#you are coming here not for holiday and i was just talking ant random shit lmao
akuutaguava · 2 years
Mars holy shit I just discovered that on desktop you can make folders to organise your spotify playlists !!!!! and it shows up on mobile too but u can only make them on desktop for some reason. and u might already know this but I thought I'd tell u anyway bc u have more playlists than anyone else I've ever met lmao
also also, I heard that you're going to australia!!!! which is super cool, hopefully it doesn't disappoint lol. and, believe it or not, in a few weeks I happen to be going to new zealand :DDD which is a pretty cool coincidence I think lmao. but yea have fun in australia :>
Ohmygod really???? Okay im spending the rest of the day organising them holy shit that is so cool !! Ty for telling me ahh
Haha i’ve already been!! It was v awesome i bought lots of manga including bsd 13 + 14 which im v happy abt lmao
Im gonna like. Give you some info bear w me
there isnt…. Too much to do here… unless you really like nature because there is lots of naturey stuff you can do !!
like go on hikes and go to cool beaches (if its not too cold) you can maybe go skiing if the weather is alright ? (Queenstown is a good skiing place and its snowed there recently i thinkkkk?? so.) theres also water rafting and kayaking and the views are actually stunning !! If you go to the south island theres lots more of that stuff
Christchurch is fun and has lots of nature. Idk thats basically all you can say about it ahsh OOH also the sakura blossoms are out there and it is so pretty !!
But if you’re like me and well dont really wanna do that stuff there is some cool things in the north island !! Ive basically been around the whole country because well… its not that big lmao but i mean auckland has shops and is generally better at touristy stuff than anywhere else lmao
Hawkes bay + palmerston north and other places like that are actually like holiday towns which are always suuuuper sunny and have pretty beaches and nice lil ice cream shops so !!
Wellington. I mean j live there but theres practically nothing to do BAJSBSH i mean there are museums and shopping places but eh idk its fine its good its cool
Idk if you’re coming here for a holiday or anything but like. I kinda wanted to ramble abt nz so just to give some insight ig lmao
Alr okay sorry this is absolutely massive you might not get to do any of this . But . Mmmmm
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madfatty · 4 years
the finn nelson agenda - an mmfd  fic #27
Long time, no see. I come bearing gift.  Consider this my woefully inadequate attempt to distract you for a few moments from the shit-show that is now.
The plan is for this to be one of eight or nine stories about Finn falling for Rae, as told by the people who watched it happened. The collection is tentatively titled, ‘Why Are You So Blind?” and this one is from Finn’s POV.
What I’ve learned is that I can’t write it in the order that it ought to be read, so they’ll go up as they’re finished (if they’re finished). This is probably third or fourth from the end, so for the time being, we’ll pretend it’s a stand alone.
My thanks to the most lovely and much missed @bitchy-broken for planting the seed and my dearest @slitherouter for listening to me read it in many of it’s various forms and for the words that inspired both me and the title
..  my secret agenda is actually just to sit in your room and show you my favorite songs while you explain different things you have on your wall or your desk to me
Things Finn Nelson says
(a thing that Shiri said. I mean, *GAH* right. I love her SO much.)
Ta very much to @late-to-the-sexy-party for her thoughts and enthusiasm.  Big love and thanks to the wondrous @endemictoearth for giving it a twice-over and the benefit of her talent and experience. She made it infinitely better. Thank you, my gorgeous.  
And finally, thank you dear reader, for giving this a go.
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the finn nelson agenda
It’s one of those lazy, late summer days he’d spent all term daydreaming about, slouched in the back corner of some classroom, tapping out bass lines on his desk or scribbling band names and song lyrics all over his binder.  Staring out the window while elaborate fantasies built of music, football and girls, all vividly drawn, played out against the white noise of his reality. He feels the waste of it; counting down the seconds to the end of the hour, the end of the day, the end of school.
