#you can read into kitana and mileena relationship and can see how kitana acts so much more like the older sibling
ntaras · 9 months
kuai liang and bi-han are such parallels of kitana and mileena in the way their siblinghood is presented: bad vs good. but it's purely bad vs. good and barley has any nuance provided
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theemissuniverse · 8 months
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SUMMARY : To say Liu Kang is in love with you is an understatement. You’re a princess and Kitana and Mileena’s younger sister. You start dating a guy but he doesn’t respect you at all. Liu Kang won’t stand for it. (The lowest of keys inspired by that one “that 70s show” episode. If y’all know know then you know)
WARNINGS : none I think lmao
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Liu Kang was absolutely miserable. The Royal family of Outworld once again was throwing a party but this time in celebration for their father’s return. Of course, Liu Kang would show up to pay his respects but there was one small problem: you were with another man.
Now, it took Liu Kang a lot and I mean, a lot to get jealous. Liu Kang was usually always secure in himself but not when it came to you.
Instead you had your hand over this man’s arm. Your lips on him. Laughing at his jokes. It made him feel physically ill.
Johnny had noticed Liu Kang’s behavior and he knew why too. It was because of you. “Come on, dude. You’re the God of literal fire. You totally beat a guard of a palace.”
“Johnny is right…surprisingly.” Kung Lao said. “I have never seen you so nervous around someone before, Lord Liu Kang.”
“If you created this timeline then why didn’t you get her to fall in love with you?” Johnny asked. All his Earthrealm friends looked at him as if he was stupid. “What?”
“Do you not hear yourself right now?” Kenshi questioned him.
Liu Kang sighed. “I created the timeline to allow people free will. If she doesn’t want to be with me then so be it.”
Johnny let out an irritated moan. “You don’t even know. Why don’t you ask her?”
Raiden shook his head. “And jeopardized their friendship?”
Johnny flicked Raiden’s head and Raiden let out an ‘Ow.’ “We’re not talking about you and Kitana. We’re talking about Liu Kang and (Y/N).” He turned his attention back on you feeding your date with some grapes. “There’s gotta be something up with this guy. I don’t trust him.”
“I agree…again surprisingly.” Kung Lao said.
“Looks like we’re about to find out.” Kenshi said as you started to walk towards the champions.
Johnny gave him a confused look. “Look? You’re blind.” Kenshi flicked Johnny’s head and Johnny let out an ‘Ow.’ Kung Lao and Raiden snickered.
“Hey you guys.” You yelled out happy. They all bowed to you and you rolled your eyes playfully. Compared to your sisters, you were laid back. “I told you to stop that.” You then pulled Liu Kang into a hug. “Hey, Liu.”
Liu Kang was always happy with your guy’s relationship. Considering you were a princess and he was a God, the two of you did not act like there was a power imbalance. He hugged you back. “Hello, (Y/N).” He had stuck it in his head to call you just by your name every time he addressed you because you told him to.
The two of you pull away. You motioned over to your date. “This is my boyfriend, Brady.”
Kenshi felt his head and then turned his attention to Brady. “You’re not from Outworld. I can read your thoughts.”
“Strange…” Brady said with a laugh. “Yeah no, I’m from Earthrealm but my business is in Outworld.”
“Pretty interesting move…Brady.” Johnny Cage said, eyeing him up and down.
“Yeah…it is..” Brady said a little uncomfortable.
You listened to the music. The music had slowed up. “I swear they always do this. I’ll be back.” You kissed Brady’s cheek and walked away. “Hey! I said I wanted fast paced!”
It was just the Earthrealmers and Brady. There was a bit of an awkward silence. Liu Kang, as much as he hated it, did not want to be rude and now felt inclined to keep the conversation going. “So, you and Princess (Y/N)?”
Brady nodded. “Yeah isn’t she something?”
Liu Kang didn’t like how he spoke but decided to push it aside. “She’s a wonderful person.”
“Yeah, but sometimes I kinda hate it when she talks.”
The group was shocked at what he said. They all turn to Liu Kang to see his reaction.
Liu Kang looked pissed as ever. Why was he with you if he couldn’t stand you? Liu Kang was madly in love with you. He could listen to you talk for hours. Even if it was literally about paint drying. How could he not? He still tried to keep his composure and offered a fake smile. “Why are you with her then?”
Brady let off a chuckle. “I mean, I figure it’s worth it if I can nail her.”
Raiden was the only one confused by the statement. “Nail her? Like with a hammer?” Kenshi bent over towards his direction and whispered in his ear, explaining to him what Brady had meant. “Oh…”
He wanted to use you for sex? This was crossing a very big line. Though, Liu Kang still tried to use reason. “You should think about that. (Y/N), doesn’t really get into relationships so-“
“That’s not a surprised.” Brady said. When the Earthrealmers waited for his response, he gave them a look as if they should know why. “I mean, she’s an annoying bitch.”
Again, the Earthrealm champions turned back to see Liu Kang’s reaction. This time Liu Kang looked even more angry. They took one step back, knowing what was going to happen.
Liu Kang was a simple man. He did not evoke violence or promote it. Did not believe that fighting was the first resort to anything.
That didn’t matter when it came down to you.
Liu Kang grabbed a hold of Brady’s shirt and made him look directly in his eyes. “Take it back.”
Brady tried to hide his fear. He scoffed at Liu Kang and tried to get him to release his grip on him. “What are you in love with her or something? Relax. You can have her when I’m done.”
That was the final straw. Liu Kang started to feel himself lose control. In one swift motion, Liu Kang used his power to fling him across the party. Brady hit the brick wall and fell onto a table where he then broke it.
“Yeah! Kick his ass!” Johnny said, pulling out a phone and recording. The others gave him a look. “What?”
Liu Kang was not finished. He walked over to Brady and picked him up by his neck. His free hand started to build up fire and he was ready to use it on him until you came along. “Liu Kang?”
The sound of your voice snapped him out of his rage. Liu Kang looked over towards you and immediately dropped Brady. “(Y/N).”
“What happened?” You asked concerned. You then realized that obviously it had to be Brady’s doing because Liu Kang would not attack anyone for no reason. You turned your attention to your boyfriend. “Did you start the fight?”
Brady looked at you like he couldn’t believe you. He stood up from the ground and pointed in the direction of Liu Kang. “Me? He attacked me! I didn’t lay a hand on him.”
