#you can still offer but it's basically being thrown into a garbage bin labeled suggestions
bitegore · 3 years
being able to catch your fucked up mentol eelness thoughts when they happen not being able to tell that they're fucked up except from an outsider pov is so genuinely weird. like, i'm used to them being from shit like anxiety or depression or random hallucinations which i thought were normal until like last year and those all have a particular flavor, that like. makes them wrong. you know? like you can tell something is wrong.
i got really upset with a friend the other day and was talking to someone else about it, not shit talking them, just. talking, you know? to get the feelings out, because i knew it was in confidence and i didn't particularly want it to go anywhere and it was that or spit my brain on tumblr or twitter the way i do. and midway through my friend was like "uh dude these statements make no sense" and like. i blinked and went oh yeah okay that was deeply uncharitable. maybe true, maybe not, but uncharitable. and like it wasn't even true, honestly, after i sat for a while it didn't really make that much sense, and my friend also pointed that out, but like- i spent quite a while sitting on the bpd dsm-5 page going "well shit, i do all of this but the splitting, huh" and nope! no, i apparently very much do do that! i just literally can't tell because it just feels like being annoyed and uncharitable, and then when i'm back to baseline i am like "wow i was really pissed off and uncharitable earlier but now i'm good and that was incorrect" and like. huh
how am i supposed to stop doing something i can't even tell i'm doing?
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ayuliajohirin · 7 years
Declutter 101: how to declutter your home and your life
Very few things feel better than having a junk-free home. The thought of having a well-arranged life with less stuff is so refreshing. There are so many upsides of having fewer possessions; fewer things to organize obviously and consequently, less stress and time during clean up especially for the woman who is a homemaker. Fewer items in a home also make it look clean, cozy and in fashion. Gone are the days when people kept unnecessary stuff they don’t need in their houses.
Deciding to declutter your home might seem overwhelming and tiring at first, you begin to ask yourself, where do I start from? The truth is, we cannot say the process will be entirely free from stress and work. But what we do know is that there are better ways to go junk free for your home that have proven to be fun and less stressful. These creative tips to declutter and organize are geared towards helping people who honestly do not know where to begin. These fast decluttering tips aim at those who want to know how to declutter on the budget. Below are the 4 steps to declutter your home in one week.
@media(max-width: 600px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78a30 {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 601px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78a30 {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 801px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78a30 {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 961px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78a30 {display:block !important;}} (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
declutter fast how to get your home in order almost immediately. Learn where to start organizing your home using these decluttering tips and tricks. Via
1- Identify the Clutters
As a homemaker, before you begin taking all the stuff out, you need to clearly define what a clutter is. It is not uncommon for people to be hesitant towards letting go of things they do not need because they say to themselves, “it might be useful someday”. Often times, that day never comes, leading to more and more junk piling up. So the question now is, what is a clutter? A clutter is any item in your home that you do not need or have any use for, Decluttering or uncluttering is simply taking unnecessary stuff out in order to make room for those that matter. If you look at the stuff in your home, you will be able to use this simple definition to point out things that you really need to take out. Just a side note, some people would consider decluttering as a process towards the minimalist lifestyle.
2- Set a Goal
Now that you have been able pin-point what matters in your home and what has really overstayed its welcome, the next step is goal setting. This means drawing up a plan that will make the whole process unnecessarily daunting. Part of your goal setting is to consider the time-frame i.e. would you want to declutter in one day or declutter in a month time? All this makes a difference. In fact, keeping goal will also help you keep abreast of what has been done and what is yet to be cleared. You can follow the below steps;
Identify and write down the cluttered spots in your home: Be sure to tackle every room, nuke and cranny.
@media(max-width: 600px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78beb {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 601px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78beb {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 801px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78beb {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 961px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78beb {display:block !important;}}
Priority which rooms to clean up first: Perhaps the first room to consider is how to declutter a bedroom. This is because bedroom is where you spend the quality night to recover for the hectic day. Next which room needs to be cleaned first shall be based on the severity of its clutter.
Set a deadline: This might be in hours or days depending on how much stuff need to be uncluttered. Setting a time limit serves as a reminder that you need to get things going, and on time to. It could also feel like taking up a challenge which makes it more fun. Some people would suggest the 31 days to clean the house but for me, the timeline shall be split into different chunk i.e. Short term, medium terms and long terms, which shall span from one day to 6 months.
Now that you have done with your goal setting towards minimalist living, the next step is to see which method to use. These goal setting will show you how to be a minimalist.
