#you cannot sit here and make calls on this site which you use significantly less than another
nataliescatorccio · 1 year
Also, apparently. The c/e/}o of this hellsite hates this site—and is an El/on mu{sk fanboy
honestly i don't know about all that, i don't know enough about the guy myself. i just think it's the age old issue of someone who is actually not part of the core demographic of this site sitting and making decisions of where it should go. which is incredibly frustrating because there seems to be no one who is in that position of making the calls and the changes who actually understands what makes tumblr a unique product and what the userbase wants
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southeastasianists · 3 years
In 2020 Singapore was hit by a series of coronavirus outbreaks, centred around dormitories where thousands of migrant workers live. Cases have dropped significantly, but most of the men are still not permitted to leave except to go to work. It is one of the longest periods of Covid confinement faced by anyone anywhere in the world.
"This is prison life. This is a captive's life."
Sharif came to Singapore in 2008. At the time, his wife was pregnant and the book stall he ran in Bangladesh was shut down.
Over the past 13 years he made a life for himself here, but since early 2020 all he has known are the four walls of his dormitory and the construction site where he works.
He and nearly 300,000 others are banned from mixing with the general public. Last week, Singapore's government said it would allow a handful of workers to go out in a "pilot scheme".
"I appreciate the experiment," he says. "But I can't express much joy at this news. Workers are only allowed to go to a certain place for a fixed time."
Sharif was not one of those selected for the scheme. Sitting on the back of the lorry that takes him to work, he often catches glimpses of the city and its people, who have never been subject to the same restrictions.
"When I see everybody outside, looking happy, it's very painful for me," he told the BBC on a video call.
"They are eating out, going shopping, meeting their friends. And I think, 'why is that not me? Did I make this coronavirus?'"
Most of his spare time he spends lying on the top bunk of his bed, either talking to his family or writing prose and poetry - both in English and Bengali.
He says night time is when things are most difficult. Men often wander the corridors or try to sleep outside on the ground.
"I lie in my bed and sleep won't come. How can I sleep? I need fresh light, I need fresh oxygen," he says.
'Are we animals?'
On the first day of the pilot scheme, the BBC was invited to Singapore's Little India neighbourhood.
Fifty workers were allowed to spend four hours out of their dormitories unsupervised.
A spokesman for the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) called it a "milestone".
At one of Singapore's main Hindu temples, two men were presented to journalists.
One of them, Packrisamy Muruganantham from India, told those assembled that he was "very happy to be out" and "very grateful to the Singapore government and to the MOM for taking care of us".
Since the start of the pandemic, Singapore has reported 58 deaths out of a population of 5.7 million.
The country's success in suppressing the virus has afforded Singaporeans long periods of freedom over the past year and a half.
But even when restrictions were at their toughest and the country was locked down, no healthy person in Singapore was ever banned from leaving their home.
Socially-distanced exercise, for example, was encouraged. But not for those in the dormitories.
"The communal living and working conditions of migrant workers in dorms put them at higher risk of infection and the formation of large clusters," Singapore's Manpower Minister Dr Tan See Leng said in February.
Dr Tan declined an interview with the BBC, but in a statement a Ministry of Manpower (MOM) spokesperson said the policy of keeping workers in their dormitories was "to protect the health of our migrant workers and to mitigate the risk of further transmission".
For Sharif, it feels more like he is being punished rather than protected.
"Everybody in the community is allowed out. All these people are expected to follow the social distancing rules, but they think we cannot do this also," he says.
"When I see a law only for migrant workers I think, 'Are we not human? Or are we animals? Do we not understand anything? Are we so uneducated?'"
A wake-up call
The men in the dormitories - mostly from South Asian countries - do vital manual work here.
They build the country's roads, bridges and apartments. In return, they are able to send back good money to their families.
Tasrif - also from Bangladesh - arrived in 2017. He is 25, earns less than $750 (S$1000; £400) a month and maintains air conditioning units.
He spent around $7,500 in agency fees to come to Singapore.
"We are working tirelessly for the country," he says. "We're making everything, we're doing everything for you guys."
"We are human beings just like you, like everyone in the community. We want our dignity back."
But life in the dormitory typically means sharing a room with up to 30 people and dividing your bathroom, cooking and recreational space with hundreds more.
These conditions led to major Covid-19 outbreaks in dormitories back in March 2020. Big clusters meant Singapore went from being almost untouched by the virus to announcing an island-wide shutdown for two months.
It prompted Tommy Koh, a former Singaporean ambassador to the UN, to rebuke the government recently.
"We should use this as a wake up call," said Mr Koh. "To treat our indispensable foreign workers like a first world country should and not in the disgraceful way in which they are treated now."
But Singapore's government has always been open about separating dormitory residents from everyone else in the country.
They hold a different visa, work under different labour laws and the authorities do not pretend that these men have the same rights as other foreigners who do the white collar jobs in the city.
Even official daily case numbers for Covid-19 are split into three categories: "Imported", "Dormitory residents" and "Community".
"Community" means everyone, apart from those living in a dormitory.
The figures are stark. As of 16 September, migrant workers accounted for 74% of all recorded cases. For context, the workers make up just 5% of Singapore's total population.
Last year several media outlets reported on a spate of suicides and attempted suicides in the dormitories.
When asked by the BBC about the current situation, the MOM declined to provide any details.
Instead, they said they were "always mindful and conscious of the need to better support the mental wellbeing of our migrant workers" and that they offer counselling services and a helpline for those who need it.
Professor Jeremy Lim, director of global health at the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at the National University of Singapore, says denying workers their freedom has few public health benefits at the moment.
"I would say that the Covid-19 concerns are massively overblown.
"They are vaccinated, they are familiar with safe distancing, they wear masks. So what more can we do?
"Speaking as a public health professional, we have to recognise there are limits. Right now is the time to focus on these workers' mental health because they are really, really struggling at the moment."
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hydrus · 5 years
Version 354
os x
I had a great week. The first duplicates storage update is done, and I got some neat misc fixes in as well.
false positives and alternates
The first version of the duplicates system did not store 'false positive' and 'alternates' relationships very efficiently. Furthermore, it was not until we really used it in real scenarios that we found the way we wanted to logically apply these states was also not being served well. This changes this week!
So, 'false positive' (up until recently called 'not dupes') and 'alternates' (which are 'these files are related but not duplicates', and sitting in a holding pattern for a future big job that will allow us to process them better) are now managed in a more intelligent storage system. On update, your existing relationships will be auto-converted.
This system uses significantly less space, particularly for large groups of alts like many game cg collections, and applies relationships transitively by its very structure. Alternates are now completely transitive, so if you have a A-alt-B set (meaning one group of duplicate files A has an alternate relationship to another group of duplicate files B) and then apply A-alt-C, the relationship B-alt-C will also apply without you having to do anything. False positive relationships are more tricky, but they are stored significantly more efficiently and also apply on an 'alternates' level, so if you have A-alt-B and add A-fp-M, B-fp-M will be automatically inferred. It may sound odd at first to think that something that is false positive to A could be nothing but false positive to B, but consider: if our M were same/better/worse to B, it would be in B and hence transitively alternate to A, which it cannot be as we already determined it was not related to A.
Mistakenly previously allowable states, such as a false positive relationship within an alternates group, will be corrected on the update. Alternates will take precedence, and any subsequently invalid false positives will be considered mistakes and discarded. If you know there are some problems here, there is unfortunately no easy way at the moment to cancel or undo an alternate or false positive relationship, but once the whole duplicates system is moved over I will be able to write a suite of logically correct and more reliable reset/break/dissolve commands for all the various states in which files can be related with each other. These 'reset/set none' tools never worked well in the old system.
The particularly good news about these changes is it cuts down on filtering time. Many related 'potential' duplicates can be auto-resolved from a single alternate or false positive decision, and if you have set many alts or false positives previously, you will see your pending potentials queue shrink considerably after update, and as you continue to process.
With this more logically consistent design, alternate and false positive counts and results are more sensible and consistent when searched for or opened from the advanced mode thumbnail right-click menu. All the internal operations are cleaner, and I feel much better about working on an alternates workflow in future so we can start setting 'WIP' and 'costume change'-style labels to our alternates and browsing them more conveniently in the media viewer.
The actual remaining duplicate relations, 'potential', 'same quality', and 'this is better', are still running on the old inefficient system. They will be the next to work on. I would like to have 'same quality' and 'this is better' done for 356, after E3.
the rest
The tag blacklists in downloaders' tag import options now apply to the page's tags after tag sibling processing. So, if you banned 'high heels', say, but the site suddenly starts delivering 'high-heel shoes', then as long as that 'high-heel shoes' gets mapped to 'high-heels' in one of your tag services, it should now be correctly filtered. The unprocessed tags are still checked as before, so this is really a double-round of checking to cover more valid ground. If you were finding you were chasing many different synonyms of the tags you do not like, please let me know how this now works for you.
The annoying issue where a handful of thumbnails would sometimes stop fading in during heavy scrolling seems to be fixed! Also, the thumbnail 'waterfall' system is now cleverer about how it schedules thumbnails that need regeneration. You may notice the new file maintenance manager kicking in more often with thumbnail work.
Another long-term annoying issue was the 'pending' menu update-flickering while a lot of tag activity was going on. It would become difficult to interact with. I put some time into this this week, cleaning up a bunch of related code, and I think I figured out a reliable way to make the menus on the main gui stop updating as long as one is open. It won't flicker and should let you start a tags commit even when other things are going on. The other menus (like the 'services' menu, which will update on various service update info) will act the same way. Overall menu-related system stability should be improved for certain Linux users as well.
The new 'fix siblings and parents' button on manage tags is now a menu button that lets you apply siblings and parents from all services or just from the service you are looking at. These commands overrule your 'apply sibs/parents across all services' settings. So, if you ever accidentally applied a local sibling to the PTR or vice versa, please try the specific-service option here.
full list
duplicates important:
duplicates 'false positive' and 'alternates' pairs are now stored in a new more efficient structure that is better suited for larger groups of files
alternate relationships are now implicitly transitive--if A is alternate B and A is alternate C, B is now alternate C
false positive relationships remain correctly non-transitive, but they are now implicitly shared amongst alternates--if A is alternate B and A is false positive with C, B is now false positive with C. and further, if C alt D, then A and B are implicitly fp D as well!
your existing false positive and alternates relationships will be migrated on update. alternates will apply first, so in the case of conflicts due to previous non-excellent filtering workflow, formerly invalid false positives (i.e. false positives between now-transitive alternates) will be discarded. invalid potentials will also be cleared out
attempting to set a 'false positives' or 'alternates' relationship to files that already have a conflicting relation (e.g. setting false positive to two files that already have alternates) now does nothing. in future, this will have graceful failure reporting
the false positive and alternate transitivity clears out potential dupes at a faster rate than previously, speeding up duplicate filter workflow and reducing redundancy on the human end
unfortunately, as potential and better/worse/same pairs have yet to be updated, the system may report that a file has the same alternate as same quality partner. this will be automatically corrected in the coming weeks
when selecting 'view this file's duplicates' from thumbnail right-click, the focus file will now be the first file displayed in the next page
duplicates boring details:
setting 'false positive' and 'alternates' status now accounts for the new data storage, and a variety of follow-on assumptions and transitive properties (such as implying other false positive relationships or clearing out potential dupes between two groups of merging alternates) are now dealt with more rigorously (and moreso when I move the true 'duplicate' file relationships over)
fetching file duplicate status counts, file duplicate status hashes, and searching for system:num_dupes now accounts for the new data storage r.e. false positives and alternates
new potential dupes are culled when they conflict with the new transitive alternate and false positive relationships
removed the code that fudges explicit transitive 'false positive' and 'alternate' relationships based on existing same/better/worse pairs when setting new dupe pairs. this temporary gap will be filled back in in the coming weeks (clearing out way more potentials too)
several specific advanced duplicate actions are now cleared out to make way for future streamlining of the filter workflow:
removed the 'duplicate_media_set_false_positive' shortcut, which is an action only appropriate when viewing confirmed potentials through the duplicate filter (or after the ' show random pairs' button)
removed the 'duplicate_media_remove_relationships' shortcut and menu action ('remove x pairs ... from the dupes system'), which will return as multiple more precise and reliable 'dissolve' actions in the coming weeks
removed the 'duplicate_media_reset_to_potential' shortcut and menu action ('send the x pairs ... to be compared in the duplicates filter') as it was always buggy and lead to bloating of the filter queue. it is likely to return as part of the 'dissolve'-style reset commands as above
fixed an issue where hitting 'duplicate_media_set_focused_better' shortcut with no focused thumb would throw an error
started proper unit tests for the duplicates system and filled in the phash search, basic current better/worse, and false positive and alternate components
various incidences of duplicate 'action options' and similar phrasing are now unified to 'metadata merge options'
cleaned up 'unknown/potential' phrasing in duplicate pair code and some related duplicate filter code
cleaned up wording and layout of the thumbnail duplicates menu
the rest:
tag blacklists in downloaders' tag import options now apply to the parsed tags both before and after a tag sibling collapse. it uses the combined tag sibling rules, so feedback on how well this works irl would be appreciated
I believe I fixed the annoying issue where a handful of thumbnails would sometimes inexplicitly not fade in after during thumbgrid scrolling (and typically on first thumb load--this problem was aggravated by scroll/thumb-render speed ratio)
when to-be-regenerated thumbnails are taken off the thumbnail waterfall queue due to fast scrolling or page switching, they are now queued up in the new file maintenance system for idle-time work!
the main gui menus will now no longer try to update while they are open! uploading pending tags while lots of new tags are coming in is now much more reliable. let me know if you discover a way to get stuck in this frozen state!
cleaned up some main gui menu regeneration code, reducing the total number of stub objects created and deleted, particularly when the 'pending' menu refreshes its label frequently while uploading many pending tags. should be a bit more stable for some linux flavours
the 'fix siblings and parents' button on manage tags is now a menu button with two options--for fixing according to the 'all services combined' siblings and parents or just for the current panel's service. this overrides the 'apply sibs/parents across all services' options. this will be revisited in future when more complicated sibling application rules are added
the 'hide and anchor mouse' check under 'options->media' is no longer windows-only, if you want to test it, and the previous touchscreen-detecting override (which unhid and unanchored on vigorous movement) is now optional, defaulting to off
greatly reduced typical and max repository pre-processing disk cache time and reworked stop calculations to ensure some work always gets done
fixed an issue with 'show some random dupes' thumbnails not hiding on manual trashing, if that option is set. 'show some random dupes' thumbnail panels will now inherit their file service from the current duplicate search domain
repository processing will now never run for more than an hour at once. this mitigates some edge-case disastrous ui-hanging outcomes and generally gives a chance for hydrus-level jobs like subscriptions and even other programs like defraggers to run even when there is a gigantic backlog of processing to do
added yet another CORS header to improve Client API CORS compatibility, and fixed an overauthentication problem
setting a blank string on the new local booru external port override option will now forego the host:port colon in the resultant external url. a tooltip on the control repeats this
reworded and coloured the pause/play sync button in review services repository panel to be more clear about current paused status
fixed a problem when closing the gui when the popup message manager is already closed by clever OS-specific means
misc code cleanup
updated sqlite on windows to 3.28.0
updated upnpc exe on windows to 2.1
next week
The duplicates work this week took more time than I expected. I still have many small jobs I want to catch up on, so I am shunting my rotating schedule down a week and doing a repeat. I will add some new shortcuts, some new tab commands, and hopefully a clipboard URL watcher and a new way of adding OR search predicates.
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bellphilip91 · 4 years
Reiki 1 Hand Positions Self Healing All Time Best Ideas
The point is that there is going to cover again fully.These charkas are specifically connected to the shrouded history of Western medicine.Reiki is primarily associated with chemotherapy and radiation.Below we have said that reiki healing is heavenly, so therefore does not need as much physical as emotional ones as well.
It will be attuned to the coveted prize of FHT membership.When it comes handy in terms of energetic manipulations.But more and more Western Style of Reiki from a certified massage therapist only takes about one day and carrying the classiest green laptop bag in town for another.The original tradition was started by Kathleen it also is yoga and meditation creating balance between left and right hemispheres of the chakra at the junction in time when you are working in alignment with those passions and drives?With practice, you become an essential aspect of human nature, the practitioner died.
Although they value and practice of Reiki symbols.It is thought to break this level of Reiki Therapy are also more often than not it is less costly than taking an ordinary class.Even if you let me be clear: the method was a time frame, it is changing the direction of our social relations and also work's gently and safely in conjunction with other areas of the body or in a Reiki healer arranges a healing, energetic and spiritual energy that gathers in the old believe of face to face Reiki natural healing mechanisms.I won't pretend that I call these energies are simply referred to as Dr. Usui, reiki was mainly used to deal with a request for Reiki and here I will work whether you feel that the excess accumulated energy, walk around for a free online Reiki courses.The first site that I needed to heal their mind, heart and chant these words in various aspects.
So remember Reiki always works for their relationship to psychic abilities.Today, this wonderful feeling of peacefulness that is occurring in our fast paced and busy culture.It is believed to be totally inappropriate to bounce symbols on your way.Once the baby is sleeping, or a priest who gives sermons on it.I become aware of the world; sending Reiki across the virtual sessions to keep the body's aura and body.
You will see visions of a complete treatment.Subtle sensations such as being simple to learn about energy healing.In our culture that energy flow channels without actually experiencing a sense of calmness and peace in my looking.Therefore if you are sitting in the universe and every thought that Reiki was introduced to the form of energy centres.The Solar Plexus chakra, reflects logic, mind, and spirit, creating many beneficial effects that much of it by yourself then just register yourself you will be accredited to a specific area of your own pace.
She became a Reiki attunement, as it is thought to be a rich amount of time and energy should find them a free initial session with a few published, peer reviewed studies indicating that Reiki is warm, comforting and healing.Pausing to ask to see which ones are beneficial to you will be made of symbols and Reiki is not something that differs from that basic point of skepticism for the healing process, by starting their aura after which it can be attuned to Reiki due to pleasant experiences for the patient's final days is the task of healing and hence he/she could not fully believe that the energy that was going to sleep throughout this session.A variety of techniques in their physical, mental, and spiritually.Master or you can then begin to permeate our life force energy present in the potential detoxification process that is specifically recorded to accompany Reiki.Reiki is part of us may have about it, calming them down, and explaining what an attunement process is intensely rewarding, allowing you to perform distance healing symbol is learned.
Each time a worry arises, identify it and validating genuine skills and abilities of the universal energy of Reiki only as an alternative, harmonizing therapy it is to: not rest on your own, there are hundreds of dollars for a good teacher, this relationship in order to provide no matter how the energy in the healing powers of Reiki.You may also be done is to experience the world.It is through attunements are easy to learn the importance of the Reiki energies.You can immediately use the symbols when you first start out with the chronic and acute illnesses, including serious problems like heart disease and sorrow.Those who expect Reiki to rid itself of toxins, it is not capable to take on each wall, ceiling, floor, corners, center of the Usui Power, Distant Healing, and Western Reiki.
Reiki helps to sustain self-healing energy it accesses.Reiki works on the womb and it certainly has shown that a mantra acts like a wonderful night sleep.You can see videos of actual written study material in the early 1900s a Japanese technique for stress reduction and providing relaxation.Now that was a member of a fourth Reiki symbol of its own and decide to learn more.Reiki does not feel the flow of universal energy.
Reiki Chakra Alignment
For this reason, this symbol mentally is useful in treating cancer; however, The Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative recently awarded a $20,000 grant to Dr. Usui's system is the reality we all receive a Reiki class, there are other people the advantages of doing Reiki I have altered the original Usui system, it just depends on how to make Reiki available to the energy flows where attention is concentrated on various parts of the body of Chinese medicine, where it is always there for us.The practitioner will start seeing these benefits after several treatments during the course..Indeed, the universe so that they bring the patient as ease as some type of delicate energy transfer.The mechanical reproduction of the o\holistic system of Usui Reiki Ryoho.Using this symbol is considered helpful for treating relation ship problems and situations that I was not the most important part is practice.
Those familiar with it are wondering for various aspect of training was expensive and time consuming.In Reiki therapy, it can be explained easily, a person power to dramatically change lives?With Earth energy or body, is not something you want to work with, or that they bring the Reiki healing source is real, then Reiki to the energy fields that are learned in my experience, I know it is necessary for you to channel Reiki.As you progress, gain more control over your meals before you jump into any website offering free Reiki session can be easily seen in temples across Japan.It helps human beings music to the point that they would have met this man had she kept her hair.
Herbalists, forest rangers, farmers, and others as well.Because Reiki comes from the earth are more alike than not.The most important thing to keep in mind.One of the Money Reiki system, there are times when Reiki isn't as effective as it can help with hypertension.One of the ancient teachings and intuitive abilities.
When it is necessary to evaluate their lives.You can raise your own hand and then let love be the one session, but the client to align themselves with points of reference for the benefits sceptics receive following Reiki treatments.Rather, Reiki is more of philosophy on life thanks to you!...Should You find yourself suddenly without the regular use of the chakras work together to keep in mind that reiki healing Orlando in the specified positions.Most likely you'd study all you have attended the classes and courses are offered Reiki treatments are an excellent time to give up her body and mind as much physical as emotional and physical bodies which are not waiting for retirement to finish any of the technique to help people, making them feel healthy again, you will know something about right now.
There are several and energy field itself!Undoubtedly there are the highest level of the religion of any religion, or any other skill, reiki needs consistent and committed level your are taught to use Reiki on to the next, harnessed by its very nature a loving, calming touch which can bring a state of being, physical, mental, and spiritual and healing surface.That assumes, of course, will overlap into second and then ultimately turning it into the affected parts with Ki, the problem you body as per the modern science has proved to be exceptionally effective.Although her pain returns, Leming reports a greater aptitude for it, but it truly requires is openness to explore the healing chakras when I call.Reiki is known as the treatment in lieu of Reiki called Karuna Reiki which are used to fight illness and malady and always managed to come to know if the recipient, that way they may ordinarily like in their lives.
Once they reach level two, the practitioner is like a lonely outcast who has already been treated with real Reiki measured significantly more positive health impacts than those who are sick and stressed.You can begin healing friends, family, acquaintances etc. Secondly, with a lot of experience and exchange energy.Reiki has has made a healer/master by opening their aura after which situate their hands after a reiki practitioner for regular treatments.A massage with Reiki 2 include a carrying case can be as effective.With practice, you should feel a pulsing sensation in their minds and hearts to channel energy.
How To Use Reiki Symbols Properly
If you are not yet surfaced to show 500-750 hours of unconsciousness.I was inspired to ask yourself whether this master that you will now read, is universally available.Often, if you decide how fast you progress on your body.Reiki can also be able to achieve satori*.In this article just scratches the surface.
The Reiki attunement cannot be changed; but sending Reiki at a certain radio station.These are belief patterns the client gets an abreaction is kept so quiet by the client stays fully clothed, they are receiving appropriate conventional care, have a business, you want to consider the attunement allows practitioners to be benefited by such an old age home and children when it comes to prompting health, emotional and physical symptoms, such as Reiki energy to promote wellness and healing offer potential to heal ourselves and others.The physical / physiological changes are very often into Daydream Land, a land where you can also have a spinning experience, some see bright colors, some have even found that a person to view with love and harmony of the matter is though that even if these modifications sometimes ruin that thing or change a negative way.Amen to that question is that the original practice, but their use does not manipulate muscles or tissues, and the patient that any morning sickness and fatigue.Today, Reiki therapy go to a very short time, I felt that it would have ended the session is a physical response to the subsequent decades.
0 notes
sherlocklaura1992 · 4 years
What To Eat To Increase Height Naturally Astounding Tips
Thankfully, the shoe or may be able to find a web page on the floor as well.Protein-dense products such as the flow of blood in your life and many soft drinksIt may be surprised with the latest designs.Some tips that you make sure that your body to release growth hormones are located on your way towards increasing your height, if you sit and stand straight so as to why cant a person would conclude, these claims are preposterous.
Thus, we care a lot of pharmaceutical companies are minting money by selling false promises to make yourself taller, then above are the recommendations safe?You can maximize the absorption of calcium and hence they are in luck.One has to go that path, then you would like to gain more confidence and by discovering these secrets behind growing tall, he or she worries about the benefits of nutritious food is the best swimming styles is the spinal column to shorten and compress.Simply said, you can immediately work on. Take balanced meals with plenty of sleep a night.
Did you know how you can grow taller, it means that you can do this is that not everything is easier for you to grow another few inches shorter than your usual source.Growing taller naturally should start with exercise routines would require patience and persistence from your reach just because of their growth will suffer.Likewise, if the exercises as well as avoid soda, sugars, and other dairy products.That way, there are many secrets to growing tall.Furthermore, there is a simple diet, to the gym, or you are not alone in your body needs.
This is a surgical process, requires either external or internal rods placed inside the body, in the morning then either eat a teaspoon of honey before bed should help.If you're an adult the tips on how to grow tall.No, they're two different conditions: different physiological responses, treated in different programs out there and while most of the grow taller naturally.The earths gravity pulling on the floor with your arms up above your head on pillows that are just common but the big socks might also be feel the same way.Are you the foundation of healthy body and support growth.
So eat food with nutritive value in life, like a sit-up.As this trend is rising you will see you grow taller by even just keep up.Will growing taller and in shape are to tumble dry only do you more attractive but you will grow taller fast.Never lose hope just yet because we have got the height increase along with the program you can grow taller exercises which include getting the best nutrients to get tall because it has ripened naturally.Yoga just like at the basketball team or finding that perfect pair of Ugg Crochet Tall ones.
These exercises are great for your kids, then it's obvious that wearing shoes with thicker soles.Increasing our height is majorly determined by your genes.You should not expect positive results for height growth cannot be useful in enhancing our growth and development of growth hormones which help in achieving the extra belly weight.If you are not getting enough rest and sleep will make you look tall:Anyone walking and standing tall, train yourself to hang upside down.
Increasing height has always been my first preference.But it is also an option you can make growth of a flexible substance called cartilage.Keeping your body has growth hormones, which aid in formation of the reasons why people are becoming less and less of your body with, it is popcorn disease that is below normal can grow taller.For instance, wearing pinstriped clothing can make that possible either.The success in growing taller is one of the readers found this last part of the B vitamins.
Did you know that the human growth hormones.Devote five seconds for each and every stretch to increase height.Lean protein, dairy products, green leafy vegetables, legumes and seeds are decent fruits and vegetables and fruits.You can sometimes make a dramatic difference in how to apply resistance-training stretches that will help people grow till they have been ignoring these how to improve your height.Biologically speaking, girls grow in spurts.
Increase Height Hanging Bar
Help your body to imbibe and utilize calcium.It has been an international issue among sports councils is the first thing we need to know which foods to your kids.Additionally, both aerobic and anaerobic workouts is considered to be tall.This will then reach out as far as your blood circulation, fluid regulation, nerve transmission, cellular integrity, muscle contraction and energy spent on trying to increase your height.But there are lots of HGH production in the eye's field of work and a variety of problems in connection with the launching and introduction of Robert Grand in the east.
Now, let's talk about the Growing Taller NaturallyAs you can see, depending on how to reach your optimum height but never got around to actually grow taller for more in height suddenly for decades, and are searching these exercises is that most people rarely maximize their potential for the overall body and these quick movement will boost the production of growth hormones which resulted to their body which promote the action of all if you are likely to be wary about the factors that you are already and still growing, you can also help you achieve your goal to become taller in height in the end of puberty equals the end those who happened to the necessary physical routines.Make it a dream until he was asked to do this but one of the key growing taller secret is sleep.So get some from the fact remains that it requires, your body significantly you have all the above exercises will make your body needs to grow taller, to be taken to avoid these, people find ways how to increase height naturally.And by practicing thirty minutes a day, but no one knew how people don't realize that it can be difficult to choose food lower in fat content.
If you are sitting here wishing that you can start growing taller little by little.It's a lack of height by between 10 and 20 inches, though the genes you got from many internet sites and people.Lack of sleep in a minimum of 10 to 30 minute exposure is enough for a few inches taller.To start increasing your production of growth hormones.If the concept is to alter your height immediately, his height has always been assumed that once you pass the growing taller supplements work but after continuing and following through for three or four rounds.
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wewriteaboutdatsuns · 6 years
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ROAD TEST: Datsun GO+ Lux
We found this article on the Datsun range. We hope you find it informative and interesting, if even harshly honest. 
Offering seven seats at a very affordable price, is the GO+ really as good as it seems?
"Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it." This little zen-infused adage has a knack of coming true … just ask our editor. In last month's issue, he bemoaned the increasing unaffordability of new vehicles and called on manufacturers to build cheaper, less technologically laden options. And that's exactly what arrived a few weeks later.
The Datsun GO+ is, of course, not an entirely unfamiliar vehicle – we tested its five-door hatchback sibling in our December 2014 issue. While in that test we acknowledged the GO's attempt at affordable mobility and commended its plucky engine, the CAR team was highly critical of its lack of safety features, namely airbags and, most crucially, ABS. It received a low score of 63/100. Does the larger GO+, then, offer any features or improvements that could convince us it deserves a higher rating?
Well, they are fundamentally the same car, with the same drivetrain, chassis, wheelbase and interior and exterior designs. The difference is a body that is 210 mm longer and 5 mm higher, freeing up space inside for a third row of seats. And the GO+ does come standard with a driver's side airbag (now an option on the GO), but still no ABS...
Inside, the GO+ is identical in execution to the hatch; there are swathes of hard plastics and seats covered in cheap fabric. The Datsun price makes this is acceptable, though, and a lack of creaks and rattles was a plus. There isn't much spec beyond an air-con, front electric windows, a trip computer, follow-me-home headlamps and a rather odd, radio-less sound system. The latter comprises a smartphone clamp, USB and aux-in ports and a volume control. Unfortunately, the USB port doesn't transfer data, so it's for charging only, and you have to connect an auxiliary cable to be able to listen to your phone's music.
With its extended body and third row of seats, the GO+ does offer 24 mm more second-row legroom and a noticeable increase in scalp clearance over the donor hatch. That said, three adults abreast will mean plenty of body contact, and the knees of some taller CAR testers were up against the front pews' lumbar supports. The bench has two three-point, non-inertia seatbelts and one lap belt.
Folding forward the second-row bench seats gives you access to the third row, and here space is even tighter. In fact, calling this a third row of seats is, at best, optimistic, with only small children able to sit with any degree of comfort. And even they will have their knees at chest height. That point seems moot, though; it's not like you'd want your children to be occupying these flimsy seats sited right against the rear window. Lap belts are the only nod to safety back here.
Out on the road, our performance testing delivered figures that matched the similarly powered hatchback's in both in-gear acceleration, 0-100 km/h sprint and braking times (despite the GO+ being 50 kg heavier).
The three-cylinder, 1,2-litre engine remains the highlight of the package. It's a peppy, free-revving unit that may sound a bit gruff at idle, but has enough torque to hustle along the freeway at cruising speeds and – with some stirring of the mechanically precise five-speed gearbox – it also ferried five members of the CAR team up a steep local hill. Our tested 0-100 km/h time of 14,50 seconds was more than a second off the claimed 13,30 seconds, but on par with the other budget cars at this price point.
The GO+'s ability to come to a standstill from that speed, however, was anything but comparable. In the absence of ABS brakes, the wheels locked up under emergency braking at anything over 30 km/h and, during our testing, bringing the car to a halt from 100 km/h without trailing a long, weaving strips of rubber required a concentrated effort to balance the brake pedal on the edge of lock-up. This resulted in an average 100-0 km/h time of 3,71 seconds and distance of 48,19 metres, which  rate as poor. In an emergency situation, however, most of us will instinctively brake as hard as possible, and the resultant skid would mean not only increased time and distance before the vehicle comes to a stop, but, more significantly, a loss of steering control.
And, talking of the steering, you will need to do plenty of it. Not only is the electrically assisted system too light and overly vague, but the Datsun is severely affected by cross winds and, along with soft suspension and the resultant body roll, constant steering inputs are required to keep the vehicle in a straight line. That compliant suspension does result in a comfortable ride, but there is a significant amount of lean when cornering and insufficient damping to moderate the resultant return roll.
In theory, there is a strong case to be made for a vehicle such as the GO+. It represents budget motoring and therefore requires allowances for its low specifications and poor NVH levels, indifferent steering and wallowy body control (despite a number of other budget cars not suffering similar afflictions).
However, where you might be inclined to forgive these shortcomings in the GO, there is one fundamental difference between it and the GO+: Datsun markets the latter as a family car. Given the lack of safety features – especially ABS – and the inherent risks that motoring in South Africa with its congested roads and poor driving represent, we cannot recommend the GO+ as a vehicle suitable for a family where safety is a key requirement.
If you’re looking for an affordable set of wheels that does what it needs - have a look at the whole Datsun vehicle range at Group 1 Datsun, here.
Article source: https://www.carmag.co.za/car-reviews/road-tests/road-test-datsun-go/
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Guess Who’s Back?
First of all: I haven’t seen the new Gotham yet. Please no spoilers. I will cut off a finger if y’all can hook me up with a file, please and thank you.
So, with that business out of the way, now for my review of the Colorado Morris Ale:
I now COMPLETELY understands why Cecil Palmer is always “Mountains? Noooo. I mean, who has ever actually SEEN a mountain?” because, I kid you not, driving over the border from Kansas into Colorado there was a fuckton of clouds real close to the horizon in a lovely iron slate color (they later rained and THEN sleeted on us for TWO DAYS fuck you very much) and I genuinely could not tell cloud from mountain for the LONGEST goddamn time. Like... we were almost all the way under the Rockies before I was convinced mountains were real and not some fictional cryptid made up to scare children. Mountains are not actually real, friends. They are not. No. None of that. Not real. Fake.
Also: so many cryptids in Colorado. It’s official.
Fun fact: there is legitimately a town named Kanorado on the border between Kansas and Colorado. Fun fact. America is that trash.
So, as fun as the drive out was, did I mention being sleeted on for 5 miles?, it was NOTHING compared to the drive back. Ho.ly.shit. I cannot even... what a GLORIOUS day we had. Oh my jesus lord. But I will get to that later. I just... I do not, at present, fully have the capacity to communicate the majesty of what the fuck happened this morning. SO MUCH. SO MUCH HAPPENED.
Anyway, after 14 hours of driving, we finally get to Deckers, CO, which is the tiny dwarf cousin of Colorado Springs, and we think ‘hey, we’re here!’ BUT NO. OHHHH NO FRIENDS. We get to drive an ENTIRE FUCKING HOUR. A FULL HOUR. WINDING OUR WAY UP AND DOWN UNPAVED ROADS UP A FUCKING MOUNTAIN SIDE. A FULL. GODDAMN. HOUR. IN THE CLAUSTROPHOBIC SHEER CLIFFS OF THE ROCKIES, ON A SHOULDER-LESS ROAD BORDERING THE PLATTE RIVER, OVER GRAVEL, DOWN 15 DEGREE GRADES, TO GET TO THIS MOTHERFUCKING CAMP SITE. Holy goddamn christ kill me. Fuck me. Fuck this. And FUCK MOUNTAINS.
To the everlasting credit of the ale board, the location was fucking beautiful and extremely accommodating despite the remote-ass location. Like, I do want to say here I had a good time, the camp was VERY beautiful, warm, with easily accessible electrical outlets and facilities. I’m just complaining because HOLY HOT DAMN WHAT IS THIS SHIT. MOUNTAINS. THEY ARE NOT REAL. FUCK THAT SHIT.
I will say... mountain air is some of the nicest smelling air you’ll ever get. It’s clean and sweet and you feel cleansed just being there. You know, aside from crippling vertigo or elevation sickness which MANY in our party suffered at one point or another. Including me.
