#you don’t like rhaenicent or see no use for it in the show? fine you are entitled to your own wrong opinion
dulcewrites · 1 year
It’s the year of our lord 2023, and people are still acting as if a small, grossly insinuated single paragraph in f&b translates to rhaenicent’s story somehow being taken from laenyra (or whatever it’s called) and given to Alicent and Rhaenyra.
We can all agree to the notion that Laena, all of the black girls/women on the show really, got the short end of the stick. No need to dispute or argue that because it’s just a fact. So, don’t take this as me saying I didn’t want more laena. But the idea that Laena’s story would’ve been more fleshed out as the ‘third’ in a throuple with her first cousin and old ass second cousin is hilarious to me. As if the character development would come through her being in a relationship with the people that marry immediately after she tragically dies. Not seeing her claim vhagar, not finding out how she, grown up with two daughters of her own now, really felt about her parents pimping her out when she was 12, no real scenes between her and laenor as adults. Hell, not even just her and Rhaenyra as adults, since this is apparently about wlw representation that was ‘taken from them’. But her relationship with *checks notes* Rhaenyra and daemon.
Mind you, the people that say they care about laena and her lack of development are the same ones that were cheering about those leaks (which more than likely could’ve been fake knowing how much this fandom likes making shit for the sake of it) depicting daemon possibly cheating on laena with a man. Pushing aside the cheating/disrespecting his wife to call him a ‘bi icon’ lmao.
Oh and this isn’t even touching how people pretend to care about Baela and Rhaena. They are more worried about how that leads back to Daemon’s characterization than how those girls are surrounded by people who undermine their best interest at every turn
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davinaswp · 2 years
you know what, this episode would have been a pretty good episode to end on. We get daemyra wedding, alicent finally losing her shit and the whole aemond thing. They should’ve stretched out the storyline from these past episodes to last until ep 10 and it would’ve been fine ? It would’ve given us more time with characters like Laena and Harwin who might die before the dance but are still important to the characters involved. Laena dying so fast without us seeing her relationship with daemon and rhaenyra was the first time I disagreed with the shows changes from the books. Especially because they made her a poc in the show too so actively reducing her role from her yt book counterpart felt icky in that sense.
I don’t get the dummies saying alicent took Laenas screentime tho since their stories aren’t even related. Alicent has been one of the best changes from the book, even now whether you like her or not, her arc has been consistently developed and well thought out. To take that away reduces the quality of the show bc she is an active participant in the dance and her story/POV matters.
“rhaenicent stole from laenyra” theyre in diff timelines? laenyra would have gotten close during rhaenyras marriage to laenor AFTER she and alicent had broken up. one did not take away from the other? they should’ve both been able to exist
also would just like to point out that if anything, laena was mistreated to show how daemon only loves rhaenyra, it’s obvious the show wants to portray daemyra as soulmates and doesn’t want us rooting too much for the other couples. again tho, they all shoulda been able to all coexist, fawk this time skip, all my homies hate time skips 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️
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