3- Choose a Sorting Method
Before you get started on the selection and sorting process, it would be wise to know what method to apply to make the decluttering process faster and easier. One of the most popular methods is the three box method. In this system, you pick three boxes or three containers of your choice and label them, either mentally or physically. One of the boxes should be for stuff you want to “keep”, another for stuff you want to “get rid of” and the third for “storage”.  After the entire decluttering is over and spaces are clear, you will need to arrange all items in the “keep” box neatly where they belong.  The content of the “get rid of” box should be carried away, either for giving out or for trashing. Finally, the storage box should be carried to the storage area, to keep them from lying around.
4- Get Rid of Unnecessary Items
This is basically the main part of the whole exercise, the actual decluttering. After you have sorted all your possessions out into the three boxes, what happens to the ones you do not want anymore. Well, you have a lot of options about what to do with them.
Recycle them: This is especially particular to home items like glass, plastic, electronics etc. that are recyclable. You can put them in the recycle bin or take them to the nearest recycling location and drop them. This is a way of also doing your bit to ensure an eco-friendly environment.
Donate them: This applies to things that can still be useful, not just to you. Clothing, books and some other household items fall into this category. There are lots of charity organizations (I support salvation army)  that accept these offers and help with distributing them to homes that need them If you know someone or family that needs these items, you could also give them directly.
@media(max-width: 600px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78d4e {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 601px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78d4e {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 801px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78d4e {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 961px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78d4e {display:block !important;}} (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Sell them through Garage sale: Well how about getting some extra cash from stuff that could come in handy to other people? If there’s any association nearby that helps to organize these mini-sales events, you can register to participate and make some little money from your decluttered items. Think of it as a reward for your hard work. Similar to the garage sale, you can also put them on ebay or on online classified ads.
Haul them away: If there’s so much garbage to be thrown out, you should really consider renting a dumpster to roll them away. Try to check with your neighbors to see if anyone needs this service too, so that the bill can be split.
3 Decluttering strategies
Decluttering doesn’t have to be done in one day, just like earlier stated, it can span for days or weeks, in little bits. You can choose any of the following methods listed below to fit into your schedule, especially if you’re not up for the stress that comes from doing it all at once.
First, Focus on the Primary areas
If you usually bump into stuff near the kitchen area, clear that first. If you have trouble dressing up for work every day because your dressing table is usually crapped up and you can’t seem to find anything that should be your primary focus. Declutter places that affect you more critically everyday first, this will help lessen the burden.
Second, Start from the Front door
You can decide to plan your clean up in a way that I very organized by deciding to start from the front door of the living area and then move in, area by area until the back door leading out of the house is clear. This way you always nowhere else is left to clean up, so if you’re done with one room, you know the kitchen is next.
@media(max-width: 600px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78e94 {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 601px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78e94 {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 801px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78e94 {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 961px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78e94 {display:block !important;}}
//<![CDATA[ aax_getad_mpb({ "slot_uuid":"437da911-434a-42d7-8d15-0d39c28839b3" }); //]]>
Third, Do a clean sweep daily
Each day just get a trash can or bag and deposit any visible item that isn’t useful to you. This is a gradual approach to having a junk-free home. From old clothes lying around to bad kitchen utensils, cosmetic products that are long overdue, you can just trash without thinking twice.
declutting strategory involves the need for tools in addition to the daily sweeping. For instance , check this under stair storage concept by Ikea or this cabniet system which helps improve the look and feel of your home tremendously.
Organizing Your Home
After sorting and decluttering, you might be wondering how to tuck the rest of the useful stuff in properly so that they remain organized and do not litter and negate your entire work. Here are some ideas on how to keep your items well organized in your home.
Use Baskets or Bins: You can try storing up little items like hair accessories, notebooks, brushes etc. in baskets and bins around the house. That way, they are all organized in one place instead of being littered around. These baskets come in different sizes depending on the quantity of stuff you want to store.
Use hanging pockets: There items are available for home use to store makeup, cards, shoes and a lot of small stuff. Using a pocket hanger makes the stuff easily reachable and easy to find.
Use Ottomans: Ottomans are dual purpose storage boxes. They look like cushioned tables or tools but they actually contain storage space. They help you maximize space in homes and even offices. You can put those magazines, clothes, and shoes into ottomans to help with a more organized looking space. They are also beautiful, adding a certain kind of antique to the overall look of the room.
