#yongho & blue.
kvubin · 3 years
𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒐́𝒏 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝒑𝒊𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒆 ( nuestros personajes coinciden en el tren rumbo a marsella )
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           Casi siempre le gustaba mirar el paisaje, pero esta vez opto por ocupar un lugar, sin embargo no se dio cuenta que había quedado justo debajo de él media prenda ajeno “ Oops, espero tu abrigo no sea rencoroso ” menciona amable y con media sonrisa en el rostro para romper el hielo y no ir pendiente de alguna mala cara durante el trayecto. / @yongvho​​
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BTS scenario: Yoongi finds you after 1,871 days (1)
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Summary: It takes 1,871 days for Yoongi to find you. Five years, one month, and four days. He’s turned over every house in your village, every pack in your province, and chased your family to every distant home you have before arriving to a quaint apartment in the middle of Seoul. Warnings/Notes: The continuation to Yoongi’s part in this scenario drabble. Please read because it might not sense if you don’t lol. No warnings as of now. 
Word Count: 1,500+ words READ PART TWO HERE
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It takes 1,871 days for Yoongi to find you.
Five years, one month, and four days. He’s turned over every house in your village, every pack in your province, and chased your family to every distant home you have before arriving to a quaint apartment in the middle of Seoul.
Inside the car and behind the tinted windows, Yoongi stares up to your apartment. It’s small, but it comes with a balcony where clothes hang to dry. He recognizes a familiar red blouse, and a blue jumper.
What he doesn’t recognize are these: a small pair of shorts, a school uniform, and a plain shirt - all in a size of perfect for a child.
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1,871 days is a long time but you split it like this: the time before Yongho and the time after Yongho.
It didn’t take long for you to leave the pack after that night with Yoongi. You knew then that if you drag your feet, you’ll never be able to leave. So, with your family’s promise and blessing, you packed your bags, your savings, and your heart and boarded the next plane out of the country.
You didn’t think Yoongi would look for you (but you hoped, desperately, sometimes even too much) but still, you took serious precautions. Running away with an alpha’s child is not a slight offense regardless of the reason.
With no family and no friends, you hunkered down in the outskirts of Taipei. You watched summer turn to fall, and then by winter, your arms are warmed by the small bundle of joy that is your son.
Yongho is a precious boy, with your nose and lips, and Yoongi’s feline eyes. He’s curious, energetic, and affectionate, and not a day goes by that you’re not thankful for his presence.
When he turned three, and with no new news of Yoongi coming from your family, you opted to return to your homeland to finish your post-graduate studies. You never planned on hiding Yongho from his father forever, but for years after you left, your family urged you not to reveal yourself.
The pack has splintered, stay hidden until everything settles. They are invoking the old law.
And so you did, however, now, circumstances have changed.
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“Yongho, I’d like to introduce you to someone.”
Yoongi watches a few steps behind you as you kneel down to your child’s height. Even with your crouching form, he still couldn’t see his son’s features. He’s small for his age, he muses, just like he was in his youth.
Yoongi hears a sound of high-pitched approval from his child, before your lips curve into a familiar smile.
“Good,” you say, “Why don’t you change clothes and then you can join us in the kitchen?”
The little boy scampers away with a giggle and you silently turn to Yoongi, leading him to the kitchen.
Your apartment isn’t small, but it’s not large either. The kitchen is quaint with herbs growing on the small window by the sink. Yoongi smells the leftover scents of bacon, milk, and eggs from the air mixed with the tea you placed in front of him.
For a while, it’s silent and Yoongi takes care to observe you.
It’s been five years but somehow, the difference startles him. Though your features remained the same, there’s a certain hardness to it now, like a polished sword - a calm protective air.
“Mama! I’m ready!”
Your scent immediately spikes with warmth as you hear your son’s steps down the stairs. You turn in your chair, catching him so readily in your arms.
“I combed my hair too, see?” Yongho peers up to you with a smile, one of his front teeth missing. Smiling fondly, you touch his hair lightly. “I see that, my love, good job.”
Yongho grins before turning and glancing at the man with his eyes, sitting at the other end of your dining table. His smile wobbles at the seriousness in the man’s face but he perseveres. He’s a guest, mama said.
Seeing that Yoongi has caught your son’s attention, you clear your throat. You’ve never lied about your son’s father ever since he first asked about it when he was three, and so this conversation shouldn’t be hard.
“Yongho, this is Yoongi, your father.”
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The secondary gender’s characteristics manifests early into puberty. However, with the advancement of science and technology, people have found a way to determine an individual’s secondary gender as early as they’re 6 months old.
You tried avoiding these tests for Yongho to give him a shot at a regular, unburdened childhood but it became unavoidable when you tried to enroll him to his first pre-school class.
It had taken all of your family’s dwindling connections to scrub the records clean but even that isn’t enough to keep the news from reaching the elders ears.
Your son, little Y/L/N Yongho, is the rarest of them all - a male omega.
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And so you called Yoongi. It’s less of him finding you, and more of you allowing yourself to be found. With nothing left to possibly do, you reached out to the only one you think can help.
Things have settled quite quickly, your son is young, forgiving and eager. At the sight of his father, he quickly warmed up and you watched Yoongi struggle faintly at the overwhelming energy of your pup.
They spent the whole day in his room, watching movie after movie, and playing with every toy Yongho owns. He even showed his father his drawings, most of which were of the town you lived in Taiwan.
“So that’s where you went.” Yoongi observes, finger touching the crayon drawing of you and Yongho making pineapple cakes.
The sun has already set and Yongho’s knocked out in his room. The two of you are once again across each other, on the other sides of your mahogany kitchen table.
“Yes,” you respond calmly, “We stayed there for three years.”
Yoongi breathes, closes his eyes and tries not to think of you, heavily pregnant and alone. There’s time to discuss the past, but that’s not today. Still, he couldn’t help the bitterness seep into his voice, not after he’s known what he missed for five years.
A son, a beautiful son.
“Had I known you’re craving pineapple cakes, we would’ve sent for it.”
I looked for you, he wants to say, I nearly went mad, looking for you.
You let out a pained chuckle, “Funny. I actually couldn’t stand it when I was pregnant. Yongho loves them though.”
“Why am I here?” Yoongi cuts, his alpha rearing its head. That’s our blood she hid, it snarls, our seed, our son - she took him away!
Wordlessly, you took out a red envelope from under your seat. The familiar seal of the pack elders broken into two. You slide it towards Yoongi and watch as he reads it contents.
