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"So peeps, on the last page someone had a TSE dream where Ayran was wearing a duck floaty so I took that and ran with it. So, instead of just Ayran wearing a rubber duck float, we've got...
Tada!!! Ayran, Berlyne, Apen, and Melly all at the pool. And Ayran gets to wear a duck floaty.
Yeah tis not too good, I'm still working on my digital art skills...but y'know did the best job I could. Hope you like it! XD (Melly is by far the best tbh that's probs bc I traced her from an actual picture)"
-TheNoelleBird, 21x40
"It was a lovely day that day, not a cloud in the sky, and Apen had the idea of going to the pool. Obviously his first thought was berlyne, so he asked her if she would fancy a pool day. Berlyne said yes, and they were at the pool an hour later. Melly and Apen swam in the pool while Berlyne got tanned on her towel. Just then, none other that Ayran came waltzing through the pool registration area. He chose a chair, and started unpacking. A whole picnic basket full of food was set out. He sla[[ed sunscreen on his skin, even though the pool was mostly shady. But in a good way, a way that made it so that you didn’t have to waste time with sunscreen but also so that you could enjoy yourself at the pool. And then, Ayran took something from his bag that made everybody stare. A yellow duck floatie. With a little pink heart on its tiny little cheek. Then, if you could believe it, (which many people didn’t) He took out an air pump and started blowing up the fotie. Berlyne, around this time, thought that a nice dip in the pool would do her good. She walked over to the pool edge and dived in. Berlyne swam over to Apen and they started talking about Ayran. “Okay, what is he doing?” Berlyne asked Apen “No idea,” Apen replied. Ayran seemed to be having a bit of trouble with his floatie, for Apen and Berlyne had got out, dried off, got dr. pepper, drank it, and got in again by the time Ayran had succeeded in fully inflating his ducky float. He put it on, and cannon-balled into the deep end. Many people stopped to stare. Especially Apen, Berlyne, and Melly too! Ayran paddled over to where Apen and Berlyne stood Talking. “Oh no,” said Apen. “he’s coming over. Quick! Pretend we don’t know him” “Whatsapp, dudes?” Ayran asked, splashing them with water. Ayran splashed more. Soaking Melly. Melly barked and kicked. Her claws caught on Aryan's pool floatie and in punktured, letting all the air out. Ayran flapped in the water helplessly. “I’m drowning! I’m drowning!” Berlyne rolled her eyes. “Stand up” she ordered. Ayran obeyed. “Oh!” he said “I can touch the bottom!”'
-noodleEnel, 21x40
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"I postulate that Chara in panel 3 is inspired by what Someone's Mom does in the passenger seat when Someone's Dad is having fun driving or maybe just working through slow traffic on a freeway or just passing anyone on a 2-lane road. There is a slight variation in that Someone's Mom only says Someone's Dad's name only once, then while covering her eyes repeatedly chants "We're all gonna die!" until well after the moment of fun is over."
-Alan Hollingsworth, 21x34
"Or when the bear was approaching the picnic area and Someone's Dad went toward it to scare is off and Someone's Mom transitioned from yelling, "Hey bear! Hey bear!!" to "Alan! ALAN! ALAN!!!"'
-Laura Hollingsworth, 21x34
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-Morgan, 17x23
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Me : Wow nice drawings ! I love this character, he’s so cool ! Pretty girl!!! Oh no, my poor baby, please don’t cry… :’(
Other fans : OH MY GOSH we were right!!!! *zooming the page 500% * Look at this pixel!!! It's a clue!!! *gasp* WHAT IF…*theorizing for the next thirty pages*
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"Melete: *Magic foot touch*"
-riah di angelo, 23x07
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"Avidan, the hate Noah laced your cup with is poison! Do not drink from it any longer. But don't pretend when you spiked Velvare's drink with it that Noah didn't provide the bane. Do not pretend that the fact Velvare shared his poisoned cup with others makes him to blame. You've made your cup a gilded one, now that you've taken your place as prince, but the bitter taste of the poison still stays in your mouth. The stain it left is not something that can be washed away easily, but you must try. I understand that the poison is the only thing you've drunk in your life, but it is poison . There are other sweeter things to drink that won't sting your throat. Find them. You do not have to be Noah, who poisoned your cup and you don't have to be Velvare, who left it empty for Noah to fill."
"Philosophy. In a nutshell. Beautiful.
*a single tear rolls down my cheek*"
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"Velvare: People are dead, Avidan! 
Avidan: Oh, come on, man, who cares if you killed Kylo Ren?"
