#you go and research and nerd about Arthurian myths anon! ily
handern · 4 years
Hello! It's weird Arthur anon again. Here to say I appreciated the links again, and have been slowly working through while practicing my French! Also wanted to say I recently learned Celtic pagans live alongside Norse pagans in the "voted most likely to be a Nazi" pageant, and so- not a Nazi! Just trying to access a historical paragon of masculinity whose meaning has shifted through the ages, to apply to my transition and it's own new retold story. We can't have nice things I swear.
(this post is a rambling based on my knowledge as a nerd and an ex archaeologist, I encourage ppl reading this to make their own researches and not take everything I say as facts. I tend to go off and simplify things apparently)
Oh dw anon, I figured you're not one of these fucking bastard white supremacists/n*zis
I'm into metal, I love Celtic history and the fake aes people attribute to the Celts (most "Celtic" designs are inspired by Bible illustrations from the early middle ages lmao), AND I love the Norse mythology and stories
So yeah, I'm very aware of what's linked to these interests, but what I know is that people who are ACTUALLY interested in these do their researches as in, they're trying to understand a past culture that they don't claim as their own
Masculinity and feminity through the Arthurian, Norse and Celtic stories are fascinating to study! These were societies with rules and laws and values so different from our own, it's so interesting to see how the ways human beings perceived themselves shifted through time!
N*zis out there trying to appropriate these people's history and shove their own ideology into them without a single care about what it's all about
Thor crossdressed at some point (my favorite story to tell and analyze)! Odin uses magic, which is a women's thing and it IS pointed out by other gods, so it's not speculation! Heimdall had no dad and 9 moms (I know it’s a metaphor but listen)! Not to mention Loki as a general concept
Cuchulain's teacher was a woman! I can never spell his name, even less hers, I'm sorry! (Scathatch?... Oh no.... I'm sorry......)
Gawain made out with the Green Knight! (ok not exactly but-) Women had magic and were feared and respected for it in the early versions!
And these scumbags also love to go SPQR or whatever bc the Romans and Greeks were trash but guess what! During antiquity Ethiopian mercenaries were very valued so there were definitely black people in Europe JUST from that fact alone!
Not to say that these ancient people were perfect and everything was rainbows and flowers, they were just human. But half of these stories and most of the actual history of these people is full of what the dickheads who proclaim themselves their descendants would call "sjw propaganda", since they read and studied them just as much as the regular white biggot performing what they think is "christianity" studied and read the Bible w the intent of understanding it's message
If anything, the values these bastards want to "go back to" are whatever was going on in the XIXth and XXth century but it's less shiny and mystic and doesn't make them feel like they're big dicked descendants of a line of warriors going back millennia or whatever they're trying to achieve
Tldr : I'm very pissed at people trying to shove their values on long dead people to give themselves some kind of respectable image they don't deserve, but yeah!
I know you're good! History and legends are fascinating! :D so much so that the way history has always been used for propaganda purposes is part of my future thesis researches and I'm a nerd, I'm so sorry for hijacking your ask
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