#yolanda rosalia
askfacultystaff · 2 years
Picrew Pictures.
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Yolanda Rosalia (New Oc)
Yolanda Rosalia who lives at Casagrande's place for her entire life, because in her early life, she and her family moved into Great Lakes City. She is very calm, warns them everything is under control when someone just got killed or even poisoned.
She's 23 years old, she likes to meet new people. And she also likes to listen music, chat with her friends, often walks into movie cinema to watch some movie, ect. She also wouldn't mind to meet unusual people, but the main thing for her is calm, only calm.
For @neko-sufis-world.
Omori AU
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Grayscale! Rama Raid
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Planethuman 🌍Earth🌏
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I gotta look up to the sky and tell the lord I'm leaning on you and I just make edits for each child each person in family and friends that passed away and went to heaven to be angels watching over the world Jesus I'm leaning on you rest in peace to those in this second edit Gracie Perry Watson, Inez Clarke Briggs, Annie Kerr Aiken, Annie Oakley, Alice Liddell, Larisa Ratmanski, Mania Halef, Anne Frank, Eva Munzer, Nellie Gray Bundy Johnson, Colleen Marie Applegate, Connie Lynn Taylor, Emilie Marian Bromundt, Robert Ferdinand Bromundt, Julia Allison Wise, Kimberly Michelle Adaway, Jason Alexander Black, Shirley June Tolle, Emmett Till, Violet Geneva Setty Tolle, Nora Mae Setty Boldman, John Setty, Maude Abanade Cadwallader Setty, Yvonne Mary Cayeaux Devitt, Karen Ann Culp, Phyllis Rebecca Crowe, Stacie Lee Swofford,Devan Brooke Duniver, Mary Louise Lehman Carman, Grace Leona Lehman Krout, Clara Alverta Myers Lehman, Adam Henry Lehman,Anna Catherine Roby, Russell Thomas Roby, Ricardo David Arterberry, Linda Therese Jones Arterberry, Traytease Lanette Arterberry, Clarence Edward Moore Jr., Meagan Lindsey Bradley, Peachlyn Bradley, Finey Ynfante Mechell, Lucas Ynfante, Jane Mora Ynfante, Francis Ynfante, Katy Ynfante Martines, John K Ynfante, Rozell Lucas “RL” Ynfante, Yolanda Rosamond Lombardo, Serena Daniel Aiken Simons, Martin Laurence Amos, Polly Bixby, Rosalia Lombardo and more Angels
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coffee-n-ocs · 1 year
Exosis (Music OCs): Viola Wilbur (2014)
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The lead singer and frontwoman of 'Exosis', Viola is an open book, if that book were an encyclopaedia, preferring to dress in blue, Vi is often cool, calm and collected.
"Me and my band would like to talk to you."
Full Legal Name: Carina Violante Wilbur (Née Busto) First Name: Carina Meaning: Late Latin name derived from 'Cara' meaning 'Dear, Beloved' Pronunciation: ka-REE-na Origin: English, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Late Roman Middle Name: Violante Meaning: Latin form of 'Yolanda', which is from the medieval French 'Yolande', which was probably a form of the name 'Violante', which was itself a derivative of Latin 'Viola' 'Violet' Pronunciation: vee-o-LAN-teh Origin: Late Roman, Italian Surname: Wilbur (Née Busto) Meaning: From the nickname 'Wildbor' meaning 'Wild boar' in Middle English (Busto: From the name of towns in Spain and Italy, derived from Late Latin 'Bustum' meaning 'Ox Pasture' Pronunciation: WIL-ber (BOOS-to) Origin: English (Spanish, Italian) Aliases: Carina Busto, Viola Wilbur Nicknames: Cari, Rina, Rin, Arin, Ari, Lante, Lan, Viola, Vi Titles: Miss, Mrs
Age: 36 Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns Race: Human Nationality: American Ethnicity: African-American - Kenyan Birth Date: 26th June 1978 Sexuality: Lesbian Religion: Christian Native Language: English Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese Relationship Status: Married Astrological Sign: Cancer Face Claim(s): Lauryn Hill, Erykah Badu, Alicia Keys, Rihanna, Gabrielle Union, Willow Smith, India Arie, Esperanza Spalding
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Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Del Mar, San Diego County, California, USA Current Location: 'On Tour'
Height: 5'5" / 166 cm Weight: 140 lbs / 63 kg Eye Colour: Brown Hair Colour: Black Hair Dye: None Body Hair: N/A Facial Hair: N/A Tattoos: 1 (A line of 10 small white stars going down her spine) Piercings: Ear Lobe (Double, Both), Septum Scars: None Clothing Style: Mainly Blues, dresses, skirts, highly feminine
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed Medications: None Any Specific Diet: Vegetarian
Affiliated Groups: Exosis Friends: Winona Tomahawk, Duke McManus, Lita McManus Enemies: None Noted Yet Mentor: None Significant Other: Amethyst Wilbur (35, Wife) Previous Partners: None of Note Parents: Magnus Busto (57, Father), Olivia Busto (58, Mother, Née Lobo) Parents-In-Law: Barnabas Wilbur (56, Father-In-Law), Indigo Wilbur (59, Mother-In-Law, Née Padmore) Siblings: Regina Busto (33, Sister), Rosalia Busto (30, Sister), Serena Busto (27, Sister) Siblings-In-Law: Iris Wilbur (32, Amethyst's Sister), Lavender Wilbur (29, Amethyst's Sister), Lilac Wilbur (26, Amethyst's Sister), Prince Wilbur (23, Amethyst's Brother) Nieces & Nephews: None Children: None Children-In-Law: None Grandkids: None Other Notable Relatives: None
