apcomplexhq · 9 months
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✦ Nome do personagem: Kang Yongho. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Eunwoo - ASTRO. ✦ Data de nascimento: 30/03/1997. ✦ Idade: 26 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Masculino, ele/dele. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreia do Sul, sul-coreano. ✦ Qualidades: Observador, paciente, amoroso. ✦ Defeitos: Estressado, perfeccionista, ansioso. ✦ Moradia: Tartaros. ✦ Ocupação: Psicopedagogo na Divine Children’s Academy e bico de modelo. ✦ Twitter: @TT97YO. ✦ Preferência de plot: CRACK, FLUFFY, ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Yongho é um vizinho ok, apesar de ser meio desligado ou não se importar com nada, vai sempre depender do seu humor na hora. Pode ser visto de cara fechada ou até ser considerado mau humorado, mas ele é um cara de boa.
Yongho cresceu em uma família de certa forma cristã, embora um pouco mais liberal e de mente aberta. Seus pais eram “Amamos Jesus!” mas de uma forma tranquila, o que lhe proporcionou um ambiente acolhedor e amoroso durante toda a infância. Sua família era de classe média alta e sempre o incentivou a dar o melhor de si.
Ele tinha uma relação muito próxima com seu avô, que sempre foi uma figura alegre e presente em sua vida. Juntos, faziam brincadeiras e compartilhavam momentos especiais. Além disso, o garoto também era muito protetor de sua irmã Hyejin, com quem tinha uma conexão forte.
Na escola, Yongho era o típico cara popular. Ele não se importava com a fama de ser o mais bonito ou popular, estava mais preocupado em se divertir com seus amigos e passar de ano mesmo que raspando. Era simpático e atencioso, mas também tinha uma personalidade… bagunceira e muito brincalhona, o que o colocava em confusões e precisava desbloquear seu eu valentão para sobreviver na adolescencia. A verdade é que estava sempre envolvido em alguma polêmica e as garotas suspiravam por ele nos corredores, mesmo que ele não prestasse muita atenção nisso.
Apesar de sua personalidade descontraída e às vezes até um pouco irresponsável, levava seus relacionamentos a sério. Enquanto namorava uma garota mais velha fora da escola, ele se esforçava para ser atencioso e carinhoso com ela. Levaram o namoro até quando a escola acabou e decidiram morar juntos, o que não durou nem um ano fazendo Yongho se mudar para outro lugar.
Essa mudança foi um momento de crescimento para o garoto; Viver totalmente sozinho e lidar com as responsabilidades de uma vida adulta o fizeram amadurecer e repensar suas prioridades. Ele também começou a refletir sobre seu futuro profissional. Foi nesse momento que, por acaso, surgiu uma oportunidade de trabalhar com crianças.
Inicialmente, Yongho não estava muito convencido sobre essa nova direção em sua vida, mas ao começar a trabalhar com as crianças por influência de um amigo que amava o que fazia, ele percebeu que tinha encontrado algo que gostava, além de o divertir. A convivência com os pequenos despertou um lado que ele não sabia que tinha.
O contato com os pequenos e a oportunidade de ajudá-los em seu crescimento e desenvolvimento trouxeram-lhe uma satisfação genuína e um senso de propósito que ele jamais havia experimentado antes. Inspirado por essa experiência, tomou uma decisão que surpreendeu a todos ao seu redor: ele decidiu se formar na faculdade de pedagogia. Essa escolha significou deixar para trás a ideia de seguir a carreira de advogado, mas ele sabia que estava seguindo seu verdadeiro chamado. Além disso, ele também fez uma especialização em psicopedagogia para aprimorar ainda mais suas habilidades no trabalho com crianças.
Enquanto continuava a trabalhar como educador, Yongho estava determinado a aprender tudo o que pudesse sobre o desenvolvimento infantil, as melhores práticas de ensino e como ajudar crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem. Sua dedicação e comprometimento foram recompensados, e ele se tornou um bom profissional, apesar de as vezes ser pego atrás da escola, no cantinho especial dos professores fumando um cigarro ou só gritando em um travesseiro depois de uma reunião com os pais das crianças.
A presença constante de sua família amorosa e de sua irmã Hyejin foi uma fonte de apoio e conforto durante essa fase de transição.
