#it’s ONLY bad and you are unable to see any kind of brotherhood between the two
ntaras · 1 year
kuai liang and bi-han are such parallels of kitana and mileena in the way their siblinghood is presented: bad vs good. but it's purely bad vs. good and barley has any nuance provided
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acequinz · 2 months
I will not have Lan Xichen slander.
He is actually very smart and a great sect leader.
The only mistake he did was not being able to see past Jin Guangyao's kindness towards him and even that isn't his fault because JGY really was that bitch who rose from nothing and had the whole cultivation world in his hand.
Heck he would have continued to have it in his hand if it wasn't for NHS who succeeded in bringing wwx back.
Like thinking Lan Xichen of all people was stupid to not see his real face is both an insult to him and JGY.
Also you people forget that JGY has done a lot of good things as well. He isn't just a bad person, he's a person who is willing to do bad things to keep his power because he will not allow himself to be powerless again.
And when you look at the big picture it makes complete sense Lan Xichen would trust JGY over NMJ.
Lan Xichen has his own strict morals but he also sees the world in all of it's colours and that just shows in him cultivating a technique to be able to drink without getting drunk.
It's not just a fun little thing but shows his own code and how he looks at life.
When we meet him first, we see he is way more forgiving of Wei Wuxian and his antics than any Lan and even encourages Lan Wangji to give it a chance and be friends.
And this point Lan Wangji is just as bad as Qiren when it comes to upholding rules, (not bad as in bad person) and Lan Xichen pushes him towards Wei Wuxian because he clearly is not someone who follows rules blindly and it does help Lan Wangji.
Wei Wuxian is the reason Lan Wangji actually thinks of the rules and considers them, forming his own opinions on them and during all of this Lan Xichen is open and accepting of questions and patience. Because he trusts Wangji will come to the right path eventually and this time it wouldn't be him following rules blindly but they would guide him to the path he wants to take.
And then the war happens and Lan Xichen is forced to abandon his family to protect his sect and he does so.
In his lowest moment he meets JGY and is a witness to his kindness and support and at this moment Lan Xichen could give him nothing and maybe jgy tells him the truth about the general or maybe half a truth, either way, he hears his side too.
And then JGY takes on a very dangerous mission to play spy on WRH and they win mainly because JGY took these steps whole endangering himself, when it could have been so easy for him to betray others.
Also during this time him and NMJ have not been talking about JGY.
And by the time NMJ starts talking about JGY, JGY has done more rights than wrongs in Lan Xichen's book, you can't judge a person by just one action afterall, you need to consider the possibilities. Also his raging screaming and yelling black and white morals is not something that can shake Lan Xichen when he is analysing that at this point JGY is on their side and has been from the start.
Like even the reason for the proposed brotherhood was a political move and not just him wanting for his friends to get along. (When I remove my 3zun goggles*cough*) Because the high friction between Nie Mingjue and Jin clan could have very well started another war because let's remember - NMJ was highly unstable and could easily be triggered into it unless he was held back by something like a sworn brother pact- the sworn brothers pact would bring the largest three clans remaining to be tied together and unable to start another war that would cause even more harm.
Because Lan Xichen's first and foremost priorities are to avoid another war or discord that could cause casualties. He is out there taking disrespect from the kinds of Jin Zixun biting his tongue about Su She to maintain the peace in the cultivation world.
And in defense JGY does try to fix things with NMJ at the start(until nmj insulted his mom which is the trigger for him to have done almost all the on screen kills except maybe wrh) , he is indeed, kind and respectful and he did a lot for Gusu sect, all of that has got to add up.
JGY plays a dirty political game but he also did a lot of good for the cultivation world.
With the side that JGY maintains in front of LXC it's way more surprising that LXC even gave LWJ and WWX a chance to present their case.
But that was also only because Lan Xichen will always love and trust his brother, even if according to him the brother is once again back with his "toxic" situationship that almost killed him 13/16 years ago.
This is the one of the few time he chooses his brother over his sect leader duties.
Because if he was to follow the path as the sect leader the evidence presented until then compared to the words just words and no physical evidence shared by Lwj and WWX it's clear which choice he should have made.
Even in the end when we know that it is a fact that JGY has in fact never harmed or even tried to harm LXC, he still takes a stand against him. Is willing to die beside him for the one mistake he made of trusting JGY and it wasn't a blind trust, it was trust built up over months, years during and after the war.
Anyways, Lan Xichen my beloved you are doing good, great even come out of seclusion 🥺.
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kunosoura · 2 years
alright michael, lightning round
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Both are owned by microsoft now! unfortunately I doubt there are many people high enough up in microsoft that care enough to use company clout for that, so I'd say it remains about as likely as before. Maybe even less, Obsidian seems to mostly be interested in growing its own stable of IPs nowadays given that they're putting more into Outer Worlds.
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I think it was one of the dev team's biggest regrets that they had to cut so much Legion content from the final product due to time crunch. I guess if you're not gonna have time to fully develop them, it's better to err on the side of narratively making it clear what's wrong with them than it is to just write them as a 'morally grey' option and leave a legacy of dudes defending them forever because the game was too subtle with its satire.
Also, I don't think any of the casinos in game are based off of real casinos; it would probably get legally sticky to have the actual Caesar's palace in the game.
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NCR is interesting to me because a lot of their writing is built on inertia from the first two games. Like, at least from my perspective, there isn't a whole lot of reason to support them unless you care about them before the game itself, and that'll only be the case if you played the first two games. Otherwise (and even if you did play 1&2) they're so transparently imperialist and badly managed that it's hard to gravitate towards them naturally. Most of their early interactions are the bureaucracy getting in your way.
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If you're after offbeat horror RPGs (where RPG doesn't just mean "made in RPG maker", check out World of Horror if you haven't already. Fun little game in early access and genuinely freaky at times.
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It's a little disheartening to me to see Bethesda!fallout slide increasingly into a weird reified relationship with the American founding myth. Like, it kind of worked in Fallout 3 - the Capital Wasteland is genuinely unable to grow and rebuild (even if logistically the reasons for that are kind of nonsense), meaning they get stuck in the shadows of the civilization that was there before; the final conflict is between the Enclave, a remnant of that old world that promises to restore that civilization and its promises to the people of the wasteland (while mostly just inflicting its violence on them), and the Eastern Brotherhood, an organization that grew where their west coast predecessors ossified by engaging with the world around them and working to improve it. Literally a group that has steeped and concentrated its reactionary ideology for centuries vs. a group that actively chose to reject theirs to grow and change with the world around them
Like, the final battle is the Brotherhood repurposing a weapon of that old world and its violence to throw their order back in its face - it's an anticommunist weapon of ridiculous destructive potential being turned against the remnants of the U.S. Government who are trying to control a vital resource by a group of people who want that resource to be freely available to everyone. For all its specific narrative flaws, I think the broader strokes of Fallout 3 Weren't Actually That Bad. At least, until Fallout 4 comes along and reveals that actually the American prewar nostalgia actually was the only arrow in Bethesda's quiver.
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mimisempai · 3 years
I love you because you’re you
Imagine Mobius confessing to Sylvie that his crush on Loki started when he watched his exploits as D.B. Cooper... Imagine Loki overhearing this conversation... That is enough to give ideas to our god of mischief to spice up their life...
2214 words - Rating T
Other oneshots in the same series : Together, For all time, Always 9/?
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Sitting at his desk, Mobius was watching Loki.
When he thought about everything that had happened, everything they had been through, and reflected on where they were now, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.
Whether it was Loki or him, they had both had to deal with great changes in their lives. Both of them had to question themselves in a short period of time.
But they had managed to do it, together.
Mobius sometimes felt a kind of overwhelming elation when he stopped to think about their lives.
Order and chaos.
As he saw Loki walk away with the group of recruits he was training, he let out a sigh of satisfaction and dug into his files.
"Oh my... Mobius, you got it bad."
He looked up.
The young woman was leaning against the doorframe of his office, arms crossed and looking at him with a smile, the usual spark of mischief in her eyes.
"Come in!"
She stepped forward to sit across from him.
The arrival of Loki in Mobius' life had surprisingly brought him another bond.
Sylvie had made a place for herself in Mobius' heart almost as quickly as Loki had.
He had found in her a dear friend, a sister at heart.
When you think about it, Mobius who had been betrayed by his closest friend, Loki who had never found a friend who accepted him as he was, and Sylvie who had not been able to create a bond with anyone during all her years on the run, it was clear that the bonds between them all could only be strong, whether it was friendship, love or brotherhood.
"What did you mean when you came in, or rather why did you say that?"
Sylvie leaned in, her chin in her hands.
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe your goofy smile when Loki walks into a room you're in, your completely smitten look when you watch him work or do something else... Do you want me to go on?"
Mobius, embarrassed, raised his hand and said, "Stop! No! It's okay!"
"If it makes you feel any better, it's only me who sees it. After all I know you and I know perfectly well the bond between you. And even though Loki is an expert at masking his feelings, he's just as obvious as you are."
"I guess the fact that you've spent so many years running away, you've learned to watch people so you can preserve yourself." Mobius told her compassionately, fully aware that he had contributed to what had shaped Sylvie's personality.
"Mobius..." Sylvie sighed before continuing, "We've talked about this before, we each did what we had to do to survive or because it was what we thought we were made for. Now we're doing what we need to do to atone, to make sure it doesn't happen again. Know that I have long since forgiven you completely."
Mobius knew that he would still carry the guilt of what he had done at the service of the old TVA for a long time to come, and even though he didn't know at the time, that didn't stop him from being aware of his own responsibility.
He simply replied, "Thank you."
"Well! Let's pick up where we left off," Sylvie began in a lighter tone, "I'm a little curious Mobius, I have the feeling that your crush on Loki dates back long before you met him for real..."
Mobius knew that with Sylvie, there was no point in denying it, she knew him well, sometimes too well for his liking.
"Damn, why do you always have to be so perceptive?"
She shrugged, before adding softly, "it's just that you're very open, Mobius, when it comes to Loki or when you're with him."
"If you say so." replied Mobius, looking unconvinced even though he knew she was right. Odin's lie about Loki's origin had had such a negative impact on his life that Mobius was doing everything to be transparent. He would always do anything to preserve the trust Loki had in him.
"So?" insisted Sylvie, "Your little crush that became a big one… When did you realize it?"
Mobius, annoyed, replied somewhat curtly, "I didn't keep a diary you know."
"Okay, but there must be something about what Loki did or who he was that made you realize your attraction, right?"
Mobius muttered and seeing that Sylvie wouldn't let go, he reached into the only locked drawer of his desk, opened it and pulled out a file.
He took out a photo and slid it towards Sylvie.
She leaned over to take a closer look.
She gasped and her gaze went back and forth from the picture to Mobius several times.
"D.B. Cooper?!!"
Sylvie moved her chair over to Mobius' desk to be closer.
"Now, my little Mobius, I want to know everything."
Mobius sighed and rolled his eyes but complied anyway.
Loki had assigned their training missions to the new recruits.
"Miss Minutes, what time is it?"
"Loki, I already told you! Just because I'm shaped like a watch doesn't mean I'm here to be your clock!"
Loki chuckled, before looking at what time it was on the wall clock. He would probably never tire of teasing the IA.
He headed to Mobius' office, he had five minutes before his next assignment so he was going to take the opportunity to pay his lover a short visit, hoping Mobius would be alone.
As he approached, he noticed that the door was slightly open and he heard voices. "So much for the tête-à-tête." he muttered to himself and turned on his heels, a little disappointed.
But as he walked away, he heard his name. Of course, he went back on his steps discreetly and approached the half-opened door, taking care not to be seen. He was not able to look inside the office, but he could now hear the voices very well and recognized that of Sylvie who was conversing with Mobius.
"Okay, but there must be something about what Loki did or who he was that made you realize your attraction, right?"
He heard Mobius mutter in response, but knowing their dynamic by now, he knew he would answer.His answer was of great interest to Loki.
There was a moment of silence, then he heard Sylvie gasp and then exclaim.
"D.B. Cooper?!!"
He heard a noise, as if a piece of furniture was moving and then Sylvie's lower, but still distinct voice saying, "Now, my little Mobius, I want to know everything."
Oh yes my little Mobius, I want to know everything too.
"You didn't see the video of the whole scene where Loki pretended to be D.B.Cooper, I did. And I don't know if it's the charisma he gives off, or the suit, or the glasses, or the haircut, or that fucking wink, but it's the first time I've noticed my interest was far less professional than it should have been."
Sylvie chuckled and replied, "How? You Mobius? You the oh-so-perfect TVA employee?"
Mobius grumbled back, "Ex-employee first, and then perfect employee or not, I'm only human. I was on a diet and I ended up with a five-star meal under my nose, you can't judge me because it aroused my appetite."
Loki realized that the five minutes were over and returned to his appointment place, a little baffled by what he had just heard, but above all extremely interested.
An idea began to germinate in his head, he was not the god of mischief for nothing.
Mobius was not going to figure it out...
Loki moved forward with a much more energetic step, the prospect of an interesting evening motivating him for the rest of his day.
In the evening, much later, they were making out like teenagers on the couch.
Loki had surprised Mobius with a candlelight dinner and they had spent an extremely pleasant evening and continued to prolong the harmony of the moment.
Loki had wrapped his arms around Mobius' neck and was sitting on his lap.
They separated only to catch their breath before reconnecting their lips again.
Mobius' eyes were closed. Loki swirled his tongue in his lover's mouth in an absolutely naughty way before planting kisses from his mouth to his ear and then whispering in a warm voice, "Open your eyes, love."
Unable to refuse anything to Loki in the state of arousal in which he was, Mobius complied.
He opened his eyes and gasped.
Inches away from him, looking at him through familiar sunglasses, was D.B. Cooper.
D.B. Cooper-Loki sitting on his lap.
He brought his face close to Mobius', lowered his glasses slightly and winked at him. Just like on the video.
Mobius swallowed and licked his lips.
Loki's mouth almost against Mobius', his eyes unfathomable behind the smoked glasses, Loki asked him with a deep and sensual voice, "So, is the charisma that I give off..." he gave a small perverse thrust.
"... or my suit..." he traced with his fingertips the lapel of the black jacket with a lascivious gesture.
"...my haircut" he ran his long fingers through his short hair in a suggestive way.
"...my wink," he repeated the gesture before putting his forearms on Mobius' shoulders and tying his hands behind his neck.
He whispered, "Is all this up to your expectations?" and then leant in to kiss him.
But Mobius, who had recognized the words he had said to Sylvie, had no intention of letting his god of mischief be in control any longer.
Even before Loki's lips could touch his, with a skilful twist of his back, he made them turn around and managed to reverse their position somehow.
Loki found himself lying on the length of the couch, his legs imprisoned by the knees of Mobius who ended up now astride him.
Mirroring Loki's moves, he kissed him and then in the same manner, placed a shower of kisses from his jaw to his ear against which he whispered, " Become Loki again, sweetheart."
Before his eyes, under a veil of green magic that flowed through Loki, Mobius saw his lover regain his usual features.
Loki pouted a little and asked sheepishly, "Didn't you enjoy it?"
Mobius put a finger on Loki's lips, "Shhh, I enjoyed it a lot, but there's something I want to know. How far did you spy on my conversation with Sylvie?"
"Hey!" protested Loki, "I wasn't spying, well not really. I just happened to overhear some of the conversation before I went back to work! I only heard your answer about D.B. Cooper."
"Then I'll tell you what I said to Sylvie afterwards." replied Mobius softly.
"I told him that D.B. had aroused my appetite, but the one that had captured my undivided attention and made me forget about all the others was this Loki."
He underlined his words by poking Loki's nose with the tip of his forefinger.
"So yes D.B. is handsome, but he pales in comparison to you Loki. The real Loki. D.B. doesn't have those gorgeous black curls..." he ran his hands slowly through Loki's hair, and letting them run down his fingers continued, "that are soft as silk. »
He gently stroked the outline of Loki's eyes with his fingertips, "D.B. doesn't have those indescribable blue eyes that change color with light, with time and with emotion."
He ran his thumb over the lower lip of Loki's half-open mouth, "D.B. doesn't have that smile you only have for me."
He gently kissed said smile, then resting his forehead against Loki's, he said softly, "Loki, you will never have to be someone else to seduce me, hell, you don't even have to seduce me since I am already completely seduced. I was lost the day you explained to me with a sad look that your destiny was to be a villain. Because in front of me I had the real Loki. You let me see who you were."
He closed the distance between them and put his lips on Loki's.
Unlike the previous kiss, it was a gentle and almost chaste one. A kiss of oath and renewed love to which Loki responded with all his heart.
Talk about mischief turning against himself in the most beautiful way. There were no losers tonight, only two winners.
Though a little later as his head rested on Mobius' chest, he couldn't help but ask, "So, no more D.B. Cooper?"
The hand that was stroking his head, paused for a moment before resuming as Mobius whispered with a smile in his voice, "Hm... I admit the idea of being bossed around by D.B. Cooper does raise some interest..."
"Tut-tut Agent Mobius... What a naughty boy!"
Mobius pressed a kiss on Loki's forehead and said mischievously, "It's not just you who can do and be whatever you want."
Only Loki's warm laughter against his chest answered him.
Later, lulled by the sweetness of the moment, Mobius drifted off to sleep.
The last thing he felt was a light kiss from Loki on his chest, and the last thing he heard was Loki whispering against his skin, where his heart was.
"Thank you for letting me be me."
⚠️🔞NSFW 🔞⚠️SEQUEL HERE : https://archiveofourown.org/works/32529109
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it. 🥰
Now that I'm at the end, I'm thinking about a little sequel about DB Cooper-Loki bossing around Mobius😏😏
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How would the companions react to Sosu wanting to break up? How would they deal with being without them?
She just knew it would happen. She knew that something as good as you..she didn’t deserve it, she was just surprised it took you this long to figure it out and decide to leave. Nonetheless, she was still hurt by how effortlessly you suggested “taking a break”, how she wished you would’ve at least cried or sounded a little choked up. As a matter of fact, a piece of her really wanted to punch you, beat you to a pulp for hurting her all over again, even if she thought she wasn’t worthy. You shouldn’t have ever given her that much hope damnit. She let you leave though, nose not bloodied and all the teeth still in your mouth. Dare she admit it, it was probably because she still loved you..no matter how bad you just hurt her. However it was only the beginning of yet another spiraling for cait. Psycho, jet, buffout and tons of drinks were to become her future. She would destroy herself, but she’d at least have some fun before she did.
She was..confused at first. Yes that was a good way to describe it. “I-I’m not sure I understand..I-is there..is there something I did wrong?” She asked you with a soft look to her naturally gentle eyes. With a sigh you’d explain to the best of your abilities, trying your hardest to not cave in when you saw a small tear roll down her cheek. It was over and she knew it. She didn’t understand why but..she knew it. So with a shaky inhale, she’d compose herself, nodding in acknowledgment before furrowing her eyebrows and leaving the room. It was only whenever she was in private, she allowed herself to yell, sob and cry her heart out. After the break up, Curie as expected, would immerse herself even more into her studies. To make herself feel better, she decides that you not being with her has made her even better with her work but truthfully? She misses you terribly.
“Danse..are you listening to me?” You’d have to repeat, trying so hard to keep up the stern tone you had initially used to break up with the man. He heard you, he couldn’t believe it though. With wide amber eyes, resembling that of a kicked puppy, his mouth would part- words refusing to come out despite how hard the man tried to form them. Eventually he just settled for taking a couple strides closer to you, a large hand grabbing your arm just as you decided to start walking away. Not knowing his own strength, the ex Paladin would probably end up leaving a bruise from how desperately he tried to pull you to him- just wanting to pretend he didn’t hear what you said at all, that maybe you didn’t say it and he could embrace you. It couldn’t be over so easy? Right? It didn’t matter because in the end you still withdrew from him, walking away even as tears streamed down his face. Was it because he was a synth? Did he fail you in some way? Were you just bored of him? The Paladin didn’t even want to know, instead he’d spend quite a few of his days hunting down ghouls and mutants, daydreaming of a way to make things right, his nights would be spent restless, the usually stoic man silently crying as he clutched a shirt you forgotten at his place, unable to stop himself from yearning for you beside him. He was once again, alone.
It hurt. Like, bullet to the asscheek kind of hurt. Deacon though...luckily for himself he was a master of putting up fake facades. As so, the man would brush you off, agreeing with roll of his eyes behind his shades. To be honest, his nonchalantness bothered you. However the minute you left, deacon fell apart. His days would be just a little more darker, even if you were still at his side as “friends”. Sure, he’d still cut up and make jokes with you but on the inside he was hating it. He really was starting to like you..no, he loved you. It no longer mattered though and that fact rendered him sleepless.
Had you been anyone else, he would’ve put a bullet between your pretty eyes. Those same eyes he let himself fall deeply in love with...the very thought made the raider sick. He had shown you a piece of him that was never revealed to anyone else and still...you left him? Anger was certainly one thing he felt, boiling within his gut and exploding the longer he thought about it. In his mind you betrayed him. To make matters worse, you had the audacity to cry as you told him you no longer wanted to be with him..like you had the right. Deep inside though? Gage was hurt beyond repair, he really loved you..come think of it, he still does love you but he was smarter than to let himself get burned twice. Because of you, Gage would harden even more than he already was. He was still loyal to you as his overboss, fighting beside you..but it ended at that. Even if one day you decided that it was all a mistake, that you wanted Gage back, he would glare at you and turn on his heels to get a drink- which is bad considering he wasn’t one to fancy drinks.
His blackened eyes would blink, showing no emotion for once. Did he hear you right? Whenever you affirm that yes, he in fact did, Hancock would end up showing an emotion you never seen before, which was something to say considering he had always been an animated man. For once he showed true anger, slamming his hands against his desk and muttering for you to get the hell out of his face. He never thought he would’ve acted such a way, looking back on it and regretting it later..but he didn’t know what else to do and in the heat of the moment it made the pain he felt feel the slightest bit better. As you would assume, once he realized the magnanimity of the situation he would shed a few tears, rebound as many nights as he could and do all the chems he could find- yet none would help.