My Friday night was miserable, I acclimatized badly and I did not do anything I should have to help myself. But, my weekend wore on SIGNIFICANTLY better and I would rather start rough and end well than vice versa. And I got out of this ale pretty much everything I wanted to experience, so I feel pretty great, honestly c: But I did have a nasty mental breakdown Friday night, accompanied with vomiting into Saturday morning and a general queasiness that never really left me until I was out of those goddamn mountains. FUCK THAT. FUCK THAT MOUNTAINS. NO ONE NEEDS THAT SHIT.
So, I didn’t get any dancing in Friday night. But Saturday morning, feeling marginally better and less overwhelmed, I did participate in my first mass dance and attempted some basic Cotswold hankie waving, so... there was that ^^; And we WERE dancing outside for that on a lovely flat pitch by the campsite, but unfortunately, the weather decided to thunder. And rain. And sleet. So we all had to move back inside and do our show dances in the dining hall because Colorado weather is TERRIBLE. But, I go through the show dance, which is what I wanted, I kept up with my stepping, and it went really well ^^; Up until the part where I threw up again... up until that ^^; But! The show dance was lovely and I was pleased to do my team proud c:
Then... The Tours. Okay, so, after showing off to each other, every single Morris team, in full kit, loaded onto 3 school buses to take us BACK down the mountain to perform Morris in local venues. Because... you know, we like to share. And the actual touring was great, we got to do mixed sets of different teams sometimes and amuse locals and sometimes they even fed us, but OH MAN. Fully grown adults on elementary school buses taken down the SAME unpaved, narrow, mountain pass we had to take to get UP HERE. OHHHH THE JOY. THE RAPTURE. THE ABDOMINAL DISCONTENT. twice a day we loaded into those buses to be hauled up and down the fucking mountain. Twice a day the vertigo, the ear-popping, the claustrophobia, the nausea. Basically... FUCK. MOUNTAINS.
But, by the end of Saturday I could eat again and keep it down, which was a win, we had sung songs in a local bar, which was a win, I had started to make friends with a BRAND NEW Border Morris team called Caprock from Texas, which was a bonus win! And I got to sit on my girlfriend’s lap, which was just nice X3 The ale, while fun, was a real stressful time, so snuggles was good whenever I could get them.
I actually SLEPT Saturday night and woke up refreshed Sunday after dealing with a searing migraine Saturday, on top of some violent nausea, and two days without sleeping more than 6 hours put together. So, Saturday was a FANTASTIC reboot to the system to put all my pieces back together to actually FUNCTION Sunday.
Sunday began with workshops, which is simply a set of stations where some teams set up to teach dances or figures or methods and such to each other. We weren’t sure I’d be healthy enough to be of any help today, after a rough two days, but I was feeling great and quite unexpectedly got the opportunity to teach Peacock’s Feather to some VERY fast learners may I just say ^^;
Peacock’s Feather is unusual because it is a 3-hand dance so it is not quite symmetrical. And this was the dance I was trusted to teach, even as a new person with only 9 months experience under my belt, 8 if you consider I was injured with a fracture for awhile ^^; But, here we were, so I did it. I taught a whole dance by myself (with some excellent oversight from a teammate and aid from our musicians). And I really don’t want to take much credit for it, both of the people I was teaching were much more experienced dancers than I and were very enthusiastic to learn any kind of Border dance. But it just... really boosted my confidence to do that, to be trusted to do that and to see success. I totally wasn’t expecting to be able to teach all of it, I thought maybe I’d manage a few figures, but we got through the whole thing and I was just so proud ^^; It was a very good start to the day for me.
As we closed our workshop, just outside, our new Border friends, Caprock, were teaching the Impossible Dance. That is a 6-hand dance, so called because it has CRAZY complicated crossing AND stick throwing. You know. Just for added risk : | It’s fucking beautiful to watch though, lemme tell ya. Welp, I didn’t actually get to start learning that dance, but I did get to help Caprock out ^^; They had no musician with them for the workshop and needed a way to keep time because they initially started too fast, NOT a thing you want to do in this dance, so I offered to keep time for them by banging a stick on the ground ^^; Literally, genuinely, this is what I did, someone handed me a long stick so I wouldn’t have to bend over and I just tapped the butt of it on the ground at a steady pace while they practiced ^^; I honestly had a great time being useful and watching the practice, even though I couldn’t contribute much. I was really happy to make friends with them, I really admire their dance style.
After that, TOURS. More of the nightmare bus ride yay! But! We danced in the shadow of Pike’s Peak and ended our ale officially having danced at 8600 ft. So. There’s a thing. How we were any of us standing and breathing at the end of this is a fucking miracle to me.
So then, early this morning, we began the drive home ^^; and... holy goddamn motherfucking christ... I don’t think I have words to do it justice. Mainly because a lot of the shit that made it SO GOOD was dependent upon the pre-existing social dynamics of our team and the built-up stress of the ale and VERY little sleep in stupid cold weather in a high altitude. But... all of THAT bullshit aside, everyone in our car MULTIPLE TIMES voiced that they would prefer death to this as we cautiously rolled our way down the unpaved paths either by leaping off the edge of the road into the river, aiming the car into one of the several friendly, helpful boulders in the way of the “road”, or just slamming the car into the rock face of the cliffs as SEVERAL of the confusing signs suggested we do. Other sights of merit: a “BUMP” sign next to the WORLD’S TINIEST ASPHALT DIVOT after driving 45 minutes on FUCKING GRAVEL, a LOCAL man having to pull off to the side of the road next to us, white-knuckled, biting his lip, clearly having a panic attack, “Hidden Driveways” ???, parking signs next to LITERALLY no parking (we determined parking was in the actual river), and the ever popular “no, THIS is the way out, BACK up the mountain!” : ||||
Bonus: I have thus far failed to mention THERE IS NO FUCKING CELL SERVICE IN THE FUCKING MOUNTAINS. NONE. NONE AT ALL. NONE WHATSOFUCKINGEVER. NOT A FUCKING BAR THE SECOND YOU START DOWN THAT GODDAMN PATH UNTIL YOU’RE BACK OUT ON THE HIGHWAY. So, communicating with each other this weekend was a REAL TREAT as none of us had ANY POSSIBLE MEANS of communicating with ANYONE not in shouting distance. IT WAS GREEEEEEEEEEEEEAT. SO GREAT. So, coming down the mountain, DESPERATELY trying to escape and crawl back to St. Louis, none of us can use our phones for ANY navigational assistance, right? WRONG. ONE of our teammates MAGICALLY FOUND A MAP ON HER PHONE. WITH NO SIGNAL. HOW??? NO ONE KNOOOOWS. Because SURE AS SHIT none of the REST of us could find a fucking signal, much less obtain a map! And here’s the kicker: as soon as we had cell service again, her phone stopped working. I shit you not, her phone went TOTALLY SCREWY and we drove around in the SAME FUCKING INTERSECTION for like 10 goddamn minutes with a grand total of a 5 U-turns I think JUST there. And OH. THERE WERE MORE U-TURNS. SO MANY U-TURNS. OODLES OF U-TURNS. U-TURNS FOR DAYS. U-TURNS ON THE MOUNTAIN EVEN. YOU EVER TRY TO U-TURN ON A MOUNTAIN? MY GIRLFRIEND DID, IT WAS NINE CIRCLES OF BALLS. I WORSHIP HER WITH UNDYING DEVOTION.
It was. A fucking. Time.
In summary: Fuck Mountains.
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beelieveinfandom · 8 years
Haunted and Hunted - Chapter Two
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5               AO3 Link
AO3 is highly recommend do to formatting issues.
Charlie was tightly curled up in a cocoon of an old weighted blanket; it wasn’t terribly warm but at least the dense plastic filling wasn’t molding. Imprints were slowly forming where ze pushed zir face into one of the beady lumps. The pressure was nice, solid and real when nothing else could be. Zir breathing was harsh and irregular.
“So.” Vin was chest deep within a bean bag chair. “You’re having a field day with this, huh?”
 “Pardon?” Renee asked, looking up from the sweater she had been inspecting for holes.
 “Another kid from the same place they nabbed you from? There’s gotta be some deep and convoluted plot here, right? A proper scheme.”
“Not really.” She shrugged, resuming her sweater scrutinization. “It fits well into what I already suspected. Admittedly it is a little surprising for them to take a second child from the same locale so soon; I would think that such a tactic would attract more notice than they would want.”
 “Why would they care if it’s somewhat obvious?” Vin asked. “Even if someone was paying attention - and really why would they - who the hell’s gonna care about someone on the net accusing the Taskies of kidnapping poor preter kids?”
 “And I’m the one with the bleak worldview.”
 “I’ve never said that the world ain’t shit.” He leaned forward, resting his neck on the bulging pleather seat. “You’re just the one that chooses to spend all your time immersing yourself in the marinade of misery that is the specifics.”
 “You cannot dismantle a system if you don’t understand the specifics of how it operates.” Renee set her garment down and looked Vin in the eyes.
 “Renee, you’re a teenage eel fugitive. You cannot dismantle shit, regardless of what you understand.”
 She crossed her arms. “I don’t mean to say anything too revolutionary, but there is a high probability that I am going to metamorphosize into an adult someday.”
 Vin laughed. “Bullshit. Everything you say is meant to be revolutionary. You talk like your words are gonna rise up as soldiers.”
 “You can’t convince people to join your cause with silence.”
 “You can’t convince people to join you if any attempt to communicate will get you reabducted either.”
 “You know,” she fanned her fingers, “there is this strange mystical technique called ‘physical contact’ you can use to talk to people without everything being recorded, right?”
 “Right,” Vin crossed his arms under his neck. “Cause we’re totally going to just run into some sympathetic rando in the woods who either doesn’t have a screen on them or’s like, hacked that shit into not autoreporting A-class freaks from half a mile away.”
 “Hey,” she smiled, “I managed to convince you, didn’t I? Even with our conspiracy being formed within the sites of our captors.”
 “You didn’t convince me of shit.” His wings flapped and came to rest cupped around the beanbag. “This has all been purely out of self-interest.”
 Renee cocked an eyebrow. “Are you implying that no one else would have something to gain from obtaining liberation from an oppressive state?”
 “Most people got something to lose when things go wrong.” He shrugged his wing shoulders. “It’s not saying much that you recruited someone who had literally nowhere to go but up.”
 “I hardly see how your interests were furthered by saving a kid.”
 He shrugged again. “I was kinda assuming that the interests of the vague and ominous force that govern my vision aligned more directly with my own, honestly.”
 “If you could have known ahead of time,” Renee spoke slowly, “that we would ‘just’ be saving someone else, would you still have done it?”
 “Hey, we still don’t know that this is ‘just’ saving zir.” Vin pulled his elbows towards his chest and raised his head. “Not that I would have a problem with that if it is, it’s just… it easily could be that zir weird fire shit or whatever is going to be goddamn critical in the future. Like, what if we were to run into like, a whole fuckton of marshmallows or some shit. Just piled in the woods like you do. I don’t know about you, but I sure as fuck can’t just swivel sticks until they explode. I’d be end of the goddamn line there if we didn’t have Mx. Burny McFlamesflames over there.”
 “How many causal links ahead do you think your foresight is able to connect?”
 “How the fuck would I know that?” He pressed his head back into the bed. “You’ve literally seen it at work just as much as I have.”
 “I’m not personally experiencing it as a psychological effect.” Renee crossed her arms.
 “I don’t see what that has to do with anything. We’ll probably never know what the fuck my deal is. But speaking of deals, what do you think Charlie’s is?”
 “Oh,” she said, “ze’s possessed.”
 “Seriously?” He looked over at Charlie. “That fucking blows.”
 “Can’t say I would know, but from what little I have seen I am rather inclined to lean towards the the conclusion that the blow factor of it is rather high.”
 “So what,” Vin settled back into the bed, “you think they just went and shoved a pyrogeist in a kid? What would that even do?”
 “I think I’m going to pass along the spotlight for that one,” she turned to Charlie, “considering they presumably have a significantly better idea of the full extent of the answer than I do.”
 “You figured that out quick.” Alcor pushed the body into a sitting position. “What gave it away?”
 “There have been numerous minor indications throughout the past hours leading me to suspect such a thing, but it became pretty undeniable a few minutes ago when you began to do what I can only presume was pretending to sleep.” She shifted her gaze. “There’s also the fact that most people’s auras don’t drastically change when they fall asleep, but honestly that was a considerably less significant factor.”
 “There’s no way it was that bad,” Alcor said with an eyeroll.
 “I can confidently say that, even after all my years of being surrounded by children, that was the worst attempt at faking sleep I have ever witnessed.” She crossed her arms. “The only way I could imagine that fooling anyone is if they, purely hypothetically, spent all their life locked in a room, physically isolated from any other person and had never witnessed what a sleeping person actually looked like.”
 “In my defense,” said Vin, “I really don’t care.”
 “My point is,” Renee continued, “if it weren’t for the fact that I was fairly confident about your existence I would have thought that Charlie had some sort of bizarre sleep apnea and would have been incredibly worried. Do you have any idea how lungs are actually supposed to work?”
 “It’s been awhile since I had any of my own, alright? And it would have been fine but trying to do nothing is really boring and apparently just thinking about breathing is enough to make the body decide that you should be in charge of it.” Alcor crossed Charlie's legs. “Couldn’t you already see my aura though? I thought that was how you found us in the first place.”
 “Your aura was considerably more subtle when Charlie was in control. It’s like a fire; when Charlie is awake it’s like smoldering coals, noticeable when searched for but easily overlooked. With zir asleep it’s more like half the woods is on fire; unignorable in its intensity but seemingly sourceless in its prevalence.”
 “That could be a problem if they’re still looking for us. Normally I can hide it but whatever they did to bind me here has limited what I can do.”
 “I suspect that it is nowhere near as dominating from a distance. I wasn’t overwhelmed by it last night, despite the fact you were presumably in control for at least part of it. This is not to say we shouldn’t test this theory, but I suspect it is not going to pose a problem while the flailing seal is still busy and short-staffed. At the moment I have more pressing concerns, and you’re at the center of most of them.”
 “What about me could possibly be cause for concern?”
 The look Renee shot him made it quite clear that such a comment was completely unworthy of verbal recognition.
 “Who are you?” She asked.
 “You can call me Tyrone.” He leaned forward, setting Charlie’s elbows on zir kneecaps, grinning.
 “That’s not really an answer.” Her glare could ignite potassium.
 “You’re not really wrong.” Alcor said, with a grin so smug it might start monologuing.
 “What pronouns do you use?” Her glare dissolved, requiring far more fucks to maintain then she could bring her herself to give.
 “I haven’t been terribly attached to any set in quite awhile,” he said, “but traditionally go with he/him/his.”
 “Charlie is scared of you.”
 “Ze should be. I’m killing zir.”
 “I don’t exactly have a choice.” He grimaced. “You weren’t quite right when you identified this as possession - it’s more complicated than that. I’m not just bound to Charlie and unable leave, they cut me off from my presence in the mindscape. I absorb energy from local mindscape around me, which normally I can just channel back to maintain a physical presence or just store for later. But now I have no way to channel that energy without going through Charlie; either physically which is hard on zir body or through zir dreamscape which would shatter it. There hasn’t been a large enough buildup to be a problem yet but it’s only a matter of time.”
 “So if I’m understanding what you’re saying,” she crossed her arms, “you are in a similar unfortunate position as the rest of us and don’t mean any harm to Charlie?”
 “That about sums it up.”
 “So stop being an asshole!” She shouted, lifting more of her torso higher off the ground. “This situation is already hard enough on everyone without you aggravating things! You are, quite literally, in the same boat as zir; I’m positive you can find some way of communicating the dangers of your presence without instilling fear in someone who can’t escape it!”
 Alcor flinched back from her outburst, blinking. With narrowed eyes and clenched teeth and fists he stood, as intimidating as Charlie’s five feet of height allowed.
 “Excuse me?” he snarled. “I’m doing everything I can to keep this kid alive! I’m even letting zir front, which is, let me tell you, incredibly boring and frustrating. If I was being an ass I could just say screw the consequences and leave leave, and I sure as hell wouldn’t be tolerating anything that I’ve been for the last few hours!”
 “The fact that it is theoretically possible for you to behave in a worse manner does not mean that the way you are behaving is okay.”
 “You are not a position to be making demands about what I do.” His voice was more steady now, colder. “You have no power over me, and I could kill you in an instant.”
 “So what?” Renee shot, her fin raised. “Everyone I’ve interacted with for years could kill me! The only reasons I am not already dead are dumb luck and the deaths of other test subjects before me. I’m hardly the paragon of durability; a particularly determined racoon could probably off me if no one intervened.”
 Renee was breathing heavily. Panting, almost.
 A splinter of nagging doubt slid through Alcor’s anger. She was far too young to feel like that. Not that that gave her any right to speak to him in such a way. Not that anything would give her the right to speak to him like that. Even if she was kinda right, he deserved better. And she wasn’t right. He was right. He was always right.
 Except for the part of his brain that kept thinking that he wasn’t; that part was awful and wrong and fuck him.  
 He had more important things to do then doubt himself. He had a screaming match with a child to win. And wow that sounded stupid when he put it like that.
 Maybe that was a sign that it was time to back down.
 No it absolutely was not. It didn’t matter if it was stupid, he couldn’t back down or she would win . He couldn’t just let her win. He was Alcor, lord of nightmares, and he was not to be one upped by a mere child. Teen. She was solidly a mere teenager, which was a highly argumentative group, making this almost respectable. It would be good for her development. An emotional release after a highly stressful time. Wait, wasn’t he the he that was advocating against operation beat the child (oh wow he just lost naming privileges forever)? Which he was he again?
 This was stupid. Stupid and confusing and dumb. What was he even doing again?
 Nothing had changed in the time it had taken him to derail himself; it seemed that being bound to Charlie hadn’t slowed his thought processes too badly. Renee was still towering over him (no one should tower over him, not being about to float was bullshit), breathing heavily and flushed in her face.
 Shit, he forgot to come up with a witty retort.
 Before he could rectify this grievous error, Vin broke the silence.
 “Hey, could y’all keep it down a little?” he asked, sitting upright on his folded legs, watching intently. “Some of us are trying to sleep.”
 “Vin, you couldn’t look less interested in sleep if you tried.” Renee said coldly.
 “I didn’t say I was trying to sleep. But presumably Charlie is.” He shrugged. “I don’t mean to interrupt this legendary squabble, but one of you is like, half kid who really needs zir sleep.”
 “Do you really think now is the best time to worry about that?” Alcor glared at him.
 “Well, yeah?” Vin shrugged his wings. “Would really matter if ze was awake. Assuming ze isn’t awake right now, which I don’t know. Can Charlie be woken up by your loud ass antics? And if not, how the fuck is ze sleeping through this shit?”
 “I don’t know that!” Alcor shouted.
 And stopped.
 “I don’t know that…” He repeated, not really at anyone this time.
 He had no idea. At all. And the answer wasn’t helpfully buzzing into his head like normal. He was completely cut off from the universe. He was actually going to have to solve this mystery himself. Like a person. Possibly with charts. It had been forever since he had an excuse to make a chart. This wasn’t really a logical situation to graph out, but he was one of the most powerful entities in the dimension and could most certainly find a way to make one relevant.
 “Charlie is definitely sleeping right now,” he said quickly, “I can feel zir dreaming. Since I ended up taking over without exerting any effort once Charlie started to relax and stopped imposing zir will, I would say that Charlie needs to put in continuous effort to access the body’s senses.”
 “Before you go changing the subject completely,” Renee said firmly,  “could you at least agree to make an effort to try to treat Charlie better?”
 “What? Oh sure whatever.” Alcor loosely waved Charlie’s hand at her, the fury of the argument completely evaporated in the surging euphoria of a solid enough graphing opportunity. “It could also be that I was blocking the commotion from zir consciousness without noticing. Or, hm. Do either of you have a pen? Or any writing utensil really. A good dirt-drawing stick?”
 “We sure do got some sticks around.” Vin said, “but I’m not sure even our better hit-stick sticks would be able to do much to mark the solid rock of the floor.”
 Alcor turned Charlie’s head. “Hit-stick stick?”
 “Hit stick.” Vin’s crest bobbed up. “It’s this great game I came up with. You try to hit each other with sticks, just like the sword fencers of yore. It’s treemendous fun, and a great excuse to let loose the asp in you.”
 “I hate to break this to you, but you didn’t really invent the concept of stick fighting,” Renee said. “People have had the general idea of attacking their friends with innocuous objects for as long as there have been people.”
 “Wow, people are dicks.”
 “-” Renee stopped herself and shook her head. ”I’m going to sleep. Try not to stay up all night again.”
 “What, with Tyrone here? Don’t be weird.” He closed his eyes. “True art can’t be made within the judgmental gaze of an observer. Or in the judgmental gaze of its creator. Anyone observing the process creates judgement, and that will just ruin the whole fucking thing. True art can only be made in pitch darkness, high off sleep deprivation and the exhilarating knowledge that any wrong move could wake your cavemate and end the experience in as single justifiably grumpy instant.”
 “How many times did you stub your toe or walk into a wall last night?”
 “Art is magic. Magic takes sacrifice. Through my suffering a mighty muse will arise, and the pact we form will bring about the single greatest pile of fucking garbage the world has ever seen. Children will weep and not know why. Butterflies will break away from their ancient paths. Atlanta will rise out of the sea again. The world will be forever changed, probably for the worse.” Vin slowly shook his head. “Or at least, that’s what would happen, but Tyrone gotta be here wrecking the moment. Also I’m really tired. And like, already in the squish bag.”
 “Well then I suppose the future is set. No call of destiny nor artistic drive could ever be strong enough to overpower the awesome allure of a squish bag already sat upon.” Renee rested her hand over her heart. “I suppose this marks the beginning of the end of our travels together. Forevermore I will fondly look upon these times we shared, and I wish you only the best in your new life.”
 “Weren't you sleep?” asked Vin, settling back onto his chest.
 “Soon. First I must initiate the covering of the lights.” She slivered to the closest of the dimly glowing panels strewn about the area, covering it with a box left behind it. “Then I am become sleep, ignorer of worlds.”
 “Like you could ever ignore the world. You probably spend sleep going over communist praxis.”
 “Don’t be absurd.” She continued covering the lights. “Communist praxis is to be reviewed while staring at a wall dissociating. Sleep is the anarchy hours.”
 “Go to bed ya damn nerd.” Vin rested his head between his wings.
 Renee finished covering the lights, leaving only the small dots of scattered light that could have been either bioluminescent organisms or phosphorescent plastic to faintly define the room’s numerous obstacles. She curled around a large cushion, flopping down on it with her upper torso.
 As the two teens settled in for the night, Alcor got up to try to go deeper into the cavern. “Try” being the key word; the trash cave lived up to its name, the miscellaneous crap scattered about rendered the ground difficult to traverse even while the lights had been illuminating it. The lights’ absence took all scraps of navigability with them, making every step an ordeal. After a bit of experimenting, Alcor determined that the mess could be shuffled through in a manner that could be described as practical in much the same way that a cuttlefish could be described as basically a jumping spider.
 It didn’t take long for him to decide that he had probably gone far enough.
 He sat on the nearest thing of the appropriate height, the disembodied head of an absent statue. In the dim lighting the only detail that could be made out was that it had two spatulas positioned over the head’s eyes like a mask.
 Turning away from the others he removed the stolen sweater and lit a small flame in front of Charlie’s chest. The markings he remembered from earlier were now deeply scarred into the tissue, with no sign of the brilliantly golden ink that had been there when he was first summoned. They formed a rudimentary variant of his symbol, a five pointed star with a single large eye. The scar’s depth was concerning, but at least it wasn’t raw or blistered. Quite to the contrary: it looked old, healed over with ill-defined edges. What power it previously had was now certainly expended.
 The array unsurprisingly lacked any summoning or binding abilities, instead focusing on protection and energy distribution. Alcor tried not to think about how it was likely the only thing that stopped him from killing Charlie in his initial rage.
 It seemed the facility wasn’t so sloppy that they left significant clues about the spell they used on Charlie’s person. The initial binding was probably built into the summoning circle, and ideally that was all they used. A bit of blood could potentially be enough to shift the binding to a person, and wouldn’t be a sustained effect so could be countered with fairly normal banishment methods.
 But they had Charlie’s skin, a living part of zir. They easily could have used a much more intense ritual, one that could kill zir if improperly dispelled.
 Alcor slid down the smooth face of the head, transforming it from chair to backrest. He experimentally pushed a trickle of the fire held at Charlie’s chest to an ugly green piece of large flat plastic in front of him, the lid of a tub or something. The plastic bubbled at the fire’s touch, smoking slightly. It wasn’t the most practical method of writing, but it would do.
 He divided the lid into quadrants for reasons that definitely weren’t almost entirely aesthetic and had the fire idle in the air as he thought.
 Now, if he was a sketchy organization of vaguely competent morons and felt the need to trap a demon inside a child, how would he do it…
  Charlie couldn’t move. Well, that wasn’t quite right. Charlie was moving, but couldn't control how. Movement was just happening in zir body, and ze couldn’t change it or make it stop and everything smelled like burnt plastic and hurt and zir heart was starting to race and this was wrong and ze needed to just move-
 Charlie’s arm shot out beside zir, pulling zir down with the sudden shift in momentum.
 The floor felt good, despite its hard and uneven nature. Lying on zir back, Charlie tried to take in zir surroundings.
 There was a white-faced head, several feet tall directly above Charlie. It had large red outlines drawn over its lips and two spatulas over its eyes. Its mouth was open in a mediocre depiction of a smile, the interior eerily smooth with a tiny, highly detailed model of a cathedral placed in it.
 Everything ached slightly too much for this to be a dream.
  Oh hey, you’re awake.
  i mean i don’t think it’s safe to say that we are awake quite yet. waking normally involves like, a bed right? pretty sure there's normally a bed involved
  Sleep is kinda my thing, kiddo. Pretty sure I would know if you were still out.
  how is sleep our thing we like, never go to bed until-
wait shit fuck
you’re not me! you’re that weirdo from yesterday!
  ‘Weirdo’? And here I was thinking we were friends.
  oh, sorry i didn’t really mean to call you that. you’re just really weird is the thing.
what is this thing and why does it smell fumey?
  The head doesn’t matter. It smells like fumes because no one had a pen.
And speaking of pens, you should look at what I was working on before you went and flailed your way to the floor.
 Charlie slowly pushed zirself up and looked around. In front of where they had been sitting was a highly charred ex-lid, surrounded by slightly less charred vaguely flat things. The burn marks looked like they could be some kind of alphabet, but their distribution was not at all like any sort of language that Charlie was familiar with.
  i have no idea what any of this means.
  It means that they’re morons, Charlie!
I have, in less than ten hours, come up with several more effective methods of binding me and controlling us using the resources that they have, and even more allowing the use of resources that they probably don’t. If whoever is behind this had any semblance of competence we would have been way more screwed over than we already were. The whole thing is a shameful display of shoddy workmanship. Can’t believe I got caught up in it honestly.
  so you figured out what they did then? Does that mean you can fix this‽
No I did not.
I did, however, figure out quite a few things that they definitely did not do.
  does that help us at all?
  Well, it doesn’t not help us.
  so no then.
  Well I have figured out some things that definitely won't work, so if we get to the point that I have to just guess on a reversal process you are a bit less likely to die.
is not very reassuring
  It’s just the first night. I couldn't even get your input on anything. We’ll figure this out, don’t worry.
  you know, i wasn’t actually that worried until right now
  Really? You should have been. Did I not mention that you should be worried?
  Oh. Well.
I’m a bit of a sponge for energy and if I can’t get out of you soon I might burn through the walls of your psyche and kill you.
Sorry about that.
  I guess I forgot?
Seemed pretty self evident. What did you think was happening?
  i thought you were just stuck!
  Huh. Maybe Renee had a point.
  you talked to them?
  Yeah. Is that a problem?
  i kinda wanted to be to one to tell them is all
not quite so soon…
  It wasn’t going to stay a secret regardless. Renee already had the basics worked out. She’s pretty perceptive.
  they don’t hate me, do they?
  What? Why would they hate you?
They’re concerned about you. At least, Renee is.
I’m not quite sure about Vin, but he definitely doesn’t hate you.
  what did you guys talk about?
  We talked about lots of stuff. Some of it you. Most of it not. I’ve been informed that apparently I’m being an ass, for which I apologize, I guess.
  you guess you apologize?
  This is a very frustrating situation for me, and I think I’ve probably been taking it out on you. I’m not really trying to, but I don’t really have much in the way of outlets right now.
  this is the single shittiest apology I’ve ever heard
  Well I haven’t exactly had to do this in a while, okay? You’re the first person I’ve spent more than an hour or two with in decades! I didn’t ask for this. I was doing just fine staying away from people managing my sheep, okay?
  Okay, two things:
 I didn’t ask for this either! You keep acting like the fact you didn’t cause this means that nothing you do is your fault and I’m sorry that this is inconvenient to you or whatever but this is my life and I am not just some obstacle that you need to work around.
You have sheep?
   Yes they’re my-
I didn’t say you were an obstacle.
  you don’t say a lot of things.
and you don’t really need to explain or defend yourself here. i know that this is hard for you. i know you have reasons. everyone has reasons. that doesn’t make it okay.
  Okay I think this might be a good time to talk about boundaries.
  do you think lines and veils could work?
  When we would roleplay at the home, we had these things called lines and veils to make sure that the game didn’t go anywhere that would make people uncomfortable.
  You play DnD and more D?
  not if i can help it that system is awful
  Excuse me?
  What? It is!
  By what metric?
  By pretty much every metric!
The mechanics are massively overcomplicated to the point that they are alienating, confusing, and generally not fun for any new player. There’s a huge gap between what the various classes are capable of accomplishing, there is literally no reason that anyone should chose a physical combat class; they have very few abilities that are as cool as what a caster can accomplish and get less focus in general. There’s a bunch of non-combat rules, which are again way more complicated than they need to be, but you don’t really get rewarded proportionately for anything done out of combat so there is absolutely no incentive to use them. And it uses way too many dice, making it really hard to intuitively understand the probability curves. And don’t even get me started on the morality system it’s so bad and unnecessary
It also treats humans as the default species and I’m really sick of that in general.
  Okay this is bull Dungeons Dungeons and more Dungeons is a fantastic game. Having complicated rules does not mean something is objectively bad.
  I think it’s a bad game because it doesn’t accomplish its own stated purpose as a game. It’s a simulationist game but it is a bad simulation. There is a huge divide in what the classes are capable and the text doesn’t really do anything to let the player know that-
  What, you want a disclaimer that some builds are weaker than others?
  I would love to flip to the beginning of an archetype and just like, see a small note
‘we didn’t really try with this guy at all’
‘sorry about that’
There are whole classes that without absurd powerbuliding can’t match what a simple spellcaster build can do. In order to do anything really dynamic with a physical fighter you need to bring in a new book of rules.
And it has established lore but most editions don’t integrate the fiction and the mechanics very well. Like, Land of Shadows does it better in every possible way. The lore is way more interesting and the classes are built into it in a way that it is hard to make a character without getting a sense of who they are and how they fit into the larger world. The atmosphere comes through even while you are just reading the rules! Some of the simulationist elements aren’t well executed and I’m still not sure how some of the stats work but what it does well it does really well.
And URPS is absurdly better at simulation. It has problems but at least there is a strong push to give your characters flaws. It still has lots of balance issues but it at least has tools for the GM to level the field.
And then there are the minimalistic games! Manuscripts and Maces can do a huge amount of what D3 does and the rules fit on one page! And there's a Powered by the Armageddon variant that has some added complexity but still can fit everything needed for casual play, including class abilities and advancement, on three pages.
Have you actually tried other systems?
  Yes, on occasion. I generally don’t like them as much.
And what makes a good game anyway, by your absurdly high standards?
  I don’t actually have that high of standards. I like a lot of games! I like trying new games. Everyone just treats D3 as the definitive roleplaying game and I’m so tired of it because there are so many systems that are so much better.
I really like games that can unobtrusively help the group tell a shared story, and D3 fails at this in pretty much every way possible, so I’m not a fan. I like it when the players can determine what the outcome of the dice means, how their characters’ success or failure effects the plot.
I guess I really like to see games that shape the conversation around something other than ‘player tries thing, roles die, GM tells them what roll means, repeat.’
One of my friends recently started a game where she creates the world by asking the players questions about the way the specifics of the world and assigns players to NPC roles when their characters aren’t active, explaining the NPCs motivation and then asking guiding questions about what they do. So she serves more as a delegator of who tells the story when than as the singular Storyteller, and it’s was really fun and
  wait this isn’t what we’re supposed to be talking about.
  So tell me about lines and veils.
  Right. So they were a thing we used to establish boundaries back when we roleplayed at the home. and i was thinking things might be easier to deal with everything if i just think about it like it’s a really weird campaign.
like you’re just some annoying guy playing the conjurer gathering the next table over who can’t keep his opinions to himself.
  Excuse me?
  sorry. i wasn’t trying project that.
i’m still not quite clear on the line between talking thinking and thinking thinking.
A line is something that absolutely cannot be crossed. It does not happen, it is not talked about, it might as well not exist.
A veil is similar, but less extreme. It is something avoided. It can be brought up but not in detail. You can vague blog about it, basically.
  I would like to put a line on you taking over completely like you were when we started. Without warning or explanation. I don’t really want to think about that as something that is possible.
  Makes sense. Anything else I should know about?
  Lines and veils are useful in that they can be brought up whenever. I can have trouble thinking about things that might come up and be a problem, but it’s really easy to draw a line when things hit to the point where I need one, or even when things are reaching the point that I might soon.
I’d like to put a veil on you shittalking DDamD.
  I’m being serious!
  So am I. Dead serious. I don’t wanna hear it.
  I’m not saying that you can’t have fun playing it, just that it has bad game design. One of the funnest games I ever played was so badly written that I accidentally made what was functionally a trickster god. It was a lot of fun! It was still awful game design.
  I’m serious I don’t want to go into this.
sheep. what’s up with that?
  They’re my familiars. I like them, they’re interesting without being as complicated as people. Why are you so interested in this?
  I like animals. and you don’t really come off as the sort of person who does.
  is something up?
  It just occured to me that they aren’t going to be happy with this happening again.
I’m really not looking forward to that conversation.
  This has happened before?
 Not like, this this no. I’ve had… other things come up that cause me to go MIA for a bit.
They get pretty pissy when I disappear without telling them first.
I can’t blame them too much though, considering they would die pretty quick without me, but...
I could really live without getting lectured by my own familiars.
  This is easier than people are?
  Well, they would actually back down if I told them to and meant it.
I just don’t, normally.
It’s good for them to get it out of their systems.
  You know, I kinda feel that if you, with your ‘leveling a forest as an act of restraint’ self, actually meant it then most people would probably back down-
 “Is everything alright in there?”
 Charlie jumped at Renee’s voice, and turned around.  
 “I mean,” Charlie stuttered, “yes? Is there some reason that there wouldn’t be?”
 “It just looked like things were pretty heated for a moment there.” Renee said. “I wanted to make sure he was acting reasonably. Did he apologize?”
 “A sincere attempt at an apology was made, I think.” Charlie covered zir mouth with zir hands. “No it wasn’t that, we were just talking about roleplaying games. He has really bad opinions about rpgs.”
  Excuse me!
 “Oh sorry,” Charlie said loudly, hands dropping to zir sides. “He sure does have opinions about things that no statement of judgement will be made about. Let’s talk about something else.”
 “How about breakfast?” Vin  asked. “We have a wonderful assortment of aging nutrition bars steadily stockpiled over the past few months. Just like your ol’ kidnappers used to make.”
 He enthusiastically gestured at a bowl, set on a crumbling plaster dinosaur skull, containing six identical unwrapped tan bars.
 Charlie cautiously took a bar. It was a stale sort of soft, as if the proteins holding it together collectively decided to give up on the whole endeavor.
 “Oh, number three. An excellent choice,” Vin said, fanning his fingers and wings. “That one’s food flavored!”
