#them meeting somewhere outside of camp.. on a monster hunt perhaps
survivedsarchived · 2 years
“how about you stay there.” his voice is flat, but silas' eyes are hard with contempt— brimming with annoyance, and, to a smaller degree, worry. his nose healed nicely — no more crooked than it had already been — but something within him whispers it could've been worse. maybe it still can be. she's unpredictable. “the fuck are you doing here?” @titanswar
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neathbound-fiends · 10 months
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Ask from @electricpoolshark! Answering here so I can slap a readmore on it since you didn't specify anyone so I am doing :3c everyone
What does your OC think how they’ll die?
Elliott: he expects that he'll probably die at Zee, as is the fate of a lot of zailors. It isn't an unusual way to go, his real hope is that he'll have earned enough money and taught his kids well enough and gotten them set up with backup plans to be able to thrive once he's gone
Warren: she simply doesn't intend to die, but if she does, she's sure it will be doing something incredibly grand and daring and she will perhaps even get her own folk song written about her
Arthur: he's pretty sure it'll just be old age. He's already 14, which is relatively high up there for a cat, so he's fairly certain he's got like a good year or two left in him and then he'll just go find some woods somewhere to crawl off into
Florence: she's sure that, when the time comes, it will be from a double cross. Someone will sell her out on some job or another, and she'll meet her maker (metaphorically) and that'll be that
Doc: he also doesn't intend to die, but if he does, it will likely be at the hands of whatever Judgement banished them in the first place (since, clearly, it will not be London which destroys them, but he welcomes another Campaign of '68 should they be so inclined to try)
Bolormaa: he also expects he'll probably die at Zee. He's not technically a monster hunter, but he essentially works that job on the ship, and being the woman shooting things with cannons tends to make one a target for Zee-beasts that don't particularly enjoy getting shot
Rhoda: she's fairly certain it will be in some event that nearly wipes out the City, given the course of the last few years. She'd prefer it to be something calm and peaceful when she is quite old, but summers are making her less sure this will be the case
Would your OC survive for a week on their own in the wilderness?
Elliott: it is unlikely. He spent a lot of time outside as a youth, but he is not someone I can imagine hunting, or knowing what is or isn't edible, and he's already pretty thin and sickly so he hasn't got much in reserves to help him out
Warren: despite what she'd tell you, no. She'd feel like she's hot stuff for the first like eight hours and then she would want to go home very badly
Arthur: yes! He's got a leg up on everybody else by virtue of being a literal animal. He survived on his own before, and he could do it again if need be, though with a bit more difficulty because he's an old man who has been spoiled for years now
Florence: probably not. She'd eat some weird berries that she watched an animal eat and reason that it must be safe for her also and then die on like day 2
Doc: it's a toss up. On one hand, he's got the advantage of being a devil and therefore having, presumably, weird anatomy considering they eat and drink things made from poison and that can light things on fire. On the other hand, he might just fucking kill himself to get out of the wilderness because death is preferable to camping
Bolormaa: it's possible. He has decent nature skills and is good with improvised weapons, but would fare a lot better in a marine environment or the plains due to his familiarity with it over, like, the straight up woods
Rhoda: probably not. She's not really a woodsman, and though she has a lot of knowledge regarding mushrooms and their foraging and cultivation, she's not really equipped for many other survivable skills
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Summary; Geralt encounters a vampire, who shares a similar story as him, she’s the not the monster he’s been told she is. But what happens when she needs to feed?   Pairing; Geralt of Rivia x  Vampire!Female Reader WordCount; 1, 780 Warnings. Strong Language, Blood Drinking, Angst, fluff, sexual underlying themes.   A/N - Day 3, you can read Day 2 here
                                    »»————- 🎃 ————-«
Geralt had encountered many creatures within his life. Some cruel and wicked. Some misunderstood and desiring change. Geralt never kept brought work into his travels, until Geralt met you. He was supposed to kill you and provide your head to the man who hired him, but he couldn’t.
When Geralt tracked you down, he was expecting a bloodsucker monster.  A woman so cruel, he believed he was in for a tough battle ahead of him. However, what he found was a juxtaposition of the stories he had heard. Instead, you were skipping with a group of children in the street.