You watch as his eyes grow sharper and his jaw clench reading the request of the elders. He too, has changed, you observe. The wild energy you’ve associated with him is gone, perhaps veiled under the surface.
After all, an omega’s chosen alpha should be a man of discipline.
“They can’t do this,” Yoongi grits out. “It’s against the law to take a child from their family.”
You shake your head, nights poured over the texts of your youth heavy on your mind, “The pack only recognizes families of mated individuals.”
Yoongi’s eyes flicker at your unmarked neck and his alpha curls into himself. Unmarked. Our son’s mother is unmarked, it whimpers. Before he could speak, you continue on.
“I’ve read the books, and sought advice from the Wong pack of Taipei, there are two ways to avoid this—“
Marriage, Yoongi thinks, and the box in his pocket suddenly weighs a ton. He’s carried it around for five years, hoping to find you. 
“—but since mating is out of question—“ a flash of the old you passes in your eyes, and Yoongi opens his mouth to protest, but you don’t stop.
“— I’ve invoked the ancient law.” You pause, taking a deep breathe. “A month from now, I’ll be battling the primary alpha of the pack for the custody of our child.”
Yoongi gasps. The primary alpha… is Jeon Jungkook, one of their strongest and most devoted to the omega. He’ll tear you apart if she so asks.
Yoongi startles when you push your chair back, standing suddenly in front of him. Your eyes are brimming with unshed tears, but your back is straight, as you kneel down- your forehead to the ground, a few inches from his feet.
“Min Yoongi, alpha of the Min family, father of my son, my former betrothed — for all that we were and we cannot be, I beseech you.”
Yoongi’s alpha is snarling inside his head, confused, scared, angry at your thoughtless decision and his own thoughtlessness that lead you here. It’s a visceral reaction - an alpha doesn’t bow to another alpha, but here you are.  Everything for your son. 
“If I lose, take our son. He needs your name.”
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END NOTES: Well, this got out of hand. There’s a lot unsaid between these two and a lot of time passed by between the them in the drabble and this one. Let me know what you think! I’m thinking of where to bring the other hyungline members’ plotlines still.  Hearts are great but comments and reblogs will reach a lot more readers. Let’s spread the love!  Should I continue Yoongi’s story? What do you think will happen? TAG LIST: @justmewondering-recs @cloudbuffalo @blushingatyou @aroseharder @neverthefirstchoice @xanny91 @sugaaddiction @flirtygerty​ @darkskin-buttercup​
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cactividades · 3 years
          a medida que la noche avanza, estudiantes se ponen de acuerdo para llevar a cabo un juego de retos, para hacerlo más divertido, equipos son formados al azar e instrucciones son dadas para concretar cada ítem en la lista. 
          equipo ganador podrá utilizar al resto del plantel estudiantil (aquellos que hayan participado del juego) como sus minions durante una semana. 
lectura obligatoria fuera de personaje.
reglas del juego: 
todos los personajes anotados fueron divididos en equipo, por cada reto que cada individuo del mismo cumpla, recibirá cierta cantidad de puntos. 
todos los retos deberán ser cumplidos con gente ajena al grupo que les tocó. 
cada uno de los retos puede ser cumplido por cada miembro del equipo de así quererlo, no es necesario que se los repartan.
el reto se dará por cumplido una vez que sea roleado. en este aspecto, se habilita la opción de convo privada siempre y cuando sea para cumplir un reto y también estará permitido adaptar threads actuales por el mismo motivo. 
para aquellos retos que involucran únicamente al personaje que lo acepta (ej. quítate cuatro prendas de ropa por el resto de la noche) deberán abrir un starter y podrán borrarlo luego de que tres personajes lo respondan (o más, si así lo desean).
dato extra: 
debido a esta intervención, de ser necesario, la actividad podrá extenderse hasta el domingo. 
¡no olviden divertirse! 
aysel karaaslan.
sébastien humblet.
gabriel du theil.
mercedes kipling.
choe jangmi.
nam dabin.
dominique lefevre.
rhett astor.
piphat vichawayt.
kang minhyuk.
gwon sehwan.
camille boyeux.
seon dawon.
viena moore.
hong changkyun.
rosalie blishen.
anya firth.
bisa motsepe.
judah bauer.
margarita castelo.
alexandra jade cohen fitzgerald.
malivalaya tameeruks.
yoon bonwha.
willem visser.
choi junsu.
clemens huber.
kang ye-won.
corantin annecy.
eva d’aureville hansen.
bruna collins.
yuna monti.
frida villanueva.
wang areum.
kwon ryujin.
aspen moore.
célestine whang.
michaela tarantino.
moon jaeoh.
thea kwon.
jang yongho.
thais morecamber.
moon kihyun.
eun minseok.
misty loveless.
kim jae-sun.
hansa saeli.
darwin crawford.
antoni lisin.
felicia arvidsson.
magdalena castillo de la garza.
gim jaewoo.
blaise moreau.
patsaravalee wattanapanit (mind).
dilara sönmez.
ludvig alströmer.
mateo castillo de la garza.
luca jun lombardi
bernaby lancaster.
choi kyubin blue.
willa miles.
anthony liu de león.
min eunji.
confiesa a alguien que te parece lindx.
toma una cucharada de ají picante.
pídele el número de teléfono / cuenta de instagram a alguien.
pregúntale a alguien en la fiesta si cree que eres atractivx.
abraza a la primera persona que encuentres.
envía un mensaje a alguien de la fiesta declarando tu atracción hacia él/ella.
haz 20 sentadillas en ropa interior.
pásale la lengua por el cuello a alguien.
besa a alguien durante un mínimo de cinco segundos.
insulta a alguien al azar durante veinte segundos.
mete cuatro cubos de hielo en tu ropa interior.
deja que la primera persona que te encuentres de un equipo contrario dibuje algo en tu rostro.
quítate cuatro prendas de ropa por el resto de la noche.
coquetea con alguien hasta conseguir un beso.
cántale a alguien una canción romántica a capela.
bebe un chupito de tequila del cuerpo de otra persona.
dale un beso a otra persona en la parte del cuerpo que prefieras.
pásate un cubo de hielo con otra persona hasta que se deshaga.
envíale un mensaje sucio a una persona de tu elección.
besa a la primera persona que te encuentres de un equipo contrario.
cambia de ropa con alguien del sexo opuesto durante una hora.
dale tu teléfono a alguien y deja que envíe un mensaje de texto a cualquier persona de tus contactos.
quédate en ropa interior por el resto de la noche.
finge ser otra persona por el resto de la noche. 
corre 3 vueltas alrededor de la universidad en ropa interior. 
envía un audio a alguien pretendiendo tener un orgasmo.
tómate una foto sexy y envíasela a alguien.
susurra algo atrevido y sugerente al oído de otra persona.