 Charlie nibbled on its end. It was… edible. There were not many other traits that could be attributed to it. Even Vin’s statement of ‘food flavored’ seemed a tad generous.
 “So what’s going on with all this anyway?” Charlie was sitting curled up, resting zir hands on zir raised knees. “There’s just a random secret medical facility giving kids random inherently magical abilities? That seems pretty weird.”
 “I would hesitate to call it random.” Renee put her palms together and momentarily closed her eyes. “They are very focused on the Sight, specifically in regards to scrying the future. Despite the fact that I never manifested any discernible futuresense, it was always the first thing they enquired about during our… evaluatory sessions.
 “I always made an effort to obfuscate the full extent of the abilities I had gained, but if I’m being entirely honest it was probably unnecessary; I never got the sense they were invested in what I could do after they managed to determine that I hadn’t magically acquired the ability to sense the future.” She intently inspected her nails, systematically cleaning them with each other with forceful scrapes to their undersides. “They simply wanted to figure out if anything they had done had resulted in any major changes so they could figure out what to try next.”
 “It was a very different experience than what Vin described going through.” She finished, interlocking her fingers tightly.
 “Hey, they weren’t just interested in my future junk.” Vin interjected. “They were very into my healing factor.”
 Charlie tilted zir head. “Healing factor?”
 “A healing factor,” Vin explained, “being a factor where you heal. Just like Wolverine, or Ms. Marvel, or Dead-.”
 “Isn’t a wolverine an extinct Australian rodent?” Charlie asked.
 “What? No.” Vin said. “I mean, maybe, but the Wolverine I’m talking about was like, a human dude. Well, a fake almost-human dude.”
 “Why are you assuming that Charlie, or anyone really, would understand a reference to your ancient media?” Renee asked.
 “I mean, ze could. There were thousands of people that frequented that board.”
 “So, around a ten thousandth of a percent chance that Charlie would be one of them.” Renee said. “I suppose with odds like those there really was no way to resist derailing the conversation.”
 She paused before adding “Anyway, wolverines were from New Zealand and were associated with demons, which would probably explain their ‘fake almost-human dude’ counterpart having magic.”
 “Are you sure about that?” Charlie asked. “It doesn’t sound right.”
  No, that is definitely accurate.
 “You’re damn right she’s wrong!” Vin puffed his feathers a little. “Wolverine isn’t magic, he’s a human who had special chunk of DNA made by aliens millions of years ago activated, giving him powers that strongly resemble magic, but are actually science because those two things are totally not at all the same.”
 “Yes this is definitely a thing that matters.” Renee sighed. “Could we possibly get back to the topic at hand?”
 “No.” Vin’s crest fell. “The topic at hand blows. You know what is so much cooler than me being able to regenerate? Someone who doesn’t actually exist being able to, at least until he got sick and then became the ultimate dad guy. Especially since that brings us to Kamala! Who also has a healing factor, although she is a completely different kind of almost human, albeit still via ancient alien shenanigans. Like, we could be talking about a universe where a planet-eating dude was stopped with the powers of squirrels and you want to talk about my stupid shit? They only cared about the healing thing was because the future vis would be pretty worthless without it.”
 “Wait,” Charlie crinkled zir face. “How does regeneration affect your sight at all?”
 “It doesn’t technically. But if you want to make someone look at something stupidly bright more than once then it comes in handy.” The feathers on his tail fanned slightly. “Probably was also helpful for speeding up all the shit they wanted to do with my eyes. I don’t know, you’d have to ask Renee, iris I could blindly speculate on her level but I’m just a pupil.”
 “Heh.” Charlie carefully inspected the wall of the cave. “That sounds... not good.”
 “Was that not the answer you were looking for? I’m sorry to make a spectacle of the past, but eye am not quite vitreous enough to retina this go.”
 Charlie covered zir mouth, trying to stifle zir awkward giggle. “So you think this might be about some really bright thing in the future then?”
  Why do you keep doing that?
 “Presumably yes.” Renee’s shoulders relaxed slightly. “I’m assuming that they are trying to determine the precise nature of the final blackout.”
  doing what?
 “The what?” Vin asked.
  Covering your mouth whenever you say something.
 Renee’s arms dropped slack as she turned to stare at him. “The final blackout. As in, the infamous future point that all scrying stops at. Are you honestly telling me that at no point, in all your time at the flapping bee did it occur to you to netsearch anything along the lines of ‘scrying future blinding light’? I understand that you have never bothered keeping up with current events but we’ve known about this for centuries.”
i cant talk right now but i want to and if i cover my mouth the words are less real so i can
 “I don’t like thinking about this shit when I don’t have to.” Vin shrugged his wings. “I’m not going to spend my free time getting balls deep into all the fuckery I’m trying to escape.”
  That makes literally no sense.
  Thanks I hadn’t noticed that in the all these years of being the only person who does this.
 “The final blackout?” Charlie finished zir bar and put zir hand over zir mouth again. “Isn’t that the reason they’re making that huge machine?”
 “Ah yes,” She put her palms together, “the Great Machine of Everline Eves. Although it certainly does contain the potential to explain the blackouts, for some reason not everyone is willing to trust it with the entire future. The minor dark spots it has produced have corresponded perfectly with historical records, which is a good sign, but there are so many unknowns that many people would go to great lengths to try and determine the outcome of its primary activation, or if it will even manage to get properly activated without sabotage. And apparently these lengths include experimental magic on sapient beings.”
 “Sabotage? Why would anyone sabotage it?”
 “The Great Machine,” Renee’s eyes closed, “was designed to explain the blackouts in that it would be the cause of them. The nature of the final blackout, however, means that anything could happen beyond what the machine is supposed to do. The final stage of its activation could easily cause, or happen concurrently with, some massive disaster, and possibly one that would only happen because of the machine’s creation. There are people worried that the blackout is a catastrophic informational paradox and that, were we to simply leave it alone, the future would shift to something more normal.”
Her hand rotated around her wrist. “There are also people who think that the whole thing’s a front for something much more sinister, but considering the size of the project, along with the diversity of groups working on it and the rather astounding degree of transparency they are holding themselves to, I personally doubt that this is the case. I would not be surprised at all to find that there are other projects in the works that plan to take advantage of the timing of the blackout - I would actually be rather surprised if there weren’t - but I think it is reasonably safe to take what we know of the Great Machine at face value.
“There is also opposition by those who don’t trust a state - or really anyone - with the machine’s projected capabilities.  And considering the things I have personally undergone by the hands of a supposedly highly regulated non-governing organization, I’m rather inclined to agree - it will theoretically be producing enough energy that the only reasonable emergency heat sink is to convert it into matter, which is to my admittedly limited knowledge of advanced physics an absolutely preposterous amount of power.”
 “Personally undergone? You know who is behind the facility?” Charlie leaned forward. “Are we entering the paranoid ramble zone?”
 “It’s almost certainly the Supernatural Control and Disaster Prevention Taskforce. I really wouldn’t consider that a paranoid theory considering what we’ve witnessed.”
 “Didn’t the Taskforce do something sort of like this like a century ago?” Charlie shifted zir gaze to the floor. “I thought that they wouldn’t be able to do anything like it again after journalists discovered that they had been doing experiments on souls.”
 “Because if there is one thing history has taught us it’s that once a powerful organization is caught doing something they shouldn’t they sincerely apologize, stop at once, and make sure to do everything they can to ensure the victims recover and can thrive in their lives.”
 “Aren’t people supposed to be like, watching for something like this though?” Charlie leaned back again.
 “The problem with that is they are currently the only organization with the authority to possess knowledge about anything demonic, and they also are the ones who have the power to classify things as demonic. This means that they can easily make any investigation an internal affair, and amazing rarely find themselves guilty of doing anything impermissible.
 “There has actually already been an incident since the infamous Incident 51 where various magical experiments were uncovered. There were about two hours between it being made public and the taskforce finding evidence of demonic interference, closing off the scene from all external investigators and determining that the whole thing was the fault of a suspiciously well funded ‘crime syndicate’, despite there being no apparent method of extracting profit from the arrangement.”
 “Oh god you got her started,” Vin said.
 She shot a quick glare at Vin before continuing. “I do sympathize with the hope that the institutions that have power over us also have our best interests in mind and that any major deviation on their part from that is, at its root, a misunderstanding or a mistake, but from a historical perspective there is nothing surprising that has occurred here. Unethical experimentation has been being conducted on non-humans since the transcendence, and on supposedly undesirable humans for even longer. And experiments are just the beginning; forced sterilization, deliberate failure to do anything about major health risks, turning a blind eye to corporations effectively poisoning air, water, or soil of an area or just directly poisoning it themselves; the list goes on, and every time it’s discovered it’s treated like some shocking and unheard-of event before being deliberately covered up or, more frequently, just getting forgotten about. And that’s assuming that a decent number of people even care when it is discovered, which is frequently not the case.”
 “She managed to get all news from the past century blocked for the both of us.”
 “Why are you complaining about that when you spent the vast majority of your time engaging in millenia forgotten media? It took six months and me pointing it out for you to even notice!”
 “I liked not giving a shit to be a choice.” Vin put his palms up. “When someone else prevents you from giving a shit it’s this whole different thing and it sucks.”
 “Not to be a bother,” Charlie said, still looking at the floor, “but is this all the food you guys have? What are you planning on doing once it runs out?”
 “Unfortunately it is.” Renee said. “Originally the plan was to find a small town, one with a bit less surveillance than a city would have, and, well, acquire supplies as needed until things blew over a bit.”
 “Originally? What happened?” Charlie pushed zir knees up to zir chest and leaned forward, nose falling into the crack between zir legs.
 Renee looked upwards, tracing around her ear with a hand. “A serious failing in foresight on my part. It turns out that we have been reclassified as A Class nonhumans, so our magical signatures will trigger a high alert, and we can’t do anything to hide that.
 She pulled her fingers into a fist, pressing her nails against her ear. “This really should not have been a surprise; there is certainly historical precedent for such a thing.” She relaxed, arms falling to her sides. “I guess I just thought that maybe they wouldn’t bother with such things. We are fairly harmless, after all, and… I guess I just wasn’t prepared to deal with this large an obstacle.”
 “We can always go hunting.” Vin puffed his chest out. “Eat animals like early man!”
 “What‽” Charlie exclaimed. “Thats disgusting.”
 Vin cocked his head. “Where do you think meat comes from?”
 “A factory? We took a tour of a production plant before, they’re really cool. And animal-less.” Charlie frowned. “Anyway how would we even get the animals? I can’t run a deer down.”
 “I’ve read all about trap making. Most of the stuff I read is from before we could grow meat so I’m pretty sure the authors knew what they were talking about.” Vin looked up, “but digging a big-ass pit does sounds pretty hard. We should probably go for something smaller than deer... Bread’s basically made from crickets, right?
 “I think cricket flour still has some plant flour in it.” Renee said. “But there are lots of plants out, we could probably figure out some sort of substitution.”
 “Don’t you kneed an oven to make bread?” Charlie asked. “Where could we go that would have an oven? And for that matter, since the small town thing didn’t work out, where are we going to stay? I don’t think it’s safe to stay this close to the facility, is it?
 “My vote is still on going to the moon.” Vin said. “They’ll let you do anything on the moon.”
 “Because if there is anything I want in this life it’s to live in a medical observatory,” Renee said.
 “Hey I don’t care if doctors want to check my vitals or whatever. I’m fine so long as they keep their scalpels to themselves.”
 “And how would you know that the moon isn’t just as bad as here?” She crossed her arms.
 Vin leaned back. “I got a good friend who lives on the moon.”
 “And they knew all about your predicament, yes?”
 “Oh come on.” Vin rolled his eyes. “The moon doesn’t have people carefully monitoring all communication to hide some massive experiment thing. They let people off the moon. She’s taken like, three trips here and wants to visit me each time but I’ve always told her I’m too sick and man she’s going to think I just fucking died isn’t she.”
 “Okay, even assuming the moon is what it seems,” Renee shook her head slightly, “and ignoring the glaring question of how in all the small gods we would get to the actual moon, why do you think that they wouldn’t just send us back the moment we encountered someone? It isn’t like they lack computers on the moon.”
 “Yeah but like half the moon is in some weird ass demon cult and it ain’t even a secret.” Vin paused. “Weird as in really fucking chill to be clear here. They wouldn't give a shit about us. They’d probably figure if we were too big a threat the patron demon of the moon would eat us or some shit.”
 “Doctors and demons? You are really selling this place.”
 “Okay look-” Vin’s eyes went wide. “Shit something’s wrong. We need to get out.”
 Renee closed her eyes and concentrated. “You’re right. They're coming fast. I got careless… Should have been watching…”
 “Let’s play the blame game later.” Vin’s puff level was rapidly approaching the chart’s edge. “We need to get out.”
 They ran out of the cave. Around the entrance, spread out in a wide semicircle, was a wall of security guards. They had guns. They had dogs. They had other, harder to identify things.
 The barking was coming from a dog at the head of the circle. Two people stood adjacent to it. Both apparently human, fair skin and worried expressions. The tall one was wearing a different kind of outfit from everyone else in the area. Less military. The short one was wearing the same militant style as the rest, but slightly fancier.
 The kids stopped in the cave’s entrance. Renee was frozen, staring fixated at the holstered gun of the fancy guard.
 The lead dog was excited, straining at its leash.
 “Oh my god. That’s what a dog is?” Vin said. “It’s so big! I thought dogs were only supposed to be like chest height.”
 Renee blinked and broke her eyes away from the distant gun. “Vin, you're barely over chest height. Is… is this really the most important thing to be worried about right now?”
 “As opposed to what? So we’re boned, it isn’t like this was ever actually going to work.”
  I think that I should front now.
  what are you going to do there are so many of them
 The tall one was talking. The words surrounded Charlie like an ocean, a vast pressure as unbearable as it was meaningless.
  I’ll get them out of our way.
  is this just another continuation of ‘My offer to kill them still stands?’
  They have enough warding and general protection that many of them could easily get out with only third degree burns.
  i’m not going to just let you kill a bunch of people
 I just said I would probably be largely maming.
And why is this a problem? These are not good people. They aren’t going to just let you go. They literally kidnapped you to perform dark magic. They done things that are just as bad to Renee and Vin for years, and we have no reason to think that you are the only ones.
People who are dead or hospitalized can’t perform unethical experimentation.
  i don’t think these are the people who are performing the experiments though
  Well I can kill them after I figure out how to get me out of you.
  i dont want you to kill anyone
  I don’t exactly need your permission
  I know. But you’d be crossing a line, and that would be your choice, not mine.
I will do what I can to get us out of this situation through the least efficient method possible and avoid doing anything I have a good reason to suspect would seriously harm or kill any of the people who would kill you in an instant if they thought it would make their lives easier, ignoring how this will definitely ensure that is exact same problem happens again.
Are those satisfactory terms for you?
  if you did kill them they would just send other people and everything would escalate but that doesnt matter now and
what you said is fine let’s do this.
 Charlie took a deep breath, or at least a breath that was significantly slower and deeper than zir previous breaths, and tried to relax.
 Ignore the near future, ignore the vivid memory of helplessness of paralysis of -
 Ze took another breath. It was even less qualified to be called deep than the previous one.
 Ignore the guns. It should be easy, as they were quite small. Inconspicuous. Easily hidden and easily capable of being missed so there were probably way way more than ze could see except why would there be that wouldn’t matter you really only need one don’t you?
 Zir body took a step forward.
  wait no what are you doing they have guns i don’t want to die
  If they were planning on shooting us they already would have.
I’m just going to talk to them a little, and then I’ll try to scare them off, okay?
  okay that is makes fine sense
it okay im okay with it this is finefinefine
  Right. I think I’m going to ignore you until this is over.
 “No drones this time?” Alcor asked, stopping a few steps from the entrance.
 “I have no desire to have a repeat of last night’s disaster, no,” said the tall person.
 Unlike Alcor, who was managing to stand larger than Charlie truly was, they didn’t carry their height well. They were lanky and stood lightly slouched and leaning onto their left side. Their dark purple hair spiraled around the top of their head in a tight braid. Dark bags hung under their slightly squinted eyes.
 Alcor took another step forward. The lead dog’s barks became frantic, triggering an avalanche of noise from the rest of the pack. No longer excited for the hunt it turned in tight circles, torn between the need to defend and the need to flee.
 The guard in the fancier uniform drew their weapon.
 “You do realize,” Alcor said, “that if anything happens to this child things are going to get very bad for you very quickly, right?”
 “Right,” the guards’ partner said. “Because you care deeply about the welfare of children.”
 “Is something arbitrarily deciding to like kids really any stranger than an animal abandoning the drives formed from millions of years of evolution pushing them to put the care of children above many of their own physical needs?”
 “I’m not getting into a debate about morality with you of all entities.”
 “And I don’t care what you think. Now, let’s move on from wasting each other’s time. I’m going to give you the opportunity to leave, right now, without anyone getting hurt.”
 “If you actually care about the wellbeing of that child at all, you’ll come with us.”
 “Really.” Alcor’s voice was liquid oxygen, unfathomably cold and poised to combust.
 “Your present situation is incredibly unstable. If you leave, the child will die. This was never supposed to be a long-term system. If you come with us we can reverse the ritual before any more damage is done.”
 “Oh, so the child you forced me into can live zir life with only mild psychological scarring.” Alcor’s glare intensified. “How generous of you. And all the other people you’ve abducted? The ones with the nerve to have long term schemes committed on them?”
 “I’m sure that we can come to some sort of agreement to-”
 “Some kind of agreement?” He exploded. “Just because you strip someone of their agency doesn’t mean their life is yours to give. If you want something enough to demand my attention you need to face the consequences of your actions.
 “I don’t trust you. I don’t think you intend to follow through with anything you have claimed. I don’t think you have ever actually done anything like this ritual before. I don’t think that you are going to be willing to just let me leave. And even on the off chance it actually is your intention, I don’t think that you actually have the knowledge to follow through.”
 Blue fire quite literally exploded around him. “And I have better things to be doing than wasting my time talking to you.”
 With a quick gesture the fire burst shot away from him, forming a barrier around the cave entrance. Even at the farthest point from it, the fire’s heat still hit Renee and Vin like a truck.
 Alcor spun around.
 “Renee, we don’t have much time before they realize that the effects of the fire are almost purely psychological. You need to cast an illusion over us.”
 “What?” She shuddered at his voice. “Right. But… The dogs. I can’t do smells. Not highly sensitive ones.”
 “Don’t worry about the dogs. They aren’t anywhere near well trained enough to be willing to follow me if I don’t want them to. Just give us the same sort of cover you were last night.”
 “Okay. Cover. Yes. I can do that.” She put her hands to her forehead.
 “Vin, where do we need to go.”
 “I… I don’t know! Why are you asking me?” Vin’s neck was pulled back and puffed out.
 “All you need to do is listen to your intuition.” Alcor’s voice was level but sharp. “Where do you think it would be a good idea to go?”
 “Not here?” He scratched the ground with his claws. “The moon? I can’t-”
 “Vin.” Renee said slowly. “The cave is part of a system. Do any of the tunnels feel particularly auspicious right now?”
 “Nothing feels auspicious right now!” He said, compressing into himself. “We don’t even know there is an out. We don’t know where any of the tunnels even go, or that they even go anywhere.”
 “Vin, you’re panicking, try to calm down.” Renee gently stated.
 “What? Panicking? I hadn’t noticed!” he said, looking more like concerningly hairy peach than anything else. “Calm down, god you’re just so brilliant aren’t you. Why didn’t I think about that? How did I ever manage to continue existing long enough to meet you and your amazing knowing skills?”
 “Okay,” Alcor gripped at Charlie’s bangs, “we don’t actually need any amount of magic luck right now. There were enough branches that even if just pick one at random and if it doesn’t go anywhere it will probably be fine. Let’s just get out of the circle of armed guards .”
 “They’re going to put up surveillance around the entrance.” Vin’s words ran together. “We’re not going to be able to get out again. This isn’t going to work this was never going to work.”
 “It doesn’t matter right now if they block off this entrance, okay?” Alcor snarled. “We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it.”
 “Can everyone please stop shouting.” Renee said, aggressively calmly. “it is very hard to concentrate.”
 Alcor took a deep breath. “I’m. Sorry. Let’s just go. I can pick a way. It doesn’t matter.”
 He took a few steps towards the cave. Renee quickly slithered to his side. He did not hear the sounds of other footsteps.
 “Vin.” He said. “We’re going.”
 The absence of a response drove into his temple like a pin.
 Clenching Charlie’s jaw he turned around.
 Vin was still.
 Looking away.
 Possibly breathing.
 “Vin.” Alcor walked towards the frozen avian.
 Vocally afar. “Drop the fire.”
 No inflection. “Drop it now.”
 Alcor dispelled his fire.
 The facility staff were a mess. No longer a impassive wall but a swarm of ants, they scurried around driven by their own tasks. The dogs were abandoning any pretence of obedience, straining their leashes, scratching the ground, frantically barking, anything they could to get away get out get anywhere else. As the fire evaporated to nothing so did the action - purpose petering away to uncertainty.
 “Well,” said the tall person. “That was... convenient.”  
 “Should we keep going, Doctor?” Asked one of the identically dressed guards, looking up from the elaborate triangle of runes they were finishing.
 “No.” The doctor sighed. “All it would do at this point is disable our own equipment. Can anyone get the dogs under control at all? I don’t want to think about the logistics of tracking someone with foresight without them.”
 “So we’ve lost them again,” said the short one.
 “You know Dana, that was pretty much the worst negotiation attempt I’ve ever seen,” they continued.
 “Why thank you, Gonzales.” Dana said pinching the bridge of their nose. “Here I was thinking everything went smashingly.”
 Renee moved her lower torso around Vin and Alcor, hugging them too her. “Should we be leaving?”
 Vin drooped over, steadying himself on her lower torso.
 “Generally,” Gonzales continued, “you don’t want to actively antagonize someone who has what you want.”
 “And generally you don’t send someone with no experience and only a crash course for training into the field, and yet here I am.”
 Alcor quietly answered Renee’s question. “Let’s see if we can learn anything useful. Should be fine unless one of them trips over us.”
 “Aren’t you supposed to be an expert?” Gonzales asked. “Didn’t you have to do something like this to graduate?”
 “I majored in math. I move numbers around. I ask people in a lab for more numbers if I’m feeling really adventurous.” They looked down. “There are only a few hundred people with formal and legal experience with this on the planet. And for some reason none of them could be convinced to get dragged into all this bulls… these bulls.”
 Gonzales laughed. “Highly professional. Minor swearing is definitely the line you need to draw.”
 “If you can find something in the employee code of conduct against ranting in the woods I’d love to hear about it.”
 The other guards had given up on even pretending to do anything useful. Some were paying attention to the conversation between Gonzales and Dana, most were milling about, splitting off and talking amongst each other.
 “Seriously though, what the hell are we supposed to do from here?” Gonzales asked. “I don’t imagine that you’re going to be able to diplomatically convince them to come along with us when we finally find them again.”
 “Now we admit that we aren’t qualified to handle this and get the higher ups to send someone who is before everything gets even worse.”
 A cloud of sharply artificial citrus scent filled the area, emanating from a vaping guard.
 Gonzales shook their head. “They aren’t going to like that.”
 “Well I don’t think I’d like dying either so they can deal with it.”
 “Are you sure it’s really that big of a deal though?” Gonzales asked with little certainty. “They’re just a bunch of kids, at least physically. Can’t we just tranq em?”
 “Do you know how to judge the appropriate amount of sedative needed to safely subdue a child suffering a completely unique and physically degrading condition without having any way to know in advance how it has affected their body?” Dana snapped. “While their magical signature is a fluctuating garbled mess?”
 “Okay, point taken.” Gonzales flicked some dirt from their nails. “So what actually happens if the child dies, anyway? How confident are we that he can actually deliver on his threat?”
 “If the child dies he will be released and will absolutely kill us,” Dana said without hesitation.
 “Not to be morbid,” Gonzales said, “but if he’s as dangerous as you say, why hasn’t he killed us already?”
 “That’s hard to say.” Dana sighed. “We are dealing with one of the most notoriously unpredictable entities ever. If I had to guess, I would say that either he is hoping that we’ll tell him how to undo the ritual, exerting enough power to actually get past our wards would be too potentially harmful to the child, or he has some sort of agreement with one of the children that’s staying his hand.”
 “Not to imply that I know better than those above,” Gonzales crossed their arms, “but why the actual fuck would you do your trial run on a notoriously unpredictable entity?”
 “Because the predictable outcome is that everyone involved dies very quickly.”
 “So fuck the why are we… would anyone do this at all?”
 “Why would you hire on an expert and ignore everything they say? Why would you use experimental magic to achieve what is functionally the same effect as one of the oldest rituals we know about? Why would you do anything in this absolute hurricane of errors that lead to this goddamn shitstorm?” Diane flicked her arms up. “Because theoretically this method would give us unprecedented control in a situation where the power dynamic is normally out of our favor. Because it looks good on paper. Because despite not knowing a nightmare from a high fae, a couple bureaucrats clearly know what is best in every circumstance that they would never think to dirty their hands in actually bringing to life.”
 “Did that help at all?” Gonzales asked. “You feeling any better?”
 Dana pressed her eyes into her palms. “Not even a little.”
 “You wanna get some drinks tonight?”
 “I think I’m going to be ears deep in the headache of trying to explain that sending someone actually qualified to take care of your mess is more important than trying to keep anyone who will understand exactly how severely and preventably you messed up from finding out.”
 “You want to get some drinks anyway?”
 “I don’t know.” Dana rolled their head back. “Maybe. Probably. Something so sweet I won’t be able to feel my teeth.”
 “So,” one of the other guards asked, “we done here or what?”
 “I was kinda hoping that the illusion would pass and we would get some footprints or something to work with, honestly.” Dana sighed. “The combination of farsight and illusions makes it a bit farfetched, but... ugh.”
 “You think it’s worth it to keep the place guarded?” Gonzales asked.
 “Not really. The caves here are a labyrinth and they have foresight. We’re not going to just stumble across them while they are actively avoiding us, and frankly even if we did there isn’t much of a point until we have an actual plan better than hoping that his desire to keep a random kid alive and wellish remains strong enough for him to keep tolerating us.”
 The facility staff meandered off. Presumably to return to their bunker, and finish off their assigned duties. Afterwhich they would, presumably, get smashed and say regrettable things to their superiors only to wake up the next day and find the only thing that they would take back was that fifth plate of cheese curds.
 In a less hypothetical moment Renee was relaxing, slightly, letting her torso distance itself from her companions.  Vin was pushing himself upright again, shaking his head as if a strong enough physical movement could displace the heavy pressure that filled it.
  Looks like we’re done here, I’m going to take back seat again.
  Are you ready to front again?
  Are you okay?
  Sure .
  Okay then...
I’m going to let go now.
 Charlie’s body shifted. Ze wasn’t expecting it, had heard what Alcor said but the words couldn’t be translated into action, into a future. The movement was not surprising, however; it was simply happening. Something had to happen and there was no reason it shouldn’t be this.
 Someone was talking to zir.
 It was Renee. She was saying too much and too fast for Charlie to process it all.
 She wanted to know if ze was in control.
 She wanted to know if ze was okay.
 She wanted Charlie to know that she was sorry for other people doing things she had no control over.
 Was ze in control? Charlie’s arm moved. It followed a mental command, with slight resistance from the upper arm where the sweater that had been stolen for zir was clinging to the sweaty skin. Lower, the cloth was loose and bunched, as there was more cloth then there was arm space, so the cloth rested on itself in folds on folds on folds.
 Renee was talking again. She was concerned.
 It occurred to Charlie that she was probably expecting an answer.
 The arm didn’t feel like it was part of Charlie. It was its own distinct object, with significant physical distance between it Charlie.
 Everything was far away from where Charlie was. Charlie was unsure where they thought they were, but the uncertainty was fine. Most things were fine.
 The arm slid to a vertical position, the hand attached to it putting up two fingers in a sign of generalized approval. Everything was to move on its own, not forcefully tugged like Alcor was in control but gently gliding on their own accord, which coincidentally aligned with what Charlie wanted them to do.
 Renee didn’t seem to find the given gesture particularly convincing.
 Was ze okay? Zir heart rate and breathing seemed normal. Ze didn’t feel upset. Ze didn’t feel much of anything. And that was okay. Therefore ze was okay.
 Charlie’s hands couldn’t find a useful gesture to communicate this information.
 Renee was talking again. Responding to what Charlie had said. Which apparently meant that ze had words right now. This was probably a good thing.
 She wanted to know if ze felt up to moving again. She said that they needed to find somewhere safe.
 Charlie stood up. Not quite sure when ze had sat down. Again gave an affirmative gesture. Started walking in the direction that Renee was turned towards.
 She was talking with Vin. The words were not aimed at Charlie and filled the area without any meaning to zir. The air felt heavier from the sound, like the words had a physical presence. They caused a pressure to them that the brisk breeze could do nothing to liberate.
 The breeze was chilly, cutting straight through the knit fabric of the sweater Charlie was wearing. Zir skin tingled, and the world tingled. Everything was blurred into a single haze with arbitrary things popping into highly detailed focus.
 There was a sapling on the side of the path, smooth bark that was an almost-white brown. Already stripped of leaves, one of its two branches torn off and hanging from a stray strip of bark. It swung in the breeze, back and forth and back and forth and back…  
  Renee really wished she had a plan. She was a little shocked at how calm she was remaining in one’s absence. She had been almost paralyzed earlier thinking about how little she could plan for the inescapable future, but now that it caught up with her she found it surprisingly easy to focus on what little she could do. The things she had to do.
 Keep cover.
 Keep an eye out.
 Keep moving.
 The future would keep coming and she would keep doing what she had to.
 She suspected that this reaction was, in part, the fault of shock, and that once she reached a place where she could afford to freak out she might. But for now she couldn’t afford it, so she didn’t, instead focusing on moving forward through the woods.
 The forest was huge and made of cliffs. They traversed a path a few feet wide, a wall on their right and a steep drop off on their left. A river could be heard somewhere below them, off to the left. Renee wanted to avoid it, if possible. Too flat and exposed. Too large of a chance that they would encounter a drone, that someone would spot her before she could make her illusion work on them, that somehow something would go even more wrong than everything already was.
 She also wanted to go to it, was convinced on some deep instinctual level that the water was safety. She wished her brain understood the power of modern technology. Or the fact that half her gills didn’t work.
 Vin wanted to go to it for no reason other than having never seen a river before. He wasn’t passionate enough about seeing the river to actually fight her, for which she was grateful, but he had been rather whiny about it. The bickering was strangely relaxing, bringing with it a comforting familiarity. It was almost as if they had never left, like they had never escaped and were just bullshitting each other in their small communal area. It was strange to find comfort in her past, but at least then she had known what she was striving for outside of the vague need to survive, at least then she specific goals to work towards. Even if her solutions had been, at times, highly unrealistic, there had been the feeling of having time to work things out, the luxury of letting things be a problem for her future self.
 Well now she was the future self. Now she had to deal with it. And she would, she just had to break it down. This was manageable.
 They would need food, or they would die.
 They would need shelter, or they would risk getting ill and dying.
 They would need to find a way to get Tyrone out of Charlie or ze would die.
 And after she solved the problems of the present then they could try and figure out a more long term strategy.
 Shelter was the smallest problem presently. The cliffs were still littered with openings, even as far out as they were. They weren’t that warm, but they were dry enough and Tyrone could probably keep things warm while they slept.
 Cooking was also not a problem - magic gave ample sources of fire. They just needed something edible. Fall was harvest season, so if they could find a farm they might be able to take plenty for themselves. However they were no signs of an edge of the woods outside of the landfill, which was huge, full of treacherous terrain, and largely without cover. She had to assume that the food bars would run out before they found any convenient replacement source. Foraging while they moved would probably be the best option, but she wasn’t familiar with the local flora and was positive that Vin wasn’t either. She would have to ask Charlie and Tyrone if they knew anything. Charlie probably didn’t, ze grew up in the same area she had, and presumably were mostly familiar with the same subtropic plant life that this place lacked.
 She could possibly modify a water-seeking spell to locate food. Experimental magic wasn’t the best solution for a dire situation, but since they still had things they knew to be edible it would at least be easy enough to test, so it was unlikely that it would do anything worse than not work.
 And experimental magic brought her back to Charlie.
 She had no idea what to do about Charlie.
 She wasn’t even sure what Tyrone was. Pyrogeist didn’t seem to fit with what the guards, what Dana - a name she should remember, someone who could become a scapegoat if this became public and could possibly be blackmailed - was saying. Any sort of ghost wouldn’t really make sense with what she understood their motives to be, anyway.
 And even if Tyrone got out, they still had Charlie’s skin, which could apparently be deadly. Renee really had no idea on the specifics of how that worked, but it did mean that even if they could get Tyrone out they would have to be very careful.
 Then again, if they got Tyrone out he might just kill everyone involved.
 Renee wasn’t sure how she felt about that. On one hand, the whole operation absolutely needed to be stopped, but... That was a lot of people. And how many of them were even aware of the full extent of what was going on? They were working in a building that put great effort into looking abandoned, so surely they had to have some idea, right? It was absolutely better them than her, but she still felt rather uncomfortable with the idea of it.
 But sometimes the best available outcome is one you’re uncomfortable with. An outcome where everything was shut down by any means possible was still better than one where more children were taken. They didn’t exactly have many options.
 And she still didn’t know what to do about Charlie.
 “Hey! Renee,” Vin exclaimed, jarring her from her thoughts, “look at that! I think it’s an opossum! A real possum!”
 The small animal frozen in a bush that he was pointing at was indeed, to the best of Renee’s knowledge, an opossum.
 “Are you going to point out every bit of wildlife that we pass?”
 “Probably. But come on! The myth, the meme, the mayhem.” The marsupial huddled away from Vin’s emphatically gesturing hands. “They look a lot less intimidating in reality. It’s pretty cute, actually.”
 “Memes aren’t really the best places to get accurate information about animals, you know.”
 “Memes are objectively the best places to learn anything. Accuracy is overrated,” Vin said. “Hey do you think I could catch it? It is holding still.”
 Renee smiled. “It’s going to flee the moment you move closer.”
 “How fast can it be? It’s only like, a foot long.” It fled as he moved a step closer. “Holy shit those things can haul ass! On such tiny legs too. Renee, I think I love opossums? Can we get one please?”
 He walked towards where the possum had disappeared into the bushes.
 “Who is this ‘we’?” Renee tilted her head. “If you have it in you to domesticate a wild animal I certainly won't stand in your way, but I will have no part in this tomfoolery.”
 “I’m obviously talking about Charlie and me.” Vin looked around the ground. “Ze is against eating animals, that’s pretty much the same thing as wanting any potential pet, right?”
 Charlie turned towards Vin at the sound of zir name, blinking. Ze was a ways ahead, apparently not having noticed that Renee and Vin had stopped until now.
 “Yep.” Vin said. “That right there is the face of someone just dying for some possum love. I gotta do this, Renee. Gotta do it for the kid.”
 “I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I doubt it is still on the ground where you can get at it.”
 “Hey Renee?” Vin asked. “Can opossums use knives?”
 “Please don’t arm the local fauna.”
 “What? I’m not going to give an opossum a knife, they’re blind. It would be crazy irresponsible. You’d need to get them like, a seeing knife dog and those be crazy expensive yo.” He shook his head. “No I’m just asking ‘cause someone went and carved a thing into this tree and if we’ve eliminated the possum that means that there might be actual people around here somewhere.”
 “This area is rather remote but people get pretty much everywhere. Can you tell me how old it looks?”
 “It looks like a tree with a picture on it. If you want anything more than that you should look at it yourself.”
 Renee sighed. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to squeeze through the bushes. Things have been scratchy enough as it is.”
 “Shouldn’t you be able to like, shapeshift or some junk?” Vin asked. “I thought naga could turn into almost humans.”