Occupation: Bartender & Barista Tropes: (These are purely theoretical for how I would write her)
Beautiful Singing Voice: The reason she is the lead singer of Exosis
Colour-Coded For Your Convenience: Usually dresses in Blue
Know-Nothing Know-It-All: At times
The Leader: as the frontwoman
Throwback Threads: Viola prefers to wears 70s and 80s style outfits to perform
Trademark Favourite Food: Pizza (Specifically Deep-dish peperoni)
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-Design to come in group pic-
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bellahadidbrasil · 5 months
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W Magazine: Bella Hadid aborda criação de sua fragrância Ôrəbella como seus looks de moda
Meu Uber para no exato momento em que Bella Hadid sai de uma van Sprinter preta com um vestido espartilho amarelo de cair o queixo, tirado da coleção primavera de 2003 de Roberto Cavalli. Ela corajosamente posa para fotos e entra em um espaço para eventos no West Village, cumprimentando calorosamente a todos ao longo do caminho. Ela está aqui para o lançamento oficial de Ôrəbella, sua nova fragrância que nutre a pele, fruto de uma paixão que ela diz ter começado anos atrás, quando ela misturava óleos essenciais na fazenda da família Hadid, na Pensilvânia. Lá dentro estão os parceiros de negócios de Hadid, colegas modelos, especialistas em moda e, principalmente, alguns homens com chapéus de cowboy. Um fotógrafo lembra a mãe de Hadid, Yolanda, de agitar um frasco da fragrância para mostrar sua fórmula bifásica exclusiva. Mais tarde, Rosalia e Alex Consani juntam-se à festa.
Sou desviado para a sala Window2Soul, um enclave dedicado a um dos três primeiros aromas de Ôrəbellab decorado com milhares de flores. Uma gravação de Hadid lendo um poema é reproduzida continuamente. Aquela voz gravada logo é substituída pela real quando a modelo entra para um bate-papo sobre seu novo empreendimento:
Então, por que fragrância?
Acho que nunca houve um momento em que pensei: 'Vou lançar um produto e quero que seja isso ou quero que seja aquilo'. algo pelo qual sempre fui apaixonada e que me ajudou em meus próprios rituais diários e me fez sentir única. Na Pensilvânia, eu pensei, talvez isso seja algo especial com o qual eu possa realmente fazer algo um dia. Comecei a formular e a pensar sobre o que eu queria que a marca fosse - se alguma vez fizesse uma. As pessoas falam em manifestar, mas não foi necessariamente eu que me manifestei. O que estava em minha mente era criar, construir e fazer algo. Sempre incluiria óleos essenciais. Assim que comecei a ser criativa, eu sabia que seria uma fragrância, mas queria que fosse algo que pudesse quebrar as barreiras de como é o mundo das fragrâncias hoje.
Quanto tempo demorou o processo?
Comecei a fazer apresentações e apresentar ideias para meus atuais parceiros há cinco anos. Alguns anos antes disso, comecei a produzir meus próprios óleos essenciais. Eu ficaria em casa com a glicerina como base, adicionando diferentes óleos essenciais. Eu diria, talvez eu queira algo picante, então devo adicionar gengibre ou canela. Eu estava apenas sendo criativa com isso, quase como fazemos com nossas roupas. Imagino que quando a maioria das pessoas lança uma linha de fragrâncias, elas ainda não têm suas próprias fórmulas como ponto de partida. Ninguém veio até mim tipo, aqui estão três aromas, por isso você deveria ser o rosto. Trouxe meus aromas e um quadro criativo de como achei que deveria ser o espírito da marca. A partir daí, começamos a ajustar os três aromas. Na verdade, eu estava me divertindo muito, apenas criando novos e tendo ideias diferentes. Em meu diário, eu escrevia todos os óleos essenciais que adorava e então o que sentia em meu coração combinava com eles. Acho que quando você faz isso de forma livre e criativa, você pode tirar coisas muito mais interessantes disso, em vez de olhar para o que os outros estão fazendo. Seja meu estilo, penteado, maquiagem ou fragrância, sempre quero fazer o que acho que será legal daqui a um ou dois anos. Essas coisas que estou lançando agora são coisas que fiz provavelmente há dois ou três anos. A fragrância é bem atemporal, mas você pode se divertir com ela.
Como surgiu a fórmula bifásica?
Comecei usando glicerina, mas ela sai do bico do frasco de perfume de maneira diferente, então não pudemos usá-la. Queria fazer algo diferente, talvez algo com cogumelos da neve e, voltando às raízes, algo com azeite. Terminamos com uma mistura hidratante de cinco ingredientes, que é a metade inferior. Depois, a metade superior é composta por óleos essenciais. Você agita para ativá-lo. O elemento hidratante foi muito importante para mim. Para perfumes normais, existem apenas alguns pontos que você precisa borrifar, e então eles ficam na pele e basicamente colocam toxinas e produtos químicos em seu corpo. Com a fórmula bifásica, você pode borrifar em todo o corpo depois de sair do banho pela manhã, ou mesmo se quiser ter um cheiro adorável ao dormir, seja para você ou para sua cara-metade.