The man felt completely helpless, baby blue eyes growing wide like a radstag in power armor headlights. He..he was open with you, let himself be completely vulnerable! Damn he even let you do the whole mutfruit thing..seriously though, he was only open like that with one other person. He didn’t expect to lose you too, yet here you were, breaking your relationship with three simple words “we’re through Mac.” He was so shocked he couldn’t barely say anything in response, finding his words to fizzle out to a pathetic cry when they finally formed. You had no pity on him though, just sighing and turning on your heels, leaving him to grieve yet another love lost. Once he pulled himself together he vowed to just focus on keeping a steady flow of caps going, even if that meant continuing to protect you no matter how bad it hurt. Don’t expect him to be nice though.
The words you spoke knocked the breath from his lungs. As the leader of a powerful military force, Arthur prided himself in being an amazing tactician. As good of one as he was, he didn’t see this coming. It certainly wasn’t what he was expecting when you requested his company in private, hell he was expecting maybe even a little quickie or something , not this...but it didn’t matter what he predicted, what was done was done. You just flatly told him “it’s over.” Before he knew it, Maxson’s tough exterior deteriorated to nothing- blue eyes filling with terror as he realized the thing that made him feel human, no, the person, that made him feel true love was going to leave him. He begged, dropping to his knees even- feeling absolutely pathetic..but it didn’t help. After the whole ordeal, Arthur would feel truly hallow, choosing to drown himself in duty and alcohol. If you still chose to stay in the brotherhood, he’ll be pretty darn petty, putting you on power armor cleaning duty or sending you to deal with mirelurks..but once he finds himself in his bed with another person, feeling like he wanted to die, he’d make it his mission to get you back.
The moment you told him, he just nodded. It hurt too bad to say anything in his opinion, but he fully understood why. Even if you didn’t come out and say it, he knew that it had to have been hard..hard to wake up each day and roll over to see what he was. He was barely passing for being human, wires and other things poking out, he was painfully aware of it. As a matter of fact, he couldn’t think of any other reason why. It would hit him hard though. He’s certainly not the kind to try for rebounding, he already worked as much as possible so..he didn’t know what to do.
Old Longfellow:
Much to your surprise he wouldn’t have much a reaction, waving his hand with a dismissive gesture toward the door. Was he really telling you to get out? Yes he was. So he just watched, a deep frown shaping his features as you obliged. Like usual, he’d pour his afternoon drink, a far off look in his stormy eyes as he cast them down onto the amber liquid. It would only take a couple minutes for him to realize just how much he already missed your company. However it was at night when he no longer had your warmth beside him to cling to that he finally let all his emotion out- shedding a couple silent tears as he rolled to the opposite side so he wouldn’t have to stare at the emptiness next to him. Strangely enough though, to everyone else he wasn’t any different- acting eerily as though nothing happened.
Automatically she’d start giggling, thinking you were just messing around. “That’s real funny blue, jokes on you, you can’t leave. I’m pregnant!” She started cackling, trying to return the joke..however her boisterous laughter subsided to a horrified grimace whenever she realized you weren’t laughing with her. Were..were you not joking? As quickly as she began to laugh, she stood up from her desk, walking up to you and scanning your face for any indication that you were just kidding. How she hoped you were..alas, you were not. For once she was rendered speechless, looking down at the darkly colored nuka cola on her desk- finding it unreasonably hard to look you in the eye. Whenever thud of the door closing registered she flinched, the sound ripping her from her distracted conscious. It was then she’d she’d a few tears, quick to wipe them away with her gloved hands and fight them back. She was better than that for fuck’s sake. Nonetheless, she’d do her best to avoid you after that.
Shock wouldn’t have even begun to describe what he felt. From the very moment you sat him down, a solemn look in your usually bright eyes..he knew something was wrong. Even then he wouldn’t have guessed that your next words would’ve been “We’re done..” The very moment he registered what you said he found himself fighting the glassy blur of tears obscuring his vision and threatening to spill. He wouldn’t allow it to happen though. Instead he’d just ask a shaky “why?”. No matter what answer you’d give him, it still wouldn’t help ease the painful ache he felt deep within his chest. Days turned to weeks, weeks even turned to months and he just couldn’t shake the pain you inflicted. So to help dull it, Preston would start indulging in drinking, submerging himself deep into minutemen work when he wasn’t drunk..in conclusion, the poor man was lost.
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stephkaylor · 4 years
FAVES and FAILS: The Vampire Diaries
So I have decided that since The Vampire Diaries has a spin off, The Originals, I am going to divide the characters based on where they appeared the most. So on this list I will be talking about the Salvatores, the Petrova/Gilbert line, the Bennets and Caroline, etc. but I will discuss the Mikaelsons, Hayley, etc. on their own list with the other characters that appeared on The Originals mostly. As always, spoilers are abound as I will discuss storylines and character arcs below, so be warned of that.  In any case, here’s my FAVES and FAILS for The Vampire Diaries. 
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Could it be anyone else? I don’t think so. He’s a delightful little sociopathic shit and I love everything about him. He is 99% id and 1% ego, if that, and even when I hated him, I loved him (god, I sound like Elena…). In any case, love this man, five stars, would recommend, chef’s kiss. 
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Ugh, it’s hard to pick between Matt, Tyler, and Jeremy, but I think it has to be Matt. I never enjoyed his judgey attitude against everything supernatural, he seemed pretty whiney most of the time, and he was just genuinely uninteresting for the majority of the show.  Not into it. Pass.
FAVORITE FEMALE CHARACTER: Katherine Pierce (Katarina Petrova)
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I thought about giving this post to Caroline by default, but if it comes down to it, Katherine nudges her way into the top spot. Katherine gave no fucks, knew what she wanted and was unapologetic about how she went about getting it, and an all around bad bitch. Was she primarily evil? Yes. But, to be honest, it never really bothered me. 
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God, this woman was annoying. She was hypocritical, judgmental, and far too holier than thou for me to swallow her bullshit. She constantly played favorites with Caroline and Elena (I’m sorry, you hold Caroline becoming a vampire against her for like two seasons, but when Elena becomes one, it’s not her fault? Sure.). She hated all supernatural creatures because they “go against nature”, but it’s totally chill for you to perform sacrificial magic to get what you want, unleashing a terrible evil in the process (but it’s not her fault). How she nearly excommunicated Caroline just because she stayed with Stefan after Stefan killed Enzo, as if it was her fault in any way. How everyone treated her like she was a special little unicorn because she’s a Bennet Witch and she’s so magical, like, please, gag me. I could go on, but I honestly cannot be bothered. Hard pass. 
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She was essentially shunned by all of her friends and family for becoming a vampire, even though she didn’t choose to become one at all. Also, she was basically used as collateral damage for the entire Salvatores and Gilberts versus The Mikaelsons debacle just because Klaus liked her. She was always the second choice no matter what the situation was (unless it’s her being impregnated with magical twins without her consent and then guilted into carrying the babies, but poor Alaric just lost his wife. I’m sorry, unless it’s your uterus, shut the fuck up). I’ll just be over here doing what exactly NO ONE on the show did, and pick Caroline first.
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I couldn’t pick Matt twice, so Tyler, I guess. He was selfish, a terrible boyfriend to both Caroline and also Liv later, and if I have to hear that boy whine about his fucking sire bond one more time I will literally throw my laptop off of a bridge. 
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Honestly, he’s one of the one things that made the last few seasons of the show bearable.  His delightful British rogue was a lovely way to fill the void that the Mikaelsons left in my heart, his devil-may-care attitude was man-made-manifest of what I was always thinking while watching the show, his BFF relationship with Damon and later Caroline was a joy to watch, and he was way too good for Bonnie. 
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He is marginally more bearable right now on Legacies, but he annoyed the shit out of me while he was on the first show. Does he hate vampires or is he best friends with them? Does he want to be a hunter or does he want to stay away from anything supernatural of any kind? Also, he (along with nearly everyone else) basically guilted Caroline into carrying his magical siphoner babies, which is a touch too icky for me…
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Could it be anyone else? I never shipped Stelena, as I found both Stefan annoying and Elena too woe-is-me while she was with him. She made Damon want to be a better person and he made her embrace who she really was, monster and all. They had a perfect balance between themselves, and it was a joy to watch. He got the girl, guys. 
SHIP YOU JUST WERE’N THAT INTO: Steroline (Stefan and Caroline)
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They were just too…meh. I was entirely uninterested in them, whatsoever, and isn’t that even worse than a ship that you hate? I used their scenes for a bathroom break or to get a snack, as I was guaranteed to miss nothing interesting or important while they were on screen. 
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What does it say about me that all of my favorite characters are violent psychopaths…? I’m just going to leave that to be unpacked with the future therapists I’m bound to hire. Kai was the perfect evil. He was powerful, purposeful, and unapologetically demonic in the very best way. I could watch him terrorize my favorite characters forever and not get bored.  Perfection.
FAVORITE STORYLINE: Stefan and Damon’s Brotherhood
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If you don’t think this is what the show was about at it’s core, you’re wrong. They loved each other, they hated each other, they died for each other, they killed for each other, and, ultimately, they let nothing and nobody come between them. If you asked me who Damon loved more, Elena or Stefan, I COULD NOT answer you, and isn’t that just the fucking point?!
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I know that a major reason this was even a storyline is because Candice Accola got pregnant, but still…how? Like…she is a vampire..? She is unable to biologically change…? Like can someone grab me a biology textbook and explain how this a thing that can happen BIOLOGICALLY, please? I get that they are mythical creatures, so science doesn’t mean much here, but it just doesn’t make sense in any universe. Also, as I said above, the fact that Caroline was impregnated without her consent and then largely guilted into carrying the babies is a touch too rape-y for me…
BIGGEST PLOTHOLE: Do they go to school, or…? 
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Like, are they just compelling the teachers to not notice them not attending class like 90% off the time? Also, how do the people in Mystic Falls not know anything about the supernatural? Like, they aren’t subtle AT ALL so how do they keep sliding under the radar? Also, in a lesser way, how are hybrid witch/vampires a thing? Like, I thought if a witch dies (like they would have to if they become a vampire), they lose their magic…?Make it make sense, Julie!
MOST HEARTBREAKING MOMENT: Damon Dies (the first time)
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Honestly one of the saddest moments in the entire series was Damon’s ghost watching Elena lose it when he doesn’t make it back from the Other Side. They were finally happy and together and they can only enjoy it for like five minutes before it goes to shit. Why, Julie??!
BIGGEST EYEROLL MOMENT: Magical Babies (again)
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I try to not use something twice on this list but COME ON. This was ridiculous and I do not support this in any way.  (Also this twin bullshit is still fucking annoying on Legacies, if anyone was wondering).
MOST SHOCKING MOMENT (any spit-takes?): Elena forces Kathrine to take The Cure
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This was one of the moments that I literally gasped aloud. Most of the time the foreshadowing on these shows is seen from miles away, but I honestly did not see this coming at all. Also, Kathrine was basically the LAST person who wanted that cure so it’s crazy that she was the one to end up taking it and turning human.
MOST BADASS MOMENT: Kathrine kisses Damon at the end of Season 1
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Like I said before, she is the original BAD BITCH of the show (not an actual Original, but you know what I mean…) and this was an amazing entry for the character who would be, largely, the villain of the series. It played on the feelings that Damon is developing for Elena, it finally introduced the person who started it all for the Salvatores, and it showed us exactly who she is at her core, and that she isn’t sorry about it at all.
SERIES FINALE SATISFACTORY LEVEL (use no words, just gifs):
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OVERALL MARKS OUT OF TEN (10 being this show has changed your life for the better, you happily rewatch the series over and over, and the show has made your life better in some way. 1 being this show gave you nothing but trust issues, a stomach ulcer, and high blood pressure, and you honestly do not know why you did this to yourself) 
7 out of 10. 
I look back on The Vampire Diaries with the kind of fondness that only comes from a bizarre mix of nostalgia and incredulity. When scenes from this series show up on my instagram feed or on my Youtube recommended page, an involuntary smile creeps across my face without me realizing. I could do without like half of the characters and some entire seasons were completely unnecessary to watch, but it gave me some of my very favorite characters and ships, and spawned an entire universe that I still enjoy to this day. This magical, crazy, beautiful world was a joy to experience, even when it made me want to beat my head against a wall at least once per season.
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If you want to see the other ones I have made, here's the original post with links. x  Hope you like these! (I say to probably no one...)
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
X-Men Evolution Reviewcaps: Rogue Recruit
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My series long look at X-Men Evolution rolls on as eveyrone’s favorite goth reworking of everyone’s faviorite southerner debuts. The X-Men and Mystique race to bring Rogue to her side after her powers accidently coma a boy. The X-Men try the usual compasion.. while Mystique just tries attempted murder and gaslighting while wearing a wolverine costume. Mother of the year! Meanwhile Kurt tries to get Kitty to likes him, Kitty does something profoundly stupid to prove Wolverine wrong that ends up proving him right, and Wolverine grumbles and is kind of an asshole. Well at least one of those is just an average tuesday for him. We’re going Rogue, Rogue, Rouuuuggeeee under the cut. 
Onto episode 3 though this time I did actually get around to watching a few in a row, so while i’m not MILES ahead of this episode, I do have a better sense of where things are going and where this falls in line with everything else. And this is a big one as it’s the debut of Rogue, easily one of the shows more popular characters from what I can tell and it’s no real suprise. In most incarnations Rogue is a huge fan faviorite, with a tragic but very useful and intresting power that makes for good stories.. and okay in the comics and carton she’s also fanservice incarnate, but that’s not exactly a factor here so moving on.  And here is no exception as naturally, with her goth apperance, and general moody outsider atittude, she was a huge hit with goths and emos one and all! And eveyrone really, it’s a good take despite being almost the oppsite of the angsty but still fesity and funloving 90′s version.. and the ironic part is BOTH are entirely accurate to the comics. And yes like the last time about to dive a bit into the comics.. but unlike the shiar thing this is throughly relevant to how the character is portrayed here and a neat history less for those not in the know, so buckle up. 
What’s intresting is both adapt the character.. just at vastly diffrent points. See most probably think of Rogue as she is now: Bubbly, Scrappy and able to throw a man into a mountain, if still understandably mopey about not being able to touch anyone, thoguh that issues come and gone a dozen times by now because comic books can’t resisit undoing things to meet fan expectations despite most dedicated fans wanting some fucking change once in a while. 
But that’s due to years and years of character development: When Chris Claremont first intorduced her, in an avengers annual no less.. she was a villain, a member of her adopted mother Mystique’s brotherhood of evil mutants, and unlike here, we’ll get into that, she was a fully willing member at first, gleefuly following her mama’s orders to drain the powers of one of Mystique’s most hated enemy: Carol Danvers, aka Ms Marvel and the future Captain Marvel. Yeah this one takes some explination for you non-comic fans, and even some of you comic fans who might not get how one of the more iconic x-men villians has personal beef with Carol.... granted i’m pretty sure half the marvel unvierse has personal beef with Carol in present day after Civil War II, especially tony for murdering him, but story for another time.  It’s actually pretty simple: Chris Claremont was writer of x-men for a decade and easily the most important x-men writer period who created a ton of iconic and well loved characters and shaped Cyclops, Charles Xavier and Magneto into the characters fans know and love among others. And around the same time as his x-men run’s early years in the late 70′s, he was writer of Ms Marvel, and took Carol from a half hearted girl counterpart to the first Captain Marvel with a wonky two identties gimmick, into the asskicker and feminist icon we know today. As such Mystique debuted there and when that book ended, Claremont slided her over to the x-men and the rest is history. And this wasn’t an isolated incident: Sabertooth, aka wolverine’s arch enemy and one of hte more famous mutant baddies, debuted in, of all comic books, iron fist, with Claremont bringing him back years and years later as part of the mutant massacreing Marauders, while Misty Knight and Coleen Wing were breifly supporting characters in x-men inbetween Iron Fist’s cancelation and Iron Fist becoming bros for life with Luke Cage and forming the heroes for hire, bringing the two along as supporting characters in the process. It’s a process writers have contiuned to this day; Bringing a character from other unrelated comics in to keep them out of comic book limbo and one i’m in favor of: as long as their writing the character well and they fit why not.  And like her momma Rogue DIDN’T debut in the pages of X-Men, but in Avengers Annual #10. And no Chris wasn’t writing avengers, though it wasn’t really unusual for another writer to hop in for one annual to pinch hit for the regular writer for whatever reason, with Chris Claremont being one of the few who wrote every annual himself for his run on X-Men. What was is he did so for one reason and one only: To get justice for Carol Danvers after a recent story had screwed her over BAD. Two things before we start: If you haven’t heard of this debacle, my apologizes and rape and abuse trigger warning. If you want to skip this portion of the review just ctrl f HIGHER FASTER FURTHER MORE and you can move right on past this clusterfuck and the aftermath. Anyways in Avengers 200, Carol gave birth via terribly contrived mystical pregnancy to Marcus, son of avengers foe and sometimes ally immortus and creepy asshole. Marcus is revaled to have brainwashed carol into loving him , and making love to him so yeah he raped her physically and mentally and the story ends iwth the “Happy ending” of him whisking carol away with him to his limbo dimension while everyone else is fine with it despite him admitting to using the “subtle manipulations of his machines” to make her love him. So yeah, he kidnapped carol to his limbo dimension, mind controlled her, had his way with her, had her give birth to him so he could come to earth then took her back with him.. and not ONE avenger raced a hand, shield, repulsor or hammer, and yes the big three avengers were very much present for this debacle and very much cuplable. IT’s a throughly disgusting hideous story i’ve only see played out thanks to Linkara, long time comics reviewer and all around sweet guy, reviewing it, though with the panels show to show yes all of this is there, and have no intrest in EVER reaading this vile piece of garbage. If your still curious or after just hearing about it want to see it torn to shreds, here’s the review for you. 
It’s terrible for a variety of other reasons. Naturally Chris, who’d put a LOT of time into building up carol and like any creator who sees their character throughly dragged through the mud, was PISSSSSED.. and so were fans who rightly rioted at the issue, so editorial was more than happy to let one of thier biggest draws  right the ship and also allowed him to take Carol back home to the x-men with him. As for how that happened, after Rogue stole her powers, Carol fell in a river and was rescued by her best friend and fellow Chris Claremont alumnis Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, who brought her to the x-men since she was a friend of theirs, where charles fixed her mind, though Carol was left with no emotoins attached to most of her memoreis. When the avengers, after scrapping with the brotherhood in some neat bouts, came to visit their friend.. Carol instead laid into them for letting Marcus take her, poitned out just how fucked up it was as well as how, and this actually happend, the avengers downplayed her concerns and tried to get her to connect with her demon spawn instead of worrying about her while others made jokes. Basically just one long page of chris claremont unloading on the issue and Carol unloading on her former friends before staying with her new ones. And to the issues credit the rest of the team. .takes it, is utterly devistated to realize what they’d done, and reflects on if they can ever make up for it or if they even deserve forgivness. She would eventually, mostly because people wanted to forget this story after that for good reason, but it’s still a damn cathartic moment.  HIGHER FASTER FURTHER MORE.. so yeah Carol was now with the x-men, who did end up meeting Rogue during a mission to wipe themselves from goverment records for good reason. And to his credit Chris not only used Carol’s lack of emotions tied to her memories for good drama but gave carol a huge power upgrade as binary, if your curious as to where her glowy headed distctrugion of an entire starfleet in her solo film came from. So okay after about a paragraph not really involving her we get into why this is so important to rogue’s character; Rogue now had Carol’s personality and memories trapped in her head and her mind was blurring between them, something this episode would use, and was falling apart as a result and with her moms Mystique and Destiny unable to help a despearate scared and repetnant Rogue went to her last hope for help saving her sanity and her soul: The X-Men. The X-Men, having both fought her and bonded heavily with her victim, naturally were less than pleased about this, and Colossus outright attacked Rogue before charles stopped him, not unresonably given the circumstances. However after talking with her and realizing both how badly she needed her help and how genuinely she wanted to change, going from a brat in love with her own power to a scared young woman terrified of what she’d done and what she was becoming, decided to roll her into the x-men. And everyone revolted: Carol was understadanbly piss and famously punched Rogue into orbit, while the rest of the x-men threatned to walk. Charles however refused to back down and gave one of his finest speech and one of the characters best moments:
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To me this is Charles Xavier, a man who will accept and try to help anyone, regardless of their past, because it’s the right thing.. because they deserve a chance and he will GIVE IT TO THEM. It’s a powerful and well done moment and the x-men relucntantly take her in as a result, eventually seeing her as family as she proved herself.  So yeah  THAT is why I took so long to get here and went through ALL of this: Because this series adapts this period in it’s own unique way, taking out Rogue’s outright villiany mind, but leaving in her being a moodier, more closed off person who is constantly afraid of once again stealing someone’s very soul. She still has her confidence, as idd the comics version, it’s just tempered by a wall she puts up between her and everyone else that wasn’t as present by the time the 90′s series adapted her. And there are other bits i’ll get to as we go and in future episodes, I just felt this story was important as it colors Rogue’s journey here, hence me taking a good portion of the review to dive into it and even then I have more bits to give as we go. So with all this exposition that’s probably lost ya’s out of the way, this is Rogue Recurit. Pitter Patter.  We open in the mighty Missisipi, neighbor to my home state of missouri and home of the deep fried shoe. No wait that’s connecticut my mistake. We meet our unfriendly neighborhood goth moping outside, not really enjoying the dance and probably only having gone because her mom told her not to.. Destiny not Myistque mind. More on that in a minute. She’s being watched by two guys: Cody, who if you know your x-men lore you know this never ends well for him, and his friend uh.. let me check my noootes (Checks wiki while shuffling papers to simulate notes) Ty. Turns out Cody’s been starring at Rogue all week but dosen’t even know her name which to be fair, minus the muscles and being on the football team, is pretty much me in high school and is just as pathetic in 2000 as it would be from 2007-2010. I mean if I just went for it I PROBABLY would’ve been shot down, and the one time I did I indeed was, but at least I would of went for it and maybe learned more about women and not been such a dipstick for the next decade.... “sigh”
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Point is Cody awkwardly asks Rogue to dance but like most cool kids, including the kind I hung out with in high school and tended to crush on, she’s there to look COOOOL and mope a bit.. and again tell her mom she can’t tell her what to dooooo. But Cody’s awkwardness and sincerty gets her to say why not, he means well.. a little pity dance can’t hurt. So they dance and then Ty causes this entire episode, yes really, by shoving Cody into her because they happen to be dancing seperatley because Cody’s a goddman gentleman ya maroon, and is respecting her personal space, and IS actually hitting it off as she seems to be enjoying herself. Had he not done that, he at least MIGHT have gottne a kiss before what happens next.. during the fall he accidently touches her skin, which had been mostly covered up and goes into a Coma while Rogue is now stuck in a stupor wondering who she is. Yeah as I omniously hinted at Cody is the guy in every version of Rogue’s origin story,  including I assume the 2000′s one where until doing some research i.e. going to wikipedia then letterboxd to find out if his name was given, who she has her first kiss with.. and thus the poor sap who first gets hit with her absorbtion power and traumtizes her. And here it’s no exception. Cue the opening credits. Which despite this setting up the slow arc of Rogue joining htem.. has Rogue in an x-men uniform with the team. Not that the arc is particuarlly subtle about hiding it, we’ll get there but still.  After the credits Ty is wondering what she did to him.. even though she barely moved when he fell on her, and Ty shoved Cody into him, and for all we know Cody just went into shock. He also easily could’ve fell on an epi pen or something.. I mean she could’ve stabbed him wiht one but that’s more of a candian thing than a southern thing. 