Conclusion remark on decluttering 101
Decluttering a home can be so much fun if you toss in the right tactics. Imagine a home free from all the stuff that has consistently made your life more depressing and harder. Your entire mood is affected by how your house looks and the organization of stuff in them. Take time out to declutter once in a while to keep yourself happy and feeling fulfilled. You can splatter the home with decorations like wallpapers, flowers, and accents. A change in arrangement pattern of the entire home once in a while will lift up your spirit. This has sum up my tips on becoming a minimalist and on decluttering inspiration.
This post shows decluttering tips for hoarders. In fact this photo is a real home for a hoader.
The post Declutter 101: how to declutter your home and your life appeared first on Homelilys Decor.
Source: https://homelilys.com/minimalist/declutter-101/
0 notes
homelilys · 7 years
Declutter 101: how to declutter your home and your life
Very few things feel better than having a junk-free home. The thought of having a well-arranged life with less stuff is so refreshing. There are so many upsides of having fewer possessions; fewer things to organize obviously and consequently, less stress and time during clean up especially for the woman who is a homemaker. Fewer items in a home also make it look clean, cozy and in fashion. Gone are the days when people kept unnecessary stuff they don’t need in their houses.
Deciding to declutter your home might seem overwhelming and tiring at first, you begin to ask yourself, where do I start from? The truth is, we cannot say the process will be entirely free from stress and work. But what we do know is that there are better ways to go junk free for your home that have proven to be fun and less stressful. These creative tips to declutter and organize are geared towards helping people who honestly do not know where to begin. These fast decluttering tips aim at those who want to know how to declutter on the budget. Below are the 4 steps to declutter your home in one week.
@media(max-width: 600px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78a30 {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 601px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78a30 {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 801px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78a30 {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 961px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78a30 {display:block !important;}} (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
declutter fast how to get your home in order almost immediately. Learn where to start organizing your home using these decluttering tips and tricks. Via
1- Identify the Clutters
As a homemaker, before you begin taking all the stuff out, you need to clearly define what a clutter is. It is not uncommon for people to be hesitant towards letting go of things they do not need because they say to themselves, “it might be useful someday”. Often times, that day never comes, leading to more and more junk piling up. So the question now is, what is a clutter? A clutter is any item in your home that you do not need or have any use for, Decluttering or uncluttering is simply taking unnecessary stuff out in order to make room for those that matter. If you look at the stuff in your home, you will be able to use this simple definition to point out things that you really need to take out. Just a side note, some people would consider decluttering as a process towards the minimalist lifestyle.
2- Set a Goal
Now that you have been able pin-point what matters in your home and what has really overstayed its welcome, the next step is goal setting. This means drawing up a plan that will make the whole process unnecessarily daunting. Part of your goal setting is to consider the time-frame i.e. would you want to declutter in one day or declutter in a month time? All this makes a difference. In fact, keeping goal will also help you keep abreast of what has been done and what is yet to be cleared. You can follow the below steps;
Identify and write down the cluttered spots in your home: Be sure to tackle every room, nuke and cranny.
@media(max-width: 600px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78beb {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 601px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78beb {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 801px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78beb {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 961px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78beb {display:block !important;}}
Priority which rooms to clean up first: Perhaps the first room to consider is how to declutter a bedroom. This is because bedroom is where you spend the quality night to recover for the hectic day. Next which room needs to be cleaned first shall be based on the severity of its clutter.
Set a deadline: This might be in hours or days depending on how much stuff need to be uncluttered. Setting a time limit serves as a reminder that you need to get things going, and on time to. It could also feel like taking up a challenge which makes it more fun. Some people would suggest the 31 days to clean the house but for me, the timeline shall be split into different chunk i.e. Short term, medium terms and long terms, which shall span from one day to 6 months.
Now that you have done with your goal setting towards minimalist living, the next step is to see which method to use. These goal setting will show you how to be a minimalist.
3- Choose a Sorting Method
Before you get started on the selection and sorting process, it would be wise to know what method to apply to make the decluttering process faster and easier. One of the most popular methods is the three box method. In this system, you pick three boxes or three containers of your choice and label them, either mentally or physically. One of the boxes should be for stuff you want to “keep”, another for stuff you want to “get rid of” and the third for “storage”.  After the entire decluttering is over and spaces are clear, you will need to arrange all items in the “keep” box neatly where they belong.  The content of the “get rid of” box should be carried away, either for giving out or for trashing. Finally, the storage box should be carried to the storage area, to keep them from lying around.
4- Get Rid of Unnecessary Items
This is basically the main part of the whole exercise, the actual decluttering. After you have sorted all your possessions out into the three boxes, what happens to the ones you do not want anymore. Well, you have a lot of options about what to do with them.
