sweeteastart · 4 months
Tell me about "Soup"!
Also if you want to share a drawing WIP too, they have one for those floating around. <3
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Before anything else, I must admit, Soup is quite literally a GUY. I also have very little of the way of snippets for him as I'm still fleshing out exactly where I want to start off.
Soup is the hero of soup I created with the cursed link generator by @gaylactic-fire
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He was supposed to be a silly guy having silly adventures but I have no chill so...
I created a whole plot spanning 18 years with political conflicts, a assortment of new monsters, betrayal, a continent wide war, corruption and possession
For Soup :)) The hero of Soup :)
If I sat there and yapped about all the numerous twist and turns of Soup's story, we would be there for hours @lennsart would know, they really had to go listen to all that insanity
Soo for now I'll give you the nice and simple with some more character design and nicknames !!
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I present to you this universe Zelda, Ganondorf and OTHER LINK. Yes, you read that right. The adventures of Soup started with two childhood friends named Link going on an adventure what could possibly go wronng ? Every single thing went wrong
Before I even thought of putting any of those guys in LU which I ultimately did because the brainrot for both was so deep I gave them some nicknames for convenience sake !!
A little bit about each of them :
Soup is a playful guy. Friendly and energetic, he avoids any kind of battle like the plague. It is quite impressive how he slivers his way out of conflict, disappearing in the blink of the eye. Though he is of good company, the twenty year old farmer has nothing to his name. Given he has never had any money in his pockets, it's no wonder he became a pro at evading scornful enemies.
Wine is a full on warlord. She leads her country with an iron first ever since nobles tried to overthrow her family in her very early twenties. Years of corruption and a kingdom on its knees from evil taking over froze her over. She is rather cold but an impartial ruler. Impa helped her decipher and utilise Sheika technology to prevent the fall of Hyrule.
Whiskey isn't the big bad guy™ here. There is some lore behind it. He does remember Demise's previous iteration but it's distant and feels like another person's memories and wants. He is actually a pretty chill guy. Actually, with Wine, he was one of Soup's must-trusted companions during his second quest to save Hyrule.
Land is an energetic and headstrong child. If Soup wasn't his voice of reason, he would be long dead. Always running head first into trouble and monsters, it's a wonder he is still in one piece. He holds half of the triforce like Soup but he is the one that uses Fi most of the time. She resonated much more with him rather than the young careful almost fearful demeanor of Soup.
That's what I'll say for now has some more people asked about the boy !! I hope it's not disappointing lmao he is my silly boy who has the most specific hobby in the world : Soup
About the WIP !
I don't have a lot around as I have the LU/Zelda juice running hard in me and I finish most of my art but here's my current sketch of a Fierce Deity Mermaid illustration
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It's SUPER SUPER rough but that's like my first sketch sooooo I hope it's interesting !!
Thank you for the ask ♪♪♪♪
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sweeteastart · 4 months
I know the titles sound profound and all, but there is also soup and now I wanna know about soup !
But also, Drawing circles intrigues me a lot !!
Ohhhh I put off responding to this ask for so long sorry i got really shy and got stuck in my head for a moment--
First of all !! Have some more Soup content !! 🍲
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I still don't have any good writing for the boy but have a WIP oh him beint absolutely gorgeous as always. I already hear you say : who's that kid in his arms ? Welllll
Surprise ! Soup has a three year old daughter when he meets the Chain when he's 25 years old. I don't want to reveal quite yet who's the mother. What I'm gonna say is : Soup had an arranged marriage with some nobility in his very early twenties and had Lila soon after.
Currently, she isn't residing with either of her parents as Hyrule (the capital and the country) is dangerous for her to stay in. The kid lives with close friends of Soup from his adventurous years and he visits her as much as he can :D
Drawing Circles
The first writing centric WIP I was asked about ! I'm literally so excited but deathly afraid of sharing my writing in any capacity so be nice to me that's also the very first draft of one scene I'm sorry
The TW in hashtags are about this fic !! Beware of that before reading that snippet please.
To put some context around that tid bit : The story revolved around a time loop where only Sky remembers the previous loops. In each one, an unknown entity seemed to pull the string and kill the chain one by one in a predefined pattern. Each time Sky is killed, he comes back to square one. By the time of this snippet, he has seen and experienced very nasty moments which is why mentally he isn't coping well !!
