#you can draw male or nb frisk too
cjhern1109 · 10 months
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“Workin’ Up a Sweat”
✨Will you look that! It’s my first DTIYS!✨
No deadline! (You can start and post it today or five years later, you got all the time that you need)
Any mediums is acceptable! (Whether it’s traditionally or digitally, I don’t mind)
Color in your vision! (Like a coloring page, you can choose whatever colors that are best suited)
Staying fit with layers! (Drawing muscles can be hard for some, so a conservative fit is fine too)
To be able to reblog you, make sure to tag me at @cjhern1109 and/or tag your post under #fransart and #workin’ up a sweat dtiys
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
I suspect in some part the misgendering of more masculine-looking Frisk and Chara might in part be a leftover from the time when content creators would just make *their* versions of the humans outright male or female. Iirc, the Glitchtale and XTale Chara and Frisk were stated to be guys by their creators? Maybe some people just assume that if someone draws the humans with masculine traits, then they're meant to be the creator's "male versions" of Frisk and Chara? Or maybe they're just more used to headcanoning both of them as afab? Interesting phenomenon nonetheless, since I actually haven't seen that many amab Frisk and Chara being drawn or written about in the fandom.
see, that's exactly my point here, you just said the quiet part out loud. fanon depictions of chara and frisk lean heavily towards the feminine, but even then people still have the respect and understanding that they are non-binary characters who use they/them (most of the time, at least). even when they could've been mistaken as "female versions". but at the slightest hint of masculinity they're... what, a "male version"? why is it suddenly too much for them to still be non-binary?
and i agree with you, you've made a very apt observation: there's little to no content for masculine/AMAB NB frisk and chara (especially in fic, newer fics tend to keep their AGAB vague but it was EVERYWHERE in the older ones). you'd think it would be more of a 50% split when the character can wear both a "manly bandanna" and ballet shoes+tutu without breaking a sweat but it's not!
let's not pretend people's own personal identities played no part in it (projecting is fun)
....and shipping. yeah especially the shipping.
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bloodyrabbit6 · 3 years
If the name were something that couldn't be co-opted by people who see it as a het ship, that'd be even better. Like Theysie or Susthem lol...I kind of like Susthem because they're troublemakers who are certainly up to no good. Regardless, as an enby myself, it makes me sad that the hetwashing of Krusie has gotten so bad, even the Lgbt+ part of the fandom thinks the ship is problematic because they've *also* forgotten it's not straight. I really wish there could be a fresh start for it. (2/2)
This is just my personal experience, interpretation and opinion on the Krusie discourse, I don't speak for all Krusie shippers of course and I don't mean any harm, I just want to share my thoughts on this matter.
I know the "Kris/Chara/Frisk are Non-Binary" VS "Their gender is open for interpretation" VS "Toby intended this to trick the players that Kris is a self insert while it turns out they are not " war goes on like forever and it is a pretty dangerous topic to adress but it is something that bothers me since I became a Deltarune Fan and got more investet in the Krusie ship.
I saw Kris themself being potrayed very differently in Fanwork and while many people draw Kris with a more "male looking" body, most people refer to Kris as they/them especially after chapter 2 or just avoid to use any pronouns. I mean yeah some fans use he/his which is not canon but I have the feeling after Toby uses they/them for Kris pretty often in Chapter 2, it got far better with people using they/them or just avoid any prounouns.
I agree that you should respect Kris canon pronouns but I have the feeling that most Fans who use she or he don't have bad or transphobic intentions? Many Fans are pretty young, maybe some of them don't know what Non-Binary means. Before I played Undertale I didn't know this term either. I am German for example and in my and many other languages they/them pronouns for non-binary people don't exist so 'he' slips out sometimes, I speak from experience because english is not my nativ language. But I still try hard to use they/them and always check before I post something.
I don't want to say it's ok to not use they/them on Kris but I saw 1000 Post on Tumblr which say "If you misgender Kris go to hell/choke/die etc." which is pretty fucked up because some fans especially new and younger ones just didn't know any better? And agression is never a solution, it only makes Fans more irritated.
I know there are people who use he/she for Kris on purpose to annoy other people which is absolutly not okay.
People not shipping Krusie or finding it Problematic just because some fans are portaying Kris as Male is pretty...weird and makes no sense to me? I can understand that they are annoyed but it doesn't change the reason why Krusie is a good and interesting ship? The fandom doesn't change the foundation of the ship and if they only judge a ship by it's fandom then it is their problem, not the Ship is the problem. And finding a ship problematic because it's Het is problematic itself lol. The hate for straight people on Tumblr especially in the Deltarune and Undertale Fandom is just hypocritical, embarrassing and sad.
Sadly the people who find it important to respect pronouns or even harass fans, attack and downplay Krusie because it is a "straigt" ship which is NOT true. It is just hypocritical because they have no arguments left to make this ship bad. They probably just prefer Suselle/Canon Stuff and don't want Krusie to interfere. Susie was NEVER confirmed to be a lesbian and even some lesbians are attracted to NB people. Susie can also be Bi/Pan the same goes for Noelle. Krusie is LGBT too and this is a fact. We have only two Chapters, no one knows what will happen.
So in Conclusion, we do not need a fresh start, just people being more respectfull which each other and don't judge a ship by it's fandom.
I hope I don't come off as too aggressive anon, I am happy for your kind ask and I don't speak about you but I am sick of other People bashing Krusie, a legit and unproblematic ship, for the dumbest and senseless reasons.
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