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beyoncesdragon · 4 years
Alright so I showed my non kpop friend a picture of some kpop groups, the following are his attempts to characterise them:
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- They look a bit like they are trying to sell a washing machine.
Soobin: he’s the child in the back of the classroom with the hood up. Emo child, name’s Josh or something.
Hueningkai: this one looks like he’s trying to be a fuckboy. But he isn’t, he’s too kind. Reminds me of a friend.
(Talking about Yeonjun) Ah. That’s the actual fuckboy. Is he the leader?
(No, it’s Soobin)
Him? (Confused look were thrown at Soobin)
Okay it kinda seems like it but makes sense that he isn’t (idk what that meant but sure) Why is he center then? A the face.
Taehyun: he has trust issues.
(Talking abt Beomgyu): is he the youngest? Seems like it...no actually I can’t tell.
What is a MOA?!
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Group Name? LSD. (If you wonder why, here.)
He’s the leader *points at Hongjoong*
He’s the mom *points at Seonghwa* (I yelled)
He’s mean. Is he the baby of the group? *zooms in on Yeosang*
His name is Steve. (@ Mingi?!!?)
That’s a smurf. (Rip Yonghos blue hair)
He looks like a brat. Maybe a...how u call that? Yeah, visual. *dramatic zoom in on San*
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Bdsm? (Insert a yelled *wha- nO!*)
I know Jimin.
This is Jimin.
Yeah is say this is Jimin.
*(Insert 10s of us aggressively repeating jIMINSHIII)*
He looks like a baby (@yoongi)
He’s the leader (Hobi) Why not? Okay, hes the mom of the group.
Why? Not?
This is the leader? Ha. (Joonie)
He’s the bodyguard. *zoom in on Jins broad frame*
Pretty. (@ Tae)
The youngest? uhhh...(points at Yoongi)
Stray kids
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Is that your got7?
“Straight kids”
I can’t really tell who the leader is. I think they all look like equals just like friends that actually like each other
They...look nice. (sir, just admit u like them geez)
Do they even have a leader?
That’s the whore. (Me yelleth no, cuz not Felix)
Yes he is. But in a good way. Whore for love yk. I don’t mean it negative. (He is felix biased now, I can’t stop laughing)
He just looks like everyone has a crush on him. He’s a baby.
(we know who) he looks like an elf. Or a ninja. Ninja elf.
Which one is the baby now? this the baby? (Looking for Felix) But why is his hair suddenly pink. (The way I laughed at that)
oh so THIS is the actual baby of the group? *zooms into INs face* mhm.
he could be the leader. *drastic zoom into changbins face* no he’s the mom of the group.
is he the leader? Yeah. I thought so. (Bangchan)
His name is Henry. (At Han) what’s his real name? See, almost had it. (Me, deceased)
[Seungmin and Minho were left uncommented, the bus came]
Safe to say I’m very tempted to do that again.
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art-now-south-korea · 3 years
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IVY in the blue sky - mp.1, Yongho Park
I think communication is the most important requirement for art. I'd like to share with everyone the beauty that I feel and express through artworks. I add metal work to painting and seek their harmony. This work also includes metal(aluminium), which is combined with various other materials (wood, plaster, mortar, etc.) So it has a distinctive matiere and three-dimensional effects. And it’s possible to adjust the size or color of artworks, according to collectors’ request. I usually get inspiration from the nature. When I see the stars outside of the earth, I'm so impressed by their beautiful light. In a way, we live on the planet. If somewhere in the universe someone can see the earth, it also looks like a bright light. I imagine the light and try to express its fantastic atmosphere in this artwork. "Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious." (Stephen Hawking)
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solplparty · 4 years
[Official Audio] 유용호 (Yoo Yongho) - 푸른 밤의 고백 (Blue night) https://youtu.be/3Ks_-vVlfxM 유용호 (Yoo Yongho) - 푸른 밤의 고백 (Blue night) | Artist Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/hello_yongho | POCLANOS Website : http://poclanos.com | POCLANOS Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/poclanos | POCLANOS Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/poclanos #유용호 #YooYongho #푸른밤의고백 POCLANOS
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jimlingss · 7 years
Student Council Prez [18]
Episode 17 - Episode 18 - Episode 18.5 OR Episode 19 (Finale) Words: 4k Genre: Fluff, Slice of Life, High School!Au  Chapter consists of Y/N and Yoongi’s silly antics together.
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“Why are you wearing a scarf?” Hoseok asks amidst a laugh, staring at his best friend whose neck is wrapped in red satin.
Yoongi turns to him with a frown, gently tugging on it as he mumbles underneath his breath. “It’s cold.”
“Prez.” Hoseok leans closer to him. “It’s summer.”
“Doesn't mean I still can't feel cold.” He says blankly.
Hoseok narrows his eyes, slowly shifting away but still suspicious. Even during winter times, Yoongi never complains and the scarf looks ridiculous overtop his uniform; reminding him of anime characters.
“Alright then…” Hoseok grins. “Are your parents still over?”
Yoongi sighs. “No, my grandmother and mother left abroad again. My dad’s back in his closet but Yongho’s still around.”
“Aw..” Hoseok pouts. “Guess you can't spend quality time with Y/N, anymore huh-”
He can't even finish before Yoongi’s scrunched up his face, pushing him out of his chair and making Hoseok fall onto the floor on his butt in a bunch of giggles. “C’mon Yoongi~ It’s just a joke~”
“Your jokes are distasteful and not funny.”
Hoseok laughs. “You defend Y/N so well.” He hums for a moment, plopping back into his seat. “Had this been a year ago, I could've never imagined you falling so head over heels.”
Yoongi stays silent, unable to refute. “Me either…” He mutters.
His friend falls into a dramatic sob. “WHAT AM I GOING TO DO PRESIDENT?! How is it that you out of all of us...got a girlfriend first? When will I ever find love?”
Yoongi places a comforting hand onto Hoseok’s, making the latter man halt his dramatic act for a moment in surprise of the other’s odd gentleness. Yoongi smiles meekly…
“Some people just can't be loved.”
By that point, Yoongi’s gotten up and left the room. He closes the door, letting Hoseok wail after him; other students shooting each other odd looks as they walk past the council room.
