#you can practically hear the cartoon bonk noise
jamie glumly headbutting that fan's hand is never not funny
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tmntawesomeness · 7 years
Dad bonding
cute little one shot of each brother spending time with their kids. Enjoy!
Taking deep calming breaths, Leo sat underneath the dojo tree as he meditated. Toning out the tv in the other room playing cartoons and the sound of bickering from the two young children. If things got out of hand with the kids Karai or Mikey would step in, right now was one of his rare moments to himself. After a few minutes of deep meditation though, Leonadro sensed a presence. He no longer heard any bickering, and he could hear the tv in the other room, specifically, he could hear the tv playing his nephew's favorite cartoon. Which meant one thing, Miwa lost the argument. Cracking an eye open, Leo watched his 5 year old daughter come into the dojo. Little Miwa sat down next to her father, clearly irritated by the look in her snake eyes. "Yoshi's a poop head." Leo gave his daughter a light bop on the head. "First of all, don't call your cousin names. Second, why?" The little Kunoichi in training scrunched up her nose in irritation. "He sat on the remote then farted on it so I wouldn't change the channel." Sighing, the leader shook his head. Little Yoshi was Mikey's son alright.
"Your uncle use to do that when we were kids." Glancing over at his daughter, Leo gave a small smile. "Would you like to meditate with me?" Watching as she thought it over, Leo's smile grew when Miwa got up and sat in her dad's lap. Once the two of them were comfortable, they started to meditate. Well, Leo did anyways. Within a few minutes the Leader felt pressure agaist his chest. Trying not to laugh, Leo looked down at his daughter who fell asleep trying to meditate. Wrapping his powerful arms around his little girl, Leonardo gave her a small kiss on her head before going back into meditation. _______________
Delivering a final powerful punch to the punching bag in front of him, Rapheal wiped at his forehead before turning around and walking over to where he left his water. Sitting down, the powerful ninja took a drink of the cool refreshing liquid. Hearing the pitter-patter of bare feet against a cold hard ground, Raph glanced over and smiled. "Hey kiddo, isn't Mondo suppose to be keeping an eye on you?" Giggling, 5 year old Sandro jumped onto his dad's shell, holding onto the edge of it with his powerful salamandrian/turtle hands. "He wiped out pretty hard when he was showing me a skateboard trick. Rockwell told me to go see you while he makes sure Mondo didn't break his head like an egg. The wipe out was cool though!" Chuckling, Raph got up while his son still held tightly to his shell. Normally Slash would be watching over Sandro, but he, Leatherhead and Mona were out on patrol together so it was just him, Rockwell, and Mondo Gecko at the Mutanimal's hideout. "Well I was about done with training anyways, how about we go and have something to eat?"
Raph could practically feel Sandro's large tail swing in excitement. "Can we eat on the roof? Please Dad?" Thinking it over for a moment, Rapheal turned his head and smiled at his son. "Sure kiddo." Stopping by the kitchen first to grab some leftover pizza gyoza and reheat it, Raph and Sandro, followed by a now dog sized Chompy, went up to the roof and enjoyed their food. Leaning against Chompy's shell, the ninja in training stared at the view of the city as the sun started to set behind some buildings. "New York sure is pretty." Staring at the same view, Raph nodded in agreement with his son. "Yeah, I remember how breath taking it was seeing the city for the first time when my brothers and I were teens. It was amazing." Sandro looked up at his dad. "I bet space was pretty cool too huh?" Laughing, the ninja patted his son's head. "It was, but nothing was more beautiful then seeing your mother for the first time." He laughed harder when Sandro made a face of disgust. "Eeeeew Dad! We're eating!"
Yawning tiredly, Donnie leaned back in his seat as he stared at his invention infront of him. He had been working on it for a few hours and was almost done with it, but he should probably take a break before April drags him out of the barn for some daylight. Getting up from his chair, Donnie headed for the barn door, only to stop at the entrance when he opened the door and saw Lavinia. His daughter was standing there, one hand reached out as if she was about to open the door herself, and her other hand covering a spot on her forehead. Donatello also noticed the trail of tears on Lavi's face. Kneeling down, the ninja gently took his daughter's hand and removed it from her head, revialing a small bump and a bruise forming. "Bonked yourself in the head while training Pumpkin?" Lavi gave a timid nod as her dad wiped away some of her tears. "Don't worry, Doctor Donnie will fix you right up." Walking into the farm house, Donnie picked up his daughter and sat her down on the kitchen counter before going to the fridge and getting an ice pack. "How exactly did you get that bump?"
Taking the ice pack, the 6 year old girl held it against her head as she blushed. "I was trying to do that technique you showed me but I did it wrong and hit my head with my training staff." Nodding, Donnie had his daughter pull the ice pack away a little so he could see her forehead. "You'll be fine, you'll just have a bruise for a little while." Giving Lavi a quick kiss on the forehead, Donnie smiled down at her. "How about later I help you with it? For now though, how about we take a quick break?" Getting an okay from Lavi, Donnatello helped her down from the counter as they made their way to the living room. Both of them sitting down on the couch, Donnie grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. Lavi gave an excited gasp as their favorite sci-fi show came on screen. Chuckling, Donnie put the remote down and wrapped his arm around his daughter as they enjoyed the show, who's main character always sounded very familiar to him. Must be the British accent. ________________
Humming to himself, Mikey returned to the lair with a fresh hot pizza in his hands that he managed not to eat on the way back. Stopping, the ninja looked around. It was quiet. Way to quiet for a place with two kids, especially if one of them was his. Usually Miwa would be yelling at little Yoshi while he ran from her laughing, but that wasn't happening. The only noise he could hear was the tv playing Yoshi's favorite cartoon. Squinting his eyes suspiciously, Michelangelo used his ninja skills to walk as quietly as possible to the kitchen. Peaking inside, his suspicions were confirmed. Yoshi, sitting on a stool that was pushed all the way to the fridge, had the freezer wide open while he was digging into the tub of ice cream. "Yoshi!" Looking up with wide eyes, his 4 year old son looked like a deer caught in a headlight when Mikey walked in. "You know the rules! No sneaking ice cream without me!" Putting the pizza down, Mikey grabbed his own spoon and started digging in as well. Yoshi looked up at his dad. "Am I in trouble Papa?" Mikey shook his head as he swallowed a bite of ice cream.
"Nah, just don't tell your mom okay? Or else she'll kick both of our shells back in time to the dinosaur timeline." Besides, the stomach ache Yoshi will get later will probably make his kid think twice about doing this again. "Come on, lets get cleaned up." Putting away what was left of the ice cream, Mikey picked up his son and looked him over. "How did you manage to get ice cream in your hair?" The only reply he got from Yoshi was a giggle while they headed for the sink.
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