#you cant even call it a one-shot since its so short ahah
sweeteastart · 2 years
Ahaha im already so late on this challenge but let's keep going ! The second list is still @amyhayanora 's so check her out if you have time ✨
Day 4 - Friendship / Dawn
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In the tranquil streets of Daybreak Town, bits and pieces of an excited conversation could be heard. A high, speedy voice described an event - the fight that happened prior in the day- loudly .
Anis was - as always - a ball of energy. Lively sentences were thrown in the air as his two closest friends we're listening to his story. Thought it was one they were used to hearing - another fight that occurred on this day like many others - both were laughing wholeheartedly.
The teenager had this way of speaking, of explaining even the most boring thing in a way that made it interesting. Not only interesting, he had a cleaver tongue that always bring out the fun in any story.
Truly, Strelitzia and Faey never went a day without smiling when the boy was with them.
Day 5 - Dragon / Memory
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" And you, Myrti, do you have an memory from your teenage years ?" Asked Kairi, twisting around. The position looked uncomfortable as she tried to look up to her as she stayed sat on the ground.
The women in her twenties hummed as she tried to remember. Her memory was still a bit foggy since became a somebody again. Someone nudged her in the side, gently drawing her attention. Elrena who sat close to her smiled largely. She clearly thought of something. That mischievous grin, Myrti knew it all too well.
The moment the simple word "dragon" left her mouth, Myrti understood. Her face turned a pink-ish tint before she could bury it into her hands. Ahhh.... She remembered. Thought, she wished she didn't.
"Dragon ?" Asked Alex with a strange glow in his eyes.
"Well when we were still young, Myrti, me and Lauriam used to be in a unit. We would go around the worlds to gather lux for our Union. Well, we were young and rather stupid. It's not too surprising that despite the olders members of the Union warnings we tried to fight Maleficent."
Elrena started to laugh at the memory -and Myrti's now bright red face-. The younger keyblade wielders winced at the mention of the woman. They could already picture how much the three unexperienced wielders would have been oblirated by her.
"When I tell you we barely managed to knock her out and ran like crazy..." She laughed again. The blond woman could easily remember Myrti's face after they had run for their lives. "It was magnificent. You should have seen Myrti's face. We ran like crazy and turned a bright red by the time we were back in Daybreak Town. And our master... " She couldn't continue as she went into a fit of laughter. "... She was so mad yet kind."
"We were so stupid... " Sighed Myrti. A grin was making its way on her face.
Elrena let out another laugh before peering into the other's eyes "Yeah but it makes for a good memory."
Day 6 - Scars / Sleep
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For as long as they could remember, sleep never came easy to them. Short or plainly sleepless nights were all Pêche could manage. Now -more than ever- they couldn't breeze through it in one go at all. Time after time, they would wake up in cold sweat, the covers sticking to their skin.
Slowly and painfully, they straightened up each time. Their skin was on fire, each of their scars burning them to their deepest part. Unconsciously trying to make them remember their story, the hurt behind each.
It filled their minds with worries. Worries that made them anxious. Reevaluate their decisions and actions. Convincing them the tranquility and quiet of the nights would disappear. Only to throw them back into the loud, painful cacophony of the day.
And so sleep remained out of their reach. So very close but always one inch too far. Each time they sat and looked out the window, to the large and shining moon, hoping the exhaustion would finally catch up. Maybe -when they would finally succumb to it- they would be able to have one or two more hours of sleep.
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