None of that matters now.  There are still weeks left of the holidays and each day is filled with even more promise now that Rae’s around. Days like today. While there are thousands of elsewheres he imagines himself being between nine and three during term, today Rutlands will do just fine.
All his mates are here, there’s tunes and booze and a sense of time being stretched out and suspended in the liquid amber of the golden afternoon. It’s almost perfect. The only thing missing is the girl. And fingers crossed, she’ll be here soon too, because Finn’s beginning to realise things are just better when she’s there.
Where was she though? He’s been a twitching mess the whole time they’ve been here, checking his watch every few seconds, never registering the time, but still feeling the drag of it.  Not toward the end of something now, but the start.
Ever since the party, he’s tried to find time every day to get her on own, but it isn’t easy. She’s quickly become the centre around which they all revolve, so competition for her attention is huge. This means he spends a lot of his time waiting to share hers. He prowls an invisible periphery, ever watchful for his chance. They don’t come up nearly as often as he’d like so he’s had to get creative.  
Now, depending on how late he gets in from a long day of almost being together, there’s a new nightly ritual he follows; home, a quick shower and something to eat, then he makes a mug of tea and a cosy nest and dials her number with shaking hands. The last of his preparations is pressing ‘play’ on the carefully curated backing tracking for their conversation while he listens nervously for her to pick up.  
Even then, he has to share her with her family. The sniping and the bickering between her and her mum, the deep warm tones of a hesitant male voice, a rumble in the background.
He can hear the life she complains about going on behind her, crowded and noisy and messy; the chaos and the lack of privacy, he can’t help feel how much he wants to be in the middle of it.
What he’d really like is to show up at her door with a bag full of music and a couple of sneaky cans of lager. He’d happily listen to her mum bitch about the ladies she works with at the hospital and watch football with Karim or help out with the birds if it means that eventually, they can escape upstairs to her room, because even though Finn’s only really been to her house the once, (if you didn’t count the apology), he likes it there. Finn’s got a secret wish; to sit in her room, sharing his favourite songs while she talks about her books, and her posters and all those weird little toy things that cover her desk. He wants to find out about all of it. To know everything about her.
However, despite his best -obvious, desperate - efforts, she hasn’t taken any of the heavy hints he’s dropped to ask him over again, so he’s going to invite her ‘round to his. He’s going to ask her today because he wants so badly for her to come and fill his house with her smile and her smell and her stories and yeah, to make some stories of their own.
He’d tried again, last night at the pub. Just as they were all getting ready to leave, with his heart in his mouth - ‘cause that’s always where it is when Rae’s around, when it’s not in his eyes or on his sleeve, - he’d stuttered out an offer to collect her this morning. His plan was to get there super early so they could just hang out on their own. He’d been prepared for her ‘no’ but it didn’t stop the curl of disappointment when she gave it.
Sometimes he worries that that night at hers didn’t mean as much to Rae as it did (hell, still DOES) to him, that it was just a random kindness, not the revelation that he’d felt, and to her he was just a guy having a bad night that she’d taken pity on. Other times, he believes she can feel this thread between them too. A delicate thing but he thinks it’s getting stronger, can feel it getting tighter somewhere around his ribs.  No longer nothing, but not quite the something he’s hoping for.
Finn doesn’t want to test that thread, in case he tugs too hard and it snaps. He can’t help feeling that he needs to do something though, because it doesn’t matter what Archie says about it, there’s this niggle inside him that says all it would take would be for Archie to finally decide that he really did want her, and with the crook of his finger, Rae would come running.
He’s separated himself slightly from the others, coiled up tight in the shade of a nearby tree, his back to the bark, the pinch and bite of it through his t-shirt not enough to distract him from his vigil.
Cigarette butts lie in an untidy circle around his feet.  His ears are straining past the drone of the radio and the fat buzzing noise of insects, tuning out the prattle of the others for the first sign of her. Her name caught up in the pulse behind his eyes.  Everything is so loud inside his head.