“I know what you’re doing here Witcher, give me five a few more moments before my time, would you.” Geralt watched on as the children reacted positively with you. While the coin was a coin, Geralt suspected the man who paid him to be misleading him.
You kept your promise as you left the children, providing them with the empty promise, without so much of a word you wandered into the woods understanding your fate. You had lived many centuries, miraculously surviving without little hassle. Until you crossed that disturbing, wicked wrinkling old man who decided it was a brilliant idea to strike his wife and Daughter. Threatening the elderly man had gained you the presence of a Witcher, brilliant.
“Get it over with Witcher. I understand you have a job that must be done. I am too old for games.” Whirling around to face him, you got your first proper glance at the white-haired man who was here to kill you.
“You’re not going to fight for your life. I heard you’ve fought an army of thousands before.” Rolling your eyes, you examined him sceptically.
“Do you believe every word a low life abusive bastard tells you? Here I was under the impression you were a man of intelligence and perspective.  I’ve encountered many Witchers in my life, most of them corrupt and money-hungry. I was under the impression you would be different. Guess I was wrong. Enough of the mindless chatter kill me already.”
“I’m not going to kill you.” Cocking your eyebrow, this Witcher confused you more and more by the second. This Witcher was not like anyone you had ever encountered before. If he refused to kill you, then what was his plan? The spineless man was hardly going to allow him to get away with it.
“Then what are you going to do with me? Are you going to lock me away and keep me as your prisoner? I’ve been a prisoner to a Witcher before it didn’t end well for him so it won’t end well for you.”
“I’m sure it would, but I won’t keep you a hostage. You must leave this place and get as far as away from here as possible. I see no threat.” Stepping forward, you examined his golden orbs, searching for something, anything.
“This place has been my home for the past fifty years. The people in this place, know what monster of the night I am. Except they don’t fear me, they were able to see my cold heart. They realised I cared about them when I had to I protected them against man or beast. I’ve battled people of my kind to protect these people. So tell me, Witcher, where do you suspect I go now. I presume you’ve experienced similar prejudice to myself.”
“Anywhere that’s safe. You’ve adapted well enough. You’re able to walk around in the sun now. You will find somewhere new.” Rolling your eyes, it was clear this Witcher was continuously on the move. You wondered how often he was forced to camp out in the woods because humans wouldn’t expect him.
Suddenly a rustling in the tree’s broke your concentration, your senses heightened. A brown-haired man came tumbling out of the brushes.
“Excuse the interruption Geralt, but it appears that this beautiful creature here has nowhere to go, so why doesn’t this, seductive, alluring creature come with us. I’m Jaskier by the way, tell me have you ever slept with a human before.”
“I didn’t know Witcher’s travel with overly flirtatious humans? Can’t say I’m not flattered by your remarks. Also thank you for introducing Geralt to me. However, Geralt is right, and I’ll be going now. It was nice to meet you, Jaskier…Geralt.”
You quickly began your descent into town so you could gather your belongings. While you had left the sanctity of the forest, you could still hear Geralt and Jaskier bickering away.
“What did you do that for!? She could have helped you! She understands what it’s like to be misunderstood, and you’ve just let her go! What makes it worse, the entire time you couldn’t keep your eyes off of her.”  
“You need to stop pretending the world is against you. If she travelled with us, she could give you a break. What happens when you get injured again?”
“I will handle it.”
If you don’t ask her to come with us, then I will.“
“Fine, she can come with us. Go ahead and ask her she could say no.” Moments later, you heard someone running towards you. You knew it was Jaskier, so you awaited for him outside.
“I take it you’ve heard every word?.” You nodded, a moment later you were approaching Geralt alongside his horse. The three of you began your travels into a world and journey completely unknown.
Travelling with Jaskier and Geralt was easier than you presumed. The three travelled between city and city locating work in order to get paid. A witcher, A vampire and a bard was an unusual combination but it managed to work.