Os três aromas têm personalidades diferentes na sua cabeça?
Nossa "Salted Muse" na verdade tem sal rosa e pimenta em grão. É o nosso cheiro mais almiscarado e meio de carvalho. Esse é aquele que é bastante andrógino. As meninas adoram, os queer adoram, os homens adoram. Window2Soul é mais minha flor branca. Sempre quis fazer um perfume de flor branca com cheiro de gardênia, jasmim e rosa, e é isso que está dando neste ambiente. É muito fresco e parece que você acabou de sair do banho, mesmo que esteja com os olhos vermelhos e precise ir direto para o trabalho. Blooming Fire é realmente o nosso mais querido. É o mais nostálgico para mim e para minha infância crescendo na praia. Tem o cheiro de quando você está sentado na praia, o sol está se pondo e você acabou de vestir um suéter; você acabou de sair da água. Você ainda está um pouco salgado, mas ainda usa um pouco de protetor solar. O monoi do Taiti dá esse tipo de cheiro, mas também tem muito patchouli, o que o torna arredondado. Eu realmente queria pegar os altos e baixos de diferentes fatores para poder fazer coisas que fossem interessantes e não muito planas.
Recentemente, você compartilhou sua rotina matinal no TikTok. Se você tivesse que sugerir uma prática ou ritual matinal, qual seria?
Sou um grande fã de diários, obviamente. Gosto de poder deixar o dia anterior no dia anterior. Quando você acorda e subconscientemente anota seus sonhos e as coisas que o deixaram ansioso ou preocupado no dia anterior, você pode deixar isso aí e seguir para o dia seguinte. Então fico grato e feliz e espero ansioso pelas próximas horas do dia. Além disso, é só garantir que você mantenha uma rotina do que seu corpo precisa, seja com vitaminas ou extratos. Acho que todos nós sentimos falta disso às vezes. Quando cuidamos do nosso interior, ficamos bem por fora.
Você está começando com três aromas, mas há outros lugares onde deseja levar a marca?
A forma como sempre afirmei foi que seria o guarda-chuva de Ôrəbella. E não posso contar muito sobre o que está por vir, mas há muitas coisas que já tenho em andamento.
Tenho que perguntar sobre o vestido.
Hoje estou usando Cavalli. Este é um vestido que vejo há muitos e muitos anos, e Molly Dickinson conseguiu comprá-lo para mim. Foi um sonho tornado realidade. Enviei a ela todos esses looks e pensei, ‘Certamente não há como você me ajudar a consegui-los’. Dois dias depois, ela puxou todos os looks que eu queria. Ela foi apenas um anjo. Faz muito tempo que não trabalho com estilista, mas esta semana só queria focar muito em Ôrəbella e na imprensa. Molly fez um trabalho incrível me ajudando, e ela é capaz de ser muito colaborativa, e é assim que eu gosto de trabalhar também.
E todo mundo quer saber, veremos você de volta na passarela em breve?
Vou desfilar aqui, se você quiser. Exclusivo! Mas quem pode dizer? Você me verá lá quando isso acontecer.
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recurscs · 4 years
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holis. aqui les dejo una lista de nombres comunes para sus pjs de america latina, (pronto subire otra lista con nombres unisex). no duden en preguntar si necesitan ayuda o ideas. disfruten. 💫
( here’s a long list of more common / less fancy latine names. some are a combo of first name + middle name bc it’s a v common thing here. keep in mind i’m venezuelan and can’t possibly know every single name in every latin american country but this lil list should help you. also in some countries like venezuela, colombia, etc, most ppl have two names and two last names // eg. juan luis londoño arias // so keep that in mind when naming your character. lmk if u need any help. enjoy ♡  – pls don’t stress if you dont see unisex/androgynous names on this list, im working on one just for those. ) 
「combos. masc / male;
manuel;  josé manuel / juan manuel 
carlos;  juan carlos / josé carlos 
gabriel;  gabriel david / juan gabriel 
pablo;  juan pablo 
luis;  luis jose / josé luis / juan luis 
andrés;  andrés eloy / andrés alonso / andrés alejandro 
alejandro;  daniel alejandro 
daniel;  luis daniel / carlos daniel / josé daniel 
david;  josé david / juan david 
fabio;  fabio rafael / fabio ricardo / fabio raniel 
ricardo;  ricardo david / josé ricardo 
miguel;   miguel alejandro / josé miguel 
「masc / males;
A ⋆  aron, antonio, agustin, alberto, adrian, alexander, alejandro, alexis, alonso, álvaro, andrés, ángel, alfredo, asdrubal, armando, anibal.
B ⋆  benjamin, bruno, braulio.
C ⋆  camilo, carlos, cristian, christian, celso, cesar, claudio, cristóbal.
D ⋆  diego, daniel, deivi, david, darío, diego, domingo, dante.
E ⋆  enrique, esteban, esteven, elio, erik, eric, eduardo, efraín, eloy, emilio, emanuel, ernesto, ezequiel, elías.
