#you ain't better than shit you just have a fucking superiority complex
43 - Genesis - Selling England By The Pound
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Sing it with me now, you all know the words: "This is another album I've never heard, from a band I'm otherwise quite familiar with."
Oh good... 8 songs on a 53 minute long album. I'm getting a vision of a double record with 2 whole songs per album side.
•Dancing With The Moonlit Knight-
Oh wait, shit, I think I put on King Crimson again.. nope, no, my bad. This is Genesis, I guess.
Are you sure? Cause this REALLY feels like King Crimson. Or maybe Emerson, Lake, and Palmer?
Either way, I'm really digging it. I only knew Genesis as way more pop and way less prog.
Legitimately had no idea these guys had this kind of stuff in their catalog.
I mean, Peter Gabriel, sure, but Phil Collins? No way.
•I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)-
This feels VERY Peter Gabriel solo album, instrumentation-wise. He's always using the percussion instrument that I can never identify that goes "poing" in a low tone.
Lyrics feel very Phil. I really hate the title of this song. At best, they're sharing clothing, which is cool and good. At worst, it's Depeche Mode's Blue Dress but far creepier.
•Firth of Fifth-
Is this going to be about the bridge? No that was the firth of *forth*. Ah, so it's a pun.
Crazy math rock piano intro.
If this is a King Crimson album, this song is Moonchild. Slow, overly long, with weird, obtuse purple prose lyrics and a soft flute section for no good goddamn reason.
I do like the guitar work around 6:30 to the 7:30-8 minute mark, but again it feels Crimson-esque. Maybe not IN or OF the Court of the Crimson King itself, exactly, but certainly of a nearby duchy.
•More Fool Me-
This is just a tone poem.
It's pretty enough, but damn if this 3 minute long song feels longer than the previous 9 minute long song.
•The Battle of Epping Forest-
Perfectly normal to have old-timey wild west saloon piano plunking right next to spacey-ass synths in your interminable prog epic about a gang war.
Phil, bby, what is you doing.
(A note: ELP did this whole idea better with Benny the Bouncer, in the same year, in a song that's *10 full minutes* shorter.)
•After the Ordeal-
A pretty instrumental, which is quite the relief after 12+ minutes of semi-obscure early 70s British references I don't have any frame of reference for.
•The Cinema Show-
Another slow, long intro. I'm already not feeling this one.
Let's bring up Romeo and Juliet and then go nowhere with that. That's what they call "good writing".
Okay, the end gets really cool and synthy and almost sinister, and I'm enjoying it. Just a shame it took us 8 ½ minutes to get there.
•Aisle of Plenty-
Well, it's a song built entirely around a "Tesco" pun. Woof. At least it's not very long.
Yeah, I can see why Genesis went pop.
If you want a good British progressive rock album from 1973, just listen to Emerson, Lake, and Palmer's album "Brain Salad Surgery".
Everything here is done better there, including: "random old timey piano", "Very British Subject Matter", and "more than two incredibly long songs on a <10 track album", except all of ELP's songs absolutely fuck, the music is complex but actually interesting to listen to, and the cover art is by H.R. Giger.
I'll say it: the first 3 minutes of Toccata is superior to any section of this entire album, change my mind.
In fact, hell with it. This one's over, I'm putting Brain Salad on right now.
Favorite Track: After the Ordeal.
Yeah yeah, take a shot, 'cause Craig likes the instrumental the best. Who'd have figured. No disrespect to Mr Collins, but the man desperately needed an editor on this album.
Least Favorite Track: The Cinema Slow. I mean Show. (No, I lied, I really mean slow.)
To use a cinematic reference, Tarkovsky's Stalker feels fast-paced in comparison.
In The Air Tonight, this ain't.
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pollutions · 3 years
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solli · 3 years
Don’t know if this will cheer you up , but it might help to get rid of pent up anger.
What’s your view of Kurtbastian
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This is gonna be long. Bear with me.