You were stunned by the accusation. You turned your attention to Liu Kang, who looked ashamed by his actions. “Is that true? Did you attack him first?”
Liu Kang kept his head down, not daring to look at you. “Yes, Princess (Y/N).”
You couldn’t believe that Liu Kang would start a fight. No. Something was missing. You turned back to Brady. “Okay, well what did you do or say because Liu Kang doesn’t just go out attacking people.”
“Are you serious?” Brady questioned you in disbelief. “You’re picking his side-a psycho, over your own boyfriend.”
By this statement, Raiden decided to speak up. “Brady told us that he was only using you for intimacy and then called you…” He tried to find the right words.
“An annoying bitch.” Johnny helped him out.
“Yes. That. Lord Liu Kang was just defending your honor, Princess.”
Of course you believed your Earthrealm friends. You were beyond angry. You looked at Brady. “I’m an annoying what now?”
Brady looked scared out his mind. If he feared Liu Kang, he didn’t know you at all. “No, no. Baby, I would never. They’re lying.”
Two of your guards had walked up to you. “Is everything alright, Princess (Y/N)?”
You looked between the guards and him. You didn’t even want to deal with him anymore. “Escort him out of here. Make sure he never enters the palace again.”
The guards grabbed onto Brady. Brady tried to break out. “Baby, wait. We can talk about this-“
“No, we cannot.” You leaned in, making sure your eyes met his. “Be incredibly grateful I offer you mercy.”
The guards escorted Brady out of the party. Not without him screaming after you. You rolled your eyes at his dramatics. Then you turned over to Liu Kang. “Thank you for standing up for me. I didn’t know you could get so angry.”
Liu Kang smiled at you. “Only for you.” You smiled a little, feeling the butterflies you always felt for him erupt. Liu Kang gently took your hand. “May I have a moment with you?”
“Sure.” You took Liu Kang inside the palace and all the way to your room. When you made it to your room, you closed the door and looked at him. “What did you need to talk about?”
Liu Kang bit his lip. It shouldn’t be this hard to confess his feelings for you but it was. He didn’t want to ruin any friendship he had with you. “I didn’t just do that because of his disrespect for you…I did it because I love you. I have had feelings for you for the longest but I didn’t want you to feel incline to have them for me or push me away. I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with you. Every time I look at you, it’s as if time itself stops. I have never felt so strongly for anyone the way I have with you before.” He took your hands in his. “Please, if you do not feel the same, don’t shut me out. I still would like to remain as friends.”
You were shocked by his confession but not at all surprised. You’ve waited forever for him to say that. You pulled Liu Kang close to you and kissed him.
Liu Kang happily kissed you back, deepening the kiss. He kissed you as if you were the only woman in the world.
The two of you pull away. You smiled up at him. “It’s about time.”
Liu Kang smiled at you and pulled you into another kiss. Everything felt right within the world now.
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qdbs-writes · 1 year
okay, i can't wait anymore, time to break down the new mortal kombat trailer
Putting my mad theories and obvious spoilers for the ending and dlc for MK11 under read more because i would never subject any of this to you all unwillingly.
So it looks like Netherrealm have fully committed to establishing a new setting for the Mortal Kombat universe, which probably means a lot of the canon is going to be rewritten or otherwise changed.
So far in this trailer: Fire/Time/Lightning God Liu Kang, Kitana, Mileena, Scorpion, Sub Zero and Shang Tsung are confirmed. Shang Tsung appears to be a preorder exclusive, which is shitty because this trailer makes him out to be one of, if not the big bad.
Two people who look like Kung Lao are seen with Liu Kang throughout the trailer, however they have different hats.
so first thing is we have this hat, remind you of anything?
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i think this is our boy kung lao, its missing the iconic blade, but we might see that change in the game
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as for this guy ^, his hat reminded me an awful lot of Raiden's hat that we see at the end of MK 11 DLC
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if this is Raiden, then it's probably going to be a return of mortal Raiden who now acts as an advisor to Fire/Time God Liu Kang. But it'll be nice to see all three of them together if that's the case, and i can't wait to see how their personalities have adapted in the new power dynamic. now that im looking at the outfits, the hat diagnosis makes more sense
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Based on the Kitana and Mileena carriage scene, Outworld has a new oasis-esque look, or we might be getting a look at Edenia. But what is INTERESTING is the colour of the carriage! The carriage is PURPLE, which at first made me think that in this new timeline Mileena might be princess of Outworld instead of Kitana (Liu Kang maybe designed it that way to make their relationship less stressful?), BUT!
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THE PURPLE ON THE CARRIAGE DOESN'T MATCH MILEENA! You can just about see in this screenshot (you'll have to click for higher resolution cuz tumblr hates anything above 64 bits), but Mileena's theme is more magenta, whereas the inside of the carriage (which matches the outside) is PURPLE. Who do we know associated with Outworld and the colour purple?
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Our favourite retcon! This probably doesn't confirm Sindel showing up but it does strongly imply that Mileena and Kitana are riding in a carriage made for their mum! Which is a cute little nod to past canon and may indicate that Sindel has died again? or is otherwise not present, whether or not she might be a revenant is yet unknown.
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Scorpion and Sub Zero seem to be allies again, which means we should get more of the friendship they had in MK11. They also appear to be in a tea shop (new au fucking sorted), and possibly in the Shirai-Ryu base? they are very matchy-matchy so this may be a hint to them fully teaming up?
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also the eclipse/portal shit we see matches the fire portals we've already seen in the MK11 DLC, which implies that timeline fuckery is still occurring somehow and appears to be the main source of conflict in MK1.
phew, anyway that's all i have for now. if anyone wants to join me in theorising or mad speculation, please feel free to reblog and add on, im really interested in what other people think!
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Mortal Kombat 11 Michiko vs Canon intro fight dialogues
TW: implications of torture and ptsd
Michiko, Reiki, and Nozomi are my OCs. Reiki is genderfluid and goes by she/her and he/him pronouns. I decided to replace the guest characters with canon characters from previous games that make sense for said OC to be interacting with. Also, Sindel in this, is not the retcon Sindel she is in the games. Plus I include my own HCs.  I will post the other part to this when I am finished with it. Please read below the cut.
Baraka vs Michiko
Baraka: I smell the scent of a demon.
Michiko: I would turn that nose away before you catch the scent of your own blood!
Baraka: Come and try “Earthrealmer”.
Baraka: How well do you handle blades?
Michiko: As long as they aren’t running with a buzz I’m cool with it.