So Ty, who while understandably given Mutants aren’t public and Rogue herself had no idea still casued this by shoving Cody into her without thinking about if either had any medical conditions or if Rogue you know WANTED to phsyically touch him that soon, and yes diffrent standards and all but even 2000 this was stupid, decides to mess up things further when Rogue tries to run and tries to block the way. Now granted I get it on some level: For all he knows Rogue drugged his best friend and she needs to be there anyway to answer the police.. but counter arguments 1) She may have a record (She dosen’t) and while not having DONE anything may get brought up on charges anyway.  2) If she DID drug cody with a needle of something WHO SAYS SHE DOSEN’T HAVE MORE AND CAN’T JUST STAB YOUR DUMB ASS 3) she’s got a VERY distinctinve haircut with a white streak, wears a very specific outfit she probably son’t have time to change out of , and everyone there saw her. YOu can tell the police what she looks like. They will find her.  No instead she tries blocking her and she football tackles him.. because Cody is a footballer because this show, much like Tommy Wiseau, weirdly loves football. though unlike the room most instances it comes up, the first episode, cody being one here, and a future episode where the objective is to get the ball from your opposing x-man, all make some sense versus “Let’s go put on tuxes and play football because that’s what friends do huhhhhh?”. But yeah THIS is why I brought up Rogue’s past: becuase this episode heavily uses the part where she had Carol’s memories.. and would occasionally get messed up between who she was, with one issue having her lapse into being carol to rescue her ex from capture, which he dosen’t take well for obvious reasons. This episode uses something similar with Rogue’s brain a bit fried from taking in cody and thus not being sure where she ends and he begins, which is a very intresting idea and was a cool wya to go about having her powers activate. I mean sure it’s the second time in two episodes a mutant’s powers have traumatically awkaned. but both were distinct and interesting and it’s a staple of x-men stories to have this sort of thing happen. 
Meanwhile Rogue’s caretaker Destiny, who we flashed to a bit during the awakening of her powers, calls Mystque. I mentioned her ealrlier in jokes but for those unaware both here and in the comics Destiny is a pre cog, although sh’es an elderly woman in the comics, or rather was having died decades ago in real life, meaning she can see the fuuuuttureeeeee. And thus she saw what was about to happen but couldn’t prevent it. Mysitque is apparently railing her out on the other end over it.. and not in the fun way they usuallly do. And that’’s not crude ininsiuation.. in the comics.. Chris Claremont wrote them as a gay couple and only didn’t explicltly say anything because Jim Shooter was a homophobic moron, even if he had the common sense to stop the kitty and colossus thing because dear god why was that a thing, chaste or not dear god why. The point is Chris fully meant both as lesbians though Mysitque became bisexual under other writers, and the two finally kissed on panel, in flashback last year and Msique wanting her revivied, the x-men can come back from the dead now in comics and Xavier and Magneto refusing for complicated reasons I won’t go into here, and Desitny herself knowing they might not and telling her to burn Krakoa to the ground if she dosen’t get to come back is a major bubbling plot point that got set up earlier this year. So yeah I fully see them as a couple here. ANd yes mistue was with her even as an old lady, it’s really sweet and misty is also immortal so they’ve been together a long time. Also fun fact you probably dind’t need to know: Chris Claremont FULLY inteded to have it turn out the two were Nightcrawler’s biological parents. Mistque is a shapeshifter and can become a man after all.. I like to think that’s what happened here since thankfully the show decided NOT to go with the “kurt’s dad is a demon” explination from around the same time.. and yes that’s a thing and yes it’s fucking stupid and only ever worked under jason aaron who made Kurt’s dad into a pirate who raided heaven and lead to the x-men pirating up alongside a about to come back from the dead nightcrawler to kick his ass. And yes much like the misqute shapeshifting a dick to make a child being shopped around, this actually happened. Comics are awesome sometimes and I genuinely wish Destiny was kurt’s mom. Also yeah spoilers Mystique is nightcrawler’s mom here as usual, including possibly in the movies but it’s kept vauge in both timelines. 
Destiny explains that while she kept Rogue’s powers under wraps, giving her a phony skin condition and having her wear skin covering clothes, she couldn’t keep her away from teenage things forever and figured she’d be fine.. she was wrong but hey her precontion isn’t something she can control and she can still see the fucking future, so it’s not like it’s a bad trade off. Myistque is of course coming to collect her but Destiny warns her that, naturally, the x-men are going to be there soon. 
Speaking of the X-Men, Wolverine is breaking into the x-men mansion in a ninja costume while storm tries to thrwart hm. Yes there is actual context to this and he is a trained ninja so this fits.. yes really he apparentlyt rained with ninjas as part of his backstory and later had a samurai sword fight iwth his girlfriends dick of a dad twice and has had many since then since even with his claws the image of wolverine wielding a sword is fucking awesome. He crawls through the vents but Storm freezes them and he’s forced to enter the danger room and then tears some machines apart because chuck stops him because APPARENTLY their expesnive.. even though he can afford to buy his teenage son a sports car and himself a fucking rolls, so no Chuck I don’t see why Logan would assume you can’t afford to buy more death machines. 
Scott rightly asks what the hell their supposed to learn from one of their teachers putting on his ninja robes and trying to sneak into his own house while another teacher tries to murder him. And yeah with enoguh episodes I can fully say my assement was accurate, and not only that this scott has a bit of a temper at times, being a bit quicker to fly off the handle while also having a clear sarcastic streak, something his comics counterpart would thankfully soon pick up and that’s come back in full under jonathan hickman:
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It’s.. a long story.. a bunch of racist genocidal scientests decided to inject themselves with devolving serum to protect their project from the x-men.. okay maybe not that long a story. BUt I LIKE that this scott is flawed, but not enoguh to make him unlikeable just enough to round him out: He’s charming, empathetic and a tactical genius.. but he can also be hot headed, sarcastic and impulsive. I’ts a nice ballance that dosen’t prevent him from being likeable or useful to the team, but keeps him intresting and gives him room to grow.  What I really am liking about the series so far is the team is fairly fleshed out.. except Jean and Storm unforuntantley as Storm really hasn’t gotten enough screne time to shine like her comics counterpart and Jean is just sort of “popular girl type a who’s sweet to everyone, but also still badass”. She’s still better than the 90′s cartoon, as she can actually do stuff more often and is a vital member of the team, and has mor eof a personality, but I hope we get more to her as we go. But otherwise the characters are layerd, flawed but likeable, and enjoyable to watch, and it helps with these earlier more awkard episodes, papering over the weaker aspects with strong character. 
Anyways Logan explains why they did all this: both to show the kids how to infiltrate big complexes, which given most x-missions are “investgate a base of some sort wher eno good is coming of anything”, case in point the mission in the picture above, it’s a valid and useful skill, and to test the mansion’s security, suggesting since the vents are crawlable to electrify them and add poision gas. Storm objects to the poision gas part as well.. their only enimies besides mystique are two teenagers who while dicks don’t really deserve to choke to death. Wolverine’ relucntantly agreers.. he’ll get em next security update. Next timeee.  Kitty meanwhile wonders if anyone else is freaked out and just gets blank stares.. a great gag and a great bit of character as she just joined and had a fairly normal life before all this. Kurt assures her she’ll get used to it, but his telporting over and offering popcorn fails to impress her and she nopes out of there, though Jean reassures him chicks will dig the fuzzy eventually. This is a nice nod to the comics where , with Kurt being the only non-human passing x-man, Kitty was afraid of him for some time, but slowly came around going from being horrified to him to defending him to evelangenlical lunatic reverend stryker, he was a preacher in the comics but no less vile or murder happy, telling him that kurt was one of the noblest souls she ever met after he angrily lambasted him as not in god’s will because you know, he looks like a demon.. and apparently is half of one but let’s ignore that bollocks shall we? Here i’ts more he’s coming on a bit strong on top of that, but it still works reconfigured like that.  Anyways enough teen romance, to me my x-men as Charles needs the full team for a mission and it’s the first time we’ve HAD a full team mission which makes sense: Episode one only had two active x-men and one who just joined and episode 2 only needed a smaller team for both subplots so we split the team minus storm in half. Here we have our first full mission: To find Rogue as Xavier believes she’s a danger to herself and others.. which isn’t exactly wrong when her power can abosrb at a touch and she has two entirely diffrent minds overlaping in her head. I do questoin however going in full combat gear, as they do. Bringing it, no sweat what if someone shows up to attack them, their apparently aware of the brotherhood as of next episode... which makes little sense but whatever. But when they land they go out in full superhero gear which not only ends up playing into myistques hands , more on that in a bit but makes htem look super supscious. And this could just be wanting more costume action early on which would be fine.. if the previous episode hadn’t had jean in plain clothes to talk to kitty, because yeah most people freaked out about their powers probably wouldn’t assume the best of someone in tactical gear iwth a big x on their costume! Gah. I”m glad I went ahead simply to know the x-men do get smarter.. a little. 
Anyways, that stupidity aside on the jet Kurt is flying for the first time with Scott proud of his skill saying he’ll be an ace.. and taking it back when Kurt starts driving with his feet.. even though to me that’s just as impressive as while he has that classic arms behind the head relaxed pose, he is still paying attention, has his feet on ten and two and, and it’s a fact that I forget sometimes: His feet are just as, or at least, almost as good at gripping as his hands. It’s why he can wall crawl like spiderman. Their llike gorilla feet but better. So yeah that joke dosen’t really land.  Meanwhile it’s time for what an older man thinks two teenage girls talk about.. and I just noticed looking at the credits this episode is written by Simon Furman, one of the more renowed transformers creators and write of the UK comics and later the US comics, as well as the first few mini series and one shots for the first idw continuity.. granted the latter is a bit infamous for what he did to arcee, which I both don’t know enough about and don’t have enough time to get into here, nor have I read enough of his work to gush, but I sitll felt it worth mentioning. ANd it’s not uncommmon for comic book writers to write for animation: Greg Weisman started in comics before moving to animation with Captain Atom’s post-crisis solo series, Dwayne McDuffie had a rather sizeable career in comics as a writer and editor and returned to writing comics in the 2000′s for a stint, and Marv Wolfman helped make the treatment for beast machines, while Peter David’s done scattered episodes of various shows, most memorably for me Ben 10. So not a HUGELY uncommmon thing but still worth noting.  Anyways legend or no, he still makes the rest of this scene awkward as Kitty fawns over scott, Jean ends up agreeing and in annoying fit of jealously kurt ports to the roof to do .. some sort of stunt to impress kitty and end sup having to come back in due to wind resitance, teleproting on her by accident and pissing her off. It’s not a terrible scene, as it shows some vunerablity in kurt and furhters the jean scott love triangle but in revisiting it it just feels a tad awkardly put in there, especially since so far kitty having a crush on scott goes nowhere and love triangle wise it’s more Jean, Scott and Rogue.. more on that next time. Wolverine mutters about kids in annoyance.. so for the first and probably last time in my existance I feel the exact same as wolverine for one shining moment. 
Mysitque arrives and is angry at her wife for letting their daughter get away, Irene reitrates the dance thing.. you get it. Luckily having a precog for a wife is handy for more than timing your orgasms to happen at the same time, and Irene knows she’s going to Cody’s hosue which she thinks is her own and that’s where we see her next. Now while this episodes quality is mixed... I do like this element of Rogue torn between two identites not sure which is her.. it’s thorughly intresting and hasn’t been used enough in adaptations, though the 90′s series did do a good job with it’s own take of having Carol and Rogue fight for Rogue’s body. 
At any rate wolverine attacks.. wow jesus wolvie I know you don’t like kids but this is a bit far.... at least go back home and take it out on duncan if you need to murder a teenager sheesh. Of course it’s actually mysitque whose trying to make her afraid of the x-men, shifting into storm next. It’s not a terrible tactic.. it has specific faults i’m saving for the end, but in the short term using the x-men in costume to scare her, then having Irene show up and tell her their mutant hunters.. it’s not bad. It also nicely back fries when the x-men arrive, charles unable to pointpoint her due to her brain being scramble, and end up going down the alleyway with Wolvie in tow causing her to book it. 
Kurt, whose really on the ball outside of the plane stunt this episode, comes up with a better plan than “Chase the frightened teenager around missiipi and hope it works” and realizes since she’s clearlys cared of logan, even if they don’t know why he can try talking to her while in inducer form. Logan relucntantly agrees but tells kurt to keep an the rookie, i.e. kitty which pisses her off. Remember this for a second from now. 
So Kurt.. actually succeeds in calming her down, pointing out he like her was once freaked out, that being diffrent is okay etc, usual line but it works.. then ... yeah that second from now is now now as Kitty decides “she dosen’t look so tough” AND TACKLES ROGUE. Who they know has the power to absorb things by touch even if she’s mostly covered, and who was about to turn to their side. Just because Logan, it turns out CORRECTLY, insulted her. Just.. jesus this is bad writing.. Kitty isn’t this obnoxious or usless later on and while she could sometimes fuck up in the comics..it was less noticable since she was the ONLY teenager, and still once fried a demon with a jet engine. Here? She hasn’t done any of that so she just comes off as a dumbass brought on a mission too soon who causes her friend to not long after this get his powers absorbed by rogue.. though weirdly she dosen’t get his blue skin, which annoys me a bit but whatever. Animation budgets. Point is kitty lost their target and got kurt comaed.  Kitty paniced realizes she can reach the professor telepathically, and we do get a great gag of her doing so too loud, while Logan grumbles about not going with them.. which is a godo point.. why didn’t he just.. you know take the costume off. even if she panicked if she learned who he was later, they would at least have her on the plane and could easily knock her out gently, especially logan since he recovers fast and would the instant his healing factor came back, and then deal with her panic and her fear of them they didn’t know about back home versus here. He didn't even have to come with her just hang towards the back in plainclothes. Instead his telling Kitty she sucks caused her to prove that assessment accurate. So Charles goes to help while Storm, Cyclops and Jean continue the search They find her and Jean shows her empathy again, and I have to admit the character really isn’t that bad in moments like this.. the only reason I ragged on her coming to kitty last time is she made the rookie mistake of telling Kitty about her telepathy, which, while better sooner than later, was done so clumsily it backfired. Here.. she genuinely and softly talks to Rogue, and offers her a communicator which looks like a neuralizer for some reason.. seriously why not just hide it in a compact or a watch or something Chuck? But that aside i’ts a nice moment.. that storm accidently ruins by showing up and terrifying her away. Yeah that’s PART of my problem with the episode right there is jwhile it changes up setting and what not it’s still just “The x-men find Rogue , get her calm, then she runs when one of the x-men mystique traumatized her with shows up”. It just gets old fast despite some clever switches here and there. 
Thankfully we’re at the climax and since Mystique saw all that she shifts into Cyclops.. and up until now I haven’t mentioned this but it becomes a glaring issue here: Mystique’s dialouge when shapeshifted when coming up is basically variations of I’M GOING TO KILL YOU. Which not only is a bit dull, as she apparnelty knows the x-men and at least could make them sound like evil versions of the people we know but also REALLY dumb... again i’m saving this for the end of the episode because it all comes together with her endgame for Rogue, but even if you haven’t watched the show given what’s happened with Toad and Avalanche you can probably guess. But yeah while watching I WAS going to lambast her for not using Jean.. but she’s actually clever here, using Scott who Rogue hasn’t met to unerve her already, then shifting into Jean to take back the chance she offered. IT scares Rogue out who naturlaly books from Jean. 
Rogue then touches storm.. and Cyclops promintently craps himself as he realizes “Oh shit an already scared and psonically scrambled teenager just got an omega mutant’s levels power but with none of the experince and 80 times the angst”. So yeah Rogue’s powers spin out of control in what’s a great sequence and she hit sa transformer but ends up running. Xavier decideds to call this one a wash, and can’t find her anymore anyway as Cody has faded and decide she has to come willingly. Kurt reawakens to Kitty’s delight. Yay that mildly annoying subplot is done.  We end at the school and this is what i’ve been building towards folks: Myistque enrolls Rogue in the school, comersrates on magneto on a job well done and Rogue looks at her commincator. And now for the reason I was a bit patient on this: Mystique’s plan is really shortsighted and dumb. Now pretending to be the x-men, that works.. but her impersinations are so shallow, ESPECIALLY for an experinced shapeshifter that the minute Rogue gets to know any of the x-men, her entire facade will start to crumble. Or if she touches one of them and gets their memories.. which never happens even when she borrows one of their powers next time but hey. Instead of making the x-men seem like gaslighting manipulators she makes them seem like petty murderous villians.. when 5 minutes with Scott or jean or just watching either will cure that. And sure as we see next time she TRIES keeping her from talking to them for too long.. but as we also see school projects happen and she can’t control EVERYTHING without raising some red flags with her faculity. She’s principal, if a teacher’s supscious she’s abusing a student she brought in, they hopefully won’t hesitate to call someone to look into it and as a shapeshifter running a dodgy mutant milita made up of students you brought in that’s the last thing you fucking want. It’s really not even a remote surpise this only lasts three episodes before she turns, and makes me question why do this arc if it’s going to be so half assed? In the comics Myistque was not only a master planner, even getting her team jobs as goverment enforcers when she realized being anti-human terrorists in a very racist climate was just going to get them all killed, but she also CARED about Rogue and her using empathy and kidness on TOP of the manipulation would make Rogue trusting her so much make more sense than “Well it’s you or the attempted murderers”. It’s just really fucking sloppy and to it’s credit Wolverine and the X-Men ended up doing this sort of plotline 80 times better, with Rogue being a villian for a while AFTER the x-men had broken up, left her with nothing, and things had only gotten worse for mutants.. and I think bein ga double agent, it’s been a while, but her reasons for turning there feel natural in comparison to this. The x-men aren’t much smarter as they only connect the dots that maybe it’s a shapeshifter, a shapeshfiter I belive xavier, storm and wolverine alread know about and coul’dve told the students. Gah. 
Final Thoughts:  This episode isn’t very good and in reviewing it I really realized it when it took me 4 or so diffrent sessions to finish this thing. While it has good parts, like a lot of ROgue’s stuff, the danger room break in, it’s held back by stupid decisions, a stupid villian plot, and a waste of great POTETIAL stories for a half assed one from a writer who clearly can do better and a show that will soon enough. Glad to finally be done with this one.. I might not come back to evolution for a second, but when I do I promise it won’t take this long. 
Next Time on X-Men: Evolution: Blob debuts, crushes on jean to an obssesive and quickly very stalkery degree and also nearly murders duncan with a locker... so he’s clealry a mixed bag. Meanwhile Scott and Rogue get paried up on assigment and Paul wears out his welcome Like this if you enjoyed it, I have other x-men evolution reviews in the x-men tag on my blog, as well as other animation goodness, and if ther’es an episode of another x-men show, including the gifted and legion as i have hulu, or marvel show in general you’d like me to cover just drop me a pm to comission it for a reasonable fee. ANd until next time, courage. 
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mobius-prime · 4 years
233. Sonic the Hedgehog #165
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Look! Look! It's that eye thing again! Patrick "Spaz" Spaziante, stop this madness!
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Jason Jensen
This issue is honestly a fantastic one. There's so many great character interactions that as a writer myself, I live for. We begin by learning that Rouge arrived at Knothole about an hour ago, and in light of her most recent actions in the town, she's been taken into custody, with Knuckles, Julie-Su, and Vector in charge of her interrogation. Vector takes to his role with gusto, clicking on a lightbulb above her head and generally trying to play bad cop, but Rouge seems mostly amused by the proceedings, taking a particular interest in Knuckles and speaking to him directly. She arrived via warp ring, and seeing as that's technology unique to Angel Island (…dunno when that was ever established, but okay), they're very interested to know where she acquired it. When she acts flippant, Vector threatens to just throw her in jail, and when she protests that she's innocent of any wrongdoing Vector reveals that mere minutes after she arrived, the other members of the Chaotix went to Fiona for dirt on her. Fiona was shy and reluctant about sharing any information, obviously embarrassed of her shady past, but with Sonic's encouragement she opened up, explaining just how skilled Rouge is as an operative, as well as how she's not above getting her hands dirty to accomplish her objectives.
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Irritated at being called out, Rouge agrees to explain what happened in between her last visit and now. She was uncertain about allying with Finitevus, but stuck with him for the first part of his plan, which involved breaking Eggman's most recent prisoners out of the Egg Grapes. Many of them were already dead, but Finitevus managed to save the Destructix, and took them to the same base where Shadow met Isaac. This is where we learn that Isaac was heavily malfunctioning all along, as the ancient, pre-Xorda Robotnik in cryostasis has apparently been dead for a long time, though Isaac still thinks he's alive and giving him orders. Finitevus planned to use the large store of nuclear missiles in the base for some unknown purpose, and when Rouge found out, her moral side kicked in and she destroyed them, which naturally pissed Finitevus off. She stole a warp ring to escape, and now here she is, looking for protection from Knothole - though she adds that she was likely followed. Sure enough, while Sonic and Fiona are walking out of their own interrogation room, they spot Tails looking incredibly nervous next to a tree. When they approach, Sleuth Dawg steps out from behind the tree, holding a gun to Tails' head.
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Of course he's back! Scourge and Sonic immediately take off running, leaving Fiona behind to try to talk down Sleuth, who says he's here for the "traitor." Fiona calls him a hypocrite given his betrayal of the Freedom Fighters in the past, but Sleuth slyly insinuates that it's ironic for Fiona herself to be calling anyone else a traitor. Well that's suspicious… While they fight, Sonic asks Scourge why he's here, and of course first on his list of reasons is revenge. However, apparently that's not all.