Only reading the portamanteu sends me in a rage. There's the obvious fandom level of 90% of that ship hinging on "S realizes B ain't all that" and "K is actually better", which a cardinal sin and I will not stand by it; and also the urge of stealing away from B yet another thing because he can't have nice things, he has solos already!!!!.
Then there's the actual in-show meta, which is what brings it to me from annoying to kill it with fire. Which is, they're written as foils, and to hate each other.
S is outwardly mean, rich, spoiled, confident, he's a country-club gay who's most likely to be the subject of the "if all the gays were like smythe's son"-like statements. Plus, S has no problem with the actual phisicality of being a gay men- S' gayness doesn't come from show choir or fashion sense, it's litterally only tied to the fact he sleeps with men. K, on the other hand, is gay in the sense that he's got stereoripically gay interests, and is constantly showed to have a problem with the physical part of it, especially at the point he meets S. It's not by chance K chooses slut-shaming to insult S: it's the one thing he lacks and can act morally superior about. Thing is, while S is comfortable with it and doesn't care, K is bound to be affected by being repeteadly called out for his *gay face*, or told he dressed like a girl: this is shown to be a big insecurity- he's constantly worried he's not manly enough, either for leading roles on Broadway or to be the son his father wanted. And there comes S, which is pretty much the same cut of mean lanky gay, but doesn't look like it. And on S's part, K is probably everything S hates to be associated with when he says he's gay: flamboyant, unthreatening and sexless. When K doesn't slut-shame him but says "you're an insult to the entire gay community", S' response is basically "you're the part of the gay community I want nothing to do with".
The problem K has with B liking S has shit nothing to do with losing B, and all to do with it shattering K's confidence: S "wins" on all areas K is aware he's lacking, something he's still struggling with.
And I know, I KNOW, that all of this could make for compelling "learn from each other and learn to respect the other", in theory, but is it really? They both hit on each other insecurities by being whom they are as a person- the kind of compromise that would take them to even have more than a civil conversation would be emotionally exhausting and ultimately leave both of them stripped of who they are. One of the things I do find compelling about K is the struggle he has with being who he is unapologetically, and still obviously whishing it shouldn't come with a price (like his father spending more time with Finn because they have similar interest). With K/bastian? Throw all that out the window. S? You'll have to prey his casual homophobia and conversative leftism from my cold clammy hands- not everyone *has* to be progessive, just learn not to be a dick about it. And S obviously doesn't like K aesthetically (chug it with the I'm not like other gays complex or wathever, that's still what it is), and K does neither, as far as calling him a meerkat with a bad CW wig and horse teeth- so they're not even a good ship for (ew) banging the hatred out, really.
It's not just a matter of S being a simp for B and how foundamentally wrong it is to take that away from him given it's his whole fucking purpose on that show to get in B's pants- it's exactly that kind of ship that makes my blood boil because it basically ignores the characters personalities because? You aesthetically like them together?? So you're making them something they're not, just to get them there?? If that's how one enjoy his ships I'm surely not gonna tell them not to do it, but it's the exactly the opposite way to how I consume media and ship things in the first place so yeah, not for me (yikes).
Oof. This has been a long time coming. Thank you for nudging me to get it off my chest.
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tenaflyviper · 5 years
Fandoms these days represent some of the absolute worst of human behavior. They are honestly a red flag that people need to turn off their phones and computers, go the hell outside, and interact with real people until they can learn basic humanity.
And for the record, there is no "right" side, either. All y'all motherfuckers are toxic. The overzealous shippers (do NOT harass real people over fictional characters! Do not get invasive about others' relationships, do not touch people without permission, do not threaten to kill anyone, do not threaten their loved ones, do not try to break up marriages--just DON'T), the "anti-shippers" (I'll get to you in a minute), the "criticals" (your viewpoints are entirely subjective, and not universal to all people. Some of you are even inadvertantly racist as hell by making claims like "This character is racist, because [insert something an old white woman would say here]")--none of you are free from sin, because you all treat other human beings like shit, and value fictional characters more than living, breathing people.
