hoebaring · 1 year
It's Been a Long, Long Time | Min Yoongi
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summary: Established!relationship. Yoongi is disappointed in himself for not being able to spend quality time with his wife. After a tiring day at work for the both of them, he decides to cook dinner for her and the night ends with romance and wine. (suggestion: listening to the song when it's mentioned in the story would give you the full effect XD)
genre: romance, fluff, oneshot, butterfiles everywhere.
Cross posted on Wattpad
Written by Author L
Word count :- 2.2k Words
Yoongi’s POV
“What does her smile remind you of?”
“Oh, her smile is the best. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Like the smell of freshly baked cookies. Like walking into the world’s best coffee shop. Or like watching purple petunia flowers in a pot near a window spring to life.”
“What does his smile remind you of?”
“Uhh…Yoongi’s smile reminds me of the ocean waves crashing on the shore, on a serene, silent night. Or of the passing cumulus clouds in a clear blue sky. Or…the sweet chirping of mockingbirds on a tranquil morning. To me, it brings calm and peace.”
Y/N says as she unconsciously smiles at thought of my smile. The camera cuts to me and the man behind the camera asks another question.
“What is one thing you love about Y/N?”
“Her unpredictability.”
“What is one thing you love about Yoongi?”
“Ah…” Y/N says in deep thought.
“His certainty.” She smiles.
“What is one thing she does that you hate?”
I thought deeply and carefully for a minute.
"There's nothing I hate about whatever she does, except for when she yells 'Yoongi marry me' out of nowhere in public deliberately to annoy me."
“What is one thing he does that you hate?”
“He doesn't look after himself properly. Often dwells in work too much forgetting the world around him." She says while zoning out and looking elsewhere.
Maybe remebering the times I may have unintentionally forgotten her. My heart feels incredibly heavy as regret fills my mind.
"Actually no, I hate how he leaves his socks lying around the house. It's an uphill battle to make him pick his socks up.”
I laugh out loud. She’s so abrupt sometimes.
“You guys trust each other, right? So how much do you trust Y/N?”
“My trust for Y/N is as big as the sun.”
“Romantic, I see.” Says the guy behind the camera.
The camera moves to Y/N.
“Oh, my trust for Yoongi is greater than the Universe.”
“Both of you said space related things!”
“No way, wait, let me guess. He said something about the sun, didn’t he? You're supposed to say the universe genius!”
I smile at her accuracy. She knew me too well.
I’m so glad I decided to re-watch our one-episode documentary style interview that we shot a year ago. We shot it right after we made our relationship and marriage public. Y/N was hesitant and nervous at first, but she ended up enjoying it the most.
“…uh, yes after the- wait, is this allowed? She's not supposed to be here!”
The camera shifts to a trespasser who had secretly managed to sneak into my interview room and hide behind the staff.
“Aha! You found me. It’s alright, go on, you won't even know I'm here.” Y/N explains her intrusion.
Pd-nim gives Y/N a thumbs and requests me to continue. The camera moves back to me and as I speak, I get distracted way too many times. The camera shifts to Y/N making funny faces and goofing around. I’m pretty sure she thought this would be edited out. The shoot was actually so much more relaxed with her. And oh God, I miss her. My comeback is in less than a week and I’ve been preparing for it since the past two months. I practically live in my studio now. I go back home maybe thrice a week and rarely spend time with Y/N. I leave before she wakes up and get back home after she’s asleep.
Y/N on the other hand, has been nothing but supportive. She used to stop by the studio with some food to make sure I’m eating well. She hung out in the practice room and listened to bits and pieces of my music. The privilege only a few have the access to.
According to some clichés, you should be expecting a grumpy, attention deprived and annoyed wife waiting for you at home, prepared to start an exhaustive argument. But to my relief, a bright and warm smile greets me as soon as I swing open the door to our apartment. An oversized Celine t-shirt with large sleeves drooping down her shoulders hung over Y/N’s petite figure. (Oversized- because it was clearly stolen from my closet.) I notice her messy low bun with a few loose curls hanging over the frame of her face and the faint freckles that spread across her cheeks. She was on the couch when she pointed to her laptop on the coffee table before bringing her index finger to her puckered lips and mouthing a small “shush”.
The presentation on the laptop screen and the voices of multiple people indicated that Y/N was in a meeting. She pats the empty space on the couch asking me to sit beside her while I remove my socks and remember to carefully place them inside my shoes. I didn’t want to upset her anymore.
Once I'm seated, Y/N snuggles close to me and leans back on my chest while facing her laptop. I wrap my arms around her and rest my head on her shoulder.
“How was your day?” She whispers.
“It was great. Tiring but productive. I missed you.” I reply as I kiss her cheek.
Y/N turns around and faces me.
“Oh! Has something happened?”
“Why would something happen?”
“Well, I'm only asking.” she shrugs with a playful smile on her face.
 “I don't need a reason to miss my wife.” I say before peppering several kisses on her face.
The living room is filled with Y/N’s giggles and my heart swells with joy at the sight of her cute-ass nose scrunch and smile. I was so right when I said it made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
How could I ever stay away from her?
“How was your day?” I ask her as she turns around again and lays her head on my shoulder.
“It was alright, I attended a million meetings today. As you said, tiring but productive.” She replies while playing with my hand that rested on her shoulder.
She compares her right hand with mine and lets out a soft gasp.
“My hands are so tiny!”
“They’re adorable.”
“You’re only saying that because I’m your wife.”
“No, they’re actually super cute.” I say as I intertwine our fingers.
“What did you have for lunch?” I ask.
She thought for a brief moment.
“Uhh…well, does an apple and Oreos count as lunch?”
“What? You skipped lunch?” I frown.
“No, of course not! Why would I?”
“I… had an apple. Highly nutritious.” She elaborates with absolute confidence.
“Y/N!” I exclaim, completely baffled.
“Uh oh, I should really focus on what's going on in the meeting Yoongi.” She leans toward the coffee table and stares at the laptop.
“The meeting ended Y/N.”
This is exactly what I was worried about. Ever since her company got acquired by another high-profile business, she has become so busy with meetings, projects, and deadlines. And yes, she makes time for me. But not for herself. What bothers me even more is the fact that I haven’t made time for her too. Gosh, I’ve been a terrible husband lately.
“What about dinner?”
“What about it?
“Did you have dinner?”
“Uhh I think another meeting is starting now.”