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deeppink-man · 4 months
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stillm0nster · 10 months
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :; yongho  sits  across  from  his  father,  looking  him  in  the  eyes.  it's  the  very  first  time  he  sees  the  man  up  close  and  he  wonders  if  some  of  his  features  resemble  the  man's.  could  be,  it's  his  father  after  all.  " mom  was  not  too  happy  about  us  meeting  but  i  don't  see  why  we shouldn't. "  he  knew  that  after  his  mother  and  father  ran  into  each  other  at  jongseok's  place,  the  arguing  that  went  down  and  the  amount  of  truths  that  came  out,  it's  only  a  matter  of  time  yongjae  would  want  to  meet  him  and  get  to  know  his  only son.  " it's  only  fair  for  you  to  get  to  know  me,  since  i  know  everything  about  you  ...  for  the  most  part  at  least. " / @sparkssflv
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artverso · 2 years
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Yongho Cho - Fantastic Four 
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seolinah · 10 months
closed for @seoulvice // ft. ye-jun & yongho
Ye-jun runs a hand over the back of his neck. He's shown up too early and now stuck waiting around for Yongho. Sighing softly at the inconvenience, he finds a spot out of the way to stand. He glances over the people walking past for a few minutes, in the off chance of spotting his friend, but stops as it earns him some curious looks back. Pulling out his phone, he sends a quick message to Yongho -- Here. Standing around. -- before opening a game to play. At least that'll keep him busy while he waits.
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archivo54135230 · 1 year
                               ‘ PLEASE DON’T LAUGH ’                  ♡    @sowhatt​
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gesto invadido de gracia busca ocultarse detrás sus manos, un intento respetuoso de no llamar la atención cuando un par de monjas de la institución dirigen unas palabras en celebración de semana santa, instancia a la que todes tuvieron que asistir por obligación. segundos antes eligieron al azar a un par de estudiantes para hablar al frente y yongho pensó que elegirían a bruna cuando la mirada pasó por ahí tan detenida y profunda. ‘ nuevo miedo desbloqueado... ¿monjas? ’ burlesco tono, mirándola de reojo para comprobar su reacción. 
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jangksu · 1 year
៹  ♡.  𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲  ›  meet the kids xxv
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wellsygrahams-a · 1 year
♡ ⋯ ⤳ new tag dump pt.2
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campitalia · 2 years
Summer 2022 - Yachvili & Yongho
Summer 2022 – Yachvili & Yongho
Un nuovo appuntamento per la Summer 2022 di Camp Italia. Le artiste Manoji Yachvili e Kika Yongho presentano le loro due nuove opere nell’area Expo di Camp Italia. Grand Opening Sabato 30 Luglio alle ore 21:00 ora italiana, 12:00pm SLT con la musica di Dj Arc.Non mancate! Poetry Tree By Manoji Yachvili Daughters of Memory 9 Muses in 2022 By Kika Yongho Camp Italia Summer 2022 dal 30…
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catsplain · 4 months
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Very few coed groups can touch IDOLMAKER in fame, concept ambition and of course, number! Set under the managment of MBN Entertainment and japanese game developing studio FURTA since their conception in 2016, IDOLMAKER is a franchise like no other, setting their ever expanding roster of K-Pop Idols to voice act playable chracters in their sci-fi asymmetrical multiplayer survival game, Crewmaker Battle Universe. If that doesn't already make them unique enough, the group functions under a voting system, meaning comeback lineups and asthetics get voted on by their fans, MAXIs, via their official website.
IDOLMAKER, often shortned to IDMK, defies all odds and rumors of there being no such thing as healthy competition: united like a true dream team, with some people having ties going deeper then blood amongst them, they know that while stuck inside of a trancherous money empire like MBN, all they can really do is watch each other's backs and pray for the worse won't get them.
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1st Gen - i. Yoo Eunhyuk. / ii. Jung Eunyoung. / iii. Hong Seunggi. / iv. Baek Yoojin; 2nd Gen - v. Yuthakon 'Ring' Chaiprasit. / vi. Lee Gayoung. / vii. Yang Taehyeon. / viii. Grace Elizabeth Lao; 3rd Gen - ix. Kim Hosung. / x. Kwon Dabin. / xi. Jeon Jeonghun. / xii. Cho Yejung. / 4th Gen - xiii. Im Daewon. / xiv. Yoneno Tomomi. / xv. Chuya Yuzuriha. / xvi. Nakashima Kina; 5th Gen - xvii. Kim Ilseong. / xviii. Julia Lee, Lee Haseon. / xix. Jang Wookjin. / xx. Tabitha Choi.