He’s about to risk asking Izzy for a third time if she’s sure Rae knew exactly where they’d be when Rae appears. The anxiety of her absence is replaced with the relief of her proximity. The physical response is exactly the same. The next breath he takes is easier than the one before.
He doesn’t care what it looks like. It’s not enough to be near her anymore; he can’t bear any distance between them.  It makes him brave. Or crazy.  
Without consultation, his body moves with deliberate intent. He turns the music up, up, and reaches for another can, trying to fill his belly with something other than butterflies, hoping that his counterfeit swagger hides the jelly of his knees.  Finn lets himself fall – continue to fall, he’s been falling for a week, pushed from a plane without a parachute – to land beside to her.
He must have lost his mind. It’s the only way to explain his behaviour.  He’s got her pinned to the ground from shoulder to ankle like some sort of lunatic but that’s not the insane part. No, the insane part is his brain trying to convince him that if he doesn’t grab hold of her hand like he so desperately wants to, she won’t notice that he has her pinned to the ground from shoulder to ankle like some sort of lunatic. For fuck’s sake, it’s screaming, don’t hold her hand because then she’ll know. Like that’s where all his subtlety would disappear. He holds fast to his wrist, pinning the would-be offending hand to his chest; a single idiotic attempt at self-restraint.
It’s all he can do to lie here, outwardly calm while inside he’s vibrating so hard his teeth are rattling, his heart bouncing so fiercely off his ribs any minute now he’ll come loose from the ground. His tongue lies thick and useless in his mouth, dry despite the beer.
He hopes his deafening silence reads like casual confidence to her.  
The weight of the sun and the heat from the ground beneath him, simultaneously seeps in and rises up to meet in the middle of him. Yet neither burns him like the length of her body under the press of his arm and the cage of his legs.  A sheen of sweat covers his body, caught between his skin and his clothes. It tickles along his hairline, behind his ears and slides down the sides of his neck.
Everything inside the moment is sharp and highly defined. He can feel each breath that fills her lungs. Everything outside of a three foot radius blurs in his field of vision. It’s coming in waves, all at once and he doesn’t know which bits to savour, which bits to focus on and what to put away for later. He has to keep sneaking looks at her just to make sure this is really happening. Rae on the other hand, has her face turned skyward, barely acknowledging his presence, unmoved by the miracle that’s changing his life.
He’s filling up with her. His head, his heart, his bones. Every nerve is exposed. It’s all stinging nettles and ants itching under his skin.
He couldn’t have stood if you paid him. Dizzy from the blood roaring in his ears before it raced south.
She hasn’t pushed him away.
What would she do, if he just stopped thinking and did what his body was screaming out to do; if he rolled over and covered her body with his own. What would she say? If he gave in to the impulse and kissed those maddening pink lips, lush and full, and coaxed her sharp acid tongue into his own mouth, to taste the sweetness he’s seen her gift to others?
What she must feel like under the long cotton sleeves of her shirt, and  what might that do to him; finally touching her skin. He’s never fantasised about forearms before, or calves or even feet. Her pale wrist under his thick fingers, or the crook of her elbow beneath his lips.  The curve of her shoulder, the tip of her ear, the back of her knee. To see and touch and memorize. To know if his hands have guessed the way of her correctly.
Lying here, so close to everything he longs for, his thoughts slide inevitably to those most recently taken up residence in his brain, a divine carnal loop he indulges in almost hourly, the heavy press of her breasts against him, the torment of that smug mouth around his cock, the taste of her cunt, should he ever be blessed enough to be invited.