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Things are getting a little spicy, aren't they? They end up back near the others, and Fiona tells them to stop fighting as she's negotiated a deal - the crooks will give Tails back and leave if Rouge returns the stolen warp ring. Sonic immediately zips away and comes back with it, and satisfied, Sleuth and Scourge leave, with the latter giving Fiona a wink as he disappears through the ring.
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You know what, Sonic? I don't think it is. Something is definitely fishy here. With the crisis averted, Rouge is free to go, but Julie-Su has one last word for her. I'm gonna let these last two pages speak for themselves, because this is exactly what I was talking about when I mentioned great character interaction.
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Damn, even Kenders wasn't edgy enough for the almost-swear. I love this, though. Granted, I'm not actually much of a fan of the interpretation that Rouge is into Knuckles, but I can see her as the type to want to steal something - or in this case, someone - just to prove she can. Certainly, this version of Rouge is a little more ruthless and less morally-centered compared to her counterpart in the games, particularly with how she's characterized in Heroes and beyond. As for Julie-Su, her explanation of her relationship with Knuckles right here is why I think the Soultouch was never a necessary thing to begin with. It's such a weird thing to include - I mean, most of the time in fiction when there's some kind of deus ex machina plot device that mandates that two characters fall in love with each other, the characters really don't feel like they have any real chemistry to begin with, hence the necessity of such a plot device. It's a forced love story, if you will. But Knuckles and Julie-Su? They already had that chemistry, from the beginning. They're alike in many ways, including their rough upbringings and their hot tempers, and those things they have in common often bring them together, as they understand each other more than others can. There was simply no need for a magical soulmate-bond-thingy to explain their falling for each other - Julie-Su's little speech up there is proof enough of that.
Call of Duty
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Steven Butler Colors: Jason Jensen
Speaking of Knuckles and Echidna Matters, later that day Rotor calls Knuckles to his lab, baffled at getting a call from Locke despite the call not having any signal he can recognize. Knuckles is unfazed, knowing that his father is using the mystical energies of the Master Emerald to contact him, and steps up. Locke doesn't waste time, ordering him to come back to the island immediately. Knuckles refuses, continuing to insist as before that the only way to properly protect Angel Island is to defeat Eggman first, but Locke informs him that things haven't been going very smoothly on the island since Echidnaopolis was retaken.
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Well, that's interesting. Another new villain, perhaps? Knuckles is surprised that his father hasn't figured out who the new guy is yet, but Locke says he's been too busy looking for the missing members of the Brotherhood. Knuckles asks if he's bothering to look for Charmy's family as hard as he is his own, but Locke evades the question, instead insisting that he needs Knuckles to come back to help him look. Knuckles, quite angry by now, repeats that he won't, and when Locke tries to go all "What did you just say to me, young man?" on him, Knuckles calls back to the very training Locke gave him as a child that taught him to always go for the source of a problem, and again reiterates that he plans to stay in Knothole to help fight Eggman.
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SMASH! Knuckles punches the screen, instantly shattering it and ending the connection, and stands there panting furiously, unable to believe that his father would even think of threatening to let his family be hurt. He collects himself after a moment and curtly apologizes for breaking Rotor's equipment and begins to leave, though everyone is mostly just concerned for his wellbeing. Tails tries to follow him, and tells him that he thinks he's doing the right thing, that he's essentially graduated from protecting one island to protecting the whole planet. Knuckles is still upset though, and leaves to go talk to Julie-Su to clear his head, though he quietly promises to himself that he will return someday, when all this is over.
Now, I absolutely love this. Because under Ian's writership, Locke is no longer treated as this wholly sympathetic, infallible being. Locke and Knuckles got along while Knuckles was still content to merely go along with his father's various plans, but now that he's starting to assert himself and go in a different direction than Locke intends, their relationship is starting to show its cracks. As we've seen before, Locke is someone who really doesn't hesitate to go all in on his plans, even if doing so will end up hurting someone. He created his own son to be a superpowered mutant, just because of a premonition he had. I mentioned before how Locke would have been so much more interesting as the well-intentioned extremist type of antagonist, rather than as the bland "father knows best" character he was under Penders, and I think Ian has finally started to steer the character in that direction. Unfortunately by now it's a little too late to make him truly interesting and complex, but Ian still does an admirable job with what he's been handed to work with.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Fifty-One: Envelope ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Like Magic ] [ AO3 Link ]
He still remembers receiving his letter with pride. No matter how many times his brother, his mother, and even his father assured him there was no question of its arrival...he still had his doubts. Not that he didn’t believe them...but rather, he didn’t believe in himself.
Only once he read his name and address on that envelope did he know.
The prestige of purity means traditions to uphold and honor to maintain. The Uchiha are a longstanding line of notable witches and wizards, long tied to the house of Slytherin within the walls and halls of Hogwarts.
To say that it brought a feeling of pressure and anxiety was...a bit of an understatement.
Not only that, but his family itself was one of accomplishments. His father, positioned in the Ministry, was well-respected (if not a little feared). And his mother was the author of many a magical tome, specifically those regarding modern charms for everyday use.
Itachi, his elder brother, showed talent and prowess for magic at the tender age of four, and could both cast and control his magic before ever receiving his first wand. A skill that his parents praised him heavily for.
Sasuke...was never quite that advanced as he grew. In most regards, he seemed completely...average.
And it bothered him.
While his typical displays of magic before being properly trained were a sure sign he’d grow to be a wizard, his lingering doubts when compared to his brother meant that he wondered if he’d ever earn a place at Hogwarts. Surely if someone were to look between the two of them...they’d choose Itachi every time.
His mother assured him again and again that such things weren’t what got a person accepted into the school. Proclaiming his father a late bloomer (a secret kept between them), she did her best to allay his fears.
And come his eleventh birthday that hot July day...his letter finally came.
Though he allowed himself to act pleased and excited, he kept the true extent of his reaction to himself, hidden away in his room and laugh-crying into his pillow in relief. Finally he knew for sure...he’d get to go.
His first ride on the Hogwarts Express was taken with his brother, who patiently and eagerly showed him around the platform, and the train. Itachi even sat with him, taking his little brother to the carriage he always sat in with a handful of friends. They were from all houses, and even Itachi himself had somehow defied tradition and ended up in Gryffindor. Though it had been a surprise, neither parent was angry or disappointed. Just...confused.
But Sasuke secretly hoped he’d be in the same house as his parents. He wanted to make them as proud as possible. Maybe there were some things he couldn’t do as well as Itachi, or at all. But being a Slytherin he was sure he could manage.
Upon their arrival, however...he had to be separated, taking the traditional ride across the lake with the other first years. Anxious at being alone, he nonetheless gaped up at the castle in awe with the rest. Everything was a surprise. The castle, the hall, the feast…! And of course, the Sorting.
Slytherin, as predicted.
The common room and dorms were amazing, Sasuke regretting the dark and being unable to see out into the lake from the large windows in the main room. Too excited to sleep, he’d woken after a few hours, groggy and confused.
Classes were another avenue of anxiety. Would he do well? He’d glanced over his textbooks before the year began, gleaning very little given their lack of context.
But it was one of his first classes where he made his first friend.
And not one he expected: a Hufflepuff by the name of Hinata Hyūga. They had Charms together, and just so happened to be seated together, and get along well.
It was the beginning of something he’d treasure always.
She wasn’t his only friend, but she was the first. Her saving his life (or at least a few broken bones) during their first flying lesson was also a plus. He later met those like Sakura Haruno, and Naruto Uzumaki. An odd little quad with a member from each house.
And oh, the adventures they got into...most of which centered around vanquishing evil, namely the Dark Lord himself.
And the one thing that blighted his family the most.
The excuse he heard over and over was the formation of a clan of witches and wizards centuries ago, all taking the same surname as a sign of brotherhood and solidarity. It wasn’t necessarily a notion of blood, and though the branches intermingled to keep the assembled pure bloodlines clean, Fugaku and Mikoto both were adamant - especially after his downfall - that neither were directly related to the one called Madara Uchiha.
The allegations - unable to be proven - nevertheless stuck. And they typically invoked one of two reactions. Fear...or respect. Or at times, an odd combination of both.
It was a subject that was eventually broached in their circle...namely due to the connection it bore to the loss of Naruto’s parents, and the formation of his whisker-like scars: marks from the blast of the rebounded killing curse that swiped across his cheeks as an infant. Both he and Sakura had been openly suspicious of the boy for a time.
...but not Hinata.
By that time, she’d known him the longest, and vouched for him without question. Even if he were related to Madara, that didn’t make him Madara. And there were plenty of good witches and wizards, she had read, who had come from Slytherin. And if the notion of being pureblood meant believing in the superiority of it, then...didn’t that include her, too?
Her vehement but gentle counters quickly settled the matter.
After all, Sakura was Muggleborn, and Naruto was halfblood. If either she or Sasuke had any prejudice against so-called ‘dirty blood’...why would they be friends?
When Naruto and Sakura excused themselves for the afternoon, the latter having agreed to help the former with some course work, Sasuke had taken Hinata’s wrist as she made to leave the bench they’d claimed in one of the courtyards for their discussion.
Expression unreadable save for its somber tinge, he found himself unable to look at her for a time. Mostly due to lingering guilt and feeling awkward at the previous exchange, but...also something else. They were in their fourth year at that time, and schedules weren’t the only things changing.
“...I just...wanted to say thank you.”
Her eyes flickered back and forth across his face, still unable to meet his. “...you don’t have to thank m-”
“Yeah, I do. I…” He sighed, glancing further aside. “...the subject’s a sore one, and...I knew that one of these days, it’d have to be addressed more...thoroughly between us. And I really was afraid of how it would go. Not very many people believe me when I try to explain, so…” Sasuke then dared to look to her briefly. “Your support, it...it meant a lot. And...I think it did a lot, too.”
Softening, Hinata slowly retook her seat beside him. “I’m sorry about how they reacted.”
“No...they have every right to. Sakura has a lot to be afraid of because of Madara and his followers - their plans. And Naruto, well...he lost everything because of Madara. If I have any connection to him -”
“But you don’t. Your parents said -?”
“My parents said, yeah. But the alliance in the clan, it...it led to a lot of bloodline records being lost or fudged. Some Uchiha are even half or quarter blood due to things getting spread thin. In reality...we can’t really know for sure. So...I can’t blame them for being wary.”
“But, Sasuke…” Easing from his grip he had yet to break, she instead gently cupped his hand with both her own. “You’ve already p-proven what kind of person you are. How many times have we s-stopped Madara’s plans? If you ever had any doubts, you had several chances to turn on us. To help him. But you never have. And...I know you never will. Just because you’re Uchiha - just because you’re pureblood, or in Slytherin - d-doesn’t make you a bad person. Your choices are what matter. Okay…?”
Though he listened to her words, Sasuke also found himself distracted by the warmth of her hands on his. A light shade of pink dusted the bridge of his nose and the tips of his ears. “...I know. I guess I’m just...used to being thought of that way. I’ve accepted it.”
“Well...you don’t have to. You’re my friend. I trust you, and I b-believe in you. Just keep making those good choices, and...soon, everyone else will, too.”
“...yeah. Thanks, Hinata…”
Giving him a soft smile, she abandoned her grip and stood. “...well, I b-better get my work done, too. Have...have a good evening, Sasuke. See you in Transfiguration tomorrow.”
“All right. Night.” Watching her go, he sighed once she vanished, not quite ready to leave yet.
...he couldn’t help but notice how cold his hand felt without hers.
     (This is a sequel to days 28, 230, 299, 316, 324, 327, and 330!)       More Harry Potter crossover because...it's all I could think of for this prompt xD Not much happened, but we got a bit of backstory, and some fluff between the two of them. I wanted to do more but it's late and I'm v tired aha~      Anyway, that's all for today. Golly I'll be so relieved when I'm finally all caught up! Thanks for reading~
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Hey Gorgeous!
Frat Boy! Jim Mason+Insecure! Reader:
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
I hope everything is alright and I hope that you are having a fun day, because here comes bad writing at its finest...
I know I have already said it in the teaser but like this was written in a period in which I felt very self-conscious about myself (I still am, but I mean... I literally was at my lowest).
I honestly don’t have anything bad about my body... (except the entire ensemble suck...)... but I costantly feel like I am a passable beauty, like... “you are ot ugly, but also... you are no supermodel... so move over”.
Which I know it’s stupid, because people have it worse, but hey... my fics my fantasies... so...
Also... you don’t need male validation to feel pretty... you don’t need nobody opinion, except your own...
And now that I got somethings off my chest...
HEART IT, REBLOG IT OR PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT IT... because I am anxious and insecure also in my writing.
Love you, lovelies!
SUMMARY: After your insecurities get the worst of you, you manage to get an handsome frat boy to make you feel better.
WARNINGS: Body Image Issues, Insecurities and (Frat Parties, alcohol consumption and lingerie party so a bit of butts being show) Rejection (angsty but with a fluffy ending).
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She always known that some words didn’t belong with you and with your body.
She would never be called gorgeous and sexy, because you didn’t belong in the slightest to those categories, since she hadn’t what it took to be seriously “beautiful” or “sexy”.
She had a kind of beauty which most people described as cute, described as something that made her friends want to pet you and gave her a lot of annoying compliments, but actually they were backhanded insults, such as “you are such a cutiepie” which was clearly “you look like a child”.
And it had never really bothered her, although she couldn’t help but feel like it went a bit too far sometimes and sometimes she felt a bit insecure about her own appearance and no matter what she did: a new hair style, a lot of make-up a change of wardrobe.
Still, she wouldn’t be able to change that opinion people had about her.
So, she had stopped.
It was just another type of beauty and she was beautiful in her own way.
But it didn’t matter how much she told herself that, when her roommate was strutting in her room wearing nothing but a white piece of lingerie, barely covering her ass, for the “lingerie party” they had been invited to, meanwhile she hid herself in the scrap of lace she had wrapped around herself to hide the lacey body-suit she wore underneath it.
At first she had just wanted to stutter into the party with her flying squirrel shaped pajama, since it completely matched her style, no matter the fact that it was so big that she barely could walk in it and it wasn’t lingerie, but her roommate had swiftly brought up that there was no way she would be making her way to the party with her dressed as that.
She honestly loved Erika, but she was the typical girl you couldn’t help but find sexy: effortlessly beautiful, with long blonde hair and a tanned completion which spoke of nice summers out and sweet plump lips, which, instead, told it all about soft kisses and wild nights.
She honestly didn’t blame her roommate, but she couldn’t help but feel like she didn’t know so many of her struggles.
She was very uncomfortable for her entire staying at the lingerie party, constantly clinging onto Erika, and covering herself with the silky shawl, meanwhile she didn’t dare to meet a single boy’s eyes.
Not that they would have been fixed on her, when Erika was there.
The difference between sexy and cute was also visible in the way you interacted with people: she, for example, had an hard time talking and if she did it would have been focused on making your laugh and whisper about common interests, whereas Erika had a more direct approach, gaining the immediate interest of her audience as a true magician.
But at least she had something to hold onto for the entire night: Timothy, from of one of her classes and the latest of her crushes, had promised her to actually be at the party and absolutely come there to talk to her and “save her from public embarrassment”.
Timothy was a nice guy, the type that typically didn’t flirt around and had nice interests she shared, so she had always felt like he was a safe place to crush on, and he had seemed interested in her, suggesting they always worked together for some group projects, alongside always holding the seat next to him for her.
She really hoped not to have read too much into this, scared that he might have been interested only in a friendship, so she had waited for him to do the first move…
And she was still waiting…
“Don’t worry (Y/N)! He will come” reassured her gently Erika, holding her hand, meanwhile she giggled with the latest of her suitors, and she tried to smile a bit and relax herself.
… and finally, she eyed him, just coming out of the door, waving shyly at him, meanwhile he immediately moved towards them; Erika moved off, with the guy she had been talking with, in order to give her some privacy, for which she was grateful.
She moved away the silky shawl and although she knew sexy wasn’t her thing, she tried to do her best to assume an unbothered expression and smile brightly (but not too creepily) at him.
Timmy was at her side, immediately, a red solo cup in his right hand and his other gently and softly moved around her waist and she couldn’t help but blush.
-… you are finally here! – she whimpered, meanwhile she moved her eyes to the ground -… I thought you would be missing the chance to see a lot of girls in panties! -.
He giggled at her bad attempt to break the ice, before he leaned closer into her ear.
-I promised you to be here, didn’t I? – a thrill of adrenaline moved down her spine and she was unable to stop herself from blushing -… and I had to ask you something…-.
Now she was going to melt in his arm, her heart beating thunderously in her chest, meanwhile she tried to calm her whole body from shaking, immediately raising her head to meet her eyes…
She could already picture it: he would confess he had had a crush on her for the longest time and she would say that she felt the same, he then would tangle gently an hand between her hair and push her closer, till their lips touched and fireworks started…
…but her idyllic vision was stopped by his question:
-Is Erika single? – he looked at her with a face that told her he wasn’t joking in the slightest -… I have honestly had a bit of a crush…-.
She honestly tried her best not to react in the slightest, but she immediately felt so so humiliated and his touch was unbearable.
She wasn’t having the heartbreak of her life, but it was the eternal confirmation that she wasn’t… well what people looked for…
She broke away from him, immediately hearing him call her back, but it didn’t seem to last long because she saw him with the corner of her eyes move towards Erika and all she was able of doing was push herself away from the party set in a college brotherhood.
She was in search of the bathroom (third door on the left, they had told her) but a bit shocked by the situation, she took the wrong turn and ended up entering in the second door, finding a guy sitting on his bed, papers all scattered around, headphones in his ear.
He immediately unplugged them from himself, seeing her, eyeing her curiously behind a pair of reading glasses, meanwhile he passed a hand around his messy hair.
She honestly couldn’t believe she had just seen the cutest guy ever.
(And she was halfway through crying her heart out for Timothy…)
-Hey gorgeous! – he called out to her -… are you in or are you out? –.
And he motioned to the door she was keeping halfway open, showing her the little notebook from which he was reading, clearly studying, during a party.
She knew the torture.
-Sorry… I was…- and then it got her: he had just called her gorgeous -… did you just call me “gorgeous”? -.
She should have just closed the door after she had exited the room, leaving him alone and leaving some dignity to herself, since she honestly didn’t want to bother him, seeing his hazed glaze on the notebook.
-… yeah…- he mumbled, and she was sure that he had thought she was a weirdo -… you are probably the prettiest girl at the party-.
Was she having hearing trouble?
-You are not at the party so… I don’t think you can judge that well- she mumbled, still standing on the threshold getting a little smirk from the boy, meanwhile she sniffed slightly, trying to shush her emotions.
-… I literally know each girl at every part in here, except you- he mumbled, looking at her victoriously.
-So, I am gorgeous to you, only because I am new- she replied pointedly, making him roll his eyes and throw his notebook on his bed, which bounced slightly.
-Is it so bad to just take a compliment? – he mumbled, faking annoyance, meanwhile he made some space for her to sit down -… because I swear it wasn’t intended with any ill-willed thoughts-.
She laughed a bit, mostly because the boy wiggled his eyebrows jokingly.
Still tears shone in her eyes and she couldn’t help but let a few fell on her cheeks.
-… maybe it’s better for me to leave…- she mumbled, cleaning her hand over the lacey fabric of her body suit -… you need to study...-.
-I am honestly thinking it’s stupid for me to continue studying- he admitted, throwing his hands up in the air, getting another giggle from her -… I am not even sure that I can pass this exam… “do marine biology, you won’t have to study anything!” -.
She knew it was a bad idea to spend her time with a frat boy, half naked, but honestly she didn’t feel even in the slightest in danger with this boy with the prettiest eyes and the softest smile, clearly trying to comfort her and slowly, she moved towards the end of the bed, clearing a little space of papers, in order to sit down.
-I am sure you will do great- she tried to smile slightly to convey a sense of assurance, getting a slight thankful expression from the boy.
-That’s why I said that you are gorgeous…- he insisted again -… you have the prettiest smile I have ever seen-.
Now she blushed trying to hide her face in her hands, before trying to move his focus away from that matter, although she was thankful for his soft smile and honest compliments.
-… what about you stop with giving me compliments? And start with giving me your name? – she mumbled and got a laugh from him.
-Oh yeah… probably sounded like a creep…- he scratched the back of his head, nervous -… I am Jim, Jim Mason, studying marine biology and surfing in my spare time-.
And she could see it, since he had a lot of photos of himself and another girl on surfboard with a beautiful background.
-(Y/N) (L/N), studying (Y/S) and when I am not doing that, I like intruding into guys’ room to cry in peace- she joked, pointing out her tears, and Jim passed her a roll of hygienic paper to dry her tears getting an immediate big laugh from her.
“You are in a college brotherhood you can’t expect us to have silk tissues…?” he joked and from then on it was on: a battle of brotherhood jokes and legends, with her actually being the strongest disbeliever meanwhile he gingerly made fun of her and the brotherhood system.
In the end they were both laid down next to each other on the bed, she had told him about Timothy, getting a very annoyed laugh after a huff, meanwhile he ranted about how stupid college guys were.
“You are a college guy” she had quickly replied, getting a little smirk from him.
“… and a frat boy” he had added, meanwhile she just rolled her eyes “It couldn’t get much worse”.
They started laughing again and he gently brushed the hair that had fallen over her face, meanwhile she suddenly found face to face with the prettiest eyes she had ever seen, the ocean in it, shining brightly although she wasn’t anywhere near it.
It brought her to imagine what a date with him would be like.
But guys like Jim didn’t ask for her number: she was honestly surprised he was taking his time to comfort her, without trying anything, although he had been flirty in each of his affirmations, complimenting her.
But he had been a gentleman, nonetheless.
He had charmed her and made her immediately forget about Timothy and that awful night, coaxing her out of the place she had put herself in: maybe she was perfect, for somebody…
… or at least “gorgeous”.
She knew it that she didn’t need a man validation to feel gorgeous but at the same time… it helped… to feel that way, to know that there was someone who saw that in her…
… it made things easier…
So as soon as she saw him lean closer she completed the little gap between them, a bit ashamed of the velocity with which everything had wrapped itself, when she knew just that his name was Jim, he would be failing his marine biology test and he thought she was gorgeous.