You’re covering your face with one hand, giggling as Yoongi tugs on your other hand, pulling you into the council room. Once he closes the door and turns to you, you uncover your face; only managing to look at him straight in the eyes for a mere three seconds. He sighs as you burst out in another fit of flushed laughter. “What is it now?”
You stick out your tongue, teasing him as you twist your head to one side. “Aren’t I a future Min family member?”
He turns to the ceiling with rolling eyes. “You almost gave me a heart attack when you said that!” You chime out, playfully hitting his arm with a fist and he winces, scrunching his face and rubbing the wound.
“Aren’t you ever going to live that down?” Yoongi grumbles with a pout. “It’s been weeks.”
“Never.” You break out into a grin, following him as he makes his way to the table, finally pulling off the red scarf after a long day. “Until the day I die, I’ll always remember how you professed your feelings for me in front of your entire family without even a bit of embarrassment.”
He smirks, suddenly grabbing your hips and pulling you onto the table in a seated position. “But I remember you cursing me after I said it. You even called me insane.”
You throw your arms around his shoulders as he stands between your legs, your heights equal and eyes connecting. You hum thoughtfully for a moment. “Yeah, I was pretty upset about how blunt you were but really….Min Yoongi, your cuteness just melts my cold heart.”
He growls before pulling up closer to you. “What did I say about calling me cute?”
You giggle again but it becomes silenced as he roughly tugs you in for a kiss; lips locking mercilessly. From the endless practices you’ve both had together, he’s already mapped out your mouth and body, wielding knowledge of where to touch and the right pressures needed to make you lose your mind. When your moan accidently slips out, Yoongi has the audacity to smirk smugly against your lips. In retaliation, you nip his bottom lip and he freezes for a heartbeat before refusing to let you win, kissing your harder and in turn, making you whimper even more. He inhales as you exhale, literally stealing your breath away and you’re amazed at how skillful he is but maybe it’s from all the countless times before.
You could go on for hours and hours kissing Yoongi and doing so isn’t anything unusual anymore.
But unfortunately this time around, you’re interrupted as the loud student members come walking into the room, in the middle of your makeout session.
All they do is sigh, Hoseok grinning and Jin shaking his head in disapproval. You and Yoongi pull away instantly, wiping away at your wet and swollen lips. You launch off the table to create distance between him and he takes a step back like nothing’s ever happened but they’ve already seen it all. “Don’t you guys have homes to do this in?!” Jin says exasperatedly, throwing his backpack on the floor.
“Why do we always get interrupted?” Yoongi grumbles underneath his breath and you send him a sharpened glare, one mostly out of embarrassment.
Namjoon laughs, making his way to the other side of the table and patting Yoongi on the shoulder as he passes. “Didn’t I say something about putting up a sign or locking the door?”
“Oh my god.” Jungkook says with huge eyes, resembling that of a frightened rabbit. He points to Yoongi suddenly. “Did you get beat up?!”
Everyone stops, turning to where he’s pointing. You freeze in horror and so does Yoongi. There’s a full ten seconds of complete silence, the most silence there has ever been in the council room with the council members; the ticks of the clock echo and a pin drops sounding like a nuclear bomb explosion.
Then suddenly Hoseok and Jin burst out into laughter, Jimin with a humongous grin while shaking his head, Namjoon smiling and Taehyung walking closer to the crime scene. Jungkook is still confused. “Those are not just any bruises…” Namjoon cackles.
Blotches of purple and blue completely litter Yoongi’s neck, staining his pale skin in blooming blisters. You grow embarrassed, shrinking away while Yoongi brings up one hand to them, slightly smirking as if he were proud of the marks you put on him. You feel like chucking a brick at his face.
“So that’s why you wore a scarf~” Hoseok laughs, everyone gathering around and inspecting the artwork.
“Oh. You’re a beast Y/N.” Taehyung nods. “Really marking him down, aren’t you?”
Jimin leans over and whispers something into Jungkook’s ear and like the snap of his finger, his eyes light up, becoming enlightened. Jungkook blushes, glances your way then bursts out into laughter. You want to stick your head in a trash can.
“You’re both so energetic.” Jin laughs. “Wow it’s unbelievable.”
“Oh...what it’s like to be youthful.” Namjoon says in a sigh.
For some reason or another, you’re convinced the student council members won’t ever let it go for the rest of your life; another reason added to the list of things to tease the both of you to death.
“I can’t believe Yoongi let you do that to him.” Jimin grins. You groan, slapping a hand to your forehead.
It was from yesterday when you and Yoongi got too heated on his couch and you got a little out of control. “Oh.” Jimin pulls you out of your humiliating thoughts, eyes widening as he points below your face. You look down.
Somehow from Yoongi tugging your shirt as he was kissing you, a massive spot that you concealed under your collar is exposed, showing how you weren’t completely unscathed either. Everyone’s head turns as you begin to heat up, the members all bursting into laughter again and making fun of you. You pout at Yoongi who only grins and shrugs. He takes two strides up to you and then throws his red scarf over your neck, wrapping it up warmly.
The student council members, as you expect them to, never live it down.
No. No.
It can’t be.
That’s impossible!
It was just here!!
Jungkook in a fit of rage suddenly flips his entire backpack onto the table, dumping everything out like it’s a bucket of water. Textbooks come tumbling to the floor, old wrappers and receipts, notebooks, pens and pencils. All the laughing ceases and everyone turns to him. “Are you alright…?” Jimin asks with a knot between his brows, half between concern and a giggle at Jungkook’s distress.
“It’s not here.” Is all he responds with, throwing the backpack down to the ground, staring off into space.
Everyone’s smile falls, looking more serious than you’ve ever seen them.
Yoongi wasn’t here yet and you took his spot at the front table; Taehyung joking that you should take over the role of presidency. The other members were gathered around already, prepared for the meeting and simply waiting for Yoongi who was unusually running late.
“Don’t tell me…” Jin leans back in his chair.
There’s a long and dramatic silence. “I lost the general ledger.”
“Oh. My. God.” Jin facepalms.
Hoseok manages some stiff laughter, trying to lighten the mood despite his next words. “He’s going to kill you.”
“Where did you last leave it?” Namjoon inquires as Jungkook begins scrambling through his items on the table.
“I...I was working on it in the library this morning and then I went to class as usual!” He says frantically. “I swore I put it back in my bag!”
“What was there even to work on?!” Jin slams his fist on the table. “It’s just simple addition and subtraction! You’re our treasurer and you can’t even keep a damn book of our records?!”
Jungkook grimaces and Jin draws back, swallowing hard and lowering his tone. “Woah, woah.” Jimin intercepts. “I’m sure it’s just back at the library! We can go back and check.”
