#you can criticize me all you want because I'm aware how far fetched this is
I’m interested. How do Apollo and Artemis’s desire to protect each other drive a wedge between them?
I'm glad you askeddd. Thank you for being my first anon ever btw. (@crowmakeska-boom idk if you are the anon but anon, whoever you are, sorry for the wait). This is probably not a very good meta cause it's mostly vibes, gut feelings and filling in the blanks with below the bare minimum of textual evidence but oh well. 
First I'd like to talk about why I think Artemis and Apollo's relationship is kind of distant. They're a confusing duo. When you first meet them in the titan's curse it may seem they don't like each other much or atleast Artemis seems to not be paticularly fond of her brother. Calling him “irresponsible”, “lazy”, “big headed”. But reading between the lines reveals how much the two of them care for each other, especially on Apollo's part from all the illegal help he was dishing out to the questers.
But then when you read some more, their relationship just feels a tad too distant to completely take what they say as just banter. When we see them on Delos in Blood of Olympus the distance is literal. They're recycling banter that's getting old and you can tell that even if it had been lighthearted before, it’s definitely getting on both their nerves now (stolen from fsinger lmao). They’ve both been playing the part for a long time but it feels like they don’t have the closeness anymore to recognize they’re both just playing parts. 
So what happened?
I think it's their need to protect each other that's causing this rift between them. From my point of view Artemis & Apollo are protecting each other from different things but Olympus is at the core of it for the both of them.
The twins have a very different experience of Olympus. Since her introduction Artemis seems pretty critical of Olympus. According to the hunters she's the only one who can get the ball rolling during solstice meetings and she's shown to not really act the Olympian way. Taking the sky off the shoulders of a mortal girl. Shrinking herself down to make the human heroes feel more comfortable and demanding they get rewarded.
It wouldn't be far fetched to assume that she's never fit in with Olympus and doesn't agree with most of the views of her family.
Then there's Apollo.
Who fits in so perfectly with the messed up inner workings of Olympus or so people think. He's perfected his mask over the years and no one is the wiser about the abuse he's gone through or even the fact that this isn't actually who he is.
To me, Artemis wants to protect Apollo from Olympus' true nature. In her head she's got every part of Olympus figured out and for the most part she has. Even if it's not something that works for her I think she would want to protect her younger brother from knowing what the kind of people he surrounds himself with are truly like.
I feel like Artemis would be conflicted on it for other reasons too because if Apollo is aware of the kind of people the Olympians are and he's alright with that, what kind of god is Apollo?
So she'd much rather think of him as stupid and irresponsible cause those atleast mean that it isn't he isn't a bad person. But I feel deep down she doesn't really believe completely that what she knows of her brother is correct.
But then she sees the way Zeus loves Apollo and cares for him and in her mind it's the right decision to let him live this way. He is safer now than they ever were as children.
Apollo on the other hand wants to conceal their father's true nature from Artemis. We know that he cares deeply about appearing fine on the surface because of how others would worry and who would worry more than his older sister.
Artemis and Apollo may be the protectors of youth but the first ever youth they protected were each other. It's the foundation of their relationship and caries on into the present day. Both of them feel a desperate need to protect each other.
I would go so far as to say that this is THE relationship they have with each other. The both of them never find comfort in each other, only protection. You can tell that comfort is not something they usually derive from each other from the way they're both completely blindsided by simple things like an "I love you" , a hug and just concern in general.
Comfort from each other is not a priority for them no matter how much they crave it. The twins purpose to each other is to protect.
So of course Apollo would never tell Artemis about the way Zeus hurts him.
I also think there's a little bit of denial on Artemis' part on just how abusive Zeus is. Cause Apollo is dropping hints. Even the way Artemis talks during Blood of Olympus makes it clear that she understands Zeus is gonna massacre the guy. She just doesn't want to believe it will be permanent.
And it's got a lot to do with the fact that she wants to protect him. Because if she acknowledges this isn't a situation Apollo is gonna come out from unscathed that means that she's incapable of protecting him. That means that she's failed to protect him before and cannot protect him again.
So she'd much rather pretend that Zeus is persuadable and not that bad. That it's Apollo's fault Zeus comes down so hard on him and if he were a little better and a bit more like her he could be safe.