She was definitely blushing like a schoolgirl, meanwhile he gently brought and hand to tangle in her hair, softly, another gently moving onto her neck to caress it, meanwhile she felt the slight pressure become stronger till a fresh feeling coated her lips and she awoke form her embarrassed trance just to discover it was his tongue, asking for permission.
And she didn’t know what to do, but to open her mouth to him seemed decadently natural.
He softly caressed her, comforting her and she couldn’t help but melt in the gentleness of the kiss, meanwhile his tongue explored her mouth and although she would have found that description disgusting…
…the way he swirled his tongue with expertise… she couldn’t help but moan in the kiss.
And he separated himself from her, softly, looking at her shiny eyes: she could see herself smile under the stars near the ocean, a future that might not be so impossible, because of the beautiful smile linked to his eyes.
-Well… I mean… I might not have gotten much study, but I kissed the prettiest girl of the party-.
-Flattery won’t get you anywhere, with me- she joked, linking and brushing their noses together, meanwhile he kept caressing her hair, passing them through his fingers softly, attentive to the knots.
-I already got a kiss, and I am sure that with the right amount of marine fauna knowledge I could also convince you to give me your number- although he seemed all cocky she couldn’t help but identify a tone of shyness in his voice, which clearly spoke greatly about his true feelings.
-Pass the exam and I might consider it- she mumbled, meanwhile she reached out for her discarded robe, covering her bodysuit, but giving Jim a last cheeky look which he took thankfully, almost reverently, as if she was his favorite goddess.
At that same time, a knock on the door was hear and a male voice called out drunkenly to know if the bathroom was occupied, to which Jim replied dramatically:
-I am trying to get a very pretty girl’s number, do not come in! – she giggled, before moving to grab his phone quickly, typing her number quickly, before giving it back to him.
-Call me just if you pass the exam…- she warned him, before kissing gently his check, making sure that her lipstick smudged a bit on his cheek, hearing something about him “never ever washing that cheek again”, before grabbing back the phone, winking at her.
He then gentlemanly offered to accompany her outside, where she immediately met Erika.
She was pretty sure that now that he had seen Erika, Jim would have realized that maybe he had done the wrong choice, but he just linked their hands together, which didn’t pass unnoticed by her roommate.
She smirked and suggested they stayed a bit longer, but she honestly felt like she had taken already too much of Jim’s time, considering that he had an exam (they had ever tried to look over her notes, but the boy’s handwriting was just the messiest).
This time it was him who kissed her cheek, before whispering huskily in her ear “goodnight, beautiful”.
And the blush on her cheeks didn’t lessen in the slightest, on their way to their dorms and Erika made fun of it.
But, at least, the following day she had a date with the prettiest of the frat boys.
Hello, lovelies!
As always... if you have liked this please: heart it, reblog it and let me know with an ask or anything else if you liked it or not (gently, thank you very much) so I can write and do better for the next fics!
(Also I don’t know if I will be able to upload a fic next week, because I will be on a trip, so... but just so you know, I will then be back to my usual posting, with amazing ideas!)
And here are some people who wanted to be tagged into this! (Also if you want to be added to my tag list just let me know, with a DM or an ask!).
@emmyrosee @blakewaterxx @1-800-bitchcraft  @rocketgirl2410  @liliesandforgetmenots @dyns33 @loveableasshole @kleineshaschen @lovelylangdonx @ahsx97 @hexqueensupreme @ napping-is-my-favorite @vampirefairyestelle @ miss-diamonds @lexamarie93 @kelncurls @ annabisgroovy @ crispygiantsaladgarden @ iamhereforthefanfic @lucy245 @langdonsoutpost @chloewinchester13 @ thecravetobethin @thesmutisstrongwiththisone @ladynuwanda @mega-combusken
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blurglesmurfklaine · 5 years
Mixed Signals
Summary: Blaine Anderson is the new transfer at McKinley High. He quickly becomes fast friends with Kurt Hummel—Glee Club diva, straight A student, Cheerio extraordinaire. He plans to win his heart, but there’s just one problem: he can’t make heads or tails of Kurt’s personality, as it seems to change every hour or so...
A/N: So uh, I don’t really know what this is I haven’t written anything in literal years and I just popped this trash baby out so... yeah enjoy
* Blaine follows his new show choir director into the choir room, which he notes is significantly less grandeur than the one at Dalton, but he digressed. McKinley was supposed to be a new start and although leaving Dalton isn’t something he was ever too keen about, he knows he has to try and find the silver lining of it all, at least for his parents’ sakes.
Said silver lining presents itself in the form of a pale skinned, blue eyed boy wearing a cheerleading uniform who caught Blaine’s eye as he took center stage of the room to introduce himself. “Hello everyone,” he waves to the eclectic group of students with one hand and keeps the other safely in his pocket. “I’m Blaine Anderson. I just transferred here from Dalton Academy.”
It seems he has unnamed male Cheerio’s attention, he can practically feel the boy’s gaze quickly traveling up and down his entire body, as if assessing him. “Let’s all give Blaine a warm welcome,” says the teacher—Mr. Shue, he remembered. He gestures to the chairs in front of them as the thirteen other members applauded. “Take a seat wherever you’d like.” It doesn’t m take long for him to make his way towards the empty seat next to Cheerio boy and claim it. It also doesn’t take long for the rest of the New Directions to exchange a multitude of glances that range from surprised to suggestive to sly.
The boy offers Blaine a hand and an almost bashful smile. “My name’s Kurt,” he introduced himself. “Kurt Hummel.” After fifty minutes of solos, rehearsing, and casual chatter, Blaine is definitely intrigued by Kurt, to say the least. He learns that Kurt and Finn are step brothers after the latter had come up to him and asked what they were having for dinner. “Oh, you two are dating?” Blaine had asked, not so smoothly and unable to keep his interest discreet despite his best efforts. This caused the tallest of them all to laugh heartily, throwing his head back. “No, we’re brothers. Kurt’s dad married my mom. I used to be kind of a dick, but our brotherhood kind of changed that. Did you know that grilled cheesus never said anything about gay people—“ Finn goes on for several more minutes about all he’s learned about gay rights in support of his brother, and Kurt watches and listens with equal parts pride and amusement. Not everything he says is entirely accurate, but neither Kurt nor Blaine have the heart to tell him that. Instead, they just exchange bemused glances every time it happens and let the leader of the New Directions continue on, blissfully ignorant. The bell finally dismisses them, and before Blaine leaves, his new friend is practically bouncing over to him. Blaine notes the hopeful look on his face as he gnawed on his bottom lip nervously. “I know this might be a little forward, but,” he reaches out and pulled his arm towards him, rucking up Blaine’s sleeve. He tries to stay calm as he watches the purple pen move furiously, scrawling out seven digits on Blaine’s forearm. “We should hang out.” He can’t keep the smile off his face. “We should.” * The next time Blaine sees Kurt, he’s changed out of his Cheerio’s uniform and opted for a subdued gray tee shirt paired with a blue hoodie. He can’t say he’s not surprised at the disconnect between Kurt’s effervescent personality and muted fashion sense, but he’s excited to share calculus with him nonetheless. He throws his hand up in a friendly wave towards the boy and is slightly confused when he receives nothing more but an angrily puzzled glare in return. Offset, but not entirely discouraged, he sits right behind him. The lesson continues and Blaine is taking immaculate and thorough notes about the square root of negative integers when Kurt bursts out in disbelief. “Woah, woah, there are imaginary numbers now?” He scoffs, and Blaine is startled at how much lower his voice is. “Are there unicorns in the next lesson?” “Mr. Hummel,” the teacher scolds, folding his arms. “Are we going to need another chat with principal Figgins?” “No but we might need one with the people in charge of educating the nation’s youth.” He mutters. Blaine is absolutely floored at the jarring contrast between the Kurt he met two periods ago and the one sitting in front of him right now. Still, he doesn’t want his new friend to get into trouble, so he places a gentle hand on his shoulder, earning a flinch from the other boy. He whips around to face Blaine. “What?” He hisses. “Nothing, I just... don’t want you to get into trouble.” He admits.
He looks at Blaine like he’s never seen him before this moment, absolutely bewildered. “Thanks,” he says, not an ounce of actual gratitude in his voice. “But I can handle myself just fine.” And he turns back around to face the board. Blaine sits there, stirring in his confusion. He hadn’t know Kurt could be so... abrasive. At least, not based on his interactions with him earlier that day. He brushes it off with a shake of his head. Maybe he was just having a bad day. He’s sure it’s a one time thing. * It’s not a one time thing. Blaine slowly realizes over the course of more than a few days, that it’s an actually very regular occurrence. And normally, this would be the sort of thing that makes Blaine run for the hills, but the fifty-percent of the time Kurt is being his normal optimistic self (he quickly thinks, what if he just assumes that’s Kurt’s default personality because it’s the first one he met, but he pushes the thought aside) he is really into him. He hasn’t been this into a guy since... well, ever. He’s seen Kurt stand up to several jerks with comebacks that had the power behind them to instantly disintegrate anyone who dared to try and shoot any homophobia in his direction. He isn’t used to this kind of bravery, mostly because it wasn’t needed at Dalton, but here it definitely is, and Blaine admires courage like that. Kurt was there when he had first gotten slushied, willing and more than prepared with all the needed grooming supplies to help get the sticky sweet ice out of Blaine’s unfortunate hair. They had even sung a few—admittedly flirty—duets for their glee club assignments. That was the Kurt he liked. But he’s also seen Kurt crumple up the cute note he’d left for him on his desk and immediately toss it into the wastebasket. He’s seen him mock fellow Cheerios when he’s not in uniform with “Two, four, six, eight! Heard you like to fornicate!” and a sarcastic grin. But what he can’t fathom is how Kurt from glee club, who never fails to ask “Mr. Shue, may I?” ever so politely, and Kurt from history, who refers to Bill Clinton as “came-a-lot”, are the same person. He’s made serval mental notes to help him unravel the enigma that was Kurt Hummel, dividing the two versions of him into “Glee Kurt” and “Calculus Kurt”. Glee Kurt likes to talk, likes to learn everything he can about Blaine. So he tells him everything from piano lessons at age four, to his annoying older brother Cooper. He also likes little intimate touches—a hand on the thigh after a good joke, the grazing of each other’s hands, leaning into each other’s shoulders. Blaine never complains about this, if anything, he encourages it by reciprocating every sign of interest Kurt shows, especially since they’re gone just as easily as they come. Calculus Kurt speaks in a lower register than Glee Kurt, and after trying to reach for his hand during the few minutes before class and earning an outraged swat in return, Blaine’s learned to practically avoid any contact with him at all during that class, whether it be verbal or physical. He only steps in when he thinks Kurt’s snide remarks might get him into too much trouble. It’s confusing, to say the least, but Blaine Anderson is not a quitter. * “God my brother is driving me crazy,” Kurt moans as Blaine walks him down the hallway. Blaine chuckles, unable to imagine what Finn could have possibly done this time. “Was his late-night Call Of Duty tournament keeping you up too late?” Kurt looks puzzled. “He doesn’t play Call Of Duty,” he replies. Blaine’s forehead creases in confusion because he’s sure he’s heard Finn boast about his marathons on that video game on more than one occasion. “No, his laptop died and he refused to give me back mine so he could work on his journalism project.“ Blaine had no idea that Finn was so passionate about writing, but he supposes Kurt knows his own brother better than he does. * It takes a few weeks, but Blaine finally figures it out. It’s the Cheerios uniform.
He’s been sheltered by all those years at Dalton, so when he came to McKinley he didn’t understand right away, but now he does. Status is everything to the kids at this school and if you’re wearing a Letterman jacket or a Cheerios uniform, nobody’s going to screw with you.
But if you’re not... well, Blaine is certain that Kurt’s built up walls of his own to protect himself from the idiots like Azimio and Langanthal when he doesn’t have the Cheerios uniform to do it for him.
It’s the only logical explanation.
At least it is until he walks into the choir room and Kurt is wearing black jeans with a bright yellow raincoat.
“Wow,” Blaine greets him, mostly out of surprise from how different this outfit is from Kurt’s normal wardrobe. “Do you like it?” Kurt takes his usual seat next to Blaine.
“I-I think it’s great,” Blaine stammers, hating how hard it is to make heads or tails of the boy sitting next to him. “It’s just so different from your usual get up.” “I know.” Kurt chortles. “Sue had them sent out for dry cleaning, so we get to freestyle dress today.” So, Blaine supposes, it’s not the Cheerios uniform. * Blaine sighs as he walks into calculus. This is a bad idea. He knows it’s a really bad idea because Kurt is always in a bad mood for this class, but he doesn’t care. He’s hoping that if he can get Kurt to act like his normal self now, he can do it indefinitely and he won’t have to worry about it anymore. He takes a steadying breath and walks right up to him. “I usually know to wait until you’re out of this class, but I can’t take it anymore. Will you go to dinner with me?” Kurt looks up at him like he’s the dumbest creature on earth. It stings. “Sorry,” Kurt spits without an ounce of remorse in his voice. “I’m not gay, but if I were, I don’t think you’d be my type.” Blaine feels like he’s been punched in the gut. His hurt quickly morphs into anger and he retorts back, “You know, I get that you’re capricious, but I never took you for a coward,” before pushing past him and taking a seat in the very back of the class. He doesn’t see confounded look on the other boy’s face and doesn’t hear him whisper, “What the fuck,” to himself. * The situation gets a hundred times more confusing when Kurt comes up to him in the hallway a few days later. “Hey!” He calls out to Blaine. Blaine tenses. He so does not want to have this conversation right now, and certainly not in the middle of the hallway. He keeps walking, keeps avoiding Kurt. “I am talking to you!” Kurt finally catches up with him and grabs him by the shoulder to force Blaine to face him. “You’ve been avoiding me for days and I want to know why!” Blaine is dumbfounded. “Look, Kurt,” he scoffs. “If I had known you were still in the closet, I would’ve probably backed off. But you came onto me! I get not being ready to come out, but I really like you and I don’t know how much longer–hmph!” Before he knows what’s happening, Kurt is pulling on the front of Blaine’s jacket, bringing their faces together. And it’s... nice. It’s really nice. The pressure of Kurt’s mouth against his own is warm and even, and for a moment Blaine forgets all the crazy that seems to revolve around Kurt Hummel because all he can think about is the world of possibilities this kiss is opening up. Kurt pulls away, leaving him in a daze. “Would someone who’s in the closet do that?” “I guess not.” Blaine responds airily, head still spinning. * When Blaine sees Kurt at the end of that day, shoving some books into his locker, he can’t keep his stupid grin off his face. Blaine comes up behind him and grabs his waist playfully, spinning his around. “I’ve been wanting to do this all day.” He says before pulling them together. If he’s being honest... it’s not very good. He can feel Kurt grimace and tense up by the time their lips meet, and he’s about to pull away and ask what’s wrong before Kurt beats him to the punch. He shoves Blaine’s chest, splitting them asunder. “What the fuck was that?” Blaine can see that Kurt is absolutely seething. “I just thought- after earlier today—” “In case I haven’t been very clear before, I’m gonna be completely transparent now,” he fumes. “I never want to see your face again. Stay the hell away from me!” Blaine watches in a melting pot of emotions as Kurt turns around and all but sprints away from him. What the hell was that all about? * Blaine knocks on the Hudson-Hummel household door vigorously. He knows Kurt told him to stay the hell away from him, but his stubborn frustration tells him they are going to talk about this god dammit. The door opens and Finn can barely get out a friendly greeting before Blaine busts pats him. “Where’s your brother?” He demands. “Uh, which one?” “Don’t play dumb, Finn!” The taller boy only looks at him expectantly. “Kurt!” Finn sees the look in Blaine’s eyes and knows he’s searching for some kind of answer, probably one he can’t give him. “Uh, Kurt!” He calls. “Your boyfriend’s here and he looks kinda pissed off.” Kurt comes down the stairs, face lighting up when he sees Blaine. “Hey—“ he starts, but Blaine wastes no time getting to the point. “Are we gonna talk about that kiss or not?” “What?” “I should go.” Finn points out uncomfortably. “I thought it was nice, right?” “It-it was not nice.” Blaine exhales. “You said you didn’t want to see me again.” “Am I missing something here?” “I have no idea why I’m still here.” “I’m getting a lot of mixed signals from you, Kurt!” Blaine finally explodes. “In glee club all you want to do is flirt and hold hands and banter which I am all for, believe me! But then in calculus you seem like you want nothing to do with me!” “Calculus?” Kurt’s face twists up in a lack of understanding. “We don’t have that class together. I don’t even take calculus, I’m in statistics—“ And then it hits him. He doesn’t take calculus, but there’s one person he knows who does. “CARSON!” Kurt screeches so loudly that even Blaine, seething just a moment ago, is startled. Blaine hears another set of footsteps rush down the stairs accompanied by a familiar voice. “I swear to god if you called me down here while I’m in the middle of editing my college entrance essay to tell me how unflattering my wardrobe is again I’m gonna—“ The boy stops dead in his tracks when he sees Blaine, and Blaine blanches. “Oh, my god.” He mumbles. Standing in front of him is an exact replica of Kurt, wearing the same blue jacket he’d always donned in calculus. He looks at Kurt, then back at—Carson. It all makes so much sense. Kurt didn’t have a dual personality, Blaine was just an idiot. Twins. Fucking twins. “Oh, my god,” Carson says, turning to Finn and Kurt. “It’s that weirdo I was telling you about!” “Wait, this is the creepy guy who has a crush on you?” Kurt asks in bewilderment. “I thought you were just expressing your closeted homophobia a la Finn circa sophomore year?” “Oh,” Finn rolls his eyes. “You just have to bring that up again.” “You know I’m not homophobic,” Carson retorts, ignoring his stepbrother. “This is that guy that gave me that note, asked me out, then kissed me without warning!” “You kissed Carson?” Kurt and Finn ask in unison. “I thought he was you!” Blaine defends himself. “For a month?” Carson asks, unconvinced. He scoffs. “Convenient.” “Don’t flatter yourself,” Kurt growls back at him. “Dude,” Finn interjects, voice beginning to bubble up with laughter. “They look nothing alike.” “Finn, they are literally identical twins!” “What, did you just think Kurt was really fickle?” Carson asks incredulously. Blaine opens his mouth to respond but snaps it shut immediately because even though he now realizes how utterly absurd that sounds, it’s exactly what he thought. “Oh, my god.” Finn, Kurt, and Carson all chorus in realization. The horror of the situation dawns on Blaine and a white-hot embarrassment starts burning in the pit of his stomach. “I have to go.” He says, eyes wide as he turns to leave. Kurt grabs his hand. “What? You don’t have to leave,” he explains. Blaine shakes his head incredulously. “You’re not done with me? After all that?” “Of course not!” He laughs as if it’s the craziest thing he’s ever heard. “Do I think you can be a little ridiculously oblivious? Of course. But I really like you, Blaine. Besides, this will make a great story one day.” From behind them, Carson rolls his eyes. “Can I fucking go now?” Kurt shoots his brother a glare then immediately turns his attention back to Blaine. “But if you ever kiss my brother again, we’re through.” Blaine lets his head fall forward and huffs out a laugh. “Deal.” 
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 46
Last time: The Armstrong Siblings “fought”, Envy pulled a Loki, and Greedling got a new crew. Onwards!
Timeskip apparently, Narrator’s saying that our guys planned as the year changed and it’s spring now. “Ready or not, the Promised Day would soon arrive.” So the Day is in spring? Episode 46 - “Looming Shadows” Gee, I wonder which shadow-based Goth is going to feature in this episode? Hey Sideburns! What brings you down to the land of sun, sheep and cheerful villagers? Wait, Resembool? That’s the hometown of the Blonde Trio! Oh I get it, take a break to fill up on water for the train, while you’re there pass a note to Granny Rockbell, she’s probably wondering why Winry hasn’t called lately. Or forget the note, just smuggle Winry home! Been a while, hasn’t it? You went to Rush Valley to study automail and wound up with an apprenticeship, then went to Central to patch Ed up, went back to Rush Valley because of demanding customers, went to Fort Briggs to patch Ed up again, and after dealing with Ishvalans and Goths you’re finally home. While the disguised Briggs troops look around the workshop, Winry heads upstairs for a long-awaited outfit change HEY cameraman stop creeping on Winry can’t you see she’s changing her shi Um Yeah Ed, I’m having the same reaction. Minus the sandwich, but yeah. Same face on my end. So Winry understandably screams at the Surprise Boyfriend in her bedroom her guards run upstairs guns ready surprised to see the Protagonist chilling then Gorilla and Boar are there pointing their guns at the guards then the Rockbell Dog comes running up to bite Gorilla (not the cat Chimera? Missed opportunity) on the bum who gets pulled off by an irritated Greedling then Winry recognizes “Ling” then the troops recognize Kimblee’s former men who recognize guys from Briggs then accusations about everyone following each other start flying and everyone’s yelling at each other [Winry]: “Ok Ed, you want to tell me what’s going on here?” [Ed]: “Looks like a cautionary tale about guns.” [Winry]: “Don’t be a smartass, tell me why you’re in my room!” [Blushing!Ed]: “I just wanted someplace private to eat my sandwich!” By this point Winry is just Done and kicks the guards/the chimeras/Greedling out, Ed and Dog cowering at the sight of the furious mechanic with a wrench. Awww but now she’s admitting she was worried about Ed and he says he was worried about her and Al- hey wait a minute. Where’s Little Brother? At the trainstation with Sideburns? Hurry Ed, you can reunite with your brother and Absentee Anime Father! Wait no need to stop and say goodbye and give Winry back her earrings and kiss her already you fool. Or not? Oh yeah, Ed’s kind of a fugitive, while it’s Sideburns and Al at the train if any of Bradley’s forces are around and see him then they’re all in trouble. So what, he just has to wait and let his brother be separated from him again? That sucks. Granny Rockbell! Good to see you again. After all the other interlopers recover introductions go around, and Winry tries to talk to Ling but nope! It’s Greedling now. The “boss” gives the backstory over supper, explains that they’re crashing at the Rockbell’s place because Ed’s automail is banged up thank you I was wondering if they were going to address Ed moving with the old limbs after a growth spurt. And don’t think I missed your game Granny, you passed on Ed’s checkup so the two kids could chat on their own. Ed’s glad to get the good news about Liore rebuilding, and learns that Al’s going with Sideburns east to help with the combined North/East forces. And Beard’s heading to Central? Damnit so Ed has to choose between helping his brother or his pops. Winry says it’s almost the Promised Day ok I’m sorry but when is the Promised Day? Is that like an Amestris holiday or something? Spring Solstice? Anniversary of Amestris’ founding? Selim’s birthday? When is it?! Whenever it is, Ed notes that they might be able to use it to get their bodies back, but there’s the likely risk of catastrophe. So he wants Winry to take her Granny and the dog out of the country-
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Winry does not approve of this plan. Honey, I get that you have faith in the Protagonist and hate the idea that people will get hurt if he fails, but you have to admit that he’s up against long odds. We can hope that he’ll succeed, but even Armstrong the Great ordered her family out of Amestris on the chance of failure. And HA! He is taller than her now! Growth Spurt confirmed!