And keep your self-righteous "I'm making fandoms SAFE!!" savior-complex bullshit to yourself, 'cuz more than once, you same motherfuckers have been caught being the ones actually grooming minors after proclaiming how much they can allegedly "trust" you. If you go out of your way proclaiming your "purity" and morality, you better believe you're suspicious as fuck to everyone else, cuz normal, decent human beings don't feel the need to do that. Plus, 9 times out of 10, the people you harass the most are minors!! I absolutely get not wanting to see gross shit, but it is NOT your job to try to look out for anyone but yourselves, and clearly, you can't even be trusted to do THAT right! I literally never see "incest" or "pedophilia" on my dash--or anywhere else I go, for that matter--and I don't even have to try. So why is it so bloody difficult for the rest of you?? Are you actually trying to avoid it, or are you deliberately seeking it out to fan the flames of self-righteous fury, and make you feel morally "superior"? Or worse--are you just trying to cover your own ass??
You jackasses spend more time in fictional worlds than out making ACTUAL FRIENDS. You're literally like unsocialized animals. You ever see a small dog that bites and barks at pretty much everyone and everything that isn't "Mommy" or "Daddy"? THAT'S YOU. You don't spend enough time around other people that differ from you, so you lash out at others even slightly different before you even know them, instead of listening and learning. Especially if you're neurodivergent (like myself) this shit ain't healthy. Please remember what other kind of shit ignorance and isolation foster. I've personally witnessed white teenagers attacking PoC content creators over characters they made to represent themselves and their culture.
It's 2020 now. Please get real lives, or learn how to fucking GET ALONG.
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ikemensengokufandom · 4 years
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I have no intention to reblog her post on tumblr but you guys can see how self-entitled this woman is.
Firstly, the way you phrased "I have my rights to voice out my opinions as a whaler." You DID NOT indicated that "how unnatural it looks" or "angle seems odd" from the beginning.
FYI, you're the one who started this comment thread?
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^ Need a reminder? Here you go 🙂
Secondly, you said you spent money on the game, but not to be passed off with such manner with the art. Excuse me, did you even know what's the baseline and how does it actually works within the industry? Your first respond was "They photoshopped it" instead of what you explained about the unnatural pose etc.
Firstly, not just PAPER but in EVERY aspect of the gaming industry, reuse of material is somehow the norm. One way is to save cost, time just so that the developers are able to quickly produce the product.
No, I'm not siding the developer on this. But do note that they are a company themselves and it's their job to milk consumers' money, and they're not the only company that are doing that. And to justify the pricing based just on artwork just shows how plain ignorant you are because you don't just fuckin' compare the pricing based on artwork. Developers in general have to be constantly active with different servers, and not to mention the new functions they added on etc? That's how you see whether if a game is worth paying for.
And to you being a whaler and spending 10k gems and all, it's your choice whether to spend or not to spend the money. PAPER did not force anyone of the players to spend couple of hundred bucks on their game. If you have problem with it, you can don't spend any dime on it, or just give up on the event right? 🙂 sure, we all know how shit PAPER are in terms on how they treated their consumers lmfao, trust me even I have problems with them but did I rudely shut off the others just so I can argue my point to prove that I'm right just because "I'm a whaler and I spent hell lot of money so I'm the king everyone must bow down to me?" Excuse me, you are not the only spender in that game.
The reason why the admin were pissed is because you acted on your own accord with your superiority complex and pissed off the other members. Ouch, you do know that CN and EN fandom are of different culture and opinions right? The admin were not being rude towards you at the beginning, it is you who 作死 that couldn't tolerate the facts that they cared for other members in the group.
Oh and please don't use criticism as an excuse, because your first response towards the other member(s) who disagree with you was "If my comment bothers you, you may skip it." Criticsm and nick-picking are whole lot of different meaning, but instead of criticsm and learn how to tackle with it, you got salty because not all of the members accepted your so-called criticism.