“Is it really that bad?” You frown, surprised at Jin’s angry outburst and the tense atmosphere.
“Have you ever seen Yoongi angry?” Taehyung leans in with a whisper.
You think for a moment. “Once or twice.”
“Well that doesn’t count.” Hoseok sighs. “He can’t be that upset with you. You’re you.”
It was true. You’ve seen Yoongi angry but he’s never lashed out, if anything it was always either frustration or annoyance. You were the one that often got angry at him but in the occasional heated battles you both had, he was always the one to give in. Or he would devise a plan to make you feel so guilty that you had to be the one to apologize.
Namjoon picks up Jungkook’s fallen books, stacking them onto the table. “The general ledger is our accounting records and has all our receipts.” He sighs. “It’s for tax purposes and at the end of the year, we hand it into the government. It’s a method to avoid rumours of embezzlement. Some academies that have been shut down, took advantage of the school fees and put it in their own pockets instead of the faculties.”
“The general ledger is used to avoid such situations.” Taehyung says in a smile.
“If we lose it…” Jin murmurs. “Yoongi’s father could get into a lot of trouble.”
Taehyung leans forward, slumping on the table. “Or we would have to track backwards alllllllll the way to the beginning of the year and get alllllllllll the receipts back from every single club and every single field trip and every single teacher and every single place-”
Jimin frustratedly grunts, interrupting his friend and turning to Jungkook who’s staring at the ground, looking like he’s about to throw up or throw himself out the window. “There’s no point in just staying here and talking. We can find it.” He reassures Jungkook and he looks up at him with hopeful eyes.
“You’re right.” Jin stands up. “The sooner we find it, the better.”
“Jungkook and Jimin can go back to all the classrooms he’s been in today.” Namjoon suggests, also standing. “Jin and I can go back to the library.”
“I’ll go with Taehyung down to the office, see if anyone’s found it and dropped it off there.” Hoseok nods.
“What can I do?” You frown, stopping them from leaving.
Taehyung’s eyes light up and he snaps his fingers. “Ah! Hoseok’s right. Yoongi can’t be angry at you.” He says with confidence. You don’t respond. “Just stall him until we get back.”
“That’s right!” Jin’s eyes widen in horror. “He’s coming right here, right now!”
“We have to go!” Jungkook pushes past the other members, running like he’s being chased down by hyenas. He opens the door, slamming it against the wall and he bolts down the hallway.
“Wait up!” Jimin shouts, shooting you a smile before running off after him.
“Wait! Wait!” You call after Hoseok and he turns around. “How am I supposed to stall him?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs before breaking out in a grin. “Try seducing him or something.”
“Wait. Wha-” Hoseok chuckles before disappearing with the other members, all of them splitting up quickly and seriously.
You fall back into the front chair with a long sigh.
“Y/N?” You turn in your chair slowly and stiffly at the familiar voice. Yoongi’s at the doorway with a frown, looking around in the room.
“Hey there beautiful boyfriend!” You reply with an exaggerated smile.
“Where are they?” He asks.
You tilt your head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“We’re suppose to have a meeting.” Yoongi deadpans as he lifts a brow. He plops down in the seat next to you.
“Oh. They’re not here.” You shrug casually, looking out the window. “Isn’t it such a beautiful day outside today?”
Yoongi frowns, ignoring your question. “Then why are all their bags here? And whose stuff is all of this?” He points to the table with the stacked books and sprawled out papers.
You shrug again with lips tight in a line. “Don’t know. I think they went to the bathroom.”
“All six of them? Together? At the same time?”
You freeze but it only takes a second to answer. “Yup. They drank a lot of water, you know.”
“Last time I checked…” Yoongi cocks his head to the side, narrowing his eyes at you. “Namjoon only drinks the Arabian Mocha blend when he’s in this room.”
“Can’t a man drink some water if he wants to?” You narrow your eyes in the same manner before huffing out tiredly. “Why are you nitpicking so much today?”
You fake a sniffle, looking away. “Was it something I did? Am I not being a good enough girlfriend? Is that it?” Your voice cracks, your face trembles, you bite the bottom of your lips and you wish someone was here to see your spectacular acting skills. It’s academy winning and you’re even convincing yourself with the act.
You look up at him with doe, teary eyes. “Do you not care about me anymore?”
Yoongi sighs lethargically. “No. It’s nothing like that, okay? I’m just stressed, that’s all.”
“What’s wrong?” You wipe away your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt and Yoongi looks on in concern.
“Nothing. It’s just my dad….” His face hardens. “..he keeps sleeping in that damn closet. I’m worried about his health.”
Your heart melts and you smile at him, chin resting in your hand. He returns your sweet smile with his own, leaning against the table and close to your face, noses almost grazing each other.
“I’m lying.”
Your heart shatters and freezes over with ice once more and Yoongi smirks. “He’s old enough to wipe his own butt. He can do whatever he wants. I could give less of a damn.” You roll your eyes, moving away from him. “And I know you’re lying too.”
The both of you stare at each other in suspicion, an electricity bold igniting in between and even the students walking past the room, suddenly shiver. Your brain gears begin turning - it seems like the normal approach and the desperate approach won’t work.
It’s time to switch tactics.
You smile lazily at him. “About what?” You fake a higher pitched voice, twisting your hair with your finger. “Are you stressed because of…” You look down at his crotch blatantly and boldly, biting your lips together. “Are you feeling frustrated lately, is that why?”
With a sly smirk, you move to settle yourself in his lap, hooking your arms around his shoulders. Yoongi doesn’t flinch or change his expression, simply moving his hands to your waist to secure your position. “I thought you made me swear that we wouldn’t lay a finger on each other in the council room or at your house.”
“Well…” You murmur quietly. “I have a feeling we won’t be interrupted today.” You pull him in closer, getting comfortable. “What do you say? Why don’t I help you loosen up and feel better?”
The moment you lean in to kiss him, he covers his mouth with his hand, blocking your way and making you lay your lips to his palm.
“I don’t think so.” He smiles at your frown before lolling his head over to one side. “You made me vow last time and now you suddenly changed your mind?”
“I was crazy then!” You shout in exasperation. “How can I not touch my boyfriend?!?!”
Yoongi looks at you in worry. “I think you’re crazy now. What’s wrong with you? Are you sick?”
“Yes.” You answer without a heartbeat to waste. “I think I have a fever.” You grab his hand, slapping it to your forehead and getting off of him a second later. “So please don’t go.”
He sighs exhaustively. “Go to the nurse’s office or go home!”
