#you asked for it anon! the specific brand of kross i am enamored with? dumbass x dumbass lover (also dumbass)
yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
Hi there! If someone were to do something with Kross, as a gift for you, what scenario would you like to see?
honesly?? i would like anything tbh!
but- if i had to choose...maybe something sweet and fluffy (and cross HAS to be smiling please please i just need this man to be genuinely enjoying the other's presence hhh xD)
it could be anything silly really- something adorable and nice that would make you 'awwe- these dumbasses<3 (affectionate)'
you can tell i thought about this before but man i just want them to be happy
(bonus if killer is just goofy and ->
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very specific mood of stupid and precious<3333)
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