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LOOPiN - Colleges: While the bubblying romance between Seungsoo and Gayoung is what brings the two groups together, the friendship and music exchange between LOOPiN and IDMK is what keeps them all together. Seeing Dylan's growing necessity for friends outside of his band, Ring and Tabitha attempt to take him under their partying set of wings, not without it's fair share of complications. In order to get back on the good graces of his fleeting, long distance situationship with former Boy Of The Week member Kohei, Daewon attempts to reunite him with Haruki, his good pre-debut friend, as well as get to the bottom of who sabotaged him out of the project back on the day, and why.
NIGHT CHILD / NTCD - Rivals: With IDOLMAKER's company being a subsidiary of MBN, they've had one too many sour encounters with NTCD. Yongho has the nasty habit of never letting Seunggi, IDMK's main rapper and his once boyfriend, take a step without his consent now that they're reunited; Hyunbin's obsession on pursing Tomomi has tired her and every single one for her members beyond cooling down; Josh's rising influence over the innerworkings of the company reminds Hosung too much of his deceased and despised brother.
MBN'S GOLDEN AGE SENIORS (EXTENTH & SUNDATE) - Rivals: A misguided game of 'Senior Romance Speedrun' with the founding groups of MBN, EXTENTH and SUNDATE, has left the majority of the IDOLMAKER members heartbroken, embarrassed and more importantly, pissed off. Still, Julia ignores the years of historical battles between the two as she finds herself in the middle of an office affair with SUNDATE's golden girl, Park Suhyun - a desperate attempt to subside her intese feelings for her icon, Yoojin. Little does she knows, she's not the only IDMK member that she's secretly trailing along. Recently discharged from the military, Grace's never forgotten first love and ex-boyfriend, EXTENTH's Changmin, asks her once for her hand in marriage, as well as for Grace to retire from daunting Idol life with him.
[REDCATED] - ???: After [REDACTED], a private country club in center Seoul -- one that deems itself as a 'place for connection between former child stars' -- gets a grip hold of Taehyeon, suspicion of their members real intensions, motivations and face of leadership rises in Eunyoung and Yuzuriha. A spiralling Hosung takes dangerous inspiration in [REDACTED]'s 'detachment' and 'healing' methods, to Dabin and Jeonghun's utter horror.
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quiltofstars · 11 months
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Markarian’s Chain, part of the nearby Virgo Cluster // Ji Yongho
A few included galaxies are: M84, M86, The Eyes Galaxies (NGC 4438 & NGC 4435), M87, M88, M89, M90, and M91
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subbyyang · 2 years
Don't keep my love on the low low (Keep my love on the low low) - Ten/Yangyang (13/?)
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To: Yang~ | 11:33 pm
thank you for this morning 🥰
From: Yang~ | 11:34 pm
u don’t have to thank me
if u slept well that’s all that matters
To: Yang~ | 11:36 pm
it was the best sleep i’ve had in a while lol
From: Yang~ | 11:36 pm
From: Yang~ | 11:40 pm
i miss u already 😢
Ten fondly rolled his eyes at Yangyang’s message, ignoring the pink heat dusting his cheeks. 
To: Yang~ | 11:42 pm
don’t be sappy, we’ll see each other again soon
From: Yang~ | 11:42 pm
To: Yang~ | 11:43 pm
…i miss you too
Ten laughed softly at all the stickers Yangyang sent in return, their chat filled with pink and red hearts. He could be so cute sometimes it made his heart ache. With a fond sigh, Ten went into the settings and changed Yangyang’s contact name.
‘Yangie 🥰’ 
There. That seemed right. 