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(yes Winry’s leaning forward in that shot but damnit I’m taking this) ...dude! Not cool! Don’t just gripe that she just doesn’t understaaaaaand and storm out! Don’t let that be the note you part on! Look, even Greedling’s mocking you. And NOPE you stay the hell away from my ship you Goth. [Ed]: “That kind of wanting is dangerous; That’s not how reality works. Take a look, this is what I got for wanting something unrealistic.” What, a badass robot arm? I mean, I’ve made my stance on being a cyborg clear, I’m not really sympathizing with you here buddy. Greedling disagrees as well. [Greedling]: “You wanna bring back someone that you’ve lost. You might want money. Maybe you want women, or you might wanna ‘protect the world’. These are all common things people want. Things that their hearts desire. Greed may not be ‘good’, but it’s not so ‘bad’ either.” Ed starts walking away. [Greedling]: “You humans think greed is just for money and power! But everyone wants something that they don’t have.” Ed comes to a stop on the stairs. Then he keeps on walking. You’re leaving already? Where are you heading, Al or Beard? Also hot damn Ed’s rocking the suit look, I’m so proud of my no-longer-little boy. Thankfully he’s trying to leave on a good note with Winry, goes so far as to say he’ll stop them like she told him to promise earlier. ...wait, did you just basically tell your LI to get in the kitchen and cook for your victory? Back in Liore wait are the Chimeras and Yoki still there? Why didn’t they head to Central with Beard? See even Boar’s complaining that they need to prepare for the Promised Day oh so they’re waiting on Scar and Marcoh to come back never mind here they are. What were you guys up to, anyway? Ok then guess we’ll find out in Central. The majority of the Mine Crew is back on the road now, Toad and Boar chatting about the irony of working with a former Antagonist to save their own country. Scar retorts that he’s not trying to “save” Amestris, but change it. Yeah, with how militarized and expansionist Amestris is under the Goths I suppose it’s be essentially a new country, changed to be unable to cause another Genocide. [Voice?]: “If you truly dream of changing the world, you must first be able to change yourself!” It’s the Ishvalan Elder! With a bunch of other Ishvalans, talking about “the ebb and flow” wait a minute that sounds suspiciously like the Law of Equivalent Exchange. Jeez, when was the last time we got to update the EEC? Should I count this? Anyways, Toad and Boar are shocked to see other Ishvalans, turns out that recruiting these guys was what Scar and Marcoh were up to these past few months. And there’s General Grumman! Back in his uniform, looking over his troops. And Sideburns is there too, with the Northern forces. Everything’s all set- a “stumbling block”? Uh, that’s Fuhrer King “Wrath” Bradley up in the observation tower. I’d call that a bit more than a “stumbling block”. So what now? Later that night Al’s still in that train car bored out of his non-corporeal mind oooor slipping away. Crap, he’s getting worse. He needs his body back, soon. A crash? Al’s looking outside did water just fall on ooooooooh no. That’s not water. Gluttony! Crap, run dude! It’s not just Wrath here but Gluttony’s back in the field SHIT IT GOT WORSE. Normally light would be safe but it just cast a shadow behind Al and Leto-damn Pride is here to do that hand-grabby thing from the last intro, and Al’s losing his connection again no no no Al’s down. The hands are moving in. Al… [Pride]: “You rest up Alphonse, just take it nice and easy for a while. We’ll wake you on NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO “-on the Promised Day.” GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIS SIGIL ...how the hell did this episode go from “hyuk hyuk lets have Winry almost undress in front of Ed” to “hyuk hyuk lets have Al get captured by the Goths”. What the Leto. Mid-ep pictures of Winry undressing and Wrath drinking tea. Armstrong the Great’s hanging out in her mansion when Roy pays a visit. They take a walk outside as Roy admires the size of the home, “you could hide an entire battalion in it” real subtle, wannabe-Fuhrer. But Armstrong the Great says he can have it if she dies? Holy crap does Armstrong the Great think she won’t survive this? It’s one thing to order non-combatants out of the line of fire, but you’re writing your own will? Although it is sweet that you would leave it to Roy wait hold on I ship Roy/Riza you stop that right now you homewrecker! Ok fine you can take flowers to celebrate your victory although that happened months ago wait WHAT?! You’re only just now telling her that Selim is one of the Goths? What the hell took you so long, that’s kind of an important thing to know! Fine whatever, she knows now so- hah ok that was funny, glad to see it’s still a good rivalry between the two. And making her angry enough to throw the flowers (representing “ladylike charm”) in the fire along with the note, nice touch. Bradley’s overlooking the drills while Grumman gripes about feeling helpless. We seem to share the same initial thought that the artillery cannons being fired could “accidentally” blow up the observation tower, but since the guy’s a Goth that’s probably just piss him off. Uuugh, and the good guys can’t find Al anywhere, where did the Goths take him? And on the day before the Promised Day, too! A General come to talk to Bradley? Warning him about Grumman staging a coup but Bradley already knows about the plan damnit he’s questioned Al. But that’s not the plan? Ooh! So while these drills are going on Scar’s Ishvalans are preparing to attack Central, then Grumman can move his troops to “save” Central, meeting up with Roy’s forces. Damnit General, way to spoil the secret plan. Bradley watches the drills a bit longer to confirm that Ishvalans are gathering outside of Central, then orders the train to depart. Some of his flunkies are complaining about Roy being “treacherous” (say the guys planning to massacre a friggin country) when the train reaches a bridge- wait. Wait wait wait. Ooooooooooh. Grumman? You are a genius, please never be my enemy. Yup! The train comes to a stop in the middle of the bridge, ostensibly because of some sheep crossing the far side. Then the engine splits off and books it for the far side of the gorge. 3...2...1…
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Hahahaha screw you Wrath! Uuunfortunately while I see a bunch of twisted metal and a broken bridge where the traincars used to be, I don’t see Wrath’s body so we have to assume he lived. Damn I would not want to be that Snitch General when Bradley climbs out of that ravine. Tactical Genius Grumman just snaps his fan closed and laughs the laugh of the victorious. And now the end credit music is starting up as hell yeah Riza’s getting her guns back out! [Riza]: “This is it, everything goes down tomorrow. It’s Do or Die now. I’m glad the two of you have got my back.” [Breda]: “Hey, anything for you Riza. Even if it does mean deserting.” [Fuery]: “Oh man… there go our careers…” [Riza]: “Heh. Once the dust’s settled, we’ll make sure the Colonel answers for us.” After-credits of the Central Officers freaking out over the assassination news. Armstrong the Great’s just chilling in her chair, mentally mocking the fools for panicking the moment their leader is gone. Maybe now’s her chance to Nope Never mind. Uncle and Sloth are right behind her. The Officers regain their composure as their ultimate leader finally steps foot outside of his Pipe Room. [Uncle]: “I’m still here with you, and I’m watching over Central.” ...wait a minute, did Ed ever give back those earrings?
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bree-sasbdb · 4 years
Another Saturday Night.... joy.
Despite the warning from @PegLegPhury I couldn’t help myself. I still craved the experiences of the normal world. I did not understand the concerns, mortal females went out without an accompaniment. Why couldn’t I? 
I wanted to be normal, hell part of me wished I could feel like a normal chosen and take more fulfillment in my duties and be content. But I needed to see more, do more. I decided I needed to get our again. 
The mated pairs had gone off and the unmated had gone out. I didn’t have a long window before someone would come “check in” with the chosen or as I called it babysit. 
I looked up a dance bar that had good reviews. Since I was still pretrans it would be a bit of a walk and a cab ride- but I didn’t mind. 
I found a pair of tight jeans and top. Since I was going to dance I wanted to be a bit more comfortable. I pulled on thigh high boots that made my legs even longer. After a quick toss of my hair I checked the mirror. I was ready. 
During the distraction I went through the halls and out the front door. I was ready to forget the empty feeling I had. 
The walk went faster than I estimated and soon found myself calling the cab company.
A quick drive later and we pulled up outside and my face fell.
It wasn’t exactly the dance club I expected. The place was what the mortals called a strip club. I huffed and let myself out of the cab. I walked to the doors and was surprised when I did not have to pay a cover.
I spoke to myself- “well here’s one experience to check off the list” and I pushed the door to the main room open.
I told my security that I wanted to hit up Zero Sum tonight. I had 5 Mercedes Benz GLS in tow. I was in one of them. Bullet Proof, Sun windows, rocket proof. Took no chances with my life. Being one. Who supplied weapons you didn’t take chances.
Shadow was good people and I had arranged a vip section with him.  Getting out of my truck after opening the door. I stood out and button my coat. The doorman knew who I was. I was walked in and escorted to my section.I went into the vip section and took a seat. I ordered a whiskey nea and leaned back watching
After just a few short moments in the strip club I was more than done with that experience. It felt wrong to be there, and I couldn’t dance- well not without removing my clothing and I was not prepared for that. I exited the strip club and shuddered before I called another car to come pick me up. 
A short drive after I was back at Zero Sum, a place I knew much better. I relaxed as I walked in. Before I got too comfortable I scanned the area for any of the Brothers. 
I was in the clear. I ventured further and made my way to the bar. I leaned against it as I waited for my drink to come. One of the other patrons, a well dressed male, slid up beside me and offered to pay for it. 
I thanked him and went to the dance floor to start having a little fun dancing.
My eyes noticed thru my sunglasses this rather strange bird coming thru the club. Tall and long legged. Chocolate looking too. Wondering who she was. I told the waitress I wanted another whiskey from her. She left to get me another one.
Man I needed to get out of the house I was going stir crazy but I had Kiehran. After everything Joshanah's parents had done for me I felt bad asking them to watch him. I was just gonna have to suck it up because I needed out. Taking Kiehran I went to find them them.
I felt eyes on me, I spun around and saw a male that oozed danger. I locked eyes and began a staring match. I only break when @Bree_Sasbdb bumps into me.
Instead of being mad that my drink hit the ground I just start laughing loudly. “Well Hello!”
*After Joshanah's parents agreed to watch Kiehran I hurried to change and get out. As I enter the club I was a bit self conscious though I had dressed to be noticed. Walking across the dance floor I bumped into someone. Turning I realized it was a pretrans* Sorry my fault.
*The waitress hasn’t returned with my drink yet. I was mildly annoyed and it looked like at the bar a traffic jam between chocolate and a blonde. It seemed someone wasn’t watching where they were going.*
Still laughing I put my hand on the blonde female’s arm. “Don’t worry about it. I was just having a staring match with that guy up there.” 
pointing at The gangster looking Si 
“I’m the Cho..... I’m Talia. Just Talia.” Hoping the female didn’t hear me nearly say Chosen.
*Turning to look where she points, smiling as I turn back to her as I barely catch her name because of the music* He's kinda hot from what I can see of him. I'm Bree. It's nice to meet you Talia.
Apparently I’m being pointed to. I arched a brow seeing the ladies jaw jacking between one another. I tell one of the boys to grab my drink at the bar. Seems my waitress got lost. “Pablo go get us our drinks.”
“Nice to meet you too Bree hope to see you around, you seem nice” 
Continuing to dance. Another guard attempts to move past me, He straggles for a moment and his hand lands on my hip. 
“‘No thanks” I say, move away.
He grabs me again. Out of self-protection I punch his throat.
Hope to see you too. *As I turn to head to the bar I see a guy heading towards her. I keep my eye on her as I make my way to the bar. As I see her punch him I chuckle to myself thinking good for her. When my turn arrives at the bar I tell the bartender I want a Sex on the Beach.*
*I noticed the pretrans punch my guard for putting his hands on her inadvertently. I thought what I dumbass. I’ll have to figure out how to get rid of him.” Miguel, go ask the two ladies to join me and get me a drink. Don’t touch them, ask nicely.” I said sternly.
After a few more moments, another guard walks up gains my attention. He explains boss wants to see me and Bree in the VIP area. “He has to buy me a drink.” I laugh and head up while the male goes to Bree. When I get there I speak to Si, not knowing his background. “Hi, I’m Talia”
As I wait for my drink I look around and I notice Talia leaving the dance floor. Just then look to him* Hi I'm Bree. *Turning towards Talia I smile.*the bartender returns with my drink. I turn around to move away from the bar and almost run smack into a guy. He apologizes then tells me that his boss would like to join him. When he points out the guy Talia and I had discussed I look over and see Talia joining him. I nod and head that way myself. As I'm walking a guy tries to grab me but I catch his hand and tell him if he wants to keep using it he won't touch me. He walks away. When I reach the table I look to him* Hi I'm Bree. *Turning towards Talia I smile.*
Hello ladies. *I stand up and shake each ones hand* Names Si, and please whatever you want is on my tab. Also nice hook Talia.
Beaming, Phury would be proud. “Thank you Si. I have trained some.” 
I sat in a chair and reviewed the menu for the VIP booths. “Hello again Bree” smiling at her. 
Seeing the guard I punched, staring him down as he glared at me.
Hello *After shaking Si's hand I walk around the table and sit in the chair between him and Talia.* It was a nice shot. *I look over at the guard and chuckle as I see him glaring at Talia*
*I look at Pablo and eye him.* “You touched her inappropriately, what did you think she was going to do? Dance and fuck you. She’s a pretend you idiot. Go out and protect the cars since you can’t keep your hands to yourself. “ He headed off in a huff. “I must Pologize for him”
“You don’t need to apologize for him, he needs to learn” still glowering at him. 
Hollering out at Pablo, “what you want a nose job next? Phury taught me how to punch I can use more practice!” 
I start laughing unable to keep a straight face. “So Si, why did you invite us up?”
*When Talia hollered at Pablo I try to hide my surprise. Thinking she can't be talking about the rumored Brother or that maybe I hadn't heard her right. I recover quickly and look at Si* I was wondering the same thing.
I saw you both staring at me and then of course my guard putting his hands on Talia like that. I thought I’d invite you over.
“That’s kind of you. So why do you need guards?”
Sucking down the drink that arrived. Wondering if these vampires will be able to be considered my friends after this, give me someone to talk to outside the mansion and chosen camps.
*Finishing my first drink as the waitress arrives with refills* Must be something important what with the guards and all. Please don't keep us in suspense.
Let’s just say. I’m an important person around this place. Now what would you ladies like to drink?
“I’ll have what she’s having” pointing at Bree’s sex on the beach. “It looks delicious.” 
Looking around as the music thumps. “Well Si, Mr. Important... I really want to say thank you for inviting us up. I haven’t been able to really be up here, it’s usually occupied.”
It's a Sex on the Beach, Talia. *Glancing around at the VIP section* It is nice. I haven't been out in forever and I've never been up here.
I’m not one of those types. That feel cause of their status others can’t have folks join them regardless of who they are or what their story is.
Smiling as I hear both. 
“Why haven’t you been out Bree? Everyone deserves fun. Si it’s so refreshing, usually I have to take off when some arrive.” 
Skipping over that I can’t be here when the brotherhood is there due to me being the pretrans, chosen, and not escorted
I hate people who think there better then others because they have money. I lost my family about 6 months ago. Between mourning and caring for my nephew I've been busy. But tonight I needed a break from everything. I'm glad I came out and got to meet you both.
It’s always good to get a break from things. I do also need a break from my usual way of life. Zero Sum is a great place except, for the beating of the noise in here. *A waitress came by and I have an order for Sex on the beaches for the ladies and a Corona Premier for me.*
Still looking around when the waitress comes, her obvious desire for Si was pretty extreme. I could smell it even as a pretrans. 
After she left I laughed softly. 
“Careful Si, I think you found a fan in that one.” 
I relax back into the chair. Observing the bar, it wasn’t bad having this vantage point, but from up here I could see several more guards placed around the bar dressed similarly to Pablo and Miguel. 
“Do you always go ready for war to a bar?” 
Who was this male really? He seemed more dangerous than any of the guard.
*Glad that they both seemed to let the comment about my family pass as I wasn't ready to talk about it much. It killed me to even say the words. Accepting my drink from the waitress I take a drink wondering who Si really was with as much protection as he had with him tonight.*
“I’m always ready for war. You never know what is going to happen when we step out. Lessers are everywhere. One can’t be too careful.” Hoping that deflects the questioning of what he does. Obviously he was well off. It’s wise to keep them away from what he did. He dealt in secrecy was his business.
A song comes on I just can’t sit still for. I wiggle in my seat. 
“Does anyone feel like dancing?” 
I bite my lip still thinking about Bree’s comment. I wanted to comfort her, but that would require me revealing a little more to these new people. We were still strangers they didn’t exactly need to know I was a Chosen. They might not believe me, and they might tell Phury. Just because I didn’t know them, doesn’t mean The brothers didn’t.
*Wanting to clear my mind Talia's question is perfect timing* Yeah I do. Si, what about you? *Looking over to the male* Do you dance?
*Arches a brow and I look to my entourage. They were smirking.. “Yeah wipe the poke off your faces.” I turned and looked at the ladies. “I cut a rug or two. Or have been knew too.” He grinned taking them both by the hand. “Shall we?”
Laughing as the guys hoot and holler. I give my hand to Si with a laugh. 
“I hope i can keep up.” 
I watch some of the guards change positions and some are listening into ear pieces. 
I look to Bree and hope she comes too. I just have the feeling she needs a friend.
*Smiling I stand up and take his hand as I walk around the table.* I think he'll be the one trying to keep up with us. *Laughing as we make our way to the dance floor.*
*laughs as I let your hands go. I tell the DJ to play Return of Los Tres. I close my eyes and let the music come to me. Then I begin to start moving. Galloping my legs then moving my hips around. Then moving like a robot some to song. Then doing a tilt And the a flip, landing on the floor and then spinning to a stop with my arm on my knee holding my head as the music stops.” HOWS THAT?
Impressed by Si’s ability to dance I clap after he asks how he did. 
I wiggle my hips to the beat with Bree and spin her then myself. The thoughts of the chosen camp far away, I felt normal for once.
*Grinning when Si asks how he did* That was impressive. *Laughing when Talia spins me and letting the music flow through me as I start moving my body sensuously.*
*Watches the females start their slow steady sensuous dancing. Both had the hips to get a males blood up.* Work it ladies
My hips continue to wind to the beat. Strangers start to watch our trio of dance
I am just jubilant at how the night has gone. Not stuck, no danger, and fearless. 
Spinning again, my hair falls around my back and as a tease I caress Si’s cheek- then turn and do the same to Bree
*Seeing a human male heading in my direction I move closer to Si and continue dancing sensuously. Bumping into him and to steady myself I grab his arm.*
*I see her look in the direction of the human male. I pull you in and just dance against you. Letting the human male that he best think twice of cutting in*
Not even seeing the human male until Si has Bree pulled close. They look cozy and the human sensed danger and changed his direction away from Bree.  
I guess humans could sense the danger. Si certainly wasn’t one to be trifled with.
*Shifting my dance style just a bit when Si steps into me but continuing to dance sensuously. Double checking the human and seeing him turn around. Reaching out to take Talia's hand so the three  of us are dancing together.*
*The male turns back to sit with his posse. I give a signal to my guards to pay the guy a visit and advise him to not touch these or any others unless the contact is welcome. Jorge and Jesus move quickly. I turn back to enjoy the dance with the two lovelies.*
Only vaguely seeing the security move, I am more focused on the fun to be had. 
Snapping to attention when I hear a commotion at the door. Three of the trainees were on their way in, luckily they hadn’t met me but I had seen them. 
“I think.... I think I need to go.”
*Looking around to see what spooked Talia as she quickly walks away. Hoping she's okay as I unconsciously turn and put my arms around Si's neck.* Hope she's alright.
*Notices that in walked in a few Chosen females and oddly noticed Talia scattering to hide. Then I put two and two together. Putting my hands on Brees hips while we dance. “I just hope she doesn’t go into the wrong door”
The doors confuse me, I don’t want to hide in the bathroom because I could still be found I choose the private rooms. I duck into the last door. 
I hyperventilate for a moment before the door is opened. I assumed it was Bree or Si. “I’ll be out in a minute....” looking up from the panic attack and see it’s the human that approached. 
“So how much do you charge sweet thing?” He asked.
“Excuse me?” I thought I misheard him.
“How much?” He repeats.
Without realizing he moved close enough his hand wrapped around my back as if I had agreed to him. Oh Scribe no!
I shoved him off just as the door was opening again, and quickly my fist connected with his nose, the tell tale sign of crunching bone and blood spurting let me know I broke his nose.
He screamed in pain, and I noticed a guard from Si’s platoon was laughing at the scene before him. 
“Easy Tiger, can I escort you back out? We were all worried about you when you ran.”
Shaking a bit from free adrenaline. I gulp. Well, if the trainees saw me and reported it they would have done it already. Plus they never met me, how would they know?
The wrong door could lead to trouble. *Realizing that I like being close to this male I close the little bit of distance there is between us.*
*He smiled letting her close the distance between them. I see the male going into the private room and I shake my head realizing that Talia went into the sex rooms. “That human is going to be in for a world of hurt. “ He next hears a question then a punch and the male tumbling Out of the private room. I chuckle and then go back to dancing with Bree.
Shaking my hand out the security I assume Si sent goes with me to the bar to get ice for my hand. 
I look out and see Bree and Si have gotten closer. I smile. They were both new to me, yet both kind. It was nice. I asked for two napkins and a pen. I wrote my name and number on both and gave the pen back. The guard escorted me back to Si and Bree. He laughs as he tells Si what happened. “She’s scarier than we are boss, maybe you should hire her. She has a good left hook.” He goes back to find the human to “discuss” further with him.
You have a nice laugh. *Looking up at you* I get the feeling you don't laugh a lot though. *When Talia come back over to us I reach out and take her hand* Are you okay? You left so fast.