Baraka: Then you’re in luck.
Baraka: Your mate burned half our camp!
Michiko: He got scared!
Baraka: He will pay!
Cassie vs Michiko
Cassie: I didn’t know there was another woman Lin Kuei.
Michiko: Wait, another!?
Cassie: Oh you have got to meet Frost!
Cassie: Wait, you’re Sektor’s sister!?
Michiko: I’m trying to forget that myself...
Cassie: Then how did you get powers and he didn’t?
Cassie: Sooo heard you and a certain fire type were together?
Michiko: Who told you about Reiki and I!?
Cassie: Yes! It’s cannon!
Cetrion vs Michiko
Cetrion: You’re friends with my niece?
Michiko: Nozomi was the first one there for me when I became lost.
Cetrion: Treasure that friendship young one.
Cetrion: You aren't a cryomancer?
Michiko: I’m what you would call a demon.
Cetrion: then I must send you back into the Netherrealm.
Cetrion: Your anger in Hanzo is misplaced.
Michiko: he’s trying to take Reiki away from me!
Cetrion: Trust me, those aren’t his intentions.
D’vorah vs Michiko
D’vorah: This one is intrigued by your ice
Michiko: Please observe from a distance.
D’vorah: Afraid of bugs, Michiko?
D’Vorah: The hive would like a word with your fiery friend
Michiko: You won’t put one stinger near him!
D’vorah: Fine, this one will put them in you.
D’vorah: You are not human?
Michiko: no.
D’vorah: This one will end you just the same
Erron vs Michiko
Erron: Boy you must be real valuable to have a warrant this high
Michiko: What are you talking about Erron?
Erron: Your brother paid me to bring ya home.
Erron: You stepped out with Bi Han?
Michiko: Err almost..
Erron: Hit and miss?
Erron: Need help with courting some ladies?
Michiko: if I did I wouldn’t ask you.
Erron: that hurt worse than a caliber.
Frost vs Michiko
Frost: Family reunion!
Michiko: Huh? What do you mean?
Frost: You're back, and Uncle Sektor is too!
Frost: Wait, you’re a demon?
Michiko: Unfortunately, yes.
Frost: You just became even more badass!
Frost: I heard you really tore Kuai a new one when he kicked me out
Michiko: Frost, you are the only reason I returned to the Lin Kuei a few years back
Frost: You... you came back for me?
Fujin vs Michiko
Fujin: Despite being of odd origins, I sense you are more human than most
Michiko: I’m a demon Fujin. A monster.
Fujin: Even demons can achieve humanity.
Fujin: What has possessed you to act so violently?
Michiko: Possessed. Ha, good one Fujin.
Fujin: I am being serious Michiko!
Fujin: Your love for Reiki carries across the winds
Michiko: Could you bless our wedding?
Fujin: I am no Elder God.
Geras vs Michiko
Geras: For an ice type, you boil over so easily
Michiko: If people could just leave me and Reiki alone I wouldn’t be angry all the time
Geras: There’s more to your anger than just your fear of losing your lover.
Geras: Michiko. Demon of the Lin Kuei.
Michiko: Strange sandman. Weirdo of whatever.
Geras: You are not like many others.
Geras: What is your greatest desire?
Michiko: I want to be far away from Earthrealm with Reiki!
Geras: Serve Kronika, and she will grant your wish
Jacqui vs Michiko
Jacqui: You’re cooler than Sub-Zero!
Michiko: Is that a compliment or an observation?
Jacqui: Both!
Jacqui: So are you like the girl version of Sub-Zero, or Sektor?
Michiko: Ah! Don’t compare me to my brother!
Jacqui: Roger that.
Jacqui: What’s your deal with Hanzo?
Michiko: He doesn’t know how to stay away from my mate!
Jacqui: A little relationship tip for ya, jealousy isn’t romantic.
Jade vs Michiko
Jade: Do you work for Quan Chi?
Michiko: I’m a demon. Not a bitch.
Jade: That does not answer my question.
Jade: Child of a nymph
Michiko: how did you know?
Jade: I like to study in my free time.
Jade: No you may not borrow my staff!
Michiko: awe please! Just for a day!
Jade: I know what your intentions are Michiko.
Jax vs Michiko
Jax: What do they call you back home?
Michiko: Depends on who you’re referring to.
Jax: Is that good or bad?
Jax: You’re Lin Kuei?
Michiko: Was. And I’d like to keep it that way.
Jax: Shit. Must have been a bad trip.
Jax: Don’t let others define you based on your origins Michiko.
Michiko: Where was this advice when I was a kid?
Jax: Probably just outside those cold walls.
Johnny vs Michiko
Johnny: So if you’re actually a demon, then where are the horns and pitchfork?
Michiko: What do you base your imagery of demons off of?
Johnny: No comment.
Johnny: Cassie and I thought of some ship names for you and Reiki!
Michiko: Oh by the Elder Gods, spare me!
Johnny: What about IcyHot? No no! Freezer Burn!
Johnny: You may have the coldest ice around, but I’m still cooler than you!
Michiko: Tch. I’m not even gonna argue with you Cage.
Johnny: ha! So you admit it!
Kabal vs Michiko
Kabal: So do you eat souls or some shit like that?
Michiko: I eat life essence, not souls.
Kabal: What’s the difference?
Kabal: How are you able to withstand Reiki’s heat?
Michiko: She can control the amount of heat in her flame.
Kabal: That’s actually badass.
Kabal: There’s no way you and Sektor are related!
Michiko: not by blood. No.
Kabal: Wait, you're adopted?
Kano vs Michiko
Kano: could use a gal like you in the Black Dragon.
Michiko: I’d rather avoid clans. Thanks..
Kano: eh. You’re loss
Kano: I could help you for a favor in return.
Michiko: Didn’t your parents teach you not to make deals with demons?
Kano: Making bad deals is in me blood.
Kano: You know your brother’s been lookin for ya.
Michiko: Whatever he paid you, I’ll triple if you can pretend you never met me.
Kano: Deal!
Kitana vs Michiko
Kitana: You are not like many other demons
Michiko: dare I ask how?
Kitana: You have more control than you realize.
Kitana: I’ve heard others call you a princess. Is this true?
Michiko: Oh no! It’s just a nickname they gave me.
Kitana: I hope it is used in a good way.
Kitana: What brings you to Outworld?
Michiko: Escape with my mate.