And this would hurt Apollo because Artemis can pinpoint exactly what Zeus is like. But instead of comforting him she confirms for him that this is his fault. That if he could be better none of this would happen. Artemis helps prevent but never helps heal because helping her brother heal means he was in a position to be hurt in the first place.
All this mess and miscommunication and disbelief stemming from the fact that they love each other and never want to see each other hurt creates an impossible distance between them.
But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Slowly but surely they're trying to comfort/ seek comfort instead of just protect each other.
I wept on my sister’s shoulder. I felt like if I let go of Artemis, I would fall back into Chaos. Huge parts of my identity would shake loose, and I would never be able to find all the puzzle pieces. “Whoa, there.” She patted my back awkwardly. “Okay, little fella. You’re all right now. You made it.”
Apollo's trials sucked. But I'm glad it's given the twins the opportunity to bridge the gap between their relationship again.
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kalopsiawasteland · 3 months
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NAME: Kiera Lopez
AGE: 21
BIRTHDAY: October 13, 2002
ZODIAC: Libra Sun, Scorpio Rising, Gemini Moon
SEXUALITY & ROMANCE: Bisexual / Biromantic
FACE CLAIM: Jenna Ortega
OCCUPATION: Podcast host/Ghost Writer/Aspiring Screenwriter & Directer
BIOGRAPHY: tw overdose mention, death mention
Born Marina 'Marnie' Lopez, the young girl legally changed her name to Kiera as a way to drive some distance between herself and her family when she turned 18; Feeling a bit suffocated and needing to re-invent herself. It’s funny though, since her eldest sister raised her, you can see so many similarities (the sarcasm, the intelligence and mannerisms) even though she claims they’re so vastly different. Kiera currently attends university online for film studies. She’s aiming on becoming a writer and director - mainly within the horror realm. This love for horror derives from a young age, and she tends to be a bit of a movie snob because of her studies. You can catch her at the movie theatre almost every Friday. Kiera has been working as a ghostwriter since she was 16 (thanks, Wattpad). Ultimately, Kiera is driven and seems well put-together to those who are unaware of how young she is on the internet and it opened doors for her in the writing realm. It was an immediate success when she launched her podcast; her love for horror and the unusual seemingly not as far-fetched as one may think.Despite coming across as someone with a good head on their shoulders, Kiera is genuinely a firecracker. Prone to anger and acting on impulse, her tongue tends to be sharper than she realizes. She’s caused a lot of trouble on purpose growing up; some situations meant to weigh on her sister, whilst others were her attempt to try to find herself and fix her own issues. To this day, Kiera is working on figuring out who she is through the broken pieces her mother left behind, and still causes some trouble here and there. Sometimes for fun, other times just to bring an off-balance start to another's day if they rub her the wrong way. Kiera is very artistic and sometimes comes across as pretentious. She loves to paint and sketch, but doesn’t want to make a living out of it. Instead, her artwork is loitering the walls of her apartment. She also likes living on her own, seeing that she lives in an apartment and tends to frequent thrifting in her spare time. Kiera is currently working on scoring a scholarship in order to transfer to NYU; this is something she's told no one about as of yet. Especially seeing that her eldest sister gave up the opportunity to go in order to take care of her. With the loss of her mother, who she was estranged to, only about a month ago due to an overdose - Kiera is now finding it harder to keep her sadness at bay over the loss of a 'normal' childhood (with a parent that genuinely cared).