F ⋆  fabian, fabio, favio, fernando, félix, felipe. flavio, francisco, facundo, franco, 
G ⋆  gabriel, gabriel, gilberto, germán, gaspar, gregorio, guido, guillermo, gustavo.
H ⋆  héctor, hernán, horacio, hugo, humberto.
I ⋆  ignacio, isaac, issac, iván, israel, ismael.
J ⋆  josué, jacobo, jaime, javier, jacinto, jesús, josé, joan, jhoan, joaquín, joel, jonás, john, jordán, jorge, joshua, julio, julián, jeremias, jonatan, jonathan, juan.
K ⋆  kevin, kike, kamilo. 
L ⋆  lisandro, leonardo, lenin, lucas, leandro, luciano, leopoldo, leonel, león, lorenzo, lucas, luis, luca. 
M ⋆  marcos, manuel, mauricio, matías, martin, mateo, máximo, moisés, miguel, marcel, mariano, maximiliano, marcelo.
N ⋆  nicolás, néstor, noel, noé.
O ⋆  oscar, omar, octavio, oliver, osmar, oswaldo, osvaldo, orlando.
P ⋆  pablo, paul, paulino, pedro, patricio, pascual, paco, paulo, pepe, peter, 
R ⋆  ruben, ruvens, rafael, raimundo, ramón, raúl, reinaldo, rey, rené, ricardo, raniel, rodolfo, roberto, román, romeo, rolando, roque.
S ⋆  sebastian, salomón, salvador, samuel, santiago, saúl, sergio, silvano, silvestre, simón, sixto. 
T ⋆  thiago, tiago, tito, tadeo, teodoro, tomás, teo, ticiano. 
U ⋆  ulises, unay.
V ⋆  valerio, valentín, vicente, victor, victorino, vladimir. 
Y ⋆  yonatan, yordan, yoan, yoel, yeremia.
Z ⋆  zander, zachary. 
「combos. fem;
maria; dulce maria / maria fernanda / maria josé / maria victoria / maria eugenia / maria paz / maria paula / maria elena / maria alejandra
sofia; sofia antonella / sofia alejandra / sofia valentina / danna sofia
mia; mia isabella / mia victoria / mia camila
ana; ana maria / ana valentina / ana victoria / ana paula / ana luisa / ana mercedes
emma; emma sofia / emma victoria / emma isabella / emma valentina 
luz; luz elena / luz celeste  
carla; carla valeria / carla estefania / carla valentina
eva; eva luna / eva martina / eva maria
zoe; zoe valentina
sarah; sarah lucia / sarah sofia
A ⋆  ariana, arianna, adriana, ana, arantza, arantxa, antonella, agustina, antonella, alejandra, alexandra, andreina, alicia, andrea, anaís, angelica, ailín, alma.
B ⋆  barbara, beatriz, berenice, berta, bianca, blanca, brígida.
C ⋆  camila, catalina, carla, catherine, cristina, carola, carolina, cecilia, celestina, claudia, cruz, celeste.
D ⋆  danna, dana, diana, daniela, doris, damaris, denise, desireth, desirée, dafne, dilvana.
E ⋆  eva, edith, elena, elizabeth, elisabeth, elsa, elvira, emilia, erica, esperanza, emily. 
F ⋆  fabiola, flavia, fátima, fernanda, fabiana, fabricia, fiorella, flaviana, flor, florentina, francisca, frida, florencia.
G ⋆  gabriela, gladis, gloria, graciela, grisel, gail, génesis, georgina, geraldin, giovanna, gisela, giuliana, glenda, guadalupe.
H ⋆  haydee, helena, hilda. 
I ⋆  inés, irene, irma, isabel, isabella, ivanna, ivannela, ivonne, isis.
J ⋆  jessica, jennifer, jael, jasmin, jasmine, jade, janet, joana, jhoanna, judith, julia, juliana, jaqueline, josefina, juana.
K ⋆  katherine, katiuska, kristina, karla, krisbel, kendall, kimberly, kelly, 
L ⋆  liliana, luisana, luisa, luiza, laura, lujan, luna, luz, linda, lucia, luciana.
M ⋆  mia, mayerlin, maria, mayra, mariana, merida, miranda, maite, margarita, marta, miriam, monica, michelle, melany, melisa, micaela, melanie.
N ⋆  natalia, norma, nidia, nazaret, nomeí, nataly, natasha.
O ⋆  oriana, orianna, oscary, osmary, olga, olivia, orlanda. 
P ⋆  paula, paola, pamela, paulina, paloma, patricia, penelope, pilar, pia, perla, petra.
R ⋆  ramona, rebeca, reina, regina, rita, roberta, rosa, rosalia, roxana, rosana, rosario, ruth, rafaela, roselyn, rosalina, rosalba, rubi, rosangela, rosangel. 
S ⋆  samantha, stephanie, stefany, sandra, sara, sabrina, sabina, salomé, sheila, silvana, silvia, sofia, soledad, sonia, soraima, susana, susej.
T ⋆  tamara, teresa, triana, thais, talía, tania, tatiana, teodora, ticiana, tina.
U ⋆  ursula.
V ⋆  valentina, valeria, vanesa, vera, veronica, victoria, vilma, violeta, virginia, viviana.
Y ⋆  yaray, yuliana, yessika, yazmin, yasmin, yanet, yoana, yoanna, yudith, yvonne, yolanda. 