“Y/N, come on you’re not a child!”
“No, I know! I'm sorry I forgot” She makes a puppy face and apologizes.
God, how am I supposed to stay mad now?
I sigh and shake my head. I stand up from the couch and roll up my sleeves.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m gonna make dinner.”
“For who?”
“For you.”
She stares at me with a smug smile.
“Oooh ultimate husband material.”
I laugh and walk towards the kitchen.
I watch him as he opens the door to the fridge, grabs some vegetables, turns around to face the counter and starts cooking.
I am quite fussy when it comes to managing time and sorting out priorities. With the recent company acquisition, I haven’t had much time dealing with my normal life. Sounds odd, but weirdly, I don’t hate it. Oftentimes I get bored when I’m alone at home, so work keeps me busy. And when I lose track of time and sense, I have Yoongi. He is one of the best things that has happened to me. He truly is husband material. No kidding.
I turn back to my laptop screen and decide to continue my tiresome monotony. The meeting was to discuss legal issues and I was about to die out of boredom. Soon, I grow impatient and look at Yoongi, who was cooking diligently with complete peace of mind. Yoongi cooks really well, not gonna lie. However, I consider myself a better cook. We’ve often had silly debates and quarrels as to who cooks better. One such time, during a silly banter, we randomly started listing out all the things we cooked well.
“Oh! My Kimchi Stew is the best in the world.”
“Your mom absolutely loved my Tangsuyuk. She even asked for the recipe.”
“Ahh nothing can beat the way I make Dakgalbi.”
“My Milmyeon is truly exceptional, everyone in Busan knows that.”
And we went on and on and on. My ego and desperation to win the argument sky rocketed so bad that I ended up boasting non stop about my cooking skills without giving Yoongi a chance to speak. It was like I was rapping. Oh, the irony!
Having enough of my rant he proceeded to do the most unexpected thing ever. He abruptly grabbed my waist, pulled me close and kissed me to shut me up.
“Alright Clare Smyth. We get the point.” He whispered after pulling away.
That brings a smile to my face. He was quite the romantic. Might not seem like one at first glance but definitely and pleasantly surprising at times.
After a while, a comforting and vaguely familiar smell wafts through the house. Highly curious about what he was cooking and completely disinterested in the meeting, I get up and make my way towards the kitchen.
I tap on Yoongi’s right shoulder twice and quickly move to his left before he turns around. He looks behind and turns back to face me realising I was messing around. I wink at him playfully before walking up to an empty counter and sitting on top of it.
“What are you cooking?”
“Oh, babe you’re the best.” I say in a grateful tone.
“That I am.” He winks.
We didn't speak much. I just watched him cook in silence. The silence was only interrupted by the occasional sound of the knife hitting the chopping board or by the faint voices of various people in the meeting.
I decide to play some music and as I scroll through Spotify, the perfect song catches my eye.
It’s Been a Long, Long Time by Harry James.
I get off the counter, open a shelf, grab two wine glasses and a bottle of Corton Grancey.
When Yoongi put the noodles to boil and covered the pot with a glass lid, he realised that was the last thing to be cooked. He turns around and walks up to me.  
“Allow me.” He pours some wine into our glasses.
“Dinner shall be served in a few minutes ma’am.” He says with a smile.
“Hmm, I must say, the service is rather lazy.” I say in a pretentious superior tone before taking a sip.
“…but I’ll pardon it for now, because the chef looks quite handsome.”
[start listening to It's Been a Long, Long Time]
We instantly break into laughter. Ah I missed this. Him. Quite a lot in fact. We are like a puzzle with missing pieces. Yet, it is a complete picture. A heart-warming one. A love like ours didn't have to be about the missing parts. Rather it’s about the beauty of the existing ones coming together to form a new picture every single day. It’s about the willingness to create a whole new perspective from a small loving gesture in an everyday life. About realizing that any and every moment with the other can be precious no matter how long the puzzle pieces have stayed on the same board. To acknowledge that puzzles can be tiring & boring but when solved alongside a beloved, it’s actually not that bad.
Yoongi and I were always on the same page. Maybe not the same line. But either of us always catches up. And at the end, I know we’ll finish the book together. We love each other too much. Besides, I could never get tired of that gummy smile of his.
The atmosphere changes as we gaze at each other. It has actually been a long, long time since I got a chance to look at him. His hair had grown longer. The soft golden lights gleamed on his face making him look ethereal. Almost instinctively, I place my arms around his neck as he grabs my waist and pulls me close. We start swaying to the song and slow dance under the dim golden light.
‘Never thought that you would be’
‘Standing here so close to me’
‘There’s so much I feel that I should say’
‘But words can wait until some other day’
“The noodles might burn” He says.
“That can wait until some other day too” He smirks before placing his hands on my jaw and his lips on mine. Butterflies go wild in my stomach as he deepens the kiss and pulls me closer than ever.
Just like a scene from a romantic 70’s movie or like the end of a Disney movie, the song in the background continues to play as Yoongi pulls away from the kiss and leans his forehead on mine.
‘Kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again’
‘It’s Been a Long, Long Time.’
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moon-child-cypher · 1 year
Chapter 2: Make it right
OT7xYN Kim SeokjinxYN Kim NamjoonxYN Min YoongixYN Jung HoseokxYN Kim TaehyungxYN Park JiminxYN Jeon Jungkookx YN
TW: Mentions of violence, mafia related language, mentions of weapons,heartbreak.
Jimin felt like he was suffocating.
He knew the other members would be grateful to have an excuse to stay in the room with you, to have a reason you couldnt leave them again right away, but Jimin was not them. He needed time to sort out his emotions, he needed time to let it sink in that you were there, in front of them, in the actual flesh. The fact his brothers seemed to be keeping themselves well composed just managed to infuriate him more. He felt a hand on his shoulder and a whisper in his ear
“ Let's go out into the hallway, they’ve got this under control.'' It was Taehyung, already guiding him out of the room , not waiting for Jimin to respond. It was clear Tae needed to breathe as much as him, but he didn't miss the longing look he threw in your direction before closing the door behind them. Neither daring to breathe until they heard the door latch behind them.