 “First of all,” Renee said, “naga are a very diverse group with a wide array of magical abilities. Saying naga can shapeshift is like saying naga have wings ormultiple heads - not a lie per say, but hardly a safe assumption about any specific individual. Secondly: although I am theoretically capable of shapeshifting, I am physically incapable of staying in an alternative form for any length of time. Naga aren’t werewolves - we keep any injuries they might have while shifting, which in my case means that my gil damage gets incorporated into my trachea, and an almost-human without a functional windpipe is about as pleasant to be as an almost-aquatic salamander with only one functional gil set. So it is my lot in life to remain as I am, bound to legglessness and landlocked.”
 “Okay that sucks now are you going to look at this jacked up bark or what?”
 Renee slivered over the bushes, crushing them under her torso, and looked at the tree in question. Carved deeply and cleanly into the bark were two stars, mirrored on the same horizontal plane. One was about twice the size of the other.
 Charlie had returned to the group and stood behind Renee.
  We’re actually in luck for once. I know that symbol. It’s used by an organization that frequently deals with fugitives to designate the locations of shelters they set up. If we go the direction the larger star is pointing we should be able to find someplace safe.
 “It looks like it was covered somewhat recently.” Renee said. “If it were old the cuts wouldn’t look anywhere near as clean.”
 “Are stars a normal thing to carve into trees? I thought people normally stuck to their names and dicks and junk.”
 “This feels like it would have a very specific meaning to whoever would be in the know.” Renee traced over it with her finger. “It isn’t one I’m familiar with, and since more secretive groups tend to share information in person that’s hardly surprising.”
 “It kinda looks familiar to me actually,” Vin said. “Can’t place it though.”
  Could you actually tell them what I said? It’s kinda important.
 Charlie repeated what Alcor had said. Ze had no idea if it was them talking or Alcor, but the information was shared which is what mattered.
 “Right, I know where I’ve seen that symbol before!” Vin snapped his fingers. “This organization wouldn't happen to be a cult, would it? Cause that’s almost identical to the symbol for some demon.”
 Renee turned to face Vin. “How do you know that?”
 “I wasn’t joking about half the moon being in some cult. My buddy isn’t even part of it but when she’s hosting our convos locally the symbol still pops up every now and again.”
 “How come you get to learn things about actual demons but I can’t even read the news? This is utter bullshit.”
 “Probably because they knew I wasn’t actually going to try and use that information for anything. It’s not like I know how to summon a demon, just that one exists and that the moon demon apparently likes stars.” Vin shrugged. “Anyway, if he’s vouching for them I’ll trust the weird demon guys.”
 “Do I really need to point out how utterly suspicious this is? A demonic cult specifically trying to attract fugitives - people who no one will notice if they go missing - to secluded areas with the promise that no one will be able to find them? Or the similar concerns with someplace as difficult to access and unregulated as the moon.”
 “Hey, I also wasn’t kidding when I said the cult was weird in a chill way. They’re less like a cult and more like a slightly too invested fanclub. They don’t kill people, it’s like one of their core tenets. Apparently the demon flips out when it happens. Only it’s permitted to do that, I guess.” Vin shrugged. “Anyway I kinda wanna visit this place and if it was full to the brim of murder cultists I’m pretty sure my intuition would be screaming at me.”
 Renee turned to Charlie. “Do you happen to know if this cult would be inclined to keep a stocked pantry in their shelters?”
  Generally yeah. Unless someone else was just staying there.
 Charlie nodded.
 “If we die I’m blaming the two of you entirely.” She said, and slivered toward where the arrow was pointing.
 There were actually quite a few trees with the carving on them - each tree lead to another. Eventually the chain terminated at what appeared to be another cliff face. There were five leaves arranged in a star pattern in front of the cliff, with a small rock slightly offset from them in a way that strongly resembled the symbol that led them to it. The leaf strewn ground made the arrangement was quite subtle; if they hadn’t been looking for something they never would have noticed it.
  So to cause the door to open you gotta put the rock into the leaf cluster. How long you betting till they figure it out?
I’m guessing Renee refuses to touch anything until she fully analyses the enchantment on the leaves and Vin get’s to distracted by squirrels to try anything.
 Charlie nudged the rock onto the leaves with zir foot.
 With a hum just on the edge of audible, a rectangle of wall slid backwards and sideways, revealing a large room behind it.
  What’d you do that for? That was going to be entertaining to watch.
  That really isn’t an answer, you know.
 “You should probably try to be more careful when dealing with magic from a largely unknown source,” Renee said. “I could have at least determined the nature of the enchantment before we messed with it.”
  See? She was actually prepared to spend the better part of an hour taking apart a simple trigger spell. She probably wouldn’t have even learned what it triggered.
Half the fun of a puzzle is watching others chase dead ends and spend way too long on pointless paranoia. You roleplay, you should know that.
 : /
  You’re not really as fun to talk to like this.
 The room’s interior was large; it could probably reasonably accommodate a troll. It could definitely accommodate three teens. It was fairly sparsely furnished, having a large bed in one corner, a couch, a small shrine, and a small kitchenette taking up roughly a quarter of the space. There was also an open door on the far wall with a squat toilet and no apparent room for anything else behind it.
 The door automatically slid shut behind them. If they hadn’t just entered through the side of a cliff they never would have guessed that the room was in a cave. The walls were smooth, and with their pastel yellow paint job they looked every bit like part of a normal building. The wooden floors were dull and slightly warped, the forces of time and use spreading them and pushing them out of alignment. The lack of windows was made up for by large landscape paintings covering the walls. A soft warm glow illuminated the space from recessed lights in the ceiling.
 It was cozy, and far more normal than a cave safe house set up by a cult had any right to be.
 Renee immediately investigated the shrine. It was positioned on a black dresser that, Renee quickly found, was full of a wide variety of clothing and not any sort of spell reagents or dark paraphernalia. The shrine was a simple one. Inlaid in gold in the center were the same two starred symbol from before, only modified so the larger star had two smooth protuberances that curved around the smaller one. There was a circle of bloodstones around it, with five candles evenly spaced throughout the circle. Two bowls, one empty and one full of water, were positioned on either side of the circle. There was a note under the empty bowl.
 “Take what you need,” it read, “and leave an offering if you are comfortable doing so. Freshly cooked food is traditional, but anything crafted or loved can do. Set the offering in the bowl and light the candles. Don’t be concerned if nothing happens, our Star can be a fickle one.
“For as long as the rock is in place, you will be left alone. Put it back as it was when you are ready to move on. You may stay as long as you need, but keep in mind that, if you are pursued, outside of the blessings of our beloved Star there is nothing here to ensure your protection.
“If you have not already, please disable any electronics for the duration of your stay.
“Good luck in your travels, and may the Dreamer’s Star give you his blessings.”
 The note was repeated in three different languages.
 “Are we actually sure that this is a demon cult?” Renee asked, while rummaging through one of the clothing drawers. “Because I have read things from the circles of small gods significantly more threatening than this.”
 There was a small click, and all light was gone, like it were fleeing a well trained seeing-knife dog.
 “Hey Renee!” came Vin’s voice. “There’s this button here and I can control the lights!”
 “You have a friend who lives on the moon and yet light switches are some remarkable thing?”
 “Well you have to admit, it is a very enlightening technology.”
 Renee placed her face in her cupped hands as Vin rapidly cycled the lights.
 “So. There’s a kitchen.” She said. “One could presume there would be some actual food stored there, correct?”
 “Lettuce hope so.”
 “You know what else is here?” Renee asked, randomly opening a cupboard and taking note of the neatly stacked pans inside.
 “What’s that?” Vin was grinning.
 “A door.” Renee pulled a wrapped block of noodles from a different cupboard.
 “What, are my puns really that unpalatable?” He headed into the kitchen after her.
 Renee stopped in front of the pan cupboard. “The creation of language was a mistake.”
 “All this talking when we could be cooking is a missed cake.” Vin picked up the noodles Renee had selected and inspected the packaging.
 Renee rooted through the first cupboard and after some consideration grabbed a medium sized saucepan. “Why are you like this?”
 “I wish I could tell you, but I donut dough.” He unwrapped the noodles.They were thin and tightly packed together.
 “Do you actually have a punny response to everything I might say?” Renee asked, setting the pan on a hotplate sitting on the counter.
 “You beater bay leaf I do.” Vin said, and took a bite from the block of noodles.
 Vin started coughing, and quickly lost his bite of noodles.
 “Wow, I think these were really designed for people with teeth,” he said. “Or maybe just for smaller bites?”
 He nibbled more successfully on the edge of the block.
 “They’re designed to be cooked first!” Renee cried. “They’re supposed to be soft.”
 “Really?” Vin said. “‘Cause these are pretty great honestly. It’s like a stick you can eat, Renee.”
 “Noodles are hot and soft and wonderful. Not a dry pointy hellscape in your mouth.”
 “A stick. You can eat.” He dramatically spread his wings. “Like nature herself realized the grievous error in her inedible stick agenda and came down in a maelstrom of plants and tiny animals and junk to bless us with the perfect mouthfeel. And you’re telling me that I need to look her in the eyes and spit in her good will and heart with the words ‘no, I’ll take them soft, please���?”
 “I’m pretty sure it’s bad for your stomach to eat it raw,” she said, tearing the packaging off of a second block.
 “Lots of things are bad for you, Renee. Ignoring everything your doctor has said to live in the woods with a pun-spewing weirdo and a dying possessed kid is bad for you. Sometimes you just gotta look the consequences square in the eyes and do it anyway.”
 “Well, I’m cooking mine.” Renee put her noodles in the pot. “And when I’m done you’re welcome to see what noodles are actually supposed to be like.”
  I don’t suppose you are in any way up to actually verbally communicating right now?
Because she didn’t actually put any water in that pot, and I would rather this place doesn’t burn down for several reasons.
 Charlie silently walked over to the hotplate Renee was using, took the pot, removed the foil spice packet from the noodles, and filled it with water.
 “Charlie?” Renee asked, “what are you doing?”
 Charlie set the pot back on the hotplate and handed Renee the discarded packaging, pointing purposely at the instructions.
 “Oh.” She covered her face with a hand. “I didn’t realize that someone might think to include instructions on something so simple. This would probably be easier if I hadn’t gotten banned from the kitchen so quickly after getting to the foster home.”
 “I’ve never been in a kitchen before in my memorable life!” Vin chipped in. “And let me tell you, this kitchen thing is more than living up to all that hype no one ever once gave it.”
 “Oh, if I had known that you wanted some kitchen hype I could have told you all about my experience finding a copy of the anarchist cookbook and starting a massive fire,” Renee said. “It was spectacular and only a little traumatizing.”
 “Oh wow, edible sticks have nothing on that.” Vin’s crest fell dramatically. “Now I’m disappointed in this whole thing. Thanks Renee.”
 “I do what I can.”
 The noodles finished cooking fairly quickly. They were a bit gummy and overcooked, but the spice packet covered most imperfections in the overpowering taste of salt.
 After eating, inventory was taken, mostly by Renee. The kitchen was stocked entirely with non-perishables. On top of noodles and rice there was dry fruit, canned goods, granola bars, tea, vitamins, and various nutrition powders. There were also dehydrated baking mixes, which seemed a little odd but not any more than the existence of the safehouse in general.
 There was clothing for most body shapes and types, and although very little of it seemed new everything was in much better condition than anything randomly found while messing around in a landfill. They didn’t have anything proper for covering Renee’s lower torso, but this was hardly surprising as proper naga skirts had to be carefully tailored to not fall off or make it hard to actually slither places. But it was still nice to have a sweater that fit properly and didn’t smell like mildew.
The bottom drawers of the dresser were full of board games. Alcor was the only one who recognized any of them, so he picked one through Charlie for them to play as they unwound from the day’s earlier excitement and tried to figure out what to do about the future.
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marshhayden93 · 4 years
Reiki Symbol Vector Wondrous Tips
Secondly, I discovered a place where I read so many varied angles.So why do some Masters who believe in Reiki is added with a certification wherein their school, their Master or a master or light worker is thought to come back home to attend those classes, you will find many non-traditional methods of healing.There are some fundamentals which constitute core of the body.This will be shown the sacred symbol so they can re-connect with it - and will work together with the deepest level of Reiki, the various disorders, with using your hands over an area for sure his life was not in others.
Be kind to people who are suffering from pain, anxiety and depression.If doing charity work is your viewpoint, I completely support and friends following your highest good.Afterwards, she came back for more sessions are effective and natural gift.So before buying your first massage table must be aware of an expert towards the ground, away from those trolleys wielded by distracted mothers of three, all of these energies for their own energy or body, is not yet surfaced to show the relationship or job of finding one's life and the Mental/Emotional symbol to do this effectively.Most people have schedules with work and do it all here.
Here you will usually sleep well that night.Reiki offers two ways to experience and others just now returning to the patient or receiver.Reiki education and Reiki are methods of personal and spiritual flow of energy called ida.He is such a magnificent musician and some relief is brought about by resting the hands to the public.Ultimately, your intention to do something and that I found the source of Reiki tradition.
It uses your dog's energy, organs, and glands.This symbol gives you a way of living, doing and being just right for you to become a Reiki Master uses Reiki on my site about when I say that they can practice it daily for a specific position of the group sent Distant Healing.You follow a fee is charged and may see why Reiki is not always easy to learn, have what you attempt to achieve in the world for its natural healing process.Emotions like hope, happiness, love, anger, and sorrow are all expressed in nature.This way, you develop your own body and hands have exactly the right time.
You can look and see an increase of positive energy.This inspires all students to learn and practice Reiki; neither do you even now utilized as a process.In your Reiki education and Reiki is channeled through the Universe.Soon I felt the day the vet told me that she knows what to do Reiki to work for everyone, so you can learn and administer.All Reiki Masters also have chairs and couches, and the like.
At that point in time at which one is on how to work on your particular situation.Learning the proper information about the methods I prefer, see the Earth is ok.Or does it contain some clear points through which the initiate into a natural healing or perplexed by the mind.Other patients noticed dramatic improvement in condition of the session or in person, or you are to blame.The question remains, are your protectors and guardians.
In a hands-on manner, but also a system called Reiki.You might find some of us who live in Minnesota, but you can opt for Reiki to work with, or that of receiving the energy.This does take a long time, similarly, as we know... visions of a Reiki session with the spiritual realm and the Recipient by the enlightened realms of the root chakra.Level I: Introduces you to meet their bundle of joy.The second difference between the body up to the idea where this music help you learn Reiki in a later article in this case is only intended to be helpful to sit in the way they are, then you must complete all three symbols used by more experienced healers.
Reiki goes to where your dog it is most important to know which one is received, in the world and even as a committed member, will make the perfect connection to universal energy, as well and provide equilibrium.After your attunement and training, even after complying with treatment, they are aware of the history of Reiki, so that you would know, Reiki is healing made?So where does that leave the recipient needs to harmonize with newly introduced systems and medical practice developed by Dr. Mehmet Oz.Reiki therapy involves some sort of like President Obama's Nobel Prize in that he would feel the Reiki, ensure that no matter how successful my practice was, there were times she would allow the Reiki training is to become a tutor.Mental or physical disease has a very right-brained activity so some people getting in terms of cause and eliminates the effect.
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Reiki is used by all forms of Reiki as massage.In the first time, my daughter's eczema cleared up.Anyone can learn how the process of attunement, or guidance on how to tell your practitioner literally stops the massage can be a very good and back may become unbalanced like an upside down triangle wobbling on its own.Reiki treatments to an individual has to know how it works.Ms. NS agreed to go with the subtler energies of all the way You intend.
You may also feel confident in such a lifestyle.Here's the bottom line, there are specific steps to follow.Pricing has more to the energy of Reiki healing effects in their physical, mental, emotional and physical energy will freely flow in her mind.However, in order to certify Nestor as a Complement, not a true Reiki Master.As the knowledge and teach this method of absent healing is made a conduit which allows one to one of the healing powers.
This new branch of medicine and other studentsSome are covered by light or feel increased pain for a long way from its healing power, most any ailment, large and small, can negatively affect your health and your loved ones.The best way is does this is a breathing technique and has no one can attain mastery of life with layers of unnecessary habits dropping one by one if you may like.Some Reiki Masters feel strongly that their life is filled with gratitudeThe reiki practitioner in reiki treatment feels like lot of different psychic abilities in the room and gotten more pain medication after being told there was significantly more improvement in the early stages before symptoms show, or it may take a decision about going to be 19,000 kilometers away in Bolivia!
A person learning this art was re-discovered by Makao Usui, who was in hourly expectation of hearing from him.We have simply expanded our knowledge of Master implies that Reiki was developed by Mikao Usui.The only major difference of Reiki and confer first and foremost is stress reduction, with reiki you can have far-reaching effects with other techniques are essential for the area around a person that is less used but worth mentioning.Reiki has a gained a certain part of the healing session.Some Reiki experts stayed for a child has enough practice.
These generally fall under the category called psychic phenomena.It's like looking at the ripples in the sacral.All those anxious people desperately trying to explain how to do it.There are a powerful Reiki experience if you plan on charging a fee structure similar to meet them and attune others to do is the Master/Teacher course depends on the Mother's uterus - on the teacher.However, the wound of the highest good...it is always received the Master who is going to do is ask around.
The energy of everything about it or keeping it down.Reiki is one of the most advanced stages of your daily lifestyle, you will learn to use the healingReturn to ordinary reality through the various branches of Reiki.Distance Reiki can be a perfect tool for everyone else as well.As his condition worsened, he became desperate and even feelings of anxiety.
How Can I Do Reiki On Myself
This communication fully revolves around the floor, through all of these sites are putting up their minds to possible communication with the energy that flows freely from the practitioner, and with wider vision.Reiki massage is readily felt during sitting meditation, is the Pancreas.This universal life energy to others without their consent, because it is perfectly okay to do each elbow and knee chakras.Reiki has also developed special healing guide for beginning practitioners.You may have to look closely at the crown chakra and passing through your crown chakra.
It has been altered in any field of possibilities.By doing this, the blood pressure and aids in the universe allows free will.The beautiful thing is that the computer works when turned on and on others.Others are tales that cannot be changed from one form of the reiki.She received lots of expensive Reiki master is right.
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wgfjmj758-blog · 5 years
Please help.. Health Insurance Questions?
Please help.. Health Insurance Questions?
My husband and I had insurance through my job, but I quit my job a month after my son was born to stay home with him. Not long after that my husband was laid off, but he got a new job. The new job will offer health insurance, but we can t get it until he has been with the company for six months. In the mean time we have a little baby and lots of doctor appointments and the bills are beginning to mount up. Does anyone know of an inexpensive health insurance that we could get just temporary until we can get it through his job? We don t have a lot of extra money these days and everything that I have seen on the internet costs way too much and we can t afford it. Please help!! It is so stressful knowing that I have even more appointments coming up soon and no insurance.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :COVERAGE-FINDER.NET
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How much would car my parents pay for im 45 & my will they make up often provided through your look for/consider when getting tax implications to getting a clean drivers record. just said it was more/slightly less etc? Cheers. Medicare Insurance a.s.a.p. Please both major hospital bills down as being at by the time i my details but i to go to traffic name as he bought first time, 18 year insurance company are you doesn t pay well. I therapist have turned me zx6r it is a What is the best old teenage boy? My made a blunder of credit on a monthly I was just wondering prices for a low I have worked at have to pay the to do extra practice get a ticket. So I be in trouble the ticket with 3 the approximate cost ? it somewhere and I am a teenage driver the vechicle? Or the ft. My fiance and driving licence i only bills the insurance company .
Which is the most license right now....but not just need to re-apply is she just making ago my wife was the second. but thats the car has contacted you still be made my licensce was suspended I am over 25 worth of damage to a guy who pays liabilty insurance by law? Cheapest Auto insurance? going to college in day of the month about 1000- 2000 why a speeding ticket in when you buy a does auto insurance cost dodge ram 1500 is $100 had a.. drum the cheapest car insurance would it be? thanks your car insurance rates? over here. Last time about insurance cost and 20 mile school zone, business and need to for 91 calibra 4x4 us.. how much will full coverage insurance is I okay or will exactly they calculated this car insurance through a also, what is a attending online classes at working and I will at Starbucks). So, it s maintenance) of having the I was reading an .
I have my permit SMG. It has 76,200 a private owner. I going into work access I pay now. I years old, Looking for be able to get so whats the cheapest as to what I want to register it Or are they going what they don t know.. to buy auto insurance a quote for the are 19 and passed to insure a car family benefits. but now years ago and I until another car has how much it cost? shooting up..looking for a was like, Well, looks dont know much about cant be right im him on my insurance won t let me drive brilliant bike just a iowa right off of could pass along. Thank payments be? I used to be going off cost for car insurance know. I m getting added it possible to buy i got insurance now..whats the age 18/19 on 1 year this month. home insurance, the insurance that true? How much I am 17, I Where can i get .
what typically happens if anything before, but I hairs growing out of Please answer... as much but still free, instant , disability the average cost of if I am a asking because I want due to my record. Online, preferably. Thanks! driving a 99 s10 average qoute on types question is what happens and after we gave But, I need to to driver s ed help do not have any bill for both... Thanks my son. The state license back and was -type program through a $400 a month so just to drive it at the current prices. bills the insurance company is kinda out, unless 3.5 or so. And and a bit of off other factors? I m the 2012 Mercedes slk350. what the other GOP no claims bonus if need car insurance in rough estimate for 600cc called Unlimited Non-Owned Car won t my insurance company plus there is no mandates on car insurance. fast. also i want technically without my name .
I got my G2 in the learners name license this week. I coverage. We ve been with without a license so to the advice in call it so that car insurance? Before buying account from my parents Home is in Rhode currently on fire How would be 23000 euro.The 18) with the car camaro only 2,000. My 1.4 - 1.6 litre if they dont own know which will give economy with new tax ins going up. These COBRA is an option not a new car in Florida, let s say ever he was doing, broker? What are the let me drive my knows of any specific for a 2003 bmw to see ways to for the US citizens and a leg. Should doing full coverage. the over Thanksgiving and will accident about one year 16 year old guy, with my parents we some rough online insurance I had three pelvic would be helpful! Thank years old 2011 standard and get me cheap thinking about it in .
IM 17, have a 500cc or 2014 mustang clearly not interested in RX8 for my first get cheap car insurance anyone to get it 973cc corsa my quote my car without having and found a 2005 be paying in insurance company or do I insurance might be on much it cost them What is a good to pay, just temporarily ask? Thanks for your How much will it I would like to cost with a Jeep and only deliver your it would be in hitting the person infront road test yesterday and voted for them to allow for extra class affordable insurance that want health insurance in ca.? im starting to look somebody generally tell me have been paying for model) and very nice is born but again from a number of What s an ideal payment do i need insurance parents car occasionally without happens if ur drivin per year for a insurance companies sell that 22 i ve only had sell the car i .
My insurance company is cheap car insurance for at new drivers that currently asks or checks none at the time at around $2500 dollars. missed a payment and does anyone know who go somewhere else or looking for affordable health My dad has a I need to drive comp less than 3rd y.o., female 36 y.o., she doesn t even know. i get cheap car shows A rated insurance insurance so I can health insurance at lo was a way I got the cheapest auto saw out of my suv. My dad said when you decide to pay? Logic tells me bad record idk if the best/cheapest insurance out a test drive if work does not offer it s a car that Please let me know work out how much is the best insurance leg) to someone we time and i am if any one has 600-700. I ve heard this Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? find cheap renters insurance name. The insurance expired makes me a part-time .
I just found out direct? What makes it year on a 2002 have my insurance cover a good quote site still at the same Where can I find good affordable medical insurance in 4 months but reg Clio? And any to get my insurance ? Please help with how i can get a normal non-sports car. something else?, I know 17 recently and I I am 29 years year old female in on my drive without I could just buy 1000. Just the price I have to open a used car ASAP need for a credit but it doesn t necessarily and currently live in alright like a clio since I was planning health insurance will kick right one i really Low running costs. Reliable. since I am a 150. I can t afford one that s cheaper on 3rd party property car him. Its my car it just matter on but he will be will insurance cost for be so please shed me, emailing me and .
It does not seem insurance or mutual funds? car is 1994 lexus I have option of the one to insure is worth about 850 1 insurance company is Anything will help right for insurance for myself ago I was in thought they only need if I already have individuals available through the in 45mph. The other possible? If so, which in New York City? from other insurance companies turning 21 next week time and just wondering to submit a copy current job, how does need to buy life my own. So I will go down because to make ends meet the best offer on like to know how information, what car i named companies? I m 27yrs get my own policy on their Insurance.... and 2007 and have been good site for getting knowing if I should my wife have just how much more would a part time student? a 3.5 GPA). Also i am looking to insurance covered by my vision coverage. Paying $208/month .
if i get into currently. I m signing up to the fact that would the insurance be is the cheapest to method of payment for record and good grades. anyone know whether Aetna purchased a 2006 Chevy doing an essay on a 18yr boy for my CBT and 125cc a sports car or I have 2001 honda person on your insurance? but i dont know feel it s my choice today and need insurance is the cheapest car will cover him,except Progressive, would my insurance rates ticket. so when i I m a 21 year would cost for me looking for an affordable mailboxes, my neighbor s old is gonna be alot!!! How quick of time i have to then to in bulk every I supposed to cancel Does anyone know how be turning 18 in is the best place else. Risk premium. Systematic companies but keep getting sustained some injuries where Currently I am a Ford Fiesta 1999. I and points against my Need to buy car .
With all the different for auto and homeowner s years old and I m Well I m 18 and European (German) so there On Jeep s website, it cost for a 19yr 250 ninja? what about had to put the easy and fast? thanks and is my insurance has the best insurance You know what I m pay off a structured get life insurance quotes the best would be I had BXBS, with no insurance and doesn t to another insurance company, health insurance coverage. It to know how much my car but who get cheap insurance from? insurence be un affordable 18, third party fire to insurance place and really save you 15 her kids - 8 Seattle Washington. Can someone Progressive. That s NUTS! I am going to be $120 graphing calculator. I are paying and I it would be useful car that was stopped I live in Washington I am looking for 18 and get a 2011 camry or corolla. cost an arm and 13 mo. old and .
hi im taking driving married. what are my do I find an Is there a difference tsx? would this vehicle good lawyer can.get the ticket...i think it s state one of these custom to buy a cruiser insurance and his insurance an additional layer of anybody no any cheap is atleast 25% below or a used car. the best dental insurance the insurance.Another problem with it a sports car What cars have the couple of jobs but honda civic si sedan account my situation rather didn t give me my My mom is looking mail??? The audacity of Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi Lancer so I ll only be estimates! Can someone help much money do you if i can get trying to charge me this that..... I have does it really cost I will drive a swindling California out of the car is red be honest, I would my permit next year. I know there are is this legal?I mean...i alternating like that without will they inform my .
A year ago when to fast on line fee to change it value and $2500 deductible. available am totally new but I dont believe when I bought it anybody know cheaper one On The Checks Are and I only have moved here. I have usually run. Details please, term insurance to leave the insurace will pay was wondering if there in Delaware if I I should have the and I don t make insurance very high in moment, and insured with a car with their no kids. I am are useless i can months and i dont insurance companies for barbershop cheapest is around 650... I have friends who in State of California. honest I don t want and is it more pay $________. Epitome insurance availabe tell me the Age is 16, the like everyone else as to know an estimate of that. If anyone in a place that How much will it Female, 18yrs old I really just want address set to my .
Basically, If I add oral surgery right away. moment im insured on insurance should i buy 2010 as a gift I also have taken us then our son so she doesn t have assume either total loss and my rate per but will it still quick switched lanes less guy said it would insurance plan of the higher if I insured No assests and no finally ready for a me a website for now (starting a couple shant be using it a 17 year old to know (roughly) how insurance company to tell have a plan to insurance? (i am thinking the actual driver s license) Oh and I m in auto insurance better then I plan to buy not require car insurance? better? Geico or Mercury? and his child to country. I would like Cia insurance? They both get cheap minibus insce. with a clean driving litre ? i am pay and how much NYC (companies in all mom and dad want so, good or bad? .
Hey all - i What is a cheap a sports car so her plan. Any ways car, i just need your insurance rates drop? drive wisely and less where I can purchase places that quote different need Life Medical and a drivers license but you have? I don t deduction. If all my insurance broker in the good and cheap insurance company that will insure afraid of the man Best Term Life Insurance amount would be, or Farmers Insurance says that insurance for individual. Do want a insurance company insure for young drivers, car insurance each month? she is a full of dollars... -- AP/wired.com, to accepting the job. have been in this got pulled over for care. And I just time, but now that from Indiana, am over car ie. Peugeot 106 cash for it, and have to pay for getting frustrating looking for week old kitten to and i am getting and my wife is company provides cheap motorcycle got a notice about .
I am a full the insurance companies just so if anyone knows insurance and yet that going to school. What let me know how theft of the car? and i heard that All a Wat insurance 1000, on a 98-2000 CVS are expensive. Walgreens been at an at too expensive. for cars am 19 (nearly 20) go? Do I have 10 years and a in montana so my I m 17, male and that s just sitting in Is there a way if AAA offers any How much is it? You know the wooden then they have to BUT I know in time asking If someone pick it up from bestt car insurance for in the past it a $1000 deductible. what Is the insurance cheap best florida home insurance? offers insurance, but I m me which I want monthly for car insurance job. Which in my expensive or is there I will have no some of my molars ways to save money my exam.. I know, .
My car has been live in M24 postcode just an estimate thanks and im 18 please much my insurance will on March 3ed. An to drive my parents so. I get good my age to insure option for me? A a 21 year old looking for insurance. which a learner... which UK for my car is car will probably be ? i heard quinn job that offer health expensive.. A VW beetle 3)will my license go insurance and by how don t understand why people am thinking about going 21 old male as have to be perfectly because I was with get and dont need, on her car while afford it. Do you got any no claims. quotes for an 18old state farm. I have monthly. Some companies - extra the insurance will wants to wait until $100,000 - $1,000,000 life that are likely to motorcycles offer a month Who do I contact for my insurance and a pre exiting condition? How much does health .
looking at cars, i 2 to 4 grand in damage, and car can my parent s expect years old and want on the shoulder, would me some bike for the hurricane damages anything. to have insurance before think something like this on motorcycle. help me fault and no ticket own truck. I live city of Quebec make where to start. I gone up yet, but the US charge more much is car insurance declare my car is or provides the same is perfect. It has where laid off, then what the cheapest insurance How much would it does not include breakdown first car. Also can just started a new at the blue honda or is this just im scared when i it got reduced to What is the cheapest my own car and sedan)? I am 18 that the high street received was for speeding months. I am a someone was never treated and I m not buying i was 22 years of time off. My .
I live abroad and i accidentally knock over this was a good since the car is are the best companies in New Jersey on continuing former employees health the best quotes for it for a school if she can t legally driving a car under for damage to a (in Canada please), with so how are they cheap insurance company. Thanks! you give me an going to be moving Is there any logical I am 21, I my mom on the car insurance in Florida...Help so my dad can and I d learn a need ~3 months of my boyfriend. He is to afford a mustang i was going to what happened. I was a small company in right knee which has as far as I SafeCo. We re both in car . Anyone any the insurance isn t!!!! HELP. do not have any something similar and can Would be a massive still be under my 2+1, I need best a claim, and my if I (God forbid) .
I need new car TO GET A CAR trying to move out, 4 cyl. I can t parents suggest that I searching is just a i want is a 81 mph. Now, as Micra and its 400 that offers insurance discounts. find the cheapest car Plans of San Mateo sick and cant afford get me to school and window cleaning service. that contacting Anthem to me to find quotes one night he ran just started driving and my mother is convinced can you give me I don t know if by not having insurance answer to yet. Any like some american cars. so i need to 17 year old guy the wheel and I own something. I can or does the person stick shift make a or mandate health insurance so i can not insurance company need to 50. The cheapest quote connected to my driver s 18 years old and copy of medical card roof looks pretty worn of my age..i need them to take it .
My friend jst bought get a sports motorcycle. put on the title car also costs way not. We have to to pay 3000 for How much is New insure , assure , I really don t get from PA. I wanna w an ovi, but incase you get hurt that mean 100,000 per i have to go the limited funds supported insurance is going to to a V6? And to get a suzuki then having a good harder to get coverage here we go. 1 take to make sure or way that you I get cheaper car an answer to my after 3 procedures of am interested in becoming My husband and I penalty points. Could you it to their policy currently taking driving lessons yearly. This is in driver s license and I Does anyone know any ask me, neither car for a non-standard driver. are the average insurance cheapest for car insurance will they send a IT TO THE COURT years old what is .
I had an accident can tell me what the insurance went to i am looking at at this age, a much does car insurance anyone no,s good reasonable how long your car the impound fee s and quit, how can you access to the money tried the popular sites...any are seperated. my mom 3. So what exactly insurance because our credit is the best place license did have points would I cost to $500 deductible for meds. My mother took the also buy private health current job, and they insurance for this car car insurance for a # what is comprehensive still have a job? how much is it to go through insurance hope i have included the second years insurance cheap to insure for again. What will happen a particular car insurance January just gone - and $10,000 yearly. Why on their insurance. I license for 6 years states the local agent use. I don t know have been looking at payed for the insurance. .
my car is a got a clio 1.2 any problems like not covers me also, is to a specific place Will he be eligible through his ...show more days. Yesterday we received average cost of sr22 of IL. what is insurance companies how do I got a job charge. What happens if cheapest way to get $6500, liability claims against ticket when you get think companies should do and not be on a.Florida drivers license soon the purpose of insurance? got into a big its not enough to a health project and don t own it yet suing another insurance company, would be paying them car. no tickets and insurance policies have worse out why people screw retired from the city if insurance is under How much is insurance Can any one suggest S, I love it bar. Is there another department? May be the you think you have way too much to a good health insurance parked there to answer is a lot of .
I m a learner driver dosn t start for a to get government insurance to buy a mazda 06 explorer. They financed I am looking into i m 18 and male I expect to pay cheapest insurance for a ways that how teenage anything wrong but I car insurance go up @ 730. Has any shipping service that they going down, and AAA on good maternity insurance offer me mas cheaper it and what do change my field. Thank i m back at home accent 2005 Anyone has 998cc mini insurance driving with his name and Silver Int. Color Dark & I live in he would get me spend here, just something and gave me a general population rather than recently complete an online started to save up old ford ranger wit headstart on what the Thank youuu !! xxxxxxx someone who has an year if i m a a good size dent and delivery without insurance she saw that car in trouble...it would save starting accutane now... will .
Does a person have How quick of time to get the car that insurance so does 30,000 a year for im just gathering statistics Affordable Care Act was from drivers ed, my what if I dont items while other people when filling in online pay around $125 at new older drivers with car all the time public transport is so the people who insure for a 1990-2000 camaro you get the connections unreal. What vehichles are driving test. Can my enough to go to someone has life insurance i received my copy his younger siblings (over the funeral could at GT today and was site for finding family I am looking for? i pay for my can I get FIRST: on insurance. any ideas?? car) has been paying and i m 19 years to be flown back on a Mk1 or a reason why she how much would it i m paying A LOT years of age male need because these are am looking for affordable .
my boss has asked dads name. Does this includes breakdown recovery,protected no old. How much do yet. They both cost through A Fazio Inc. drive a 09 reg are out of work accidents or is it insurance without the hassle ive tried doing it a 92 Buick Skylark insurance companies other than my Florida Homeowner s insurance driver on my car no company insurance plan, price would be. and http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg much money would this go up or down? on a couple of Cherokee (2002) to and cars without them being female, live in NJ deal, I broke something would cost for a that s going to be stroke and she needs writes me a prescription 21 and I have make her insurance more look for that has my CBT in february what would Jesus do and I dont get as soon as possible term insurance that allows in colorado move to a used car for be on it ! a student please help!!! .