TLDR : Sky is getting his shit wrecked in a time loop where he sees and is killed again and again :)) (I love writing gut wrenching angst I'm sorry--)
Here comes nothing~
"The first sense he regained was always the same. Touch. The hero felt the rugged linen of his bedroll under his fingertips.
Second was smell. The deep scent of burning wood tinged his nose.
Third was hearing. Only the quiet songs of insects broke the all encompassing silence of the woods.
Fourth was taste. The lingering taste of blood and sour potion spread across his taste bud.
That… wasn’t normal.
He suddenly opened his eyes. Only a sky full to the brim with stars and trees shadows responded by its calm infinity to the man. Moved by a sudden surge of energy, he stood up straight as an arrow in his bed. Eyes still glued to the enigma that was the ink black sky.
It was night. The moon was smirking high in the sky but…. It never did before. It had always been day. Dawn. Five in the morning exactly. Always the same day at the exact same time.
His eyes fell back. Lost in a sea of confusion, the chosen one took a long time before understanding what was before him. Drenched in deep shadows was the campfire and…. all his brothers. Sitting. Here. Seemingly startled in the middle of a discussion. All his brothers.
He looked at Hyrule. The brown haired kid looked back at him with a weak smile. Just after this action he averted his eyes. Away from him. Straight to the dirt. Then the hero of the Sky saw a glint reflecting the light of the fire. Steel against the dark.
Immediately Sky looked around him in search of his own sword.
“Whoah ! Whoah !” tried Warriors with a rushed sword. Strangely his tone was soft yet worried. A worry Sky had never been on the receiving end of. “Don’t move so much ! Your wound might re-open !”
….. Wound ?
That’s only then he truly felt the burning, tremendous amount of pain his neck was in. It felt like a bag of bricks fell down on his shoulders. He slouched forwards, hands holding his neck.
Sky didn’t go back to day 1. Fi was nowhere near him. The sky was this treacherous black hue. Eyes glued to the grass enveloped in harsh shadows, he stayed dead silent.
He had been…. saved ?
“... Sky ?” The old man called to him. The chosen one didn't even register the word nor that he was the one it directed to.
He smiled. His brothers had saved him. His smile widened even more. They must have done everything in their power to bring him back. A snicker rolled higher and higher in his throat. Despite their efforts to save him, someone had taken hold of Fi. By now, a distorted, devoid of happiness, small laugh was breaching his lips. Twilight must have seen it. Tonitruous, painful fit of laughter took hold of all his body.
Oh… Kind and helpful brothers of his… who ended up afflicting such a tragic agony to the one they wanted to protect.
A voice.
A voice was calling his name. He didn’t listen. He couldn’t listen. He was past comprehension and rationality. He couldn’t process anything else but unbound kindness and painful ignorance. Neither of which he could truly be mad at. So he clawned at the dirt by his bedroll. Like it had wronged him. Like it was the all encompassing reason for his pain. Like it was at fault for this endless hellish loop.
And he laughed. Laughed a deeply unhappy laugh. He did so with so much resolve. So much perseverance because for weeks he hadn’t been able to. Because after weeks of this never ending hell, there was no end in sight. A hell in which, even the sweet release of death was refused to him.
Arms held him away from battered and beating dirt that had the unluckiness of being by his side. A high-pitched noise escaped his mouth. He saw without seeing multiple people around him. Shapes and shadows stretching from the dim light of the campfire to the abyss of the night.
“I can’t do it anymore…” he croaked in between two giggles. By now it could barely be described as such. Maybe sobs would have been closer to the truth. Even then, it sounded barely human. Eternally doomed and animalistic. Hands cupped his face. Big and rugged. Heavy too. His eyes searched too long before falling on one single blue iris looking back to him. Not only worried. Scared. Panicked…. Knowing of a truth even he didn’t. Soon he saw his lips. They were moving but making no sounds. Or….were they ? Was it the lips that didn’t produce sounds or he who couldn’t hear them.
The fingers of the hands around his cheeks tensed. And he knew. Something in him knew it had been the latter. So he tried to concentrate. Over the physical and mental anguish and devastation of a failed restart.
“...ky…” he half-guessed, half-heard. “Foc… us … Me.”
Focus me.
Focus on me.
And he did. He tried. His mind was a bottomless lake he couldn’t swim back up from. It was trying to drag him down. Down into the depths. He fought the grief. He fought off the need to close back his eyes and forget all about it.