Kitana: I can only offer you both so much refuge
Kollector vs Michiko
Kollector: Everyone who comes to Outworld must pay a fee
Michiko: I heard you don’t actually serve the current Kahn
Kollector: She won’t be Kahn for long.
Kollector: How do you get by without any wealth?
Michiko: Do you know what I am?
Kollector: A pitiful mortal.
Kollector: I wager you're more nymph than demon.
Michiko: You know I can’t really answer that.
Kollector: I will take my wage in hand now.
Kotal Kahn vs Michiko
Kotal Kahn: Weren’t Nymphs once considered minor Goddesses?
Michiko: Not the Nymphs of this world.
Kotal Kahn: There are others?
Kotal Kahn: Which lineage do you honor?
Michiko: Can’t honor a lineage that died before it could really grow, now can you?
Kotal Kahn: Surely one of your parents has a deeper origin than what is known.
Kotal Kahn: You seem more human than anything.
Michiko: That’s because I was raised as a human.
Kotal Kahn: So it is of nurture rather than nature
Kung Lao vs Michiko
Kung Lao: You face a Shaolin warrior
Michiko: And you face whatever the fuck you feel like calling me today.
Kung Lao: I know a God that can offer you great counseling.
Kung Lao: Have you seen your brother?
Michiko: What brother?
Kung Lao: Are you not related to Sektor?
Kung Lao: Did you ever eat any Shaolin life essence?
Michiko: see that’s the thing. I don’t remember anything when I am in that form.
Kung Lao: For your sake, you better hope you didn’t!
Liu Kang vs Michiko
Liu Kang: I know a God that can offer you great counseling.
Michiko: Is it Raiden or Fujin?
Liu Kang: Ah, I see you’ve met them both.
Liu Kang: You do have a heart Michiko.
Michiko: What makes you so sure?
Liu Kang: Your love for Reiki proves it so.
Liu Kang: The monks can help you with your anger.
Michiko: They’d probably just exorcise me.
Liu Kang: You judge incorrectly, Karasugawa.
Mileena vs Michiko
Mileena: I heard you spoken with my sister. How is she?
Michiko: She’s doing fine actually.
Mileena: Good. Mother and I do worry about her.
Mileena: I heard a certain shadow’s been calling your name.
Michiko: I will have nothing to do with that traitor!
Mileena: A bitter break up?
Mileena: Amuse me Nymph.
Michiko: No thanks, Edenian.
Mileena: You’re actually good at this.
Nightwolf vs Michiko
Nightwolf: I seek peace with my demons. You can do the same with yours.
Michiko: I am my demons, Nightwolf.
Nightwolf: Not all of them.
Nightwolf: Why not help de-cyberize the Lin Kuei?
Michiko: I want nothing to do with that place!
Nightwolf: Is it the place you fear, or its current inhabitants?
Nightwolf: You have lost yourself Michiko.
Michiko: Do I even have a self Nightwolf? Do I?
Nightwolf: The Great Spirit can help you find it.
Noob Saibot vs Michiko
Noob Saibot: Where has your love for me gone Michiko?
Michiko: It died when you joined my brother in the time merger!
Noob Saibot: Let me explain myself.
Noob Saibot: I see you’re friendly with those flames now.
Michiko: At least Reiki won’t betra- flames?
Noob Saibot: Oh sweet, naïve, Michiko. Have you truly not noticed him following you like a lost puppy?
Noob Saibot: Do you still remember our promise?
Michiko: That promise is broken and gone like the love and trust I had for you.
Noob Saibot: You’re a terrible liar, Michiko.
Raiden vs Michiko
Raiden: I normally do not allow demons in my temple.
Michiko: I am not just a demon, Raiden.
Raiden: I am aware of this.
Raiden: You’re of Hinpar origins?
Michiko: And Earthrealm origins too.
Raiden: So the lost realms do exist.
Raiden: I sense a deeper madness in you.
Michiko: No matter how far I run, I can still sense my brother nearby.
Raiden: Blame the sorcery that has been cast to bind you two. 
Rain vs Michiko
Rain: You will make a powerful ally.
Michiko: Ally or servant?
Rain: You have befriended Nozomi. So ally.
Rain: Your power type falls under mine.
Michiko: My ice is a category all on its own.
Rain: Prove it to me.
Rain: Worship me as you do Nozomi. 
Michiko: I work with Nozomi, not worship her.
Rain: You would be wise to do both.
Scorpion vs Michiko
Scorpion: I promised Reiki I wouldn't let you get hurt
Michiko: That was when we all though he was dead!
Scorpion: A promise is still a promise!
Scorpion: How did you walk so calmly through those flames?
Michiko: My ice is not that of a cryomancer’s Hanzo.
Scorpion: It is of a Nymph, isn’t it?
Scorpion: We share one thing in common.
Michiko: And what is that, Hasashi?
Scorpion: Loyalty to our loved ones.
Shang Tsung vs Michiko
Shang Tsung: Are you having fun sharing thoughts with your brother, Sektor?
Michiko: So it was you who binded us!
Shang Tsung: It was your fathers’ idea.
Shang Tsung: Your soul will prove most delicious.
Michiko: Jokes on you, I don’t have a soul.
Shang Tsung: You have one somewhere.
Shang Tsung: Michiko Karasugawa. A demon-nymph of dual origins.
Michiko: How do you know of that name?
Shang Tsung: I know of its true demise.
Shao Kahn vs Michiko
Shao Kahn: Nymphs used to serve the gods.
Michiko: That’s cause the gods have treated us like their own.
Shao Kahn: Today, they will serve me
Shao Kahn: Do you consume souls like that wretched sorcerer?
Michiko: I don’t eat souls, Shao
Shao Kahn: That’s Shao Kahn to you, demon!
Shao Kahn: Your lover is a powerful one.
Michiko: Touch her and you’re dead.
Shao Kahn: Just try and kill me, nymph!
Sheeva vs Michiko
Sheeva: You release too much of your anger in the wrong way.
Michiko: There’s a right way?
Sheeva: Through Kombat.
Sheeva: You and Reiki will make fine warriors!
Michiko: How so?
Sheeva: There is no greater strength, then two lovers on the battlefield together.
Sheeva: The Lin Kuei need you Michiko.
Michiko: I’m not going back there!
Sheeva: Even the toughest of warriors must face their fears.
Sindel vs Michiko
Sindel: You are much like my Mileena.
Michiko: Wait, how?
Sindel: You have chosen to be with your lover among all else.
