#you guys weren't here when i was foaming over him were ya?
spaciebabie · 2 years
Ayo-?? You like Rengoku too????
my type is dilfs
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iheartgod175 · 1 year
Fanfic Sneak Peek Theater ACT 1: For the Fighters
Hey there everyone! As promised, here’s the previews for the fics that I’m currently working on! A few you guys already know about already, while a few others may surprise you! And I did my best to pick a few parts from select scenes that will leave you all foaming at the mouth for an update. Uh, just don’t beat me up to get an update, okay? ^^
As the title states, the first part of the SPT is for those who love action and violence. And with how my mind works, there’s no shortage of that in these works lol.
First up, Chapter 5 of Darkness Rewrite, titled “Stronghold of Darkness”! If I launched into a summary, I’m going to spoil the whole thing, so let me just leave ya with a lil’ preview!
The shingles of the roof were scraped off as Material-B made contact with the roof, racing up to meet him. His next punch sent the Super Reader through the chimney and into a tree, bursting through the wood and sliding through the dirt. His opponent didn't give him a chance to even rest, coming up behind him and kicking him in the side, so hard that he was certain he felt bones shift in ways they weren't supposed to.
"SIR! RESPOND!" Juggernaut's voice, uncharacteristically for a computer, sounded horrified.
Alpha Pig would have, but Material-B dragged him up by the collar of his uniform to meet his face. He sneered.
"So much for that dare. Admit it. You lost, Alpha Pig. But don't worry. You'll join your dear friends, soon enough."
He dropped him, and the punch that slammed into his stomach tore a heaving gasp from the preschooler's throat, his blue eyes widened with pain. He hurtled through the air, crashing through another tree, splinters digging into his limbs and machinery. He bounced off the ground twice, eventually coming to rest against one of the boulders that remained in the forest. His body went limp, unimaginable pain coursing through his body.
Material-B's horrifying laugh echoed through his ringing ears, being the final nail in the coffin for his defeat.
Second on my list is chapter 4 of The Zula Patrol: Dreamscape Crusade Remastered, titled, “Breach”. Things get a little dicey for Multo as he navigates an unfamiliar world with an unlikely foe as an ally.
He couldn't help but wonder: was this his fate for his refusal to listen to the Temple's teachings? Was this his punishment: trapped in a horrible world, where he didn't know what had happened to his friends and family, alone and hunted?
He shook his head. No, now's not the time to think of that! I've got to find out where I am, and how to get out of it!
He let out a low groan as he pushed himself out of bed, the papers crumpling under his feet. On the chair next to the bed was a small stick, which he used to prop himself as he walked. It would do as a makeshift weapon, but he hoped that nothing would come to that.
He pushed open the door, looking down the corridor, noting that it was a little cleaner, but not by much. Similar marks were all over the walls, these written in green ink rather than red. A tangy, metallic odor reached Multo's nostrils, and he winced, a sinking sense of dread filling him. My stars...is that blood?! What sick person draws on the walls with other peoples' blood?!
The metallic smell became stronger, almost overpowering. His heightened senses allowed him to pick up more sounds: the sounds of teeth tearing into flesh and intermittent growls.
His gut screamed at him, "Get out now." And although he knew he should, a part of him wanted to see. Against his better judgement, he stole a glance around the corner, praying that it wasn't a rabid animal.
What he saw made him wish that it was.
And finally, this project is one that I’ve been working on since last year, titled “Hardly A Laughing Matter”. It’s one of my numerous Hanna-Barbera Head Dumps that I wrote when I had finished watching Date a Live IV. @blazing-shadows will probably get super hyped about this scene XD
In seconds, Hardy had gone from remaining on the ground, to pushing through the crowd, even shoving a kid to get to his best friend. He fell to his knees and held the lion's shoulders, shaking him. "Lippy! Say something! You've got to get up!" he cried. "Oh, I knew something bad was gonna happen today! Oh, dear, oh, my…"
"An' your day's about to get a lot worse."
A hush fell over the crowd, and everyone turned to face the speaker. A rabbit strode into the room, fur whiter than the floor, his spurs clacking against the ruined floors. He was short, coming to about three feet, give or take...but the look in his amber eyes, set against tanned sclera, bore into the crowd's, locking them in place. His tattered leather vest, adorned with spikes, billowed with an ethereal wind as he stood in the middle of the room. His stance was casual, but Hardy could see the tautness of his muscles; one wrong move, and they'd all be dead before they could blink.