“.. Me. “ it was pressing. “Please focus… Sky.” more words stuck to his brain. He needed time to understand them but they were starting to make sense."
AND THATS ALL I GOT FOR NOW-- That little bit of text made me soooo anxious for days but it's not as awful as I remember--
I got so worked up for not much lmao I hope you weren't too jumpscared by the angst my dear friend lmao I've had the idea for this fic for quite some times so I'm happy to share it
Thanks for the ask ♪♪♪♪
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sweeteastart · 1 year
Day 6 - One choice, New Life
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Here's Peche's turn ! I've wanted to illustrate the day Poppy and Daisy (the darkness and light part of Peche) promised each other that no matter they fate, they should protect Sora, Riku and Kairi even it meant sacrificing themselves.
Even after their reunification and Peche's new life as one person, they still continued to follow this promise. Really, during their time in the organisation and after it, it was one of the only thing they could hold on to to get throught it.
Soooo here's day 6 on day 7 ahah I don't think I'll be able to get day 7 ready either for today or tommorow unfortunately. I'll give it my best effort and hope to end it the day after tomorrow if it's alright ahah
For those who have finished this khocweek, congrats ! Seeing everyone's art and ocs is always a huge blast and I absolutely love it ! I hope to be able to participate in the event next year too 💜✨
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sweeteastart · 1 year
Day 4 - Alternative Universe
Blue Island AU
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Welp, it got dark all of a sudden.
So, to explain this piece a bit : I've been working on an AU for quite while now named Blue Island. To put it simply it's a kinda a remix of magical girls and kh together with a tad or realism as you can see. Designing the magical girls clothes all the while keeping the spirit of each character original ones was tough but gratifying !
For this piece I really wanted to illustrate the vibe of "oh we are in trouble. Huge trouble". In this AU, Sora, Riku and Kairi are pushed into this new world of being protectors of light without much training sooo... Let's just say the first few fights aren't pretty. I hope it's not too graphic I tried to keep it down
Vampire AU
They looked at each other without really seeing. Eyes locked yet blind. Deep inside, numerous feelings were eating at both of the woman. Old, crumbled up memories crashed against each other in a silent cacophony.
Myrti was out of words. Out of ways to express everything. Larxene was too full of questions. All of them rushing to her head all at once, making it impossible to ask any. So they continued to look at the other. Like a stranger. Like a lover. Like a foe.
Everything rang true yet one was oblivious to the truth and the other refused to give it. And the blond vampire, truly, deeply wanted answers. To put reasons being the angry and vengeful actions of Myrti. To have a sentence -even a single word- to respond to the numerous "why" that had kept repeating in her head over the last years.
She opened her mouth. To say it. Say her piece. Or maybe just something. Anything. Anything that could break the silence and hatred. But the young woman before her didn't let her. With neither words nor action. Only her eyes.
The blond didn't remember the before. Before being Larxene, she was nothing -or at least that's what her inexistent memories told her-. Before being a vampire, for her, she didn't exist as a human. All this time, she reasoned herself.
"why care about it ? I don't remember it anyways."
Surely if she had been loved, if she had been cared about, someone would have looked for her... And no one came.
Looking back, it sure was a stupid way to think. A way of coping. Of not regretting. Of not staying stuck in the eternal loop of searching for the ghosts of those she didn't know about. Really, all she ever did was blinding herself. Turning away and running the furthest away from any possible problems.
Sure, she lived to the fullest. A life of excess and joy, the life of a creature of the night. She did as she wanted without a care and never did she regretted it. Not for a second. Not until she met her.
All along, she knew. She knew they were entangled one way or another. There was this pull, this mysterious invisible thread that always lead her back to Myrti. Yet she didn't question it. She didn't question the hate. The bitterness. The plain and obvious hurt. The blond covered her eyes. She played dumb. Just as she ignored the clear consequences of her past actions -even if she didn't remember them-, she also decided to not acknowledge her eyes.
The eyes she now gazed into. Full of pain, agonising loathing and regrets. She saw it. She saw for the first time the full extent of it. From the flamming hate... to the burning love. The care. Even the affection she tried to deny seeing in the other vampire.
Myrthi both loved her and hated her. One as destructive as the other. Both consuming her in every actions she took until now. And Larxene knew. Understood. She had to accept : she was the catalyst of all of it.
