#you know as i was typing this 9th Jan 2024 the skull is a little bit like calcifer the fire demon
delicatebluebirdruins · 9 months
the Hollow Boy book 3 reactions reading it for the first time
book 1 and 2
finally ready to type this up here we go page numbers are my copies
page 3 "I think it was only at the very end of the Lavender Lodge job, when we were fighting for our lives in that unholy guest house, that I glimpsed Lockwood and Co working together perfectly for the first time" Lmao
page 8 the owners of the Lodge description "If they resembled anything, it was a pair of elderly owls roosting on a branch"
16 we know who you are Lucy
19 "That's real bad. If I were you Lucy I would find a window and jump out." that is not a good thing is it
page 20 "however as the weeks passed and we'd got to know it properly, we'd learned to really despise it too" heartwarming really
Page 27 that is a lot of ghosts (example whatever I'm on this would be great to see this on screen the practicality of it though? nope)
38 "you chucked that bottle like a girl"/ "I am a girl" no comments let it speak for itself
49 "Outside the window a gale was blowing. Portland Row seemed formed of liquid. Trees flexed; rain pattered on the panes. Inside, it was warm; we had the heating on full blast." this is so cosy
57 "so Lockwood's proximity made me happy" 63 Skull being annoying and I love the background on the night taxis
66 insight into the past and the sorry fate of Jessica Lockwood.
72 Poor Lockwood standing there as Lucy and George bickered
74 I love this quote "It was a place of absence, we were in the presence of something that had gone. It was like coming to a valley where someone had once shouted, loud and joyously, and the echo of that shout had resounded between the hills and lasted a long time. But now it had vanished, and you stood on the spot, and it was not the same"
also Lucy thinking about Lockwood opening up to her more is so cute
82 Hi Kipps (lmao this is so funny when you consider how worried Lockwood was at the thought of Lucy leaving for Fittes "Bloody cheek. Lockwood said. He's talking nonsense as usual. Even so, he said little in the taxi, and it was left to me to give renewed directions"
85 "I smiled at him. There was a horror behind that door. I would see it in seconds. Yet my heart sang in my breast, to be standing beside Lockwood in that house. All was as it should be" aw the horrors but united front
86 I wonder why i was thinking of the Woman in Black
91 "My Talent could bypass such anxieties" can it? 100% of the time?
92 the skull is funny but also an jackass
96 testing Lucy's talent time... the skull is so funny
101 "it wasn't the easiest of homecomings" (typing this up I did not notice the Fittes ghost hunting board game which is basically surgery" 105 "I couldn't believe it. They'd actually done it. They'd tidied! they'd tidied up for me" and "Lockwood's favourites - the ones with almond icing that he rarely allowed himself- were on top" and "Portland Row was my home. My real family was here." I need a minute for that last one honestly
118 "her skin looked as smooth and delectable as coffee- coloured marble". interesting word choice (bisexual Lucy)
125 "I'd never thought to sit so close behind Lockwood that I could lean foreward and speak quietly in his ear, or, by virtue of my proximty to the leader, tactily became the second most important person in the room"
133 the tale is so eerie the casual callouseness of Mrs Wintergarden (thought she doesn't mean to be) and the haunting itself 136 "I gulped mine down like an antisocial seabird" also hello lyre brooch
142 Lucy talking and getting cut off by Lockwood.
153 time sickness
162 Ned Shaw dies and it is just go on as usual there'll be time to mourn later. I am really glad we got to see Ned and Lockwood fight together in the show
165 Neighbourhood Protection Leagues. I was hoping for something like this in the world at large
176 Holly wearing Lockwood's old jumper on the one hand makes sense because cold but also was it necessary for Holly to say it still smells like him? like it is really intimate wearing someone else's clothing and smelling them on it and of course the possibilty of her wearing Lucy's spare gloves is so *flails*
186 "there were bloodstained footprints all around my circle" how about? no 188 "or mimicking the sound of breathing" again no
192 "the ghost opened it's mouth. "I need YOU" it said" creepy. three steps at a time is huge (i want a Lockwood POV)
200 "were you feeling particulary abandoned or needy up there?" and Lucy not answering or looking at George. 205 Lockwood and Lucy arguing about Holly (not arguing per say but rumbles of thunder off in the distance)
209 I love this chat with the Skull. 211 "head wounds clearly suit you" the way i sputtered at this
216 I love the vastness of the Chelsea outbreak
219 Bad things happening? let's throw a party! well carnival you get the picture
224 FLO! we're going to see Flo... 228 "Don't worry about Locky. He must like you really. It's been eighteen months and you're still alive" lmao
233 Love Mrs Wintergarden inviting them to the carnival
236 George is protective of Lucy aw
241 hi sir Rupert... 244 they're tossing sources!