Z ⋆  zulay, zarai.
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matthaisw · 4 years
Transgender activist beaten by police on wing of jet
A Needles, California-based transgender activist Xochi Guerrero, 38, (formerly known as Marcelino Guerrero) was beaten by police Saturday morning on the wing of a Noatak Airways Boeing 737 after she fled from security at McCarran airport in Las Vegas. Airport police released a statement Saturday evening indicating Guerrero was initially being taken into custody after she staged an impromptu demonstration against the police dismantling of a shrine to transgender sex worker LaQuanna McDermott. McDermott died during a police-involved shooting on Fremont street in August and her shrine was located on East Carson avenue near the site of her shooting, until it was taken down by police last week. Guerrero's demonstrations in the past, which are well known to Las Vegas residents, have typically involved performance art routines that include nudity and public defecation as methods of raising awareness of the challenges that transgender people face in the traditionally male-dominated STEM fields. Guerrero's previous demonstrations have taken place at locations throughout the Las Vegas area, including on the famous strip, but were generally approved by city officials ahead of time, said a spokesperson for the Las Vegas office of public integrity. In this case however, Xochi Guerrero likely felt that the dismantling of McDermott’s shrine called for a more immediate response and due to her status as a person suffering from homelessness, was unable to fill out the required paperwork. 
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After complaints from travelers regarding the protest, airport security moved in to take Guerrero into custody. According to eyewitnesses, the police were using officially banned methods of subdual including chokeholds, to bring her into custody. Guerrero was able to flee the security officers and ran out of the terminal and onto the airport tarmac, where she was nearly struck by aircraft service vehicles. The activist subsequently managed to run onto the runway and clamber up onto the Noatak  airways jet by mounting the engine cowling. It was at that point that the Clark county criminal response team arrived at the scene. Special agent Curt Wroclavski, 46, frustrated at Guerrero's refusal to debark from the aircraft, and ignoring orders from his commanding officer, used his police baton to repeatedly strike Guerrero while she was 'praying for justice', according to onlookers. This resulted in the activist removing her socks and shoes and attempting to escape officer Wroclavski by climbing up onto the jet's winglet. Eyewitnesses on the jet used their phones to record the 'brutal and violent' attempts by Wroclavski, a white male officer, to remove Guerrero from the aircraft wing. Noatak  Airways passenger Kelsey Baum of Vancouver, Washington, told reporters the beating of Guerrero was 'clearly racist and obviously a hate crime'. Another passenger Dr. Sunny Choi of Beaverton, Oregon, told reporters that Wroclavski was 'violating Guerrero's sense of sanctuary' on the wing and she should have been allowed to remain on the aircraft. Following Guerrero laying down on the wing after being beaten, officer Wroclavski, in direct disregard of the transgender woman's safety and of approved police procedures, allegedly knocked her from the winglet onto the tarmac using his foot, according to witnesses present at the scene. Guerrero sustained unspecified injuries in the fall. An ambulance transported Guerrero to St Benedict's medical center in Las Vegas where she is currently in unknown condition. 
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Noatak Airways spokesperson Ebony Mcfadden stated that the airline unequivocally supports the rights of transgender people and the rights of all activists of color to protest inequality and have offered Guerrero a free flight to any of their domestic destinations. Meanwhile, the Clark county criminal response team superintendent Demarion Crawford, has placed Wroclavski on unpaid leave and announced his intention to fire the allegedly transgressing officer as soon as the investigation into Wroclavski’s actions is concluded. The investigation into Wroclavski's alleged misconduct is expected to be wrapped up by Monday afternoon. Clark county prosecuting attorney, Rosalia Ocampo, indicated Sunday morning that her office will unveil charges against Wroclawski and airport security personnel as early as next week. Two security staff members have already been fired by the airport management, but their names are currently being withheld as specified by their employment contract. In her official statement on the incident, Ocampo noted that during this holiday season and amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic it is vitally important to remember that the rights to free expression are not confined only to 'officially sanctioned spaces' but should occur whenever and wherever transgender activists feel the need to protest unequal justice. Local Las Vegas  activist Yolanda Pimentel told reporters outside the St Benedict medical center that Guerrero's beating shows the need to defund and divest in law enforcement because ‘people of color and gender non-conforming individuals are disproportionately targeted by police’. In addition, Nevada governor, democrat Stan Czerny, released a statement Sunday calling for immediate justice in the Guerrero case and promised to redirect state funds for covid relief to communities of color. No official update on Xochi Guerrero's condition is available.
Note: this account is wholly fictional and any resemblance to actual persons or events is completely unintentional.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Us, May 18
Cover: Brad Pitt at 56 -- new love, new life -- in lockdown with Alia Shawkat 
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Page 1: First Look -- Olivia Wilde goes for a walk in L.A. 
