#you could consider this an extension of my previous longpost
probablyaseamonster · 9 months
Seepeekay (pardon me, the Recruitment Officer) tried to tell everyone his tragic backstory, is apparently disappearing after the Factioning, "knows where the bell is rung", and was the one who GAVE them all the mission in which they got no loot and lost two maties?
Please. Please let CPK have a cool villain arc
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felassan · 7 years
Tomorrow, beyond, [ME]: Andromeda & [you]
Okay squiddos, so - it seems like in terms of Mass Effect: Andromeda news/information, tomorrow (Feb 23rd) is gonna be big/good.
The press were recently given significant looks at the game. If shinobi is to be believed, “they got several hours of hands-on”, and the embargo lifts tomorrow, supposedly at 9am Eastern. That’s 2pm GMT (here is a timezone converter if you need one). Apparently, the press will be allowed to discuss everything they saw in their previews, including missions they played, side missions, gameplay, lore, all six squadmates and how the game begins (but not how Ryder becomes the Pathfinder). 
Even if shinobi can’t be taken at his word or he’s just “predicting” stuff which is obvious/otherwise known (he seems to do that sometimes), there’s other things floating around. IGN have tweeted about a long and thoughtful 2000 word ME:A preview article that should surface at some point tomorrow. [EDIT: UPDATE - This article is going live on IGN at 6am PT, and is reportedly spoiler-free, with the writer saying that she doesn’t discuss the story or narrative at all.] IGN are holding Unlocked (I think that’s a podcast) tomorrow at a specific time so that they can talk about Andromeda there too. Dev Ian Frazier tweeted that the press who saw chargen will be allowed to talk/answer questions about what they saw tomorrow. This Reddit user (who is presumably part of the press) is gearing up and taking questions for an AMA about what they saw during 3 hours of play, saying that they can post answers from 1am Australian eastern time on Friday morning (which is around 9am Eastern, you guessed it, tomorrow [if I’m calculating things right -!]). Beyond “tomorrow” specifically, there are more videos in the gameplay series to come (supposedly the next one may coming out on Friday), Jaal information coming at some point (people are speculating tomorrow for that based on the times the previous character profiles were put up), etc. 
Even if shinobi is just saying things, it’s definitely true that with the previews and such tomorrow, there could be spoilery information or things that some would consider spoilery among the news. And, tomorrow itself aside for a second, with stuff like PAX (March 10-12th, BioWare are going to have a panel there and they say it’s going to be big, Cora’s writer will be there [EDIT: UPDATE - the panel and Q&A is from 4-5pm local time on March 10th, and is stated to contain never-before-seen gameplay and new secrets about what lies beyond the Milky Way, but no spoilers]) on the horizon and the upcoming early access trial, we’re definitely entering the period where some spoilers are going to start flying around. Therefore for those of you who are intending to go dark or considering going dark, I’d say now might be a good time to do so (just my opinion). If you’re looking for an alternative, safer community to fill your “Mass Effect discussion” fix til the game comes out (sadly on Tumblr people can’t all be trusted to tag things properly, and there’s no moderation of that sort of thing), I think r/masseffect might be a good shout. From the sounds of things, it seems like the mods there will be doing their utmost to enforce and ensure that people can browse the sub without stumbling into blatant, poorly-handled spoiler titles and information.
[EDIT: UPDATE - Ian has tweeted more details about the potential for spoilers. Press played both early and mid-game content, so light spoilage is possible. Read carefully.]
Now, I would have had to make a post with the following housekeeping information and request at some point soon anyway, so off the back of the above, now is as good a time as any.
For those of you who feel you know enough already, want to discover the rest in-game as you play or who are otherwise concerned about spoilers, but want to keep reading my blog, here’s some essential housekeeping relating to spoilers: this is not a spoiler-free blog. However, starting from tomorrow because of the lifting embargo and stuff, I’ll be tagging spoilers with all of the following tags - “spoilers”, “spoiler”, “Mass Effect: Andromeda spoilers”, “Mass Effect: Andromeda spoiler”, “Mass Effect Andromeda spoilers”, “Mass Effect Andromeda spoilers”, “Andromeda spoilers”, “Andromeda spoiler”, “MEA spoilers” and “MEA spoiler” - in an effort to catch as much of them for as many of you as possible. Hopefully that list is extensive enough. Add to your blacklist as applicable. It’s hard for me to say right now what will constitute a spoiler for me to tag in the first place... Any further or detailed story information I’d class as a spoiler, same for specific details about missions and further information on characters (not including Jaal’s official character profile, if he gets one), basically anything not officially said or revealed by BioWare themselves in their marketing, and further down the line, all things I find out from playing the game after launch definitely - but I’ll try my best. Any leaked or supposedly-leaked information is already posted/discussed under a cut with pre-warnings - any more of these will be now be tagged with the same spoiler tags. Hopefully that helps you out somewhat with your experience of my blog, anyway. I’ll understand if you need to unfollow for a while or would rather be safe than sorry, etc. If you have any issues, questions or requests regarding this sort of thing, feel free to send me a message.
On that note, I actually don’t want to know much more about the game in terms of lore, characters and story than what I do right now, so I’ll be trying to avoid spoilery stuff myself. I definitely don’t really want to know stuff to do with characters/story that comes from sources other than BioWare’s official marketing (EXCEPTION: the list of LIs and their sexualities). With that in mind, from now on news/information posts might be patchy or otherwise not contain everything that’s come to light. I’ll be trying to navigate the spoiler minefield to find spoiler-free rundowns of new information put together by other people who don’t care about spoilers, and especially towards and following the early access trial and launch itself I’ll be limiting my time on Tumblr and other sites, stuff like that. I want to enjoy and discover the game as I play it just as you do. Also with that in mind, I’m turning off Anon asks from now until after I feel I’ve played through the game sufficiently (probably a week/some weeks or so after release). I’m doing that because in the past (DA:I) people have seen fit to send me spoilers on Anon, for whatever reason. Sorry in advance for any inconvenience caused by these things, especially the Anon thing (cause I love getting messages!). :( Because of this preference to not be spoiled I also have to ask that you don’t send me links to new leaks, send me asks discussing spoilers from articles that you haven’t seen me post about, ask me my thoughts on [x] story revelation that you haven’t seen me post about, tell me about your reaction to something that happened in your playthrough shortly after launch, etc until a reasonable amount of time since launch has passed or you see a post from me saying I’m turning on Anon asks again or that I’ve finished my initial playthroughs (something to that effect).
Closer to the trial and to launch I’ll reblog this information a couple of times. My liveblogging tag for the game is going to be “MJ in Andromeda”, so you may wish to blacklist this also.
Hopefully we can work together to keep the game unspoiled and our Tumblr site-experiences as regular and smooth as possible. :)
Thanks for reading, sry for the longpost, I know it was pretty damn dry.
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