Sadly most of the time I’m very serious. I suppose it’s the nature of my business. *I smile looking down at you. Holding you still as we dance some more.* Looks like the human didn’t like the service Talia was offering.
Taking Bree’s hand for a moment. Deciding to come clean. I hand them both a napkin. 
“I hope you will think of me as a friend.” Putting the ice back on my hand.  “And no he wasn’t happy with his punch.” I smile at him. 
“The reason I freaked out was because I am a pretrans but not just that, I am also a chosen. I am not supposed to be here at all, let alone without a member of the Brotherhood with me.”
Nervously I chew my lip. Wondering if they’ll be upset. 
“I was afraid they would call Phury and he would come take me home.”
He deserved it. *Taking the napkin then coming to a complete stand still, shocked as you say your a Chosen.* Wow a Chosen really? As far being your friend absolutely yes!
He smirked looking over at Talia; he was correct on that suspicion when she came clean on who she was. “I thought I smelt chosen on you. Don’t worry you’re safe here and I won’t say noting. Can I be friends too?”
A grin spread across my face. “You don’t mind that I’m a chosen?” 
I pull both of the newfound friends into a hug unable to hide my excitement. “So how are you two getting along? You looked pretty cozy.”
I don't mind in the least. Just because your a Chosen doesn't mean you don't need friends. *Wrapping one arm around her when she hugs us. Thinking I'm glad that I came out tonight and met these two. With everything that had happened it was nice to feel something again that wasn't related to sadness, loneliness, anger or fear. I realized at that moment that perhaps I would be okay.* Thank you both for being here tonight and thank the scribe virgin that I met you both. Giving Talia's hand a squeeze and kissing Si on the cheek.* I really needed this.
*He smiled at the kiss on the cheek. He looked up at the two of them. He nodded “ I did enjoy also meeting the two of you.  I enjoyed our dance Bree and Talia. Plus the shenanigans.” He laughed then said. “Why don’t we go sit down have a few more drinks, maybe some food too? Truth is I don’t want to head back to my place yet.”
I didn’t want to leave yet either. I give each of them a hand. “I am starving, punching people makes a female starved.” Laughing and going back to the VIP with my newfound friends. Sitting closer with them than before.
*Grabbing my drink as soon as we reach the table and taking a drink as I sit down* I not ready to head home either although I have a big night ahead of me tomorrow. Besides it seems that the fun is just starting. *Smiling as I look at you both.*
*Smiles watching them both sit down and lean back against the seat. Ordering another r whiskey and a sex on the beach.* The fun is indeed just starting. *laughs and smirks*
I lean into the others for a moment. This was necessary and possibly meant to be. 
“I am so glad I came out.”
It's nice to have an actual conversation with grown-ups. My 7 month old nephew isn't up for conversations yet. *Smiling as I think of Kiehran.* As much as I love him I need time for myself as well. I’m still trying to get the handle on doing everything. I'm hoping when I get moved things will get better. It's been a hard adjustment period. *Frowning and realizing that I'm being a downer* Sorry didn't mean to put a damper on things.
You’re taking care of a sister or brothers child? That’s deep down the most honorable thing to do. I know how to feels to be raised by someone of not your birth parents. That’s a story for another time. *smiles and take a sip of my whiskey.*
Looking at his whiskey. I wave the waitress over and ask for 3 shots of it. When she returns.
“I think we all just have that in common, and I want to toast to us, and our friendship” I lift the small glass. “Salut” 
The night was needed. “Maybe I can meet your nephew one day.”
He's my brother's. Your right that is definitely a story for another time. *Accepting the shot and raising it for the toast* Salut *Downing the shot and putting the glass back on the table.* I would like that. Maybe once I get settled in you could come visit.
*He lifted his shot and saluted them both. Taking a back hit of the shot.* Indeed, how about we up the ante to tequila and lime or vodka?
Drinking games with a mafia type man. What could go wrong? I laughed. “Sounds good to me. Tequila?” Looking at Bree for her choice.
Looking deeper, Bree really had a heart of gold.
Sure I'll take some Patron. Why not? *Smiling at both of you* We might as well throughly enjoy ourselves tonight. I might pay for it in the morning when my nephew starts crying but I don't care. *Leaning back in my chair laughing.*
*laughs and orders shots of Patron. Letting the waitress come over with the drinks. She eyed me seductively.* Sorry sweets if you think I’m taking home and fucking your. You’re sorely mistaken. I’m not into the hired help. *He took his shot and waited on the ladies.*
“Damn.” Si was blunt, more so than the brotherhood. It was familiar, yet Phury did not like when the males cursed near the chosen. And he loathed it when we started to curse too. 
After the waitress walked away I stifled my giggle and took the shot quickly. “Fuck that’s smooth.”
*Smirking as the waitress walked away. Taking my shot and putting the glass down* That's why I like Patron. It's smooth.
Patron, I order top shelf. Not the cheap stuff that has three fingers worth of darn water in it. *He smiled as another round was brought to us.* Sorry for my filthy mouth and directness to the waitress. I just get tired of them wanting a tip more than what they are worn.
I can’t help but laugh, “I think she wanted more than the tip.” 
Stretching out and taking the shot offered to me. Thoroughly enjoying it, not having to worry or act incredibly proper. I was able to be me and enjoy. I felt the depression lifting, or was that the Patron?
I agree with Talia it wasn't a tip she was after. *Laughing* She was looking to have you as her tip. Have to say I can't blame her on that though. *Shocking myself at my bluntness and for having said that outloud. Blushing as I look away trying to be casual about it.*
*I nodded my head.* They do that everytime. I guess some seem to think that a decent looking male coming here wants to fuck the waitress. I’m not lookin for door knobs. *My eyes go wide open from Bree’s comment catching me off guard as I cough from my drink.* I look over at Bree trying to hide her embarrassment with her blush. He smiled.* Thank you for saying so.
Blinking as the two connect further. I giggle as Bree is embarrassed. I know it’s obvious I want to give them a minute. I make an excuse “I am going to go get our next round so Miss Waitress with an attitude doesn’t come back” 
Slipping from the VIP lounge and down to the bar.
You're welcome. *Taking the shot that I had been holding. I look at Talia as she gets up and leaves for the bar. Part of me is happy but I'm also nervous at being alone with him. Looking over I find that he is looking at me. Blushing again* I'm not usually so outspoken.
*He smiled at her. Looking at her for a moment. Taking in her eyes and features. Having not expecting to meet such an attractive female nor meeting new friends. He spoke.* I think you tend to more then you realize. In any case I find it an attractive part of females.
Turning and looking back as I wait. Happy that the two look so comfortable together. Wanting to take my time. I look at a food menu and speak to some of the humans near me to ask their opinion on what to eat.
Perhaps I do. *Smiling. Thinking about how nice it is being with him.* Probably has something to do with not being raised in typical Glymera fashion. My father encouraged me to have an opinion on things as well as teaching me to defend myself. All things that are frowned upon.
Are you a daughter of a glymera? *I asked curiously* My parents were poor and I was into the gangs during my years of my transition. They had kidnapped a chosen for me to feed during my transition. I have a lot of respect for them but not so much the Glymera.
Technically yes but my father and grandfather had other ideas when it came to me. As the only girl, by Glymera standards, I should of been locked away. Instead I was encouraged to be independent. More than once others tried to convince my father of that but he just told them to raise their kids as they saw fit and he would do the same. My mahmen was of the same mind. I'm grateful for it now that I'm without them. I don't know where I'd be if not for that. *Smiling* It seems you've turned things around for your self. That must not have been easy.
It wasn’t at first. We were all reckless and no sense of direction. Raiding the sanctuary so long ago before the way things were. Very dangerous. Pissing off the Scribe wasn’t smart by no sense of the stretch. Snatching a chosen from the sanctuary and keeping her from the rest.
I didn’t know so much then. I did my best to learn, I wasn’t educated since Mahmen and Father died before I transitioned. Growing up and pillaging gylmera and humans a like. When I was strong enough I challenged the leader for The right to run them. I ended his life in about a minute. I got rid of others that didn’t want to follow me. I began a plan to turn it into a business. I have my fingers in many pots. That’s why I have bodyguards. Loyal to me.
It's admirable that you changed it after taking over. *Wondering again what exactly his business is but realizing that it doesn't really matter* My grandfather always said that business could be more ruthless then the war. It's good to have loyal people around you.
It is more ruthless than war. Lot of politics involved. Though not everything behind the scenes is what people think happen. I have my ways. Some would frown upon them. The ends justify the means. I am a gangster and a businessman all in one.
To keep myself preoccupied while Bree and Si talk privately I accept a human’s request to dance. He takes my hand and leads to the dance floor, he’s cocky and dances very close to me. 
I keep my eyes on the surroundings to maintain my safety. I just hope the conversation is good.
I can understand that. I don't know a lot about how everything works but I know my father tried to be honest. His business partner on the other hand is a complete louse. Unfortunately I still have to deal with him as he's in control of my family's estate until I marry.
Maybe if you can get me his information I can pay him a visit. I don’t much care for people that hold things over innocent people heads. I have a way about me. He’ll know me. Just mention my name. If he doesn’t you let tell and I’ll visit him personally.
Trying not to be too nosy as I dance. The human pulls me closer and it feels ice to be held. I know it’s nothing more than human hormones with the male wanting to dance, but it’s nice. 
After two more dances I go to the bar to get drinks and take back to the VIP. 
“Hey! Sorry it took so long. Someone wanted to dance.” Now realizing I don’t even know the mortal’s name.
I'll keep that in mind, for now though I can handle him. *Smiling as I reach over and giving his hand a squeeze* I appreciate the offer. *Looking up when Talia returns with the drinks* Don't worry about it. Did you have fun?
*He smiled and accepted the hand squeeze giving a slight squeeze back.* Its there if you ever need it. *I turn to see what Talia has done.* I hope you didn’t tease that boy too badly. *laughs*
At Si’s comment I look out and see the human staring up at us. I smile “I didn’t mean to, but it looks like I did.” I look down.
“I’ve never really been a flirt like that. I didn’t mean to.” I feel a little bad about the situation.
*Seeing Talia's expression wanting to reassure her* It's probably the alcohol. Have you drank much before? It happens. It's nothing permanent. Some males take flirting for more then that.
She’s right. Males of the human mind do that a lot. Drink and get drunk then get horny dancing. He’ll be ok.
“I do drink just not usually so much so fast, and I tend not to do it often because of a few reasons” thinking to myself mainly the chosen thing. 
The human looks forlorn when I don’t return but he looks for other females. 
“He was kind of pressing his little warrior against me”
They tend to do that a lot especially if you don't stop them right away. Have you had anything to eat tonight? Drinking on an empty stomach the alcohol tends to hit faster and harder. *Looking at Si and smiling* I think we should cut her off for the night. What do you think?
Yes, before she passes out and we have to carry her out. I don’t think the Primale will be too happy. Talia no more alcohol *laughs*
I pout but agree, for now. I smell the food before I see it. “It’s coming!” Almost giddy when food arrives. “I ordered crab-spinach-artichoke dip and pretzel bites.” I really enjoyed food and tended to over indulge.
Yes I think that's definitely for the best. *As the waitress sets the food down I snag a pretzel bite as I look around* It must be close to closing time. *Looking at my watch* Damn I'm not ready to head home yet. But the night won't last forever.
It’s getting close to that time. -Chuckled and took a bite of the pretzel with the artichoke dip- I hope you are able to get home safely when we do leave.
“I’ll be safe. I promise. It’s not a bad cab ride or walk.” I shrug. I should actually get going. I know the males usually returned home soon and if I wasn’t there Phury wouldn’t have to guess at if I snuck out. And I would have another lecture waiting for me...
I'm catching a cab home too. *Grabbing a couple more pretzel bites and looking around. A male on the dance for catches my eye. It's Trahern, I can't hide the shiver that goes through me. I'm glad he hasn't noticed me yet and I hope he doesn't see me at all. Turning back around and slide my chair closer to Si to make sure he can't catch sight of me if he looks up. Shaking my head* Damn just my luck.
He noticed that Bree’s demeanor had changed and stated to move closer to me like she had saw a ghost. He didn’t know what was going on. “Bree what’s wrong?”
Following her gaze. I see the male. “Who is that?” I ask sobered by the sudden change from the carefree and happy Bree to a bundle of nerves. “What did he do?”
Oh...hes my father's business partner's son. Since the day I was born his father assumed we would be mated. I begged my father not to approve it because he is a addict, abusive and not against using force on women. Luckily my father had heard the rumors about him and refused the mating. His partner was furious. So technically he hasn't done anything to me but I don't trust him as far as I could throw him.
It would seem that you have a bit of closure still open. I can have my people help you to a cab if it would make you more comfortable? You don’t look overly trusting of him.
A few words set me off, knowing so many females were abused by mates upset me and the Dutch courage I had ingested made the anger even worse. 
“Excuse me.”
Without warning I get up and find the male. I put my hand on his shoulder, when he turns around he seems pleasantly surprised it’s a female who looks like me. Drunkard puts his hands on my hips and grinds. Ugh! He reeked of booze. 
“This is for the females you’ve put your hands on.” As hard as I could I kneed him in the balls. His eyes bulge and he gasps for air as he falls to his knees and he grabs for me. I hop backwards and grin back deviously at the two in VIP. 
A security guard grabbed my arm “it’s time for you to cool it little lady.” He walked me to the front door. I wave my goodbye to my friends as I am 86’d for the fights.
*Smiling at Si* I would appreciate that, thank you. *watching as Talia leaves the table I see her walk up to Trahern. Laughing when she knees him but sad when she gets escorted out of the club.* Guess she hit her quota for fights tonight. *Laughing as The DJ calls Last Call.*
*I just shook my head and chucked. Seeing that Talia had one thing of piss and vinegar left in her.* I guess he’s deserving of that for all the others. His pride is wounded. He’ll want revenge cause he was embarrassed. Oh well, he has no balls to try if he does I’ll hear of it and well. Daddy will get a present on his front door. *He smiled standing up and taking my card.* Here’s my card call me sometime after tonight? 
*Accepting the card as I stand up* I'll do that. *Taking the napkin that Talia had given him and the pen he offers me, I write my name then my number down.* Feel free to give me a call sometime. Smiling as I had both items to you.*
*I smile taking your napkin and my pen. Putting it in my jacket pocket. I have my guards help escort us out and making sure you can get a cab. I help you in and I pay the driver. Smiling at you.* Let me know you made it ok? *She smiled and the cab drive off I got into my SUV of 5. I shut the door and we are off to my place out by the docks.*
*Once I tell the driver the address I sit back smiling to myself. I make sure the card is in my clutch. 
The driver pulls up to the house and I get out. Once inside I go check on Kiehran then go to my room. Before I take a shower I text Si* I'm home safe. Thank you for a lovely evening. Perhaps we can do it again some time. *I also send a text to Talia* Tonight was fun. We'll have to get together again soon. *I put my phone on the nightstand and headed into the bathroom.*
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resshiiram · 7 years
The Stars in the Night [Saito Hajime x OFC]
 A promise is a promise. Here is that long awaited one-shot with Saito and Miki. So, I would like to thank @nalufever for kindly cleaning this up a bit last night. Also want to tag @annahakuouki, @saitoswife, @lescahiersdesable, @hakuyamazakisensei and @eheartangel. Enjoy. (:
Word Count: 2,364
Miki sat in silence as she gazed at the night sky, mesmerized by the beautiful stars. It was a rather pleasant summer evening and after everything that had happened, it was nice to be able to just relax.
“Care if I join you?”
 The quiet, familiar voice pulled Miki from her stargazing, turning she saw Saito standing behind her, calmly observing her; he was dressed casually, wearing a simple yukata. His long hair was tied in his usual side ponytail, draped over his shoulder.
Miki gave Saito a small smile. “Of course not.”
 Saito stepped over without a word and sat beside her, folding his hands in his lap.
“The stars are magnificent tonight, are they not?”
 “They are. I haven’t seen this many in a long time.”
They fell into silence for a few moments until Miki sensed Saito’s attention was on her, yet he turned away as soon as she returned his gaze.  
“Something wrong?”
 “Nothing is the matter. It’s just that this is the first time I’ve seen you in a lady’s kimono. You look…quite stunning.”
  Miki quickly turned her attention back to the sky as well, hoping that it was dark enough to conceal her blush. “Thanks….you don’t look bad yourself.”
 Saito only hummed in response and the pair again lapsed into silence.
Once she was sure that her face had regained its usual color, Miki peeked at Saito and acknowledged him.
“Hey, Saito.”
 “What is it?”
 “I’m…I’m glad you decided to join me. This is nice.”
 Although Saito hadn’t turned his attention from the stars, she could see the faintest trace of a smile appear on his lips. “I agree.”
Wordless, Miki gazed at Saito, enthralled by the striking man beside her. She was an Assassin, trained to hunt and eliminate, so the feelings that he arose within her were…strange. Nonetheless, Miki found herself relishing them.
Whether or not her feelings for him were requited, it felt nice to have a reason to simply exist besides her place in the Brotherhood and her family’s legacy.
Saito suddenly became aware that Miki was looking at him and brought his attention to her, his troubled eyes meeting hers.  
“What are you thinking about?”
 Miki swallowed, her heart hammering. “Oh, I’m…it’s nothing…”
 Saito was clearly not convinced and he lightly placed a hand on her shoulder. “If there is a problem, Miki, I would like to know about it. Otherwise, how would I be able to help you?”
Both the kind words and gentle contact caused Miki’s insides to melt and she reached to place a hand on his; Saito looked stunned for a moment, but then his features softened.  His unusually tender expression gave Miki a rush of confidence and she closed the distance between them, prompting Saito to tilt his head quizzically. His eyes shot open as she eased her way onto his lap and she could feel him tense beneath her. Miki bit down on her lip at his reaction, staring at the ground awkwardly, feeling her cheeks burning again.  
It had been a bold move and his reaction shouldn’t have surprised her, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
Miki was about to get off Saito and run for her futon in shame, but was stopped by an arm slipping around her waist,  holding her firmly in place. She timidly brought her attention to Saito, who was pointedly looking at anything but her; through the darkness, she was barely able to see the red tinge on his face. She opened her mouth to say something, anything, but Saito swallowed and acknowledged her in a nigh inaudible voice.
“Please stay.”
 Miki’s lips curved into a bashful smile and draped an arm around his shoulders to support herself better. “Okay.”
She nestled deeper onto Saito’s lap and he responded by awkwardly resting his chin on her shoulder, their faces so close that their flushed cheeks were touching; even this feather light contact was enough to cause a storm of butterflies to erupt in Miki’s stomach. She slowly shut her eyes and released a breath of contentment, savoring the warmth of Saito’s body and the proximity between them. Saito eventually reached for her hand hesitantly and took it into his own, bringing it closer to he could inspect it.
 “I never before noticed that the Order branded your finger with their insignia,” he said quietly.
 “Yeah, it symbolizes our loyalty to the Brotherhood. Although the Hidden Blade of the Levantine Assassins required the finger to be amputated, so it could have been worse.”
 “I see. I find your Order to be quite fascinating.”
 “You do…?”
Saito began gently caressing his thumb against the faded burn, making Miki’s heart rate increase. “I do. Although if I may, I have a question.”
 “Um, go ahead.”
 “What exactly is it that your maxim means?”
 “Oh, you mean ‘Nothing is true, everything is permitted’?”
Miki bit on her lip as she pondered the answer to that question. “Well, it was said by Levantine Assassin Altair Ibn-La’Ahad, that to abide by the maxim, once must transcend the illusion that is the world and come to understand that laws arise from reason, rather than divinity. And the Italian Assassin Ezio Auditore once explained it by saying ‘To say that nothing is true, is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say that everything is permitted, is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.’ Personally, I believe it’s something that we all have to strive to find our own meaning for.”
Saito hummed before replying. “Very interesting. Your Order is indeed engrossing. However,” he brought her hand to his mouth and lightly pressed his lips to the brand, “I find you to be absolutely majestic.”
 Miki’s eyes widened and she squeaked, hastily burying her forehead into Saito’s shoulder; she mumbled incoherently as her cheeks reddened considerably, making a soft chuckle rumble through his throat.  
“You don’t…mean that…”
 “Miki, you know that I speak the truth. Would I have told you that if I did not believe it to be true?”
 A wave of warmth rushed through Miki at Saito’s words and she hesitantly lifted her head from his shoulder. “No, you wouldn’t have.”
 The 3rd Unit captain’s lips curled into a small smile and he squeezed her hand ever so slightly, placing another tiny kiss to her finger. “You have become quite important to me, Miki.”
 Miki’s breath caught in her throat and she tenderly rested a hand on his cheek. “Saito…”
Saito blinked, clearly caught off guard by her unforeseen touch, but he was quick to melt into it. He lifted up one of his own hands to place it on hers, his grip around her waist tightening. The pair silently enjoyed each other’s presence for some time until Saito acknowledged Miki. “…I have a confession to make.”
 Miki quirked an eyebrow. “Oh?”
 Saito’s expression turned strangely diffident as he averted his eyes, focusing on some point behind Miki, and his cheek warmed beneath her hand; it was a moment before he swallowed audibly and inhaled a long breath.
“Miki…I have had intense feelings for you for some time.”
 It took a second for Miki to fully discern what it was that Saito was saying, but then realization dawned on her and she felt her heart skip a beat. “Saito, are you saying that you love me?”
Saito’s flush deepened, the tips of his ears starting to turn pink, and he nodded awkwardly. “Yes, I am. Very much so, in fact. I was terribly upset when I returned from the Guardians of the Imperial Tomb and heard that you had departed. I found myself longing for your company and although I understood that it was because of your duties, I could not help but feel that I had done you wrong somehow. But then you returned to my side, and the solace I felt at simply seeing you again…even though it was selfish on my part, that was the moment I knew that I never wanted to be without you again.”
He paused briefly to gather his thoughts before continuing, his voice barely above a whisper at this point. “I wanted to come to you sooner, but I was convinced that you were…” Saito was seemingly unable to finish and his voice trailed off, but Miki had a feeling she knew what he was going to say.
 “You thought that I was in love with Souji.”
 Miki smiled at Saito lovingly and caressed his cheek with her thumb. The gesture coaxed him to return his attention to her, and even though he was still clearly flustered, his deep eyes bore into hers.
“While Souji is indeed my closest friend and is very much irreplaceable, Saito…you’ve had my heart since the day I met you. Absolutely everything about you had me utterly captivated, from your graceful swordsmanship to your composed disposition. I just…I love you so much and I promise you, I will never leave you again.”