Page 2: Red Carpet -- Skai Jackson 
Page 6: Loose Talk -- Jimmy Kimmel on daughter Jane doing his makeup, Tiffany Haddish on taking her Zoom meeting to the bathroom, Jodie Turner-Smith joking about being a new mom, Kourtney Kardashian responding to a TikTok video of Kylie Jenner impersonating multiple scenes of hers from KUWTK 
Page 8: Contents 
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Page 10: Hot Pics -- Princess Charlotte turns 5
Page 11: Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom rock matching hoodies paying homage to Dr. Anthony Fauci, Victoria Justice gets slimed on Nickelodeon’s virtual Kids’ Choice Awards 
Page 12: Khloe Kardashian and daughter True, Jesse Metcalfe and Cara Santana 
Page 14: Mommy Dearest -- Guess Which Kids Belong to These Hollywood Stars -- Julianne Moore, Reese Witherspoon, Thandie Newton, Kate Hudson, Chrissy Teigen, Uma Thurman 
Page 16: Habits Dye Hard -- rainbow hair is the mane attraction right now -- Taraji P. Henson in red, Dua Lipa is orange, Bella Thorne is green, Sarah Michelle Gellar is pink, Georgia May Jagger in two shades of blue, Lauren Alaina is blue 
Page 18: Chill Out -- Hollywood hunks take time to pamper -- KJ Apa, EJ Johnson, Stephen Colbert, Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard 
Page 19: Jared Leto, Anwar Hadid and Dua Lipa, Antoni Porowski 
Page 20: Busy Philipps is all dressed up with nowhere to go 
Page 22: Stars They’re Just Like Us -- Adam Sandler rides a bike, Danneel Ackles cleans up, Heidi Montag works out 
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Page 23: Amy Schumer and Chris Fischer cook, Joe Keery goes on a juice run, Bella Hadid and mom Yolanda Hadid garden 
Page 26: Kids They’re Just Like Us -- Jessica Simpson’s daughter Birdie is a snacker, Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves’ son Livingston does laundry, Jessie James Decker’s daughter Vivianne pampers herself 
Page 28: Hollywood Moms -- Jewel on her son Kase 
Page 29: Haylie Duff on kids Ryan and Lulu during quarantine, Tia Mowry’s daughter Cairo inherited mom’s acting genes 
Page 30: Love Lives -- Rob Gronkowski of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and girlfriend Camille Kostek making moves in lockdown 
Page 31: Stassi Schroeder’s bride demon has been slayed by the pandemic, Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn still going strong in lockdown and may be engaged soon, Eve doesn’t take husband Maximillion Cooper for granted especially now 
Page 32: Hot Hollywood -- Lori Loughlin might get off easy for her role in Operation Varsity Blues 
Page 33: Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler’s separation has gone from sad to downright nasty, Baby Update -- Anderson Cooper is a dad to Wyatt Morgan, Ashlee Simpson and Evan Ross are expecting, Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid are expecting a baby girl 
Page 34: A Day in the Life At-Home Edition -- Molly Sims 
Page 35: Don’t Worry, Be Happy -- these stars give us a reason to smile during these trying times -- Her Campus is holding an I’m Still Graduating event featuring commencement speeches by stars like Eva Longoria, Tom Sandoval and Tom Schwartz of TomTom bar have raised more than $50,000 for their employees, Queen + Adam Lambert released a new rerecorded version of We Are the Champions with all proceeds going to the World Health Organization, Kansas City Chief Laurent Duvernay-Tardif has a doctorate in medicine and is volunteering at a long-term care facility in Quebec, Machine Gun Kelly supported local businesses by providing lunch at 12 restaurants in his native Cleveland 
Page 36: Cover Story -- Brad Pitt’s new lease on life -- he’s happier than he’s been in a long time and he has actress Alia Shawkat to thank 
Page 40: Tampa Bay Buccaneers QB Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen -- the secret to their marriage 
Page 42: It Takes a Village -- get to know the glam squads that keep Hollywood’s most fabulous looking so good -- Cardi B, Jennifer Aniston 
Page 43: Kim Kardashian West, Lupita Nyong’o, Mariah Carey 
Page 44: Hollywood to the Rescue -- A-listers inspire us to turn to shelters to find furry friends -- Please Adopt, Don’t Shop -- Ian Somerhalder, Hilary Duff 
Page 45: Taylor Swift, Chelsea Handler, Gabby Douglas, Colton Underwood 
Page 48: Style -- Winning Sets -- Alessandra Ambrosio 
Page 52: Hilarie’s Happy Place -- actress Hilarie Burton opens up about her new memoir, life on the farm and finding her person in Jeffrey Dean Morgan 
Page 54: Take Five with Catherine Reitman 
Page 58: Fashion Police -- Fringe Edition -- Heidi Klum, Cara Delevingne, Rosalia 
Page 59: Dascha Polanco, Tinashe, Hunter Schafer 
Page 60: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me -- Brie Bella 
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savvysoliris · 5 years
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The outfits for Alina, Rosalia, Yolanda
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limonarti · 5 years
2020 Grammy Ödülleri’ne: Billy Eilish damgasını vurdu
Müzik dünyasının en büyük ödülü kabul edilen Grammy Ödülleri, Los Angeles'ta sahiplerini buldu.
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62'inci Grammy Ödül Töreni'ne 18 yaşındaki Billy Eilish damgasını vurdu. En İyi Şarkı, En İyi Albüm, En İyi Kayıt, En İyi Yeni Sanatçı, En İyi Pop Vokal Albüm olmak üzere en büyük ödüllerin beşini aldı.
Los Angeles doğumlu şarkıcı, "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?" isimli albümünü erkek kardeşiyle birlikte onun odasında kaydetti.
Amerikalı şarkıcı-söz yazarı Lizzo da evine üç Grammy ile döndü.