"I'm-a only gonna ask this once," the rabbit started, his Texan twang quick, his voice hard. "Tell me where Avenger is. I tracked him down here, so don't none of y'all tell me you haven't seen hide or hair of 'im."
Nobody answers him, too stupefied to do so. Hardy stares at the rabbit, his head beginning to pound as more memories flow into his mind.
It then clicked, and ice filled his veins. No...no, it can't be!
He doesn't see the rabbit's hand move. All he and the crowd hears are gunshots. Seconds later, five people are on the ground, dead before they can scream, and shock sets in. People start to recoil, screaming in horror. The rabbit glares down at the remaining victims, smoking gun aimed at them.
"So none of ya know, eh? Well, let's make this interestin'. I'm-a kill each of you until someone decides to tell me where that bastard is," he snarled. "So someone had better start talkin' an' fast." Another gunshot, and a woman drops to the floor. "I don't have all day."
This post is already long enough, so I’d better leave things here before I run out of character length. Let me know what you folks think below!
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possiblyhomer · 3 years
That's it, the idea's been stubbornly floating around my head for way too long so I'm putting it up here. So here it is, an Au of an au, where instead of crumbling to dust, Cain and Able gets to celebrate the family reunion with Omega 7 and Cybie.
The brothers still held onto one another even after their tears have already dried, only separating when a loud "pop" was heard, causing the men to jump, Able having already drawn out a blade. There wasn't anyone there besides them though...them and phantom hands holding what looked to be the source of the sound: a confetti blaster.
"Iris?!" Cain exclaimed. "What are you doing here?!"
A phantom hand wagged its finger as the other one retreated back with the blaster. "I'm not 'here' technically, I'm at 17! I just happen to have a photo of Able's cell still hanging around from the last time I visited the site!" She replied. "Anyways, hurry back to site 17 already! I called everyone as soon as the manly crying stopped. We're only missing you guys now, see ya!" The hand pulled away before Able was able(sorry) to comment on the crying part, leaving them alone again, but with more colorful papers on the previously clean floor.
When they eventually got back, the brothers were greeted with several more confetti blasts to the face courtesy of Iris and a few of the braver Omega-7 agents. After a brief greeting, Cain excused himself to run off somewhere, promising to be back quickly, leaving the Mobile Task Force behind.
"So, care to explain what all this is about?" Able crossed his arms and glared down at his teammates.
"It's a celebration for you and Cain reconciling. Iris' idea. We didn't know exactly when you guys would be done, so we weren't able to put up anything too fancy. We got the pizza box though!" A.A said, gesturing to the direction of the site's cafeteria.
"That's more than enough! But why here though? Wouldn't it be easier to just celebrate at 19? Those people guard that box like it's a holy treasure!"
"Simple, because Cybie can't leave site 17."
Able raised a brow. "Cybie?"
"Oh right! You don't know yet!" Iris grinned. "Guess this'll be the first time you meet your new niece then!"
As if on cue, Cain walked over to them with a cyborg child riding on his shoulders.
"Cybie, this is Able, he's my brother." The older man gestured to Able.
The little girl nodded and shyly turned the small tablet (that was connected to her arm by a cable) to face the warrior.
"Hello, Mr.Able, I'm SCP-191, or Cybie. I can't speak though, so I communicate through this." The interface read.
Able silently stared at the young girl and the space was immediately filled with anxiety(or was it anticipation?). Able happened to be one of the most violent...things the Foundation ever knew of, even a friendly handshake could end with your hand being crushed, so the thought of him being anywhere close to someone as physically fragile as Cybie left everyone worrying for the child...well, everyone except the person who should be worried the most, as Cain still held a smile even as Able started to approach them.
Most likely intimidated by the scary looking man with demonic looking tattoos, the cyborg child hid behind her tablet as Able got closer, squeezing her human eye shut when he stopped right in front of her.
"Hello, little lamb, I'm Able. Have my brother been treating you well?" The warrior smiled, patting the girl's head.
