wonkiie · 9 years
Well, I'm glad she's not in my very important classes, cuz last year we both almost failed chemistry-
eep i don’t tend to fail classes cuz of friends its usually my attitude towards the subject really… (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻
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wonkiie · 9 years
Oh, well.. I hate kids. But I mean... Good money xd
if kids could poop money i’d be more than happy to take care of them u.u
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wonkiie · 9 years
Why not? O:
i dont like kids xD but taking care of seniors aint my thing c-c
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wonkiie · 9 years
Well, it definitely wasn't. XD
haha what do you do in your job if i can ask c-c
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wonkiie · 9 years
Work, mostly. Then BTS concert and Chicago C:
your so busy im jealous ._. im not jealous bout work tho unless it was fun :D
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wonkiie · 9 years
I was.. Idk. I was jut gone for the entire summer xD
ooh where? xDD
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wonkiie · 9 years
CHU IZ 4 ET >>> ☄ !!!!
the random spamming in my mailbox lol xD where’d you go gurl? 
i was gonna spam you aswell but back in the day i couldnt find your mailbox 
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wonkiie · 9 years
bae. your sims are baes.
bae. you are bae
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wonkiie · 9 years
but I meaaannnnn... we got what, like 8-9 weeks? xd
do you guys have parties on the last day? We always do that on the last day
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wonkiie · 9 years
damn, that sucks big time ;/
heh i know ;-; 
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wonkiie · 9 years
it's cuz you go to sleep pretty late. do youuu not have school? xD isn't school in UK until July?
i do actually xD
seems like you know your facts… then we start school in September
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wonkiie · 9 years
nothing nothing LOL XD
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wonkiie · 9 years
ah. isn't it like... 3 pm there?
4 pm actually xD why?
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wonkiie · 9 years
where do you live again? Europe? XD
le uk 
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wonkiie · 9 years
damn, I have two exams a day.. this shit sucks. I wanna be done already. xd
good luck again x3 i wanna be done for sleep… man im tired
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wonkiie · 9 years
hmm.... school's stressing us out RIGHT. BEFORE. FINALS. I hate this bullshit -.- how's yours? (:
Oooooh good luck with finals! I done my first exam on Friday and damn, it was hard… Got two more in two weeks so stressful as well :D
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