#you can’t tell me that was EXACTLY what Kathyrn was thinking!!!
jjsstars · 1 year
this was Toby’s coming out scene btw
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treatian · 4 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One:  Breaking the Curse
Chapter 39: Doing the Job
He and Mary Margaret talked for well over an hour. This part of the game wasn't difficult; it was simply a balancing act. On the one hand, he wanted to leave Mary Margaret spooked, not terrified, just sufficiently spooked. Enough so that when she got her hands on the skeleton key, then she'd run. On the other hand, he had to be her lawyer and didn't want to appear as if he was trying to scare her. A balancing act like this might be difficult for some, but in this case, it was easy enough for him to accomplish, mostly because all he had to do was tell her the truth.
"Your chances are good because there is no body at the moment," he reassured her. "They can't assume she's dead. They have to know for sure. All they really have is your jewelry box with your fingerprints on it, which can be easily explained. The box belongs to you. It would be odd if it didn't have your fingerprints on it."
"But what about the heart? Emma said they're running DNA."
"Don't worry about that right now."
"Right now, but what…what if it comes back as Kathryn's?"
Which it would…
"Well, if it comes back as Kathyrn's, then that would be bad," he stated clearly. "That would be very bad indeed. Something like that might implicate you."
"But I didn't do anything!" she hissed as her face fell.
"You don't have to tell me, Miss Blanchard. In fact, I'd prefer it if you didn't. But…if you truly didn't do it, then you should have nothing to worry about. For all we know, some kids broke into the apartment, stole the box, and it's a sheep's heart in there. Could just be some kids playing a prank, and that's the argument I intend to make if this goes to trial."
"It likely won't get that far. We'll worry about arraignment first; that'll be tomorrow morning unless further evidence against you is brought to light."
"What's that involve?"
"You'll be brought before a judge, the formal charges against you will be read, you'll plead 'not guilty,' bail will be set."
"Bail…I can get out of here."
"Well…in a murder trial, they'd send you to prison because you would be considered a danger, but seeing as how they don't have a body yet…"
"A body…everything hinges on a body, on that heart."
He sighed. "Try to be calm, Miss. Blanchard. It doesn't do to worry about things that may or may not come to pass."
"And what if they do come to pass?"
He resisted the urge to smile again. He didn't want to look like he was trying to spook her, and fortunately for him, she did a fair enough job of giving him a reason to all on her own.
"As I said before, that would be bad. It would implicate you. But we're not going to worry about that for now. One foot in front of the other. You get some rest. Let me do my job."
Immediately following their conversation, he invited himself into the Sheriff's office. "So…how bad is it?" he asked.
Emma glared at him skeptically, her mouth unmoving as she considered his question. She'd done her job well; she'd let the pair of them talk in private as the law required. She'd tried to keep herself busy or otherwise secluded in her office, but he could feel the way she'd watched them. He hadn't ordered her to stop, nor had he told Mary Margaret to stop talking to her as he would a normal client. For someone on trial for murder, talking to the district attorney or the police could potentially be harmful. But Emma just wanted her friend free again. She believed in her innocence. There was nothing wrong with talking to Emma. As for anyone else, Emma was protective enough that she wouldn't let it happen. So that just left the pair of them, two unexpected allies involved in a very complex plan.
"Miss Swan…if this goes to trial, I'll be given everything during discovery," he insisted, reassuring her that talking to him, though it would commonly be considered inappropriate, was exactly what she needed to do in this case. "Besides, sharing information at this stage can only help her. I'm her lawyer, I want her out of jail, and I suspect so do you, Miss Swan, so let's help each other…shall we?"
He saw her gaze adjust over his shoulder to the cell Mary Margaret currently sat in before she sighed. "Heart's still out for DNA testing. It should be back tonight or tomorrow morning. Ruby found it in the woods by the toll bridge, the place she used to meet David. It was in her jewelry box, and her fingerprints were all over it. The heart had marks on it that suggested it was cut with a knife of some kind. I found a knife wrapped in cloth in the heating vent in her room."