— —
From: DJ | 4:40 pm
I can’t do this
To: DJ | 4:41 pm
yes u can
From: DJ | 4:41 pm
I can’t 
I’m scared
To: DJ | 4:42 pm
dejun…you’ll never know if u don’t try it
u got this, if she doesn’t like u it’s her loss
you’re smart and good looking and sometimes you’re even a little funny 😂
From: DJ | 4:44 pm
You really think I’m funny? 🥺
To: DJ | 4:46 pm
omg just go ask her out
— — 
“Well. Someone’s happy” Yangyang said with a laugh when Xiaojun stormed into the library, throwing his things on the table, a bright smile on his lips. 
“She said yes,” Xiaojun exclaimed, immediately apologizing to the librarian throwing him a dirty look, “she said yes” he repeated in a whisper.
“Yeah! We’re going on a date tomorrow” Xiaojun couldn’t hide his smile as he told Yangyang how he had waited for her after their shared class and stuttered his way onto a date.
“Where are you taking her? What are you wearing?” 
Yangyang loved seeing Xiaojun like this. It had been a while since he had put himself out there and asked someone out. He hoped this Karina girl would be careful with his heart, others hadn’t been.. 
“I was thinking of maybe a picnic near the river but I have no idea what to wear - what - what are you doing?” 
“Packing? Come on, we have things to buy and clothes to choose” Yangyang replied as he finished shoving his things in his backpack and got up from the table.
“Oh, you don’t have to” 
“I’m your most stylish friend, it’s my duty” Yangyang said, fully ignoring the look Xiaojun was giving him as he followed behind him nonetheless. 
— — 
“Have you seen anyone - this one? - have you seen anyone around?”
“I’ve seen many people” Yangyang said as he shook his head at the shirt Xiaojun was holding up.
“That’s not what I meant…have you seen any girls around that you like?” 
“Xiaojun,” Yangyang said with a sigh, “not again”
“I’m just saying, people talk” Xiaojun replied defensively, pulling a red button down shirt from the rack.
“What do you mean by that?” 
Xiaojun looked conflicted as he stared at the flashy shirt still in his hands, picking at a loose thread on the collar.
“Xiaojun, what did you mean?” Yangyang said as he pulled the awful shirt from Xiaojun’s hands and put it back with the other clothes. 
“It’s nothing, Yongho made some comments about - you know” 
“About what? Wait, he thinks I’m gay?” Yangyang could feel his heart beating in his throat, his back breaking out in a cold sweat. Why couldn’t people just leave him alone??
“You know how he is, no one listens to him…but I’m just scared someone else will make comments”
“You don’t have to worry, now go try this on” Yangyang said, hands still shaking as he pushed the clothes he had been carefully choosing in Xiaojun’s arms. 
— — 
“I have something to ask you” Ten said, twirling a piece of Yangyang’s hair as they cuddled in bed.
Yangyang had spent a good part of the evening with Xiaojun, helping him prepare the perfect date and the perfect outfit, on top of giving him another very much needed pep talk. And then Ten had texted him, asking if he wanted to come over and Yangyang hadn’t thought twice. 
“I’m listening” Yangyang replied, carefully drawing shapes on Ten’s chest with his fingertips, every now and then feeling his heartbeat right under his skin. 
“I have this friend from Thailand - Lisa - she’s in a band and they’re having a show on Friday,” Ten started, eyeing Yangyang to analyze his reactions, “I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go? With me, that is” he continued, nerves clear in the way his voice wavered. 
“Ten,” Yangyang said, a conflicted look on his face, “we - we can’t, people will see us” 
People talk. 
“It’s not here, she lives in Busan, no one will know us there - but it’s okay if you don’t want to go”
“I want to, I do” Yangyang said, sitting up so he could better look Ten in the eyes. Ten looked so vulnerable as he stared up at him and Yangyang hated himself a little for making him upset.
“I get it, don’t worry, forget I brought it up I -” Ten said, pulling on Yangyang’s arm to get him to lie down in his arms again. 
“No, wait, wait - it’s far from here, you say?” Yangyang interrupted, his hand covering Ten’s on his wrist. 
“Yes, yes, far away,” Ten said, voice tinged with excitement, heart beating fast inside his chest, “and they’re not professionals or anything so it’s only a small bar gig” 
“Hmm,” Yangyang mused as he worried his bottom lip between his teeth, “let’s go then” he said, his small smile growing when Ten pulled him down by the shirt and slotted their lips together. 
“It’s a date then?” Ten asked against Yangyang’s lips, his hands sliding inside his hoodie so he could pet the warm skin.
