athyrabunlord · 7 years
34 with yohariko 👀
“It’s not like I missed you or anything.” [Prompt List]
A/N: I had a different idea for this prompt but then after ep5. I’m going with this~ Ψ( ◣ ∀ ◢ )Ψ**spoilers for S2ep5 if you haven’t already watched it** Words: 1,200 (supposed to be just bliplet length but I got carried away lmao)
Riko giggles to herself as Shiitake flops on its side with a soft croon. Chika and You are right all along, that Shiitake is really just a big furry teddy bear-dog. Her previous fear for dogs had prevented her from seeing what an endearing companion Shiitake is. Its thick tail wags lazily as it nudges against her hand.
“Hai hai, you want some belly rubs don’t you?”
A happy bark answers her. Normally such a sound would have sent her scurrying for the nearest post to hide behind, but now it just fills her with mirth. As she caresses Shiitake’s soft fur, she couldn’t help but recall Nocturne and how it gave her a friendly lick against her palm.
She never got to pet the little Sheltie, did she?
She shakes her head, reluctant to fall into that quagmire of depression again. In spite of knowing the puppy for just a short time, she is certain of their connection. Nocturne… no, Anko has added a splash of vivid color to her already radiant life here at Uchiura, and helped her overcome her fear of dogs.
Although, really, it is thanks to Yoshiko that she is able to accomplish that.
The younger girl has opened up to her, revealing the introspective side usually hidden beneath the fallen angel mask. Riko only had glimpses of that side in the past, so this incident with Anko enables her to bond with and understand Yoshiko more. Through their mutual affection for Anko, she is able grow closer to Yoshiko and confidently call her a close friend.
We had fun together the past few days, hadn’t we?
Making up her mind, Riko gives Shiitake a goodbye pat and hurries for the bus stop. If she remembers correctly, she would still be able to make it. Her heart soars in anticipation as she gets on the bus, the excitement growing by the minute. The familiar change in scenery indicates that she is getting closer and closer to Numazu, and she couldn’t help but smile like a giddy child.
By the time she reaches the vending machine near Anko’s home, her head has cooled down enough for her to think rationally again. What was she thinking, coming all the way here to Numazu without a plan in mind? She should have at least texted Yoshiko so they could visit Anko together. Now, alone in front of the house, it feels daunting to even press the doorbell, let alone greet the Sheltie’s owners.
Pursing her lips, she paces back and forth a few times before deciding to head back to the vending machine. She shall wait there to see if the little girl would take Anko out for a walk, and then she could casually walk up to them so it would seem like she just happens to run into them.
“Lily? What are you doing here?”
Yoshiko looks just as taken aback, dressed in the same hoodie as last time with her hands in the pockets. “It’s Yoshi-” She coughs hastily and drops her voice to a husky tone. “Hmnff, as expected of my elite little demon, to be present at exactly where the great Yohane wishes. I have high hopes for you, Lily.”
Chuckling in exasperated fondness, Riko approaches the younger girl. “I just happened to be near- wait, why have you been calling me… erm, Lily, is it?”
Yoshiko raises an eyebrow. “You’ve been ordained as my elite little demon now, so of course I have bestowed a fitting name upon you. Rejoice!”
Riko blinks at Yoshiko’s confident smile and theatrical pose, and suddenly finds herself giggling.
“W-What? Why are you laughing, you disrespectful little demon!”
She doesn’t understand how Yoshiko’s thought process works and probably never will, but she also acknowledges that she doesn’t have to. They get along each other well, and it’s fun and even relaxing to be around the younger girl. A fallen angel she may be, she is also one of the most observant and caring person Riko knows, and that is enough for her.
“It’s nothing, Yocchan,” Riko’s smile curves wider in mischief at Yoshiko’s surprised expression. “I just thought about Anko and how much fun we had, the three of us, and before I knew it, here I am. How about you?”
“I guess we have the same idea then,” Yoshiko shrugs and stuffs her hands back in her pockets, “I miss Laelaps so I came here and… well, I was hoping to run into you here too.”
“Eh? I mean, I did come here out of impulse but, I do live all the way in Uchiura so it’s really coincidental that-”
“Nope, nothing is coincidence, Lily!” Grinning, Yoshiko turns away and tilts her head a little so she could peer at the taller girl through her bangs. “This is destiny, I say! I have summoned you here through my amazing power! You said it yourself, Lily, that everyone has invisible power. Surely, you’ve received my call and answered it by instinct.”
Riko recalls how her thoughts had trailed from Shiitake to Nocturne and ultimately to Yoshiko. Perhaps the fallen angel has a point. Some sort of invisible power is at works and has led them to each other here.
“Right. So what is your plan this time, O Great Yohane-sama? Shall we wait like last time?”
At this, Yoshiko seems to falter as she averts her gaze. “Actually, just before I got here, I saw the kid taking Laelops out for a walk. I was just sorta waiting around to see if they would come back.”
“Oh, I see…”
“So! In the meantime, let me give you a proper orientation!”
“Huh?” Riko didn’t catch Yoshiko’s words, for her mind is focused on how the latter suddenly reached out for her hand.
“A tour! A tour I say! You’ve been to Numazu several times but I bet you don’t know all the good spots!” Yoshiko tugs at their connected hands, sounding impatient and just a little embarrassed?
“Really? You’d do that?” It’s true that her visits to Numazu have been limited. Compared to Uchiura, the city is much larger and should have more places to be explored. “Why, all of a sudden-?”
“Duh? You’re my elite little demon after all. It’s not like I missed you or anything,” Yoshiko huffs, her cheeks reddening. “Unless, you have other plans-?”
Warmth fills Riko’s heart with a few butterflies fluttering inside. She shakes her head and squeezes Yoshiko’s hand. “Nope, I’m free… though only until the last bus back to Uchiura.”
Yoshiko lets out a quiet sigh of relief and smiles brightly. “Great! Then let’s not waste anytime! Try to keep up with me, Lily!”
A burst of playfulness takes over, compelling Riko to run and pull the younger girl along. “No, can you keep up with me, Yocchan?”
“Hey, I’m suppose to be the one taking you to places!”
The two girls banter back and forth, laughing and thoroughly enjoying each other’s company. Perhaps, this would be their best day in Numazu yet!
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belphegor-xin · 8 years
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so im working on a valentines comic for yohariko
imma try to make it wordless since i want to upload it on pixiv but dont know how to type japanese :3 
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