“That sounds great!” You chime out with a grin, grabbing him to stand up. “Let’s go to my house together!”
“I have a meeting.” Yoongi frowns. “Speaking of which, I need to go find them.”
He stands up and begins walking to the door, only stopping at your voice.
“Do you not care about our relationship anymore?” You break out into a fake sob, face downcast to the floor and your hair in your face. “Are you seriously going to walk out on me like this?”
Yoongi sighs another time, turning back around. He lifts your face up in his hands, moving the strands of hair away and pecking your lips….once...twice...three times. Heat flows to your cheeks and you’re in dismay of how fleeting his pillow lips are pressed against yours.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with you today…” He pulls you in a quick embrace, patting your back once. “But I’ll come back when you’re more calm. Or at least in your right mind.”  
“No!” You hug him from behind when he’s mid-step out the door. Your arms wrap around his abdomen and you lift your legs off the floor, a literal koala bear, anchoring him in his spot. He inhales a staggering breath, coughing and grabbing onto the door frame at your weight pulling him down. He’s literally being squeezed to death.
You let go for a moment, turning him around and embracing him. Your arms are his chains.
Yoongi grunts in annoyance, struggling to no avail. Your curiosity suddenly grows at how angry he could get. By the way the members are so frightened of him, you want to see what his outbursts are like.
“Are you mad at me?” You look up at him, batting your eyelashes and still edging him on.
“I’m really trying not to be, Y/N.”
“You should get angry.”
“Well, it’s not healthy for you to keep it all inside.” You smile sweetly and if he had his arms available, he would facepalm himself. “I want to see all sides of you...even your angry side. C’mon, give me your best shot, prez! Yell at me!”
“I’m not going to yell at you Y/N. Just for God’s sake, fucking let me go! The door’s wide open, anyone can see!”
“I don’t care if anyone sees.” You scrunch your face up. “Go on! What are you...afraid?”
Just then, you catch someone out in the hallway, doe eyes looking shocked. You freeze, growing quiet and when Yoongi shifts around, you tighten your hold on him. The boy outside breaks out into a huge grin, holding up a large notebook that reads ‘General Ledger’. Jungkook gives you a thumbs up and you return his grin. No sooner does he disappear and you finally let go of Yoongi.
Your boyfriend inhales a large breath of air, thankful to finally be freed of your iron binds.
“Nevermind~” You chime out in a wide smile. “Don’t be angry at me. Let’s be happy while we date okay, Yoongi-ah? We still have plenty of time to be upset and argue with each other.”
You quickly peck him on the cheek before grabbing your bag, ready to dash out the room; knowing that the student members should all return any second now and you’re absolutely exhausted, ready to take a nap after wasting so much energy holding your persistent boyfriend back.
“Oh no, you don’t.” Yoongi says before catching your arm and tugging you in as you sharply inhale. He pulls you in for a heated open mouth kiss, making you squirm in surprise. After a long moment and fluttering eyes, when you begin to feel lightheaded from the lack of oxygen and begin beating his chest, he finally breaks away. Yoongi embraces your body, both your chests heaving. He chuckles breathlessly. “You drive me crazy woman.”
You don’t respond, melted in his arms but his next words make you stand straighter, hairs and goosebumps rising on your skin. “So….did Jungkook find the accounting book?”
Being with Yoongi is a source of entertainment, a source of your comfort, a source of something familiar and warm that you know will never fail to support you. Sometimes he makes you unbearably annoyed, refusing to give up and still latching onto you after you try to peel him off. Occasionally, you’re the one that’s bothering him when he’s busy and even after his death glare, you only give him a silly smile. When you’re pissed off, the both of you stuck in an argument, spouting profanities and you feel like never wanting to see his face again while breaking into tears, you still hold him dear.
Maybe it’s childish and maybe you’ve really lost your mind for him. But sometimes he could be sitting on the other side of the room, just haven woken up from a nap with dried up saliva on the edge of his mouth, hair sticking in all different directions, eyes swollen and he grumbles at you when you’re too loud, but your heart still blooms and your chest swells for him; him and only him.
Being with Yoongi sometimes irritates the hell out of you but you would never hesitate being with him.
One thing’s for sure, he certainly keeps you on your toes.
“What?” You frown.
The both of you are on the way back to your house, having just gone grocery shopping together.
Yoongi stays silent, staring expectantly at you and he outstretches his hand.
“You finally want to help me?” You grin, holding up the bags of groceries in your other hand, ready to transfer them over.
He huffs out impatiently. “No. Hold my hand.”
You bring up your free hand and he snatches it instantly, twining his fingers between yours. He smiles happily, like a puppy being given a treat and he swings your arms back and forth as the both of you continue walking down the street.
You sigh once before smiling yourself.
Yoongi always keeps you on your toes.
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reneeacaseyfl · 5 years
Advance, made possible by tiny photonic implants, could lead to new treatments for cancer, mental disorders — ScienceDaily
It seems like everything is going wireless these days. That now includes efforts to reprogram the human genome.
A new University at Buffalo-led study describes how researchers wirelessly controlled FGFR1 — a gene that plays a key role in how humans grow from embryos to adults — in lab-grown brain tissue.
The ability to manipulate the gene, the study’s authors say, could lead to new cancer treatments, and ways to prevent and treat mental disorders such as schizophrenia.
The work — spearheaded by UB researchers Josep M. Jornet, Michal K. Stachowiak, Yongho Bae and Ewa K. Stachowiak — was reported in the June edition of the Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
It represents a step forward toward genetic manipulation technology that could upend the treatment of cancer, as well as the prevention and treatment of schizophrenia and other neurological illnesses. It centers on the creation of a new subfield of research the study’s authors are calling “optogenomics,” or controlling the human genome through laser light and nanotechnology.
“The potential of optogenomic interfaces is enormous,” says co-author Josep M. Jornet, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering in the UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. “It could drastically reduce the need for medicinal drugs and other therapies for certain illnesses. It could also change how humans interact with machines.”
From “optogenetics” to “optogenomics”
For the past 20 years, scientists have been combining optics and genetics — the field of optogenetics — with a goal of employing light to control how cells interact with each other.
By doing this, one could potentially develop new treatments for diseases by correcting the miscommunications that occur between cells. While promising, this research does not directly address malfunctions in genetic blueprints that guide human growth and underlie many diseases.
The new research begins to tackle this issue because FGFR1 — it stands for Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 — holds sway over roughly 4,500 other genes, about one-fifth of the human genome, as estimated by the Human Genome Project, says study co-author Michal K. Stachowiak.