Gecenin sürprizi ise eski ABD Başkanı Barack Obama'nın eşi Michelle Obama'dan geldi. Michelle Obama, anılarını kaleme aldığı kitabı Becoming'in sesli kitabı ile En İyi Sözsel Albüm dalında Grammy Ödülü'ne layık görüldü.
Hollandalı, Türk ve İngiliz müzisyenlerden oluşan ve 1960 ile 70'li yıllarda Türkiye'de yapılan Anadolu Rock, saykodelik rock ve diğer halk şarkılarını yorumlayan 'Altın Gün' grubu, "En İyi Dünya Müziği" dalında aday gösterilmişti, ancak ödül kazanamadı.
LA Lakers'ın evi Staples Center'da düzenlenen geceye sanatçılar, ani bir şekilde hayatını kaybeden basketbol yıldızı Kobe Bryant'ı anarak başladı.
Grammy Ödülleri'ni kazananlardan bazıları şu şekilde:
Yılın Albümü: When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? - Billie Eilish
En İyi Yeni Şarkıcı: Billie Eilish
En İyi Kayıt: Billie Eilish
Yılın Şarkısı: Bad Guy - Billie Eilish
En İyi Rap Performans: Higher - DJ Khaled ft. Nipsey Hussle ve John Legend
En İyi Rap Albümü: Igor - Tyler, The Creator
En İyi Komedi Albümü: Sticks & Stones - Dave Chappelle
En İyi Country İkili ya da Grup Performansı: Speechless - Dan + Shay
En İyi Pop Solo Performans: Truth Hurts - Lizzo
Klasik Müzik Dışı Yılın En İyi Yapımcısı: Finneas
En İyi Pop Vokal Albüm: When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? - Billie Eilish
En İyi Geleneksel Pop Vokal Albüm: Look Now - Elvis Costello ve The Imposters
En İyi Pop İkili ya da Grup Performansı: Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus
En İyi Dünya Müziği Albümü: Celia - Angelique Kidjo
En İyi R&B Albüm: Ventura - Anderson .Paak
En İyi Kentsel Çağdaş Albüm: Lizzo - Cuz I Love You (Deluxe)
En İyi R&B Şarkısı: Say so - PJ Morton Ft. JoJo
En İyi Geleneksel R&B Performansı: Jerome - Lizzo
En İyi R&B Performansı: Come Home - Anderson .Paak Ft. André 3000
En İyi Alternatif Müzik Albümü: Father of the Bride - Vampire Weekend
En İyi Rock Albümü: Social Cues - Cage The Elephant
En İyi Rock Şarkısı: This Land - Gary Clark Jr.
En İyi Metal Performansı: 7empest This Land - Tool
En İyi Rock Performansı: This Land - Gary Clark Jr.
En İyi Müzikal Albüm: Hadestown - Original Broadway Cast
En İyi Çağdaş Klasik Beste: Higdon: Harp Concerto - Yolanda Kondonassis, Ward Stare & The Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra
En İyi Klasik Solo Vokal Albüm: Songplay - Joyce DiDonato
En İyi Klasik Enstrümantal Solo: Marsalis: Violin Concerto; Fiddle Dance Suite - Nicola Benedetti
En İyi Oda Müziği ya da Küçük Topluluk Performansı: Shaw: Orange - Attacca Quartet
En İyi Koro Performansı: Duruflé: Complete Choral Works - Robert Simpson
En İyi Opera Kaydı: Picker: Fantastic Mr. Fox - Gil Rose, John Brancy, Krista River, Andrew Craig Brown, Edwin Vega ve Gabriel Preisser
En İyi Orkestra Performansı: Norman: Sustain - Gustavo Dudamel
Yılın Yapımcısı, Klasik Müzik: Blanton Alspaugh
En İyi Rap Şarkısı: A Lot - 21 Savage featuring J. Cole
En İyi Rap Performansı: Racks In The Middle - Nipsey Hussle featuring Roddy Ricch & Hit-Boy
En İyi Tropikal Latin Albüm: Opus - Marc Anthony ile - A Journey Through Cuban Music - Aymée Nuviola arasında paylaştırıldı.
En İyi Latin, Rock, Kentsel ya da Alternatif Albüm: El Mal Querer - Rosalia
En İyi Latin Pop Albümü: #Eldisco - Alejandro Sanz
En İyi Gospel Albümü: Long Live Love - Kirk Franklin
En İyi Gospel Performansı/Şarkısı: Long Live Love - Kirk Franklin
En İyi Country Albümü: While I'm Livin' - Tanya Tucker
En İyi Country Solo Performans: Ride Me Back Home - Willie Nelson
En İyi Latin Jazz Albümü: Antidote - Chick Corea & The Spanish Heart Band
En İyi Enstrümatal Jazz Albümü: Finding Gabriel - Brad Mehldau
En İyi Vokal Jazz Albümü: 12 Little Spells - Esperanza Spalding
En İyi İmprovize Jazz Solo: Sozinho - Randy Brecker
En İyi Enstrümantal Kompozisyon: Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Symphonic Suite - John Williams
En İyi Çağdaş Enstrümantal Albüm: Mettavolution - Rodrigo y Gabriela
En İyi Dans, Elektronik Müzik: No Geography - The Chemical Brothers
En İyi Sözsel Albüm: Becoming, Michelle Obama
En İyi Çocuklar için Müzik Albümü: Ageless Songs for the Child Archetype - Jon Samson
En İyi Reggae Albümü: Rapture - Koffee
En İyi Müzik Videosu: Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billie Ray Cyr
En İyi Derleme Görsel Medya Müziği: A Star Is Born - Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper
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askfacultystaff · 2 years
Picrew Pictures.