"I'll assume you did a thorough search of the area and found any other clues. Has the apartment shown any signs of a break-in?"
"No, it was the first thing I checked. It was clean."
"Who else has access?"
"I have a key, she has a key, no one else."
He raised his eyebrows in interest. "You're sure?"
"I asked," she answered back emotionlessly. That was how the entire conversation had gone thus far. Emma didn't like him. She'd exchange facts, but she wasn't ready for theories yet…at least he assumed that she wasn't.
"Is there anyone in town who has the ability to get into the apartment, anyone who can pick a lock?"
"Normally, I'd be looking at you for something like this," she insisted. "But all things considered-"
"All things considered, I have no reason to want this. No motive," he finished for her. "And if I did this, then it would seem a bit counterproductive to try and get her out of the trouble I put her in."
"So then, the next question you must ask yourself is who does have a motive. Who would want to see an elementary school teacher put in prison for a murder she didn't commit?"
Emma sighed. "At the moment, the only person who would have that motive is Kathryn herself."
"A crime of passion…revenge."
"But seeing as how she's missing and Mary Margaret is here…"
"Well…" he smirked. "You do have your work cut out for you, it seems. I'll expect updates as you get them. It can only help your friend."
"That's what they all say."
"This time, it's true."
He spent the night in his shop. He couldn't bring himself to go home for more than an hour in the morning to bathe and change clothes. Everything that was happening was happening in town. And he wanted to be as close as possible for what was to come next.
That morning was supposed to be Mary Margaret's arraignment. He'd told her that it would happen yesterday unless new charges were brought against her. Last night, there had been new charges. Regina called him in the middle of the night. The glee that she felt was clear in her voice as she told him that the DNA results were a match for Kathryn. She was appreciative, thankful even, for his help in the plan. According to her, she'd left the skeleton key, as he'd instructed in Mary Margaret's cell. It was only a matter of time until she found it and ran. He'd smiled at her foolishness but was smart enough to let her hear it in his tone when he told her that it appeared she was about to get what she wanted. And so it was…it appeared Regina was about to win, which was sure to make her defeat that much sweeter.
Emma was informed of the charges that morning, Mary Margaret's arraignment was postponed until the following morning. Emma was taking on the task of informing his client, and so he hung back at the shop for the day, doing this and that, small tasks to keep himself busy. Polishing was always his go-to chore, even if it made him sad now that he had his memories back. He wished Belle could see him doing such work. His shop was always in disarray, but he knew that she'd be impressed she could pick up a cloth and do some form of polishing. He wondered if he'd like this version of him…Mr. Gold. If she were alive and got to work at the library, he wondered what their interactions would have been like.
It was a nice thought to have. It was a nice vacation for his head to take instead of thinking about everything he was plotting and planning now. It was crazy trying to pull this off without magic. Times like last night, he felt like it was getting to him. It was frustrating and terrifying. Worst of all, he felt like a coward for admitting it.
He heard the bell chime out in the main room, letting him know someone had wandered in. A moment later, he heard a familiar voice call out, "Mr. Gold? You in here?!"
He rolled his eyes at Emma Swan's footsteps and didn't bother to call out to her. Not only was it undignified to shout, but she didn't seem to have a problem going where she wanted to. She'd find him with or without invitation.
"Mr. Gold," Emma stated as he heard the curtain whip back.
"Just taking inventory," he explained, picking up…it was the genie lamp again that had found its way into his hands, making him shudder all over again. How was it Emma Swan always seemed to find him when he had it in his hands? He took a seat at the table he'd been polishing on, but he wasn't going to be so stupid as to not learn from his mistakes. He wouldn't polish it, not this time, perhaps just appearing as though he was appraising it until she left would work.
"What can I do for you, Miss Swan? Any developments in the case I should be aware of?"
"Yes," the girl breathed frantically. Was that a hint of frustration in her voice? "Regina set her up."
