#you either die a hero or live long enough to become karkat
squeakadeeks · 2 years
i feel like this is condemning myself but i cant shake this nagging thought that if i returned to h*omestuck i could make a Karkat cosplay damn near identical to highschool me's wildest dreams
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theorynexus · 5 years
Chapter 10 in the Ongoing Live Reaction Blog
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Well, now. Good for her.   This feels like something that could be used to establish a proper timeline, if I could just remember what happened in those bloody... Instagram (?) pictures... .  Also:  Jake continues to embrace hope, distracting everyone with his manliness, as is the natural order of things.   I do not know how to feel about either of the relationships showcased here.  Specifically, it feels like both of them might be unhealthy, but there’s not enough displayed to judge for sure.   At least Jake isn’t the one being pressured into things, right now.
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Of course she is. She’s the heiress to the Batterwitch. Obviously. 
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Yeah, I’ve noticed humans are often Xenophobes too. It’s a very strange phenomenon.  But this is why it struck me as odd when John was thinking of them as celebrities, earlier. It is also why gods living among mortals in general is a dangerous proposition. It could potentially stifle greatness emerging from within the population, despite all the potential good that could be acquired via the intervention/aid/ingenuity of incredibly long-lived beings with super powers. That problem becomes worse when the gods in question are barely adults. Great Power coming with Great Responsibility has a correlate suggesting Great Irresponsibility among the Greatly Powerful results in Massive Tragedy and Horror. We’ll see how that will play out for Homestuck, I guess. Let’s hope for the best!
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On the other hand:  HECK YEAH, KARKAT!!!   (I just really want him to have an important and leading role again. I loved what he was able to do during the trolls’ session with Aradia’s help, and I missed him being important. [No, it didn’t feel like his role in the fights against Lord English, or against Clover were enough to really earn that feeling of role fulfillment~] I’ve always been a sucker for his personality.)
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I am just... extremely happy that this is the case. It almost brings tears to my eyes.  (Not only that Karkat is loved, but also that Dave recognizes all the great leadership potential within him, even despite all the garbage programming he’s shoved down his own throat following the end of the Trolls’ session.)
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Ouch. Low blow on two notes:  Not only the puppet mastery comment, bringing back all the cringe memories of his ninja brother madness, but also calling him a coward after all the struggling Dave has had related to that conception of himself. “ or talking about the top six hundred stupid things Karkat saw earlier that day because he made his intrepid annual decision to go outside. “ How can something be so cute and horrible at the same time?   I mean this specifically regarding the possibly hyperbolic annual trip, not the semi-cuddling, by the way.
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This. It is also sad and beautiful. *shakes my head and quietly laughs, because I knew that Dave would bring up Obama, here*      Just so fricking ridiculous and sortof beautiful, after he tries to pretend that he was purely thinking about their current Earth.  I love how neurotic and silly he can be, at times.
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It’s funny because it doesn’t even matter what side of the aisle you’re on. There is a horribly great sum of ironic humor to be derived from this. It’s almost painful!
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Yes. As long as you are friends with a god and are one of the ancestral heroes of your no-longer-dead race, YOU TOO can become President!    (Which is a horrible joke, considering I secretly aspire to high office, myself.) ... Did we really just have a massive time skip, demonstrating Karkat/limebloods are extremely long-lived, or was that “thousands of years” referring to things before these creatures were transplanted to the new Earth? HOW THE HECK DID THE MAYOR DIE?!?!?! ***rewatches the Credits***    Oh, well that time travel explains some things. I am going to continue, then~ Wow, that Dirk Pinata was quite beautifully cut down in the prime of its youth. I approve. OH!  Thaaat’s where John went Trickster Mode.  That makes much more sense than the Easter Egg being canonized. ...  I just realized that John’s reaction to his black hole dreams is sortof weird, given his conversation with Terezi, who’s going out and investigating things around it at the time. I do appreciate the consistency of Karkat’s frustration with Jake’s butt. Thus John’s malaise starts at 18.  I suppose this makes sense, in a coming of age story.  He had no endgame plans, so it’s a bit harder for him, maybe.   At least he doesn’t have to abandon some massive project he had in the works, or anything like that. (Kanaya and Rose look very cute in front of that mother grub together~   As is the picture of all the chess people coming together to celebrate John’s birthday.) ***wonders if indeed the ten people other than Caliborn are John’s 10 closest friends***   If so, has Terezi indeed returned, then? Or perhaps Calliope has replaced her on that list, for some reason?  It is indeed a difficult mystery to untangle, to be sure. I love Caliborn’s “COME TO MY DARK CARNIVAL” picture. He just looks so excitable and strangely almost cute.   Also: Hooray for knowing where that was in the timeline, now!