Jungkook could feel the excitement coursing through his veins and dancing with electricity under his skin with the fact that you were speaking to him. Logically he knew it was only because he was in charge of weapons, and you were the weapons dealer. But none the less you had to interact with him. He had seen the surprise in your face, if only just for a moment, when Namjoon had consulted Jungkook and allowed him to take over . You asked every question professionally and knowledgeable, and he answered. Both of you manage to get lost in your conversation and ignore the others for a few. He was being selfish, he knew , but he was terrified that if he stopped asking questions, if you became aware of the situation again then you would run away like a scared animal .He wondered if Jin would be able to help you relax , or if you would see right through him but jungkook was desperate, he had to take the risk.
“ Hey, Jin, could you check this out?” casually holding the paper over his shoulder knowing his hyung would be nearby. He felt you stiffen the slightest bit but remain professional.
“ I assure you gentlemen that all outlines have been drafted to best suit your wants and needs , and will ensure expansion for both Bangtan and our company” you say , straightening out your papers, not making eye contact with Jin, barely even sparing him a look
“ You certainly have an intimate understanding of what we came here for , that much is obvious, '' Jin mused , cocking his eyebrow, shocking both you and jungkook. “ But that manages to make me feel more sure of this collaboration, it looks fool proof to me.” He places the paper down and awkwardly puts his hands in his pockets.
“ And you're doing really great YN, you seem really in your element, and it's great to see you flourishing” he says nonchalantly, causing Jungkook to suck in a breath of air. Jungkook was terrified that addressing the situation at hand would scare you away. You, on the other hand, didn't seem to skip a beat.
“ If a girl didn't know better , I think you were just saying that to make me more pliable to your negotiations. You wouldn't do that, of course, would you Seokjin?’
“ I wouldn't dream of it YN.” Jin shoots back immediately. Jungkook notes that while he managed to make you more relaxed in the situation as he had hoped, he was now trapped between the two of them.
Jin was relieved when Jungkook had called for him, not only giving him an excuse to break out of his thoughts but to have a reason to speak to you. It was a simple enough conversation but it left him clinging on to every word, thirsty for more. He had always imagined the first interaction with you when you returned would be more dramatic, and the lack of reaction from anyone including Hoseok made him uncomfortable . Shouldn’t they be, don’t know, doing more? Nothing short of begging you to stay? He knew there was no way he would be able to let you go after this .
Hoseok had never been more on edge in his life, making him ready to pounce at any moment. Even the people who were not members of Bangtan, and knew better, could sense that he was not to be disturbed. Choosing to stay out of the frenzy of the meeting he decided to step back and observe the scene in front of him. Under any other circumstances he would be disgusted by his members at this moment. They were all pining after you at the moment, even if not directly so. People who didn't know better wouldn't have seen it, but Hoseok thought they all looked like stray dogs, begging for affection. Namjoon had at least the dignity to keep his face blank, only the occasional ticking of his jaw muscle gave anything away from his current state. Jimin and Tae couldn't even hold it together enough to stay for the meeting, annoying Hoseok , seeing as it was just more ground for him to cover. Jungkook was looking at you with his eyes begging for you, even if his words did not match. Jin was with you two, notably working to be his most charming self . Most interestingly Yoongi was more focused on Hoseok than you. Yoongi obviously didn't understand that in your presence he could calm the violence, he clearly thought that this would mean Hoseok would be out of control , but he was wrong.
Through all of this Hoseok knew that if he let himself slip for even a moment , he would have been the worst of them. You looked amazing, not in a strictly pleasing to the eye, superficial way, but in a way you held yourself and the air about you had Hoseok longing for you.He hoped he would one day get the chance to ask how you ended up here, working in weapons and in turn right here in front of them again.
If you were the eye of the storm, Yoongi was the hurricane. His emotions bubbling up under the surface so intensely that he could physically feel the ache . He was silently relieved he had to keep an eye on Hoseok, giving him something else to focus on. Yoongi had a deep understanding that he and Hoseok were more similar than anyone knew, and in turn feared what these emotions may be doing for the impulsive Hoseok. Hoseok did manage to surprise him by looking oddly calm, or at least as calm as Hoseok could look.Leave it to Hoseok to feel the most comfortable in a time of chaos. Namjoon had asked Yoongi to keep an eye on Hoseok before they had even left, before they had known you were going to be there and now he had to focus on Hoseok and not you and a part of him resented Hoseok and Namjoon for it. He longed for a moment to look you in the eyes and convey that he was begging you for forgiveness and couldn't let you leave him again, that you couldn't leave them again. He considered ditching his post on being Hoseok's babysitter and doing just that but he feared the moment he let his guard down on Hoseok, that Hoseok would ruin everything. Bangtan, the deal, and worse of all another chance with you.
To say Namjoon felt on edge would be an understatement. He could feel his jaw getting sore from how hard he was clenching it. One of the many internal battles he was fighting at the moment was wanting this meeting to be over as soon as possible, but also the need to keep you here for as long as possible. Namjoon had watched Jungkook slip into his professional persona and effortlessly converse with you, and even managed to subtly bring Jin into their conversation. To any one but Bangtan and you, it looked like a strictly professional meeting. Namjoon would grow dizzy whenever he looked around the room at his team. Everyone of them shooting you their own signature longing look, and Namjoon wondered how you remained so strong under every single one of their gazes.
Namjoon heard the door open and relatch and look up to see Jimin and Taehyung reentering the room. He made eye contact with Tae who gave him a half apologetic smile and he glanced at Jimin who refused to make eye contact but had shame written all over his face. He looked over and saw you staring, taking in every moment of this short interaction and understanding what was happening. You shot him a soft warning look, that he would have missed if he hadn't been staring at you, and watched as you effortlessly slid back into your professional conversation as if nothing happened. This interaction, no matter how short, tugged at Namjoons heart. Even after all these years they fell into a routine of conversations with only quick glances.
Upon first seeing you, and how much you had changed, Namjoon had feared that you weren't going to be the same YN he knew and loved. Maybe those years and years had made them strangers. In spite of that, Namjoon now saw that you remained the same person at the core . Really, now that he thought about it, that applied to every member as well. The years had changed everyone, but still remained the same group at the core of their being.
What you hoped Bangtan didn't know, is with every longing look, you long with the same ferocity. Hurt and pride would never let you act on it,but you wished you could act like nothing happened. Act like you had been gone for merely hours, and not years, to just keep living life together as you all had before. Unfortunately, for you, time has continued to break your heart, not heal it . You did find yourself shocked at the revelation that you still knew these boys in an intimate way that they didn't know themselves. You could still read every body movement, and knew what to anticipate from them. You had only spoken directly to Jin and Jungkook, but fell into comfortable conversation, even if it was strictly professional. You were even proud of yourself for your wit in your flirty interaction with Jin. You have no idea where you had found the strength in yourself to speak so easily to them but you like to think it was because you were stronger than you thought yourself and not because your walls were already coming down.