Excellent. "And this surprises you?" he questioned, trying to be careful not to smile or reveal any shock on his face at all. He didn't want to discourage her from going down this road. He wanted to encourage her. "Show me your evidence, and we'll get this over with immediately."
"Yeah, that's the thing," she breathed heavily, leaning against the desk herself. He knew that look, that haunted frustrated gaze. It was a woman who knew the truth but felt powerless. Good. That was motivation. "There isn't any. Anything that's court-worthy. But I know it now."
He smiled. So now she trusted him. Whether or not that trust was well placed for the future, it wasn't just a good thing but a necessary thing in this situation.
"Look who's suddenly become a woman of faith. Why are you here, Miss Swan? To spin conspiracy theories?"
"I need help."
He chuckled appropriately. "From me?"
"Every time I've gone up against Regina, I've lost. Except for once…when I became Sheriff, when you helped."
"As I recall, you don't exactly approve of my methods."
"I approve of your results. And this time, I have something more important than a job. I need to save my friend."
Excellent. Magic or not, he had her right where he wanted her, right where he needed her. This was almost as good as he knew it would feel on the day he finally had her standing before him, ready to kill a dragon for a potion. Almost, but not quite. They still had work to do before they were there yet. The question was how much work. "And you're willing to go as far as it takes?"
"Now we're talking," he smiled. Not much farther at all then. "Fear not, Miss Swan," he breathed, picking up a magnifying glass to examine the lamp closer for no reason at all. "Regina may be powerful, but something tells me you're more powerful than you know."
"Well, I'm open to suggestions for how to exercise that power because right now, everything seems pretty bleak. So…what do we do."
He sighed. "Now…now you do your job, and I'll do mine. Her arraignment will be tomorrow morning before the judge. Either one of us will find something useful, or…both of us will. Care to wish on it?" He offered the genie lamp to her on a whim, but as soon as he'd offered, he realized the danger of what he'd done.
Fortunately, Emma glanced down at the lamp with irritation as if she was upset that was all he had to offer and then turned to leave.
"Have you talked to Sidney lately?" he called out before she could make it through the curtain.
She stopped and turned back to him. "Sidney? Sidney Glass?"
"Well…he used to be Regina's right-hand man, an investigative journalist. It seems to me that if she were to trust anyone, it might be him. The pair of you parted on good terms, if I recall. Might not hurt to have a few allies."
Emma paused for a second as if to consider that fact. Then she let out a sigh and left his shop, not in aggression but determination. He smiled as he got up to put the lamp away and out of reach. He hadn't wished on anything, but if he had, it would have been for what had just happened.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Volleyball Strength! - Strength And Conditioning The Right Way
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/volleyball-strength-strength-and-conditioning-the-right-way/
Volleyball Strength! - Strength And Conditioning The Right Way
 Buy Now    
(ebook only)
“Everything you have been looking for is less than 2 minutes from your finger tips.”
Just Imagine Finally Being Able To…
Easily adjust your steps to poorly set balls
Hang high in the air and spike down into the court
Hit the ball harder than anyone in the gym
Be extremely comfortable moving your feet to get in position to pass 
Quickly and easily get to every ball on defense
Reach higher and penetrate the net further blocking the ball more than you ever dreamed possible
So Who am I and Why Should You Trust Me?
Hi, my name is Dennis Jackson and I am a volleyball player, trainer, and coach.
I am also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
This certification is known as the gold standard when it comes to training certifications. 
I started playing organized volleyball at 14 years old. Even though I had competed in organized sports since around 5, I really struggled figuring out how to become great at volleyball.
It took me a long time, but I did eventually figure all this out.
And believe me, I’m NOT naturally strong and athletic…I CAN’T rely upon great genetics and athletic talent… 
There was a time I thought I would NEVER be able to play volleyball at a high level. I didn’t think I could ever compete with the best players because I was too small and couldn’t really jump at all…
I thought maybe the answer was to hire a professional trainer (and there was no way I could afford that).
I thought I would be forever weak and slow and my vertical would never increase because I really had know idea how to train!