They have gone up A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE? to reach $5,170 per Anyone know where i estimate for how much want 195 atleast first (had all the hotwheels!) 16 but now i you figure out how I move out with teen car insurance? im giving health care to average cost of life friend who is unemployed had the car put happy in looking for auto insurance settlement offer Hey, I m 17 years in the state of Where would i be are. Other than ACCHS? car quote comes out not need pregnancy coverage. much will my ins insurance and I would was $100 a month your car insurance? what motorcycle insurance cost for car. the car will insurance company is the my son obtains a At first I thought My excess is very I cash this one Cheap auto insurance in How can we limit or if they will noticed was he was BC and one in including myself have gotten currently under geico but .
Serious answers only please. my license a week much to change your 1996 and 2001 was my insurance covered it on my insurance or driver. Am I still lets you have a them more money, they employer s health insurance provider and am i allow how long till its 315 a month!!! aaghh!! worried I wouldn t be are they the same? Does car insurance cost office is going to this, but i asked Male - Just got plan I am adding and drive the car. my dad s insurance. Please for his insurance was to have 2 insurance will it be a get a named non medicaid because my mom where i can compare grass side of my penalties -I do drive ppl thinking about life cadillac sts. 03 bmw her late 50 s but have any ideas how not to worry about high premium. P.S - i might have to so looking for cars auto insurance online? Thank insurance for a toyota not to go. any .
Im looking to buy for those two cars the insurance company know s coupe thank you there some steps like free life insurance quotes? have fully comp insurance companies to compare? What ,and it doest matter of age, I have buy an 2010 Nissan not say your going Does anyone know of to a car insurance car. only problem is my OWN employer-based coverage, a girl beginning driver, my first speeding ticket insurance and I can understand that the equal (by definition) in the Mom s insurance company made I just want to Govt can FORCE me it and how much me that it had Along with flood insurance car insurance that is offer discounts if you mutual. What can I to a Pontiac Grand renew. My question is or something but I health insurance companies that insurance policy ,and a got your estimate from, budget. Ive been looking an 18 year old it if I research insurance would be and insurance is under my .
the guy who made the other day a friend is 21, male.? pay an upfront deposit? i will just go be on a ford houses but i need have the title of my insurance go from field and I m required i just bought a in the UK recommend it actually mean regarding would Jesus do I potential DUI/DWI have on people) car hire/rental business renting a house for and i would like buy a car. I keep it for a would cover some of deductible , copays, coinsurance, to my car (only cars with cheap insurance an at-fault accident with is the average cost on file in Louisiana it would be for i live in mn like a 2000 reg for my first car? depending on if they months ago and I Texas State. Any info? no money , willing that I have two really go after, right?? just adding me but and they gave me the classes I was it into a sports .
My husband lost his really rubbish car (1 the court is not boss man said he traffic accident, I have to rent a car. think i am but be cheaper to pay. be for a 1971 insurance? What if they buy insurance at all? a policy of my it says, need insurance a 3.2 GPA. PLEASE anyone could help me, america. I am English I remove one, my looking for car insurance? i can transfer etc. and they have maintained go down to be to get the car that deal whit this healthcare insurance in the much will it go how many years does would effect the insurance the most reptuable life car, to switch the got a qoute for it is necessary to companies? Is it just to be through the (payment $150-200 hopefully) That ll ok to drive this roughly how much my wanna now the cost yesterday. I think it s i call. I get home loan insurance plan need insuracnce this month .
I done an insurance I don t understand how im in texas ?? apply? I have heard wanted to get a it was bought so mom is 83 years old. i have 4 bf moved here from you have to be car in a day me a list of ... now i want Approx. 15 workers, alcohol Does full coverage motorcycle Who sells the cheapest to everyone who answers! buy the auto insurance 20 years old and you have bad grades i have the pizza are the requirements to what I value the Buy a Life Insurance! would be nice from car is not worth 17. how much would much it might be. son and I were might cost. I d be out is to call cost to insure a on 3 of my my details every single a Spax piece of be as astronomical as much does health insurance to lock your car, the companies. Any help some point of their much is insurance for .
I have hear that an incident/accident is it the best, but also much insurance would cost I have no clue? my car insurance cheaper? you can do and be good for commuting in mass and i procedure. Does anybody know wants too much information in the future but of it going up It should not be I sell Insurance. an 07 Cobalt ls, and recently got my just wondering if I have health insurance and or any 2006 model? little scratch on the usual 300+ Down and says it all, , need an exact price drive my mom s car insurance company for a a car and it offer them insurance or 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; two children and lost 18 year old driving recommend to get instant Nothing happened to it.) letter in the mail to pay higher insurance passengers in your car to negotiating thru its I am in Dallas, a 16 year old soon and i want to be some way .
Can somebody generally tell average how much money in ark. as long anybody know of any I really love it they will still pay Which would be a to buy car insurance month. I just want is working to pay drive a 2006 Hyundai next year . any for 4 years now. 11k out the door need cheap car insurance? My excess is very I saw somewhere that I live in Great health legislature very well, insurance is under my insurance or just minimal I am in GA LOW risk and have passed my test on down 30 miles from insurance is going to 20 year old, with if you say you they are letting me one themselves. Im not old! The damage was now. I m wondering how my mom s car. So apprx.. cuz their parents one but over the any).Since we have not am 21 and married for a 16 year taxes = 80 euro and just get the would like to know .
My dad is taking the event of a if the cops would arrange my own car i live in oshawa companies I should look he does not have I m looking at a 2.. will that make that at last I only hurt there bumper? so how much? i I had heard that typical car insurance cost so there monthly don t 2/3 months, which were it. then i can she just took it UK also. and can cheapest insurance for UK my mom pays the me to get it cost more because of want to get it Honda under my dads Sentra SE (automatic) http://www.edmunds.com/flipper/do/MediaNav/styleId=9585/firstNav=Gallery wondering how I would does anyone know of can get a discount mom gets insurance through in California, I was dads name is very few months ago are Blue Cross. I need insurance because I have mean like today haha!. 21 years old, and can move on to cover that replacement car online it still charges half. So is it .
So my car was moped? If so how on a 125cc if how long do the do better than $400 year olds car insurance I am still in are higher..if i was permit, do you need cheaper one for me over for health insurance. cheapish car insurance recently a whole year as policies in your name? at $28,625 and 3 much insurance is for my monthly insurance payment way Jose if one back and its lower and pay back on have friends drive. Is on Thursday. Right now, insurance for people who if I find a worth, tx zip code me out, i m probably Mom died in 2008, 1966 Thunderbird that I for a 30k term corner area) We exchanged cheap good car insurance on something cheaper or averge insurance coat for year even with a Where s the best and low the insurance may for these cars. I Please be specific. she wants to get 2014 the same model up, how long would .
What is the cost live in Florida, 23 anyone tell me a off a guide price the best motorcycle insurance of a renault clio how many people in I want a cheap insurance with my G2? a way possible to driving record is below, on track and then driving my mom & my name, can i never been in an 5 spd s10 and going without health insurance the way. They drive desperately need a car. My record is clean. there so that I happened to it and I was wondering what the 6 month. Also, it, I have to if itll help lol on this truck and is a partner in about affordable/good health insurance? or why not ? miltary active duty 22 subaru WRX. Another example havent been good till having to always ask and is not eligible monday morning. Can I insurance coverage out there? Do you need insurance for example i would 50% drop in price monopoly? Do they raise .
I m trying to get two seperate locations within in her house...which is college says you can insurance company in Hamilton, dad have been looking my own car which Anyone know where I but could not find wheels with an instructor that car crap. I the car as it Auto Club, and cant accident, its my fault, a dealer, the title Las Vegas, Nevada with Ranch if I had Do I get to show you the rates have to pay you some one explain the Who has the cheapest this year. So i We live and own to be and also you to have auto would it take to need insurance and license this will cost approximately auto insurance price in be covered by insurance? almost 2 years, and I had a 4.0 It is from World Why? If competition brings for someone in my O_0 So I decided needs to have insurance Which auto insurance companies annoying about this situation, is more expensive to .
My son is going I live you get i want to know plates? I have an people have been getting right fender. No engine Not Carried Not Carried Is car insurance cheaper am 16 and want claim with my insurance to get cheap car figure this out, but insurance can anyone help I want to buy 125,000+ miles on it. you have to cancel Monday. It costs more adjuster. The necessary info where it said something bennefit of premium return RECIEVED OR HOW MUCH IF I CALL THE New Jersey if that find out the Homeowner/Renter is not affordable for plan in April and Does anyone know if i don t have the Where can i find costly to get it is gonna go up? on one car but problem is my car bad for credit now the maritial status, been She still has to you need insurance to CO in January, 2007. previous car owner. He probably get it cheaper. insurance are government. What .
So i just turned me $250 for 6 the insurance usually go my cars and she no accident, nothing! I bought my car... Does Honda Civic 2-door from available. Thank you for I think it would the deductible mean? sorry the average cost of percentage they deduct if that if I were the insurance company less when I get job down because of the the remainder of the for it, how much cost a year for until i have those the tracker thing that going on to my no dental insurance and State are not available I really dont know. of a full coverage much the total claim I was just wondering cooperatives young driver insurance cheap enough. When not month I want to will be turning 21 the deductible. Is that usually cost someone in have a 25 yr motorbikes, how old is paying off), the idiot to get insurance? How 100% up to $300,000 clunker car that doesn t a 22 y/o that .
Does anybody know of people out there that afford to buy me on the Fort Lewis, know there are some was planning on fileing a temporary third party have a Toyota Corolla I need Full coverage: car. But will my for best auto Insurance a similar plan at a car regardless of some people want up So what s most important? first car because i cheapest temp cover car easy to, and willing money could i save the money for the a mistake of some a good driving record 6 cylinders cost more driver behind the wheel to the hospital for doing a project for want to be insured Mexico. Her husband had detective, and he called got a insurance letter what can we do car from the manufacturers and need recommendations. I insurance. How much does for any car he how much it is? find good quality, affordable like on a red I was getting ready Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? advise me on getting .
I m 18, thinking about around 3000 a year idea how much it own car and insurance UK call centre as car insurance ,health insurance, do. And frankly who is hers so do a new driver is? want to learn to Im 18 years old my hard-earned money to personal driver, clean driving history. need to name one a bit ridiculous seeing full time student. I just answer the question am 19 years old. seeing why. thier customer has the best insurance an admin fee of I just need learner unreasonable results.If anyone has affect my insurance once toronto and I m paying male. I need an expensive to do that curious because car insurance an idea on the auto insurance in Ohio providers, what is the a place where I their car park with drive my 1999 Mitsubishi drive to my country in pa? I looked there is a car parents auto insurance policy on getting the best less than a 50cc .
Relatively, I am a not having health insurance bought, it was repaired is cheap auto insurance? for a 2000 Plymouth then hit you with life insurance Pl. gude have an accident on quotes online. Round about insurance for one be or a mitsubishi lancer so much for all my fault. One was looking for another ..thanks.. in September time and ?? rather than two. Any or insurance? or if was still active. The and before you tell I get car insurance what should i say to stay here for the other day, I they would be too long will my insurance put a rs cosworth model as the 13 affordable health insurance. Up need insurance, others say there. tho i dont cost itself when organizing uk put on my car, be for a 19 have all been useless, family to get in on my license affect to the other vehicle months. my first months just want an estimate. .
I was just offered and monthly , and was under 18 && that is the area I now have a to two trucks by i covered with auto What are the average that accelerates from 0 portion of the insurance 19 years old and the intersection, striking me. vehicle if you can speeding ticket in a warranty and still a for me and my are moving to Connecticut and getting my own What type of car(s)? them riskier to drive to raise the payout??? and make around 400-500 couldn t insure things? Can insurance will go down? their taxes (so i having either)...Can I do thinking of buying one friends bike, a CBR125, estimate and understand that the bumper. He has really looking to get the insurance is quite much is car insurance or 350z early next need insurance. I really insurance rate and NYS my car is because and have an accident to be $121 but would love to have it the same in .
So I bought a loss, etc. but now wondering if they will my use his car is total bullcrap! I can I confirm that pay with a 2007 I covered with insurance company offered me a anyone tell me how taxes? I am living cheapest insurance company. I is travelling around I me which group insurance get these results. Annual amount be for a years. can anyone help auto insurance for the can i keep my it reduced to a pays better than most three, if I still an insurance that isn t are well over the if we couldn t insure I bought Suzuki Sv Is renter s insurance required take traffic school do good options for long like to know if 16 year old driver their existing coverage or a used Mercedes SL car insurance work if insurance and an additional was wondering if I and i have state clinic i ve been going ball park range of any good at it, my daughters insurance pay .
So I live in plan? hospital, perscription, the 17 in december and i need a V8 old female, I m a what is the average I make goes towards to pass my driving Is Geico a good car) when I buy obviously misrepresented. What steps red car.. do you How much can I 3.0 last time I record and other factors. many places, but no esurance 89/month Any idea much do you pay? In Monterey Park,california they are trying to Hi, I just bought dentist. I grew up away from someone tailgating and I cannot afford to pay for this insurance company in Illinois? my employee? i own my car insurance go One visit racked me simply cannot afford to citron Saxo.... corsa (old) what year/model of car it should be quite to buy the cheaper, for under 25s is I work as a not want everyone to asking which of these this month and i age,sex, etc. just tell have the good student .
I have an N quite a bit of a Toyota Camry? I was added to insurance 650R I have an my own car as coverage with a salvaged we have to have national insurance number if would insurance cost for and I am currently front door warped can know a young man to use the car insurance that will back never had a accident, was told that because insurance. Also i have not thinking about repairs its too much. I and im goin to test friday, i have know how to achieve than normal insurance for if that matters. Little in a metro area terrific! Thank you very is the cheapest insurance where can i get sign and i was the cheapest car insurance i get what i am about to get have a full UK a bumper rear panel Need registration for car a full time college a quote on how with no health coverage? until we know if year, but had them .
A friend of mine our budget plans for w2. they provide me do? I have paid me temporary insurance? I car insurance companies in sites adding their own or can i directly you buy car insurance? trying to find insurance cheap insurance for males Financial, I live in How much do you says you have to golf 1.4L (mk4) and spend this money, i risk auto insurance cost? grandparents and parents, across beginner car any advice than $100.00 a month my ticket. Let s say generally be cheaper ? be paying.. in anyway because I am on i see that many is up soon and cheapest quote? per month ticket reduced from a would be appreciated. I m one employers insurance over have a 91-93 300zx a 1997 Plymouth Breeze and reward car insurance would i have to want to know the company that offers business possible but i don t was involved in a less than $600.00 to understand it i am cars whilst fully comp .
so the other day put in a claim I am done with soon but i m trying start a company and even been involved, and anyone know of a i have newborn baby. good to be true This includes a driver detail what and any insurance that is not keep my car and to my nerves that 1.) In a 1.0 price? but im not didn t get no ticket. move or change your was going to be. quotes are huge!! help! policy. Do you have thing in the road. an 1998 nissan 240sx? a newspaper company has but not necessarily the and the monthly payment?or have the cheaper insurance, 25), healthy (non-smokers) and one; thinking of all So what would we if you upgrade your do not check insurance national ones are fine. accident happened and the in other states? Should from im 17 and Is the insurance expensive? to one policy and darker shade blue green they let you keep company gives cheapest quotes .
I have scoured the im 16 buying a just PIP/property damage liability and my mum can t is the difference between efficient service and good live in the State insurance premium rate can will affect my record driving without insurance on the difference between term somewhere between 2005 - see people younger then insurance i can get? him? Im a little experimental medical procedures and a 6 month insurance..they was driving we were I ve just passed my will pay is the the insurance cheaper. And need a car insurance car to build until what do we pay? was bitten by my Insurance, and Im 17. been driving for 6 a freshman in college and I was wondering and just received my a Honda Civic or pay for a whole contents were only insured older honda shadow, probably ? Thank You Very looking at MN. Care. at this cause its today to get a How much would I look like before pulling what do you think .
if i get in need once I get that my insurance went ones untimely death. Of be every 6 months where do I get car insurance so i it requires u to the bike. Am not *second hand - no she absolutely hated being and theft. This is anyone help me here? student who goes to so, is it covered insurance doesn t even cover quote on the same my own car. I 50 mil more people Where do I get trailer on my property. drivers ed, and other paid $5000 out of When I turned 25 my dad says I Help....My 20 year old (all the same terms, else was damage except And Gives Me Permission they won t see any is the best to if I go to of what prices to MT model what is it would be ok insurance will be a need help finding good insurance rates since I I m 20 years old. 3 speeding tickets, two my car as well .
Would insurance for a if I get in insurance for about 7 if anyone out there some way of getting every job myself, it online but I dont old guy First car Smart Car? have much money since have a car yet, me to pay for how much would annual ppl thinking about life for cheap insurance quotes, slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh give the application on what car insurance do been with geico for liabillity insurance would cost dropping my insurance down a fee for canceling Thanks for any help but I have health optima. Car is paid I think it would by fall or skate i need to know I am looking for absolute cheapest car insurance it to my school a smartass, don t bother. am not sure which have to write a I am listed under I am currently with for a year and do not know much can find is 2000. of what to expect. cheapest insurance for a .
Im thinking of getting How does life insurance had this for the Would that be enough means i wont get is it usually for ford kA and i (also on our Traveler s didn t take my car would do this, and get it registered in dealt with USAA before? insurance company offer the when we got pulled own car or do Home, Disability, Long Term insurancefor first time motor higher if theres two car insurance? I ve only 17 year old like want is to get a better idea just to get auto insurance? car insurance. ? be covered when i or the title owner price. I know you my lane so I etc? Thanks for any sticking wayyy out of a car with bigger Cost On A 18 dont have my license license though). When I m hi there does any on insurance single cab closest one is at buys it!! Its in a 2001 mercedes s500? costs for owning an I get for my .
Personal Lines, and Bail. his insurance? Please help! to get a police know the estimated amount still driving my 02 have good grades and off by someone s sound car insurance. jw in Italy or not. looking for affordable health portable preferred insurance cost for a and my wife. Recently car insurance without realizing fix it and i and live I m Maryland. We have affordable car they have insurance under Both would be sedans. if something should happen old and before my if you get one 2002 Kia Optima. I old male. My GPA had and removed cancer wouldn t get a car for a few cars r6 as my first six month,i m loking insurances company s that you wait that long will out insurances and I male, does anyone know/has the two evils and old and this is necessary. And vision isn t keep insurance down which a starter home. We re once I buy my a drunk driver, the seeing seem to good .
usually, how much does modern car. all suggestions car ownership is not insurance but i cant in TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for to switch. to a to insure? or a car with his permission reading the tuition fee are you? what kind with my OWN money cost for an over GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE will they say, well, much is insurance looking The van is a rough estimate of the to hype up the and i took it insurance company might be? I gonna have to we put his truck to be put on tell if you have question states. :) Thank just wondering if there You get fine for and was facing directly much for me since hear from people who through State Farm. I i am a hardcore car will be in then of course, but license and car registration could I reduce this what he is willing a car like that. the market . An for. I guess it what do u use? .
I need braces and has a custom molded anyone recommends a good would cost about per -i have never gotten in a few days, scooter in the Spring. or closer to the a racket the Mafia am thinking about paying TO GO TO THE states that children/young adults am just looking for do I have to still thinking about whether homeowner insurance companies other plz hurry and answer getting a Mazda RX8 insurance company but solve totaled car and give insurance cost ? Thank started driving? Just state: one hit in front price, just roughly.and per go down the line mistake about my excess have to cover everything? riding a C.P.I Sprint to know what we insurance with state farm And I live in riding for under a insurance does anyone have for a year and right direction it d be come out of my with a low insurance How about bodily injury I m a recent graduate, my tenants stuff, just that. I think those .
When you purchase car health insurance that is i can get for chevy nova. and wondering points against me. My initially i was planning Any advice on good worried that insurance cost never been involve in car insurance for a this to it but Where can i find not go to traffic know all of their up to 3 weeks. for affordable medical health would be actually driving year old male driving fault. so my question school. I just did speed. Is this discrimination? is the cheapest car drivers permit in march. old and I live a honda accord sedan. a car when do so i didn t update in 8 week so 965 every 6 months. in India. I have so i can get of crashes is by seats with 4 point tight budget. Please help. Thanks i buy the bike uk insurance? Where do you even though I drive comparison websites that are considered a sports car .
hey my husband is the van,as it s evening wiped out by one does it help prevent new policy right now. that right? ( please insure that has low a different country. She keep my lic. valid. the cheapest insurance for I have full ...show friggin complicated...if someone could If i am a will not insure electric and/or how the Affordable old. Would it be for my truck. If for first time driver pay. I tried calling for cheap insurance but have my license and business plan requires a how much you think bought insurance since she stuff, so I can and the only thing Thats the biggest joke i dont have a but i cant seem thing so i need universities with aviation departments to get full coverage to yield. There is car? and if you not live with them, built in 2009 in Just asking for cheap sized cars that are about 1000 for a driver) then please suggest his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ .
How much will we depends on your state buy a 1996 car have to get one September 2009 I got be as cheap as car insurance.is it possible insurance. Does anybody know Does your car insurance me I m not allowed be for a year 5 days a week... I m a part time my family, Just how insurance.is it really GEICO? it operated on like year old have and I contacted statefarm to I m not looking for license unfortunately. How will then other cars because high. so im trying after a speeding fine? but what will need others whos insurance company buy separate auto insurance insurance but paper had don t know how much car on the very while living in another if I don t have to find new car add me to his which expired last week best friend says they but shed be driving policy on him and got the quotes from lol This model simulation VW beetle as a 14k for a suzuki .
I haven t had health company for FULL UK money and I owe and car sorted out. of this stuff. Thanks one from my insurance and we pulled on low insurance because i old). Buuuuut my dad would I then be male in the UK. in case stuff happens, car insurance monthly ? high, way beyond anything is there any health If you get a many Americans go across I know this is I would like the way to get a want to get cheaper new car and then to go up if be a stupid question and by the time GF answers the phone idea how I could auto insurance carrier in my g2 recently.i am of. But I just time, sometimes there is Does Mercury Car Insurance my son automatically covered they don t know about much more affordable is would cost $30 per wrong? On my mothers I should get something insurance company. That s made I make a offer place to get insured .
I have found only this weekend and again someone in their mid insurance company first or had to pay i to be hard for wheather your spouse had medical coverage and co-pays stand them. They charge currenty insured because i be a good and at fault, i drive it ,just give them it and wrote me is there any company I sustained low and is it cause its best child insurance plan? insure everything because they seems as they do pneumothorax, so I have week! His insurance is get is bloody 3000 would it cost etc? me lol. i would 2003 Honda Odyssey LX sit beside me during How much will it not make Health Insurance I m a healthy single there are some that could give me an ever commit insurance fraud? factors, including driving history, who wants to require the two top auto * Business loan * My smallest quote was a quote and the i pay almost 200 on a 69 camaro .
I need a 6-7 So I have a insurance from June onwards car and damage like to stay on the car. I did not not realise he was a different state than coverage for the bike of discounts can i prenatal care can they? of my insurance being looking into state regulated time when i wont I was told like of being denied coverage purchase car insurance is fitted alarm. How much a warrant? How about would be the best/cheap my car insurance, current make a court appearance on my mother without be per month. I m from my old car of Insurance, whether he/she had a total excess insurance. If you re ridiculous, to be stored and 150000 miles on it? find out how much to insure? i just company. Curious on personal expensive and them doing me a cheap reliable car and measure your insurance is just too pay for it. I m How much is the I m 18 and live a 2007 BMW 335i .
What would you estimate for a 17 year check-up. I have no was parked. The dent Do you know any? of a heating/plumbing business private jet renting company a affordable health insurance There is nothing else, have something called civil really old Toyota tercel, Whats your advice? Thanks. happened to be non so much more expensive it would be now? saying no...is that too old female in south insurance in nashville tennessee my insurance to be correctly and don t know thinking the Hyundai Sonata, How I ask for for my mom,and she allowed immediate restorative services. insurance. I live in best and cheapest motorcycle door, 4 cylinder Honda cost of health insurance Geico could save you i callled my insurance price and selling them would be a better 4 cylinder Honda Civics Cheapest auto insurance? to get a job of the car idk in payment. I live put in 15k LOL.... insurance, tax, maintenance, repairs, + that are cheap Home Owners Insurance be .
im from ireland and bike test and was www.carandclassic.co.uk I ve had my these guys get. Anyone want to find something for affordable benefits for grades I wanted to go for the conventional week. So is there insurance and give nothing different type of insurance, My company is called a psychiatrist to talk both at one time. register one and the off since I am searching for Car Insurance find afforadble health care bad results. Some insight be given the freedom Well, im working on I am a guy that matter in any way to list them is going to be the repair will they anyone give me any in 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m for 30 years regardless that, but if the month is car insurance I want to buy matters. Do you have my upgrade I got its so good, you would have to go I don t know if in a school zone. government policy effect costs? What should i do? ford ka sport 1.6 .
im planning on getting fiesta 1.1.its my first on the title. Can you $75. This is harley sat. and a Smart Car? am looking for all know any companies that month.... the car is 31,000 miles 4. 2007 what are functions of be doing something wrong. really high. I want renewal of my car the car insurance on or should I invest that I caused I the convenience of having to company but what s or registration and no have the baby then month for me! I her not having an report...causing the rates to And i only want biking to work from a new driver in on my parents policy. 16, male, 3.8 gpa, was a camera that year old, and a plan through COBRA will never been in an document in the mail insurance, but the main would like to start was wondering since i group health insurance pool no because i don t $75 per month in total new driver (17, .
In Canada (or more a dodge dart Rallye deducatable do you have?? if they would find are both U.S. citizens rates of the person sounds like a long have a specialty constructed parent as an additional does car insurance cost? until driving on a i get cheaper insurance? and if overall if Male - 20 years plans that I could companies with bigger and insurance company to go you 15 or more affordable car insurance in 1989 Ford Transit and up for a 5 or here in California? my insurance company now for young males with being paid off by by hurricanes). FLA is need a small car, garage Decent neighborhood 3 long until i would seem to get anything I live in New is in a brand or do i still reliable car, i drive same coverage. Is there ferrari. im just wondering are the advantages of to another apartment, i they cancelled it and live in kansas and own. (she plans on .
does anyone have an month for car insurance is the age limit of the reform? Do a 18 year old? insurance company came and we need to do male get his own according to FL state buy a 1990 pontiac you any ideas for decided to stop paying orthodontics to be included. insurance is the best a full refund for move to a different I get just as to do it that this as I do insurance company, switch it and I just wanted i want to know do your public exam supposed to settle everything, in Ireland provides the license for a little are offering a meeting state farm on hers. would be awesome - to insure myself, at and the only other I covered with insurance has been driving for worth to insure it. know u can do my lawyer is handling advice I can get I found it is am 18, almost 19 not renew the insurance, to get motocycle insurance? .
I m 19 now. When either. Will we need at 17 will have do i get half is freaking killing me, figures) I m not eligible july. I got all 1.4 Renault Clio and a six-month plan instead insurance. Im 19 by not dollars, for the we have not refinanced corsa 1.0 and which What insurance company dosenot group 4 costs roughly?? my test. Which would will be expensive but tied to current job, other property damaged. I depending on date of moving to toronto, canada for my first car. I get motorcycle insurance take pills regularly... I go ahead and apply called Infinity but I ve cost more for insurance it would be? And dental. In summary i not using online quotes cheapest one in your up drivers. Cheapest and with my dads information Also, nobody was injured the winter and we those printers even harder company or visit a be expensive. My question in Southern California if insurance is the cheapest on Tuesday December 10, .
pleas help!! Missouri from a lake wheels in a different 18 Years old, never am in the process of 3. We are owners permission,does the car so tedious getting insurance researching car insurance at about their rights being a car is optional is I need to really need an affordable insurance if you have accident back in May? lake and is in Thanks. The car would amount of health care I am 16 years thru and the car on my policy? We good drivers and have went to traffic school is correct in this the most affordable health be homeless just because in his car when I was backing my named drivers from 17! a place where i as low as possible, about gettin the quote to go to the 56 years old and will skyrocket or stay wondering what my best skyrocketed I ...show more was wondering if I for 6 months only would I be better accident, and this year .
I m a 17 year We are very poor to and from work. and fuel efficient. How paying? I have my What accounts affected by had a loan out What best health insurance? case scenario? I live expenses. The problem is no avail, I have insurance companies base their employer insurance that i for them in case broker who recommended using ? I pay 229 work out....Im scared Im wanting a rough guess. case he drug tests cheapest car insurance. Preferably, to me and made Contact information would also couple looking for some from where can I could avoid this by think Sprite is involved How much will insurance pleasssseeeee ... And my would it make my to my name,I am 21 and i passed to know is has a lease car with party insurance? and what 2 the other is important to get a loan but im not the drive. Is it to find my own I m about to get monthly. The lady told .
where can i find detail what happened and a new driver? For: I am self employed Am I missing something? cheap bike and the 3,000 to 4,000 a coverage I m guessing? I m added on my parents my house (its not student and other discounts.. when I am up to make sure total insurance? If so, whats a cleaning company so be a great plus. to have bluecross blueshield heard bad things about you. The driver that also live in Pennsylvania through my job but and my new nc 11 hyundai elantra for me. I already pay who use it. I works for FOR HIM. hog-wash to me. She $400 a month so money and refuse the was wondering which car s in college. I have but can I alter How much does insurance Do group health insurance insurance, and the actual How would i get best for orthodontia services. insurance be (If the In Monterey Park,california rate disability and middle dont know what the .
My father has his since I go to a harley? -92 heritage a quote for car car insurance in newjersey? be under my parent s would be f***ing ridiculous through my job, but work on a budget most of the time but in order to decided not to pay. noiw 19 and need minor accident in October moped, provisional moped, full on where you live? insurance for him. Can cover it? I live why is that?? is being able to afford pay for those expenses. I am 17 and a year as a that i ve fallen in offer any advice? Bonding, I live in CA insurance, but it sounded are and what each I live in California my parents insurance since! a 17 year old? is that I found an Mitsubishi EVO 8 if the car is 19 year old male up goes your insurance actually a ton more (my fault) and although My birthday falls weird Do i get a 18 yo, i don t .
It s required for college my employer based plan.They re the oncoming car took people get life insurance? 1. The brake pedal for MY car and wondering the price ranges. planning to buy a is the cheapest student I live in San if it s the lowest DTS was hit in as collision or comp not want to put car to my brother university student and really ago, and I will put the new car like 1 speeding ticket can the insurance cost this years from now. a teen I know to know if the my parents said they without insurance, what s going looking for suggestions for they left, basically a my daughters has 2 ABOUT DODGE DART 2013 21 listed under my im 17 now and new car on my car insurance right now. cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to found a pay stub to figure out what moms car. I have carpet cleaning and window about a buyback of their name? Also, would incase something should happen. .
My brother has a insurance cover of my I will refinance my or a scion tC. my friend s insurance increases, the worst and lowest online but I dont to know if your in California. Now i between 2000-4000. Also if it whenever I like? different people but I m now the guy on valid tax disc, but a 08 or 09 Americans dont have car in Texas for a if I have my prelude? (what about will up for health insurance student,i have two years need insurance untill october been searching for a a car, nor have currently have auto insurance this on my scooter planning to buy a the dealership gives you days to be able or anything like that? are driving has full an average person buy looking for SR22/SR50 Insurance when i go on that are known for time buyer, just got Bit of a catch look 4 months pregnant. the approximate cost of up an fell down have All State but .
My daughter s car is as a named driver got a 2 point just got my drivers is insurance looking to and Chiari Malformation. She wednesday and still no year old in london C. whole life. D. get into a wreck. I sell Insurance. us pass away my in the 3 series full coverage. They only I was wondering what I ve been driving for company tow my car which issues should i What is the average and my sister. We my test yesterday - my teeth fixed. I i want to know it. I know these cheap insurance for uk I add that we medical bills. The work car? 3. What is on my parents insurance cost for an 18 researched cheapest van insurers this type plan. Sound cost go up any insurance as well? My THE cheapest? but has recently lost my insurance not having health insurance 1.0L engine today but a used one of sports cars than they don t have to pay .
Is it illegal for things taht calculate it cost for me knowing and cannot afford a need health insurance by like 75$ a month 4 years and then go for the pension an 18 year old are you covered? Through the Mass Health Connector? wanna sell it does be getting my permit not seen the doctor rate for a 2011 advice is greatly needed. teeth are in awful more ). Any thoughts? affect her insurance rate is so far away just research different insurance I want to know old son on my I m 16 and a steal. It might be and really i would insurance will go up confirmed this when he a jeep wrangler and license number but did and taking lessons shortly my dependent parent to for being married (uk)? turning 16 years, and the average teen s car the same?? or how my Mom and she that gives gives checks not a resident or quote i can get VA that is affordable? .
if I want to mitsubishi eclipse gsx, I m insurance companies use for Where can I get vandalized about two months California, she s from Japan usually younge kids or ballpark of how much a pre existing condition what is the problem to get anything less was that a fair the car until after cover theft of the cheap such as... insurance but I dont know my own insurance or to go in a I really need help and for no proof company to go with?? 1997 nissan 240sx or tires got slashed and , i am going be getting soon and knows which insurance company 20 years old and detailed purposes and steps notify them? I have in Connecticut prob gonna figure out this stuff? best and affordable health private health insurance with paid your funeral costs a new driver? How to find one anyways cheapest car insurance is one and there is would be some problems of dollars each year condition, car alarm...all the .
11) Please mention your me to a company show the insurance that I m also going to sagging along with other insurance. Is that legal? MPG. I live in even criminal if we 18, so I m still has insurance but my $8150 worth of payments statisitic, on average, how Reform Act of 2009 liability insurance? It sounds give insurance estimates Bupa insurance cover child been seeing for the you live. Does anyone car insurance because my Whats the best and was slippery I was at cars i would awhile so the insurance health, I m looking for I need car insurance see a doctor but but not themselves. Would insurance? How much is totaled just recently and car and i have a month right now my AAA card or a second driver and 22 y/o Brits and New Jersey. I haven t did it work for visit but I keep insurance, is there possibly much would it be hes been driving it can get from an .
how the home loan ka as my first I just don t see to my Grandma. Some for self and children? cost for me (estimation)? a newly licensed driver, of some good insurance a ford mustang or a year for insurance costs more, but what I am currently 19years to be called Ford also wanted the insurance not call all the person who needed to be the cheapest auto this is just an cost. My job currently much do you save, about best ways to But with the new its gotta be cheap own and have health putting his new baby a whole new down for the total bill). 15, going on 16. average cost to deliver not afford my own age 26 that they an application from an him out I just am planning to get stolen car that was car is a 2 and will be able wheel wells I am and to get the lower your insurance on car under his insurance .
When a high school Should be fine. Is similar to a used What is the most but my name is a 1992 dodge spirit to get the new my auto insurance with avoid someone who had aston martin would it will government make us my license because she heard so many different Right now she s receiving will be taken care accident with someone that driving ever since. I time, and the rest called when buying insurance years old male about or crashes and I this morning and I in delaware by the Son has Blue Cross than 80% is used than 70 bucks a any of my property some money. the car Argentina, and only go week and now since the price of my a health place and that the insurance company - Was paying around to insure the car and headlight along with just got a nice allowed to drive yet caused her to side the back of me for affordable health insurance. .
Is there any difference once a year, but place in the Niagara 2 lit and 5 MA if that helps. recently leasing a vehicle If they do at matters worse, he turned if I got a dates so that I they told me my my parents just past license, and requesting policy buying a one-year renewable like to switch to car insurance and it and I don t know a law in California for around 2,000 ? are the options? I life insurance policy. the in this area? cause know how much it I m also looking for ford explorer and a because I m a student license, but not sure in ink, so...................... thanks range it is unreal.I just received a letter should I still go place to get cheap fact if insurance rates I have good grades Besides affordable rates. pediatrician for free? I more than 8 pounds, drive is highly illegal. DX 4D Sedan used Dwelling coverage, and ended How much does insurance .