You couldn't pinpoint why, but something about the noise of the door when Jimin and Taehyung returned to the room, snapped you out of the calm state you were in. It wasn't that it was necessarily those boys in particular that got your heart beating faster than any of the others would, it was that they were all in a room with you. First time in 5 years that you had been in a room with all 7 of your ex lovers. You panicked even more when you were able to quickly catch Namjoons annoyance and shoot him a look, communicating with him to leave it be, this was hard for everyone, don't make it harder. It was also terrifying how easily she found herself doing that, like it was a normal thing to do, like it had never stopped. She was genuinely panicking , having to consciously control her breathing to a slow steady rhythm. Her panic grew even worse when she realized that her boss had said her name.
“ I'm sorry, sir?” She was grateful her voice came out calm and even.
“ I was saying that I know we can count on you to wrap up on negotiations without us at the moment, as I fear our attention is needed elsewhere” Her boss, Mr Choi said , standing up and straightening out his suit. “ I assure you gentleman YN is the best of the best with our company and we are leaving you in fully capable hands.”
She stands and slightly bows to Mr. Choi, silently begging him not to leave her alone. If ever mind reading could work it needed to be now, what had she done to deserve such torture? She would have to get through it though, she wouldn't let today ruin her career even if it ruined her life. “ Yes , absolutely sir, all amendments have been completed and i'm pleased to say this will prove to be a symbiotic relationship for all who are involved”
With that they took their leave after bowing and saying their polite farewells to Bangtan. Leaving her standing there, in front of the seven men who were complete strangers. Leaving her completely vulnerable and feeling like she was a specimen to be dissected. She decided to keep it strictly professional, get in and out, and refuse to breach any other topic but the deal at hand. With what she felt was great courage she stood up and cleared her throat. “ Thank you gentleman, if I could draw your attention to page five for a moment, I would like to clarify a few points and then we can move on with our deal?” It came out as a slight, weak question and she hated it.
She finds herself grateful Namjoon speaks up, and sticks to professionalism. “ Yes , assuming it works as a subscription, a fee gets us availability to certain resources, but additional fees for add ons. We agree and accept the terms.” He pauses and as an afterthought adds “ And we look forward to seeing more of you.”
The whole room shifts at his change in language.
“ I have many capable coworkers and you will have the chance to work with many people who are very well versed in their fields to ensure you get the best out of this arrangement.” She adds carefully, hoping to draw the line and remain professional. She could barely hear herself speak as her heart was beating so loudly in her ears.
Yoongi speaks up, continuing her torture. “ Yes absolutely , we look forward to it but your boss seems very sure of your capabilities and we would like to utilize YOUR skill set, and how it may best serve Bangtan. For the sake of the contract, of course.” he says smoothly , almost coldly. She looks at him and silently begs him not to do this, but one look and you know he isnt going to stand down. She lets out a long breath and sits down, finally, deciding that all professionalism is out of the window and the best thing she could do was level with them and draw a line in the sand.
“ Please , can we stick to the contract? I would really appreciate that.” She says, clearly defeated, not looking at anyone but clearly addressing everyone.
Jimin scoffs in the corner. “ That's it? After all this time you're going to act like nothing happened like we're nothing? How can you sit in the same room and be so cold to us YN?” You can tell he's nearly hysterical. He's always been in tuned with his emotions and never bothered hiding them , so you can't blame him for being able to do that now of all times.
“ With all do forgiveness, sir , I don't recall any actions I ever took to make you gentlemen feel that way.” She manages to keep her voice calm, but she can feel anger bubbling up and keeps trying to swallow like somehow that will repress it.
“ Jesus YN '' She was shocked to hear Yoongi. “ I was going to leave it this is just too much, please don’t be this way.”
“ He's right,” Namjoon agrees. “ We need to settle this whether it be for professional or personal reasons, otherwise we will not be able to move forward with this deal.”
“ Are you insinuating you won't go ahead with the deal unless I give in and let you guys interrogate me?” The anger was now rising in her voice.
“ YN you know that's not what he means, stop being stubborn and let's talk.” Hoseok says with a softness that's only ever been reserved for her, and at times his Bangtan members. She will admit it almost makes her give in, for she knows the plea behind it.
“ Fine” She sighs out dejectedly “ But I want to make it clear that I'm doing this for the sake of a better work environment, not for you guys personally.”
“ I understand, “ Namjoon says calmly and softly, and she nods at him, making it clear that they were free to state their cases now.
“ We miss you, YN. I miss you.. Why di…” Jungkook speaks first ,always leading with his emotions first, she couldn't help but be grateful that hasn't changed.
“ I had to leave, Jungkook. You guys gave me no other choice” She knows her words hurt when Jungkook's winces and Jin grabbing his arms in comfort.
“ No it's not like you ever spoke to us about leaving, it's not like we were given any explanation. We weren't even given a chance to make anything right, to work it out.” Taehyung pleads. It hits her he truly doesn't understand, they don’t know that she knows. She almost feels guilty for a moment before remembering she's the one who was wronged. She makes direct eye contact with Namjoon, surprising him with the intensity of the stare.
“ I know about my brother, Namjoon.” she drops this information as if she was stating that the sky was blue. Honestly , Namjoon and the others would have preferred anger with that statement, somehow her tone made it sound threatening.
“ Fuck, YN we had to do it for you dammit, it was for your own good!!” Hoseok doesn't bother denying anything, why should he.
“ Don't feed me that, Hoseok, the only reason you did it was your own selfish needs and your need for violence. You didn’t ask questions because you didn’t care because you wanted to do that to him. I know you better than that.” She barks at him
“ Youre right, I loved bashing that fuckers head in because the things he did to you, I-” Hoseok cuts off , interrupted by Namjoon.
“ Enough, Hoseok!” he yells, obviously angry at him for destroying the peace. “ You're right, YN, we had to take care of the situation with your brother. The only reason we took so long to do it and allowed us to steal from us for so long was because he was your brother.” YN winces at the past tense. “ While we had plenty of personal reasons for wanting your brother dead, I assure you our actions are professionally motivated and not for our personal satisfaction.”