And that's it for today ! I hope it was nice to look and read ! Today's is pretty grim/angsty but zhwt can I say ? That's my jam !
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sweeteastart · 1 year
Day 1 - Instructions (2/2)
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Oh what would be my Khocweek without my sweet gurl Sika ?
Sika is new Keyblade master. She achieved this titled not without a fight as her fellow students either failed or unfortunately passed. Her grief is interrupted by the sudden crash of a boy on her isolated world. Sora will become unknowingly from this day forward the best and worst thing that ever happened to the teenager.
Whoah I'm so happy my girl is here again this year ahah love her so much !
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And here's my biggest surprise of them all : A New oc as appeared ! Well, Myrti isn't a new oc per say (she is about as old as Peche) however, this is my first KHOCWEEK with her ! Sooo I'm super excited ahah
Myrti was just another wielder in Daybreak Town. Just another kid doing their best to get through the lux collection in one piece. That was until she met them : Elrena and Lauriam. Three teenager, much like her, but that would change her fate forever. Not only did she join the dandelions, but by some ill fated destiny also the organisation. Even in their amnesic state, Myrti felt it. The connection. The echoes of an old feeling. The memory of long forgotten promises.
And that's it for today ! Again, I overdid it ahah but I can't help it ! The @khoc-week is my precious moment of the year and I'm ecstatic to celebrate it with everyone again in 2023 !! Thanks to the admins for their work and good luck to everyone ahah
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sweeteastart · 1 year
Day 3 - Lover/Friends
Bunny and Anis
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Suprise ! Here's not only Bunny and Anis but also their families ! When I saw the lover prompt/friend prompt I thought of this piece right away.
A bit about it : Bunny and Ephemer aren't in Scala And Caelum. Why ? Well, even after founding the infamous town along side Ephemer, Bunny remained hellbent on one day finding her brother. She couldn't picture her life continuing without him by her side. In her desperate quest to found him, she managed to built a machine ressembling the one in Daybreak town. However, upon activating it, the machine malfunctioned and both Bunny and Ephemer were sucked into a portal.
Both of them ended up in a small costal town on an unknown world. Thought the goal of finding Anis went nowhere, Bunny started to strongly believe it wasn't a coincidence and that one day they would be reunited.
For Anis, he went the being reborn route and was born in Scala ad Caelum two generation before Xehanort was born. He also longed to find his sister again but no effort of his manage to draw him closer to her. His hopes were crushed further when he learned of the founder of the world (aka Ephemer and Bunny) and he decided to continue to live his life.
Both twins, even if they grew and had their own family, felt the eternal emptiness of not being together. This feeling making a good news and important events all the more bittersweet.
I may be cruel to them but do not fear, after some more time travel shenanigans they find each other again. Well they both are in their early fourty by this point but better late than never !
A soft breeze kissed her cheeks softly. Salt and rain floated in the rain. The usual on a costal town like her's. It brewed and grew like the tides. A usual tradition of pulling and letting go that belonged to this place. Her home.
The teen opened her eyes after a moment. The waves greeted her gaze as soon as she did. Late rays of the setting sun floated above the sea, embracing it's soft and unpredictable whims.
She felt truly at peace, sitting still on the high above rocks that dominated this showcase of nature. The young Keyblade wielder didn't mind waiting if she could appreciate the spectacle. Truly, she knew it by heart at this point. It was her's to witness everyday since she born. Yet she never found it boring. Nothing rivaled with it. Well nothing except one.. or two things.
As she formulated this thought, she turned towards the entrance of the bay. The sun may have been low in the sky, her heart could recognize those two from miles away. Two sides of coin : one a blinding light, the other a deep void. Ventus was the first to wave at her, Vanitas acknowledging Mikana with all but a small hand movement.
Once two sides of a heart, now two diametrally different individuals. So very different yet equally charming. Her myosotis gaze softened, her lips stretching into a small smile. She couldn't quite describe what she was feeling. A liking ? A need to protect ? Just affection ? Not a clue.
Being able to be in their lives just felt ... Right. It felt safe, it felt calming to be with them. A warm feeling was the only way she could accurately describe it. And maybe that was enough. Maybe, for now, she could take all the time she needed to sort out the knotted ball of feeling. However for now, it didn't matter.
It could wait. Wait for her to accept whatever had started to grow in her chest. Once it would have flowered however, she wouldn't be able to ignore it.