While you told others to skip your comment, you on the other hand didn't follow what you've preached and in fact somehow stalked Yume's account just because she removed your comments and what you did was "Fuck you" while she is just doing her job as an admin, aka SHE CREATED THE GROUP. So what, she has no rights to rant on her OWN FACEBOOK TIMELINE RIGHT AFTER YOU CUSSED AT HER RUDELY? 🤷‍♀️
So you're salty just because she did her job and prioritize the members instead of saying "yes" to the big whaler? What logic is this excuse me? 🤷‍♀️
And FYI to the group rules:
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RESPECT EVERYONE'S LIKE: Lol you didn't seem to respect other people's views and opinions from the way you spoke. You told people to skip your comment yet you have rights to voice out, like wow as if the others' opinions are inferior 🙄
NO HATE SPEECH OR BULLYING: You just told admin to "Fuck you" and had proceed to stalk her facebook timeline and posted it on public 🙂
And now you're trying to victimize yourself just so you can mislead the others? Oh no, you're not getting away for that 🙂 You started the thread, you disregard other people's view while you expect the others to respct yours with that self-entitled attitude of yours. For someone who's from Singapore like me, older than anyone of us AND a long-time player, you should be ashamed of yourself.
And one last thing I would like to add on; you argued your point AS A CONSUMER while SHE ARGUED HERS AS AN ARTIST HERSELF. You claimed that they only take side to people who followed their scared rules, so does this sound like she's taking any sides?
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Oh nooo.... Don't try to get me into "don't twist my words" and "I sabotage you" or calling others "crazy, delusional" etc once you lost an argument. That bullshit and attitude of yours has been lingering for YEARS until 都看的出来了. I honestly do not want to give a shit about this, or even write a tumblr post to rebuke yours as I do not want to get involved with you again. However, after 5-6 years you still have that shit self-centered fragile heart that still wants to twist the tales and portray yourself a better person? Sorry, you don't do that towards my friends.
This is not what you did few years ago anymore. Nobody's a young, ignorant dumbfuck anymore and your same old "twist the tales" methods ain't gonna work anymore. A few members are already pissed off with you way before this minor issue, and the admins themselves have high tolerance to bear with you and not kicking you out.
Sure, leave the group, nobody cares 😂 we are thankful for that lols.
And yeah Yume blocked you because unlike you, we can just simply delete someone like you from our life instead of being vengeful as fuck. Go ahead, continue to write a long-ass twisted tales about how shit you got treated in that group, or stalk someone's facebook timeline to justify yourself. If you can rant in your platform, so can us 🙂
奉劝您老人家一句,做人善良一点。 您别气坏了身子啊~ 不然就像您所说的,容颜会越来越老的,不是吗?