MAN, did I want to fly up high in the air like all the best players did. I never believed it was possible to jump higher and hit harder…
So Where Did That Leave Me…
I decided to start training and experimenting like a mad scientist in the field of sports strength and conditioning.
I finally started to really LEARN how to get stronger, faster, and jump higher.
I went so far as to earn the most prestigious certification in the field… I am a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
Once I REALLY figured out how to apply strength and conditioning concepts to volleyball workouts…well…
Let’s just say I won’t hear anyone yelling…”TIP, TIP, TIP!” or “Be ready for the roll shot!”
This is Me Before Strength and Conditioning for Volleyball
From This Program You Become The Type Of Player People Cannot Take Their Eyes Off, Holding Their Breath To Catch Your Next Move…
This program is going to:
Get you noticed by college coaches.
Force your coach to give you more court time.
Get you blocking high above the net.
Give you explosive power for jumping higher and hitting harder.
Give you a powerful psychological advantage over your opponents.
Make teammates come to you for advice, tips and training.
Dramatically increase your chances of being offered a college volleyball scholarship.
Get you ready for the brutal two-a-day college volleyball practices.
It Can be Done and I am Going to Show You How
If I believed I could NOT discover the right way to train for volleyball, I would STILL be uncoordinated, slow, weak, and vertically-challenged…
I fought hard and I WON… 
YOU CAN TOO, and I’m going to show you how… 
Because FORCING myself to learn how to strength and condition for volleyball is how I got my career started and I want YOU to have the secrets too.
But This Program Would Be Worth Nothing If It Only Worked For Me…
So instead of taking my word for how brutally effective it is, here’s what just a handful of our members had to say about Volleyball Strength and how it transformed their athletic career…
——————— “I am using your volleyball training programs to help my daughter, and we just finished the jump program. At the halfway point, we had both increased our verticals (and me being 42, I thought that was quite impressive) by approx. 3-4″…we will retest after the 2 week rest period to see what the final increase is, but for that alone it was well worth the cost of the program. I would whole-heartedly endorse your program, but also warn that the jump program is very intensive…its not for everyone, but you get what you put into it.”
Adam and Hayli Ferguson, Durham Region Volleyball Club DRVC 16u team (Hayli is #7) Whitby, Ontario, Canada
“I coach junior high girls and I was amazed at the amount of improvement this program produced in my girls. A number of them lack upper body strength for overhand serving and setting as well as lower body strength for leaping ability. This program really helped in both those areas. If you’re thinking of investing in the program, you won’t be sorry; it is well worth the investment. I had players who could barely overhand serve a ball to the net, who by the end of the season were sometimes pounding them out of bounds long. I’m glad I discovered your program Dennis. Thanks for the help.”
Jim Shockley, Junior High Volleyball Coach
“I am working with my 14 year old daughter (5’11″/9’6″) who is now playing at the elite level and a varsity starter as a freshman. I use your tips on training and motivation to help her work hard to achieve her goals. Her vertical has increased five inches over the past year. If you love volleyball and if your child is committed to succeeding in the sport, you should follow Dennis’ program. Succeeding at any sport, but particularly volleyball, requires dedication and commitment over a long time. Your volleyball training programs are very valuable in helping young players focus and keep working. Volleyball is unique in its demands for individual performance and team interaction. These two are not natural partners so working with your programs helps to develop the individual within the context of the team.��
Robert & Kathyrn Trinka, Boomers Volleyball Club, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
What Sports Training Program is Right for You?
Learning how to workout for volleyball can be very fun and exciting, especially when your increased strength and mobility allows you to make outstanding plays seem effortless. 
However, the direction you head at the outset of training is very important. You don’t want to be doing the wrong exercises, wasting your time, and possibly injuring yourself. 
So you think all strength and conditioning is the same? 
How would you like to improve your vertical jump 4 to 7 inches in the next 12 weeks? 