And that's it for today ! I have to say, I'm having a blast both drawing and writing for this week ! I know my writings are a bit short but ahah I'm a bit out of time so it will do !
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sweeteastart · 1 year
Day 1 - Instructions (1/2)
Hiii I'm back this year again with my OCS for the @khoc-week ! I have to say, it's my yearly tradition now ahah it's always so fun to do. Hold and behold my beautiful OCS for this year :
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Surprise ! Anis is back this year ✨ I'll mostly draw him along side his twin, Bunny, but he deserve a brand new character sheet !
To extend a bit the sheet : post khux, Anis ended up in Scala and Caelum. He started a family all the while continuing his path as a wielder and ultimately a wise master. However, fate wasn't so kin and he was given a task in his older years : taking care of a child said to be the bringer of light. We love some mysterious shenanigans here. The kid is Xehanort imo ahah
Anis is mostly a khux oc but I explored his future a bit more since last time ! It's mostly time travelling shenanigans its mostly silly and fun ngl but I love it
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Talking about this lady ! Here's Bunny !
Bunny mainly follows the player's story throughout khux. The small BIG difference is that she enters a pod alongside Ephemer and doesn't sacrifice herself. She ends up stranded along side the teenager in the ruin of the once beloved Daybreak town.
As the years tick by, one thing is for sure for the couple : Rebuilding a city is easy but letting go of the past isn't so. Tin tin tiinnnn. We love time travelling silliness in this house so yeah, they are going to time travel for sure. I'm spoiling it lmao but I had to do so much mental gymnastic to make it work
Bunny's was my character in Khux when it was still running. She would have stayed this way if not for the KHOCWEEK !
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Without any surprise there, Mikana will also be present again this year ! I just can't leave my first keykid behind.
I won't lie, Mikana's canon story as always been VERY murky in my head. I'm not quite sure of a lot of the element ngl. Soooo, she is a child who grew up in a costal town along side her parents, Bunny and Ephemer, and her older Sister Sakore told you there was tile travel shenanigans. The rest is a work in progress ahah I have ideas but for now it's a melting pot of uncertainty.
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Pêche's also back ! So happy to draw them again this year !
My dear Peche ! Ah, their story is a hell of ride the ones who read it last year know it well. To put it simply, Pêche was named Piry before. She was the adopted daughter of Eraqus and Xehanort before Aqua and Terra were born.
As years went by, Xehanort became more and more overtaken by darkness and she was given the Ventus/Vanitas treatment by Xehanort before the boys. Except... it wasn't a great success. The part weren't really as clearly Light/Darkness and we're ultimately a failure. So to try to make it better and on the off chance they could still summon the Xblade. Again, it somehow worked but was on all other aspects a complete failure.
From all those heart experiment, all that was left was a apathetic yet competent fighter who is known as Peche. A very cold and of little word person who seems to know more than they let on.
Unfortunately Tumblr doesn't let me show any more of my kids for this year in this post so I'll do a second part to show them off right away ! I hope the new more info driven sheets are readable ahah I'm a novice in design
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sweeteastart · 1 year
Day 5 - Remember
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Tada ! Here's Myrti's family from back in Daybreak town !
First of all, yes, it is indeed Ava on the couch ! In Myrti's story she is the oldest of the three sister. Myrti is the second and Frai is the youngest. I've had this idea for her for so long but never had the chance to present it ahah
So, even if Ava is Myrti's older sister and has taken on the parental role after their parents passing, not many people know of their ties. Except the foreteller and Mom nobody knows they are family and they present themself as master/member of the vulpes union.
For today, sadly no writing ahah I'm already behind and I'm preparing something big for the seventh day soooo, another time ahah
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sweeteastart · 1 year
Day 2 - New World
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Who's this but my girl Sika ! A bit about this drawing :
Sika is a very free spirited and adventurous teen. She loves to ran right into the unknown without looking back. With this joyful but impulsive personality of her's, who else than Terra could ground her yet still let her enjoy the experience ?
I can easily picture Sika insisting they land on Lilo's and Stitch world to see the beautiful scenery. Terra obviously would end up folding because he relates to her sheltered childhood and wants her to experience new thing.
This piece was quite a challenge for me as I never ventured to drawing lilo and stitch before ahah
The routine of the Vulpes union was all around rather boring for teenagers : taking note of the day's mission, going into some world they already visited hundreds of times before, collecting the bare minimum of lux and going back home black and blue from the fights against various heartless. Bunny couldn't say she hated it.