Although it was a struggle to locate a viable food source, the last couple centuries you had alternated between human and animal blood which to your surprise worked. Biting from a human always appeared an intimate aspect, someone’s neck was frequently a place for kissing and biting when in a passionate embrace with one another. Perhaps that’s why you refused to feed on Jaskier.
Whilst you cared deeply for the Bard, something in your heart created a feeling of guilt for even entertaining the idea, especially when you found your gaze analysing Geralt at every precise moment. Not to mention that the hunger you were currently experiencing, you were terrified that you might kill him.
Geralt had become aware of your situation. Some days, you refused to sit by Jaskier or informed them you required some time alone and camped a mile or so away from them. Geralt knew you believed you were doing it to protect them both, but deep down every time you left camp to be by yourself, Geralt feared you had decided to leave him.
One day, Geralt decided to follow you. Immediately you were furious with him. Geralt did not understand why he needed to stay away. You were a threat now to both of them. Did he genuinely believe that you desired to break away from them whenever your cravings for blood became so detrimentally bad that you feared you were the threat?
“You need to come back with me? It is dangerous for you to be out here on your own.” Looking over to Geralt, your ideas reflected the colour of what you desperately needed. The everyday shade of your eyes had a faded away while the crimson blood colour had replaced it.
“Geralt you need to stay away from me right now! There is no threat because I am the threat! I could hurt you or Jaskier.” Geralt’s large frame stepped in-front of you, despite you trying to step away from him, the distinctive smell of metal flowed through his body.  You couldn’t be near him, not now not until you had hunted something.
“Fed on me.” Due to Geralt’s sheer size and height difference, bent his knees slightly so you could have perfect access to his neck.
“Are you out of your mind!? There’s a chance I could effortlessly drain you of all your blood. Who’s going to take care of Jaskier then, who will protect him?” Geralt uttered another word he brought his lips down harshly onto yours.
“This isn’t about Jaskier right now this is about you. What happens to both of us if you die? What then? Will saving you that day be for nothing? Jaskier doesn’t want to lose and if we’re being honest neither do I. I’ve spoken more to you in the past several weeks than I have spoken in years. So feed on me.” Geralt’s declaration left you speechless his lips quickly returned to yours as he grasped you into his thick arms picking you up.
“I do not desire to hurt you Geralt of Rivia.”
“You will only hurt me if you allow yourself to starve to death.”
You refused to bite down on Geralt’s neck straight away. Reclaiming Geralt’s lips to your’s, the intimacy of the moment rose evermore. Kissing Geralt was everything you believed it would be. It was rough and passionate, an intoxicating feeling one that you were sure you would never of. As Geralt exposed his neck to you, you couldn’t quite believe that Geralt of Rivia, the Butcher of Blaviken was submitting to you. While still managing to press burning kisses onto your own throat. As your fangs grew, you placed searing kisses repeatedly onto Geralt’s neck, before you picked the perfect spot and bit down harshly. “There you two are. I was wondering where the two of you had got too. Is this a private thing or can anyone join?” “Jaskier!”
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jenovahh · 5 years
KYKM - 1 Months, 27 Days
“I-It’s g-gotta be around here s-somewhere...”
Zenos frowns, watching as you barely hold yourself together as you trudge through the snow. The climate of Coerthas is not unlike the cold winters of Garlemald; one he is entirely used to though the evidence shows you, on the other hand, are not.
“I-It’s a lot colder than usual...” your teeth are chattering, body shaking and Zenos can already see the first signs of hypothermia settling in. Things had started fine as you had began your hunt for the legendary beast Safat, but had taken a turn for the worse as an unexpected blizzard rolled in. While he was not the best dressed for the weather either, he at least knew how to keep himself warm.
“Warrior of Light.”
Turning to him, your skin is losing it’s color; he has to act fast. “We must find shelter. To continue as we are is folly.”
“B-But we have to find it! Safat is the o-only S rank I’ve not k-killed...” you stutter, trudging your feet through the quickly piling snow.
“The only thing anyone will be finding is you dead if we do not find shelter.” he grounds out, stomping over to you. Looking around he spies one of the many forts he had seen earlier. Whether it was occupied or not did not matter, he could not afford losing his battle to your untimely death to stubbornness.
