#you guys are not ready for an Anakin jealous of a 7 month old
kingdomvel · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
From two different works today!!
This first one is from Returning Hope, which I think I may post tomorrow?? idk, depends on how much rereading I want to do.
When they are finished Anakin looks at the baby for a few seconds and then around, “there must be something around here the baby can eat that we can take.” He says while getting up.
Obi-Wan hadn’t thought about that.
“Do you think he can eat stuff? Do we have to get milk for him?” he asks, getting up after Anakin to follow him into the other room, the baby still in his arms.
“Hmm probably both, he looks about 7-8 months old? He can eat mushy things.”
“How do you know?” Obi-Wan asks while Anakin starts opening cabinets and drawers.
Anakin pauses and looks at him with confusion. “Because I took care of my nephew when he was that age?”
Oh, right. Anakin’s nephew, a boy around Leia’s age that he had helped raise when he was still back in Tatooine. Luke.
“Right” Obi-Wan says. He rocks Sek and pats his back lightly while he looks at Anakin and he looks back at him.
“You have no idea how to take care of a baby, do you?” Anakin asks. Obi-Wan shrugs and Anakin laughs, “good thing you have me with you.”
“Yeah,” Obi-Wan answers softly, “good thing you are here with me.”
This second one is from the physical therapist Obi-Wan AU, which will be coming... at some point
"Wait a second here.”
Obi-Wan grabs three of the pints – Anakin guesses the fourth one is for him – and walks back to the place his friends are standing at next to a table. Quinlan immediately grabs one of the pints and downs half of it while two girls get the other ones from Obi-Wan’s hands. Obi-Wan must be talking, even if Anakin can only see his back, because Quinlan brings his pint down and looks towards the bar, his eyes roaming a bit before he finds Anakin and his face splits with a grin. Anakin waves at him, Quinlan returns the wave very briefly before he is turning back towards Obi-Wan.
Anakin knows teasing when he sees it. He recognizes it in the way Quinlan is laughing at Obi-Wan, saying something Anakin can’t hear, in the way he hits his shoulder and shakes him briefly. Obi-Wan shakes off his hand and starts walking backwards with a wave before he turns back to properly walk towards Anakin again, just at the same time as Quinlan shouts a ‘get him Kenobi!’.
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