No less than a thousand different emotions crossed Saito’s face at her admittance and he quickly cupped her face with both hands, delicately massaging the corners of her mouth with his thumbs . “Miki, if I would have realized…”
 Miki‘s lips quirked into a small smile. “Hey now, you weren’t the only oblivious one here.”
 Although Saito’s lips curved into a half smile, his focus had drifted to her lips; Miki felt her breath hitch as he leaned in, their faces so close now that she could smell him on the night air and feel his hot breath against her face.
His voice was trembling when he addressed her. “May I kiss you?”
 Miki softly touched the tip of Saito’s nose. “You didn’t need to ask, Hajime.”
At the sound of his given name, Saito’s eyes grew wide and his entire form went rigid. He then brought his lips to Miki’s desperately, almost as if her use of his name had awoken something inside of him. Miki automatically melted into the kiss and began caressing the patch of skin left exposed by his yukata. Her touch caused Saito to shiver violently and he breathlessly pulled from the kiss, his eyes shut and his lips slightly parted.
He caught a hold of Miki’s hand with one of his larger ones and held it flush against his chest. “That feels…fantastic…” Saito’s lips then recaptured Miki’s before she could provide a response, an arm snaking around her neck to bring her deeper into the kiss. Miki reciprocated eagerly and combed her unhindered hand through his indigo locks, very lightly running her tongue against his lips to test the waters. Saito, however, inspired sharply at the action and hastily broke from the kiss; Miki again felt her cheeks burn up, this time from shame, and swiftly turned away from him.
She really should have known that trying that would make Saito, who was clearly inexperienced with romance, feel uncomfortable.
At long last, Miki ventured to take a peek at Saito. If it was even possible, his face was even redder than before and he looked self-conscious about what had just happened. Miki sucked in a stuttering breath and reached for him timidly.
 “I’m sorry, Saito. I shouldn’t have let it get that far.”
 Saito shook his head and delicately taking a hold of her hand, brought their intertwined fingers to his mouth and touched his lips to them. “It’s fine, Miki. I’m simply not used to this kind of thing, so I ask that you give me some time.”
The corners of Miki’s lips curved into a smile and she leaned in to brush her lips against Saito’s. “For you, I’ll have all the patience in the world,” she whispered.
 Saito gave Miki’s hand a small squeeze as he reciprocated her gentle kiss. “Thank you, Miki. That means a lot to me.” He then placed one more brief kiss on her lips before saying,  “Shall we get some rest?”
 “Yeah, that sounds like a plan.”
Miki carefully climbed off Saito’s lap and stood; she reached for his hand, which he accepted, and helped him to his feet. The pair slowly made their way back to their quarters while loosely holding hands, a comfortable silence between them. Saito gave her a tiny smile when they arrived. “Well then, I believe I’ll see you in the morning.”
 Miki nodded and leaned over, quickly pecking Saito’s cheek. “Of course.”
 Saito’s smile grew ever so slightly and he gave her a small bow. “Now if you’ll excuse me…”  
 He then turned to leave the room, but Miki stopped him. “Hajime, wait!”
 Saito glanced at her over his shoulder. “What is it?”
 Miki swallowed, obviously flustered. “You uh…don’t have to leave…do you?”
 Saito’s eyes grew wide and he flushed. “Would you rather me not leave?”
 Miki looked away from him, her cheeks also turning pink. “I mean…you don’t need to stay if it would make you feel uncomfortable…but this wouldn’t be the first time we’ve shared a bed…and if we’re a couple now, I just figured…”
 Saito approached Miki and lightly placed a hand under her chin, enticing her to look at him. “Miki, I am truly honored that you would consider us a couple. If you truly want me to stay with you tonight, then I will gladly do so.”
Miki smiled at Saito shyly. “I’d like that very much.”
 Saito leaned down and pressed a small kiss to Miki’s forehead. “Well then, after you.”
 Miki flashed Saito a grin and then lowered herself onto the futon, rolling over to the side so Saito would have room. He inhaled a long breath before hesitantly joining her. Miki was quick to nestle herself into Saito’s side and he responded by awkwardly placing an arm around her shoulders. The two lay like that in silence for several minutes before Miki spoke quietly. “I love you, Hajime.”
 There was a moment of peace between them, and Saito responded, his arm around Miki’s shoulders tightening. “I love you, too, Miki.”
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millennialdemon · 7 years
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1995 Series: Romeo no Aoi Sora
[Re-write of a quick review from last year. Read on Wordpress]
Romeo no Aoi Sora (Romeo’s Blue Skies, also known as Romeo and The Black Brothers) is a 33 episode historical anime made by Nippon Animation and aired throughout the year of 1995 as part of the renowned World Masterpiece Theatre program. As with many World Master Piece Theatre feature anime, it is based on a classic novel – in this case the 1941 novel The Black Brothers (Die schwarzen Brüder) by Switzerland author Lisa Tetzner. The anime follows the story of Romeo, an 11-year old boy from a poor rural village in the mountains of Switzerland who sells himself to “The God Of Death”, a wicked man who bribes struggling families into giving him their children to sell as chimney sweeps in the city of Milan. Romeo meets a runaway boy named Alfredo and together they eventually form “The Black Brothers” – a group of young chimney sweeps who do anything they can to support each other in hard times and fend off attacks from a local gang.
Romeo no Aoi Sora marks the first 1995 series that I have completed, and I am pleased to say that I got such a wonderful start to this quest. Many of the early episodes had the same satisfying story beats I had hoped for since watching and enjoying the Flanders no Inu movie the previous year, and while the momentum definitely slowed in the second half, I wouldn’t say it was especially flawed or ever a drag to watch.
Back to the Flanders no Inu movie for just a moment though – it is so far the only other World Masterpiece Theatre production I have seen, so it was my point of reference when watching Romeo no Aoi Sora. I found Flanders no Inu to be a wonderfully focused, coherent movie. It may seem like a modest compliment, but the movie’s approach to structuring drama was truly fantastic and created a constantly increasing narrative momentum despite the mundane nature of the historical drama genre. A story so well crafted is a rarity when it comes to anime movies, which are almost always rushed or plainly incomplete, as if waiting for a sequel that usually never comes. This is especially true of movies that are spin-offs or summations of longer series, which Flanders no Inu was, making it even more impressive to me.
That being said though, I wouldn’t be surprised if the 52 episode Flanders no Inu anime series wasn’t as tightly put together as the movie counterpart, and had similar pacing issues as the Romeo no Aoi Sora TV anime.
The first half of the series was great and executed many dramatic set ups very well, making for an exciting, emotionally engaging watch. The second half of the series (mostly the last ~10 episodes) moved away from structured drama to focus on emotional reveals, and between or following those reveals were big action sequences (breaking into the castle) or emotionally lighter episodes (Michaelo losing his mother’s necklace after the grieving episode). This isn’t necessarily bad as it does make sense to explore the emotions and development of our main cast eventually, and I’d imagine most people would like relief after a heavy series climax like the one in Romeo no Aoi Sora – but I am not one of those people. Flanders no Inu was unbearable and I truly loved that about it. There were no loose ends and every line went somewhere meaningful that kept pushing the momentum and made each reveal and reaction just a bit more tragic than the last. So I was a bit worried when I saw that there was 4 or 5 episodes left of Romeo no Aoi Sora after the tragic series climax, and my worry wasn’t entirely unfounded because I did find that a few of the episodes were rather clunky and tonally inappropriate, particularly the one focused on Michaelo.
My only other gripe besides the change of pace was the framing of almost all of the “non-villain” adults in the series. I think it’s one thing for the children in context to like and forgive cruel adults, because they are innocent children and rely on them at the end of the day, but when Rossi becomes this somewhat fatherly figure who protects Romeo from his “even worse” wife and son, I have to object. I understand that characters can be flawed whilst still being forgivable, and I think there can be some nuance with alcoholic parents and the like, but I always remembered this throughout Romeo no Aoi Sora: he bought Romeo as a sub-human business asset, and “being nice” to your child slave can never supersede the fact that you have a child slave. Even if it could, Rossi was just as cruel as his wife and son towards Romeo until he risked his life to prove to Rossi that he, an 11-year old boy working harder than Rossi himself probably ever has to make money for his awful family, is worth treating like a human being. Another thing to keep in mind is that Rossi’s family have “hired” children before Romeo and likely weren’t nearly as kind to them, and they almost certainly hired more after Romeo left.
That is just one instance where this happens: Romeo has to convince bitter, mean adults who are either exploiting him or being otherwise cruel to be marginally kind to him, and once they “see the light” a la Romeo’s infinite kindness, are “redeemed” and become allies to Romeo or to his brotherhood.
I understand it’s a TV show for children about children, but it’s difficult to rationalize hand-waving this as a mostly harmless cliche when for the first ~5 episodes we focus on how cruel the “industry” of stealing children and ruining their families is. It may be too much for the adults to be constantly cruel and never let up, but they can let up and still be viewed in a negative light. Back to the first arc:
The “God of Death” takes Romeo to Milan and on the way, many awful things happen to Romeo and he meets other children locked up in a cellar with the same fate as him. They try to escape, realizing how dire their situation truly is, but end up almost dying in a storm-churned lake with their adult captors in the night. Romeo bravely decides to save the drowning God of Death, unable to let anyone die if he can help it. Unlike Rossi and Angeletta’s grandmother, the God of Death does not apologize or praise Romeo, and only shows that he is vaguely humbled by being a bit more passive. Nevertheless, he still takes Romeo to Milan, and still sells him. The dynamic between Romeo and the God of Death from the point where he wakes up post-drowning and the point where he sells him changes only slightly from what it was before, and the change is focused on Romeo’s impression. Romeo still dislikes him but is more inquisitive, and when they arrive in Milan there’s this wonderful, subtle moment where it is stated that “The God of Death was the only other person the children knew in Milan” – Romeo hates the God of Death, but as a child in a new place being bought by a strange new family, part of him is reluctant to leave. This moment is about Romeo’s feelings, and does not reflect a truth about the God of Death, who remains thoroughly evil up until the very end of the story where we see him bringing in a new batch of children to work as Romeo begins his journey home. So Romeo no Aoi Sora did manage to successfully soften a child’s impressions of a cruel adult, without making that adult heroic or likable eventually.
I would have liked if it took this more nuanced, Romeo-focused approach to characters like Rossi and Angeletta’s grandmother wherein his impressions could change, without a drastic shift in character from the adults towards “goodness”. Pardon another comparison, but the perhaps too simple, too optimistic view of the adults made me realize another thing I like about Flanders no Inu: the tragedy is that the adults never do the right thing, and Nello never gets a good enough opportunity to convince them to. Neglect and apathy is the enemy, and we see adults realize that they were wrong and mourn that, but it’s too late to be of any help to Nello and far too late to redeem them of their cruelty. By the time Alois’ father finally realizes he was wrong after Nello selflessly brought back his lost money despite needing it so much more badly than him, it’s too late to be of any significance to his character beyond realizing his arrogance is a part of Nello’s sad fate, and instead reflects on the tragedy of how Nello does not deserve that fate.
I have little interest in seeing Alois’ father and that nasty, nasty rent-collector realizing the errors of their ways and mourning Nello – in the same way, I have little interest in seeing Rossi and his wife realize they will miss Romeo. In one, it doesn’t happen and that’s great, and in the other it does and it feels jarring and unsavoury.
In the end, Romeo no Aoi Sora is still an anime I will hold dear and one that I would recommend to others who enjoy classic stories. I don’t necessarily think it is unethical to go along with the story-telling, even the small parts I didn’t like. The apologism of the family and a few other adult characters is still handled better than most other times I’ve seen in anime, because the changes are gradual, and the adults’ behaviours are usually familiar (not acceptable, but familiar and genuine) and are not at the front of the story. The main cast of children that we follow are charming and the themes of childhood comradery and bravery in the face of adversity are timeless. Even when Romeo no Aoi Sora is tragic, frustrating, or suspenseful – it is a joy to watch unfold.
Overall rating: Solid 8/10 from me and I feel already that it will stay one of the best titles of 1995. I am glad it’s the first birth year title that I ended up finishing.
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bringbackmaes14 · 4 years
I found this “About Me” template here on Tumblr. I’ve reblogged it on my account if you wanna see the blank one.
1: Name - Gracie
2: Age - 19
3: 3 fears - The dark, heights, and spiders
4: 3 things I love - Ducks, math, and singing
5: 4 turn-ons - Being dependable, a good listener, funny, and artistic
6: 4 turn-offs - People who are messy, narcissistic, only care about looks/like me for my looks, and ignorant
7: My best friend - My sister, Caroline
8: Sexual Orientation - Panromantic Demisexual
9: My best first date - I saw Black Panther and got ice cream with my boyfriend
10: How tall I am - 5’8”
11: What do I miss? - South Carolina
12: What time was I born? - 7:57 a.m.
13: Favorite color? - Purple
14: Do I have a crush? - Do crushes on fictional characters count? If so, my current crush is Fatgum from My Hero Academia
15: Favorite quote? - “Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you, and don’t be afraid to be the dumbest one in the room because that gives you the most potential to learn.” - Markiplier
16: Favorite place? - Lexington High School
17: Favorite food? - Ambrosia
18: Do I use sarcasm? - Frequently
19: What am I listening to right now? - My cat purring
20: First thing I notice in a new person - Probably their hairstyle
21: Shoe size? - Women’s 13
22: Eye color? - Hazel
23: Hair color?  Dark Brown
24: Favorite style of clothing? - Graphic Tees or Dresses; there is almost no in-between
25: Ever done a prank call? - Nope.
26: Meaning of my url - My URL (BringBackMaes14) is based on one of my favorite animes, Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood is better you can fight me) and one of its characters, Maes Hughes. His death was the first anime character death I experienced, and he died in 1914 which is where the 14 comes from.
27: Favorite movie? - Robots (2005)
28: Favorite song? - There’s a Platypus Controlling Me from Phineas and Ferb
29: Favorite band? Panic! At the Disco
30: How I feel right now - A little bit tired, and my back hurts, but my mood is good
31: Someone I love - My sister, Caroline
32: My current relationship status - Single
33: My relationship with my parents - My relationship with my dad has always been bad. He was pretty abusive. My relationship with him is okay right now, now that I don’t see him but once a year. I’ve always been really close with my mom, and a big part of that is I’ve been disabled my whole life and so I’ve always needed her by my side, so we’re just together all the time. Things are a little rough right now though.
34: Favorite holiday? - Thanksgiving. It has all the same big meals and family gatherings as Christmas, but I don’t have seasonal depression then or gifts staring at me from under a tree for three weeks, driving me mad with anticipation.
35: Tattoos and piercings I have - My ears are pierced
36: Tattoos and piercings I want - I want a rubber duck tattoo, probably just a small one on my shoulder
37: The reason I joined Tumblr - To look at anime memes
38: Do my last ex and I hate each other? - No, things ended on good terms. We’re still friends and we talk occasionally
39: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts? - No
40: Have I ever kissed the last person I texted? - No
41: When did I last hold hands? - It’s been a few weeks
42: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - On a regular morning? Maybe 10 minutes. On mornings that I shower? About 45 minutes
43: Have you shaved your legs in the past three days? - I haven’t shaved my legs in 19 years
44: Where am I right now? - In my living room
45: If I were drunk and couldn’t stand, who would be taking care of me? - Probably one of my sisters
46: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - I only turn songs way up when they have great bass
47: Do I live with my mom and/or dad? - I live with my mom, my two sisters, and my brother-in-law. It’s my older sister and brother-in-law’s house. I have a brother who still lives back in South Carolina where I’m from
48: Am I excited for anything? - I’ve got a virtual Halloween party I’m going to this week
49: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? - No
50: How often do I wear a fake smile? - Not very often. I wear my emotions pretty openly
51: When was the last time I hugged someone? - Last night I hugged my younger sister
52: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone right in front of me? That’s none of my business really. We never actually dated and I don’t talk to her a lot anymore.
53: Is there someone I trust even though I shouldn’t? - Not that I can think of
54: What is something I disliked about today? - It rained while I was in the middle of going on a walk.
55: If I could meet anyone on Earth, who would it be? I’d like to meet J. Michael Tatum. He’s a voice actor in a lot of animes that I’ve watched and I really like his voice.
56: What do I think about the most? - Probably myself
57: What’s my strangest talent? - I wouldn’t call it talent but I can make a really disturbing horse-like noise.
58: Do I have any strange phobias? - I’m afraid of swingsets and trampolines
59: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? It doesn’t really matter to me. I don’t take a lot of pictures of myself, but it doesn’t have to do with not liking having my picture taken
60: What was the last lie I told? - “I’m not in a lot of pain.”
61: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - I actually prefer video chatting. It seems more personal.
62: Do I believe in ghosts? - Yes. I’ve seen my twin sister’s ghost several times in my life.
63: Do I believe in aliens? - Yes
64: Do I believe in magic? - No
65: Do I believe in luck? - Yes
66: What’s the weather like right now? It’s 60 degrees Fahrenheit and cloudy
67: What was the last book I read? Mother Knows Best: A Tale of the Old Witch Best by Serena Valentino
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? - No
69: Do I have any nicknames? - Boo, Gracie Pie, Dot
70: What was the worst injury I ever had? - I broke my spine when I was 16
71: Do I spend money or save it? - I tend to spend it but I’m trying to save it right now
72: Can I touch my nose with my tongue? - Yes. I can also touch the bottom of my chin with my tongue
73: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of me? - Yes, there’s a pillowcase and a blanket
74: Favorite animal? - Panda Bear
75: What was I doing last night at 12 a.m.? - Sleeping
76: What do I think Satan’s last name is? - I don’t know, Smith? We’re probably all overthinking it and it’s something much more simple than Morningstar
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - Flashy by GameBoyJones
78: How can you win my heart? - By not judging me based on my past and my disabilities
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? - Quacked to Death
80: What is my favorite word? - Feshnickit - the act of consuming alcohol until a point is reached where an individual is unable to function normally
81: My top 5 blogs on Tumblr - lady-raziel, just-shower-thoughts, plus-ultra-writings, drawing-prompt-s, and writing-prompt-s
82: If the whole world was listening right now, what would I say? - What that tongue do? (Idk I think it’d be really funny if the whole world just randomly heard that in their heads). If we’re talking like I’m on tv and broadcasting to the whole world and I’m not just telepathic/mind reading, then I’d probably say something about rights for women, colored people, and LGBTQ+ people
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? - Nope
84: Superpower of choice? - The power to affect probability. What’s the probability that I’ll ace this test? 100% What’s the probability that it will rain on my wedding day? 0% What’s the probability that my dad will shit his pants every time he hears the word “dragon”? 80%
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? - Have you been handcuffed before and if yes, then why?
86: What is my current desktop picture? -
Tumblr media
87: Had sex? - No
88: Bought condoms? - No
89: Been pregnant? - No
90: Failed a class? - Yes. I failed IT twice and Java Programming once.
91: Kissed a boy? - No
92: Kissed a girl? - Yes
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? - No
94: Had a job? - It wasn’t an actual paid job, but I worked as a student aid in my school’s library in my senior year of high school.
95: Left the house without my wallet? - Yes
96: Bullied someone on the internet? - I’ve bullied people in real life, but not on the internet.
97: Had sex in public? - No
98: Played on a sports team? - I played basketball with a church league for 6 years
99: Smoked weed? - No
100: Done drugs? - I take prescription drugs for my disabilities, but I’ve never “done” drugs, no.
101: Smoked cigarettes? - No
102: Drank alcohol? - No
103: Am I a vegan/vegetarian? -  No
104: Been overweight? - I currently am
105: Been underweight? - No
106: Been to a wedding? - I’ve been to 4 weddings
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? - Yes
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? - Yes
109: Been outside my home country? - No
110: Gotten my heart broken? - Yes, but not in a “I got dumped or turned down” kind of way. Someone close to me told me something really devastating.
111: Been to a professional sports game? - I once went to a Clemson Tigers vs University of South Carolina Gamecocks game, which was a pretty big game for South Carolina
112: Broken a bone? - I broke my L5 vertebrae
113: Cut myself? - Never on purpose, but yes. I sliced open my thumb knuckle once and had to get 3 stitches.
114: Been to prom? - I threw my own prom at home my junior year of high school because my school’s actual prom was 3 days after my spinal surgery so I wouldn’t have been able to go. I went to my school’s prom the year after and the theme was Emerald City from The Wizard of Oz
115: Been on an airplane? - No
116: Flown by helicopter? - No
117: What concerts have I been to? - I once went to a concert at my church for a Christian barbershop quartet called Soul’d Out
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? - Yes
119: Learned another language? - I took Spanish classes for 3 years and French for 6 years
120: Worn makeup? - I’ve worn makeup before for stage performances but I don’t like to wear it regularly. Every once in awhile I’ll wear some mascara.
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? - No
122: Had oral sex? - No
123: Dyed my hair? - I’ve dyed my hair purple, and blue. I liked it better purple.
124: Voted in a presidential election? Voting day for the 2020 election is in 8 days, and it’s the 1st presidential election I’ll be old enough to vote in, but I don’t think I’m going to vote.
125: Rode in an ambulance? - Several times. I had a lot of seizures when I was a little kid. My longest one lasted at least 2 hours.
126: Had surgery? - I’ve had 2 major surgeries: I had my gallbladder removed and I had a spinal surgery to fix my broken vertebrae where they screwed 3 of my vertebrae together and used part of my hip to make a bone graft to cover it.
127: Met someone famous? - Unless the guys from Soul’d Out count, I don’t think so.
128: Stalked someone on a social network? - Definitely not (and if I had, I probably wouldn’t tell you guys)
129: Peed outside? - Do Porta Potties count?
130: Been fishing? - Yes. I went once when I was maybe 8 years old, and I was the only one of my siblings to catch a fish. I caught it by the eye socket though and its eye fell out. I’m still not sure exactly how that happened.
131: Helped with charity? - Yes. I don’t remember what the charity was called, but I worked in a warehouse once to collect shoes for homeless shelters
132: Been rejected by a crush? - Yes, but it was when I was 11 so I don’t know if that really counts
133: Broken a mirror? - No, but I’ve punched a hole in a wall before
134: What do I want for my birthday/Christmas? - The number one thing on my list is some Artemis Drawing Figurines. They have adjustable and interchangeable hands, and they come in both male and female shapes.
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