Kiera never had a genuine perception of a family. Due to the fact her mother figure in life was her eldest sister and no father figure in sight. As a result, she’s not great at formulating healthy relationships on any plane. She has a mentality of leaving before she’s left, and hurting others before they hurt her as a fight or flight response to deep emotions and attachments in a any sense. She is aware of this aspect of herself, and hates it, but isn’t sure on how to really get better; it sort of became more of a last resort form of acceptance, seeing that she harbors feelings of not being enough to make her mother finally break the addiction, or even get her father to stay - she now owns up to being the source of her own problems as opposed to fixing the root issue that lays deeper. She’s overly self-critical, especially if she loses or if she feels she could’ve done better. There's an air of competition to her in academics as well as in the workplace - she's always striving for good recognition in these fields. She loves to learn new things, and takes up skills rather easily; and if she thoroughly enjoys the topic (ex: horror films), than you can forget it - she'll cream everyone at trivia. She loves to thrift, and always goes out of her way to support small businesses. Kiera is also very cynical with her outlook on the world, though her activism is borderline anarchist because she's just fed up with everyone and everything. Wise beyond her years, she is known to be quite pretentious in her tastes of music, movies and books, and can rant about all three for hours. Also very smart, in general? Graduated with high honors and has street smarts. Though, she does tend to be sarcastic towards others but she utilizes the excuse of being brutally honest to avoid being labelled mean. Kiera is super open-minded and prides herself in being a safe space. Even though she tends to escape into the night life, and has been sneaking into joints since she was 14 to party, she does have boundaries; she won't try any hard drugs, and knows her limits in alcohol. Even if she seems completely gone, she's not - she can't let herself get that way out of fear of a loss of control. Kiera can be sweet to those who she deems as good people in her life, but she's a type of black hole that kinda brings chaos wherever she goes. She's prone to huge mood shifts, and is known to be fierce for her small and young stature. Will 20/10 ruin good thing if she gets her hands on it. She’s just trying her best, okay? Life is unpredictable and messy, and she’s becoming more aware with that everyday. That’s all without mentioning her need to create battling her need to destroy.
+ Adaptable, Driven, and Innovatory
- Detached, Explosive, and Sarcastic
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theseventhoffrostfall · 8 months
I'll assume you've seen or read The Road and No Country for Old Men, I'm curious what your take on McCarthy's message seems to be. Some people think characters like Chirugh and Judge Holden represent both mankinds darker side alongside a sort of bleak nihilistic outlook of the inevitability of an unstoppable evil. Others think the characters CAN be stopped, and that it is the protagonists lack of choosing to that damns them and implicitly indicts the passive person unwilling to take a stand.
Having read and seen all of his darker books I'm personally of the opinion that he walks a line of basically saying "there is evil, there has always been evil, it is not new, it is not any worse than before (Tommy Lee Jones speech about the killing his dad or grandfather had to investigate, Judge Holden in the old west vs Chirugh in the 1970s vs the post apocalypse (ok maybe that's a little worse), etc.) and even if inevitable, being strong enough to fight it and know where you stand against it, even if it kills you and even if there is no true hope, is a good cause. I found The Road to be weirdly inspiring in that even in the end of the world, he will keep walking the path of light effectively refusing to give into rational despair almost as an antithesis to the characters in Blood Meridian. Both Judge Holden and Chirugh are at a few points incapacitated or vulnerable and you see how these "unflappable" embodiments of evil react with fear.
Blood Meridian at multiple points to me is a cautionary tale of someone who has lived their life without doing the hard-but-right thing and reading between the lines even as he warns the reader of the Judge, I take away that it is less the truth of an unstoppable evil coming for all of you and more an excuse for being unwilling to overcome his human nature and greed, that a Judge Holden might come for any and all of us and if you have the courage you can defeat them. A weak man whose inability to do the hard thing clouds his perspective of the world. Of all the protags I find The Kid to be the one McCarthy thus condemns the most. While in The Road and No Country Sheriff Bell and The Father represent people fully aware of the world around them but choosing to try and do good. Even if it is metaphorically equivalent to using a dixie cup to scoop water out of a flood, it is the action itself that matters more.
I know I am rambling because McCarthy defies easy explanation and it is open to interpretation but I've always taken him akin to a very jaded but moral person at his core and wonder what you think about any potential overarching themes to his works, if you even agree that there IS a consistent theme.
It's a compelling argument, but I don't think there's a consistent theme that applies to all of McCarthy's antagonists. In addition to the obvious (Chigurh ends the story critically wounded and shaken to his core, Holden ends up laughing and triumphant) there are things like in The Passenger, the conspiracy is a nameless, faceless, nebulous thing and the protaogonist ultimately can't even properly face and explain he doesn't have what they want, let alone confront or make a moral stand against.
Maybe I'm wrong, it just seems far-fetched to me that the "correct" answer to the Kid's tale is boldly standing up to the Judge (something Tobin and Toadvine already do to no effect) and calling him a poopyhead until Glanton, Jackson, and the rest of the company see the error of their ways and stop being massacre-happy scalpers
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