“In some respects, it’s like a boss gene,” says Stachowiak, PhD, professor in the Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at UB. “By controlling FGFR1, one can theoretically prevent widespread gene dysregulations in schizophrenia or in breast cancer and other types of cancer.”
Light-activated toggle switches
The research team was able to manipulate FGFR1 by creating tiny photonic brain implants. These wireless devices include nano-lasers and nano-antennas and, in the future, nano-detectors.
Researchers inserted the implants into the brain tissue, which was grown from induced pluripotent stem cells and enhanced with light-activated molecular toggle switches. They then triggered different laser lights — common blue laser, red laser and far-red laser — onto the tissue.
The interaction allowed researchers to activate and deactivate FGFR1 and its associated cellular functions — essentially hacking the gene. The work may eventually enable doctors to manipulate patients’ genomic structure, providing a way to prevent and correct gene abnormalities, says Stachowiak, who also holds an appointment in UB’s Department of Biomedical Engineering, a joint program between the Jacobs School and UB’s engineering school.
Next steps
The development is far from entering the doctor’s office or hospital, but the research team is excited about next steps, which include testing in 3D “mini-brains” and cancerous tissue. Additional study authors include Pei Miao and Amit Sangwan of the UB Department of Electrical Engineering; Brandon Decker, Aesha Desai, Christopher Handelmann of the UB Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences; Liang Feng, PhD, of the University of Pennsylvania; and Anna Balcerak of the Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology in Poland.
The work was supported by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation.
Story Source:
Materials provided by University at Buffalo. Original written by Cory Nealon. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
Credit: Source link
The post Advance, made possible by tiny photonic implants, could lead to new treatments for cancer, mental disorders — ScienceDaily appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/advance-made-possible-by-tiny-photonic-implants-could-lead-to-new-treatments-for-cancer-mental-disorders-sciencedaily/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=advance-made-possible-by-tiny-photonic-implants-could-lead-to-new-treatments-for-cancer-mental-disorders-sciencedaily from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186396282867
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velmaemyers88 · 5 years
Advance, made possible by tiny photonic implants, could lead to new treatments for cancer, mental disorders — ScienceDaily
It seems like everything is going wireless these days. That now includes efforts to reprogram the human genome.
A new University at Buffalo-led study describes how researchers wirelessly controlled FGFR1 — a gene that plays a key role in how humans grow from embryos to adults — in lab-grown brain tissue.
The ability to manipulate the gene, the study’s authors say, could lead to new cancer treatments, and ways to prevent and treat mental disorders such as schizophrenia.
The work — spearheaded by UB researchers Josep M. Jornet, Michal K. Stachowiak, Yongho Bae and Ewa K. Stachowiak — was reported in the June edition of the Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
It represents a step forward toward genetic manipulation technology that could upend the treatment of cancer, as well as the prevention and treatment of schizophrenia and other neurological illnesses. It centers on the creation of a new subfield of research the study’s authors are calling “optogenomics,” or controlling the human genome through laser light and nanotechnology.
“The potential of optogenomic interfaces is enormous,” says co-author Josep M. Jornet, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering in the UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. “It could drastically reduce the need for medicinal drugs and other therapies for certain illnesses. It could also change how humans interact with machines.”
From “optogenetics” to “optogenomics”
For the past 20 years, scientists have been combining optics and genetics — the field of optogenetics — with a goal of employing light to control how cells interact with each other.
By doing this, one could potentially develop new treatments for diseases by correcting the miscommunications that occur between cells. While promising, this research does not directly address malfunctions in genetic blueprints that guide human growth and underlie many diseases.
The new research begins to tackle this issue because FGFR1 — it stands for Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 — holds sway over roughly 4,500 other genes, about one-fifth of the human genome, as estimated by the Human Genome Project, says study co-author Michal K. Stachowiak.
“In some respects, it’s like a boss gene,” says Stachowiak, PhD, professor in the Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at UB. “By controlling FGFR1, one can theoretically prevent widespread gene dysregulations in schizophrenia or in breast cancer and other types of cancer.”
Light-activated toggle switches
The research team was able to manipulate FGFR1 by creating tiny photonic brain implants. These wireless devices include nano-lasers and nano-antennas and, in the future, nano-detectors.
Researchers inserted the implants into the brain tissue, which was grown from induced pluripotent stem cells and enhanced with light-activated molecular toggle switches. They then triggered different laser lights — common blue laser, red laser and far-red laser — onto the tissue.
The interaction allowed researchers to activate and deactivate FGFR1 and its associated cellular functions — essentially hacking the gene. The work may eventually enable doctors to manipulate patients’ genomic structure, providing a way to prevent and correct gene abnormalities, says Stachowiak, who also holds an appointment in UB’s Department of Biomedical Engineering, a joint program between the Jacobs School and UB’s engineering school.
Next steps
The development is far from entering the doctor’s office or hospital, but the research team is excited about next steps, which include testing in 3D “mini-brains” and cancerous tissue. Additional study authors include Pei Miao and Amit Sangwan of the UB Department of Electrical Engineering; Brandon Decker, Aesha Desai, Christopher Handelmann of the UB Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences; Liang Feng, PhD, of the University of Pennsylvania; and Anna Balcerak of the Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology in Poland.
The work was supported by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation.
Story Source:
Materials provided by University at Buffalo. Original written by Cory Nealon. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
Credit: Source link
The post Advance, made possible by tiny photonic implants, could lead to new treatments for cancer, mental disorders — ScienceDaily appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/advance-made-possible-by-tiny-photonic-implants-could-lead-to-new-treatments-for-cancer-mental-disorders-sciencedaily/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=advance-made-possible-by-tiny-photonic-implants-could-lead-to-new-treatments-for-cancer-mental-disorders-sciencedaily from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186396282867
0 notes
weeklyreviewer · 5 years
Advance, made possible by tiny photonic implants, could lead to new treatments for cancer, mental disorders — ScienceDaily
It seems like everything is going wireless these days. That now includes efforts to reprogram the human genome.
A new University at Buffalo-led study describes how researchers wirelessly controlled FGFR1 — a gene that plays a key role in how humans grow from embryos to adults — in lab-grown brain tissue.
The ability to manipulate the gene, the study’s authors say, could lead to new cancer treatments, and ways to prevent and treat mental disorders such as schizophrenia.