“ Though it was pretty satisfying.” Hoseok says cockily, surprisingly Yoongi nodding in agreement.
“ Stop it guys. We aren't taking her feelings into account so you're being selfish right now.” Taehyung pipes in. Oh her sweet Tae, she always loved him for his profound empathy and couldn't help but be grateful for him at that moment. She knew her resolve was breaking. She took a few breaths while everyone contemplated for a moment.
She decided there was no point in beating around the bush and it was time to lay everything out , for the sake of moving on.
“ You guys don’t understand. It's not just lying, it's not just betrayal. You guys have always had each other, you still had each other when I left. A long deep history together, I have no past besides my brother, I had no one but you guys and him. No matter how much of a shitty person he was, he was a great brother, my brother , and he raised me. You guys never spoke to me about the possibility and I thought you guys cared too much about me to do that. So , with that action you showed my worth to you and took away a part of me, I lost everything.”
“ You don’t understand , YN it wasn't-” Jimin begins exasperated , but she cuts him off
“ You're right, I don't understand how someone can say they love someone and then disrespect them on such a deep level. I had to deal with that sevenfold.” While her voice came out cool and calculated , her words dipped in venom, making more than one member scared about how far this was going to escalate.
Namjoon had been allowing things to play out to this point, letting the other members say things they've waited 5 years to say, but he recognized it was time for him to play the part as the leader and not as the broken hearted ex partner of YN.
“ You have every right to feel that way YN. Absolutely every right to have been hurt. With that being said, my duty to Bangtan came first and you always knew and respected that. You know the life we live, and that code helped you live a very comfortable life. I will not deny that we went against your wishes , and that we should have informed you earlier. The only thing I can do is tell you in complete honesty that the murder of your brother was not for personal gain, but for Bangtan as a whole.”
“ Miscommunication has a habit of making a fool out of us all.” Seokjin adds, sliding down into one of the office chairs , defeated.
YN almost opened her mouth to argue that this went way beyond miscommunication, but she found herself unable to. One look around the room revealed every man and how broken they really were. Admittedly , you had never taken a moment to think about how they felt, as you had let your grief consume you and bloom into anger. What made her even angrier is she felt her resolve melting away. As much as she was hurt, these were the people she loved.
Looking around the room she realized nothing had changed. She was still madly in love with the way Namjoon’s earring moved every time he clenched that muscle in his jaw and radiated comfort. Still Madly in love with the way Seokjin managed to take up so much space with his wide shoulders, and big personality. Still in love with Yoongi’s nail biting and the way he always looked like he had somewhere better to be. Still in love with the way Hoseok never stood still , the way his eyes constantly calculated everything around him.The way Jimin’s sleeves always fell too far and hung over his hands, the way that you knew he needed to be loved even when he didn't. Still in love with the way Taehyung filled a room with childish wonder and sweet understanding. Still in love with Jungkook’s big pleading eyes, and the way he was a dichotomy of softness in a rough package.
Her brother had once told her that you know you're in love with someone when it's the smallest details that have you completely devoted to them. She's sure he shared this wisdom with her never knowing that it would apply to his sister and his murderers, but it was still true and she knew every one of them still felt the same.
“ Even if we wanted to, we couldn't go back to the way things were. Things are never going to be the same and there's so much healing to be done.” She sighs
“ You're right, things will never be the same. They'll never go back to normal.” Namjoon admits, surprising you. “ But it's never easy even in the best relationships but if you have the will and the love, you find a way to make it work.”
“ Everyone of us is in this room is fucked up, absolutely insane. Of course it's never going to be a normal relationship.” Yoongi says with the gummy smile that made her want to throw her arms around him.
“ YN wouldn't want it any other way.” Hoseok adds laughing. “ And you wouldn't know what to do with it. “
She can't help but smile. “You guys have had eachother this whole time to comfort each other while i had to survive on my own, i don't know if there's any recovering from that.”
“ No there absolutely isn't , and that's something we wanted to protect you from in the first place. '' Jimin hugs himself and takes a deep breath. “ I don't blame you for leaving now that I know. Doesn't mean i wish you hadn't.”
“ He's right .” Namjoon leans forward and looks YN directly in the eyes . “ Turns out you were the glue that holds us together and we have become not much more than strangers who know each other well. That's our fault and our job to fix that, not yours, but I think we would all be willing to do it with or without you. I hope it's with you, in any capacity you can afford us.”
She knew she was too prideful, and the only reason she hadn't already given in was her pride. Yes, being around them was going to hurt, but she was already hurting. If this turned out to be a good idea, then she could be happy again, because five years on her own and away from them had done nothing for her healing journey. She needed them, she realized.
Then she speaks , she speaks a sentence that gives everyone more hope than they have dared to have in all those years.
“ I want to start building a future with you guys, but I'm going to need time. I need you to remain professional when necessary and I need time. This isn't going to work itself out overnight. Can you guys do that for me ?”
“Anything for you YN.”
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sugagimmesugar · 5 years
Part 3 of the Yoongi X Reader Angst. Inspired by Lewis Capaldi’s song “Forever”
“Darling, nobody said that it would last forever
That doesn’t mean we didn’t try to get there”
That text, you shouldn’t have sent it. Telling your ex that you love them? That’s the dumbest thing you can do, period. But you couldn’t help yourself after how broken Yoongi had looked on TV. It was obvious that the stylists had tried their best, but as soon as he had taken off his sunglasses…. Your heart just stopped. His eyes sunken deep into his skull, the broken heart and exhaustion practically spelled out in his eyes. The dark circles under his eyes were worse than you had ever seen them. He looked more dead than alive. He had lost weight too, the already thin man now even thinner.
You shouldn’t have sent that text, but you had been too worried about the man you love to stop yourself. And god, you had missed him so much. Everyday. No matter what you did, he had always been there in the back of your head.
In the almost three months since the breakup, the media attention to your person had dwindled down quite quickly. You had actually been left in peace after only two weeks of constant demands for a statement. And those stopped after you tweeted in response to the official statement sent out by Yoongi.
Your few friends in this foreign country, they had been by your side, trying to understand why the two of you had ended it. Why You had ended it. But how could they? Not a lot of people can relate to your situation, so you had asked them to stop trying. And they did. Instead you chose to simply ignore what had happened, everything between you and Yoongi now a thing of the past anyways. You hadn’t moved on, obviously. But you had tried to somewhat silence your feelings, seeming they would never lead anywhere, only keep you from finding happiness with a normal person.