Even if you’re an advanced player… 
…and even if you have no clue about strength training… 
How about stunning your coach and shocking your teammates with mind-boggling court speed and superior athletic strength and power? 
Become a STRONGER, More ATHLETIC Volleyball Player that Dominates Competition Regardless of Current AGE or SKILL Level
My Volleyball Strength Program Works Specifically to Improve Strength and Power for Volleyball
You’ll be using highly-targeted, strategic changes in training techniques constantly keeping your body off balance to achieve EXTREMELY RAPID RESULTS. 
Let’s face it…anyone can start mixing things around in their training without any regard to how one thing affects another. This program involves INTELLIGENT change to get maximum results. 
So let me tell you a little more about the program and how it works…
When you first open up the ebook on your computer, you’re going to notice that I don’t waste ANY time getting right to the heart of the matter. I’ll give you a brief introduction to the book then BAM! Right into the program and how and why it works. 
I know you don’t have the time or the inclination to wade through a 300 page book to dig out the “good parts” that you can apply to your training. You want to know what’s going to work and you want to know NOW! 
This whole book IS the “good parts.”
What I AM going to do is take you step-by-step through a REVOLUTIONARY new approach to strength training for volleyball… 
This is NOT an approach where you just lift weights and hope for the best… 
This an approach where you methodically train GIVING YOUR BODY NO CHOICE to develop the strength and power you need specifically for VOLLEYBALL. 
As you read through the pages of the book, you’ll notice that…
each and every phase of the program builds on the PREVIOUS phase and also sets up the NEXT phase for maximum results.
the nutrition and regeneration tips TURBOCHARGE your recovery leading to FASTER gains in volleyball explosive strength and power.
EVERY SINGLE TRAINING DAY is laid out for you from sets to reps to exercises and as well as training techniques and rest periods. I’ve even included detailed notes with training tips to help you get the most out of your training. You will have NO DOUBT how to train to get the best results possible.
Also, you’re going to notice links to a section called the “Exercise Index.” This is where you will find pictures of EVERY exercise technique performed in the program…EVERY SINGLE ONE. 
Because this program is SO UNIQUE, you NEED to know exactly what you’re doing at every stage of the game. 
The pictures and descriptions will ensure you have NO DOUBT about what you’re going to do in every training session you perform. 
How about training equipment? Do I need to have a gym full of equipment to work this program? 
To be honest, all you need to really get the most out of this program are dumbells, resistance bands, a balance ball, and a medicine ball.  
There’s NOTHING in this program that requires fancy equipment. In fact, the bodyweight exercises are the most important part of this program. It’s HOW you do these volleyball specific movement patterns that really makes the difference. 
When you’re doing the program, you’re not randomly firing out sets here and there. EVERY REP of EVERY SET has a specific purpose and that purpose is preparing you to develop STRENGTH and EXPLOSIVE POWER. 
Plus, you’ll get my ROCK-SOLID 60 day,full-satisfaction, money-back guarantee… 
You see, I’m in the business of helping you get results from your training. I have NO desire to give you information that I don’t stand behind 100%. If I were standing in front of you right now, I would look you straight in the eyes and tell you, with no hesitation whatsoever, that if you put this program to work in the way I’ve laid it out in this book, this information will get you where you want to go in your training. 
You have my word on this and it’s not something I take lightly. 
I believe customer service and customer satisfaction are the two most important things when running a business and I want to make sure you know my level of commitment to you when you purchase this book. I also want to take away all the risk to you so you can experience the power of this program for yourself without any worries.
I know this is not a small investment for you or something that you take lightly either, so if you’re not satisfied with the quality of the information in this book at anytime within the next 60 days, just let me know and I will give you a prompt and courteous refund. 
No questions asked. 
That’s my promise to you. 
As with anything to do with training, you’ll get out of it what you put into it. I can give you the best information I have but if you don’t DO anything with it, you won’t make the extraordinary progress I know you’re capable of. All I ask of you is that you give this program an honest try. You WILL be amazed at the results you get. 