“I’m sure we’re c-close,” your sentence is cut off as he picks you up, grunting as he supports your weight. “S-Soryu?”
“We are going to wait for this storm to pass.” he can even feel the cold affecting him now, hurrying his steps as he kicks the door to the fort open. Cursing at the lack of a fireplace, he quickly shuts the door behind him. It was a wonder the savages survived this long when they could not do simple tasks as fortifying against the elements. It is thankfully empty, whatever soldiers stationed here having already returned home.
Sitting you against the wall, he quickly moves to the back room, having glanced at some cabinets through the doorway on his way in. Flinging them open, he finds blankets and jerky; things that are actually helpful. He grabs them with little care, coming back to the room with your eyes closed, sending a shock through him.
“Warrior!” running to your side your eyes shoot open, concern flitting through them but you are still in a daze. 
“I’m sorry I just wanted to close my eyes...I’m really cold.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, causing him to curse in Garlean this time. 
“You will not die before you have fulfilled your promise. Stay awake.” he growls, quickly unfolding the blanket. “Wrap this around your core. We must warm that before your extremities.” 
Your hands reach out but you are still shaking far too much, fumbling with the blanket as you try to wrap it around yourself. Growling again, Zenos does the job for you, muscle memory taking over as he bundles you up.
“I would never think you so damn foolish,” he murmurs under his breath, reaching for the jerky once more. Turning back he sees your face broken up as if you want to cry.
“I’m sorry. It was really foolish of m-me.” you whisper, sniffling a little. Sighing he simply shoves the jerky out at you, waiting for you to take it.
“Do not apologize. Do not cry. Eat.” With a shaky hand you take the meat from him, biting and chewing small portions. Satisfied when you’ve eaten enough he releases a sigh, moving to make sure the door is shut tight. As he moves to grab a chair, he hears you ask, “Are we staying here tonight?”
“What choice do we have? Due to your own foolishness we will not make it back to what was it, Camp Dragonhead? Where we might have food, a bath, a hearth. We must remain here for the night.” he’s tired, and cold, angry that you would risk your own life when you have to live to eventually fight him.
“I-I’m sorry...” you whimper, and it sounds so sad that he finds himself wishing he perhaps had not sounded so harsh. “You’re right it was foolish of me. I put you in danger.”
That spikes his ire even more, that even as you lie there losing body heat faster than you can replace it, you still think of him before yourself. What would you have done had he not been by your side? Would he have had heard the news that the Warrior of Light perished in a blizzard, not in the heat of battle?
“Just...do not make this mistake again.” Propping the chair under the door handle, he comes to sit next you. You’re still shivering, still lacking your natural color; you still need more warmth.
Without asking he slides an arm around your waist to bring you closer, unwrapping the blanket to get it around the both of you. “W-What’re you,”
“You are still cold. Sharing body heat will provide an adequate amount of warmth. Worry not for your virtue; I am merely protecting my investment.” 
You say nothing to that, still shivering against his strong frame. After a moment he feels your weight lean into him, fully relaxing into his hold. “This is the first time someone’s taken care of me.” the words are somehow louder than the snowstorm raging outside, ringing deep within his conscience. He’s unsure what to say to that, to even think about that.
Fortunately nothing needs to be said as you drift off into slumber, leaving him alone with his thoughts. Your breathing evens out, body fully going slack against his own, signs that you are fully asleep. It would be so easy to snap your neck, to crush your windpipe beneath his hand. Every dark form of torture drifted through his mind and yet his body would not move to comply.
Wrapping the blanket tighter around you, he adjusts your head to comfortably rest on his shoulder. “You’ve made me soft.” he laments, allowing his own eyes to drift closed as the storm rages on.
When he wakes, it’s to the smell of warm broth, and his side is noticeably less warm than he had left it. “You’re awake. I never thought you to be such a heavy sleeper.” Blinking his eyes, he groans, not bothering to grace you with an answer. That is precisely why he seldom did rest, at least so deeply. In fact he can’t remember the last time he let himself sleep so unaware of his surroundings.