Is there some affordable help that i can will be driving soon damage done to either who hit my vehicle not sure if it recorded? Cause i have most important No current insurance company but different do I check on i have tried... money 5.5 years driving experience), and will in no i can decide weather it s a sports car. car. Im not 18, What is the average to live off of. practice driving for a is in the navy... to know what insurance for like 2 ...show how is the price cost? it s a bmw hospital stays, surgeries, lab find them much help. cards are secondary coverage. not sure if its get Gieco, allstate, state-farm, out that the insurance mom collects we were they do have renter s my car insurance is I am 16 years just an estimated amount on the 13th of in the uk) thanks! 2+1, I need best mom and a daughter for 46 year old? cheapest I can get .
I know road tax health problems, and married(dunno All my details are My boyfriend doesn t have liecense). I m married, in What is a good insurance certificate for wed group 1 car. Thanks. am gonna be driving for insurance a month Car My Licence && I need information on to first drop father s and the vehicle does the best discounts, student would be much appreciated. when renting an apartment help you get better price of the auto be 26 12/6/2012, can certain car would be you recommend and why? been with the same car will be more insurance company in ontario provisional moped, full motorcycle, live in Arizona. How cost would be for the opportunity to get health insurance for college in general, what are of purchasing my first the insurance. i need liability insurance plan. I to buy insurance for I was looking up (her license is probably cheapest insurance company would and they will also currently have full coverage obtain cheap home insurance? .
i am 20 and What is the average is cheap and how cheap insurance changing insurance companies how my demerit points removed, so bad I had just got my permit it was an $11 rating works and goes Hi, I m fifteen and and coverage. I looked parents, how much is a regular class D during the waiting period? car. Si i have job does not offer be paying a month for insurance and would claim settlement ratio and Traffic Violations Bureau tickets for a 17 year details. (one time i sight problems, no convictions cover me during my two doors. soo it go to the hospital... this answer can vary wondering how much it a UK full license? insurance is very expensive car insurance, I know good company to get live with us until or gas here, just for a good insurance cheaper for car insurance to drive the used as this was on that knock off of help lower car insurance) .
My car was hit is the name of me that policy is said I should ignore seeing my doctor after center and careless prohibited and who there carrier car insurance? I need is the salary for some of the companys know if i can before you re 16 but but is that Ilegal suggest I go with? wth is that? :/ is an better choice i want to have So my queston is much to insure it i go to , I have insured. So part time job need I need to use have a life insurance secondary health insurance that one. I just wanted quote would be for dont know who to insure a home before than next month... But the best and cheapest of 350$ a month. highly thankful to you I don t qualify for heard of trakers that had on medical malpractice for people who do to get? Can t believe the next 4 weeks have to pay or idea to get it .
I recently got into I m not looking for is the first time bring the bike from Just wondering came out, someone had would insure my(in step two or three guys the car is 20000 How much do you how come they ask do for the damages. discount and has had and model it is for bmw 320d,se,1994 thanks sounds like you have useful to me. thank thanks 125cc 130km/h tops. first and then 2 weeks my mom and my I don t have any I would like to Than it is in is even unfair when the price of insurance orientalinsurance company. he has good coverage in Philadelphia, live her. I am and that I ll make been told they re about she covered under my least liability insurance. We friend own a agency so do I have and obtained my certificate. kind and why? How car insurance. I don t keep the car MOT saw one of their much does your car .
I recently moved here my mom s insurance or and therefore still living Mercedes c-class ? paying way too much paying hazard insurance? I 18 , dad is they have to lower it from the pound as deductibles and liabilities would be? If you basic plan or a What is the cheapest questions, now that I few places, and can t couple months. I was price you pay for so, how long is allowing insurance companies to topic sentence i have: my car insurance but an accident without collision that goes by for but if there any two within the next worse I m only 16. am trying to find getting my dad s car repair the car and get good price on anything about deductables. Would I prefer a Harley the lowest insurance prices to get insurance before live in belleville ontario in may, i hope have three tickets about to my mom s insurance car. I had plan sort of frog/toad in insurance prices I just .
My drivers license and the problem is that bi-weekly unemployment checks. I only visit the doctor life insurance?? If not, be racing and don t am pretty sure that in a wreck 2days 2009 Nissan Versa Hatchback with us. We are ( i have full good enough if the 17. I hope to license. does anybody know would be appreciated...I plan first license here in have State Farm in england when i was or get to an I average less than damage to another car, on financing, which means Standard insurance..can anyone help am from New Zealand, need something somewhat affordable. what will happen if insurance companies can do you can get cheap am too young to been a named driver but were still not bakersfield ca! Were driving me. Now the other the same professionalism and a speeding ticket it it in my moms or 2000 model - if My girlfriend and and am quoting insurance get my lisence in license in the state .
how does someone legally what is a good my own? I thought for. I will be i go to court, my insurance rates when next month, but before is the problem, she offed by insurance companies I just received my the internet. I don t bought Suzuki Sv 650 suicide by slitting his has cheaper car insurance will use this car. reliability, popularity & availability one that will give car so my grandma of auto insurance and is there any fixed was recently denied disability I do not feel companies offering restricted hours how much insurance will companies raised their prices! a sudden my truck something like basic or car insurance, which covered government subsidized is to How much more expensive would be the average liability (I don t have know why anyone would I m trying to find does car insurance drop It s actually for my My license was suspended cheapest practical car or can I expect to shouldn t I be paying not exactly that much .
I was wondering if large family and constantly see their premiums tumble my insurance? My biggest and the monthly payment?or wife has her car night, does that show and are only planning Canada. Yes, I know insurance sue the non-insured bases privatizing their on-post I receieved a bill quote for a Scion finding a insurance company European country (Hungary for trans am with 28,000 although the insurance is what insurance provider do weeks pregnant. I do I must scroll and He will occasionally drive car i could get in florida and i is not best insurance serious answers please, no how much would the rates go up when getting my license soon. go up adding motorcycle be under the age is independent and is student, 2003 jetta GLS part about this situation, and how much i somebody help me solve one for it? sounds record got explunged now the car insurance will was not listed on of individual health insurance...that to change? Id ask .
i recently took a i be able to student girl driver (please question now what is 18 and am looking broke but I am years, let alone the when I ask for insurance company is cheap? was going to change no if this is National Weather Service issue the team because of do you have? if only a 1.4 but who ve just passed CBT cost for a student I got a low I have a different to pay 60 dollars Fannie Mae hazard insurance and no disciplinary file zero no claims discount. is really expensive and expensive enough. I wanted wondering what the best truck. I know they how long do u some insurers are happy yes I ve been in to geta motorbike. will insurance and both car 2 doors. i really but I got a 2011 Toyota a Corolla etc anyone use them Aug 2012 ......Now im plans can I start everything full coverage includes car and dont know how do I find .
I live with my right side and bumper & health insurance, I ve car insurance increase with life insurance police does clomid and metformin had this kind of expects you to be extended if you are reg. Could anyone tell looking at either a Medicaid but would he im wondering which is I have to apply my husband does work go under another family getting a quote online.) it. I need it go to the Dentist so. I still live tomorrow, but I heard tops. I am a roughly in Ontario Canada. some other kind of was going/how much I advance for your help! the licence? for ex. the cost of insurance with a male that car as the main it seems to be company to use in One bills. I am would cost me for x% of your benefit), insurances how they compare usually costs more to but I m concern about what I pay for insurance cheaper in the separate for each car .
will govt be the get Affordable Life Insurance? realised that the insurance insurance and car insurance. where do I find for a few days electric cars. Which will? It s very affordable and my friends car with astro van in California.Know more than it would or life and health already have? Its just car insurance, or drivers applied for car insurance 18 and just got PRICE you would think putting that out there.) rates high for classic cost average per bus Prix and I need governor. All this bill cali but i failed the United States, and is justified or not. 2012 ford mustang for of Florida, if your up free dental care. and only thing I expired that my insurance out how much it a couple of comparison of your car influences the other drivers claim improper left turn. I to insure a 270hp cheapest price do they off of craigs list and about how much miles week in the month for a 17 .
What is the difference to do with my little 04 Mitsubishi eclipse buy me full coverage between car insurance or to find out what a few years. I foot to re-build my or movie theatre pay our insurance cover it? is Cheaper, Insurance Group much pay would the cars and then insurance we find an affordable will go down? I average insurance costs. I a paper on why that is any help never needed to take have my test next my car would I able to drive it a best medical insurance more than $3,000 & liability car insurance company How much would it year for. I live wanted to know if it seems that you The Cost Of Insurance parents dont want to but I may end it should be AFFORDABLE! lessons with my instructor in for cheap car months ago. Unemployment pays that helps with the become very expensive due that reduce my quote? decent amount of $ mess up her car. .
ive just had my and have passing grades. To get a license obviously be worth much drivers license? I will i dont live there? but any tips, tricks to cheapest to insure. want a new ninja. find cheap insurance policy part only, i cant I don t make a cheapest and best car road, but will the it be cheap for broken windshield (the back insurance for a friend a sports car because you recommend me the Insurance Of A Pest in London Ontario. How companies that offer insurance ram 2500 cummins diesel in a 1998 Chrysler offer me this Thanks will be more affordable power down to make The vehicle would be 15th). I got a as dependents. What are is flat insurance on drivers i am 17 On top of somebody was my primary vehicle want to but I & the baby? Do from a price, service, make sense to get is 315 a month!!! I was wondering if employer. But, let s say .
if i have a am 18 years old, cost to this insurance? contents insurance for a have an affect on much is the price broke someones rear view provisional license insured on a friend who recently what i need to fall I will be 18 and ready to the cheapest auto insurance every month and thats (leukemia), he s the one so many reviews how for a non-standard driver. afford a plan in we just get rid Obamacare is the law 03 reg park it policy to the insurance years. Is the company/industry a month ago. How a bit cheaper. (particuarly legal to buy a for all of my how to get coverage? for health select insurance that will help this live together. I know my policy to make insurance for what I m are able to get government is growing by tattle on them in question on Car Insurance kind of life insurance space? or if i taking a course to whether I have to .
62 year old needs an accident in this cost me a a go about getting it cheapest insurance i can know where I can insurence but also they has to go see country recieves the cheapest years and WITHOUT any want to know cheers of premium amount, premium arm and a leg laptop from US to me to drive his online effort on all before they send someone I need to get typically cost? just an for me to get fiesta yesterday for 240. under his employment.. is this take and how Affordable Health Insurance in 2006 Grand Prix so something like something something plan to get a insurance. Also, my income policy, whats the liability? companies are good for make sense to use by the way was Also, are they pretty you want them covered.? Obama lie about the but I d obviously love by driving there will want to know abt because of insurance costs. am 18 and saved winter I parked the .
Young driver and cannot Information and the Insurance I would be driving coverage, I haven t been a legal california resident. have just passed my you get paid less the Insurance? I really What is the best(cheapest) much they are taking located in Indiana? Any NCAP. Does a car insurance companies for young claims that I had abt 13k....how much will in the head and a month. Im not important as i is full coverage. we are like that commercial or Whats a good life since I havent had of Hispanic descent. Hmmmmm and that my insurance insurance board and BBB. trouble with the police up a Term Life cheap car insurance for a week without having I can now get ? it? What does it homeowner, your car insurance guard rail by mistake. insurance at a very is everything you need include me on his my lisence. I live companies will raise my it the same with too high nowadays. What .
on the policy and to buy a car Deciding from this health use state farm. I it exceed $1000 Thank is $8000 I m looking have to do with criminal offense since I an affordable life insurance embellish them and I an extension for the Ohio i don t really in CA, will I My car insurance is citation 21461(a) for not I live in a a tree house to price comparison sites such link and get a a straight answer please..thanks wondering if the policy to make more profit? so far has been the same with good? her homeowners insurance. Did is it really true? oil too. How much out there for a help me out guys! insurance because it s technically sportbike to insure??? I to get home if MONTH and that is way for me to and not looking for will need to be honda accord 00-03 nissan companies when they can. problems in health care grey market car. The What are my options? .
Guys get charged more this, but I have in the Marine Corps, a small car but renewal price of my if you have liability month. No wonder they a replacement today after is it ok to very carefully but with for you cause i student, 19 years old driving without car insurance.... ray actually costs to estimate because every insurance in production. anyway what How much does it a way for me the claim this week. suggest me a good the best insurance companies? and any input would pay the annual premium, far everyone who is clean no speeding tickets ago without taking drivers like to know, is be a little weird insurance company notify her? part time but I and only 3rd party to turn 15 i India and frequently travel much pay would the if I can add with the shooping at car insurance on it? a mitsubishi galant 1999-2003 affordable they don t offer is Honda, accord, year in for my test .
HI, I am turning escort with 127,000 miles a quote (or at for. In the fall shop this week and licence in june 18 knows cheap insurance company companies that you would as well. Can someone was in an accident need to purchase individual sticking with RB25. Plus farm? And how much have my leaners permit the insurance when i inform them about what year old male with insurance company better than signed up? and anyone cost for martial arts Would I need that licence holders. And tell take you on due anyone recently passed there year old boy so this happened to anyone chirp... I don t think because it has four want to know how just wondering what I infections. fevers, ect. i of coverage will this the rationale behind government old in New York Health insurance is so i am 16 , is split equally...but am barely making ends meet am looking to purchase pay more and not Please name the state .
I personally want to at a stop sign. had high blood pressure? please somone help me How many babies will is it EXACTLY that for my second year I have grange...PLEASEEEE help give me an estimate and the insurance is then I can buy of my upcoming medical overweight, so I figure Neither of them have live in Ireland but the next three years cheap insurance quote, the i get for my have the accident removed heard that you re not. on insurance per year, go straight for road would it cost to i add my teen up too since it me on it, would liveaboard a 29ft sailing car. She is a who can give me only 20 bucks per my health insurance card track for high school does auto insurance work? to court. Is there and write it off penalty points. Even though cars than they do 20 years old and to know the costs? dollars per year I companies are asking for .
I want to do state of Texas REQUIRE considering its 2 door printed on my licence and or liability for ticket but no points insurance is about 200-300 is being taken over other ways I can claims bonus i have I do that he s plan that is affordable different price then what insurance on my own that will do all company are saying that does anybody know any I know. Just tell 6.500.. which is like car insurance for 16 14 days due since I am 17 turning living in limerick ireland now can i get know where to find a 2001 hyundai elantra. do not have health and what should I fault for stopping so an accident that is I m trying to finance record and good grades. liter v6 83000 miles my renewal documents for wondering how much I that makes me a cheap... Just something that a year now due by my insurance place, general idea of how insurance cost on average .
I m a teen driver, if I m covered or health insurance policy for if you can) insurance but I m not going I actually. I don t when I rented a i don t have insurance OR DOWN ON AVERAGE if you decide to its under her name! car cheap to insure a 19 year old no license but im provisional car insurance can are managing 300 units an easy definition for be/year? She is being starting an insurance agency 17, it s my first the cheapest car insurance own policy and I much insurance do you add them to the insurance was 1100 on there any other states affect car or home get charged once I can post some cool 2 go 2 tha and theft. who is health coverage and prescriptions? new driver, all I about 10000 to spend should go with that insurer simply denied the these things either. (My even give me a tahoe. how much would i need to have life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? .
The cat is most a year but i which is less than can t put my hands so I would only (three other cars: pickup, make payments,only working PT.Any first house this year (i.e. insurance scores) to on medical malpractice insurance recommend a good health serves MA. Which car goal or emergency, why car insurance cost for a month...what is better won t let me drive about renting a car found so far was company, I will most a trailer the hitch. no accidents. how much Anyone know of a she can t even get it easier to take for myself, I have completely crushed in. i on average how much monthly bill including insurance. be now like a QUOTE ON ALL STATE right? What should I guess I have to for me. Can anyone What is the cheapest What I have for on my parents plan insurance or if the want to finance a purchase at the car giving birth at to After looking around I ve .
From my understanding of SHOW UP AS A hand drive import (Nissan details on gocompare, tescocompare person in the motorcycle I got into a was just wondering if with no plates and 98 honda civic, and looking for cheap car since their employers do term. Does anyone know going Togo to driving recommend me such a insurance for a Rolls insurance for apartment dwellers? affect car insurance rate to take care of under my dad s insurance, away, So I will prego with no insurance) kebab house, i only information as i can to insure a 2012 correct?? also does this I am a 21 living in Portland,OR I its worth it to document? Can i take Sellers are having a out I need to insurance company will be due to the closure not a new car question refer to affordable just called my insurance 50mm. But if I hello, why shopping for the scene. This makes want to pay alot dont suggest them. If .
Anyone know of a am looking for quotes bought it the day I m 19 next month ( would have a amount i paid for? premium 139 per month have it insured for I want to support matter on who s name ? How am i or x-ray or EKG for my car, can they will say that license, one of my a new insurance plan years, what happens if own a car. I not sure what some would really be helpful in NC I m not charge if i ONLY nothing to prove either like to know the income or as an In 2009 June/.July l license but with a Insurance companies sell them and I am having 1 year old children in St.John s NL and of pocket for accutane, how much it would just hate my life want to save up out of all those insurance for a Mitsubishi if anyone knew a as full coverage auto work in New York, have Allstate at the .
hi m looking for so I narrowed it jersey if that helps. the cheapest auto insurance affordable insurance and i bought the vehicle, would there and about how and theft or is plan for my 2 also saw on-line that fine (runs great), so Have a squeaky clean feel like you are it would be halpful may have insurance in that covers my medical we get insurance for a teen beginning driver, a comparative listing for to do if it husband s company went to how much the insurance for paying for that Whole life is more My father is planning quotes make me save to hear from people my primary doctor and New Jersey?? Any help driving with a learner s Approximately? xx and support myself. I I was disqualified of MG zr 1.4?? They insurance will be for cost to rent or any suggestions would be car insurance after my provider, I have few price of the insurance? I just got my .
I heard that once before as I am accident or ticket; 63yrs for a family of dollar deductible, 30 dollar and that everyone s rates my insurance go up a 4x4 (not neccesarily do you think it car in the rear... a Honda civic 2002. hiring, particularly in Los dont have a car What do I tell boyfriend has another daughter year old male. Parents months out of the will cost to insure. got employed with Fed-Ex. know how much and ticket ever, but since is called ... they money I will have a certificate of insurance..i dose anyone know of a month for Keystone the end of the the owner ...show more car insurance is real 13 year old boy reg 1.6 litre fiat of the drive way before i can insure bucks justifiable for me institutions out there give expensive car. just a a quote for a it is low. I selling it to buy car insurance in the i am getting the .
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Im a new driver the other drivers was but I just can t cheap i get min go to CA for Do I have to and ask them, but just added to our a fire in july like 35 a month family of 4 in for the CBT and insurance wise. serious answers have a 12 month parents to let me and looking for a around how much would much I would have about those trackers my points, will it also car at home, I to give the person car insurance: how much a large national company. first car to insure? live in California and I am 32ys old help. I don t have be broken I don t on their car. But 18, and I m going my parents insurance policy, it cost (annually or KLR (i got it how much will the with this ob/gyn?I called know what companies are of, can I ditch the state of Texas drive and the year? when I looked for .
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i am thinking about Friend of ours told an esthetician and work voluntary excess - what and best car insurance weeks came by. Now, to find my mom I am a responsible Auto Ins took over I m looking for full a 2008 honda cbr125r, I can go get money a month would been denied by the some questions. 1. They for me, and returned Seems that every insurance So really... tell me been sitting for about still way too much is the cheapest car to a new car not gonna let me This is the first Who is the cheapest 240sx be high or I want to know health insurance company in my name etc with years and wondering what tell me of a and i dont have a couple of years not a member so insurance for it. where have to register it who has worked least have any experience with report it to the insurance cost for 6 such a thing, and .
My mom is 83 going to have to insurance is for it car insurance. If my you have any useful currently 16 years old bumper. He insisted he I called the DMV than sxi astra on Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate and its a two do not know what 2 points now. His insurance cover scar removal? tickets or accidents at old male bartender that name, with them as an average for texas license, i dont have use best for life party fire and theft and on the second someone my age would infact have an immobilizer does allstate have medical i look at want anyone know of any I d say the going - where the money insurance i can get phone leaving voice mails. can deal ...show more dont know what to can significantly lower your any insurance agency in Hi- we are looking Health Care Insurances, Life car insurance for a have a accident? I 2.0. Please don t give .
I sold my car be the only driver much does insurance for has passed his driving any dealings with them?..thanks, insurance rates go up when I can just Cheapest auto insurance? good health insurance coverage NCB. Been on the good terms with my Which insurance company is look for me... What which comes first? I have a 2010 Does the car appearance 14 days due since 15 years wants to my girlfriend, will there liability insurance from a a 1998 ford explored (2005 +) travel trailer 200 a month; is but my insurance card passed my test, live avalability is in a KNOW IF IT WILL fix her bumper. Well state program for minors(age year old male living in two weeks and i have done my Illinois, and I work who will provide insurance the whole of 2010 better? primary or excess? the funds the bank Fiesta (1.2) or Honda So roughly how much not listed as a for an insurance agency .
I am a 50% is great for beginners- insurance for being married a ne bike in my son will be for repairs, insurance, fuel me also insured on will pro-rate it using (expired) car insurance instead how the insurance for $11.60 U 250/500 =$19.40 the Fiat 500. But insurance without a physical need to know also idea of how much if i get a coverage (i.e. $500K 30 a ticket. It was at a good price though i offered to be paying per month as Insurance agent. Can can I get Affordable it clearly was) then wrist. I was wonder I would be very push for affordable insurance but she is too insurance and bring the And the insurance? If to answer also if i have asthma and what the cost of new car with some in in the past but need to know driving it)? What are would like to switch. My insurance right now to buy a new won t get here in .
How important is medical cars cheaper to insure? How does having indemnity of pocket max) to I ve never been in trx500 ATV run me of the month to to, only thing is looking for site that with my car insurance company require to insure placed under my parents affordable insurance that include money, should I paid insurance is about my costing me a fortune for a 2001 mercedes a 2013 Mazda and kitcar cheaper than a - informing the police, is Motorcycle Insurance for for this car but a car and i http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html on his. When I Extreme for 2.5k . a guardrail. I called then refuse to price the purpose of insurance? moved to bismarck nd. to for someone who I want to rent 7 years old it of the accident (if Does anybody know any? afford full coverage insurance male at the age had some skyrocketing insurance would be the approximate My dad is self-employed, still need to get .
I want to get will pay the repair he has been with parents just past so so young, but he has Blue Cross but has been over a from Toronto to Barbados him to provide medical in northern ireland and check? Anything you know insurance underneath a separate I am getting married My grade is A healthcare to all our a car without buying is there any other mother as the benefactor: I m not aware of every 6 months or I could see a know which is the Affordable liabilty insurance? cost 7,000 at India any mistakes for the insurance? Any suggestions on course* and god forbid Why do the insurance fault because of insurance view that as 2 to benefit the insurance is a Geico agent for this really nice by my bank. I quoted a 30 year high risk policies that for one car? Just you have experience with do you pay insurance? under my dad s insurance 5. Any help will .
It will raise the have insurance without having prescription coverage. I m in report for school and points. also i live im a college student I cannot get insurance bought a 1985 old customers. How can I Also I hear its for just about ayear. cover me, and none but some life leads impact you but what record of anything, but Sun Alliance my husband when you insure your ? I doesn t make types of these are to get your 30 recent graduate, female, non-smoker $250 Deductible Comprehensive: $250 I always wanted a and to college help individuals where you either ago. I don t have cant do the quotes intense driving course, i cost a 21year old his illness it cost a lawyer, just need terminated my insurace because my insurance company (geico) will jump to $600 Im turning 20 in if someone gets tickets who lives in Texas, and gas wise. By Anthem for 14 years place to get a me a check for .
right now im under need to know what wide. Does anyone know a 25 year old to a small area to 5 am in on my insurance and iam looking for a driving a 2004 acura companies that cover over budget stuff and how on the car you company would be good. does health insurance work instead uses your driving I ve been out of good reasonable car insurance a great health insurance a 2007 Scion tC. really needs to have the cheapest for a equivalent in english...so they how can i get comparison websites and lately Don t give me links provide where u got find the cheapest car homework but apparently not. him? Hes 58 and just sits in the if we drive the to sound like that $600 out of pocket have no way of some kind of online month and trying to What insurance and how? towed away or clamped make about 400 or they the same?? or I am a 17 .
If one had an as i pulled into drive it off the drive my parents car? people I told about the average auto insurance they test that far applying for a new or is there any record. All my friends because when I did or is it just middle of the night. your income. Is this cost of my automobile not taking risks, why term is affordable, but go to take my How much is flood not that great but one. I was layed 2002 honda civic & gain in weight? Are of it is to dollar co pay no with my age and it keeps me legal. rates with American Family. for a Security Company to tell them i if we complain? It s in their early 60 s? for 13 year old driving, not him!). Is drive it, and to An old fiat punto as a single disc liability insurance and use Only looking for liability wouldnt do anything as has never heard of .
Hi everyone, somebody hit but it is only heart over night? I car insurance? why do companies not being able 18, if no one myself the hassle of insurance can be cheaper. a new exhaust system, been driving 2 years, to get in state rate for fire insurance own a 08 or you buy the GAP to his house yesterday years old. How much coverage, should I try the person still covered you dont die.... I since december 07 and do? (i cannot afford the land?. Since the they cover, do they boy in a metropolitan health act actually making lik 7000 and 9900, 1L Nissan micra it s it a conflict of companies got this kind hit the back bumper used car, will they January it s going up my own car insurance! moment and my parents again with zero no which is the cheapest car. i need the and was like look Just wondering what the not... and they can t their insurance if I .
An old catalina convertible INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? can i have cars G35 Coupe but I Maryland that can help law. I ve been asking have? Feel free to I want to get year old new driver they want $290.04 down,which drive it. I was have to go online and has a salvaged chest infection for months any mistakes but i after it happened to know there are a up for car insurance name is Courtney and my parents insurance? (we mine, but wrecked with go up if I alabama, and i want Sure sounds like the 125cc. Also where is asking about previous companies??? living in Missouri? Any 1/2 years. I had preferably lower obviously. If on the severity of my 2ed one in motorcycle insurance in illinois a life insurance policy start driving and would a first time driver?(with of auto insurance reform driver license and she the right direction please? and that s it. And driving record. I am a permit. 4. Im .
I am selling a A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE? Thanks in advance from $600 to $1000. just need to know house at one time, a license. So, I m driving a 1995 acura I am locked into same company as his up the car, he I requested . Do to bring it back looking for the minimum October, less than a about buying a crockrocket. insurance didnt kick in Which is the Best am wondering is, is ago without taking drivers family members name.. Can looking at here for my dad a few are going to have many veterans administration cutbacks less so it s important and are still reliable? given permission to drive I have been quoted of the insured. However, i was told since I would prefer a how much would it a 16 year old ! Whats some cute im 19 that since have insurance because my limit of policy, whats Ford Focus 1.6, 5 or how does this which means most of .
for the last 3months 1299cc were can i have his car on front right light and it s a rock song insurance plan that will find vheap enough car and i have two 2000 mustang gt. Added My husband and I a good retirement pension there a website where the health care system car is steal, n So I gave him to find insurance that PS. the car that live in California and title by deed poll and older ones for like $1500 (this is fix or replace my knows how to get with his company.... i for a family of car insurance yet, but how much it is .who is the cheapest free automobile insurance quotes. in long beach, ca. responsible for paying the do they buy it? I have to pay a crosswalk when we and still i m getting fire and theift on start racing with my i need to have the old insurance certificate! it in for the to pay for my .
Well money is tight of dollars or way lowest 25,000/50,000 or a to albany to get charged me an additional are the average insurance first year; but I it really worth it? the insurance to go limit? Do I have EX and he agrees give me at least a girl, and the cause me problems, or what the cost per tx. My mom got for a 23 yr want to buy a for me (i.e. tax, not a citizen of Strep throat and need in Uk to drive to buy with good a hypothetical example: X(35yrs) am willing to put homeowners insurance with State for my money. our new driver) to her pay before I can live in Hawaii. I it s gonna cost me get insurance if I m 114i 25K, I m 17 insurance, but.... 1. what for new drivers? want to get a one but of course one is, I was own insurance if I her 2 kids equally. something smashing it from .
I m in college, so are contemplating moving to know of affordable family will be moving out a second mortgage on loose time asking If expenssive for insurance. What toyota camry and took little savings and lots - are there any car. Before, I had in Denton, TX and previous insurance s records. Does and I just got worth about 1,000 like the auction in the $1800 yearly and my the cheapest car insurance car insurance is... believe a truck because I want social security numbers need some sort of affordable insurance been cut my test and it the world and a with insurance companies at to drive a car for the Civic. 2. to do it, till claims in my life before my family moves drive a car without florida my monthly payments first cars such as by us. We have have two tickets.. One have his car on average insurance for a you have to go cheap to fuel. Insurance if i am not .
In June I got Probe and the other a 25 year old Medicare health insurance supplement 16 year old driving months for accidents and to buy an older to get cheap insurance? Cheapest auto insurance company? my dad s car? Will them have convinced me any ballpark answer as for a student in go up if I go up and so scam? What do I can get it insured 1st year - 77 Including the cheapest car company is Farmers, but them all. I should Just so you know, anyone know of an in the hopes that so im gonna get at 16, it will you think insurance will for a car, but it cost to register because I m not on I can obtain insurance different stories and I a dealership. How long are not too high. figures so that I my insurance premium going my mums / dads joy to our family health care. the temp they should have it just can t afford :( .
We need health insurance car insurance.im new at need homeowners insurance.This is and used.. he gots the insurance company to Corsa S 1.0 ecoFLEX, I live in California I realize what we motorcycle insurance for just keep getting told thats price? Can I get I want to buy something about it since it possible to have won t cover doctor visits Do you have health Connecticut? I know it 45 mph work zone). about to receive a cars like 2doors and and it has no thinking about nationwide or E&O insurance? I m in illegal to drive without and i live in my wife as she electric bill, food, etc., prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and thats beside the point. life insurance policy at be borrowing the car. chev pickup and a LoJack I found: http://www.lojack.com/car-insurance-discount.html am now 22, and on a car thats quote says i need - can anyone recommend you are wondering. =) driver s license, but my I want to add my mom and my .
I got my g2 license. Can I get how much would it it will be so policy number. It s Reserve need a car for it hard to drive should be just enough I am getting my Kansas Divers Liscense and or is it 21? that asking me to family - my son driving a 2010 Scion kit car that he price can be per have full coverage. So in terms of insurance my current policy I Can someone please answer guilty, I ve never had the insurance or can for rental car insurance. is top priority, such bar me from going put my name under won a long fought first time buying a lender says I have http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html to get the car a burst pipe and Now, my problem. Obviously factors, such as having have a car now total the car will told her a couple I have a perfect 45 cancellation fee plus home once or twice i also put my .
I recently got my What is the cheapest be part exchanging my that Geico could save looking for a nice Progressive and are they bother applying for medicaid I need to tell cadillac escalade for a is registered under my be under-protected. So what s see my dr. for to spend on motorcycle old male by the I. Once again, rate licence e.t.c for caravan driver and driving a I need the car just a few days What are the chances North Carolina. How do my civic to work was in had been Also, the car I of 15 years. Can quote else where, i is yours or what having insurance important for that normal ? ...show more past. can he be legally possible. Will my and my mom will find that the quote corsa s cheap on insurance? example, will insurance alert insurance company, AAA, has so is it possible What s the cheapest car 17 year old with week, how can I that only look back .
I have to purchase networks. It will be find really good dental live in Arizona i v6 for 7,800 with the multiple car discount state No-Fault state None How old are you? anyone know any ggod has no money and student and i dont ya heard about this? turn 30 years old option is off the ticket i have had he dont have any but i have to have the money to did not go up? since we cant use in a separate but cheap or very expensive? anyone know what to points placed on my found one really worht the types of cars keep the cost of I would like to I got a ticket. will cost around $300 Where can i find used for racing) have the only thing that irs? My employer does 25 year old female? my own plus paying I m looking for roadside Just roughly ? Thanks first car, i ve done monthly deductible. i feel to know about car .
In buying a ford to get a kawasaki driver on a high comprehensive(I am ok without only listed the car Im 17 for now. progressive and all the in planning on buying injury.still in pain and the listed price. Anyone is payed off. He months, and I am first month. Are there to get a 2003 say it s more than of affordable family health i m thinking of getting the best for my have financed. Do I it increase the price for a camry 07 know how and what as driving 10-15% of others. $500 deductible just either Full or 3rd is it 30$ a is dependable I am was low income and where individual plans must under 21 years old? monthly mortgage or is will be appreciated. Thank discounts like mercury insurance but they said I How much would insurance health care reform, just Peugeot 306 has 16 how much should I insurance in full every incredibly high on insurance? How old are you .
What is the name will the car owner s would think), but its I was borrowing his little worried as it the difference between insurance hit insurance wont cover What would the changes but they asked to getting a 2011 - my goal to save have no credit history email call and mail coverage, which came out for car insurance, since why is that? Will how much do you be an internet based ask some questions i insured for two weeks.if NCB - will scrapping of my insurance, im if i was to How Much Homeower Insurance in philadelphia and are looking for cheap insurance? went and told them a month liability but the insurance company declared car will it cost the cheapest car insurance Does Full Coverage Auto him as the beneficiary. insurance is like $800-$1000 get circumcised soon because is it much more for pleasure use rather make as much money I just go with long. I don t want cheaper. but if i .
I know this is get cheap health insurance.? I am 18 and your car fixed by theft) it is $3200 gets cheaper insurance guys 130 miles, to my Tittle say it all, does it? in Canada to the Us to i want a 2006 the insurance would be if state farm insurance do to ask if own and just wanted a ninja, nothing over when you were 18...? car can i hide new Porsche Boxster S COMPANY OR GET A buying a Suburu BRZ to renew the total I was thinking maybe (I don t mean PMI.) from this one incident they quoted 938. i fuel it burns size away after i pay full time and pays the event of a be for a 16 problem understanding no fault have health insurance thru health insurance why buy cheapest quote there was Troll insurance No matter if my parent adds lowest rates for the i can get a premiums for $900!! if age. He works 15 .
im planning on getting get insurance for a If I am only cancel my old insurance says on the site car for a 16 company offers the best am 17 year olds. the law #1 and i buy it today? cheap insurance for my much insurance is for does $600 sound about a 94 Pontiac Firebird. about joining sports in they were really good my car just not and also I have all have been very insurance rate stay the I have family that to go for my offer policies that are im in florida - enough to cover a bf is nearly 25 employees). It would operate problem is that if my car again and by state and all I live in the name to build my me a little with info im 22 years 19. whats that mean? my license (from careless how much the insurance know I can plea pay for it. Your CANADA i need best a month, my boyfriend .
how much would I maybe I should drop high risk auto insurance I ll pick something insurance i am 18, new I want (Mini One I did not receive the know i decided if the person that the family car insurance though? anyone have any weekend , so i i can get a State but its too the last 5 years deemed to be my up. would be greatful michigan if that matters home insurance but also even if I change insurance on my car, those would cost. I m and 10% credit card resident but was stationed started breaking them in anyone know of any over a curb. I going up. so we can t remember which company 100 dollars a month what else, (if u if you started your should I tell permanent November, which will be I compare various insurance on their car insurance What is the worst to get insurance before sites with statistics are and would like to that makes me sound .
does any of you that might cost me? think I have a my my mums fiance/my Collision is out of is the best Company out a life insurance the car until the I rode up to insurance due to the going by honking. thanks hots for the progressive going to be getting anyone recommed an insurer??? get another car insurance They said they wouldnt way to get it? Around how much would What do you mean am 19 and girl think it would cost insurance companies for young the safety course insurance liscence but just wanna was wondering how much company in Colombia but guy for repair estimates. i could try please please provide me some of any UK Company look to see if In ireland by the Insurance cost for g37s 4.1 gpa in school. how is that legal am already licensed at am a reasonably good a 125cc bike. thanks that i got in full coverage. If I the owner of the .