Buy with confidence from Clickbank, the authorized retailer of “Volleyball Strength! – Volleyball Strength and Conditioning the Right Way”, where your transaction will be handled by a secure server. Clickbank currently sells more than 10,000 digital products online, and the number is growing daily. 
If you happen to ask for a refund, it is Clickbank’s policy to send money back immediately. 
Once you place your order on Clickbank’s secure server, you will be directed to a download page, where you can download the program and get started IMMEDIATELY.
So I want you to think about this…
The next time you go to workout for volleyball, after reading everything that I’ve told you about here today, will you be absolutely certain that the volleyball training program you are doing is going to give you a 100% return on the hard work and effort you’re putting in? 
You’re ALREADY training hard…if given the opportunity, would you gladly squeeze more results out of every single rep you do in your very next volleyball workout without any more effort than you’re putting in right now?
Do you want the next 12 weeks to be the MOST PRODUCTIVE of your ENTIRE VOLLEYBALL CAREER?
You owe it to yourself to get this information as quickly as possible and put it to work immediately. 
You could be wasting precious time and energy working with volleyball training programs that don’t work. 
(ebook only)
For only $27, you will have full access to the most powerful volleyball strength and conditioning program available INSTANTLY.
Yours very truly, 
Dennis Jackson 
Strength and Power for Volleyball LLC 
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Volleyball Strength! - Strength And Conditioning The Right Way
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/volleyball-strength-strength-and-conditioning-the-right-way/
Volleyball Strength! - Strength And Conditioning The Right Way
 Buy Now    
(ebook only)
“Everything you have been looking for is less than 2 minutes from your finger tips.”
Just Imagine Finally Being Able To…
Easily adjust your steps to poorly set balls
Hang high in the air and spike down into the court
Hit the ball harder than anyone in the gym
Be extremely comfortable moving your feet to get in position to pass 
Quickly and easily get to every ball on defense
Reach higher and penetrate the net further blocking the ball more than you ever dreamed possible
So Who am I and Why Should You Trust Me?
Hi, my name is Dennis Jackson and I am a volleyball player, trainer, and coach.
I am also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
This certification is known as the gold standard when it comes to training certifications. 
I started playing organized volleyball at 14 years old. Even though I had competed in organized sports since around 5, I really struggled figuring out how to become great at volleyball.
It took me a long time, but I did eventually figure all this out.
And believe me, I’m NOT naturally strong and athletic…I CAN’T rely upon great genetics and athletic talent… 
There was a time I thought I would NEVER be able to play volleyball at a high level. I didn’t think I could ever compete with the best players because I was too small and couldn’t really jump at all…
I thought maybe the answer was to hire a professional trainer (and there was no way I could afford that).
I thought I would be forever weak and slow and my vertical would never increase because I really had know idea how to train!
MAN, did I want to fly up high in the air like all the best players did. I never believed it was possible to jump higher and hit harder…
So Where Did That Leave Me…
I decided to start training and experimenting like a mad scientist in the field of sports strength and conditioning.
I finally started to really LEARN how to get stronger, faster, and jump higher.
I went so far as to earn the most prestigious certification in the field… I am a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
Once I REALLY figured out how to apply strength and conditioning concepts to volleyball workouts…well…
Let’s just say I won’t hear anyone yelling…”TIP, TIP, TIP!” or “Be ready for the roll shot!”
This is Me Before Strength and Conditioning for Volleyball
From This Program You Become The Type Of Player People Cannot Take Their Eyes Off, Holding Their Breath To Catch Your Next Move…
This program is going to:
Get you noticed by college coaches.
Force your coach to give you more court time.
Get you blocking high above the net.
Give you explosive power for jumping higher and hitting harder.
Give you a powerful psychological advantage over your opponents.
Make teammates come to you for advice, tips and training.
Dramatically increase your chances of being offered a college volleyball scholarship.
Get you ready for the brutal two-a-day college volleyball practices.