He has to stop that line of thought before his body gives him away. Before he can’t help himself anymore and he takes hold of her hand and places it on his hardening cock – do you see now? This is what being near you does to me. This is me, all the time, thinking about the back of your neck and the length of your leg and what sort of knickers you’re wearing or if you’re wearing any knickers at all. Look at me Rae, I’m trying to tell you that I … that I’m a mess about you. My head and my sheets and my record collection. The smell of green apple makes me hard, costs my dad a fortune at the green grocers. I can’t sleep, can’t leave myself alone, imagining your hand down my pants, your tongue in my mouth, the sounds that you’d make with my fingers inside you. I… I… Even in his own head he can’t say the word. Even he knows it’s too soon, but… Like is not enough, although he does like her. Desire is a stupid overused word, a song lyric that rhymes with ‘fire’. Want. He definitely wants her.
Can you see, Rae?
He can’t tell which one of them is trembling.
She still hasn’t pushed him away.
She’s quiet. He doesn’t like it as much when she’s quiet; it makes him nervous. Everything about her makes him nervous but at least when she’s talking, he has some idea of what she’s thinking and right now he needs to know what’s going on in her head. So he asks.
Her answer makes him laugh. It’s not exactly what he was hoping for until she laughs too. It’s treacle over his jangled nerves. They take the same breath and he feels her relax beneath him, which is when his brain detonates.
With the shittest timing in the world, Chop’s hissing Kendo’s name.
Kendo’s a mate of Chop’s older brother Robbie and a wannabe hard man.  He’s also a prize dickhead but that doesn’t stop Chop trying too hard to look cool in front of him, although Finn can see he’s shitting himself in case Kendo makes him look like a twat. Right now, Finn thinks Chop’s doing okay on his own on that score.
Rae stiffens. She sits up and Finn can’t help but follow, caught up as he is in her gravitational pull. All the ease from a few seconds before is gone. Everything that’s said in the next two minutes sounds like it’s being spoken underwater because Finn can’t focus on anything but the distance she’s trying to put between them without physically moving.
The damage is done by the time Kendo finally slithers off, dragging the corpse of the mood he’s killed behind him.
Finn’s still up in his head about how he’s going to get Rae to lay back down with him or if that moment’s gone for good, so he’s not really listening when Chloe asks her question. He says ‘yeah, course’ two seconds before his brain catches up with his mouth and just as he’s trying to scramble back from his offer, Rae’s telling them she can’t go. The ground drops out from under him and his heart is flailing, doing a Wile E. Coyote over his gut.
Wait, wait, a minute ago we were on our way to perfect. Fucking Chop. Fucking Kendo. Fucking fuck.
He’s reeling but before he can find a way to get them back to where they were, a shadow falls over them and Chloe’s voice, brittle and insistent.
“Rae, can I speak with you? Privately.”
Fucking Chloe.
For a moment hope soars because he can feel Rae’s reluctance to move but it’s only for a moment; she’s pulling away now and she’s taking all the warm and the hope with her. He sits there among the shattered bits of the beautiful bubble they’d been floating in, with his unasked question filling up his throat and his eyes closed because he can’t stand to watch her walk away.  
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nostalgiaispeace · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 36
3401. How well can you read between the lines when others are talking? depends on if they’re good at it. 3402. Would you ever speak in front of your peers about peace and social injustice? if they’d be willing to listen. 3403. Where does peace begin? starts with you. 3404. Does America practice the ideals it preaches? If yes when and where? If not, why not? LOL 3405. In conversations do you assume that you know what will be said? If yes, isn’t this a form of closing yourself off to new ideas? depends.
3406. In what ways are you closed minded? probably about some things i’m sure, but i’m learning and growing so. 3407. do you prefer beans or rice? rice. 3408. who’s a better tv dad?–dr. huxtable (bill cosby) or danny tanner? - 3409. detroit or new york? NY 3410. What’s your favourite Star Wars movie? none. 3411. What’s your favourite Star Trek movie? none. 3412. How about Batman? The Dark Knight. Indiana Jones? none Lord of the rings? none harry potter? order of the phoenix. 3413. If you could ask one question and one question only to the following people, what would that question be: Saddam Hussain? idk George W Bush? why’d you do 9/11? John Lennon? can we write a song together? an alien? how bad does Earth suck? God? why? Someone you knew who has died? are you proud? Steven Spielberg? can you cast me in a film, please? JD Salinger? who are you? 3414. Have you seen AI (artificial intelligence)? no If yes, what were the beings at the end of the movie? Do you see this as a possible future for humanity? What’d you think in general? 3415. If a-l-k-a-s-e-l-t-z-e-r spells ‘relief’ how do you spell: love? happiness? evil? sexyness? yummy? 