“It’s a date” 
Ten couldn’t believe Yangyang had said yes, couldn’t believe this was going to happen. A date. He was going on an actual date for once. He kissed Yangyang hungrily, hoping he could convey with a kiss all he was feeling at the moment. He flipped them around, Yangyang landing on his back on the bed as Ten climbed on top of him, kissing him over and over again until Yangyang’s lips were red and swollen from kissing. 
“Ten” Yangyang breathed out as Ten started sliding down his body, Ten’s hand pushing against the bulge in his pants, massaging him to full hardness. 
“Shh, let me make you feel good” Ten shushed, undoing Yangyang’s jeans and pulling them down his legs, his underwear coming out at the same time. 
Yangyang relaxed against the bed, soft moans slipping from his lips as Ten took him in his mouth, hollowing his cheeks around Yangyang’s cock, using his tongue to play with the head. Yangyang’s hand flew to Ten’s hair when Ten sped up his pace, quickly bobbing up and down on his cock, spit dribbling down his chin. 
“I won’t last like this” Yangyang said with a deep groan when Ten took him all the way down his throat before swallowing around him.
“That’s okay, I want you to cum when you feel like it” Ten said sweetly when he pulled off, petting Yangyang’s thigh lovingly.
Ten left a gentle kiss to Yangyang’s warm thigh before taking him back in his mouth, deepthroating him almost effortlessly, relaxing his throat and breathing slowly through his nose before swallowing around him again. He wasted no time, bringing Yangyang close to the edge in only a couple of minutes, his hands petting his thighs softly but not holding him down. Not today. If Yangyang wanted to fuck Ten’s mouth he would allow it. 
Still, Yangyang did his best to avoid bucking his hips, not wanting to make Ten choke. It got harder and harder as they went, Yangyang finally losing himself to pleasure when Ten slid a hand to his balls, fondling them gently just like Yangyang loved. Yangyang’s hips pushed up as he came down Ten’s throat after a quick warning, desperate moans dripping from his lips. 
“Good boy” Ten praised, pulling off Yangyang’s cock, his blunt nails scratching softly at Yangyang’s hips causing Yangyang to shiver underneath him. 
“Let - let me - wanna help you” Yangyang stuttered, pulling Ten up by the hand.
“Don’t worry about me, baby…you seem tired, do you wanna sleep over?”
Yangyang stubbornly turned them so Ten was on his back and he was on his side next to him, his hand sliding down Ten’s toned body until he slipped it inside his pants.
“Not too tired to take care of you,” Yangyang said, trying and failing to avoid a yawn, grabbing onto Ten’s hard, leaking cock and jerking him off. He did all the things Ten liked best, his other hand sliding inside Ten’s jumper to tease his nipples, his movements fast and steady. 
Ten let himself enjoy Yangyang’s touches, his eyes drifting shut as a tingly pleasurable feeling traveled up his spine, soft moans falling freely from his lips. He couldn’t stop the smile on his lips when Yangyang kissed him, slow and carefully, in complete contrast to how his hands were touching him. Ten loved how good Yangyang was to him in these moments, always doing his best to make him feel good, no matter how tired he was. 
“Baby, I’m gonna cum” Ten breathed out when Yangyang pulled away from his lips, his hips bucking up towards Yangyang’s hand. 
With a silent moan, Ten came all over Yangyang’s hand just as Yangyang peppered his jaw in wet kisses, his hand continuing to jerk him off until Ten pushed it away when it started to be too much. 
“Don’t you dare clean your hand on my shirt,” Ten said when he noticed Yangyang’s eyes traveling from his cum covered hand to Ten’s comfy jumper, “that’s better, good boy” he joked when Yangyang shrugged and started licking his hand clean. 
When Yangyang was done, Ten pulled him snug against him, their legs intertwined as he used his foot to pet Yangyang’s ankle. “You didn’t answer my question” he said, once again playing with Yangyang’s hair. He had noticed how much he seemed to enjoy having his hair touched. 
“Huh?” Yangyang asked, tilting his head to look up at Ten, his eyebrows furrowed. Hadn’t he agreed to go out with him on Friday?