“Has the storm passed?” he asked, standing to his feet as he spies a bowl of steaming soup on the table before him. Sitting down he doesn’t hesitate to begin eating, the soup warming him instantly.
“It has. We can leave Coerthas now.” 
Arching an eyebrow at that, he eats another spoonful. “Leave? Did you not want to hunt that monster?”
You shake your head, lip poking out in an adorable pout. “I found out that some other hunter had gotten to it first earlier this morning.” you grumble, poking at your soup a bit. “It’s fine though. I don’t want to stay in the cold any longer.”
That, he could agree with. While acclimated to cold climates, it did not mean he necessarily enjoyed them. Mumbling some noise of general agreement, he continues to eat, far hungrier than he realized.
“Also...you have my thanks.” 
Looking up, there is an overwhelming amount of appreciation in your eyes that he’s almost startled by it. It’s by far the most...affectionate feeling you’ve seen fit to direct at him and he honestly doesn’t know how to feel about it. “I’ll make sure to never put us in danger like that again. I’ll be more careful from now on.” There is so much conviction in your voice that he has no choice but to believe you. The rest of his meal is finished in silence, the Warrior of Light shuffling around to put everything as they found it.
The cold air is still brisk against his face as they step outside, your trusty whale already summoned to greet you and take you from this miserable place. He watches you hop on with ease, already whispering where you want to go to the enchanted beast. 
Before he can move to pull himself up, your hand is before him in offering. He can only stare at it in question, sliding up the arm, the shoulder, to meet your smiling face. “Hop on.”
As he places his hand in yours, he finds it as warm as your smile.
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fyeahwynonnaearp · 7 years
What Just Happened?!?: Let’s Pretend We’re Strangers (S02E05)
So many things happened. So many things are happening. So many feelings were felt and so much screaming at the TV was done.
New Character(s)
Ewan (@unrealfehr): Volunteer firefighter by day and cult leader by night. Likes big shiny axes, red cloaks, bird masks, and working out.
Juan Carlo (@The_Real_ShaunJ): Re-introduction of the mysterious mechanic/watcher(?). Still uselessly helping and provides more questions than answers. Has a teleporter!Truck? because he drove in with it and disappeared with it.
The Order: A cult of volunteer firefighters whose motto is ‘Praesidium et Conservatio’. Under the (sometimes) guidance of Juan Carlo, they help protect the Ghost River Triangle.
Monster(s) of the Week
Miksun, or The Goo™: Have apparently infected a crap ton of people that The Order had to hunt down and kill. Put down by Peacemaker, but is it fully gone?
Final Thoughts (No Spoiler)
Game changer indeed. 
Although The Goo™/Mikshun was the focus of the episode, so many little things happened that may ripple out and have huge repercussions in the future. It was such an intense episode and, as of now, I have watched it three times. Back to back. I am emotionally drained.
Honestly, before watching this show I take one or two or three shots of Fireball and after the show I chain-smoke like Doc Holliday and hug myself to contain all the feels.
Jump into the rabbit hole for some spoiler-filled rants, theories, and fun!
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10 Things That Happened/I Learned
1. Ewan and The Order - ‘Praesidium et Conservatio’: We find out that the Purgatory Volunteer Fire Department (or VFD, which makes me giggle because Lemony Snicket) has an impressive battle axe collection, hunts down Goo-infected citizens, and likes nachos as an after-beheading snack. Based on Ewan and The Plate™, it seems that The Order used to have a relationship with the Earp heir. Now in possession of The Plate™ and open to partnering with Wynonna, we will probably see more of Ewan (or FitBit, as Melanie likes to call him). How The Order and The Squad™ will butt heads will be very interesting and I’m ready for The Squad™ to have help because IDK if people remember/realize, but The Ghost River Triangle is a huge freakin’ area.