There was more than enough self-help literature out there, on how to get over a breakup quickly, and you had tried, but somehow you always ended up alone, crying and listening to sad love songs, all while eating whatever quick, unhealthy indulgence you had whipped up that day. Often with a bottle of wine as your company of choice.
It wasn’t healthy, but it wasn’t supposed to be.
You had to go back to work, of course. Your old job taking you back with open arms, you couldn’t believe your luck. For eight hours a day, you were no longer “BTS Suga’s Ex-Girlfriend”, you were just a cook. You weren’t famous, just doing your job. And it helped so much. The routine, the work you love, it helped you turn off your brain, your broken heart quiet for a while.
Unfortunately, every night when you got home from work, the pain was that much stronger, as if your brain finally opened the floodgates on eight hours of grief and heartbreak.
Crying yourself to sleep is just something you do at this point, it doesn’t surprise you. Drinking every night has become a routine as well.
The only thing that got through to you in your slump of casual harmful coping mechanisms was him. When you saw him on TV earlier… it had been a heartbreak worse than when he had walked out. Seeing him suffer… Seeing him explode like that on TV, Fuck. He must be doing bad. You had seen it on every one of the member’s faces, too. They had kept up the usual interview mask, but when he started to get loud in his answer, they all just looked so painfully concerned. Seeing that even the men who had to have been by his side daily were this concerned, it unraveled something in you. The love you had tried to shut away, to ignore, to drown out with alcohol, food and tears. It was back at the forefront of your emotions.
So you had texted him, and regretted it as soon as you hit “send”. How would this help anyone?
The fact that the “delivered” changed to “read” within seconds only made you more anxious.
And then he didn’t answer. Why didn’t he answer?
He had hoped for a positive reaction, but never would he have expected this.
#wearesorryyoongi and #wearesorryy/n
It was trending worldwide.
All of ARMY was just pouring out their love, their regret, their apologies. Many of the most vocal opponents of his relationship, their accounts had disappeared. Just deleted. The few that were left were mostly quiet.
It felt unreal.
His timeline on every social network was flooded with love. Everybody was supporting him now. Many were commenting on how bad he looked, how hurt. It had made them realise. Realise that no matter how much they loved him, they could not fill the space in his life that was meant for a partner. So they had backed off.
He felt like he was living in a fairytale.
Many idols had already started posting in support as well, now suddenly also openly condemning how he and y/n had been treated by the media and fans alike. How the whole industry was treating idols, their love lives, their private lives.
Somehow he hoped that his heartbreak would pave the way for actual change in the industry. Celebrities all over the world were hounded when they dated anyone, but with Idols, it often got out of hand since the closeness between them and their fans meant that the fans felt more connected to their Idols, felt they knew them so well, had some kind of claim on them, even.
His eyes were wide with shock, lined with tears, both of joy and sadness as he realised that this might be too late. Too late for him and his love. But he still kept scrolling through everything online, the love from the fans making his heart a little lighter. Around him, the other members were smiling brightly, proud both of Yoongi’s impact and their fans.
Jungkook was almost jumping up and down with excitement: “Hyung! Look! Everybody is tweeting at her, telling her they’re sorry. They listened.” The younger man’s big eyes shining brightly at the rapper, Yoongi smiles. It’s hesitant, but nonetheless, a smile.
While the public reaction was mostly apologies, his friends’ texts were of a different nature. It was a wave of “Are you okay? Is there anything I can do to help?”.
He hadn’t cared how bad he looked, how little he ate, how little he slept. But now he was out of the house again, had been on TV as well. So now everybody who just thought he had taken some time for himself, they had all seen how bad he was doing.
As he responds to the texts, trying to come up with something to make people less concerned, he suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder. It’s Jin, a soft smile on his face as he looks down on his friend. “Let’s eat. I ordered extra everything, you look like you can use it.”
The care, the love surrounding him, online but most importantly right here, it breaks his heart to see how concerned everybody is. He tries to smile, but feels the tears streaming down his face silently, as the relief and the pain wash over him, yet again.
Immediately, they’re all right there, their hugs too tight, their faces full of love, of support and what looks like fear.
It’s Hobi who decides to break the silence, break off the group-hug to air out his anger.
“Why didn’t you call me? Call anyone? Why do you always try to suffer alone? We are right here! Always! It’s been almost three months but you look like you’re dead. We are your family, why didn’t you call us? Why did it take a TV-appearance for us to get to see you? You changed the code to the apartment, you didn’t respond to my texts, to any of our texts, and you were doing this badly?”
The anger, the pain on his face is written in plain sight. Looking around, the same pain is in everyone’s eyes, the anger less apparent than in his best friend’s words. But the question doesn’t just come from Hoseok, it comes from all of them.
And Yoongi doesn’t have an answer. He didn’t call them because he didn’t want to. Somewhere deep in his heart, he didn’t want to get through this. If it didn’t end with him and his love being okay again, he didn’t want it.
But that won’t help his friends to feel better. So he just says “I’m sorry.” over and over again. To each one of them. Because he saw how bad he looks. Because he knows how much they love him. And he is sorry. Sorry for making his friends scared from looking at him.
So he eats everything, even if it almost makes him sick. He smiles and laughs with them, letting whoever is closest to him hold on to him as if they’re checking for a pulse. And after a while of all of them together, the smiles aren’t forced anymore. They are real. And he can feel himself healing. It’s a long way to go, but he is moving forward.
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moon-child-cypher · 1 year
Chapter 1 : ON
 BTS OT7 , OT7xYN , NamjoonxYN, SeokjinxYN, YoongixYN, HoseokxYN, TaehyungxYN, JiminxYN, JungkookxYN
TW: Mental illness, psychosis, depression, body dysmorphia, past bullying, casual sex, loss of relationship, violence, talk of weapons, blood
   As the leader of Bangtan , Namjoon felt the weight of his responsibilities to bangtan and he had felt it worse since you left. In a way, he was happy he had to focus on the others' well being . Somedays when his responsibilities felt heavier than others, he could lose himself in Bangtan and, for a moment, it would feel like things were how they were before everything fell apart. One thing he couldnt deny was that heartbreak had been an amazing motivator. Throwing themselves into their work Bangtan had gone from a small group of friends who knew how to get things done, to a feared syndicate with complex connections and a massive income.  Namjoon could sometimes convince himself that it hadnt been for you, it hadnt been so if he ever saw you again you would be so impressed that you couldnt say no to him. Couldnt say no to his brothers.