WTFFFF 3416. Have you ever been to a Broadway show? no What one? - 3417. Nighttime shows or matines (sp?)? doesn’t matter 3418. How are your family get togethers, loud and rambunctions or quiet and formal? louddddddddddd 3419. Would you be able to survive shipwrecked alone on a desert island? i don’t know. probably not. 3420. Speaking of islands, does Gilligan EVER get off his? don’t care. 3421. What movie has the BEST soundtrack? Inception. 3422. Do you ever go into chat rooms? If yes, what ones? i did. random ones 3423. Is english your first language? yes. If not…How you say hello in your language: another word in your language + english translation: boob in your language: 3424. Make up a religion (make it up): no. what would it believe: 3425. Create your own country- Name of country: no. Ethnic background: Language (make it up): Other details: 3426. How would you celebrate these holidays? Dogs in Politics day: Magic circles day: Be bald and free day: National mole day: Sylvia Plath day: Increase your psychic powers day: Waiting for the barbarians day: Air day: 
WTF 3427. -Why do you think Steve got kicked off Blue’s Clues: wasn’t it drugs? 3428. Hooked on heroin or hooked on phonics? neither 3429. -Have you ever taken an insanity quiz and said, “Hey, that's a good idea!” nope. 3430. - Have you ever covered yourself in blood and laid down on the side of the road to make it look like you were in an accident? You don’t know what you’re missing. um no 3431. Can you flare your nostrils? yes. 3432. -do you want to swim in a vast lake of Gatorade? or, any other beverage for that matter? no 3433. -have you ever sneezed at the same time everyday, consecutively, for over 3 months? nope. 3434. -how did the first person discover that pigs feet would be so good that we call them a delicacy? i don’t know. 3435. -why did the first person to ever eat pigs feet eat them? idk 3436. -do you like the idea of 'like father, like son’? no. it’s not factual? 3437. Put the following musical acts in order from best to worst by numbering them..(1 for best, 2 for 2nd best, etc… 20 for worst). Avril: 2 Ashanti: 1 Joan Jett: 7 David Bowie: the Bee Gees: The Doors: 19 Tool: 5 DMX: Iggy Pop: Creed: Weezer: Ministry: Thursday: Kittie: Adam Ant: Rancid: the Clash: 6 Led Zeppelin: 20 Moby: Tom Waites: 3438. Would you rather be an evil dictator or a sitcom family member? sitcom family member. 3439. What is the wave of the future? technology. 3440. What’s your favorite old movie (before 1990)? hmm..that’s hard...Singin’ in the Rain 3441. When someone tells you that their significant other lives Really Far Away..do you ever suspect that they are single and making someone up? no 3442. Alaska or Hawaaii? neither 3443. Why did Kentucky Fried Chicken change their name to KFC? easier to fit on the sign? 3444. What is there no place to hide from? myself 3445. Which makes you happier, giving presents or getting them? not gonna lie...getting. 3446. What can you never have just one of? i dunno 3447. What comes to mind when you think of Hulk Hogan? nothing 3448. What would you be the patron saint of? LOL 3449. Do you still look at the world with wonder like you did when you were a kid? yes. 3450. For 5 seconds clear your mind. Good. Now write the first thing that you can think of!: why does my back always itch? 3451. When was the last time you ate too much? - 3452. Describe the sexiest person you can imagine: Oliver Sykes 3453. What have you seen that’s…bizarre? um..i dunno 3454. Are there any stores or brands or products that you boycott? What and why? Amazon. they treat their employees like shit 3455. Do you want things to REALLY get out of control? um no 3456. Are you too tense? probably. 