The work — spearheaded by UB researchers Josep M. Jornet, Michal K. Stachowiak, Yongho Bae and Ewa K. Stachowiak — was reported in the June edition of the Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
It represents a step forward toward genetic manipulation technology that could upend the treatment of cancer, as well as the prevention and treatment of schizophrenia and other neurological illnesses. It centers on the creation of a new subfield of research the study’s authors are calling “optogenomics,” or controlling the human genome through laser light and nanotechnology.
“The potential of optogenomic interfaces is enormous,” says co-author Josep M. Jornet, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering in the UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. “It could drastically reduce the need for medicinal drugs and other therapies for certain illnesses. It could also change how humans interact with machines.”
From “optogenetics” to “optogenomics”
For the past 20 years, scientists have been combining optics and genetics — the field of optogenetics — with a goal of employing light to control how cells interact with each other.
By doing this, one could potentially develop new treatments for diseases by correcting the miscommunications that occur between cells. While promising, this research does not directly address malfunctions in genetic blueprints that guide human growth and underlie many diseases.
The new research begins to tackle this issue because FGFR1 — it stands for Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 — holds sway over roughly 4,500 other genes, about one-fifth of the human genome, as estimated by the Human Genome Project, says study co-author Michal K. Stachowiak.
“In some respects, it’s like a boss gene,” says Stachowiak, PhD, professor in the Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at UB. “By controlling FGFR1, one can theoretically prevent widespread gene dysregulations in schizophrenia or in breast cancer and other types of cancer.”
Light-activated toggle switches
The research team was able to manipulate FGFR1 by creating tiny photonic brain implants. These wireless devices include nano-lasers and nano-antennas and, in the future, nano-detectors.
Researchers inserted the implants into the brain tissue, which was grown from induced pluripotent stem cells and enhanced with light-activated molecular toggle switches. They then triggered different laser lights — common blue laser, red laser and far-red laser — onto the tissue.
The interaction allowed researchers to activate and deactivate FGFR1 and its associated cellular functions — essentially hacking the gene. The work may eventually enable doctors to manipulate patients’ genomic structure, providing a way to prevent and correct gene abnormalities, says Stachowiak, who also holds an appointment in UB’s Department of Biomedical Engineering, a joint program between the Jacobs School and UB’s engineering school.
Next steps
The development is far from entering the doctor’s office or hospital, but the research team is excited about next steps, which include testing in 3D “mini-brains” and cancerous tissue. Additional study authors include Pei Miao and Amit Sangwan of the UB Department of Electrical Engineering; Brandon Decker, Aesha Desai, Christopher Handelmann of the UB Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences; Liang Feng, PhD, of the University of Pennsylvania; and Anna Balcerak of the Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology in Poland.
The work was supported by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation.
Story Source:
Materials provided by University at Buffalo. Original written by Cory Nealon. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
Credit: Source link
The post Advance, made possible by tiny photonic implants, could lead to new treatments for cancer, mental disorders — ScienceDaily appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/advance-made-possible-by-tiny-photonic-implants-could-lead-to-new-treatments-for-cancer-mental-disorders-sciencedaily/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=advance-made-possible-by-tiny-photonic-implants-could-lead-to-new-treatments-for-cancer-mental-disorders-sciencedaily
0 notes
djbongkoo · 5 years
2 0 1 8
Lee Kwangsoo
先生- 名人
2 0 1 8
Be lost music, Leave your body
to rhythm
2 0 1 8
Walker Hall
YongHo Park & Gold bongkoo
name of a piece
Silhouette of petal
G U C C I & Thank you Kira
Ferrari 488 spider
ブルー レストア
Star Wars Jedi
Master Yoda
Noblesse Oblige
Metal Artist Eric Song
UNITO.Ent 게임 컨텐츠 개발
iOS/AOS 스토어 오픈 ・App Store :https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/id1073042152 ・Google Play:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.nhncorp.SJBCH
Melaka Caravan & Glamping
Rental Business in Klebang Area
Caravan sales agreement for 500unit 31500usd/unit for langkawi kedah state in malaysia
Total 15,750,000usd
I S K & I S G
IMAGINATION.Ent 페스티벌 공연기획
DAON.Ent 공연기획
DFK.Ent 공연기획
MY JOY PICTURES.Ent 드라마 영화 제작
NEO IN KOREA.Ent 드라마 영화 제작
M TRACK.Ent 패션쇼 모델 연기 아카데미
PJ FASHION ART .Ent 주얼리 패션 디자인
ARCO.Ent 주얼리 패션 디자인
MOOS 음반프로듀서
Visual Shock/Video Art
producer/program director
whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.
0 notes
art-now-south-korea · 4 years
Tumblr media
IVY in the blue sky - mp.1, Yongho Park
I think communication is the most important requirement for art. I'd like to share with everyone the beauty that I feel and express through artworks. I add metal work to painting and seek their harmony. This work also includes metal(aluminium), which is combined with various other materials (wood, plaster, mortar, etc.) So it has a distinctive matiere and three-dimensional effects. And it’s possible to adjust the size or color of artworks, according to collectors’ request. I usually get inspiration from the nature. When I see the stars outside of the earth, I'm so impressed by their beautiful light. In a way, we live on the planet. If somewhere in the universe someone can see the earth, it also looks like a bright light. I imagine the light and try to express its fantastic atmosphere in this artwork. "Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious." (Stephen Hawking)
0 notes
djbongkoo · 5 years
Lee Kwangsoo
先生- 名人
2 0 1 8
Be lost music, Leave your body
to rhythm
2 0 1 8
Walker Hall
YongHo Park & Gold bongkoo
name of a piece
Silhouette of petal
G U C C I & Thank you Kira
Ferrari 488 spider
ブルー レストア
Star Wars Jedi
Master Yoda
Noblesse Oblige
Metal Artist Eric Song
UNITO.Ent 게임 컨텐츠 개발
iOS/AOS 스토어 오픈 ・App Store :https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/id1073042152 ・Google Play:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.nhncorp.SJBCH
Melaka Caravan & Glamping
Rental Business in Klebang Area
Caravan sales agreement for 500unit 31500usd/unit for langkawi kedah state in malaysia
Total 15,750,000usd
I S K & I S G
IMAGINATION.Ent 페스티벌 공연기획
DAON.Ent 공연기획
DFK.Ent 공연기획
MY JOY PICTURES.Ent 드라마 영화 제작
NEO IN KOREA.Ent 드라마 영화 제작
M TRACK.Ent 패션쇼 모델 연기 아카데미
PJ FASHION ART .Ent 주얼리 패션 디자인
ARCO.Ent 주얼리 패션 디자인
MOOS 음반프로듀서
Visual Shock/Video Art
producer/program director
whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.
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