Recycle them: This is especially particular to home items like glass, plastic, electronics etc. that are recyclable. You can put them in the recycle bin or take them to the nearest recycling location and drop them. This is a way of also doing your bit to ensure an eco-friendly environment.
Donate them: This applies to things that can still be useful, not just to you. Clothing, books and some other household items fall into this category. There are lots of charity organizations (I support salvation army)  that accept these offers and help with distributing them to homes that need them If you know someone or family that needs these items, you could also give them directly.
@media(max-width: 600px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78d4e {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 601px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78d4e {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 801px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78d4e {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 961px) {.adace_adsense_5a9beace78d4e {display:block !important;}} (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Sell them through Garage sale: Well how about getting some extra cash from stuff that could come in handy to other people? If there’s any association nearby that helps to organize these mini-sales events, you can register to participate and make some little money from your decluttered items. Think of it as a reward for your hard work. Similar to the garage sale, you can also put them on ebay or on online classified ads.
Haul them away: If there’s so much garbage to be thrown out, you should really consider renting a dumpster to roll them away. Try to check with your neighbors to see if anyone needs this service too, so that the bill can be split.
3 Decluttering strategies
Decluttering doesn’t have to be done in one day, just like earlier stated, it can span for days or weeks, in little bits. You can choose any of the following methods listed below to fit into your schedule, especially if you’re not up for the stress that comes from doing it all at once.
First, Focus on the Primary areas
If you usually bump into stuff near the kitchen area, clear that first. If you have trouble dressing up for work every day because your dressing table is usually crapped up and you can’t seem to find anything that should be your primary focus. Declutter places that affect you more critically everyday first, this will help lessen the burden.
Second, Start from the Front door
You can decide to plan your clean up in a way that I very organized by deciding to start from the front door of the living area and then move in, area by area until the back door leading out of the house is clear. This way you always nowhere else is left to clean up, so if you’re done with one room, you know the kitchen is next.
@media(max-width: 600px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78e94 {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 601px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78e94 {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 801px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78e94 {display:block !important;}} @media(min-width: 961px) {.adace_ad_5a9beace78e94 {display:block !important;}}
//<![CDATA[ aax_getad_mpb({ "slot_uuid":"437da911-434a-42d7-8d15-0d39c28839b3" }); //]]>
Third, Do a clean sweep daily
Each day just get a trash can or bag and deposit any visible item that isn’t useful to you. This is a gradual approach to having a junk-free home. From old clothes lying around to bad kitchen utensils, cosmetic products that are long overdue, you can just trash without thinking twice.
declutting strategory involves the need for tools in addition to the daily sweeping. For instance , check this under stair storage concept by Ikea or this cabniet system which helps improve the look and feel of your home tremendously.
Organizing Your Home
After sorting and decluttering, you might be wondering how to tuck the rest of the useful stuff in properly so that they remain organized and do not litter and negate your entire work. Here are some ideas on how to keep your items well organized in your home.
Use Baskets or Bins: You can try storing up little items like hair accessories, notebooks, brushes etc. in baskets and bins around the house. That way, they are all organized in one place instead of being littered around. These baskets come in different sizes depending on the quantity of stuff you want to store.
Use hanging pockets: There items are available for home use to store makeup, cards, shoes and a lot of small stuff. Using a pocket hanger makes the stuff easily reachable and easy to find.
Use Ottomans: Ottomans are dual purpose storage boxes. They look like cushioned tables or tools but they actually contain storage space. They help you maximize space in homes and even offices. You can put those magazines, clothes, and shoes into ottomans to help with a more organized looking space. They are also beautiful, adding a certain kind of antique to the overall look of the room.
Conclusion remark on decluttering 101
Decluttering a home can be so much fun if you toss in the right tactics. Imagine a home free from all the stuff that has consistently made your life more depressing and harder. Your entire mood is affected by how your house looks and the organization of stuff in them. Take time out to declutter once in a while to keep yourself happy and feeling fulfilled. You can splatter the home with decorations like wallpapers, flowers, and accents. A change in arrangement pattern of the entire home once in a while will lift up your spirit. This has sum up my tips on becoming a minimalist and on decluttering inspiration.
This post shows decluttering tips for hoarders. In fact this photo is a real home for a hoader.
The post Declutter 101: how to declutter your home and your life appeared first on Homelilys Decor.
Source: https://homelilys.com/minimalist/declutter-101/
0 notes