Sindel: As queen of Edenia, I welcome you and Reiki to our realm
Michiko: We might not stay long, but thank you, your highness.
Sindel: Stay as long as you need to. This is a safe place.
Sindel: Where in the realms did you learn to scream like that?
Michiko: I used to have at least nine screaming matches a day with my father.
Sindel: By the Elder Gods child.
Skarlet vs Michiko
Skarlet: So you are nymph and demon?
Michiko: I am.
Skarlet: Your blood must be delicious.
Skarlet: You and I are of similar origins.
Michiko: How?
Skarlet: I too come from a line of nymphs.
Skarlet: You excel at taking life?
Michiko: I am not proud of it.
Skarlet: You should be!
Sonya vs Michiko
Sonya: I am surprised to see you back at SF.
Michiko: I need more relationship tips from Jacqui.
Sonya: I can offer them too you know?
Sonya: We need your help with dealing with Sektor.
Michiko: I am sorry Sonya, but I would rather keep my distance from him and that place.
Sonya: But you are the only one who can help us take him down.
Sonya: You really don’t have a legacy to live up to huh?
Michiko: Unless you count being a demon and a nymph.
Sonya: Well that’s when you make your own!
Sub-Zero vs Michiko
Sub-Zero: You know, since the time merger, I have not seen your past self.
Michiko: That’s because I had once lived outside the time dome of this world.
Sub-Zero: Where did you go when you died?
Sub-Zero: Please come back.
Michiko: Why, to look at their portaits and be reminded that I too am a monster?
Sub-Zero: You are no monster Michiko.
Sub-Zero: How did you escape the cyber initiative?
Michiko: buzzsaw. Buzzsaw. BuzzSaw!
Sub-zero: Michiko?
Sektor vs Michiko
Sektor: Many others have told me you fear me. Why?
Michiko: You use the magic that binds us to screw with me!
Sektor: I just wanted to be close to you...
Sektor: You and Reiki are engaged?
Michiko: She is my soulmate after all.
Sektor: As long as she makes you happy. 
Sektor: Come back home, little sister.
Michiko: So long as that painful, loud machinery operates, the answer is no!
Sektor: How badly have I hurt you?
Cyrax vs Michiko
Cyrax: If I’m mustard, and your brother’s ketchup, what does that make you and Reiki?
Michiko: Cherry and Plum.
Cyrax: Sweet!
Cyrax: Be lucky you managed to escape before you were cyberized.
Michiko: Be lucky the anesthesia actually worked for you.
Cyrax: You were awake during the process?!
Cyrax: Do I have permission to marry Sektor? 
Michiko: Do I look like my brother's keeper? 
Cyrax: Yes you do, Cain. Now answer the question.
Smoke vs Michiko
Smoke: You and my Enenra are friends?
Michiko: Wait, Enenra considers me a friend?
Smoke: He does call you his demon friend.
Smoke: We both harbor demons in us.
Michiko: You have a demon, I am a demon. There’s a difference Vrbada!
Smoke: Not in our circumstances, there isn’t.
Smoke: I finally know how you feel now…
Michiko: What are you- oh, no. Come here Tomas.
Smoke: I’ll be fine Michiko
Hydro vs Michiko
Hydro: You and Kuai both need to be careful about the fire types you associate with!
Michiko: I’m not a cryomancer, Hydro. I can handle the heat!
Hydro: That doesn’t mean you can’t be hurt!
Hydro: You have grown since the last time we met.
Michiko: Well demons do age quite fast.
Hydro: But you are of two odd origins. 
Hydro: You may be grown, but have you really honed your skills little snowball?
Michiko: I have honed more skill than you can ever imagine, water spout
Hydro: Then shall we test them, little fox?
Sareena vs Michiko
Sareena: I’ve never met such a cute demon
Michiko: Wait, there are more demons?
Sareena: oh you poor baby.
Sareena: We can form our own clan.
Michiko: I’m quite sick of them.
Sareena: Just give it a shot.
Sareena: Tell me, how often do you get to release that pent up rage of yours?
Michiko: When the moon is either red or gone
Sareena: I can show you another way.
22 notes · View notes
theemissuniverse · 8 months
Okay, okay, so I read the Shao Kahn fic for the first time earlier (I was avoiding it because I’ve never liked Shao Kahn), and now I’m genuinely questioning things about myself. He’s such a smug bitch and I’m ??? attracted to that?? (part 1 had me choking on my drink when it got to the NSFW part) All in all, extremely well-written, phenomenal characterization, I love how sassy the reader is because I actually see myself in them (I’m sick and tired of the timid, excessively submissive “I’m not like other girls” Y/N, so it’s a nice change of pace) also, the bits with Mileena were cute as hell. It made me think of-
Y/N: Alright, listen up, you motherfuckers. Not you, Mileena. You’re doing great and I’m glad you’re here.
But yeah, thank you for the food. I am now questioning my absolute loathing for Shao Kahn.
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here’s part 1
here’s part 2
A/N : thank you! I’m glad that I’ve impressed the majority with you with this series! This is something I really like because it’s different
WARNINGS : (MDNI) thigh riding, praising, cumming
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Questioning your relationship with Shao Kahn took place at an everyday occurrence. It was something that ran through your mind at a constant rate.
He was the cruel tyrant awaiting to conquer all realms. Not when he was with you though. Everything was different.
The way he acted around you, the way he treated you, the way he’d constantly make an effort for you.
It gave you…butterflies?
You had to of been ill. There was no way in the very depths of Outworld that you could ever fall for a man like Shao Kahn. It was uncanny.
You were in the dining hall, seated by yourself. You constantly tried to lift the fork that was sitting on the table. You managed to lift it at a great height until your magic gave up on you and it fell on the table. You sighed.
Someone had pulled up a chair to sit next to you. It was Mileena. “Your telekinetic gift has grown. Perhaps it is my father’s doing?”
You rested your chin on your hand. “Unfortunately, I have to give it to him - I did not expect for me to grasp this so quickly.”
A presence was behind you. “I still cannot understand why the Emperor would choose such a weak woman.”
You didn’t have to turn around to see who it was. You knew it was Skarlet. “Thanks for the words of wisdom, Skar.” You stuck your thumb out sarcastically as a ‘thumbs up.’ “Always can count you, dude.”
Mileena turned to Skarlet, annoyed. “Don’t you have something better to do, vampire.”
Skarlet was offended by this. “I am no vampire, you failed Kitana clone.”