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OH NOOOOOO!!!~            (It’s a good thing I chose to confront him.  ;3)
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solluxfanclub · 5 years
Big ass homestuck rant
Oof I'm gonna get some thoughts about homestuck and the epilogue out. At this point, homestuck is no longer something with a heart and soul, and no longer has writers and artists that actually care about it. All it is now is a political statement at best, and a cashcow at worst. Hussie(if he's still even involved) and his team of 'writers' are just beating a dead fucking horse (get it? Horse?). The fandom is basically non existent so I don't really know who they're writing for? But at some point in the main comic hussie started to pander and appeal to the Tumblr crowd rather than writing what he wanted to write. And that's still happening. The problem with that being that Tumblr sucks, no one is ever satisfied and you get called out for small mistakes. It's okay to write problematic things! It's okay to write what you want, especially if it progresses a story! I'm not personally a fan of shock value stuff, I like wholesome things, but it's so easy to avoid media. You don't need to harass the writers into writing the story YOU want. We've seen this with Steven universe and I guess y'all don't learn? Anyway back to the point. Hussie doesn't care anymore, its obvious. And that's totally okay! People are allowed to fall out of love with their work and its okay. But like, I think he's a bit susceptible to pressure and he feels like he needs to pass homestuck on to other people to keep it alive, but all that is happening is killing and ruining it. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain, ya know? Like, homestuck was an amazing and progressive piece of art in the time that it was written, but the world has moved on. Homestuck could have absolutely been part of the zeitgheist and could have been a pretty memorable thing but people just keep adding on to it and calling it canon? And even adding to it only to call it non canon? Like, people need to leave homestuck alone, it deserves a heroic death.
Okay now I'm gonna say some personal stuff. I stopped caring about hs when sollux left. I know ur like "why, he's just a character? He's not even important?" And like, he was tho? Like yes, I'm biased because he's my fav but also he was so important? He was the one who coded the trolls session, he died a bunch of times to progress said session, he pushed the meteor so that the game could be completed, he had excellent dialogue with the other characters and amazing chemistry with aradia and karkat and I feel all of that was thrown away. So much could have been done with him(and aradia, I'm still salty that she got the short end of the stick?). Could you imagine the kind of interactions he could have had on the meteor with the meteor crew? Also I'm never going to get over the fact that solkat isn't canon. Half of that being that I like the ship and half for actual good reasons. Let me elaborate. Sollux and karkat had the best chemistry, their dialogue was engaging and funny and it was very evident by their speech and actions that they care about eachother, not to mention their pitch-borderlining-on-red-borderlining-on-pale flirting. Plus with sollux's thing with duality and karkats general detachment from the quadrant system they could have worked so well for eachother but karkat never mentioned or thought about or even tried to message sollux ever? He cried over his dead body like twice and dragged him all over the meteor while he was unconscious because he didn't want gamzee to kill him? I could go on about the fandoms mistreatment of gam but I won't because it's been done to death and also this is about sollux right now. He's the only redeemable male character tbh, he just wanted to chill. Oof anyway, this post is long and I'm emotionally tired. If anyone reads this, I'm not mad. I'm not angry, or petty, or salty. I'm just sad, disheartened, and disappointed. Hs was such a huge part of my life, and was a massive influence on my development as a person, it shaped me as an artist, and it taught me how to write and develop a good and solid character. I'm so sad to see it in this state; a mere shadow of its former glory.
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blaperile · 5 years
Homestuck Epilogues - Meat - Page 26 (Epilogue 4 Page 9)
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