 Nothing prepared him for the day you showed up in their lives again. The usually composed Namjoon was a mess with you in the same room. He had walked into the boardroom for a financial meeting, one that would help secure their place as the underground kings of Seoul, and found you right away. You were sitting amongst the attendees, as though you being there was of no major circumstance. Sitting attentively as though you could just show up and be another name in a long list of faces . Feeling his stare you , nervously met his eyes, and he felt like his heart stopped beating. It was you, really you. Yes, in five years something about you had changed , but in that moment he would have done anything for you and you knew it. He had almost forgotten the rest of Bangtans appearance until he heard them shuffling in behind him and he began to panic. He swore he fell in love with you more when your eyes softened in understanding at his sudden panic. Of course he still seemed cool and collected on the surface, but you knew better.
Yoongi had spent his life hiding his feelings, except for with you. Always cool and collected, thats what got him this far in life and Bangtan. When others were motivated by emotion, and ethics, Yoongi was cold facts and logic. You had seen through thst though. You always told him that when you looked in his eyes , you saw a deep pool of emotions that you wanted to drown in. He had showed you affection to the best of his abilities and you had seen them for what they were and on a rare occasion held him while he wept. Not wanting to talk about it, not wanting an explanation, just offering absolute understanding. He went numb after you left, it wasnt safe to feel those emotions, the world would burn and he had been having enough trouble keeping Hoseok under control. He never gave up hope that you would return , though. Worked relentlessly to build an empire with Bangtan hoping that one day when youd come back you would join them again. Everything he did was for you and Bangtan knew that, they didnt stop him because they felt the same. He wondered sometimes, if their loss of you, was the only thing they had in common anymore. Not that it mattered, since it had been working well for  them.    Today he was grumpy. He had been up all night going over blueprint after blueprint and was still expected to attend the meeting. Pretty useless, as all the paperwork would end up on him and Namjoons desk to go over , this meeting could have definitely been an email. He kept his eyes trained on the back on Namjoons head and followed him into the room where he would be bored to death for whatever duration it took, but Namjoon seemed eager to leave as well and he took that as a good sign. Hoseoks sudden tense on walking the room sent Yoongi immediately on alert. He has a moment to wonder to himself if Hoseok or their business  partners would be a bigger threat before he locked eyes with you , and before he could fully register that it was you he felt like he was drowning.
 Hoseok had in his own way taken your absence the hardest. Growing up his life had been spent in one mental hospital or another. His craving for violence , his paranoia were enough for his parents to abandon him as a ward of the state at 15, in the end he had aged out of these homes and met Namjoon, who saw a use in his unique set of skills and outlook on the world. Beginning only as Namjoons body guard , he now was in control of a small army with a special gift for violence who knew how to get things done and Hoseok had found happiness, but he found contentment when you walked into their lives. It was almost as though your presence had made all the voices go silent.  As if all the voices were in absolute awe of your presence and didnt dare speak unless spoken too. You were the first one to make him feel human in his whole life. You had said that he had an adaptation to his reality, not a malfunction , and that he was still worthy of love and respect like any human. Up until you the only respect he had experienced was at the cost of his bloodlust. His fellow Bangtan members loved him, of course, but they still saw him for what the rest of the world saw and always had a trace of fear behind their eyes. Not you though.
  When you had left he had seen to it that the world would burn. Every person who betrayed Bangtan, every time someone crossed his path, was paying for your absence. Part of him was punishing the world because he couldnt punish you, not that he would any ways. He was unstoppable because what could hurt more than you abandoning him, right? Nothing scarier than a man who isnt afraid of dying and more often than not Hoseok had hoped he would make one wrong move, that someone would finally stop his reign of terror, because the voices would stop . They talked about you a lot, they also talked about his Bangtan family. The voices told him that they could see right through him, and it made sense because they never made a move to stop him. He did sometimes wonder what you would think of him now. He knew youd be scared of him , of who he had become, but he would silently remind himself that he did it for YOU.
  The voices had been particularly annoying today. He was itching to get on the field, do what he did best, but instead he had to attend a board meeting with Namjoon as his protection and a founding member of Bangtan. He just had to make it through this meeting and he would be left to his own devices, he expected a particularly trigger happy evening for him and his army. He walked behind Namjoon taking in every detail, every possible security threat. There was a heavier defense sytem in this building , he noted, if things went wrong Hoseok would have the chance to take out his frustrations in order for them to  escape. Namjoon stopped just inside the doorway and froze, sending Hoseok into attack moden for a moment. Was Namjoon hit? Was there danger in the room? After taking a quick glance at Namjoon seing no obvious injuries, he scanned the room. That's when he locked eyes with someone and the voices stopped.
 To anyone who knew anything about Bangtan, Jin was the glue that held them together. In a group of unloved boys who came together to build this life together, Jin offered a quiet understanding and a warm  home.  You had said that he served as such a master manipulator for Bangtan because he had an unbiased, deep understanding of people,even strangers. You can't use peoples thoughts and emotions against them unless you truly understand what motivates them, you had said. He believed you because that is what you had always offered him just that. From your small nods and warm smile after a tough mission, or taking the role as caretaker of Bangtan when he felt his exhaustion deep in his bones. He hadnt connected with anyone on any level since you left. Why bother? He was a master of being ingenuine, even attempting to open up to someone he wouldnt know what to believe what he was really feeling. But you, you understood with just a look and that's what he needed. Surprisingly his lack of his own emotion helped him even further understand others emotions. He was a blank slate and he was a projection of those around him.
That was why it was important he attended this meeting. Namjoon needed to know if they had any ulterior motives, if they were trying to trick them into losing money. What Namjoon and the others had never said is this one just one more step to giving you the life you deserved when you returned. He felt the shift as soon as they entered the room and automatically began to assess the situation and then he was looking at you as he was hit with guilt, surprise, hurt and most of all, love.
Taehyung had been dfferent his whole life. From the time he was old enough to play with the kids at the park they bullied him, knowing he wasnt quite like them so he must be weak, right? Wrong. He grew up to be devilishly handsome and with that his odd tendencies were labelled cute quirks. His past still shaped him , though. Seeing the cruelty of people, even at such a young age he recognized it was human nature. Taehyung felt emotions deeply, maybe too deeply, but it served him well as the secret keeper of Bangtan. See , anyone and everyone loves to talk, especially about themselves. All he had to do was flash a smile and lend an ear and a few careful questions and people were ready to tell him everything. It all went straight to Namjoon of course , and he mosty stuck to the shadows, only making public appearances with Bangtan when necessary. His charm never worked on you. You had told him he was beautiful , and that there was something about him that made it easy to open up to him. But you were naturally a genuine person, especially with him. 