Mileena slammed her fist on the table and got up from her chair. “I am no clone!”
You got in between them. “Ladies. How bout we take five, yeah?”
The two of them stared down each other before Skarlet walked away. Mileena grumbled under her breath and crossed her arms.
You turned your attention back to Mileena. “Don’t worry about her. Let her be obsessed with her own father…or whatever Shao is to her.”
You sat down in your chair and continued to try and lift the fork into the air. Mileena just stared at you, curiously. “Do you really want to go through with the marriage?”
Pausing, you stared down at the fork. It was a valid question. You just didn’t have a valid answer. “I…don’t know.”
“My father is a lot of things but…he would never actually force you to do anything. If he’s doing all this then that means he knows that deep down, your heart desires it.”
The statement struck you. Because it was at least slightly true. Especially what Shang Tsung had told you. You were tired of being third best. You wanted to be the best.
Shao Kahn could give you that.
Were you starting to become the very villain you feared? All because you adored power?
Mileena walked away from you and you continued to sit there, getting tangled into your thoughts.
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Hours had passed by and you were in your room. You were busy reading your book. The door had opened. You didn’t have to bother looking up. “Made anyone cry today?”
Shao Kahn rested his hammer on a chair not far from the door. “No but it’s only 3 in the afternoon.” He said, making you snicker. He took his red cape off and hung it on a nearby wall. “How was your day today?”
“We are not doing the husband and wife, asking each other about our days fiasco.” When you had said it, Shao Kahn uttered a laugh.
“What do you suggest we talk about then?”
“I don’t know. World hunger? Poor people? Anything else.”
Shao Kahn made his way towards the bathroom. He turned the water on for his bath. “Remind me to kill Reiko.”
The statement caught you off guard. You brought your head from your book and looked over to him. “Should I even ask why?”
Shao Kahn walked out of the bathroom and to the dresser where the big mirror was. He started to take off his rings. “He was in my chambers trying on my crown.”
“Damn. Dude might have a death wish.”
“And I will grant him that.”
You thought about it for a moment. You decided to test him. To see if you truly had that much control over Shao as you thought and everyone else did.
You clicked your tongue to the roof of your mouth. “Why don’t you ease up on Reiko?”
“Why do you ask or care about that?”
You closed your book and sat up on the bed. Shao Kahn did not turn to face you as he took every ring off his fingers. “I mean, he’s a great soldier. And he only tried on your crown because he admires you so much. It’d be a shame if all that loyalty would go to waste.”
Amazement wasn’t even the word. Shao Kahn was actually pondering on what you were saying. It took him a minute. “You are right. I will give him one more chance.”
You had done it. You actually convinced Shao to do something and actually not kill someone.
Shao walked back into the bathroom to stop the water. He walked back into the room and removed his crown before placing it back on the dresser.
“We will marry tomorrow night.”
Your eyes widen. You stood up from the bed and walked over to him. “Tomorrow? Isn’t that sudden?”
“I told you it would be soon.”
“Okay but like you didn’t say when so by definition, you telling me this is sudden.”
Shao brushed your comment off and started to unbuckle his pants. “You should join me.”
Last time he had asked you, you were annoyed. Bothered. But this time when he asked, you wanted to.
And god did you hate yourself for wanting to.
“Okay…but you have to keep your hands to yourself.”
Shao stopped in his tracks. He looked at you, a little stunned. He did not actually expect you to take on his offer but he was not complaining in the slightest. “You are asking me to do the impossible, my Empress.”
“Tuh.” You shoved past him a little, going to the bathroom. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll make it possible.”
Shao Kahn chuckled. He had always enjoyed your threats and you couldn’t begin to understand why.
He turned around so he was facing you. By that time you already had your whole evening gown off. You were unclipping your bra.
He watched as your bra fell to the ground. And then you took off your underwear.
This was the first time Shao had seen you naked and he had to admit, it was beautiful sight to see.
You were extremely gorgeous. Everything about you screamed beauty to him. He couldn’t help but get lost in all that was you.
You noticed his staring. You felt yourself get a little shy and you tapped your foot on the ground. “Stop staring at me like that.”
Shao didn’t break his gaze on you. “Like what?”
“Like you enjoy what you’re seeing.”
Shao Kahn broke out of his trance. He took some steps towards you. Very careful steps. The air was thick. It felt like you could cut the tension with a knife.
He made it to you face to face. As much as he wanted to touch you in all the right places, he’d respect what you had said. For now at least.
He lifted your chin up high so your eyes could meet his. “I do enjoy what I’m seeing.”
You hated it. You hated the way the tyrant made you feel. How could he of all people make you feel this way?
Your hands landed on his exposed chest. They rubbed all over slightly before then reaching to the buckle of his pants. You finished unbuckling his pants and when you did, his pants slid down with ease.
No eye contact was broken. You grabbed onto his underwear and slid them down as well. The two of you being completely naked.
“Shall we?” You asked.
Shao stared at you for some time before walking a little bit past you. He got in the tub on the right side, leaning back.
While his bathroom was huge, his tub felt like it was even bigger. Even with you going into the tub there would be a lot of space between you two.
You got in on the left side and sat down before leaning back. “Why do men like cold ass water when they bathe?” You questioned.
Shao gave you a look. “Cold? This is boiling hot.”
“No it is not. My grandma’s frying pan is hotter than this.”
When you said that, it made Shao Kahn laugh. A genuine laugh. You couldn’t help but bust out laughing yourself.
Shao Kahn wanted to appreciate the silence. He really did but he had a few things on his mind. “Why did you join the tournament? And how are you so close to Liu Kang and Kung Lao? You are no monk.”
You gasped sarcastically. “Really? I’m not a monk? Thanks Inspector Gadget.” Shao rolled his eyes playfully but didn’t say anything. You sighed a little. “I was living with my Grandma until I was seven. Someone raided the home and killed her. I lived on the street which felt like decades. Probably about three years. Then I met this one guy. Some thug was messing with him. The guy was a big guy too. Like a big ass guy.” Shao chuckled at the emphasis you put on it.
You tapped your finger on the side of the tub. “Well the big ass guy wasn’t having it. Not at all. He kicked his ass. And when I mean kicked his ass I mean…he really did a number on him. But the guy…this big ass dude didn’t fight him by the usual. Not a gun. Not no punch to the face or kick to the balls. He was…he was using everything. His hands, his feet, his head, everything.”
