#you didn't ask but when does that stop me from annoying you (like silas does to mikayla)
survivedsarchived · 2 years
“how about you stay there.” his voice is flat, but silas' eyes are hard with contempt— brimming with annoyance, and, to a smaller degree, worry. his nose healed nicely — no more crooked than it had already been — but something within him whispers it could've been worse. maybe it still can be. she's unpredictable. “the fuck are you doing here?” @titanswar
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septimus-heap · 3 years
First - Previous - Next
Now under a read more for my bestie
Marcia takes a good few days to recover enough to be able to handle proper conversations. She develops a migraine sometime into her second day in the heaps room and spends the entire day in bed with her face in the pillow, only bothering to eat and drink because silas won't stop annoying her until she does. She's in far too much pain to notice that one of the things he gave her was in fact not food but a strong painkiller and within half an hour everything is more bearable
On her fourth day there, silas brings back some of the people from the old rebellion, like he'd said he would. She spends the entire time on edge, waiting for someone to say something and get her sent right back to the palace immediately. She doesn't remember these people - there's a lot she doesn't remember and some of it is her own mind and some of it is old spells. She never really knew what it was she'd Forgotten, but she had a suspicion it was when people were grateful to her for helping them - but they remember her and they sit around the fire, asking her questions and muttering to themselves and as the hours pass she gets more and more tense
It's late in the afternoon when she can't take it anymore. She'd already moved across the room but that's almost worse because she doesn't have a chance of distinguishing their whispers and she can't go back over because she's not sure if that will be worse. She's panicking badly and makes a sudden dash for the door. She doesn't know where she's going but she runs as fast as she can and stops when she comes across a well in an abandoned-looking intersection between winding alleyways. She sits down with her back to the wall, pulls her knees to her chest and hugs them, trying hard not to cry. She's not at all successful
She knows she's made everything worse. If anyone had anything good to say about her before, it didn't mean anything now that she'd tried to escape. She pulls at her hair and makes no sound as she cries
When silas finds her she's barely thinking at all and the second she sees him she backs herself into a corner as fast as she can, and when he gets closer he can hear her muttering and he's not sure if it's to him or herself but he can't make out the words. He puts a hand on her shoulder and she glances up and immediately hides her face in her arms again. Her muttering gets louder, loud enough to hear the words. Don't send me back i can't go back i can't, she's saying, I won't run again I won't try to escape just don't make me go back.
Silas keeps his grip on her shoulder and kneels in front of her. We won't send you back it's okay, calm down, you're safe, we're not sending you back. She doesn't believe him but at least she's looking at him now. He holds out a hand and she takes it. She's freezing cold and she says nothing as he pulls her to her feet, just stares straight past him and hardly blinks. She's sure this is too big of a mistake to be forgiven. She's sure that tomorrow she'll wake up in a cell, her magyk taken away from her
When he leads her back to There and Back Again Row she's clearly surprised, and she half collapses into bed, curling herself into a ball there. Silas pulls the covers over her and sits on the side of the bed. We really won't send you back, he says, you can't stay here, there's no space, but we're trying to find an empty room nearby that you can have. There's no response, unsurprisingly. He sighs and goes to stand up, stopped all of a sudden by a hand on his wrist. Marcia says nothing, pulling her hand back under the covers all of a sudden, but the message was clear enough so silas sits back down and keeps talking. He's not sure what about and he doesn't know if it even matters but it's something
Later, he's sat on the floor by the fire, trying his best to brush maxie's fur into something presentable and marcia sits beside him. She doesn't say anything but he moves over so he can put an arm around her shoulders, and she sits there, one hand buried in maxie's fur, messing up silas's careful brushing, the other half-hugging her knees. She stares deep into the fire and it seems to move in time with her breathing
Silas offers to show her some spells and she nods slowly, and he stands up and returns with a large book, which he dumps onto a sleeping maxie. He flips it open to the table of contents and watches her think. She bites her lip as she flicks her eyes over the page and then flips quickly through the book onto an Unseen. Not seen, not heard, not a whisper, not a word. She pulls a Charm from the pocket in the book but doesn't seem to know where to begin - darke charms work differently. Silas shows her how it's meant to work, and it's simple enough, she catches on quickly. She'd never have been the apprentice if she was a slow learner, after all, but it takes her several tries to become Unseen for even a second. Marcia has to remind herself with every attempt to not say the words in Reverse, and it's throwing her off.