After all, once in a while, she could team up with her brother or friends. It was always fun to spend time with either even if the whole fighting for her life part wasn't the most relaxing. She felt stuck in a way in this rut, this ever ending circle that never stopped. For years now she has led this existence. The girl wasn't even fifteen and she already felt bored of the responsibilities and expectations everyone had of her.
Walking down a flowery path, she couldn't help but glance at her surroundings. This forest was simply breathtaking. Greenery upon greenery grew out of control, savage yet surreal in its beauty. She wondered when was the last time she came about such a beautiful world before. In the little time she had been exploring, she had seen numerous sceneries. Most were gorgeous… Well, really, all of them were for a child who grew up in a small coastal town.
Her eyes followed the tree seams, the grass paths, the little leaves falling from the sky. She was hypnotized. The nature was calm, birds singing far away. A new and foreign place. That's when she heard it. The splash of water. The slight rustling of someone nearby.
Her instincts kicked in before she even thought about it. Silently, heels barely touching the dirt, she moved towards the sounds. She had nailed the silent walk a while back. It was always a blessing to take vermin by surprise. It also made the job easier when she ran into trouble.
Before she saw her, her voice blessed her ears. The voice of an angel. Loud and clear, a song coming straight from a pure heart.
Jet black hair, as deep as crown feathers. It draped around her fair skin and round face like water. A soft face, smooth like a baby. Long ink coloured lashes stretched out to the infinity just on top of her deep eyes. It was like staring at the night sky during a new moon. The light twinkled in her big, doe eyes as she gazed toward Bunny.
If she didn't know any better, the Keyblade wielder would have thought of her as a goddess who descended straight to earth. Naively, unaware of the danger of a stranger suddenly appearing, the kid smiled largely.
"Hi" she said, a hand still in the river's cold water. "Who might you be ?"
For a moment, Bunny didn't know what to say. So she didn't. She opened then shut her mouth numerous times before words finally came to her. "Bunny"
It was all she could muster yet the girl who looked barely thirteen laughed. Not in a locking way but a loving way. Only with that, this little thing, the wielder knew she wanted to protect this smile.
"Happy to meet you, Bunny. My name's Snow white."
And there's my day 2 ! Soo I decided to do two character per day for this year one with an illustration and one with a little text ! I hope it's now too terrible ahah sorry if the text wonky, it was pretty much a last moment addition and English isn't my first language
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sweeteastart · 1 year
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sweeteastart · 1 year
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In a silly little mood
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sweeteastart · 1 year
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Some made up parents for your enjoyment ✨
Roana is Kairi's mom I created for an AU and Elione is Kairi's and Nam's step dad. Their family situation is A MESS but I won't get into details.
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sweeteastart · 2 years
Ahaha im already so late on this challenge but let's keep going ! The second list is still @amyhayanora 's so check her out if you have time ✨
Day 4 - Friendship / Dawn
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In the tranquil streets of Daybreak Town, bits and pieces of an excited conversation could be heard. A high, speedy voice described an event - the fight that happened prior in the day- loudly .
Anis was - as always - a ball of energy. Lively sentences were thrown in the air as his two closest friends we're listening to his story. Thought it was one they were used to hearing - another fight that occurred on this day like many others - both were laughing wholeheartedly.
The teenager had this way of speaking, of explaining even the most boring thing in a way that made it interesting. Not only interesting, he had a cleaver tongue that always bring out the fun in any story.
Truly, Strelitzia and Faey never went a day without smiling when the boy was with them.
Day 5 - Dragon / Memory
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" And you, Myrti, do you have an memory from your teenage years ?" Asked Kairi, twisting around. The position looked uncomfortable as she tried to look up to her as she stayed sat on the ground.
The women in her twenties hummed as she tried to remember. Her memory was still a bit foggy since became a somebody again. Someone nudged her in the side, gently drawing her attention. Elrena who sat close to her smiled largely. She clearly thought of something. That mischievous grin, Myrti knew it all too well.
The moment the simple word "dragon" left her mouth, Myrti understood. Her face turned a pink-ish tint before she could bury it into her hands. Ahhh.... She remembered. Thought, she wished she didn't.
"Dragon ?" Asked Alex with a strange glow in his eyes.