“So, I went up to him. I was like ‘that was cool! You gotta teach me that!’ He told me that I wasn’t ready. To come to him another time. He tried to walk away but I wouldn’t let him. I was like ‘please. Just tell me how you did that! I need to know! I don’t want to end up like my grandma!’ He turns to me and he goes ‘you really don’t know?’ Told him no. He told me that it was martial arts. But not just any. It was…it was to actually kill someone.”
“Told him my whole story. My parents dipped out on me, grandma died, and he took me in. His name was Master Bo’ Rai Cho.”
At the reveal, Shao Kahn couldn’t believe it. He gave you a look. “That drunken fool?”
“Yup. That’s where I met Liu Kang and then Kung Lao. That’s why we’re so close. I still don’t know why I was chosen to be in the tournament.”
“Because that fool Raiden saw something great.”
You scoffed. “Raiden. Yeah. He’s something.”
The relationship between you and Raiden had always been rocky. You felt like he favored Liu Kang and Kung Lao all the time.
He never believed in you and you’d guess you couldn’t blame him. It was only just now you were in tune with your telekinesis.
“How did you find out about your gift?”
“I was sixteen. I got angry at something. Can’t remember what. But all I saw was…anger and I threw Bo Rai Cho across the room using my mind. They say you usually gain abilities like that through trauma.”
Shao Kahn watched as you went from enjoying telling the story to complete sadness. It stung him a little that your mood could shift so easily.
He grabbed the bottle of soap and placed it on his hands. Then set the bottle down before then grabbing your right foot and rubbing in the soap on your leg. “Gifts such as that are a blessing and a curse.”
You let out a tired sigh. “More so a curse for me.” You played with the soap bottles that were sitting on the ledge. “Everybody has their own thing. Raiden is the God of Thunder. Liu Kang is the chosen one. Kung Lao is the descendant of a great champion. I’m just… me…”
Shao was actually taking in everything you had said. It was starting to make sense to him. As he knew you craved power, he just hadn’t known why.
“You’re going to be The Empress of Outworld. You beat them all in a landslide.”
You couldn’t help but smile at little. Usually you’d argue with him. That you never wanted to do this. That this was all done by force but for some reason now when he said it, it felt right.
Standing up in the water, Shao watched you. He wasn’t expecting for you to go over to his side. You turned your body around and then sat down in the water before leaning your back against his chest.
Shao Kahn was pleasantly surprised but he wouldn’t make that known. He didn’t want you to get up from him. He grabbed the soap bottle and placed some soap in his hands. Then he set the bottle down and began to rub the soap in your back.
You hummed a little at the feeling of his hands on your body. His hands were rough but he made sure to rub softly in your back.
He washed your back with the water until there was no more soap. His hands were clean of soap.
Shao’s hands started to run along your body. Especially at your breasts. He was waiting for you to object but you didn’t.
You moaned at his touches and sat even further back on him. He played with your nipples and cupped your breasts like they belonged to him.
Something came over you. You couldn’t help it. You turned your head around to kiss Shao but he had stopped you.
He placed a finger on your lips. “I want to save that for tomorrow night.”
You were a little shocked. Shao Kahn had more self control then you did.
You turned your head back and allowed Shao Kahn to continue to massage all over your body.
Like you were made for him.
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Later on, everyone had disappeared as tomorrow was a busy day.
You didn’t have anything to do. Shao Kahn just told you to show up to the wedding and look pretty.
Bored out your mind with everyone gone, you decided to do some snooping around the palace.
Nothing changed much. You couldn’t find anything that you didn’t see before.
That was until you found a door.
There was something eerie about the door. You couldn’t describe it. Something just told you to open it.
And you opened it.
When opening the door, you walked in further. There were stairs.
You went down the stairs where you could hear cries for help and screams of agony. It disturbed you.
Making it to the very bottom, you saw people were in prison cells. That or they were chained. You were shocked.
Most of the people were monsters or were in mutated form. Besides one.
You walked closer to the woman. She was a black woman with glowing eyes. Her hair was black, straight, and in a bob. Her outfit was completely yellow.
You had wondered what the woman could’ve possibly done for her to end up down here.
She noticed your presence. She immediately stood up from the ground and hurried to you in an instant. She of course was stopped by the cell. “Please! You have to help me! I’ll do anything! I’m good for it! Tell the Kahn that I’m good for it! My name is Tanya.”
You tilted your head at the woman. You were no fool. There was something about her that didn’t seem so innocent.
You leaned against the wall and motioned with your hand for her to talk. “Well, Tanya you might want to convince me as to why I should let you go. It’s kinda creepy down here and I want to bounce.”
“Shao Kahn slaughtered everyone when he raided Edenia. He had only kidnapped a few of us. Now, I am not sure where the rest of my people are. And I don’t care. I just want out of here.”
Tanya pauses as she takes a good look at you. “You are not from Outworld.”
“How’d you figure that one out?”
“You do not talk as if you are from Outworld. Also, everyone in Outworld knows not to come down here. They are afraid of what Shao Kahn might do to them. You must be from Earthrealm.”
“Ding-ding-ding! We have a winner!” You said sarcastically. You stopped leaning on the wall and walked closer to her cell. “My name is (Y/N). And I don’t think he’s gonna do much to me. He’s got a soft spot for me.”
Tanya’s eyes widen at this. “An Earthrealmer? I had not predicted Shao Kahn would fall for one.”
“Story of my life. Still haven’t really convinced me as to why I should put myself in jeopardy to release you.”
“I am loyal! I will serve the Kahn of Outworld. Please. You have to convince him.”
You thought about it for a moment. You were going to be with Shao Kahn whether you liked it or not. You mind as well get something out of it.
“You will not.” You told her. “You will serve me. I am to be the Empress of Outworld tomorrow night.”
Tanya could not believe that. “An Earthrealmer being an Empress? Shao Kahn must be love struck.”
“Trust me, I’m banging my head against the wall about it. Know this though, do not underestimate me for being an Earthrealmer. Do not think you can cross me.”
“I would never, Empress.”
You gave her one final look as if to really see if this was worth it. You then shrugged at it. What was the worse Shao could do to you?
“Stand back.”
Tanya listened to your command and walked away from the bars on the cell. You stared at the bars. You concentrated everything with your mind. You then ended up destroying the bars with your mind.
Tanya looked at you in amazement. “I have never seen an Earthrealmer with so much power.”