It Can be Done and I am Going to Show You How
If I believed I could NOT discover the right way to train for volleyball, I would STILL be uncoordinated, slow, weak, and vertically-challenged…
I fought hard and I WON… 
YOU CAN TOO, and I’m going to show you how… 
Because FORCING myself to learn how to strength and condition for volleyball is how I got my career started and I want YOU to have the secrets too.
But This Program Would Be Worth Nothing If It Only Worked For Me…
So instead of taking my word for how brutally effective it is, here’s what just a handful of our members had to say about Volleyball Strength and how it transformed their athletic career…
——————— “I am using your volleyball training programs to help my daughter, and we just finished the jump program. At the halfway point, we had both increased our verticals (and me being 42, I thought that was quite impressive) by approx. 3-4″…we will retest after the 2 week rest period to see what the final increase is, but for that alone it was well worth the cost of the program. I would whole-heartedly endorse your program, but also warn that the jump program is very intensive…its not for everyone, but you get what you put into it.”
Adam and Hayli Ferguson, Durham Region Volleyball Club DRVC 16u team (Hayli is #7) Whitby, Ontario, Canada
“I coach junior high girls and I was amazed at the amount of improvement this program produced in my girls. A number of them lack upper body strength for overhand serving and setting as well as lower body strength for leaping ability. This program really helped in both those areas. If you’re thinking of investing in the program, you won’t be sorry; it is well worth the investment. I had players who could barely overhand serve a ball to the net, who by the end of the season were sometimes pounding them out of bounds long. I’m glad I discovered your program Dennis. Thanks for the help.”
Jim Shockley, Junior High Volleyball Coach
“I am working with my 14 year old daughter (5’11″/9’6″) who is now playing at the elite level and a varsity starter as a freshman. I use your tips on training and motivation to help her work hard to achieve her goals. Her vertical has increased five inches over the past year. If you love volleyball and if your child is committed to succeeding in the sport, you should follow Dennis’ program. Succeeding at any sport, but particularly volleyball, requires dedication and commitment over a long time. Your volleyball training programs are very valuable in helping young players focus and keep working. Volleyball is unique in its demands for individual performance and team interaction. These two are not natural partners so working with your programs helps to develop the individual within the context of the team.”
Robert & Kathyrn Trinka, Boomers Volleyball Club, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
What Sports Training Program is Right for You?
Learning how to workout for volleyball can be very fun and exciting, especially when your increased strength and mobility allows you to make outstanding plays seem effortless. 
However, the direction you head at the outset of training is very important. You don’t want to be doing the wrong exercises, wasting your time, and possibly injuring yourself. 
So you think all strength and conditioning is the same? 
How would you like to improve your vertical jump 4 to 7 inches in the next 12 weeks? 
Even if you’re an advanced player… 
…and even if you have no clue about strength training… 
How about stunning your coach and shocking your teammates with mind-boggling court speed and superior athletic strength and power? 
Become a STRONGER, More ATHLETIC Volleyball Player that Dominates Competition Regardless of Current AGE or SKILL Level
My Volleyball Strength Program Works Specifically to Improve Strength and Power for Volleyball
You’ll be using highly-targeted, strategic changes in training techniques constantly keeping your body off balance to achieve EXTREMELY RAPID RESULTS. 
Let’s face it…anyone can start mixing things around in their training without any regard to how one thing affects another. This program involves INTELLIGENT change to get maximum results. 
So let me tell you a little more about the program and how it works…
When you first open up the ebook on your computer, you’re going to notice that I don’t waste ANY time getting right to the heart of the matter. I’ll give you a brief introduction to the book then BAM! Right into the program and how and why it works. 
I know you don’t have the time or the inclination to wade through a 300 page book to dig out the “good parts” that you can apply to your training. You want to know what’s going to work and you want to know NOW! 
This whole book IS the “good parts.”
What I AM going to do is take you step-by-step through a REVOLUTIONARY new approach to strength training for volleyball… 
This is NOT an approach where you just lift weights and hope for the best… 
This an approach where you methodically train GIVING YOUR BODY NO CHOICE to develop the strength and power you need specifically for VOLLEYBALL. 