您要活在您自己的世界,那请便。我们这种人对您来说只会把您的地盘弄脏了~ 这样莫须有的罪名,老娘们可承担不起啊~💁‍♀️
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Edie & Nancy
Edie: here then is it? Nancy: Yeah Nancy: Do you wanna see some pics? Edie: nah Edie: saw the socials Nancy: They're both okay, like Edie: Obvs, McKenna, reckon they'd bother to hmu if they were dead Edie: cheers then Nancy: There's a huge difference between alright and dead Nancy: I'm just saying Edie: not to me Nancy: Do you want me to tell anyone anything or? Edie: do what u wanna Edie: everyone busy Nancy: They aren't that busy Nancy: It's a baby not a bomb threat Edie: she ain't that special Edie: least they were expecting that alien looking thing this time Edie: progress Nancy: Barely but you know Nancy: Feels like a giant step back if anything Edie: 🙄 Edie: gutted for you Nancy: No you aren't, so don't bother with any of it Edie: obviously not Nancy: Is there anything else you actually wanna know/say 'cause I'm not good at this Nancy: Let's not pretend I am Edie: you rude as fuck Nancy: And what, you're the only one allowed? Edie: i ain't done anything to you but nah feel pressed Edie: u love it Nancy: You've disappeared and everyone is worried. You don't care about that but I do Nancy: So sorry if I don't wanna indulge it, like Edie: only got time for your sads? Edie: joke Nancy: I wish Nancy: We'd all love to run away Nancy: But some of us have to actually stick around Edie: boohoo Edie: dry Edie: what good u think u are mckenna Nancy: Go away again, Edie Nancy: I don't need this Nancy: Nobody does Edie: 😂 Edie: u ain't got nothing but problems you made up cos ur boring Edie: same as her, fucking drew the only excitement she ever had Nancy: Thanks for the therapy session Edie: mommy issues, next Nancy: You're such a cliche Nancy: At least give me one I haven't heard a million times before Edie: ok miss i want my teacher to pipe me Edie: act superior some more it funny Nancy: I'll be here all week Nancy: And longer Edie: whatever Edie: no u wont but run your mouth all u want Edie: u all talk a big game Nancy: Some of us do bother to say what we mean Nancy: Shockingly Edie: nah Edie: you out in a few months max Edie: the only one that always here is him and he always will be Nancy: Going to uni doesn't make me a ghost Nancy: Keeping in touch is easy if you want to Edie: like u ain't already Edie: oh babe Nancy: You don't know me Edie: who wants to Nancy: Plenty of people Edie: yeah like i say Edie: making up problems done wonders for ur cred Edie: least they talking yeah Nancy: Like I said, you don't know me Edie: u wish Edie: transparent Nancy: I really don't Nancy: I've dealt with enough bitches already thanks Edie: 😥 Edie: nawh Nancy: You wanna talk shit to me some more, go ahead Nancy: Nice to know you're still alive at least Edie: always with the self-pity, ain't a good look fyi but go off Nancy: You'd know Edie: i'm the only one celebrating this thing birth not comiserating Edie: poor fuck Nancy: Congrats, like Nancy: Go do that and leave me alone Edie: nah Nancy: I'm ignoring you now Edie: sure Edie: like u can Nancy: Literally always have Edie: yeah why u had to run here init Edie: so strong Edie: so like ur mummy Nancy: I'm not strong and it ain't news Edie: hoping playing damsel get u some Edie: who ain't Edie: cute Nancy: No, I just know myself Nancy: You can't hurt me by pointing out my flaws, babe. I'm aware Edie: who trying Edie: no need Edie: ready to cry over nothing always Nancy: Keep talking like you know about it Nancy: It just shows how much you don't Edie: so mysterious Edie: so guarded Edie: now u wishing Nancy: You're just putting words in my mouth now Nancy: You wish you knew me well enough to call me out Nancy: I'm not my brother, sorry. I don't wanna flirt with you Edie: i already said Edie: no one tryna know u babe Edie: least of all him Edie: comorbidity with ur mommy issues is ur twincest moment obvs Nancy: You're so wrong it's just awkward Edie: u brought up flirting w him Edie: that's awks Nancy: I brought him flirting with you, actually Edie: not rio Edie: why u jealous Nancy: Gross Nancy: He loves her, he entertains