3457. Where would you be without love and bubblegum? still here 3458. Why aren’t comic books popular anymore? i’m pretty sure they are. 3459. Think of one friend (who?): Jordan When is the last time you saw each other? my wedding Do they smoke? no Do they believe in God? no When you first saw this friend what was your impression? i can’t remember. we were super little. Their age? 26. The top five things you think they think about? boyfriend, books, work, family, kitty. 3460. Do you say what you mean? Do you mean what you say? probably not well; yes 3461. Could you eat meat if you had to hunt it yourself? no 3462. Order from greatest to least importance: spirituality, creativity, intellect, great body, open-mindedness, magicalness, great dancer, interesting dresser, wit and cleverness, niceness, stability naw 3463. Complete the sentence. When a problem comes along You must: cry and figure it out. 3464. Pick the two most important attributes for food– fast, cheap, tastey, healthy cheap and healthy 3465. What do you think is the best metaphor for romantic relationships? (e.g. a car wreck, a cruise): um..i don’t know? 3466. Kittens or no kittens, that is the question. KITTENS ALWAYS 3467. Is gaining 15 lbs in a night possible? i hope not. 3468. Do you get emotional watching movies? depends on the film. 3469. What makes you feel nostalgic? a fuck ton of things. 3470. Do you feel like you’ve been misplaced? yes 3471. Have you ever fought someone, just for fun? no 3472. What gives you an adrenaline rush? music. 3473. What would you do if you loved someone more than anything else, and you could never have them? i don’t know. 3474. Rank these events in order of best/most exciting to boring: drinking and dancing to your favorite music at a club: 2 taking a walk in the woods and a bath in a stream: 3 having great sex: 6 winning the lottery (one mil): 8 getting followed home by a stray animal: 4 meeting someone interesting to talk to: 5 seeing your favorite band in concert: 9 seeing a Broadway show: 7 halloween: 1 3475. Can you keep a secret? yes. 3476. Where is the tenderness? soul? 3477. What’s one song you REALLY like from the: 30’s? 40’s? 50’s? 60’s? 70’s? here? 80’s? 90’s? 00’s? 3478. Would you rather have a video phone, an electric scooter, or a digital camera? digital camera 3479. If a ban on all violent video games was put into effect, would you be outraged by this decision? kinda. 3480. In your opinion, is violence in society inescapable? Why or why not? seems to be. they aren’t keen on ending it any time soon. 3481. Have you ever mimicked a violent “action” from a video game you’ve played towards another person, whether it was to harm or just for play? don’t play video games. 3482. Do you believe the violent content in video games influences aggressive and/or violent behavior in younger children? no 3483. What makes life a bitter sweet symphony? music 3484. Name four things that are AWESOME: music. sleep. harry potter. books. 3485. What’s the most creative/funny answer you can come up with for this question: What are you doing? nothing.... 3486. Can you imagine this world going on without you? yeah 3487. Are you the only person who really exists? no 3488. Is everyone else a figment of your imagination? no 3489. Or are YOU a figment of my imagination? no 3490. Can you prove you exist? How? yes. my birth certificate. 3491. What do you Have to get off your chest? none of your business. 3492. If you cheated on someone would you confess to them? yes 3493. Is it true that at least 5 people in this world love you so much they would die for you? Who? maybe; i dunno 3494. Are you in therapy? yes 3495. Do you go shopping on black friday? sometimes 3496. What is the bane of your existence? humans 3497. Better movie: Weird Science or Caddy Shack? weird science 3498. Who’s the big winner? Lana Del Rey 3499. What are the 3 funniest: music videos? Movies? songs? 3500. Guess what? no.
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