shine a beam of light on him.
Eli jang may not be a good hairdresser
He may not be the best student
He may not even be good at an escape room
But something Eli jang was good at? It was using his pretty privileges.
You rolled your eyes discreetly knowing what he was doing. "O-oh." The voice stumbled a little. "But three is the limit, sir." It only caused Eli to display a sickeningly sweet frown on his sickeningly pretty face. "The last one was a pretty obvious clue, we could've solved it even without. Don't you think so too?"
You could tell the employee melted at his smile. "Y-youre right." she stuttered before giving you the clue.
Eli just grinned shrugging his shoulders after noticing your glare. "Thank you, you're such a sweetheart." He spoke in a honey tone looking back at the camera and ended it off with a wink.
You heard a dreamy sigh from the speakers which just make Eli look proud of himself.
After that, the rest was pretty much smooth sailing.
Though, the employee didn't miss her chance to ask for his number and he replied like he always did.
The iconic, 'Im sorry I use a pager.'
And she looked absolutely devastated on hearing that
It was your idea, not his
But it felt like your presence was absolutely not needed in this situation
You felt more useless than the g in lasagna.
You were sure it'd probably helped yujin more if you weren't there.
The only one who could relate to you in that situation were the hints
The hints that didn't even need to be used, just like someone else you could think of.
It's not like you didn't try
It wasn't even the fact that he restricted you in any way
But the second, the second you receive a puzzle. It's already solved.
It felt like magic, that was the only explanation you could think of
There was no way he'd know the answer before the gears in your head even started working
Or the only other reason would be:
"you've come here before, haven't you?"
He looks up from the sliding puzzle he was working on. "Huh?"
"How else do you know everything, there's no way you could actually be that smart." You sounded exasperated and it was heard in your voice.
He turned his attention back to the puzzle, "I have no idea what you're tal- OH!, it's says Denmark on here." He says completing yet another puzzle
Wow what a complete shocker
"There's a world map behind you, press Denmark and see if anything shows up." He said pointing behind your shoulder.
Where was Denmark again?
It was as if he read your mind and silently came up behind you "here." And pressed the small button on what you would've guessed was Denmark.
And it was. It opened a small compartment which held the key to the door. He completed the entire escape room on his own.
Wow what a complete shocker pt.2
Apparently he held the record for finishing it the fastest.
Wow what a complete shocker pt.3
But it was after this some guy named 'johan seong'
But the employees let y'all know he was disqualified so technically yujin has the record.
Here's part 1
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Johan Seong x Reader: Cute
Fluffy and silly and so so inspired by @honeyhotteok ramen date
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"Your cheeks are so friggin cute!"
Johan watches your approaching hands with distrust, inching ever closer to his face. Shoulders tense and readying himself for your attack.
"They just look so. Soft. And squishy."
You make contact. And you're completely right. As if there was ever any doubt. They are soft and they are squishy and they are unbelievably adorable.
Johan sits there with a grumble while you gently pinch and poke, scowling at you the whole time even as his ears glow red. He should hate this, yet-
"Sorta chubby too!"
"Ok enough. Stop that." He bats your hands away as if an annoying buzzing fly.
You pay him no heed.
"Come here you!" And you pounce, peppering those oh-so-cute cheeks with kisses.
Entire face now flushing, Johan half-heartedly tries to pull away but you cling on even tighter, getting louder and more obnoxious with your smooches.
With his immense strength, he could stop you anytime he wanted. He doesn't want.
He keeps up appearance with pouts and glares and sighs. Like he's helpless and couldn't do anything about his predicament.
But in the end, even prickly grumpy Johan couldn't hold back the smile on his face.
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