#you know hes my favourite because i willingly drew and coloured him like 5 times
ethosiab · 4 months
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[day 17] coloured etho drawings? on my art blog? more likely than you think.
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graveyardclaws · 7 years
this has been in my drafts for almost a month i’m so sorry i started doing it and then forgot. i was tagged by @deathedit and @miniero thank you both so much for tagging me i’m sorry for ignoring this until now
Rules: Write 92 truths about yourself. At the end tag 25 people.
LAST: [1] Drink: - water [2] Phone call: - my mom [3] Text message: - my sister [4] Song you listened to: - the new halsey song, now or never [5] Time you cried: - yesterday but it wasn’t entirely sad crying. i saw a picture of nyc at night and it was so pretty all those lights... i realized that even though i don’t live there now, one day i will and one of those lights is going to be me and it’s going to be wonderful
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] Dated someone twice: - no [7] Been cheated on: - not that i know of [8] Kissed someone and regretted it: - extreme yes [9] Lost someone special: - yes [10] Been depressed: - lmao [11] Gotten drunk and thrown up: - i’ve gotten drunk but never that bad
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] black [13] grey [14] dark red
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] Made new friends: - none irl [16] Fallen out of love: - no [17] Laughed until you cried: - no [18] Found out someone was talking about you: - yes, negatively [19] Met someone who changed you: - kind of [20] Found out who your true friends are: - i have none i already knew that [21] Kissed someone on your Facebook list: - no [22] How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: - all of them [23] Do you have any pets: - my parents have a dog. we used to have cats also but they died when i was in high school. i still miss them. [24] Do you want to change your name: - i mean... i intend to legally change my name this summer. but other than legally i already did. and i’m happy with the name i picked [25] What did you do for your last birthday: - went shopping and had an existential crisis [26] What time did you wake up: - at like 8:30 because classes [27] What were you doing at midnight last night: - trying and failing to sleep, so i researched the history of new england instead it was surprisingly interesting [28] Name something you cannot wait for: - all the concerts i’m going to. and in the long term, moving to nyc [29] When was the last time you saw your mother: - about three weeks, i think [30] What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: - less anxiety [31] What are you listening to right now: - vampire weekend [32] Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: - i have known four toms and i didn’t like any of them tbh. the first two were annoying guys i went to school with back at home, the third was an extreme racist, and the fourth was this guy who literally tricked me into going on a date with him and i was so uncomfortable [33] Something that is getting on your nerves: - the people who live in my building tbh [34] Most visited website: - switches between tumblr and youtube because yes i am that productive [35] Elementary: - yeah? i mean, i went [36] High school: - graduated in 2014 [37] College: - will graduate in 2018 [38] Hair color: - black at the moment, thinking of going with black and green next [39] Long or short hair: - kind of a weird style in the middle [40] Do you have a crush on someone? - yes but she has a girlfriend though and they’ve been together for a long time (like four years) so it’s not something i can pursue [41] What do you like about yourself?: - ??? i like to think i’m creative but i doubt anyone else would agree [42] Piercings: - just ears at the moment but i’m getting more in my upper ear, and also probably an eyebrow piercing. i want snakebites too but i need to get a Real Job at some point so maybe not [43] Blood type: - i think it’s O negative but i might be wrong i was on a lot of medication when they told me [44] Nickname: - i don’t think i have a nickname. you need friends for that [45] Relationship status: - single [46] Zodiac sign: - leo but i don’t seem like one [47] Pronouns: - he/him [48] Fav TV show: - buffy the vampire slayer, pretty little liars, brooklyn 99, orphan black [49] Tattoos: - so far just the ghost frank drew for me on my left arm but i intend to get many more if you want the full list just ask [50] Right or left handed: - right
FIRST… [51] Surgery: - i do not want to answer this [52] Piercing: - just the regular lobe piercings i guess [53] Best friend: - maggie who turned out to be an awful person. we were friends from fourth grade until eighth and she screwed me over so many times [54] Sport: - i took gymnastics when i was in first grade but i was really really bad at it [55] Vacation: - florida to visit my grandmother [56] Pair of trainers: - that means shoes, doesn’t it? i have no idea
RIGHT NOW… [57] Eating: - nothing [58] Drinking: - nothing [59] I’m about to: - do my homework for my children’s literature class [60] Listening to: - lorde [61] Waiting for: - idk i’ll let you know [62] Want: - a lot but also somehow nothing [63] Get married: - it isn’t important to me that i get legally married, but i do really really want to be in a committed relationship with someone i love someday [64] Career: - being a college student at the moment. i’m studying english with a minor in political science. ideally i’ll be frontman of a rock band, but realistically i kind of want to write for nymag
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] Hugs or kisses: - um both [66] Lips or eyes: - also both, but i think eyes are really pretty [67] Shorter or taller: - i’ve yet to find a guy shorter than me so let’s go with taller [68] Older or younger: - probably older. i’m twenty so i wouldn’t even consider dating someone more than one year younger than i am. [69] Romantic or spontaneous: - romantic [70] Nice arms or nice stomach: - either way [71] Sensitive or loud: - i like a mix of both [72] Hook up or relationship: - relationship [73] Troublemaker or hesitant: - i like them a little edgy so i guess troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] Kissed a stranger? - unfortunately [75] Drank hard liquor? - yes [76] Lost glasses/contact lenses? - i don’t use either [77] Turned someone down: - yes [78] Sex on first date? - not willingly [79] Broken someone’s heart? - i think so but he was awful and deserved it [80] Had your own heart broken? - yes [81] Been arrested? - no, i run fast [82] Cried when someone died? - not a human [83] Fallen for a friend: - yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] Yourself? - lol no [85] Miracles? - i hope so but i doubt it [86] Love at first sight? - it’s a nice concept, but also no [87] Santa Claus? - no and i never did which is kind of weird in my culture [88] Kiss on the first date? - if i like the person [89] Angels? - not in the traditional sense. but i believe there are forces of energy we don’t understand and if you want to call them ghosts/angels/gods/whatever i guess you can do that
OTHER… [90] Current best friend’s name: - jane and alex, who are my sister and my cousin [91] Eye colour: - one of them is kind of blue/grey and the other is green/brown. it’s a mutation called heterochromia [92] Favorite movie: - gone girl, the book of life, mad max: fury road, the blair witch project, pan’s labyrinth
25 is a lot but i will tag @alienlynz @dosvirus @i-ero @ryanfcker @elysedc @morpheuse @garbaged @sailorlynz @tht-aupair sorry if this is weird since i’ve never talked to some of you before you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to
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