Everyone stared in shock at the unsusual softness Able was displaying. SCP-076-2, the bloodthirsty Keter who breaks jaws with nerf swords and wrists with foam balls. The commander of MFT Omega-7, who required his soldiers to torture live creatures until they're numb to it all. THAT was the person standing in front of them who was now letting Cybie ride on his shoulders as Cain talked to two researchers who apparently didn't know Omega-7 was coming. Noticing his teammates' looks of shock, Able raised an eyebrow.
"No offense, sir, but we're just a bit... surprised. It's not every day that we see you be this....well..." Agent Squire took a deep breath "...this soft." The ginger haired man bravely spoke.
Able narrowed his eyes at him as if he just said something stupid. "Tell me then, do you handle a sick lamb with the same force you'd use to butcher its mother? Plus..." The warrior grinned, if his arms weren't occupied with making sure Cybie doesn't accidentally fall off, they'd be crossed against his chest proudly. "I'm taller than Cain, so she's bound to like riding on my shoulders over him!"
Pandora's Box blinked, stared at Able, then at each other, and smiled, Billy and Iris audibly aw'ed.
The feast didn't last long, as Omega-7 soon realized that despite the polite and elegant way Cain held himself, the wanderer was just as big an eater as his brother.
"How did you guys even get all this authorized anyways?" Cain asked as the group was having dessert pudding.
"Simple, constant letters of request, sent by every individual one of us. Director Bright suggested the idea, actually, said something along the lines of 'they can't stop us all' and we thought why not?" Beatrice replied.
"Huh, that is certainly a strategy he'd come up with, though I can't say it's a very...bright idea."
"What was that? Why does Cain look so proud and why are the others looking so weird?" Able leaned over to whisper to Iris, who replied with a sigh.
"When he was first approved to be Cybie's guardian, Cain went around asking some of the staff members on how to be a good parental figure in the modern age and..."
"A few too many people jokingly told him that 'dad jokes' were an essential part, but he took that seriously and now nobody wants to tell him because he looked so genuinely proud." A.A chimed in.
"'Dad jokes' you say?"
"They're basically just bad puns. We really didn't expect him to be that gullible." Iris said.
"Oh wow." Able said, before bursting into laughter.
At the end of the day, after tucking Cybie into bed, Cain led his brother to his room/containment chamber.
"The Foundation's still pretty suspicious, so I'll have to check in every now and then. You're not that familiar with site 17 to my knowledge, so I'll be in the room across from yours if you need anything." Cain said as he opened the door to Able's temporary cell.
His younger brother only nodded and hummed, throwing himself onto the bed as soon as they were in.
"Yes, it's the same one mother used to sing, Cybie seems to prefer it in particular over other songs." Cain sat himself at the side of the bed. "Come on now brother, I know that you're tired, but you shouldn't wear your shoes to sleep like that." He patted him on the shoulder.
"Say brother, that lullaby you sang to the little lamb..."
Able grumbled, but obliged, sitting up to remove his footwear. That was also when the elder brother noticed an envelop that was previously hidden under the younger's weight, it was plain, but on it, in a familiar handwriting, were the words "To my dearest children" in a language lost to time long ago.
"Speaking of mother..." Cain quickly picked the envelope before it could be buried by Able lying down again and opened it, inside was a short letter written on an opaque plastic sheet. "It seems like we partially owe this reunion to her."
To my beloved sons,
I hope you enjoyed your reunion and the celebration, it took quite a while to convince the others to let it happen. I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you two, I miss you both so, so much, please forgive me. However, I can see that you have surrounded yourselves with wonderful people who cherish you just as much as you cherish them, I am hopeful that with them alongside you, the journey to heal old wounds and begin anew can start. It won't be easy and the scars will always be present, but you two are so strong, I just know you will be alright. As for myself, I will try my best to do whatever I can from where I am.
With love,
Your mother, Eve.
The room stayed quiet for some time after the letter was read before Able sighed.
"Even after all these years, mother hasn't changed at all. Still worrying over us, even though we're grown men already."
"I suppose. It is in a parent's nature to care and worry over their children even long after they've flown far from the nest."
"Heh, of course you'd know...night, brother." Able said, before shutting his eyes.
"...Good night to you too, brother." Cain replied as he turned the lights off and exited the room.
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