247 deadly hair piece NICE ("the band was a crescent- moon- sharp, made of silver. She held it like a knife")
253 "we [Locklyle] were in step together perfectly in sync"
259 I love the pictures of Lockwood in the newspaper
264 "[Luce] You're a star" a bit out of context but who cares? and then she goes into Jessica's room and finds out what she can
266 Lucy finds a necklace "a golden necklace with a dark green stone lay on a sheet of cotton wool" 269 poor little Lockwood
278 world building! finding where things are located! this is cool
281 smarty pants George but also teamwork with Flo
284 "Another point to Lucy. She's good at playing atrocities" now thing of the scene in the show where she and Lockwood roleplay relic men
287 misplaced trust in Barnes
292 Lucy telling Lockwood to join forces with Kipps and I really like the scene
Lucy: "I think we should take Kipps up on his offer. There are people dying out there, Lockwood, and we can't stand back from it. We need to act. We need to engage, even if that does mean making compromises. That department store is massive: even if we're just doing a reconnaissance, we need a proper team. And Kipps's team is good- we know that. If we have faith in George, in all the work he's done, we should do this. We owe it to him. More than that, we owe it to ourselves.
and Lockwood just gazes at her (Lockwood POV) and she gets flustered "I just don't think we have any choice" and I love it so much
and I love the reactions of everyone else
297 FLO! I feel so safe. 299 Flo is plesant to Holly Lucy is annoyed
303 haunting descriptions time "Mornings are all right' the attendant in Meswear said. 'And late afternoons, funnily enough when you get the sunlight streaming through the windows. It's noon I don't like, when the streets outside are bright, and in here it's full of shadow. The air goes thick. Not hot, exactly. Just stuffy."
312 Lucy paired with Holly and neither being very happy about it the skull being funny
317 i like this description from the skull "Because you're [Lucy] unique. You shine like a beacon, attracting the attention of all dark things" 319 "i missed him [Lockwood] at my side"
323 "And i watched that notch of darkness. I watched as something moved into it" how about nope
328 "with a fetch a ghost that makes a psychic bond with the onlooker and takes on the guise on the guise of someone closely connected to them" this would be horrible yeah (I would love to see it in the show)
338 Lucy telling Holly she should have told Lockwood no and Holly goes "like you do?" Lucy yelling at Holly and poor Bobby is injured and having to deal with these two
351 "truth is, it's everywhere. it's right on top of us. It coils around us like a snake. We're all inside it. It's already swallowed us whole." I LOVE THIS LINE
359 why is Lockwood's eyes sparkling at Lucy and then it all goes to shit the chapter ending with "both my mind and body were lost"
365 "rule seven (b), obviously, is to keep your matchbox well stocked."
367 "I looked at it. 'Hello,' I said. 'Sorry' The skeleton said nothing. It couldn't help it's bad manners"
379 Lucy recognising the voice being that of Lockwood. But it not being Lockwood
385 "you know I'd die for you" so Lucy see's the fetch ghost take on Lockwood's form and telling her Lockwod dies for her. Then she hears this from real Lockwood. If it were me the moment i was able i'd sit in the corner and rock. Also this is a crime that we don't get to see this scene and the lead up to it on the screen because Lockwood's actor is great and would knock it out of the park. (also Lockwood pov again)
390 "it's happened to me before. Losing someone dear to me. I can't let it happen again" see above Cameron and Ruby would be stunning.
394 Lockwood's first ghosts were his parents? yikes
413 creepy thought indeed missing mysterious people doing a ritual
417 "take your boyfriend Lockwood" lmao skull
419 and everyone is in shock and the book end.
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