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Evil! Rama Raid
Evil! Rama: *Blushes embarrassingly* T-this is not what you were planning for, you dirtbag *Pouts* Hmm 😑💢
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Adelaide's Chang's brand new school outfit -v-
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Rama Raid in his brand new school outfit
For @neko-sufis-world.
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Haizley Arabella (My new Oc)
Haizley Arabella is the one who also moved into Casagrande's place just like Yolanda Rosalia did, even though she's a bit younger than her. Her age is same as Jenney Gidget and she's Usagi's lookalike because of her sky-blue eyes.
Haizley also offering flowers to some people, and she also likes to spend time together with others, including some of them are recognizable. Ouh, and her each cheeks showed red birthmarks -v-'
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phgq · 5 years
World's largest residential ship sails to Kalanggaman
#PHnews: World's largest residential ship sails to Kalanggaman
PALOMPON, Leyte -- At least 130 foreign tourists, mostly from the United States, made a port call in the picturesque Kalanggaman Island here on Thursday.
Raoul Bacalla, head of the Palompon municipal environment and natural resources office, said they only had two days to prepare for the arrival of the cruise ship M/S The World, which sailed from Currimao, Ilocos Norte.
The World, is the largest private residential ship in the world, and home to only 165 residences of an international community of guests who spend extensive time exploring the “most exotic and well-traveled destinations.” Majority or 90 percent of its passengers are from the United States. It is a combination of private yacht and luxury vacation home. 
Kalanggaman was not part of their original itinerary of the ship but a town in Sorsogon province.
However, the ship’s captain decided to change the itinerary and made a port call in the island.
“That is how good we stand among our cruise tour operators who are based in Manila,” Department of Tourism regional director Karena Rosa Tiopes said.
Tiopes added this is the second time The World visited the Eastern Visayas region. The first was in Tacloban City where the cruise ship docked in front of the Oriental Hotel.
The World is the 6th cruise ship that made a port call in Kalanggaman Island since it was opened to cruise tourism in 2013.
Opening the island to the foreign tourists after it was battered by Typhoon Ursula last month is a demonstration of the island and the town’s tourism resiliency, Bacalla said.
Unlike after Super Typhoon Yolanda where they had two weeks to prepare the island for the arrival of luxury cruise ship M/S Europa 2 in January 2014, in The World, the local government unit of Palompon had only two days to prepare.
"Resiliency is already imbedded to our system. As Eastern Visayas residents, it is easy for us to recover every after disaster or calamity. That is what we want to show here. We are strong and resilient, whatever disaster happens we will always stand and rise from the ground," Bacalla said.
But their main goal is not only to promote Kalanggaman for cruise tourism but the entire Eastern Visayas region to be part of the port call of every cruise ship that will visit the country.
“Basically, we are just hoping that Kalanggaman will be one of the springboard areas of cruise destinations, but the way we look at it we want the whole Eastern Visayas because there are so many more destinations in the region that is very good for cruise ship destinations,” Bacalla said.
Just like in the previous visit of cruise ships to the island, the whole Kalanggaman was made exclusive to the foreign visitors and temporarily closed to walk-ins and all reservations were canceled and rescheduled to other dates.
Tourists enjoyed their whole day stay on the island, swimming, kayaking, sailing, while others just stayed on the beach.
After Kalanggaman, the cruise ship will have a port call in Bohol before going to Palau.
The visit of the cruise ship in Kalanggaman also became a special moment for mother and son, Rosalia and Jerome Dayon.
Jerome, a native of Palompon town is one of the 281 crew of the luxury cruise ship. He is one of the more than 140 Filipinos, which comprise 70 percent of the total crew of The World.
He visits his hometown every eight months, but his trip home came earlier on Thursday. He has been working in the cruise ship industry for 10 years now.
“I am very proud and excited to show how beautiful Kalanggaman is to our residents and to my fellow crew,” Jerome said when asked by the media after greeting his mother when he arrived on the island.
Jerome said he recommended to the ship’s captain to check Kalanggaman, which he did through watching videos over Youtube.
“After watching the videos, they decided to try the island and they did not regret their decision,” Jerome added.
After meeting his mother in Kalanggaman, he toured her mother and his cousin inside The World.
His mother said she was thrilled to see her son in Kalanggaman although they always see each other every year.
Kalanggaman Island is a 750-meter long uninhabited island. It is a prime tourist destination, known for its long stretch of white sand and for its more than 700-meter long picturesque sandbar on the eastern side and the 250-meter long sandbar on the western part. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "World's largest residential ship sails to Kalanggaman." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1090535 (accessed January 11, 2020 at 12:37AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "World's largest residential ship sails to Kalanggaman." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1090535 (archived).
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frinanihin · 7 years
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~ congratz babaaaa!!! 👏🎈👏 with Yolanda, Rosalia, Prabaaldo, Billy, and Tommy at KALA – View on Path.
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