"Well when we were still young, Myrti, me and Lauriam used to be in a unit. We would go around the worlds to gather lux for our Union. Well, we were young and rather stupid. It's not too surprising that despite the olders members of the Union warnings we tried to fight Maleficent."
Elrena started to laugh at the memory -and Myrti's now bright red face-. The younger keyblade wielders winced at the mention of the woman. They could already picture how much the three unexperienced wielders would have been oblirated by her.
"When I tell you we barely managed to knock her out and ran like crazy..." She laughed again. The blond woman could easily remember Myrti's face after they had run for their lives. "It was magnificent. You should have seen Myrti's face. We ran like crazy and turned a bright red by the time we were back in Daybreak Town. And our master... " She couldn't continue as she went into a fit of laughter. "... She was so mad yet kind."
"We were so stupid... " Sighed Myrti. A grin was making its way on her face.
Elrena let out another laugh before peering into the other's eyes "Yeah but it makes for a good memory."
Day 6 - Scars / Sleep
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For as long as they could remember, sleep never came easy to them. Short or plainly sleepless nights were all Pêche could manage. Now -more than ever- they couldn't breeze through it in one go at all. Time after time, they would wake up in cold sweat, the covers sticking to their skin.
Slowly and painfully, they straightened up each time. Their skin was on fire, each of their scars burning them to their deepest part. Unconsciously trying to make them remember their story, the hurt behind each.
It filled their minds with worries. Worries that made them anxious. Reevaluate their decisions and actions. Convincing them the tranquility and quiet of the nights would disappear. Only to throw them back into the loud, painful cacophony of the day.
And so sleep remained out of their reach. So very close but always one inch too far. Each time they sat and looked out the window, to the large and shining moon, hoping the exhaustion would finally catch up. Maybe -when they would finally succumb to it- they would be able to have one or two more hours of sleep.
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sweeteastart · 2 years
Left to Right
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Some comic experiment I did a while back. FYI it's taking place in Blue Island aka my KH Magical Girl AU.
If it doesn't makes sense it's 100% normal cause I just ✨never explained who is 3/4 of the storyline✨
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sweeteastart · 2 years
Hi, here's the beginning of my inktober :) for this year I decided to do two lists at the same time ahah so that's why there's is two prompt for each day and that there are some repeat along the days.
Day 1 - Shadow / Light
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Vanitas didn't look at Ventus as he spoke. He couldn't. Just as the blond teen couldn't find anything to say. He knew that he had to. Anything would have done. Good or bad any sentence would have been better. But nothing came.
The cold air filled his lungs, bringing on a shiver along his spine.
He couldn't put into word the if's Vanitas was referring too. Because if he did, the festering feelings he had sealed deep inside would slip through the crack of doubt. And that... Nobody needed that at this moment.
And so neither of them spoke. Only the faraway sounds of the city and their small, hushered breathing could be heard in the dead of the first of many anxious nights.
Day 2 - Maternal Love / Darkness
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Sika had never hated her mother. Well, the cold woman had been less a mother and more of a strict mentor. No unnecessary feelings spared for any of her pupils. If it didn't serve the training, they didn't need it.They just had to train and become strong, dependable students. Than they would be awardes as a keyblade master. That's what the woman believed.
The girl had wholeheartedly followed this thought as a universal truth. After all the adults were always right. They could do no wrong.
Silly thoughts like this had now turned soured for the girl now a teen. Her younger self now didn't look strong and dependant like she would have like to believe. She wasn't some dedicated student. Nor a brave woman.
She was just a child. A silly and fragile young girl that wanted some love. No, even less than that, one that needed the care and warmth of a mother.
Day 3 - Waltz / Dusk
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started as a silly joke. Ephemer had laughed that the baby would love to swirl around in the living room. Heaven knows how hard it had made Bunny's laugh.
Thought a joke, she had taken him up on his offer. That's how as time passed, their little dance would be a comfort for both of them. Either because of a bad day or a great one, a few swirls, a few circles together and a string of crystal clear smiles and laughs would filled the air.
It was a silly little joke at first but now it had become a ritual both Bunny and Ephemer never stopped doing. Their little thing, one only done with the other.
Edit : the second list is @amyhayanora ! I'm so excited to draw with it eheh
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sweeteastart · 2 years
Smile for the camera :D
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Silly little vampire AU makes me learn to draw great teeths. 100% recommend ✨
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