As you read through the pages of the book, you’ll notice that…
each and every phase of the program builds on the PREVIOUS phase and also sets up the NEXT phase for maximum results.
the nutrition and regeneration tips TURBOCHARGE your recovery leading to FASTER gains in volleyball explosive strength and power.
EVERY SINGLE TRAINING DAY is laid out for you from sets to reps to exercises and as well as training techniques and rest periods. I’ve even included detailed notes with training tips to help you get the most out of your training. You will have NO DOUBT how to train to get the best results possible.
Also, you’re going to notice links to a section called the “Exercise Index.” This is where you will find pictures of EVERY exercise technique performed in the program…EVERY SINGLE ONE. 
Because this program is SO UNIQUE, you NEED to know exactly what you’re doing at every stage of the game. 
The pictures and descriptions will ensure you have NO DOUBT about what you’re going to do in every training session you perform. 
How about training equipment? Do I need to have a gym full of equipment to work this program? 
To be honest, all you need to really get the most out of this program are dumbells, resistance bands, a balance ball, and a medicine ball.  
There’s NOTHING in this program that requires fancy equipment. In fact, the bodyweight exercises are the most important part of this program. It’s HOW you do these volleyball specific movement patterns that really makes the difference. 
When you’re doing the program, you’re not randomly firing out sets here and there. EVERY REP of EVERY SET has a specific purpose and that purpose is preparing you to develop STRENGTH and EXPLOSIVE POWER. 
Plus, you’ll get my ROCK-SOLID 60 day,full-satisfaction, money-back guarantee… 
You see, I’m in the business of helping you get results from your training. I have NO desire to give you information that I don’t stand behind 100%. If I were standing in front of you right now, I would look you straight in the eyes and tell you, with no hesitation whatsoever, that if you put this program to work in the way I’ve laid it out in this book, this information will get you where you want to go in your training. 
You have my word on this and it’s not something I take lightly. 
I believe customer service and customer satisfaction are the two most important things when running a business and I want to make sure you know my level of commitment to you when you purchase this book. I also want to take away all the risk to you so you can experience the power of this program for yourself without any worries.
I know this is not a small investment for you or something that you take lightly either, so if you’re not satisfied with the quality of the information in this book at anytime within the next 60 days, just let me know and I will give you a prompt and courteous refund. 
No questions asked. 
That’s my promise to you. 
As with anything to do with training, you’ll get out of it what you put into it. I can give you the best information I have but if you don’t DO anything with it, you won’t make the extraordinary progress I know you’re capable of. All I ask of you is that you give this program an honest try. You WILL be amazed at the results you get. 
Buy with confidence from Clickbank, the authorized retailer of “Volleyball Strength! – Volleyball Strength and Conditioning the Right Way”, where your transaction will be handled by a secure server. Clickbank currently sells more than 10,000 digital products online, and the number is growing daily. 
If you happen to ask for a refund, it is Clickbank’s policy to send money back immediately. 
Once you place your order on Clickbank’s secure server, you will be directed to a download page, where you can download the program and get started IMMEDIATELY.
So I want you to think about this…
The next time you go to workout for volleyball, after reading everything that I’ve told you about here today, will you be absolutely certain that the volleyball training program you are doing is going to give you a 100% return on the hard work and effort you’re putting in? 
You’re ALREADY training hard…if given the opportunity, would you gladly squeeze more results out of every single rep you do in your very next volleyball workout without any more effort than you’re putting in right now?
Do you want the next 12 weeks to be the MOST PRODUCTIVE of your ENTIRE VOLLEYBALL CAREER?
You owe it to yourself to get this information as quickly as possible and put it to work immediately. 
You could be wasting precious time and energy working with volleyball training programs that don’t work. 
(ebook only)
For only $27, you will have full access to the most powerful volleyball strength and conditioning program available INSTANTLY.
Yours very truly, 
Dennis Jackson 
Strength and Power for Volleyball LLC 
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