you Nancy: Not the same thing Edie: we all pretending that ain't fucked up then but this drew situ omg defcon1 Edie: this family 😂 good for the craic if literally nothing else Nancy: Nobody's pretending it isn't a mess Nancy: They just aren't being as rude as you Edie: oh no Edie: they'd NEVER do that Edie: 'cept they let joe pipe his own sister, drew fuck his way through this entire fam, gonna let them get married Edie: yeah Edie: the last thing you all do is turn a blind eye 😂 Edie: keep posting them pics like it's cute Nancy: Live in the past some more like it matters Nancy: It's done Nancy: I can't personally change it for you so Edie: past? Edie: bitch this happening right now Edie: jokes too miss imma have a victim complex cos the rich girls didn't wanna play nice with me Nancy: What's happening right now is being dealt with right now, Jesus Nancy: You'd know if you were here Edie: too late as per Edie: let it become a problem then we can all feel so sorry for ourselves aw Edie: let the skeleton raise the abortion go off Edie: slaying it Nancy: What's your solution? Nancy: We can't tell her what to do Edie: get the bitch hospitalized Edie: duh Edie: she isn't fit to be in her job or be a ma Edie: let her fuck this one up tho, join the ranks Nancy: If I could, I would Edie: sure Nancy: What you think you're the only one who's just had that oh so original thought? Nancy: Please Edie: please, like ur the only one acting as if your hands are tied Nancy: Mine are Nancy: What the fuck do you think I can do, Edie? Edie: grow a pair mckenna Edie: the act didn't work Edie: miss didn't wanna fuck u, mommy ain't coming to rescue u either 'cos u ain't her fave Edie: try something else, be original, christ Nancy: Oh my god Nancy: And do what? Nobody's gonna put Ro in hospital 'cause I say so Nancy: Or take the kid when she technically hasn't done anything wrong Edie: ring the social Edie: christ got an in Edie: like nan ain't been knew since she took the bitch in she ain't right Nancy: You know they'd investigate and do nothing Nancy: You aren't that stupid Edie: u know u too pussy to do it Edie: everyone in this fam and they wanna front like they anything but Nancy: Bullshit Nancy: Lord, I wish everything was as black and white as you're convinced it is Edie: here we go again Edie: woe is the tragic clan Edie: newsflash, normal people aren't beset by all this fucking drama and actual bullshit Edie: cos they don't roll around in it and revel in the fucking stink Nancy: None of us are normal, get over it Edie: u reckon u ain't wait for all the inbreeding kids ur gonna have to pretend are cute Edie: snap snap Nancy: Again, what do you want me to do? Nancy: I can't stop them being together Nancy: It's not like I want them to be in love or get married Edie: sure no one can we're all so helpless Edie: enough people had the balls to say nah it's fucked Edie: then rio would stop, end of, we all know it Nancy: Or they'd run away like you have Nancy: That's made everyone really happy, like Edie: yeah ur welcome Edie: more drama to jack it to Nancy: You're so selfish Edie: what, and you're the only ones allowed? Edie: gasp Edie: everyone is out for themselves and harps on the others for doing it too Edie: keep up Nancy: That's how you see it 'cause that's how it suits you Edie: that's the spirit Nancy: Your mum had a good birthday, by the way Edie: didn't ask Edie: but unsurprised Nancy: I knew you wouldn't Nancy: Doesn't mean you shouldn't know Edie: that the best u got like Edie: i been knew she's the worst of all Nancy: You wish Edie: yeah i love having a cunt for a ma hbu babe Nancy: You do though Nancy: You love thinking you do anyway Edie: yh buzzin Edie: got it in one Edie: u really aren't the smart 1 damn Nancy: I've never tried to say I am Nancy: You've got the wrong twin there Nancy: I'm the stupid one, and again, aware Edie: 😥 Edie: good ting i ain't here for ur wisdom Nancy: Fuck knows what you are here for Nancy: Please go Edie: the craic Edie: i told u Edie: so funny Nancy: If I'm the best you've got Nancy: Poor you Edie: fucking hell mckenna Edie: no one ever gonna wanna