“I’m a hat full of tricks.” You grabbed Tanya’s hand and helped her out of the cell. “Come on.”
You brought her upstairs. Then made sure to close the door behind you.
When you turned around, you saw Shao Kahn sitting in the dining area with Shang Tsung, Reiko, Skarlet, and Mileena.
You motioned for Tanya to follow you. Shao turned into your direction and when he had seen you with Tanya, his face twisted with confusion and anger.
You spoke before he would get the chance.
“She already pledged her allegiance to me so don’t go out on a villain monologue on why she needed to stay down there. She’ll prove she’s worthy. And if she doesn’t…simply end her. You can’t always scare your way into people following you. You wanted an Earthrealm Empress. This how we deal with things in Earthrealm.”
Shao stayed silent as he heard your explanation. The others awaited to for his anger to combust. For him to get rowdy with you but he did not. He stayed silent.
When Skarlet had seen this, she immediately stood up from her seat. “Emperor, she made a decision without consulting you! She puts this whole empire at risk for the generosity that she shows!”
“Oh?” You questioned her. “Was it not generosity when Shao Kahn took you off the streets and taught you blood magic?” You turned to Mileena. “Was it not generosity for Shao Kahn making Shang Tsung give you life?” You turned to Reiko. “Was it not generosity that saved your ass from death because he had listened to me instead of himself?” You finally turned to look at Shang Tsung. “Was it not generosity for him to give your old ass life and now you don’t look like a dying raisin anymore.”
You turned back to Shao that looked like he was pondering on your words. “Is this not generosity? Taking me in? Treating me like I am your own? Is that not what this is? Call me weak if you want to but you’re the one that wanted a weak woman.”
Shao Kahn stayed silent. Skarlet had seen he was really siding with you. “Emperor I-“
Shao lifted his hand up to stop her from speaking. “You are far from weak, (Y/N).” He put his hand down. “You are going to be the new Empress. You are free to do or make any decisions as you please.”
The tyrant actually supported you? Now everyone had seen everything.
“Join us for dinner.”
Tanya bent down to whisper in your ear. “I am amazed at how much of a soft spot he has for you.”
You snickered a little. “I told you.”
You and Tanya took your seats. When you were sat down, Shao Kahn spoke to Reiko. “Reiko. Thank (Y/N) as without her you would not be alive.”
Reiko turned his attention towards you. “Thank you, Empress.”
You shrugged some while eating. “It’s whatever.”
Everyone heard plates clatter and turned to see Skarlet aggressively slam her fork down and walk away.
Shao Kahn rolled his eyes at her behavior. “She is always a brat.”
You shook your head and continued eating your food, wondering how much longer Skarlet’s behavior towards you would go on.
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It was late at night. You and Shao Kahn were getting ready for bed. He was sitting at the edge of the bed rubbing lotion all over his body.
You were at the dresser, taking off your earrings and necklace.
You wanted to fight the feeling you had toward him. Everything in your being was screaming to not fall for the man but you couldn’t help it.
The way he stuck up for you in front of everyone was not only kind of him but was extremely sexy to you.
You felt the wetness between your thighs form. You bit your lip slightly as you tried to push away those thoughts.
“Thank you. For sticking up for me back there.”
Shao didn’t bother to look up to you. “I trust if that Edenian betrays you, she will be dealt with.”
“Of course.”
“Then I don’t care what you do.”
You finished taking all your jewels off and turned to look at him. He was shirtless and had his boxers on while he lotions his body.
You licked your lips. You tried to fight off all of the thoughts that ran through your head.
But you couldn’t. You were only human.
You walked over to Shao Kahn and stood before him. Shao looked up at you and your eyes meet.
You sit on his lap and kiss all over his neck. Shao Kahn groaned in pleasure. He threw the lotion aside and his hands clung on to your back.
Luckily for you, you had were in your night gown. You rode your nightgown up where your underwear was seen.
You placed your clothed clit onto his thigh and began to go back and forth on him. You moaned out in pleasure.
Shao Kahn licked his lips at the sight and held onto your hips as you rode his thigh. He made sure to help you go back and forth at a steady pace.
You moaned loudly. His thigh was perfect for you to ride. It was big and bold. You didn’t have to do much moving for constant pleasure to hit your clit.
“This is what I like to see.” He told you. His right hand slid on your ass and gave it a grip before smacking it. You moaned. “Keep going until you cum all over my thigh. I want you to make a mess on me.”
You held on tightly. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you focused moving on him up and down. Shao Kahn bounced his thigh slightly so he could meet with your force.
“Oh god, yes.”
Shao Kahn ripped your entire night gown apart and immediately attached his lips on your right breast. You gasped at the feeling of his tongue colliding with your nipple.
You continued moving on him back and forth, closing your eyes in the process. Shao played with your other breast. You clawed at his back and he only groaned in pleasure as a response.
Shao pulled away from your breasts and watched you ride his thigh. Your head was swinging back in pleasure. He brought your chin down and made you look at him in the eyes. “Look at me. I want to watch you fall apart.”
You hesitantly opened your eyes and there Shao Kahn was looking at you, awaiting for you to cum all over his thigh. “It feels so good.” Shao placed his hands on your hips and moved you faster on his thigh. “Oh god. Oh my god.”
“Like this?”
“Yes. Please. Oh my god. I’m so close.” You felt your eyes about to close again but you forced them open knowing he would be mad if you closed them.
The two of you looked in each others eyes as you inched closer to your release. “I’m cumming. Oh Shao please let me cum. Please. Please.”
“That’s right. Cum on me, my Empress. Let it all out.”
You continued to hump on his thigh. He bounced his leg a little to meet you halfway. You clawed on his arm. You were about to throw your head back but he grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him.
“Oh yes. Yes. I’m cumming. I’m cumming.”
Shao Kahn helped you ride your orgasm out as you continued to spit out incoherent sentences. He made you finish completely on his thigh.
You took in a deep breath when you were done. “What did I do to deserve such a gift?” He questioned.
You chuckled slightly. “I just felt like it.” He began to kiss your neck softly and you moaned at his touches. “Stop before I make another bad decision.”
“I like your bad decisions.”
You moaned more when he sucked on your sweet spot but he soon pulled away. He laid you down on the bed. Then he reaches over to turn off the lamp.
The room was dark. He grabbed the blanket and placed it over the two of you. “Tomorrow you will be truly mine.”
Even after all this you still didn’t know if marrying him was the best idea.
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