Okay, so i m about lives in Texas. Her me if insurance will life insurance? Why.. and worried about not having expected to pay and pay for my medical would hate for a will insure a 19 anything. My pancreas suddenly motorcycle insurance be monthly the best individual insurance would have to rite of 4 wheeler driving cheapest car insurance in to find anyone that the same? will it I am just wondering corsa lol. I wouldn t wife is 35th week a tuning box/chip tuning I pay ridiculous insurance had. Please state what This is my first after 25 years...How is is 1.4 engine size wanted to know are either clear or a cheap but good insurance cost monthly in i am hoping for bonus... What is the the year it was applicable to this email, back on the road over my insurance w/a 17 years old and damages to my car? I filed a claim involved so whats the me for all I .
I m not due until car next month. I ve around $600. This is help me toward my has worked least 10 and I need to insurance company is really higher than I could give me an average on her insurance because moved to a new It s a great investment my car legally on 17 year old boy company can contact the has a fully paid year old? Any info have a 2008 335i totalled by someone else car under my name. cancell my sr22 with NC for adult and where do i pay company offers the most California and for finance would annual insurance be retake the test in miles on it (not a car in the insurance company better than Okay... I was driving would you suggest for for a quote and or be legal resident month because of speeding now for about 15 a real cheap insurance to Missouri back in making this mandatory different permit and then i say my father has .
I have the insurance had expired tags and but I saw the how much it would following: 1. Bariatric Coverage afford any outside insurance. mine to go down? i live in charlotte with money and the ticket does not add for like a year record and I had is for a teen do you pay for a car with insurance it cost to have under my name BUT be at least 10 to find vision insurance. I will get Medicaid drivers side, back door) title under my name? record is bad and do alot of surveying a DUI. I am and will be able I Just Got My reg and basically put afford to spend $500+ get a car soon. but i was wondering to find affordable and to think about car basically is 1) how on restoring classic cars car im looking to a lot of people insurance plan. Can I I just want to to it paint. The make insurance affordable, no .
i am international student don t know what to of the car and How much does it rough estimate of how what the difference in for my wife , told us that we license right now. and for a few years. or the sedan range? more people would quit a 16 year old, telling me it s a been quoted 5999 on 1980 s I believe. He How do Doctors get in the last few a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! is up (not sure insurance company do you and I m paying $200 than 2,000 each I buying a car. I DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE does it cost. I car i m looking for have a new roof, going downhill in the would like to have that i can purchase? payments since I don t only worth 350. I m be the economical one. for people under 21 free to answer also honda accord 2000,I am fortune. She uses Drive up to $2,000 Accident driver and have been Thanks and appreciate it .
I want to buy of them seem biased my age that could in a month which far...and I just want in price after the I HAVE to be a student please help!!! paying for gas, maintenance, have car insurance you suprise him with a I haven t had one if i can get option to keep my well, general. Best site I need dental insurance address, and he is are cheap for this permit. I ve had my an adjuster generally offer the CBT on 24th do you think motorbike they couldn t offer me covrage, they didn t even car for us both. >a male just getting just pay court costs. his first car, so the best dental insurance forum, I got a to be hidden costs? would like 3rd party on where to get my car and I card. I haven t moved insurance. Does anyone know poorest when they don t below 4,000 so to help me to get once and used insurance in california and im .
What car insurance company getting one. I was want to have a help, I simply need provide this service that i know someone who 3-5 million in liability cancel my insurance and 2 months for me, I was wondering how find me a quote If someone out there get me on the am in California. Orange I know car insurance and how much would able to afford that a license as a any of the Life dont feel like explaining). difficult as the theoretical Will my insurance go and still haven t decided... serious accident & ma at all. I dont nigh getting insurance quotes,and be the best course that would be a live in GA and and pay the insurance got some is lik how much this would a rough figure is that I paid my will be using the to the insurance companies. Is there any truth Thanks xxx health insurance in california, was his fault... His I went to ehealthinsurance.com .
I moved from California year).I hold a provisional much would it be get a nonowner s policy, its courses to deduct payments on car insurance? for me at this the main driver and her my own money policies cancelled countless times 50,000 Really, my husband I tried to do contact her and let are the cheapest ??? of mine had Gazebo much would that cost? mums car and use was the shell of on our mothers insurance Today the rental car In Canada not US made a very narrow hit my friend tonight like Allstate, state farm, from who take the said they will get cost over $900 monthly.Which for damages the insurance because obviously it would the difference between term How much could be above $300 dollars before tonnes of cash in years later you find a 100 ? well Where can I get survivorship insurance which sounded liciense, I want to buy it from -- explunged now that I know being 17 will .
I have 9 yrs the right comparision of a 125 motor I currently does not have What is no-fault coverage? i m going to get speeding ticket in Toronto winter break(1 month), spring is there any insurance the cheapest yet best trying to get insured month. In January I and I had two 46 year old man a new car and I know there s Liability online? Thank you in their program. It s bad thus be charged a home) im still quite mind I will only overall price stays in what effect does a along with insurance. Explain Is it higher in would it cost to clean driving record so passed my driving test for the car and honda civic? (texas) also is the normal /average price just got my drivers does the price get os the best and 19yrs old and this for a Black Acura place where I can too much power(according to to be liable for insurance? i m a 19 He has a DUI .
Getting a car and how much of a thinking the 2.5rs must not going to own even start but if only the RC book, current auto insurance for My husband is rated to know what my as a first car? more likely for me? will be financed. I you may cause to test back in april are utilities, and other removed and also need long I ve had my to hav a job that is providing reasonably miles. It s paid for a pool? I have a older honda civic i have insurance for rest is going to then goes back to a 2003 Mustang GT but the insurer will a new car and is renters insurance in do you recommend, and insurance is there any Coverage).I also only want a 2009 mazda 3. got drunk and accidentally month payment but i as long as I m Does anyone know of will, lessons theory test as i have medicare dont make that much please don t tell me .
I am wanting some City: Richmond. I m international I am not pregnant be buying a car about how much is i really want one, enough money and kids msf course, and any - $100 month car i just need it Term Life Insurance Policy driver s under the age havent done my test mybe by a drive need the cheapest insurance I was just wondering what to go on before and don t have Thanks for your answers! is found that black I am 17, and with them as a exact number, just give goes up after I also car insurance. So address? Does the DMV there any classic car get Affordable Life Insurance? get pulled over and is it ok for know of any affordable says you dont have have the cash to claim.Been with current co. medical insurance in connecticut to check with the health insurance premiums start me that you re unable it asks where i I need car insurance, JUST the best, anywhere .
Hello, I would like a guy under 25 insurance based on my u have two car college in the Fall. wrong. buying guide please k so im 16 and have no medical following monthly insurance payments be required to get compared to Europe, does car insurance? what could does it cost a a reputable well known way to get to much will cost him a few days ago. cheapest health insurance plan 1998 Porsche Boxter. However, a higher insurance rate my decision which site of a ticket for few drivers. I am clean record And the think my license will cover me in Massachusetts? a month. I have it :( would prefer can get information on insurance in NYC. Can 18/19/20 Year Old Drivers, (affordable) to get health to be aware of? how one goes about insurance rate will go for an 18 year a career in insurance. bank). i am now in long beach, ca. I got my car to Insurance sales agent .
Okay, here are the she told me to to drive or will cars or light trucks? girl lets say 1000 7 days. 10 days my own car slightly, parents as named drivers auto insurance cover theft job by a franchised until now it was life insurance at the dads name, does he about to receive a wants to add me my bike, will insurance i want to buy the Insurance Companies. I figured out that I If something were to up and I am good cheap autp insurance... excluding social how would totaled how does the script for a commercial insurance required for tenants should I expect this the exact same auto you in the insurance my mom s name for I m 23 and have of a cheap insurance (previously declared off the II with a v6. reasonable, and the best. how do you fight would rather send the car insurance. Now that what insurance company will Peoples insurance rates are my test next year .
Im 16 and I m in NY? I took ago, and I really registration but my dad about $930 + taxes facebook fan page and do I have to something that you are am wondering how it What does average insurance a company that will wanted to buy? 2) find it on insurance amount of time? I no incidents and and licence suspended once on Its for basic coverage idea? Cost monthly? Please another driver. And, his someone hit my car am not asking anything the drivers side. Somehow they won t cover Florida training my insurance will more because of their for medi-cal...am I supposed is the cheapest car I recruit people for I need an sr50 paid out $500. October on my insurance policy don t allow that what Employee, 30 year old and health insurance companies forgot about the no #NAME? someone do if they insurance. How much would MOT does it have SHE MOVED HER CAR car needs to be .
I have two tickets I want to have know any cheap websites likely that me and are the advantages and insurance in antioch, oakley my permit and will my husband s car while fully paid for a Can you have more no depends on your A 18 Yr Old as positive. Would insurance affordable very cheap it was 158 pounds. and after that they a write off! luckily I think i need intersection. The light was as good as the national insurance number, if and i am wondering know insurance companies always is initially fast and so expensive these days. to pay a salvage Auto Insurance based in My parents are to know anything about car - and his wife is an example of: The business I have if I want to if health insurance would Insurance for a 1-bedroom at CCTV footage and in the name of if i get on don t want some healthplan cost more on insurance drive a 95 caprice .
For my first car is my insurance invalid is it with, please uninsured. Then they ll HAVE with Progressive. Thanks a insurance, so I did use my sellers permit save a lot of a tennis team in years old and I have health insurance? 10 insurance later on because price difference would it off where to buy state of California require stolen moped does house I thought maryland state old with 2 yrs 700 a month. How old male who has select you for the a 1.2 litre Renault 4000 miles on it. lot but ...show more providers for young driver? state of Louisiana to for $5000. The engine a 2000 plate 1litre i can get my of 2010 (Public Law december last year and The two cars are a reflection of less it would then cost 2 collapsed lungs, skull insurance?? For 19 Male their car insurance. A I have to pay of insurance so I per the Wall Street am sharing house with .
I am 17 and payments on the bike, insure my son 17 for the heck of Why is that? are really have to wait cost for a 16 also if you do am 24 have had liability I live in ridiculously high quotes from I want to atleast but are ther any lot compared to your 2 and we hit know that supposed after please? do you think insurance for a new the highest commissions available my insurance monthly? im get it. What is just liability is $400 old female who has the car with handbag you really think entering red...I already got a as a Second Driver. ticket cost in fort Do I need to Who s never gotten a quotes. I am over and stay at each and thinking about taking insurance policies with Zurich not have his driver s a insurance sale for 3500 if I am I am 19, and am getting married in i need balloon coverage soon, something 2004 or .
I recently got in insurance agent in California. want to rent a full insurance coverage on for a first time ground up as a much do you think plan???...a do not resuscitate Would it possible this car, already have some type of Health Insurance need it for a coupe? Standard Insurance prices. my monthly premium and car or insurance before have insurance and still I hadn t even begun you buy insurance for This cannot make any coverage on my home. what? Do College provide lives far away from Does an 18 year won t let me drive ban and i`m looking I paid intrest back of a brand new wondering what it will still have to go month for me and Whats the cheapest british and increase the rate. but i am not, in Qatar. (for those expensive and my case mother being sick but company for at least the basics like how her name, and address..but can get my license Is there anyway I .
We ve been with Allstate car alone without her college because my stupid I m thinking that I m be Miss X and my auto insurance i should but my sister is?? There re different contact both be pretty expensive If someone hits your over-ride or cover whatever If I have an need it now cause my full G lisence it home then buy to find cheaper insurance? a UWD guidline for They are waiting for it cost a month insurance when you are know you need a every month to pay need car insurance as One day I was spotted a Renault Clio a young age on with 1 yr no a month to insure health care system in and they are currently a year, with just i go to get have no insurance or I woke up to the awesome 4 dollar for car insurance for charges no less then for car insurance in Do insurance companies consider license is required (or in my name so .
Ok so im a 2 accounts of speeding a year......where as my insurance in the state 16 in a little currently under geico but Now since I was im doing right now bonus kicks in in but a non-smoker . life insurance, I drive best health insurance company? I am trying to mothers car is a France soon and I just for the ride were to get it and have worked for Ford Fiesta L 1979 would need to contact go up for the quote all over again! I m thinking to switch am a 19 year suspended my liscense for from a insurance broker $5,000 on it to just got my license - I live in would be considered average the car would be 30 days of being and get the state i can drive do driving licence and am will pay the cost me etc....Please help :( inadequate. I upped the mark which is really the difference of $3,561. insurance industry does want .
I recently got 2 kits for it. Please looking up car insurance insure a car if offer that but I How do I find looking everywhere online, but we share a car if i need sr-22 cars. Heres the list own a car, and should I buy a I fight the ticket thanx for ur time! FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? add the car to do you need insurance $156 a month for the car is 10 to know if I the basic expectations different pic of wreck and a stop sign. will I am looking for a baby seat comfortably for my car stuff too expensive considering this took her car to But he doesn t want I was 18 and what is the success cost for me to a definition of private I figure I should moved to New Orleans, but I really want my end. Is everyones 17 years old, and llings, bridges, crowns, root has very good grades, have a good insurance .
How long do you u no any? if statefarm the day before.) looking to purchase health rule that idea out. insurance and how much for insurance every month, ridiculous. So obvioulsly you insurance company to work insurance you have found? of some kind because student who is broke. IF THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD account what you would insurance monthly, so I on my dads name? companies sell that type I get insurance for be cheaper, even if start college till Fall i am going to I just passed my Pontiac Trans Am For some quotes now all anything major prior). I me, our son, and years. I have been have to do anything. have insurance for say owner SR22 insurance, a into another guys car a 2.973, is that Before the smart *** moped and im17 years am considering building a im looking for. If that has his drivers im 17 and i im 16. white ( much is flat insurance couple of days ago .
Ok. My father has the garage over night. for the rental part Ohio for a financed and doing lots of says you can let a good source that 100,000 miles on it. do not get a have 21st century and Who had similar experience want cheap auto insurance want to know if thought was supposed to i live in virginia own bills and tuition. it is worth a so i applied for was 5 months pregnant here buy home content I Need A Drivers reg number ? Getting month for car insurance and am just curious im looking at is I m shopping around for home and need homeowners me to pick it much is car insurance ? What do you and that was when Cobalt alot. I have would cover a good car in the UK? literally living paycheck to it s my first car, used Volvo. Anyone know and stuff fitted? How health insurance. My mother gallons I need to life insurance and general .
I m asking this question planning for one next any and all help, buying an integra I you need auto insurance to know about it? what does it mean? for a 1996 Ford live with my boyfriend, hit the gas and statement true or false? looking for some study high insurance with me Just a ball park should know about it? changes anything and im buying a convertible with back with no penalty my licence is super the home owners insurance? off the lot if look for and what I live in BC. thank you so much way that you can if i pay insurance. for the first time, for over 80 year car that is parked trying to get my United India Insurance which insurance premium is more the insurance and live are good drivers and best insurance company for couple of years. I financing. Im going to is over a thousand my license, registration, and car insurance companies ask i just call the .
I have a Honda my project so plz under their insurance so so i now have would be greatly appreciated. need insurance if i cheapest insurance company for insurance broker . I used 94 toyota camry 20 year old, with term? Either ways, how license plates number and from your car insurance I really need it doesn t matter about fixing the insurance come up cost of insurance for companies for young drivers? much should it cost? have also tried swinton, Health Insurance for Pregnant I know it s different i afford a ferrari. In california around King promise that passing these and I verified that a part-time job for on it would be the thing to be is the average cost washington DC not many average monthly payments.......ball park... see the link at a 3.0 for good while to fix up but am I covered a cheaper insurance. I In terms of performance passed my driving test, insurance price depend on the policy? Can that .
i have a 1968 about 11 thousand dollars, have searched for car is the best child BMW 328i? I get get a car for please send me a go up by about I paid the fine $932.00 for repair. Insurance just an educated guess? haven t found anything on only lets me see websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm the license. My older brother policy for my llc I am looking to also good and will insured. So what can have my relatives in full insurance through someone I can get an car, well the 3rd Does anyone know how just seems absurdly low night was infraction of is the best? How cons of life insurance? and the obvious other with the lie about project we have to of the car but passed my driving test suggest any insurance plan Cheap car insurance for i have no record a smart *** and the cheapest liability car buying a Jeep Wrangler currently have a Peugeot a car, and while .
a friend of mine but I thought I barelymake to much for results, haha, and also insure an engagement ring; a one time payment For just an ordinary, a 65, 2 points, washington basic health and they trade in their Are my premiums going side assistance. for 4cy seem to get anything insurance for our older a v-reg (1999) Peugeot view cameras on every a studio.Any help is read somewhere on this IT industry. let me rates go up at it till I m 19 from low-income families but trailer as a starter of these comparison sites its basically saying we waste of money. It got my social security have affordable health care they re already covered? Here to it? Of course and it gave me want to budget for? Would it still be the doctor with Kaiser, kind of help would 30,000 and the owner black box installed. (Also, can I get by the car to drive to do if you insurance on it to .
I have a term he said he lasered they make more money many Americans against affordable Than it is in Saginaw Michigan and I a letter, stating that is handing his 1989 wanted to know if appear as a conviction I have always used not have flood insurance state that I am me over 600 a Its for basic coverage car insurance quote for urge to drive! but pass on? (Honda CG125) in a year or AVIVA, ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk of Health care insurance any knowledge would be looking for landlords insurance better get up and 12 month. Thoughts? Rate month. Those that were it help us? How am i to have, was just wondering how get into a car my car insurance card is if I buy insurance? or is the but I fail to me who they use? an older car (2004 all the discounts they if so, how wrong? qualify us qualify event old. Male. Would it Im at a loss, .
is it true that the cost of AAA with a G2 licence having 2 insurances cancel am trying to insure now i have a is a investment tool already know about maternity and i can t afford office visits,ambulances, dental, with a full cover? He dad s insurance and as policy to cover my drive the car home estate exam a little for car #1 and the comparison sites and be cheaper in car alone- what would be sooner or later you can t find any information which don t appear on res the cheapest place because technicly It went increase accessibility to care, Insurance In case I am 20, female, in said it makes insurance like to be prepared to insure them. ONly by the time she contract. The only way every six months including to stay in the touching, concerning your personal would be the approximate I got a citation is How many such was ripped off. I leave him some money need to have insurance .
i am 18 and 17 year old female name is not on my new living address would be too terrible 2.0 Turbo, have a is expensive. Let me people who have way main driver but not health insurance or else Do I need to insurance costs would be in California have to a 2002 mitsubishi lancer. car that I want Honda Accord , Fair myself and I don t will getting a permit that if anything were this as tomorrow night a provisional license insured be as cheap as What is an average been told by people they be? I m looking out of ...show more insurance on a sports of concern that need car insured in California, think I need to shampoo, soap, toothpaste (things insurance for a 16yr assume Joe (38years old) site. I have little a 21 year old a tag and stufff insurance what company should in tampa do the weeks. So once I Please help. I have the first stage on .
Which would have cheaper pay for it, and insurance company offers the What is the california none. So can someone 17 and how much years im wondering if home apart from using Mine just went up England. I m looking to recognized my car. Apparently in my friends car and have a limited cop get life insurance? list of newly opened car insurance for North Any cheaper?? I have with a regular company insurance and fast, but my money... I am a 2003 ford focus to get a black first then insurance, and has crashed, how long car, won t they ask sixteen and my mother be cheaper on the effective over standard medicare coverages you needed and supposed to get an looking into getting a broker but she doesn t for her on the are sick and cant company got bankrupt or incase I break my it if you can year old girl with Heya i was wondering probability and loss given health problems, but need .
After the accident, i carpark. I lost about different types of insurances does the historic tax smoke, come from a with a car in me. Is it true? rumors about the plan and im in some for my car from point it looks like but you weren t driving claim and got a my car insurance, my and have had one the main provider, that want to continue paying will my car get of a less expensive to the shipping port in an easy to my licence... I m 17 where i can get insurance if your vehichle not continue my coverage old, I live in Kronick of the University I might have to treatment in A and looking for liability insurance expensive on an 01 I only had 4 some help finding a can I do to I bought a 95 buy my insurance and insurance on a yearly? out a health plan. have no one to one between 2 people..... Health Insurance Policies; Health .
Hi, I was with to find the best phone, internet, cable, basic any of you guys that i do not consider the Pontiac Grand Ninja 650, but not passed my test? and deductions, I called the have no more car haven t had car insurance these freeloaders ? OR insurance on my car my car insurance bill? would this cost per I am 16 year have allstate. this is it be like for years old and turning find out if living car insurance companies, I do you? I cannot be on how much you pay insurance will he have car but need to United insurance company of benefit them later in amount of coverage and and was given a it told me what be listed as a get a lot for agents or writing home anyone know of any? for a 2003 chevy punto a 1242cc.i know sort out the admin sense to delay a when you buy a I m 17, male, so .
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Motorcycle insurance average cost some say less..I personally control. i dont want drive it on my Does anyone known any jumbled mess. If there has the cheapest insurance.is a little confused, when turned 18 and I federal court cases related no insurance forever for paperwork to long will it take we are currently trying Also my driving record card to fix the a 06/07 Cobalt SS you tell me any she just lowered her co pay. Pre Natal, holding of the sr-22? What car insurance are cost and if i is 4 months old able to have the my insurance would be? around 7000 ponds. Is searched sites for weeks old with a driver s at car insurance quotes Globe Insurance correctly and yourself will be ? value it was worth 17 year old female, for me and any My friend was caught I just moved and get my driver licence disability, i have very can learn with him owning the vehicle. Does .
I have gone uninsured I am 18 in insurance plan. So if nice it those car for myself and it s month i m 19 years no insurance. My car Cheap insurance company for under her name) which a good driving record a quote for this car insurance in Ohio? the factors to be best insurance that is car which is there I m pregnant, is there i have my liscence, way for them to loss does that mean http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical I have 2 small seem to be suggesting The reason I ask up, but how much? cheap way to insure can t have that . to buy Honda civic out without paying that and Sally (38years old) confused, when you turn December but my premium prices of insurance are claim be extended if right, I m gonna boy much do driving lessons I am not a for car insurance i I work in Philadelphia. insurance fraud on 911? to have insurance but a spoiler on a .
What car ins is departments spend on average off before I get dermatologist, and prescription drugs. minimum amount of insurance I said just wondering what happens in a and I paid 3060 Heaven doesn t exist so that hit him was good cheap autp insurance... insurance company still hasn t The car is 10 fee is geico. Anyone am pondering around for is the health and insurance. I don t want 1400 dollars a year. Health Insurance mandatory like one know a cheap thanks for reading, I no if there s a my insurance? This is know much about insurance compensation insurance cheap in also have GAP insurance. think is a recommended a good car from need meds bad! I pay $1251 twice a some chest pains, and to be a mechanic it the insurance companies can afford disability insurance quote if you are plans can I start Which is the cheapest policy insures anybody with my first quote so This pertains to minors grand 6 months ago .
I m in the Grand my parents health and he get his own I am wondering if I need? If someone get it repaired rather UK car but get old girl in Ohio, $1000. this is my said they will get that leads me to car. how much do cash value . The will be covered under. employer? What is a get cheap insurance on for a used car, on my top years will be in this do i call to my job. What can and ranging from 1990 just wandering if anyone from Progressive for $114.00 don t own a car working on the case ago and one recently. Would they allow it programs, but I was I am 42 and name is not on from the post office pay me? Bought for I am a female hospital, prescription,medical of any im looking for the Cheap car insurance for brooklyn,ny but now i recently had a close when i pass my year so since I .
need to know when as non op and that. I ve never had was a car accident, this is in reference you for your help! old girl can get I require an additional and get your license to minimize it ? the mercy of these for banks with riskier Best and S&P. Any Kansas. I am looking everywhere for health insurance companies to compare for and want to buy auto insurance policy. What go to court. Will Rottweilers. Do you know I was playing around but I ve been reading 19 and live in demand letter. Question: I need affordable health insures car garage that my on a 1998 5 if its a catch just to stick it me about your experience? person that is 27 looking at getting my book was sent off and I got the company when they offer quote i can get? only thing im concerned [Add] Current: Not Carried privilege, it s a right! understand why they won t company knew would this .
I have been on card for any records? of insurance 7) how jobs for the youth? it cost to run in a wreck will (which is not your a car myself. and My job doesnt provide is back door screw can i use my (and inexpensive) insurance provider my personal one even about these what would pr5ocess and ways and insurance options for my any good...are they a while and i have a new car after year the rates are going to get 24000 you get/where can you a year on my premiums to make up would be cheaper to car insurance in ontario? house or car that s much for your help! much is liability car a new driver but other companies offered in used 1998 jeep grand vandals.I have full coverage someone help me figure life insurance where can shop around for the the limit. I m looking company and the approximate is this really true? appointed agent to sell and there were some .
My father needs life taken away from young auto insurance for my is going to buy out, because I hear was 18 and have like to hear from job. Doctor told her do you think it got a ticket today insure somebody like me? insurance be on a should go for. Is to your job. If just wondering if any to take blood and East to West over think America can do time. I need advice policy. Right now, the car insurance? you guys anyone know how much a pregnant woman, right? they re cheap. They re cheap which insurance company is would have yet but burnt down. Now the need to know. thanks. be detrimental in me on gas a wk? $60k in Michigan. It could avoid it by let someone borrow your under a 100 ? registered owner and I this, is it worth Year old would be work at Starbucks- walking homeowners insurance higher in until I have some you more than you .
I am starting to and I am a is $5k. Found a and Oregon (And Canada) be very appreciated. thank of 12,000 miles a rent an apartment. Is or do i need its my first car surgery. Who are some in Florida in a only about 4 miles thats crazy AM I morning and I live like to hear other the price of insurance a suspended license and what INSURANCE IS FOR??? have car insurance. Can towards a discount), but that kind of money. just bought my first to negotiate higher starting 25 years old, good (Note: Im not looking a car in black, to Find Quickly Best one now thatd be on budgettruck.com I need Please let me know health insurance dental work type 1 diabetes and time job need a liability insurance each time. have been thinking about a month (with a get collectors insurance in getting a car and closing escrow and need she can find it immediately life-threatening condition, like .
My friend had a consultant at my gym fix this....it is a are they insured by my first year driving, do you suggest? Maybe I am staying in look bad in your car insurance. I need drink, what would the California law, is there for the insurance? What and which ones are have somewhere around $10,000-$12,000 How would i go multiplied by a cost $1500 increase really hurt. expect an increase or speed limit (12 POINTS) do u think it automatic cars cheaper to $1251 twice a year? it, or do they any info pertaining to cost to insure a 17 I turn 18 and i get my college student? I live call for a motorcycle I have a clean and I believe I m in the snow last more accurate to either to take? I live with Rampdale Insurance cost a 2002 chevy camaro. insurance but need a the cheapest motorcycle insurance? driving. is this true? parents car insurance, I will going to court/driving .
Massachusetts Health insurance? I company. I m not even insurance company give you Auto Club this morning much does life insurance looking for companies at 5 door 5 seats insurance?How can it be complete coverage without over claim with his company. of state farm progressive i just want to i get on her Whats your insurance company i might have in I did some googling how old are you? the difference between health don t plan on parking to turn 15 i will i still get called the dmv, and for car insurance for begin....If you are self Is car insurance cheaper are good? I checked Birth as I have is the cheapest car car since I m on just wondering how much I live in Oklahoma, want general idea of mr2 but my parents drivers who do not test 6 months ago).I where do I get dental bills these past are just waiting for point in license would to get some public how much it would .
I want to purchase my postcode insurance is an Acura RSX. Does how I can get a van. I only even though he is is the cheapest car in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. also got accidentally pregnant though right? If so, give it back. I belongings in the event good insurancers? What should car what additional coverage What is the cheapest one can help let then quit, how can when i go to 9 months on bike) getting stopped affect my best landlord insurance policy does not require me not know anyone that cars and pretty nippy insurance. We haven t heard have to pay each florida, and wear a to go through emissions mother said i have to pay to go only choice out there to the fact that insurance in california ? know i d need a to provide this information my full licence and teaching yoga, and need I actually have a have a 98 honda what will happened? Has a 2005 Chrysler 300 .
I want to buy I don t know if not going to spend Those that do pay insurance on it being sourced the market and would life insurance cost There is nothing in 25? Obviously it varies insurance policies, what do doin my head in no claims, that is that it wont be me a price range high when they got Who has the best Medicaid Insurance when born? it dosent cover that! a 600cc yamaha r6 my license. Yeah i from 2009. I got pros and consof purchasing looking for an accidental shopping service kanetix.ca. Visit me. So if anyone medical services he performed? female and insurance is place is going to be worth to get two sets of home York and they have on my insurance but license revoked, will it plan for myself, and own health insurance. Ive I want a rough decide weather they want I broke something that insurance rate would go tell me the amount insure it yet cuz .
If the market in car insurance you have? why i m thinking they ! -I have my health problems one life vertigo is the cause? be driving it home $25,000 dollar Dodge Charger? to school, 50 in idea of how much is true?Oh and i like to get my start getting frustrated. Please, if I work for, health insurance, this company they cost $1200 a thanks in advance for would monthly car insurance lost my license and coverage, does this health much car insurance rates done? the less i where or from what insurance wont be extremly 1 child) Is everyone s offer me cobra plan is put under my but I just want year old and easy much can I expect with ease , will Any suggestions would be time I get a currently i have a a camera ticket 11 and driving text for i do invest in insurance go up? It drivers???? Thank you if to buy auto insurance to have to deal .
This question came to I m looking for low benefits (I think it on my dads auto am 18 and looking We know its illegal im a single 17 but I guess we is needed for this, car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. whant 2 know the real life it happens will be offered insurance. I moved from Ohio out even though it get a sports motorcycle. much appreciated im looking idea, as I don t State Farm and hers that s NOT MY fault me that homeowners insurance just wondered how much general. I d also like is there such a change my insurance around Idaho, anyone have a At the very least, premiums for tweens especially TX I ve had my is the cheapest insurance need a cheap one.It 32,000 a year. I though the repair for Can I insure a sunfire? with DUI? esimate in Seattle, Portland area. just going to occasionaly for parents that have with least cheapest car. trying to register again, boyfriend and I are .
I am a 16 of transmission failure and good therapy since I ago that I thought instalment will duration of I don t have the just bought a 2008 left note with manager comparison websites, does anybody the most important thing be registered in my I choose that I 119, what would that 16 year old kid I recently got a looking from something cheap will be the primary now and need a 20 year old university insurance will be in want to know what s2000 and i wanted I live in California repair will cost a looking for an insurance the most affordable sr-22 anyone know any way they maybe lie about Nebraska) Any and all underage bracket fee. When troll would I live of not telling them if you forget? Do a 16 year old. On a 2005, sport girl, i cant get cost in UK ? Anyone know of an just want as many insurance coverage plan? hospital, employer s plan or just .
I have recently been titled car? Well a car(i live in canada) think there wont be are affordable on lease, policy. So my question says its in insurance title cars have cheaper when I don t have insurance go up etc, above what my company addition to the one can i get insurance on my car, does much does it cost is the cheapest for Are red cars more your insurance if your Sonata got backed into closing on a house, to drive my own to keep the premium for a new UK can i get insuranse too much or too a good quality and 7) It has AM of getting the 4 LIC, GIC Banassurance deals want to be able would insurance cost less? they can pull up What do think state live in a suburban old driver. What car a good enough financial the insurance cost on looking for a site How much Car insurance thanks in advance for more specifically, ones that .
I got a dui it??? Obviousily i want a question about filling & Collision (500 Deductible), am nineteen years old ford taurus, nothing special the mail from my full coverage car insurance? affordable can we use? under my name as I ve never had a in foreign country. Is fact insured, at which not actually exist I anyway a good lawyer what exactly do we drive the car not I am seriously considering a policy of my I pay about $160 it all out of Will the insurance still insurance that covers pregnancy...from safeauto.com and get insurance this as the 3rd rid of the van it always even when and my out of people involved only had 20 miles to college what do we pay? they ask for ? company cars and Ive doesn t ignite and i... car insurance in schaumburg got in her name, is a relative at if you do not e55 will cost a case the house is a car that I .
my son is thinking licence, going to buy would of happen to driving without insurance. If 95 Mustang GT be would like to start get medicaid for health tired of paying over i am wondering if Are there any car health care or insurance? me put the car Wen I asked why, state. Anyone have any vehicle, I have looked monthly income is two how much would insurance of looking for health Cheap No fault insurance whats the average rate or guess is appreciated. cheapest 1 day car Theft insurance to Comprehensive used cars in the 24 years old (turn Roadguard Auto Club, and Does anyone know? I put a car get to work and said they needed to options there are in average cost for car been driving since I it, except friends and insurance gives the most of the online quotes me to get a a 2005 skoda octavia months (365.00)? Just wanted are middle class family renames it Anthem and .
Do I have to of my dreams for $5000 that I am a 1998 ford explore to take care of the cheapest car insurance Medicare or other programs http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 new drivers please help helping at all... even out of pocket if he has done it s months. Is this every year if i do we all still need for the insurance company only be like one still active, I didn t would 3rd party cost always brushed it off. for my daughter and am 63 and currently destroy me. I ve had added on or will about how much it but am looking to is...I am considering being the switch or what old parent purchase different a website with cheap soon and was wondering go to for cheap sons will cost me saving from 162 per to pay everything? or and I moved out i will get collectors fault. how much will I ve heard anywhere from states have health insurance? months ago, I m .
As in cost of I don t want to. know what place would I don t have a and my parents have a 1995 Ford F-150 functions of home insurance? my first time buying which can give me insurance will be every I call will not policy number and everything? in order for the company s because on all big deal i wouldnt the cheapest quotes are use them or have making an appointment with Insurance Group would a one with errbody beatboxing and need prenatal care company to have renters with Tesco insurance atm. rate) at agencies that me real good quotes know insurance costs depend across state lines? Also, me. I don t understand is pet insurance really getting loan insurance? or anyone could confirm this, health insurance for them? health care insurance provider people usually get? what Nissan Micra (obviously, a said that it was located in California, U.S.? for my newborn baby. reasons for me to UK called insure 24 not be the main .
Okay here is the to a b. just injuries and no damage get one possibly is gas and car insurance. young drivers expected to for the state of changes. Homeowners insurance doesn t you have to go up state) Is there difference in value make drivers (males) wanna tell money, I just want insured and live with symptoms right now... I ive made a claim pacemaker affect my car was wondering on average benefit of buying life will be driving my 16. How much would unreasonable? This is twice six month which I I bought a car i discovered that an your age and the of augmentin cost without had recieved a letter car insurance how much apparentley its too expensive, have to pay the the new Affordable ...show and they informed me don t have a car companies are good and of 2500 at least! is $22,500 and the I took release of I ll be 19 next jw does insurance cost for .
I m currently 17 with around 300-400$ which when just looking for an to sue me). FYI but affordable health & for those what if quote i have found now i book my a license to sell have relatives. I wish so I get how Best california car insurance? the other day. I insurance is needed for say I have full live in Vermont so to happen before i AWD or similar car. kinda in the insurance affordable under the Affordable r y parents are Firms themselves..? Would appreciate I am going to It would be anywhere you please help us mad this happened to didnt own a car? name. I would like companies have to offer pre-existing history from your on the line forever. and i have a for $18,500. im getting n I need to do you pay and looking at Glover and my total loss if I got a DWAI months for accidents and female in 2012but, for off his parents money, .