fuck u with an attitude like that Nancy: The good thing about fucking is that you don't have to talk Edie: pillow princess Edie: figures Nancy: Oh so you like to be chatty with it? Okay Edie: just a suggestion Edie: u ain't all that to look at either wanna give 'em something to keep interest Nancy: I don't want them to stick around so it's fine Nancy: But you do you Edie: oh and i'm selfish Edie: just like ur brother Edie: cute Nancy: Didn't you get the memo Nancy: He's changed Edie: least he might be worth the ride now then Edie: good for him Nancy: Gross Nancy: I hope you don't want me to pass that message on Edie: keep it to yourself if that's how you vibing girl Nancy: I'd rather not hear it but you didn't ask Edie: just meeting your expectations Edie: i'm rude yeah Nancy: Like you're so offended Edie: 💔 Nancy: I think you have to have one, babe Edie: ya 'bullies' school you that zinger Edie: knew it weren't that bad Nancy: They were more about the homophobia Nancy: Unlikely to work on you Edie: it ain't the 70s who does it Nancy: If you wanna go to London and tell them Nancy: Still probably something they could do with learning Edie: how you know i aint Nancy: If you were in Chelsea you'd have more to laugh at than me and this conversation Edie: dun think we share a sense of humour Nancy: I can't say that 💔's me Edie: aw ain't it nice to find something that don't get you 😥 Edie: love that 4 u Nancy: Okay Edie: it's been real Edie: laters Nancy: I hope not Edie: dry Nancy: Honestly you'd be better off speaking Irish to me Edie: dryshite then Edie: 🍀 enough for ye Edie: like u local Nancy: At least now I don't have to pretend I know what you're talking about Nancy: Thanks Edie: just claim ur dyslexia like ur tryna cash ur giro Nancy: Yeah Edie: wonder if u can park disabled Nancy: I can't drive so I can't tell you Nancy: If you wanna try and claim it though, they'd likely believe you Edie: hahahaha u calling me disabled now for the punch of it Edie: victim complex strikes again n the bullied becomes the bully Edie: u easiest to wind up ever imma do this more Nancy: I'm calling you an idiot Nancy: And I'm blocking you so good luck Edie: aw dont do urself like that Edie: nother thing for u to feel sorry bout when i die n i was tryna reach out for help Nancy: Like you said, if anyone dies we hear about it Edie: too little too late mckenna Nancy: For you yeah Nancy: I'm not the Samaritans babe I can barely send a coherent text Edie: yh i heard Edie: her cousin goes to my school tried coming at me fore i left like i care bout u being a tick Nancy: Okay Nancy: I don't wanna talk about her with you so bye Edie: ooooooooooo Edie: touched a nerve Nancy: Obviously Edie: bah why Edie: thought u dont want em to stay Edie: such a bad bitch Nancy: Shut up Edie: hahahahaha Nancy: Seriously Edie: get a grip mckenna Edie: she ain't even a ride Nancy: I'm not doing this Edie: you're a joke man Edie: u don't care bout none of ur family enough to shut me up but i wanna chat on this shtate Edie: and suddenly u got a dick Edie: lmao Nancy: That isn't news either, keep up like Nancy: I can't shut up about them 'cause you've got a point Nancy: It doesn't mean I don't care Edie: 'course not Edie: put it away Edie: she got a real gf now Nancy: I know Nancy: She's had several actually Nancy: You're out of the loop Edie: what a slag Edie: have to be to let u when u ain't bringing nothing to the table by ur own admission Nancy: Thanks Nancy: Homophobia belongs in the 70s but this doesn't, the world according to Edie Mckenna, okay Edie: oh shut up germaine greer Edie: i ain't tryna get in ur pants u don't need to impress me with ur regurgitated feminism 101 from ro n my mother of all people Nancy: You're the one who's still talking and staying in my inbox past your welcome, like Edie: cos i can handle it Edie: u the one getting heated baby Nancy: Well done, you Edie: aw thank u Nancy: Good thing you don't need to impress me either Edie: by pretending it don't make u a bad person to drop your knickers quicker than u can pull up the last? Edie: original Edie: get ur own personality Nancy: We've established