She does get it, in the end, but it's left her exhausted. Not the usual exhaustion that comes with learning spells - the kind that stems from using the darke without being Consumed, and from being shouted at relentlessly until she got each spell perfect - but a bone-deep weariness that follows hours of fear or stress or crying. She tries to eat but nearly falls asleep in her food and decides its best to just give up and go back to bed
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fluffle-friends · 3 years
Hi 👉👈which of your ocs do you think would get along with Mizuki
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Heya! My answers got pretty long - and I'm pretty certain more of my OCs would like Mizuki - but my hand got all painful so I had to stop writing in my notebook lol. Please correct me if I misinterpreted anything about Mizuki! (My lil brain can't stop worrying about if this is good enough xP)
Ranmaru is fairly naïve and likely to fall for any manipulation quite easily (and I wouldn't be surprised if his blunt statements could potentially either annoy or amuse her depending on the recipient...) He's very sweet and earnest when trying to make friends though (he may even try to learn how to make some strawberry mochi for her if he learns that she likes it) so I can see him being fairly fond of her and wanting to be friends.
Ranmaru Suzuki
First is Ranmaru! One of my two Yuus, a squishy little magicless human who's based on the Grimm fairytale version of Rapunzel and the blind prince.
He would probably look up to her and may ask her questions about different things if he learns about her interests (e.g., asking how she comes up with ideas for inventing things) and with her dislike of loud noises, I can see Ranmaru being quite fond of being in her presence due to her being less overwhelmingly loud than other people he'd meet around NRC
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This little guy is significantly less naïve than his brother in terms of noticing issues in social situations regarding how Ranmaru is treated. Of course, he's still quite young (and, as a ghost, he really didn't get much of a chance to socialize back at his home) so chances are if Mizuki makes a good first impression then he's less likely to have as much as an issue with her as he did Ace when he met Ranmaru.
Hibiki Suzuki
Next up I have Hibiki, Ranmaru's brother-turned-ghost after experiencing, well... The thing that makes the living into the not living. (He died)
He'd probably be fascinated by her ears tails - and he'd likely try to sneak up on her to touch the fluffy ears atop her head if he gets the chance (I wouldn't blame her if the icy feeling of a ghost child hand passing through her ear would annoy her though - it really isn't pleasant)
If he notices her doing anything to harm/endanger/bring harm to Ranmaru? She's probably gonna have to deal with stationary, ties, or other small-but-important items going missing/being moved around by the mischievous ghost. Of course, he'd also be very happy with befriending her! Would she like a companion to aid in any pranks on Crowley, perhaps?
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Depending on her tolerance for chaotic, giggling, soot-covered pyromaniacs - I believe that Silas may be quite happy to befriend Mizuki! With her interest in inventing things, they may have a common interest (even if anything that comes from Silas' efforts has an approximate... 56.32% likelihood of blowing up in his face. But he likes his odds! He can take a good joke and is often willing to pull wacky stunts and set off messy hijinks if anyone he's acquainted with needs a diversion to do something.
Silas Kamaka
The next guy I have is Silas - an Ignihyde student of mine. He's a beastkin based on stitch - with big rabbit-like ears atop his head and a penchant for chaos.
Of course, her initial disposition may cause Silas to back off, and he can be quite difficult to tolerate if someone as crass and laid back as him may manage to get on their nerves (and he does not care for etiquette towards royalty or people of power in the slightest) but if they're compatible then I'd say that Silas is certainly very likely to befriend Mizuki if given the chance.
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Honourable mentions because writing made my hand cramp:
Masayuki - Would be nervous/cautious as he usually is around fae/beastkin but could have his trust won fairly easily. May even ask Mizuki to babysit Aimi, his daughter, for him for a few minutes if he has to wrangle ADeuce. Would have a very negative reaction to any use of her UM on him though - loss of autonomy is not a fun time for this lad.
Aiko - Gal pal excitement! Mizuki would probably be on the receiving end of a bunch of compliments regarding her appearance and questions on how she styles her hair and the sort upon meeting (Aiko is tired of all the guys at NRC being dicks is all) However she isn't as Naïve as Ranmaru despite her eagerness to make friends with Mizuki.
Aimi - Aiko and Masayuki's daughter would probably be her giggly happy infant self in Mizuki's presence (just keep the grabby baby hands away from her hair because she may end up tugging on it a bit as babies do)
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