#you get a great parrallel betwwwn deans aggressive “what dad wanted us to do” attitude that often overrides pther thought
prettyflyshyguy · 6 months
Thinking about how genuinely terrifying Sam was during his brief possession incident and how robbed I feel because he could have just gone bad instead - tied directly into his apparent destiny and it would link up much better with the world's opinions of him - specifically the way Gordon describes him in S2.
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Like ok hear me out. What if this wasn't a demon, it was just who he was intended to become. Some of the other psychics went bad, or had the possibility to. Sure there's a degree of power corrupts in some of their narratives (guy with pursuasion level 100 became a toxic, awfull person) and some of the others were implied they might get worse over time but they were at their core good people, but what if that power isn't just what you were bestowed and instead was a higher force that influenced you too. The yellow eyed demon was already fucking with them directly in dreams, haunting them, so why couldn't it be poisoning Sam's mind too. Direct possession takes away the "oh god I killed that guy" but I think it's a far more compelling narrative if it was something else that was negatively influencing him. Something he had to fight back against. Something demonic, yes, but something he could push and hold down and exert controll over and over time fully overcome. The devil made me do it vs the devil swung me around like a little puppet on strings.
Something something "choosing to be good" - there's a quote about it I can't remember. Not all monsters are black and white. That werewolf didn't know she was hurting people, she had no controll over it, does she then deserve death? Who can reasonably decide that for her?
Reject destiny, reject the path you were told you will walk, bite the hand that feeds and chew it till it bleeds because you're taking back what you lost.
Plus it then forces them to reconcile with their misconceptions about what constitutes good and evil.
It all comes back to controll and feeling like you have none. One too many people tell you that you WILL become bad and you start to believe it. You stop fighting for that controll. You think it's futile. Dean thinks that's bullshit, and in this essay I will--
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