#you could say it parallels basil not wanting sunny to leave him but that may make this even more of a stretch
misty-wisp · 2 years
very headcanon-ish territory but the idea that in the final fight omori just didn't want sunny to leave him/dispose of him because he didn't have to protect him anymore makes me wanna cry
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elbiotipo · 3 years
been thinking about Omori (when I'm not thinking about Omori?) and holy shit, the *good* ending is very painful
so yeah, we all know how it goes, Sunny saves Basil, reconciles with himself, and tells the truth, but that's the only confirmed "good" thing about it... the fact that Sunny and Basil are still alive and *free* from Something and their trauma. There's no guarantee that the others will forgive them or be friends again. I mean, forgive them... that's almost for sure, especially when they were JUST KIDS MOTHER OF GOD, but would YOU want to be still friends with them if you were in their shoes? The cynic in me thinks that they would just forgive each other for old time's sake, and then walk away and never see each other again. They would probably have a very, very hard time processing everything, and they probably will have to carry more trauma than before. All those promises made the day right before to be together and keep in touch... it's gonna be hard to keep them when the truth is revealed.
However it IS the good ending, and the game is about overcoming trauma, not piling more (well, suposedly) and recovering friendships, so we could expect some optimism here.
Kel would forgive them no doubt and probably be the one who wants to still be friends with both Sunny and Basil. I think he would push Hero to do the same... I love Kel, he's the best.
Many fans think Hero would go all crazy on them, but I think actually Hero might be, actually, the most forgiving. He is kind, mature, and the older of them. He was also their friend, and he probably loved Sunny as a little brother. I think he would be the first to recognize that they were just kids who did a terrible mistake, and that Mari wouldn't want him to hate them. He will be hurt beyond anything for sure, but I actually see Kel and Hero forgiving them.
Aubrey... OH GOD. OH FUCK. OH AUBREY. The confession might actually break her in half. I can see her hating them all forever and just going crazy with grief and rage; for sure she would have the hardest time in forgiving them, if she does at all. BUT BUT BUT... first of all, there's a parallel when she almost killed Basil and Sunny at the lake; she must know what making a mistake like Sunny and Basil did would feel like, and I actually think that's why she's so forgiving of him after they fight. She's also the one who notices the most how hurt Sunny was, so I think she understand he suffered a lot too, and she does care a lot about him (there are hints Aubrey does like Sunny a little bit it wasn't just his imagination), so she may be more understanding actually.
...Of course, those are rational thoughts of forgiveness. She probably wouldn't act rationally at all. If she forgives them at all, it would take a long, painful time, though it is possible that if she keeps being friends with Kel and Hero and maybe talks more to Sunny and Basil, she eventually would. Not gonna be easy though, if it happens.
But the worst part here is:
I think they would hate Basil more.
Eeverybody asks "would they forgive Sunny?". But would they forgive Basil?
Leaving asides the fact that they were just two kids of course... Sunny did push Mari and kill her, but it's clear that he never wanted to, he was traumatized by it, and he loved her a lot. I think that, forgive him or not, the rest of the characters would know that. Basil... in his attempt to "save" Sunny... basically made virtually every shitty thing that happened in the game happen. Not that I think that if they just had called an ambulance everything would be happiness and sunshine, BUT. BUT. BUT. What Basil did/proposed traumatized Sunny (and him) about a hundred times worse that what would have been otherwise and hurt so, so many people (imagine how many people must have felt guilty about Mari's "suicide"?).
The fact that he did it to "save Sunny" would be very hollow, considering well... what happened to Sunny after that, and how he treated Mari (notice that Sunny cared a lot about Mari, and yet Basil just... did that shit...). I mean, Basil suffered a lot too and they must know. And they were kids, that must be emphasized. But holy shit. I frankly think they would react much, much worse to Basil's confession, even if Sunny attempts to defend him. Even worse, Aubrey might even feel justified in her bullying him, and with Sunny leaving and probably maybe Kel the only to defend him in Faraway (Hero's at college)... Basil will have a hard time.
And the worst WORST part?
I think Sunny would inevitably hate Basil.
Think about it. Sunny hates himself, obviously, for what he did to Mari. He will probably carry that guilt forever. But after saving Basil and presumably healing, he probably would realize how fucked up his life was and no in small part because of what Basil did. He probably would hate himself more for closing himself and not telling the truth, but in part he suffered all of that because of Basil, and also to protect Basil. His trauma, the loss of his friends, missing his teenage years, and everything else... again, I'm not saying that if Basil didn't do That things would be fine and dandy or that there weren't other factors there (Sunny's family and friends could have helped him more same with Basil). But I think that Sunny would really be resentful of Basil at best, if not outright hate him at most, no matter the past. I think it will be yet another trauma he will have to carry.
And poor Basil too. The game, of course, hints if not very much states that he's in love with Sunny. Sunny likes Aubrey for sure, but he also is very attached to Basil, and of course things in headspace are much like "red string of fate" "you are linked together and such". But... as cute as would be, and as interesting the dynamic of "two characters joined by tragedy and hated by the rest" is, I don't think it will work. Sunny would have to forgive him first, and that's not out of the question of course... But I don't see a very healthy relationship blossoming from that, to say the least. Even before the incident with Mari, Basil was rather clingy with Sunny. I can't imagine how it would be after all that. And that's assuming Sunny even loves him in that way.
Poor Sunny of course. But I think of Basil and it hurts ten times more. I'm sure they would eventually find happiness and heal, but... Just thinking about it hurts.
So yeah. Good ending or not, Omori will find a way to break your heart forever. 10/10 best game.
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