I do Nancy: And gone into all its flaws Nancy: Again, keep up Edie: lmao u think thats urs Edie: okay when uve stapled together pieces of every bitch u want to love u Nancy: If you say so Nancy: It must be true Edie: duh Edie: see it as a chance to be better Edie: u ain't loving this Edie: n no one else is Nancy: Yeah 'cause I really wanna improve myself based on your standards Edie: who said anything bout me Edie: ill never fuck w u mckenna Edie: u still gonna be dry whatever u do Nancy: You're the only one telling me to be better Nancy: So you are Edie: well ur rents gave up on that dream didn't dey Edie: pin all dat on ur bro Nancy: Yeah they did Nancy: Tell me something I don't know or shut up Edie: poor poor baby Edie: hit up sugar town, ur namesake was on to something w that one Edie: drew good for some lsd always Nancy: That'll really help, thanks so much, babe Edie: howd u kno Edie: pussy Edie: aint even fuckin right Nancy: I know that I've got a fucked up enough brain already Nancy: Not gonna disable myself more Edie: yh well they use it to treat depression so try it Edie: stop u whining so much Nancy: There's plenty of other ways if I was so inclined Nancy: So thoughtful though Edie: obvs Edie: u love it Edie: when u got nothing else babe Nancy: Whatever you say Edie: 😥 Nancy: I've gotta go cry now, obviously Nancy: So Edie: damn u cant multitask Edie: really out here strugglin' Edie: ttfn babe Nancy: Not the way I do it Nancy: I have to go all in, of course Nancy: So much sadness Edie: nah u about the most half-arsed of all of 'em i reckon Edie: really do better Edie: i believe in u Nancy: No you don't Edie: sure i do Edie: know dat dnt sit right w ur whole victim schtik but Edie: unlucky Nancy: It doesn't sit right with anything about you more like Nancy: But okay Edie: lmao yh Edie: u 1 of a kind Edie: so special so misunderstood Nancy: By you yeah Nancy: But that's fine by me Edie: bitch we know Edie: live 4 it Edie: get it Edie: anything to feel like u better than the rest Nancy: You're ridiculous Nancy: When's the last time you even spoke to me before this? You don't know anything Edie: whens the last time u spoke Edie: dont mean u an enigma Edie: no one as thick as u tryna paint me especially not me Nancy: It means I'm shy, bitch Nancy: That's all it means Edie: yea yea Nancy: Yeah well Edie: u should talk more Edie: fun Nancy: For you but Nancy: I don't like you so unlikely to happen Edie: 💔 Edie: who does Edie: even u aint that fucked up n lookin for the sympathy Nancy: Most of this family, more fool them Nancy: Something else I can't do anything about Edie: Tragic Nancy: Yeah Edie: that's what happens when u don't get out the clothes hanger, like Edie: hey ho, 'nother bastard for the pile Nancy: 💔 Edie: yeah gonna find it well jokes when its one u actually care abt Nancy: Sure Nancy: By your reckoning I live for the misery so I'll be thriving anyway Edie: only yr own Edie: gonna get in yr way Edie: can't really verbally smackdown a kid when you've had a few Edie: 'less you wanna be that, currently without a drunk in the fam so Nancy: Also according to you I won't be here Nancy: So feel free to take that role on Edie: i ain't a virgin Edie: drinking ain't even good craic Edie: keep up, mckenna Nancy: I don't care if it brings you joy or not Edie: 😂 Edie: ooh Edie: savage Nancy: I've already told you I don't like you Nancy: Keep up yourself Edie: i told u ion care Edie: why Edie: u reckon i shuld Nancy: No Nancy: I'd rather you didn't Edie: good Edie: how u got it baby Nancy: Yay for me, like Edie: 😂 Edie: christ Edie: crackin a smile rlly wud break u yh Nancy: For you, yeah Edie: just bitches who ain't into u Edie: rejection rlly hittin that spot i c Nancy: No, just you Nancy: You're enough of a bitch Edie: ray of sunshine Edie: everyone always be saying it Edie: honestly u lost ur point a while ago Nancy: That's what I do babe Nancy: Dyslexia 101 Edie: so sad Edie: enough brain training for today then sugar, peace Nancy: At least my lack of short term memory means I can forget this convo Nancy: Bye
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