"Definetly the real dialouge for this page right here"
-Autumn Wren
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"Velve's progression through the page: Uh what are you doing with that paper y u take it Y U RIP IT What What the frik frak snik snak Dan Dan what have you done NOAH YOU LITTLE - STOP LYING TO ME YOU LITTLE LIAR DAN IDIOT YOU'
-Sama Jackson
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Hm, I wonder where on earth Elladess Enel is? I was like what do you mean you’re connected to Enel ? Like how he is connected to Nathan ? But you’re not a tall noodle redheaded boy … But now I wonder if she can sense those affected by Walter’s Curse because she made it. Or perhaps she has another curse set up to check up on the health and welfare of Hollingsworths. Maybe she has an Enel-specific one, since he is a crazy noodle boi and runs a higher risk of getting into some ridiculous accident than the average person. Or maybe breaking legs connects people. At first I thought Avidan was sad about Enel and was like aw, he really does care! But then I remembered that boat also had his cousins on it. But given he’s holding Bue Bue, maybe he really is sad about Enel. Man, I really want those guys to be bros again someday. He wants to tell Velvare! Oh, what a thing to say! There’s a lot to unpack there but I don’t think I am going to right now. um girl?? uM GIRL !! Melete what are you doing MELETE !!! When I picked this face six years ago, I didn’t know that she would be doing stuff like this! Girl, stop!! What!? Every page I hope Melete will explain and apologize and do better, and every page she keeps doing stuff like this! She’s just digging the hole deeper! She’s as reluctant to apologize as Velvare, isn’t she?? I guess I shouldn’t have expected a woman who literally cursed herself to be immortal in order to avoid her husband to be anything less than uncompromising in any other area of her conduct. To make a decision that extreme and that permanent, and to not regret it even a little bit, 800 years later? Yeah, why would she change her mind on anything small? Why would she admit fault for anything she’s done? Why take responsibility for doing a poor job when you can just blame and curse your way out of it? Some of this was probably out of her control, especially once Ayran entered the picture, but not all of it! There’s so many things she could have done to make this journey go better. Maybe she’s got some old Nedarian jewelry she could've passed out so everyone would be safe from weavers if they fell off the boat. Maybe she could’ve teleported to the Novalog and hid there, just in case something went wrong. Just camp out in Enel’s candy cane barrel or something, ready to jump out and do her magic stuff if needed. Maybe just not be so secretive about whatever this Aetius thing is? He threw an anchor at them, and they don’t even all know who he is, or why he’s after them, or anything. Could’ve been helpful if she’d told the Novasquad a bit more about who’s on Shippy McShipface. Oh, hey guys, before you embark on this perilous voyage, just fyi, Avidan contacted me and asked to keep you safe! So I will do that! By the way, that ship that’s after you? There’s this guy named Aetius, and here’s the beans on that; Noah, he’s got Ruya; and also Apen, your dead baby brother? He isn’t actually dead he’s on that ship and Aetius is using him to curse people! Alright, good talk, see you if things go wrong! Why do I get the feeling that she made this promise assuming everything would be fine and that she wouldn’t have to do anything, and was totally unprepared to deal with even the slightest mishap I sincerely hope that Melete is not Bad, just Bad At Life.
I have been loving the arts, whenever they appear! I can’t wait to see Nathan and Enel interact in-comic. It’s gonna be chaos."
-Sarah, 22x11
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"*Grabs some Dr. Pepper* Now, let's see what Laura has for us toda--
*Spits out drink*"
-sophiez, 17x37
"Hey, now, it wa snot my intention for any of the best liquid world to be wasted on the account of this page."
-Laura Hollingsworth, 17x37
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"Very little is known about Nathan. Except that Laura thinks he's super hot." -Elleth, 17x37 "Um, excuse me. Nathan said Nathan was hot, there's a huge difference!" -Laura Hollingsworth, 19x37
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"So basically it's a glorified x-acto knife???"
-Elsabet, 9x39
"Exactly. He prob just picked it up at Hobby Lobby for $1.99."
-Laura Hollingsworth, 9x39
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"Forgot to add, "Don't have a kid with my wife." 
-Kaesy, 19x15
"Rookie mistake."
-Laura Hollingsworth, 19x15
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"NOAHHHHHHH! Does anyone realize that there is literally a No at the front of his name? Basically, whatever you're about to do, Noah, no." 
-Safia, 17x14
"You got your screaming 'AHHH!' you've got you're scolding 'NO.' It's the perfect name for him."
-Laura Hollingsworth, 17x14
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"I have a feeling Velvare is going to regret leaving Enel so quickly. I mean, seriously, did he really think he could just have a "Luke, I am your father!" moment, and then teleport away as if nothing had happened? He could have at least promised Enel that he would tell him everything later! I think an alternate title for this chapter could've been "Enel and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day". Nothing seemed to go right for him. I'm looking forward to what chapter 11 will bring! :D"
-Lynna, 10x39
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"Velvare: don't tell the st.claires Enel: *tells a st.clair* YOU HAD ONE JOB"
Sarah, 10x34
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