2. Nicole, the kicked puppy. The first-half of this season have completely REKT the Officer. Goononna was especially in top-shelf form with the emotional beatdown. I expect Nicole and Wynonna to clash because Nicole is clearly the (mostly) by-the-book rookie and Wynonna is the free-spirit protocol-lel-what-protocol Black Badge Deputy. Perhaps Nicole never understood how or why Wynonna got to be in the super secret government agency and was maybe a bit jealous, but damn! Goononna definitely knew her weakness and insecurities and hit where it hurts the most. I’m excited to see how they move on from this and how they form a relationship outside of Waverly. (I’ve read somewhere that Nicole was constantly being mean and a bit of a bitch to Wynonna; I honestly will have to rewatch, but I don’t remember Nicole being an outright massive bitch to her.)
3. IN MEMORIAM: AGENT JEANIE LUCADO.Goocado, or goo-infected!Lucado: Head exploded. Tentatively dead because regeneration is a thing and where the hell did her body go?!? 
4. Doc Holliday has a new car. It is red and has a cassette player and I wonder if he constantly avoids eye contact with Nicole while at the station because she knows he doesn’t have a driver’s license and definitely has an unpaid speeding ticket.
5. Purgatory Fair 1952. The plate is important enough that it was hunted down, wanted by BBD, and people were killed for it. It was definitely important to The Order. Not only does it bare their seal, but it might be connected to the broken seal because Ewan was talking about it to JC and it seems they are also responsible for maintaining it.
6. “I will shoot anybody for you”. Not only is Nicole whipped, but this line just cements the notion of the Officer being loyal to Waverly despite her position as a police officer. It might be nothing, or it could be the overarching struggle Nicole will face throughout the season and beyond. Being a good cop matters to her, and being involved with Waverly could mean ignoring things for The Squad, covering things up, and breaking protocol and maybe the law. And, I think we know how she feels about covering things up. I’m excited for this ride because this could be such a wonderful character development storyline and gives their relationship depth and substance many shows ignore. Because Nicole will never ask Waverly to be someone other than herself, but Nicole might have to change and compromise her morals for the woman she’s totally not-in-love with.
7. Hot Uniform for Officer Haught. Is Nicole being Lexa-levels of extra with her new uniform? Gone are the khakis and barely-buttoned long sleeves and the has-anyone-seen-me-this-season stetson. Enter the Black Widow-inspired, Alex Danvers-might-steal-this long-sleeved form-fitting zip-up top and is-this-gay-enough vest and no-really-is-this-too-gay boots and the I-am-a-gay baseball cap. I love it. I do. It would be equally horrifying and funny if the entire Purgatory Sheriff Department changed uniforms because Officer I’m-Too-Haught-For-This hates khakis, but I hope the department also forked over the cash for the super expensive extra-lightweight concealed body armor to wear under that tight-fitting top. Because Officer Haught did not ask for the most gay, hot, are-we-sure-this-is-not-a-sexy-cop-costume uniform just to be a bullet magnet.
8. MISSING: BLACK BADGE HQ. Honestly, I’m confused about the actual organization of the...well, organization. It is introduced as a joint task force between the US and Canada, even the badge shows both flags. Like, cool. But is Moody (AKA Orphan Black’s Art Bell), the Head of Black Badge or is he only in charge of the Purgatory/Ghost River Triangle branch or whichever branch is overseeing Purgatory? When Dolls, Lucado, or Jeremy mention HQ, do they mean the place where Dolls was broken out from? Because that means BBD HQ is near the Ghost River Triangle. So when Jeremy says Black Badge is gone, does that mean just the HQ/where Dolls was being held? Are there more BBD sites like in the comic books? Where are the other agents?
9. Waverly and her ‘dark corners’. Is Waverly an Earp? It’s the question that can be easily answered if only the Earp Sisters didn’t have major communication issues. In all honesty, all it takes is one over-due conversation and a saliva swab, then one DNA test later we get our answer. But, no. Waverly will probably never ask Wynonna “so, our mom was pregnant with me, right?” and Nicole probably won’t overstep and compare the Earp Sisters’ DNA behind Waverly’s back. I just want this issue to be resolved before Waverly crumbles under the pressure of meeting Wynonna’s expectations of what being an Earp entails. Because this season shows us that Wynonna does give being an Earp so much meaning and expects Waverly to act accordingly and this might cause issues between them and it might be hard to remember, but they just found steady footing with each other. If Wynonna keeps expecting certain things out of Waverly all in the name of being an Earp while Waverly is struggling with the idea if she even is an Earp, we might have the Earp Sis angst-fest we don’t really want but we might just actually love because it means they come out of it (hopefully) stronger together.