“I asked if you wanted to stay over”
“Oh my god, what kind of question is that…you know I never say no to staying over, I love sleeping in your arms too much” Yangyang said, mumbling the last of his sentence as his cheeks heated up. 
Ten couldn’t find the words to reply, simply tightening his hold on Yangyang’s body, a small lump forming in his throat that he didn’t know how to explain. He caressed Yangyang’s back for a few minutes until he felt his breathing getting deeper, his face smushed against Ten’s chest. It didn’t take long for Ten to follow right after him into sleep, his body relaxed into the mattress as he let the day’s worries evaporate from his mind.
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deeppink-man · 5 months
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Yongho Lee
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stillm0nster · 10 months
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :; after  staying  back  after  work  due  to  an  attack  on  their  servers,  yongho  craved  something  sweet.  unfortunately,  his  favourite  place  was  closed  due  to  the  late  hour  so  the  next  best  thing  is  to  just  head  home,  sure  he’ll  find  something  in  the pantry.  while  driving,  he  has  the  radio  off,  enjoying  the  white  noise  coming  from  the  engine,  the  bustle  and  hustle  of  the  city.  passing  by  a  bus  stop,  he  swears  he  saw  a  familiar  face.  with  that  in  mind,  yongho  backs  the  car  up  to  the  stop  and  rolls  down  the  window  to  notice  it's  who  he  thought  he  saw  -  the  waitress  from  his  favourite  café.  " hey!  do  you  need  a  ride?  i  don't  think  there  is  a  bus  in  the  next, "  pausing  to  look  down  at  the  watch  on  his  wrist,  he  whistles  to  himself.  " thirty  minutes  or  so. " / @sparkssflv
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apcomplexhq · 9 months
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Tudo aparentava estar em seus devidos conformes, com o nome do condomínio obtendo cada vez mais prestígio na mídia, ainda levando em consideração o último evento que ocorreu, do qual foi o suficiente para gerar inúmeras matérias positivas pelo Naver e atrair comentários maravilhosos dos netizens. Em todo lugar se falava sobre o prestigiado Nikos, um estrangeiro que, não apenas prometia, mas também cumpria toda a mistura de culturas da maneira mais informativa e interativa que poderia existir dentro do complexo recém recuperado.
Com a semana de descanso após a festa, tudo o que o grego pretendia era relaxar em sua banheira de hidromassagem, bebendo do melhor vinho, enquanto pensava nas próximas atividades que proporcionaria para seus moradores, entretanto, não era exatamente isso que iria acontecer. Durante o final de semana, uma bomba de artigos e alertas foram espalhados pelas redes sociais, alegando a possibilidade de um dos prédios do condomínio estar com um enorme risco de desabamento e, a chuva de notificações, que antes eram elogios, rapidamente se tornaram acusações, críticas à má manutenção, dentre outros, tudo isso devido a alguns relatos de moradores sobre encontrarem rachaduras e escutarem ruídos suspeitos durante as andanças pelas estruturas do local. Fotos? Não havia nenhuma. Os nomes dos que relataram? Sequer estavam incluídos no banco de dados do condomínio, mas o proprietário não poderia apenas deixar passar batido. A internet sempre foi muito fácil de mudar de opinião, ainda mais se tratando de um efeito manada e, esse tipo de efeito, com certeza iria trazer muito mais prejuízos, tanto economicamente, quanto em relação à credibilidade e confiança de seus condôminos.
Se tornou ainda mais sério quando, em plena manhã de segunda-feira, dia 14, a prefeitura enviou um comunicado solicitando uma intervenção imediata, prezando pela segurança, não apenas dos moradores do condomínio, mas também para o que mais poderia ocasionar se houvesse um desabamento, afinal, o complexo localizava-se entre os prédios comerciais da tão luxuosa Gangnam-gu, se o risco era real, então se transformaria em uma catástrofe. Todos os blocos precisavam ser imediatamente isolados para que uma inspeção minuciosa fosse feita e, com o intuito de não deixar os moradores na mão, foi liberado o total de 16 quartos no hotel próximo, chamado Park Hyatt, para que fossem ocupados durante aquele período de necessidade.
Sendo assim, por volta das 11h00, os guardas do condomínio foram, de porta em porta, ajudar a retirar cada um dos habitantes de suas casas, a fim de levá-los até os seus aposentos temporários que se encontrava a algumas quadras de Acropolis, a princípio, não era necessário levarem todos os seus pertences, apenas o necessário para uma curta estadia no hotel.