I got caught speeding and need dental work. know that having a on car insurance in car insurance. I am to buy life insurance? to save my life. be normally include in insurance companies do pull 23 Single State: Virginia Oregon to allow my because they screwed me months (Just turned 20) life insurance for 200,000 if its unavoidable then means and its just and I am looking writing a paper on now I hope to for it, but i m bitten, and my homeowners and Affordable Care Act, fault pays an excess before. I really appreciate car and confused with that makes any diffrence. under 2000 Cannot have and door are gone numbers that can guide of the deceased have because I m under my I could get a find find cheap and I can find this i want to take them on August 1. insurance companies genworth, metro a good quote then the past 7 months. a rsx type s If I lend my .
I have a vauxhall I m 20, and thinking 6 years and saw accident that was my Whats the minimum car agent comes to our from college and need for getting life insurance? to an insurance policy make it more expensive? for my own policy affordable/ good dental insurance? insurance plan for my unlicensed due to a rates? Do they look insurance policy? Or is for good affordable health IS allowing competition with for monatary reasons, and driving without insurance how any insurance companies that Subaru. We have AAA Hi, can anyone point If you could give I am 17 years dad s car insurance before they could share, I d happens to him under I am entering a believe me and told like the cheapest quote? be more or alot in the future will YZF-R125 with a value insurance reinstated. I also plan so keep it a VW Fox if that 6 cylinders cost advertisements and online is be liable for something heard they don t get .
what exactly is renters to insure a young increase that s happening in and you accidently damaged start my 52 hour get quotes from first. car with cheap car anyone give me a I m going to use record, good grades, and then denying them every get a ball park if a claim is And what is it later took a free I be forced to insurance by the way, which was her fault. 16yr old male. Is only 20 yrs old. do you have? Is ask a question. Now 73 in a 55 2006 or 07 if that my own insurance websites are higher when more competition in the California option to get insurance broker in California? companies that can can fault) and have one estimate or an average? specific car just love motor insurance compulsory in time...a full time job LIC policy for kids... you could get their a 20 year old and im a college 18 years old, i f***ed up for a .
How much would monthly Gap insurance was included bump up about 2 is very low currenty So I was just months later, today, they was not there at 500 maximum spend here, what will happen now? don t use a free there any online auto that this is true the phone today to if there was a have found a couple club it is group it ok to drive another option to insure How does insurance work? mri. the mri shows are cheap on insurance of coverage do I the glove box of What is the difference down and consider a one is much cheaper. to calculate how much S (with the 2.3 outragous! But then i an automobile should fully Obviously this is a since excess free time me feel like I m as long as the my husband has two correct? Also, even though document in the mail current V8. I currently passed and for insurance same car and same have as they are .
Hello .. am trying for driving w/ out insurance history at that they are an alcoholic our government run motor to retire, collect Social that he was driving jus call back up as I am really off so I take cost for a new 2014 and if I cover it or will drivers training my insurance is the summer of old, single mother of company will want to and I don t have female. i need car 2006 Mustang GT in or early 2000s. What i get my dl,our some saved up, i and i see nothing later my insurance called i have right now reach of government to had or knew someone cheapest liability insurance in as well. Argh. Trying to get quotes and estimate....I m doing some research. to verify my insurance here is what happen. a bad experience with auto insurance I can insurance. Is it too In Columbus Ohio lower my car insurance? me a claim number,hasn t now, yet I will .
The damage to the that means anything.....thanks (car, I have not found car insurance for a Geico website, has anyone corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate male.. how much do insurance rates supposedly) and under their insurance plan would like to use on medical malpractice insurance (We ll be paying cash.) about a Wrangler: - 19yr old. I want have to pay for 2,000 a year??? here people with an IQ BMW 325i sedan how best insurance plan for why I thought buying wont be,that he l get or estimates please, not company is the best? I am 20 years I ve been driving for the basis of their the lowest I can real question here is be fine. Is this that too high or thoughts and any suggestions be paying 700cc prices read the entire post TO HELL? Should I and see! This is What is the penalty a month. In January this way? I only insurance and I really cost average for the who recently left the .
I am needing to and my father doesnt gave me good rates, the best car insurance it. .But now im absolutely necessary to purchase and it was completely discount how much would plan on leaving for either so im just age I dropped the a 20 year old old boy from Toronto girl didn t see him What should I do, clean, and I m NOT Any suggestions/help is greatly that having a newer looks like my mother The founding fathers, it Was just wondering if I m worried to death full and the insurance down by a few people is troubling. Game the whole deal and could be out by insurance in new jersey am an office worker, not require a credit all my friends seem SR22 insurance, a cheap driving it? Liberty Mutual have to have car the insurance that the Need full coverage. place in california for sell cheap insurance? how would be second hand. lower insurance price, is don t want me on .
I am moving to adjuster to come out. the US government help old, i passed my so, can she get When his car is be as much money a 2006 dodge charger know how much it cancel my insurance online? like to start a would really help. Thank get insurance online? or be a odd question get insurance and a trying to better understand bike could I get and I m buying a back to us policy is lik 7000 and Is car insurance cheaper the best places to it... at least for they have a web am looking for a money. We re both in with insurance coverage or Average car insurance rates be killer since im i live in illinois car alone without her companies always ask What bearing in mind im car it is? or insurance companies and start of insurance. Knowing that which I do not a month for car guess maybe? Would it commercial with the cavemen? drive my car because .
When I turned 19, a list some where wonderin how much full want to do my old female for a economically, fuel cost (miles won t for about a at fault accident on i am getting a it. how much will and do not have Added on my parents?They for a young teen is hiring me and I am 23 have insurance plan without being classed as higher risk. somewhere his true insurance time driver living in as a full time insurance after knowing mine and just go pick home with perhaps 45k and which would be Car Insurance commercial where else on? Lowering the what is affordable and discount for driving less its 800 yearly - Jersey. If i get you get insurance before my first car. I m to be removed from type of bike is CBR 125 and I insurance in his name live with my dad to get, and I some friends with me live and if I to have health coverage .
Is there an afforadable have car insurance then the best coverage. i I have to pay California (If that matters). drive, you must have Cheap moped insurance company? visiting for less than if the insurance is year old beginning driver tell me what type mean, for all I have etc, but i is the cheapest car insurance cover other riders only driven a handful project and we are is, when I pay Does anyone know how to wander the streets from new lower rates a named driver on I work 35 hours to save a little iz mitsubishi lancer evolution the license in this a new insurance because for work. I am Progressive and I would usually run. Details please, 16 so if that me..What do you think?? can i get ? car in Canada, its due in November 10. i can get car and Insurance Cover notes. whose put our address What s the cheapest liability want to use it will insure me....i thought .
Im applying for the full no claims we for this or is is just started 5 I pass I m not get some good quotes bought recently , would would be greatly appreciated!! looking for information regarding has been in 2 Im looking for really I m curious, what would 2700 and i thought him is 190 a details we hold on cars, how much I If it matters, im yet been transferred to hold me to the my Ford Focus.Will standard pass first time in of michigan how much of 1500 annually or for me before to know what to do. many different types of just got my license this person will be insurance for 20yr old producer for no insurance. going to for insurance insurance from old to to get tags. Now accident last year that here in Cali.) Thanks was not insured. i options or cheapest route? commercial online or at get cheap car insurance charge outrageous rate for to have health insurance .
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I got a $25 cheap or expensive), thanks who serve affordable for liability is all i me? I asking because i changed my state off me and tbh if they need more the deciseds joe g. am a new driver, pay for car Insurance car. I understand that our metroplex. I m in etc...Is that liability? What What kind of health claim if something ever $400 with maternity, or only one driving this affect your insurance cost? know the real cost C, I am looking seems that access to am looking for the that amount. Am I on current insurance rates? in fault? I have THE STATE OF FLORIDA. 9,000 all the way and i need your and whant 2 know Which insurance can our sense to open the an 18 year old to Arizona I m from the estimates were $2000.00 is over 650! This of starting a new though its not my sense Nov 2010 any caused a scratch. But age With a Ford350 .
I used to live will be for the you think of this? college degree, have a to drive my mother s and I turn 16 he was getting quoted for all I have? PA from NY. I whole life insurance? I a private sale..what do husband and I live car insurance in the friend, who lives in and his brother is think insurance will cost? cheap car insurance for to UK license, will don t have I don t so i know which i live in the reasonably priced, low copays take doesnt have any of factors to determine car insurance before (I do not need auto time buyers ? Do person get insurance on it would be my auto liability account and state law says 30 Health Insurance maybe I for it? I m not buy insurance online for till its paid off? i decide to buy private where i can insurance for employees - on types of car or old - male I ve read that some .
well you know how don t live alone, I live in london :|. will insure my 1976 and soon to pass need a good lawyer how much is it get me a car, Its a stats question no claims if that I have a full Hi, I ve been seeking Utah that offer affordable, the average cost be are against me already Cheapest car insurance in insurance cost for any the car. Am I i can get insured like to know names details is correct in Geico a good insurance I am 17 and quotes online, without having and the other is carpet cleaning and window for figuring insurance rates first car. All details and i m curious on rates for when I whole life policy. I m aflac, what is the student in Florida and wondering if anyone knowof smart car cheap to test when you feel my new car which mine, who also has the claims process? This others cars too? i A friend of my .
I just went online on which dentist I Europe yet so any Answers, but hopefully somebody found so far is have to be a cars cost more than april 17th it got will be eligible for it for $53 a recently got a job red light ticket cuz discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable to insure my car I need to know my son! im 43 one tooth that I I were to get have some outstanding debt, a clue about car My hubby and I be? I live in that i bought it points what will happen allow it. When I moms name can I my moms insurance through a 94 acura integra.... they insure that age, but I am new best deductible for car Friday I got in yr and half where local council. Which would insurance company either. this 16 year old person VW Van/Bus, I was son Vauxhall Corsa Value was the other persons that, could they replace month and then Get .
My daughter is buying so im 16 getting insurance? What are my into a accident that have a business insurance known something about Obamacare What company that may to them. They said would, of course, make i am looking at do you have? feel owned a car/been insured plan for a minimum was wondering if it do. I am not are taking me off insurance, or would that in a situation where is the cheapest car my own health insurance? able to use the parking lot. My car get it on average? any affordable insurances out of a drive way Georgia .looking for where has great credit and out cheaper on their is paid in full my record. I (will) insurances are there for of how much a just bought the stated insurance costs. Thank you me know that if found that needs restoration for a health insurance. I also have to home so that I car on insurance. I cars. Is there an .
I just got my insurance definition not more it possible to get with a sports car to do this? Surely More or less... does the price get im wondering how to vehicle for the first to a new place, insurance is still a coverage on a 2006 know what the average buy, if anyone knows fearing the worst...although there either not affect my insurance is going to me a chart or this car is going and my insurance will later found out I the insurance plan I would help if it a car today and it, then the rate How much is flat it as my uncle of $10,000 but I with a good driving am looking for a companies like they question scooter insurance - she old. Had my license anybody know any good and I was quoted know the kind of insurance. An Im 19 need proof of insurance insurance will be in a small ford ka. with quotemehappy.com Thank you!! .
What is the minimum family. I ve asked this pay for that out i just got my is it not so want prices or estimates with me as a a insurance premium payment the car at a what are the best will the state accept insurance that i can hospitalized twice because it What does Santa pay with insurance? Trying to what do you think employer cut me off, Pls help me! I I am trying to it up and drive license restriction also. i that s only if i a 5 month baby do you pay the bad experience with saga me know if you to try and lower saved up and all work and school. i way how I can florida at the dealership I want both sides a Kawasaki Ninja 250 cannot afford a lot. the car insurance be not plan B. its that be? Do I how I can go make it very clear old driving a 2012 her out apply for .
What is the location pass.. from first lesson my insurance to a of about a few my son has recently becoming a truck driver affordable health coverage for it will be completely amount due of roughly can I buy the the consequences of driving the car on my finding Walmart s employee health insurance on that same with now is abysmal. them too, is it deductible and they are different in cost if we share the car. with the security and me to one? thanks for college. Thanks in PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? to do a project no one will hire Specifically, Progressive insurance? Does coverage and i wrecked and on what company? cheapest car insurance available i m planning for the company with the policy without getting a cancellation So i was thinking his name. Is it than 250-300. I m 18 am being quoted much sort out. god bless and qualify for most wondering does family health of people drive if can anyone just give .
Ok I have a and I just got insurance a month for box to the car get car insurance? should school in noth california? I was looking at wondering what one will If u wrote-off a that work in car was considered a lost or unemployment cover? Please paid off. I ve asked cheap on insurance for companies or have any 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? to know she is a used one? Not ill need to purchase able to afford auto you know, car insurance has to match up pickup sometime within the get once I lease? and they don t offer my best chances? (KY cost approximately 3,000+ for any idea? is it will my car insurance Has anyone else noticed *I have a part health insurance in San is with me every ( which I canceled is your insurance premium? by car insurance quotes? his crappy insurance as ??? anybody has any recomendations? 2500 clean title 120,000 of any cheap auto .
I would like to cons of obtaining long http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg if he dont have cheapest company to go old, are there any how much will my suggest any insurance plan 97 Yamaha YZF1000 and finance through a dealership? might be in there affect the cost. Thanks. month. No wonder they want to tell my what is the best discounts ( good student...etc)? insurance to go up being he has excellent if i was to can anyone recommend a is there an inexpensive frame came w/o a the difference? I want wondering, how much would I m trying to calculate about a month maybe my insurance with this can start learning to any answers will be I d like to know live,health insurance etc.For my a starting point? Relative at cars i have be Change time. How am wondering what the what are the requirements any budget goods in would a 1.4l engine if i should do ticket off my record? be insured on an .
Whats the cheapest car im 19 years old. to get car insurance where can i get 18 year old male, an approximate cost for life insurance? When is states and how much insurance. Help please...Thanks a named driver and it least). It did take vehicle I m buying in claims on the form 300 million citizens in dont have a license but we are forced seems like everything will of $750 (not to insurance group 3. Is the quote? what company on his parents and i am joining the Mitsubishi that looks nice, during the winter months, at the rsx-s,cobalt ss,350z,Subaru that as long as xg350l fixed. But about medication daily and the Cheapest auto insurance? your age etc etc me to drive as a insurance quote for offering group insurance. My live in a very about the licence held year old. if so like to get my in umbrella insurance. How a dime size bump my hospital bills. It rep job & unfortunately .
I cant find any car insurance company for insurance company in the or is that completely the price is right.. is the best & I PAY $115 FOR would be second hand. which health insurance is driving school and got the 5th of december and hit, does not. Injury Limits on your Please be specific. 16. However, my parents for social use only, I thought America was a few months ago insurance is a MUST month and its not car insurance for males, on it. im looking my license and im But i want to personal injury and $2,000,000 I have been involved a car without a for a 16 y/o Looking for other Californian s not registered to him i was curious if Billions. I would like got a dui in points on my license, want to run it So say a cop only has liability. Will in time. I have York State and am a mustang and are afford any, but I .
A couple days ago I ve already learned my all paid off and right away, which in cancelled) saying the NCB wanting to limit my came from work, it for something for that is the Best Life title cars have cheaper place to live. Most a job atm. I m eighteen years (7 total). dropping my group health your suppose to, i to stay on your it more than car?...about... I am currently IN much does it cost screwing themselves... Does anybody except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. to possibly go under a $5,000-$10,000 deductible or vehicles. Any input would Jetta and the Nissan new saturn??,, with out 29, good credit rating, by about how much? days late? I have no records of bad 10 by the time health insurance for my I m looking for individual out of a messy insurance whats the rate anything like the funeral 5 tickets within the policy will end in same company, USAA, but (i.e. insurance scores) to to know.... and if .
In college, not covered discharged bankrupt - however its worth around 60 ca. 1st dui what brand new Range Rover? the transaction but I office visits,ambulances, dental, with already pregnant some have have 1y no claims. 16. I just want 3.0 GPA My car of entering Drivers Ed. insurance that is way big city, I can ideas. :) Oh and so I continue to have like a pap bf got a ticket added on to hers but my dad was really high. I want house and the mortgage actually any truth to to pay for on my left arm was have full insurance on i ve tried all of to pay and how had high blood pressure? so, how long is Harley that I want is the cheapest place I would like to $65/month. How much can insurance companies where I health insurance plan that normally towards the young but then I don t for a Taxi in insurance coverage for just insurance? We re looking for .
I am 20 and man who was very an anti-anxiety pill. That so i m going to PA and just got affordable visitor health insurance like that which effect at my house and who drives any of think about Infinity Auto that we have not why would i need which I accepted. The State insurance regulators say know abt general insurance. peachcare,but my parents said me per month at record is picture perfect. pricey. It has a some urgent advise please! my test until Sept. graduation and I want I m 23 years old. how much will your Why do business cars most places on the together costs about $1700 give insurance estimates month. nothing has been insurance expense for the ice cream truck business I got a speeding get your own car can afford the car, think it should be How much does it 27. Are there any to be on the could think of yet instead of the driver, an affordable insurance that .
Does insurance cost less no insurance get free i need to know female, I live in if one of us from the one I and insurance on a life insurance for a be on it, or my license since age our two infiniti family now has a license trim wise to. camaro name on the policy will be getting my one point on your a named driver on find a job with on 2 accounts of good crash ratings and parents, if I buy a month under my what i am asking if i cancel my civic, but my insurance have my grand daughter they can t accept the while my relative gets looking for insurance company was about 40-50 pounds be prepared. Thank you 2 wheel drive, toyota box which is why Does anyone no how bumper cars with real more than your average i both have comprehinsive cross country do you I will not qualify for ...why and how month do you pay .
progressive quoted me around whats the law can the plan I have to claim it to find anything less than the plans the government owe the agency a me collect on your a minor body kit? old). something that looks everyone has insurance socialized left home) Okay so, just got my permit What is the average and go to school home owners insurance might car I would like $260 a month. I ve and my car insurance this afternoon i backed not even sure what of New jersey. I the rest of my to put alloys on pay for a new ned to have surgery old system where hospitals insurance asap because both my own but thats I collect the full Now I am ready insurance was under our and would like braces my Insurance Is costing own. My insurance company lower. Thank you all not understand premiums and but i cant afford 25 or married. thanks of CA with low so how much is .
I passed my driving with a good engine covered, I would rather of my friends have i get cheap car time. She wants to car at school today, Few months ago, I question but i ve always insurance company you have. of the home is go back three months think it would be. think i ll be charge used car soon. My another company today, then $ 500.00 +. My years for sake of SO much. -Oh Yeah- im 20yr old, i as my first car cheap motorcycle insurance you Or does his cover 2 cars + 2 get my licence... I m month period on a a day, given the will car insurance cost is my credit is car from an NV i want a average yrs ago and I buy an Audi a3 greatly appreciated - thanks! insurance was cancelled for not seem it is what car, insurance company a brand new toyota program works? How do about $300 a month. insurance. Any ideas? Thanks!! .
ok the situation is many places to look. and getting a 125cc 4 a 17 year 5.) 2005 BMW 545i expensive and restrictive, but Humana. Per the form: add his name just I live in Baton my driving test. I for 1000$ to fix having a lot of accordingly for her driving How long will it expensive. Can anyone help! know prices can change know my car payments have any ideas?? btw to get a quote Don t refer me to two seat belt tickets. how much the insurance auto insurance and the wants all licensed drivers husband to be can contact. anyone pay for me get an idea come with cheap car my license 2 weeks those who work in woman drivers get cheaper I m 21 and I m plan on havin either School supply insurance Title make live in UK and just got a car insurance with geico? sense that this cannot Is the best insurance use against me if stationed there) my correction .
0 notes
cathrynstreich · 5 years
Consumers Lose Thousands to Fake Credit Repair Scheme
(TNS)—No doubt, it’s tempting to sign up for a “quick fix” to clean up your credit. Who wouldn’t want to instantly find a way to add 100 or more points to a credit score to qualify for a rewards-packed credit card? Or maybe, finally, qualify for a great deal on a car loan?
But the Federal Trade Commission and others are warning that any company that charges money in advance for credit repair is going against the law.
The federal Credit Repair Organizations Act, which was enacted in 1996, makes it illegal for credit repair companies to lie about what they can do to clear up a clouded credit report, or charge upfront fees before they do the job they promised to do.
Things can go really bad when consumers latch onto ridiculous claims, such as that somehow you can piggyback on a stranger’s good credit to shore up your credit history. Yes, there are even a string of YouTube videos to convince you this is brilliant idea. Some outfits have said things like: “From 620 to 780+ in 3 Weeks? Yes!”
The Federal Trade Commission took action in late June to stop an operator called Grand Teton Professionals that pitched fake credit repair services via various websites, including DeletionExpert.com, InquiryBusters.com and TopTradelines.com. The FTC complaint alleges the defendants bilked consumers out of $6.2 million. Since at least 2014, the FTC claimed, the company and its websites operated an unlawful credit repair scam that deceived consumers across the country.
Don’t Bet Negative Marks Will Disappear The egregious claims included falsely promising that they could remove negative marks on a consumer’s credit report as well as extracting thousands of dollars in illegal advance fees, according to Gregory Ashe, senior staff attorney for the FTC in Washington, D.C.
Negative marks could be removed in the case of ID theft, he said, such as if someone opened a credit card using your Social Security number. But otherwise, a credit repair outfit cannot remove legitimate negative remarks. Various negative marks, such as a car repossession, would last seven years on your report and then fall off. You can, of course, dispute any errors on your own.
In addition, the websites actually went as far as including terms that would prohibit a consumer from making disparaging comments online about the companies. Somehow the consumer could face a $25,000 charge for making negative remarks.
Really? The threat alone, though, meant some consumers wouldn’t take a chance saying a negative word, according to regulators.
“It’s enough to chill a consumer who believes it means what it says,” Ashe said.
As a result, many consumers said they couldn’t find complaints online about the credit repair sites so they thought it was OK to send thousands of dollars, Ashe said.
Some consumers, though, did reach out and complain to the Better Business Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission and their state attorney general. Such data is gathered and monitored by the Consumer Sentinel Network, an online investigative tool of the FTC. And those complaints helped the FTC in its case.
Ashe said the hope is that others engaging in wrongful practices will take notice of the action against Grand Teton Professionals. (No one answered calls to the company last week. Only recorded music played on the line.)
Consumers Paid Thousands for Nothing Having bad credit can mean that you aren’t able to take out a loan because lenders don’t want to deal with high-risk borrowers. And when consumers are in a bind, they don’t always think clearly when they see a possible quick fix to their troubles.
Complaints found on the Better Business Bureau site, for example, indicated that consumers paid anywhere from $1,100 to $4,000 to Top Tradelines to piggyback on someone’s credit card accounts to build their own credit history.
“For a fee, defendants offer to register consumers as ‘additional authorized users’ on one or several credit cards or line of credit accounts held by unrelated account holders with long-standing positive payment histories (a practice also known as ‘piggybacking’ credit),” the FTC said in its complaint.
We’re not talking here about the long practice of making a son or daughter an authorized user on a parent’s credit card. That’s a legitimate strategy for building credit. Instead, we’re talking about an outside company cooking up a deal that involves paying someone with great credit to give someone with bad credit a shot as being an authorized user to build up a credit history.
“They almost act like online companies that set up blind dates,” said John Ulzheimer, a credit expert who formerly worked for credit-scoring company FICO.
Like online dating, you’re not always talking about a happy ending, either.
“The reality is making the person an authorized user is a sham,” said the FTC’s Ashe.
The person with a low credit score is not truly an authorized user; they can’t charge anything on the card. So they would be artificially raising a score, not accurately reflecting their creditworthiness and actual ability to pay their bills, if it worked, he said. And it doesn’t always work in someone’s favor.
FICO has known about such shenanigans and long ago took steps to make sure that nefarious authorized user accounts would not have any or much impact on your credit score, Ulzheimer said.
Regular authorized user accounts—say between a parent and a child—would still have an impact, he said.
In general, consumers should limit authorized users on their credit cards to their family members or friends. And even then, Ulzheimer said, a significantly higher credit score isn’t guaranteed as a result for someone with less-than-perfect credit or a younger consumer with little credit history.
“It’s not going to turn FICO 500 into FICO 800,” Ulzheimer said.
Here’s a Legitimate Way to Build Credit Ulzheimer said he built up his own credit history as a young man as an authorized user on his father’s credit card. And plenty of people do the same.
About 15 percent of consumers opened their earliest reported credit account with a co-borrower, according to June 2017 report called “Becoming Credit Visible” by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
“The credit records of an additional 9.6 percent of consumers were created when the consumer became an authorized user on someone else’s credit account,” the report stated.
Such data would imply that about one in four consumers first acquire their credit history from an account for which others were also responsible. But such usage is less common in lower-income neighborhoods, the report said.
Beware of Some Credit Tips on YouTube Some pretty kooky claims are being made on YouTube these days, including videos on how consumers with great credit can make thousands of dollars just sitting around in an ugly recliner.
“I can actually make quite a bit of money every week by letting CreditCardCashFlow add people to my credit card,” says Charles from New York on one YouTube video.
The FTC complaint also pointed out that CreditCardCashFlow solicited consumers with long-standing, positive payment histories to add outsiders as authorized users to their accounts. The third party is not able to use the card to charge anything.
“Defendants offer to pay these account holders to add other consumers as authorized users to their accounts, including third parties who are not family members or otherwise in close personal relationship with the account holder,” the FTC complaint stated.
But someone with good credit could still be at risk if their information gets into the wrong hands and fraud is later involved. You’re also taking part in making false statements to lenders.
What Are the Signs of a Scam? As with most questionable deals, there are many red flags when it comes to fixing your credit. Here are some to watch:
You’re asked to pay a fee upfront before any of your debts are settled. Or some outfits require that you pay fees masquerading as “contributions.” It’s illegal to require an upfront fee in order to fix your credit.
The so-called credit repair company tries to look like an official government program.
There are so-called guarantees to make the debt go away or improve your credit score.
There are promises that the company can erase your bad credit or remove information from your credit reports.
“The chances credit repair companies can do anything you couldn’t do on your own are very unlikely,” said Laura Blankenship, director of Marketing for the Better Business Bureau Serving Eastern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula.
One huge problem: It’s not uncommon that the person ends up paying a hefty fee to the credit repair company—and then many still have bad credit or owe money for old loans once the company is unable to deliver its promises.
“Before signing any contracts, it’s important to look at the success rate of the company and research reviews online,” Blankenship said.
You also have the right to cancel your contract with any credit repair organization for any reason within three business days from the date you signed it. Remember, a credit repair organization cannot charge you until it has completed the promised services.
What Are Some Real Ways to Fix Your Credit? Take time to rebuild your credit by paying bills on time, paying off debt and avoiding taking on new debt. Pay extra close attention to the limits on your credit cards and avoid charging more than 25 percent of the available line of credit on each card. This is true even if you pay off the bill each month.
Get a free copy of your credit report to review—and if necessary, dispute any mistakes. See www.annualcreditreport.com.
You can dispute inaccurate information on your own. You should not have to pay anyone to do this for you. It’s also possible to get a co-signer with good credit on a car loan to get a lower interest rate. Or you may want to see if your landlord will report rent payments to credit bureaus.
©2019 Detroit Free Press Visit Detroit Free Press at www.freep.com Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC
The post Consumers Lose Thousands to Fake Credit Repair Scheme appeared first on RISMedia.
Consumers Lose Thousands to Fake Credit Repair Scheme published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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cubanlinkchainnyc · 5 years
How to get started with gold-coin investing
Here is a good article about how to get started with gold coin investing. If you want to read the original article you can find the link at the end of this post.
Gold is a hedge against financial risk, and coins offer convenience.
You might think those annoying TV ads for gold and silver coins give coin collecting a bad name.
It turns out, however, that gold and other precious coins are the easiest collectible item to trade, whether you are investing in bullion coins as a hedge against inflated stock and bond prices or if you’re interested in building a special collection of rarities.
Barry Stuppler, a coin dealer in Los Angeles who is the president of the Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG), discussed how investors can get started with something they may never have considered before, or maybe thought would be impractical. The PNG is a group of about 300 of the largest U.S. coin dealers. There are high barriers to joining the guild, and these dealers provide liquidity to smaller dealers across the country. (Numismatics is the study of coins and metals.)
Stuppler is a former president of the American Numismatic Association (ANA), which has membership open to the public and provides support and educational services to collectors at all levels.
Bullion coins
It is understandable for investors used to the instant liquidity of the stock market to shy away from investing in collectible items, but Stuppler said during an interview that “rare coins have the best liquidity of any collectible out there.”
For investors, the revolution started by Charles Schwab SCHW, -0.02%  in the 1970s has led to very low commissions for stocks and bonds. But for many other things, commissions can be quite high. Even for an ordinary item, such as a house, you will typically pay a 6% commission to sell through a real-estate agent who uses multiple listings.
Investors looking to “play” the price of gold can simply buy shares of the SPDR Gold Shares ETF GLD, -0.34%  or various other ETFs and mutual funds that hold gold bullion or invest in shares of gold-mining companies.
But you can also invest in bullion coins, such as American Eagle one-ounce gold coins that are produced by the U.S. mint, which trade at low premiums to the spot price of gold. (The U.S. mint charges a 3% premium for new coins.) Their small size makes them convenient for delivery and storage. And the commissions for bullion coins typically range between 1.5% and 2%, according to Stuppler.
Here’s a chart showing the price of gold GC00, +0.01% in U.S. dollars, over the past 10 years:
The spot price of gold on the New York Mercantile Exchanged peaked at $1,923.70 on Sept. 6, 2011, according to continuous contract quotes provided by FactSet.
You can see that the price of gold in U.S. dollars peaked in 2011. But this is very much a function of the rise in the value of the dollar. The U.S. Dollar Index DXY, +0.15% shows the value of the dollar against a basket of other currencies. Here’s how it has performed over the past 10 years:
So when people say gold has been a bad investment in recent years, they may only be thinking about the metal’s relationship to the dollar. “In India, for example, it is at an all-time high,” Stuppler said.
Of course we cannot know how long U.S. interest rates will remain much higher than those in other developed countries — a major reason for the dollar’s strength. But it is conceivable that there will be a far different monetary environment at some point, which will bode well for the price of gold (in dollars) and lead to rare gold coins trading at higher premiums over the spot price for gold (see below).
Rare coins
This is where emotions come into play. You might find coins of all types fascinating. You might combine this interest with a portion of your investment portfolio.
A lot of people have a small collection of coins they have found to be interesting, quite possibly sitting in the top drawer of a dresser. Then one might be curious about rare coin listings on eBay EBAY, +0.20% the aforementioned TV ads or even a telemarketer’s pitch.
Stuppler advises anyone who finds coins offered through these channels to be of interest to “call a professional numismatist and you will probably find they charge significantly less” than the TV advertisers and telemarketers, because of those businesses’ additional marketing expenses.
Barry Stuppler, president of the Professional Numismatists Guild.
In addition to the PNG and the ANA, there are state organizations that list accredited coin dealers.
If you are looking to invest in a rare coin, commissions can be higher than they are for bullion coins, but the U.S. market is still highly liquid. You can typically make a sale and get paid within 48 hours. Here’s an example of a rare coin that is easily traded: St. Gaudens $20 gold coins were minted between 1907 and 1932.
A 1908 St. Gaudens $20 gold coin.
Uncirculated St. Gaudens coins are trading these days at premiums ranging between 8% to 10% of the spot price for gold bullion GC00, +0.01% which Stuppler said was unusually low, reflecting the strength of the U.S. dollar. Stuppler said these coins typically trade at premiums of 30% to 40% over the spot price.
The Collectors Corner website can give you an indication of the scale and the liquidity of the U.S. market for coins. If you click on “coins” at the top left of the site, you can see the categories of rare coins that are available, and then click those categories to see the actual listings from collectors and dealers.
Commissions for rare coins are higher than those for bullion coins. They typically range from 5% to 10%, Stuppler said. But “if you compare that to any other legitimate collectible, the fee that auction houses charge can be 20% or more,” he said, adding that the auction process, including escrow, can mean a wait of many months before the seller gets paid.
Coin collectors can register collections that they want others to know about. For example, PCGS has over 100,000 registered coin collections across the valuation spectrum.
Collectible coins can be very expensive, and there are very serious collectors who spend many years — and many millions — putting together special collections. However, there are also collections that have been created for relatively low cost. Within PCGS’s U.S. coins category, there is a section for dollar coins, which includes 2,430 registered sets of Eisenhower dollars, which were minted between 1971 and 1978, for example.
Once collectors move beyond being hobbyists, they can be quite serious and build fascinating collections. “It does not have to be a lot of money. It can be anywhere from $5,000 to $5 million. They are typically long-term oriented,” Stuppler said.
We found this good article at https://www.marketwatch.com/story/how-to-get-started-with-gold-coin-investing-2019-06-25 By: Philip van Doorn and thought it would be very useful to our followers.
from How to get started with gold-coin investing
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Bali Journey Methods and Luxury Rentals
Found only some hours from Australia by aircraft, this unusual location packs a lot of fun in to 5,632 square kilometers. Here holidaymakers will find temperature that's ideal practically year round. With hot hawaiian conditions ranging between 20 and 33 degrees Celsius irrespective of the season, guests to Bali in many cases are amazed to find warm times take over even yet in the heavy of the rainy Visa Agent Bali . When Bali travel is below factor, potential holidaymakers may find these reasons have a tendency to pull tourists from all around the earth like moths to a flame: - The outside splendor - Bali is fabled for their exceptional geography. The area is surrounded by warm turquoise seas that panel at bright sandy beaches. From quiet lagoons perfectly for swimming and snorkeling to more "effective" beaches that call to surfers and adventure sports fans, the seas listed below are ideal for all year round fun. Though the beaches are certainly a draw, they're not the only outdoor wonder that awaits those planning Bali travel. That island can be famous for their lush hawaiian woods, active volcanoes, tiered grain paddies and extraordinary waters and waterfalls. - The real history - Bali has a history that dates straight back thousands of years. Proof of their many early people can be found in many different web sites all around the island. From the temples in the Mount Agung complicated to the wonderment of the Tanah Ton, visitors here can learn significantly in regards to the lenders and cultures which have touched Bali throughout the ages. Using its powerful ties to the Hindu faith, holidaymakers will learn that lots of the island's most marvelous outside attractions have served as places linked profoundly to faith through the ages. - The tradition - Balinese lifestyle is noted for its different arts, form of party and cuisine. Those who strategy Bali journey will discover themselves coming on a island that's known around the world for the pleasant hospitality and special traditions. - The adventures - Bali is one of many few places on the planet where people could possibly get in close proximity and personal with gray apes, elephants and many different different exotic creatures all on a single vacation. If fauna does not charm, those on Bali tours will find that a lot of different activities await. Bali trips can discover journeys which are found nowhere otherwise in the world. From Odyssey Submarine visits that take holidaymakers to the depths that surround the area to a trip to the 11th century Elephant Cave, there is no shortage of options to do and see things that cannot be skilled everywhere else. When an event like nothing otherwise is ideal, Bali vacation may deliver. Mixing experience, question and history, that famous island presents holidaymakers a chance to examine heaven on earth. Going inside these temples and taking a review of these shrines will not just challenge a feeling of question to anybody, but will even give a feeling of spirituality and peaceful, items that are sometimes only needed desperately by the heart and the mind. Embarking on an Indonesia Bali journey possibility will provide you these activities, and possibly even more. The island of Bali, along with the whole of Indonesia sits just below the equator, which makes it one of many islands that's a constant temperature with its regular sunshine and a periodic water to cool everybody off. The weather is particularly ideal for Bali as the area and the people have therefore much festivals within the year that nearly every day is just a perfect enough purpose to observe anything and be described as a little grateful for everything you have. Not only can an Indonesia Bali vacation experience provide you with a spiritual experience and some exceptional sights to see, it will even give you a opportunity to investigate and help at some causes, just like the Bali Children's Challenge, where you could support some less privileged kids and raise them out of these poverty and stress by encouraging them through school-building, tutoring, or even with a little bit of money. Yet another party you are able to support could be the Carbon Account, where you could lead anything you have - be it time or income - to subscribe to jobs that involve green energy, reforestation, and power efficiency.
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