#you can find an art piece of them over at cayarttime that i drew
esteemedproblem · 3 years
Auditity headcanons
Auditor(Madness Combat) and Entity(Dead by Daylight)
Evil void lesbians
how exactly these two end up together is beyond me right now but
Entity is by far the stronger of the two Auditor is just some magical small void thing while the Entity is a god existing outside of space and time in their own dimension their realm. 
Despite this any time someone says anything bad about the Entity in the Auditor’s presence, it’s on sight, sword out ready to kill. Could the Entity just shove said person into another trail? Or just torture them herself? Of course but Auditor isn’t just going to stand there while people talk shit about her girlfriend.
Not all insults get Auditor violent though they are two powerful beings who watch others pain and suffering for fun. She expects things like evil bitch, monster, horrid creature, asshole. It’s more when people insinuate that the she is only dating the Entity for their power, that the only good quality the Entity has is her power like she doesn’t have any worth aside from that. Or if people word things like “I can’t believe the Auditor is dating that monster” suggesting again that the Entity is undeserving of her love. They are both evil monsters in love shut up! The Entity is more than just her power and the Auditor will beat the shit out of any who say otherwise. 
A lot of people who are unaware of their bond who say they are only together for power comes partly from the fact that the Auditor is not big on public displays of affection and prefers to keep affection in private yet the Entity gives zero shits and is going to kiss her girlfriend and proudly show her some cool human skull they picked up to add to their collection of favorite skulls. 
Entity’s love languages are words of affection and quality time Auditor’s love languages are gifts and grand gestures Pretty equal with physical contact it’s again Auditor prefers to keep most of that for when they are by themselves.
The Entity gets jealous a lot faster than the Auditor does. Entity has never shared anything before until Auditor came around being the queen of the death trials dimension does that to ya. While the Auditor doesn’t really share things either she’s seen how Sanford, Deimos and Hank act and is like yea that’d be fine if that occurred. 
I feel my characterization of the Entity might be weird to some but like she has never interacted with another person, as a person. Like sure she knows how to play chess with survivor and killers mental health but she thinks of them as toys. She probably can’t even recall the last time she required humanoid form she is usually just those arms those arm things that stab people on hooks or at the end of trials. The Entity knows how to break people, not how to be one and since a lot of the survivors find it unnerving knowing that the Entity is capable of thought, capable of caring for another person, and just choosing to use their powers for their dark evil desires is worse than just some evil thoughtless dimension doing what comes natural to it, has no plans on changing their behavior. 
Imagine the killers? Mr Myers learning this lanky ass spider is what has trapped him here and gives him rules to follow pisses him off to no end.
Entity and Auditor’s relationship probably isn’t perfect like I wouldn’t be surprised if the Entity has tried some kind of mind games with Auditor and Auditor while okay having a powerful girlfriend has gotten curious a time or two if she can have that kind of power herself. What’s better than one god than two ya know? Fights as they both learn how to treat each other as people instead of playthings or tools to use against others. 
Anytime they fight everyone in the Entity’s realm knows about it they can feel it in the way everything shifts and shakes as though a earthquake or heavy storm is going through the area.
They are both switches but most of the time Auditor is the dom. Despite allowing Auditor to lead in this kind of situation the Entity doesn’t trust the Auditor to meet them in places outside of their realm since they are the most powerful when within her realm.
Yes I called the ship Auditity because it vaguely sounds like all de titty 
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