Este espaçoso quarto inclui uma mesa de jantar, poltrona reclinável, área de trabalho, Internet de alta velocidade e uma cama de casal extra grande com lençóis de algodão e uma cama de solteiro. Mime-se na enorme banheira de imersão com ducha, televisão, roupão e chinelos.
✦ Grupo 1 - Bae Unji - Li Sheng - Wang Jia ✦ Grupo 2 - Senno Amai - Jung Yunseo - Kang Haneul ✦ Grupo 3 - Kim Himchan - Bae Anna - Jung Chaeyeon ✦ Grupo 4 - Luke Hwang - Jung Elliot - Yu Moonsik ✦ Grupo 5 - Conrad Nakahara Ryosuke - Theo Song - Kim Wongsan ✦ Grupo 6 - Park Baekhyun - Lee Yohan - Yoo Sehan ✦ Grupo 7 - Uemura Kohana - Park 'Amaryllis' Yeonwoo - Song Meying ✦ Grupo 8 - Shin Jaeho - Kang Yongho - Kwon Hyunbin ✦ Grupo 9 - Kim Taeri - Kwon Eunchae - Gustavo Albuquerque
Decorado com carvalho natural e pedra, este quarto espaçoso está equipado com janelas panorâmicas com vista para COEX e Teheran-ro. O quarto está equipado com uma cama de casal extra grande e uma cama de solteiro, uma televisão de ecrã plano e uma cadeira reclinável. A casa de banho privativa em mármore inclui uma banheira de grandes dimensões com um chuveiro de efeito chuva, produtos de higiene pessoal gratuitos, roupões de banho e chinelos.
✦ Grupo 10 - Park Jihye - Lim Junyeol - Park 'John' Hyunwoo ✦ Grupo 11 - Yu Jaehyun - Kim Hayun - Onose Rei ✦ Grupo 12 - Choi Kyunggu - Lee 'Katherine' Kari - Nalithorn 'Nali' Chayapong ✦ Grupo 13 - Oh Maxine - Seol Joori - Blair Banks Wu - Goo Jiyoon ✦ Grupo 15 - Yoo Chanwook - Ethan Kang - Kim Junseo ✦ Grupo 16 - Eric Miller Kwon - Seo Kangjun - Lee Jungwoo - Kim Sumin
✦ Ideia dada por player: Luke Hwang (@TT99LH)💜💛; ✦ Os chars ficarão no hotel durante os dias 14, 15, 16, 17 e 18/08; ✦ Todos sairão de casa às 11h do dia 14/08 e voltarão para o complexo apenas às 20h do dia 18/08; ✦ Os personagens que estiverem viajando, receberão a notificação do próprio síndico com o pedido de intervenção da prefeitura anexado, apenas para estarem cientes caso resolvam voltar antes da resolução do problema; ✦ Foi colocado temporariamente um canal no nosso DISCORD para interações do hotel; ✦ Os players podem, sem problemas, fazer grupo na DM com o pessoal de seu quarto para interagir, DESDE QUE tenha a conta do síndico; ✦ Mandem relatos da convivência com os parceiros de quarto para o nosso fofoqueiro favorito; ✦ Também possui ideias de eventos/plotdrops/avenida acropolis/tasks? Nos mande através do nosso forms; ✦ Qualquer dúvida podem nos perguntar através de DM ou ask.
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archivo54135230 · 1 year
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𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐇𝐎        ;   26 años. estudiante de economía. personaje de condenadoshq 
nació en corea del sur, aunque se mudó con su padre a francia a los pocos años de nacer. su posición económica le permitió viajar por muchos años a conocer el mundo, la excusa de su padre era entablar negocios con otros países. por esa razón (y otras más detalladas después) es que entró más tarde a la universidad. se enamoró de muy joven y estuvo a punto de casarse pero se enteró cerca a la fecha de bodas que le era infiel, por lo que terminó siendo un solterón feliz una vez superado el trauma. es un hombre muy responsable y educado, le gusta disfrutar de su independencia. tiene su propia empresa de productos ecológicos y planea extenderla por otros países. 
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