When others blew off his personality, the way he dressed, and his words, you looked at him like he was a piece of art. You once told him a day with him did more for the heart and mind than any art ever could. He had scoffed at that , because, how could any piece of art, any piece of music, any natural wonder measure up to you? Their love had been like something out of an old movie. Slow dancing to old jazz records in his room, reading to eachother poems that only conveyed a fraction of the love that they had felt for eachother. 
When you had left, Taehyung had disappeared back into his shell. There's only so many side eyes and remarks one can make before it wears away at oneself. He still found himself saving songs from old vinyls and poems ripped from books for you to enjoy when you came back. Outwardly, to anyone who didnt know better, Taehyung had become cold. While in the past he used warmth, and flirting to get people to talk, he now opted for intimidation and cruelty. He had become the bully and you would have hated that for him. 
He hadnt wanted to go to this meeting, even before he saw Bangtan eye his green suit up and down. He didnt need them to be picking him apart, that was his job, and his patience was low today. Walking along with his brothers he kept himself amused by humming a jazz song he had discovered on a vinyl he had found in the back of some vintage store or another. It was soft and bright, like you, but inside he felt deep and sorrowful . The sudden stop off Hoseok had him bumping into him and jumping back. He could feel Hoseok itching for combat and it was putting Taehyung at unease , he didnt want to be the target of Hoseoks rage today. Taehyng quickly looked around to see what would cause Hoseok to be so careless, who was going to be the subject of his wrath and then he saw you. Like the greatest treasure at any museum, like the grandest orchestra , there you were.
 If lust had a physical embodiment, it would be Jimin. He  just oozes sex to men and women alike , and knew how to use it to get what he wanted. Jimin always had a taste for the finer things in life, always wanting more. When he had met Namjoon he had already been living a gluttoous lifestyle, but Namjoon made him realize he had a talent that could be utilized for something bigger, greater. Whole empires have been brought down because of sex, and Jimin wanted to build an empire on it. While he had grown soft and affectionate towards his members over the years, others would describe his gaze as hawk-like, like a predator zooming in on ikts prey. YN had never seen that, she saw right through him. To late nights hiding under the covers, memorizing every curve and imperfection of eachothers bodies you were the first actually intimacy he had ever experience. He thought arousal had equated intimacy until you, how a single peck on the forehead could leave him powerless to you.
When you left Jimin had tried to convince himself that his long list of high profile one night stands were for work, but he eventually had to face the music and realize it was intimacy he was craving. Taehyung, as odd as he was, seemed to understand this, and would quietly hold his hand or grab his thigh affectionately under the table when he could. This didnt help, he appreciated it, but it just made him feel like he was more alone. A steady sex life had proven to be very lucrative to Bangtan, but he felt so alone.
Jimin had left a lover in his bed that morning to join the boys at a meeting. Jimin felt the need to complain, to hide his relief that he wouldnt have to see the stranger off, someone else could take care of that. As they walked in the building, immediately a group of secretaries were whispering behind their hands about him and he flashe them his most seductive style. Just like that he had them, he would have to remember their faces for when they were done with the meeting. He couldnt resist himself and flashed a smile at an especially flustered man in a three piece suit. Jimin had him right where he wanted him and it wasn too easy. Jimin strutted into the room thinking about all the possibilities with these coworkers but his steps failed him and his cockiness left him as he saw you. Then, with one quick moment of eyecontact, he knew you couldnt leave because you were all he ever needed.
Jungkook hated his smile, his bunny teeth making him look even younger than he already was, and as the youngest he didnt need to be reminded of that. You had loved his smile , which worked out well because you were the major source of it. Jungkook knew his weapons, he had turned his body into his biggest weapon with an unhealthy excercise routine but the most deadly weapon in his world was your laugh. Jungkook  never had a great body image, you later suggested body dysmorphia, and you were the only one he believed ever liked his body. He couldnt look in the mirror and see what everyone else saw. That's why when you left he became obsessed with perfecting himself as a weapon. The burn and exhaustion gives him something to focus on instead of your laughter. At first the memory of your laugh was the only comfort he found, then in his mind it became mocking, telling him he was worthless. That was bad but not as bad as when he forgot what it sounded like all together. You never treated him as the baby of the group but as an equal and he almost believed it. You two were a sanctuary from the reality of thet lifestyle, laughing until your stomachs hurt and sharing memories of his hyungs and sharing the secret knowledge that all of them were secretly the  most amazing generous people you  knew. But now he was just the baby again, talked down on,not respected , no matter how much he worked out and built his strength.
This morning he had a moment in front of the mirror and thought of what you would think of him now, what would you think of the empty shells Bangtan had become? None of it mattered without you here, and why do they keep pretending that it did? Jungkook was the last one to enter the room. This was related to a shipment of weapons and that was his line for bangtan, but one of his hyungs could have taken care of it , he felt particularly ugly today but straightened his back, and walked in. Immediately he noticed his hyungs freeze and was alarmed by such an intense set of emotions that these usually well composed men were feeling and so he followed their gaze and there you were. He felt himself deflate, and relaxed his stance when your eyes met and couldnt help but smile the first genuine, full bunny teeth smile that he had in years.
 You knew logically that they were going to be there, of course they had to be there, but nothing had prepared you for this. They had betrayed you, you shouldnt have any more emotional connection to them, you owed them nothing, but then why was this so hard? You had left Bangtan and started a new profession in a new place the honest way, but years of living with bangtan you could no longer afford your lifestyle on an honest job salary so that's how you ended up in weapons deals. You purposely didnt keep track of the boys, as they hurt too much to think about. Youre only clue of just how big and successful they had gotten recently when you had been informed about your purpose foe this meeting . Your boss had taken your hesitance as concern about getting involved with Bagtan and reassured you that your name would not be connected to them on paper but he had no idea how connected you already were to them. They would know now from the way the seven boys honed on you and were now staring at you. You had tried to blend in the crowd of seats but that had been unsuccessful. The worst part of it all is as soon as she saw them she felt the pain of being in love with these men all over again.
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