10. Baby Earp, the game changer. There’s a divide in the fandom: Pro-baby storyline and what-the-fuck-no!-pregnancy-storylines-ruin-everything. No matter what camp you reside in, you must admit and eventually realize that this baby-bump of a game changer is going to be the catalyst for several major character development. 
Wynonna: No longer can she numb herself and drown her issues in whiskey. Even though she says her job is to protect her baby sister, we have to remember that she’s been MIA for three year prior and have been mostly absent from Waverly’s life. Yes, she was placed in a mental institution when she was 14 and has been in juvie at least once, but she also willingly spent time away from her sister and ran with the Banditos, a gang that was mentioned in season 1 and explored in the comics. Wynonna joined a gang which could have placed Waverly in danger. With a baby, Wynonna has to be responsible for another life and now has to actually think about the possible consequences of her actions.
Doc: The chance of Doc being the father is really high. Let’s assume that he did get his best friend’s great-great-I-actually-forgot-how-many-great-grand daughter pregnant. Because he’s been established as somewhat traditional, in the loosest sense of the word, he will want to meet the duties and obligation of being a father. That means he can’t really just take off anytime he wants. It means being open and having an honest line of communication with Wynonna, which can be hard for him and his Slytherin ways. While he does let Wynonna be Wynonna, I think that will change when he learns he’s a father. Also, he might start actively searching for a way to reverse the Stone Witch’s curse on him. Meaning, he might have to dig out Constance from the salt flats and OMG is she still out there or did someone dig her out?
Dolls: As much as I would love for DocWynDolls to be one happy polyamorous family raising Baby Earp, there is a good chance that Dolls might feel the need to take a step back and let Wynonna straighten out her priorities. He will be there for her, absolutely, but he might emotionally distance himself and choose to focus his attentions on BBD and figure out how The Squad will continue without a government agency backing them and how to proceed without the power of a badge and probably start figuring out what exactly he is. 
Waverly: Protective acting-like-the-big-sister Waverly will be adorable and fluffy and amazing to watch. Waverly questioning her role and childhood and how she was treated will be heartbreaking and will make me leak from my eyes. I think Waverly will be worried about her place in Wynonna’s life now that there will be a baby. Waverly is so used to being pushed to the side that she probably won’t talk about her concerns and will just keep supporting and helping Wynonna. On the other hand, a baby Earp can just be the prompting for Wynonna to start reminiscing and talking about a Baby Waverly and the biological origins of Waverly will finally be settled. 
Nicole: A part of me hopes she won’t get shut out and Waverly will start incorporating Nicole into her life and that Nicole will help Waverly with pregnant!Wynonna, but I can see her being shut out. Again. I can see Nicole figuring it out for herself (like always) and subtlety helping Wynonna by giving her food and giving her coffee, it’s caffeine-free of course, but Wynonna won’t know that. I really hope Nicole gets to be involved in some capacity because it will be just one more thing that would strengthen her relationship not only with Waverly, but with Wynonna as well. 
Overall, I am happy this show is still true to itself. Some people have said that the show doesn’t treat its villains as actually villains and it all ends up being anti-climactic. To those people, I say to you, this show is not the episodic procedural of monster-of-the-week and one big bad a season kind of show. This is about the people that have to deal with those monsters and demons. This show is about their relationships with each other. It’s about how they grow as people and how they deal with their issues and personal demons. Sure, demons are killed. But unlike other shows, our heroine still questions her humanity and still have issues with the fact that she is destined to kill, whether they are demons or creatures or humans-turned-demons.
It is often overlooked and no one talks about it enough, but I think we need to remember that even though these revenants and demons are all trying to kill her, Wynonna Earp still tells them to “make your peace” and sure she sends them to hell, but she tries to make sure they get some semblance of peace in the afterlife. 
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